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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
DAILY OATIAL JOURNAL, 'SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1007. GREASE SALEM'S STREETS General Demand for Oiling Business Section GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Thursday, April 25: ' Rnymbnd Hitchcock, In "Tho Yankee Tourlat." KIliiKcr-Grnnd. This week Julia Romaln Stock Company. Coming Attractions. "Bird Island," by High School senior class. Pony Show. April 27: Norria & Rowo's Dog and Pony Show. -Merchants and Residents Are . Clamoring for a Dust Settler 0)1 tho Rtreots! Grnao tho track I Put down tho dust. These nro tho tilings that scorn to bo tho suprumo necessity In Salem 3ust now. Tho old stroot sprinkling tyrtdto has becomo nntlqunted nnd 1b 'disponed of, but tho sun Hhlnca 'and tho dust (Ilea Jnot tho nnino nu lot oro. Now tho question Is, shall i now sprinkling outfit bo Introduced "or shall tho oiling system ho ndopted -nnd put Into oporntlori fully this sea son. What was tried last year proved o. groat success, and tho business Jpooplo of tho town wont It. Ycstor fu"ny tho hroczoa carried tho flno 'Spring dust Into tho uttermost crev ices ot ovory building and stock of tgomln In Snloni, nnd tho buslnuso men toro up and doing for rollof. It must tome ftoon. Tho IlUHlnosa Mon'a Xcnguo, tlio Hoard of trndo, tho city 'touncll, or iiomobody ought to tnko ' bold of tho mutter at once. A meeting was hold this morning rof tho executive rommlttco of tho Sa!om Hoard of Trndo to consider tho mnttor of laying tho dust, nnd 1'Youldont Thlulsou watt uuthorlzud to udo what could bo done to push Xha mnttor. Mayor Rodgorrt has nl no boon urgod to take tho matter up, "hurt that olllclitl has glvon tho nmt "tor prompt consideration, Upon con tinuing tho chartor It Is found that tho elty hau no power to order tho ntrtolB Hprlnkled at tho uxpouso of tho properly, but tho demand Is m linlvorfiiit for relief that Mayor ttttHlgars has taken the1 responsibility -of nrdorlug n carload of oil, and ho will try to have tho business men 'tnko up LHo matter of having ways nnd inoans devised for spreading It ipon tho slroolB, The Yankee Tourist, nnymond Hitchcock In "A Yankee Tourist." a now throo act comic opera by Richard Harding Davis, Wnllaco Irwin and Alfred G. Rohyn will bo Honory W. Savage's offering at tho Grand opera houso tomorrow night and the engagement will bo ono of tho theatrical ovonta of tho sea son. In tho cast supporting Mr. Hitchcock will ho found Flora Zn bolle, Holon Halo, Suslo Forrester Cawthorno, Walter Lawrence, Harry Stono, Herbert Cawtorno and n big chorus. Tho company carries a com- plcto production, even lo the orches tra. Old People 'M'iioiiiiioiiIii'h Deadly ,'ork 5 lad so sorlouuly nrfectod my right Hung," writes Mrs. Fannlo Connor, of frturunl Routo 1, Goorgotown, Tonn., "that I coughod continuously night and dny and tho neighbors' prediction "consumption suomod inevitable, until my liiiHbnud brought homo u Vottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery, which In my oaso proved to ho tho only ronl cough cure and ruHtoror of voak, Horo lungs." Whon all othor romodloH utterly fail, you may still Vtin In tho bnttlo ngalust lung and throat toubleii with New Discovery, tho real euro. Gunrnntood by J, G. Parry, ilrungUt. GQc and $1.00. Trial tiottla freo. llnud Concort Ttiulgbt. Thtt wuuthtfr pormlttlng tho Suhnr lltUmy Hand will give a concert In WllUon nvoiuto this ovojiIuk. Tliillllng Trained Anlmnl Acts. For mnny seasons now, Norria & Howo havo boon noted for tho ex collonco of thoir trained wild nnl mnls nnd .whon tho