DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, AMIII 23, 1007. Mi an immmm mi i , ,, ,,w . 'Mita