bIiow oxhlbitd horo thin ytonr, It will bo found thnt they havo not neglected this Interest ing feature with their all new big shows. Tho novcltlos Include n troupo of flerco Ruoslnn hears in such nets as boxing bouts, wrestling, dnnclng, playing seesaw and Juggling globes whllo lying prono upon thoir backs. Two tiny cub lions go through various stunts In much tho samo manner as dogs. Tho show carrlos a largor herd of trained olo phauttt than last your and thcao big pachordyma nro unusually Intelligent Geo. Settlor hns n mngnlflcont troupo of well oducntcd dogs nnd puro whlto Shollnnd ponies thnt will mnko tho chlldron sit up nnd take notico; Itumloy'K congross of trained sen IIoiih will show what can bo accom plished by patlonco nnd kludnoss; Carroll's mnrohlng stnlllons Is n very attractive feature. Then thoro nro riding nets contributed by boars, goats, shoop, apes and monkeys; a group consisting of a tlgor, lion, ' leopard nnd puma who Jump through hoops of llro. Llnmns, camels nnd dromodarles who nro driven to har iiohh, and tho always oxcltlng hlppo dromo races In which many nnlmnls contest for supremacy. Tho beauti ful sleek lutolllgont equlnos belong ing to tho haroback rldors havo a high school oducaton and go through many lutrlcuto mnnouvers thnt It Is simply Impossible to ehronlclo them all In tho, limits of ono uows pupor article. Aside from tho train ed wild animal font nro, a long ar ray of lmrebnck rldors, gymnnsts, acrobats, aorlal bar porformors, high wlro artists, bicycle exports, otr. Norrls & Uows should ilud a hourly wulcomo when t hoy oxhlblt nt Siv lwm, April 27. o Tho cloak ticks and tioks tho tlmo nwny, Shortening up our lives each day, Knt, drink and bo aiorry, For Bomo dny you will bo whoro, You can't Hocky Mountain Toa. (Freo sumploa at Dr. Stono's Btoro.l Need VINOL it strengthens and vitalizes With old ago comes feebleness and loss of power; the organs net more slowly and less effectually; tha blood is thin, Blugglsh and watery: digestion Is weak and food is not as similated as it used to be. VInol ropnirs worn tissues lull checks tho natural decline. It tones up tho dlgostlvo organs, aids assimi lation, mnkes rich, red blood, and I strengthens every organ In tho body. In this natural manner Vinol re places weakness with strength. VInol contains all tho medicinal olements of cod liver oil In a concen trated from, taken from fresh cods' livers, tho usolss oil eliminated and tonic Iron added. It Is hocaiiBO wo know so well of what VInol Is made that wo offer to return money if it falls to benefit. G. W. Putman Co., druglsts. Note. Whllo wo arc solo ngonts for VInol In Salem, It 1b now for snle at th'c leading drug atoro in nearly every town nnd city In tho country. Look for tho VInol agency In your town. o MODERN WOODMEN AMERICA Next Thursday Will Be a Red Letter Day for M. W. A. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. n A Timber Claim Hindi. Shanlko, Or., April 21. TImbor locators nro very active and largo numbers of peoplo from Washington, Idaho and this state arc arriving dully dostlnod for tho timber In the Ashwood nnd Fossil districts. All of tho good nnd medium OlnlniB haw boon talcon up long ago nnd only tho "culls" nro vacant nt this Into dny. Hut after tho recent scarp whon it was f oared ovon thoso claims had beon withdrawn from entry was found to bo a mistake, thoso claims nro fnst boing taken up, as pooplo four It Is thoir last change to bouoill by the tlmbor nnd stono act before- Hh roponl. Many of thoso claims ar vory Inforlor. ' Occasionally a claim can bo found that will cut 2,00,000 feet, but they nre bo scoro nnd so far apart that the posteesnr of ono would probnbly havo to hold It a long tlmo boforo n market could bo found for it. Gentle mid KfTovtlve. A well known Manitoba editor Nvrltes: "As an iualdo worker I find Urmmborlulu'B Stomach nnd Llvot Ynblets invnlunblo for tho touches ol tilllausneaa natural to aodontary life, thoir action boing gentlo and effec tive, clearing tho digcativo tract nnd tho head." Price 25 couU. Samploa Vroo. For salo it Dr, Stono's drug atoro, Whooping Cough. I havo uaod Chamberlnln Cough Remedy In tny family in cases of whooping cough, and want to toll you that it Is tho beat medlclno I havo ovor used. W. F. Gaston, Pasco, Gn This remedy la sato and auro. For Balo at Dr. Stone's drug atoro. Tho order of Modern Woodmen of America will bo In the city hundreds strong on next Thursday evonlng. a monster rally has beon arranged for that date, and tho glimmer of the axe blades nnd tho uniformed frater nity men will bo everywhere in evi dence. Tho Woodburn lodge, to gether with tho Rose City band, of Woodburn, will bo here, aa well as visitors from Independence, Silver ton, Chemawa, Brooks and Aums vllle. At 7:30 p. m. a parado will bo given, headed by tho Woodburn band. Sixty candidates will bo Ini tiated In tho local lodge hall that ov erling and ns n fitting flnnlo tho affair will closo with nn elaborato banquet. Tho Salem lodgo has beon unusually progroBsIvo during the past winter in taking in mombcrs. Thirty-flvo of tho sixty candidates to bo initiated aro for tho local camp. Tho officers of tho Salem camp nro as follews: W. W. Hill, V. C; I. Greonbnum, W. A.; 13. E. Mntton, bnnkor; Frank Turner, clerk; F. L. Buell, escort; "Frank P. Litchfield, sentry; F. A. nnkcr, M. Davis nnd S. C. Roby, managers. o Invested With Pallium. Now Orleans, April 21. Tho pal lium wns invested upon Archbishop Blonk beforo a distinguished body of tho Cnthollc hlorarchy by Cardinal GlbhonB nt tho St. Louis cathedral. - o Notorious Bandit Taken. Warsaw, April 4. Stanislaus Lis, the notorious brigand, was cap tured at Laublln, mortally Injured, after tho hou,so In which ho Bought shelter had boon blown to pieces by artillery. Lis killed oovoral of tho police beforo ho was taken. State News -v llnltif Ittiqlm-uu A cm In. "Whon my friends thought I waa about to tako lcavo of this world, on , account of Indlgoatlon, norvousnosa ! nnd gonornl debility," writos A. A. ChrlBholm. Treadwcll. N. Y.. "and whon it looked ns if thoro was no hopo left, I was persuaded to try Electric Blttors, and I rejotco to say that they nro curing mo. I am now doing business again as of old, and nin still gaining dally." Best tonic medlclno on enrth. Guaranteed by , J. C. Perry, druggist. GOc, Ashland has a now savings bank. Jackson county will buy a poor farm. Temperature 81 In the shade at Coo3 Bay Saturday. Wm. Robinson, a pioneer of Jacksonville, was stricken with par alysis Sunday. Vi J. H. Hartin, who came to Douglas county In 1853, died' nt Roseburg April 21st. Tho O. & C. Railroad Company sold 20,181 acres of timber land in Douglas county to a Minnesota firm for $182,200. Albany Demecrat: Tho C. & E. will havo to. put on several extra trains this Beason. Two skating rinks at tho bay. Paul VanScoy, aged 24, only son of Prof. W. T. VanScoy, of the Ashland normal, and a former well-known Ashland boy.dled at a hospital In Og don Saturday morning, a victim of nppendlcltls, which had taken him to the hospital from Doowawco, Ne vada, whoro ho was railroad and ex press agent, for an operation. o Made Short Work of Fire. A flro alarm was twied. in last night at about 9:30 from Harvey's grocery store, on Court nnd High streets. Tho company responded promptly, nnd soon extinguished tho small blnzo by ubo of a Babcock ex tinguisher. Traccy Hatch, who clerks In tho store, succeeded In get ting tho llatncs under control before tho compnny arrived. Tho flro start ed in n box of matches, but was put out boforo any goods, with tho ox coption of a few boxes of matches nnd somo fruit enn wrappers, was dostroyod. o Stnto of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cas County, bb. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is Bonior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In tho city of Toledo, county and Btato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ovory enso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Curo. Frnnk J. Chcnoy. ' Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed In my presenco, this Cth day of Do comber, A. D 188G. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hnll's Catarrh Curo Is taken In- tornnlly, and "cts directly on tho blood nnd tucnus Burfacos of the system. Sond for testimonials freo. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by nil druggists, 7Gc. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con-Btlpntlou. iHdUM, SttE. DWJKT talks: l". jjJ Errii flutter A ... il S&o1 T1 ;,7g -." !H ana the same yellow Xi . inV bright, red blood & K UIood loaded with tT'? cSffl muddy, yellow colfflSfl to working an. r-.T.r'M cr'a New DWrtrV fflTl times out o! ten Lrjj ,u?" ',ur or ore bottle. "1 years. Mrface;Xin',?H with pimple,, I WM UenTZ! with chronic coMtip.UM.SSS nonet ta nnH mu ... .i ' .,?"! I became weak and lin!??.1! tried many different ewdifkSi, Memcd.ohelpmewtillbZ" Cooper's NewiDii,v. uT l.l . -- 'l U(H "verjil bottle. I fMltUS; face ii clear, I ,Ittp WtU appetite and am quite nnittkf, "I am deenlr tntM f. Zz '. health." MlchielSak,MKiiKI Ind anino . In. ' ,AWWIJ 1 - w We sell the famoui Coeper a The Question Answered It Is a rorlous qoeitlos to b cido Just what to dotafc housekeeper's bake ttnSlisotat isfactory, but hundred! in sworlng tho question br s:!:t Eppley's Pexfedkn Baking Powifef It Is tho best, and be:cft! always tho same. Whit'iswl Is mado In Salem, of til matorlals. All sell It C. M. EPPLEI Manufacturer Salem, Ores cttiscec9 9w99$9mim h m J -' mfftnnMiii' i II SPRING SACK SUITS FOR AND YOUNG MEN MEN Better Than Your IWcmory A cbot'Uitg account will keep your buslncM (nuiMtrCloiui nbnolutoly corrtvt. You emi rvily on tho rwortl if your clietliing account, When you uVsIro to n-for to iwst trutisni'tloiiM, n iliocklug account furuUlR tvlLiblu tlntu oaslly fouml and complcto iu nil details. Pay by check lit every trHHsactloH, Wo luvite your chocking HccouHt. Wo flTer u;Krlor ilvHtK?. Salem State Baak U K, I'AOR, lmWsiU K. W. MA9AKD, OMkkr. TAKE A WALK Tomorrow will be a big day in Salem, and everybody wants some good shoes for the occasion. v ANOTHER SPECIAL CUT I n;r wonk nnnnlo worn rrnwiitner nnr crru m all day long to get the benefit of our special bargain day, and now we arc better prepared than then, for we can not only supply the ladies, but children and men also. Prices cut from $3.50 and $4.00 TO LESS THAN HALE Don't Forget the Time and Place t & t jsi SW I I li I i HiMili.Uili 1 II ii fffl xT hVa im rimm, Mltwm ii fflffwW m'i Wr Mm. PU Geo. W. Eyre TitMtac E. L. Irvia t C. Ii In all the nobbiest fabric effects jj , , i ...U snappy single and doubte-orei styles, artistically custom -t throughout and containing every wrinkle and fancy: Q"r Priccs $8.50 to $35 The fancy checks and stripes" new styles of Spring " '' just the thing to brighten PJT spring uoining. u- largest selection ever si"" city. Price 50c. Salem Woolen Mill St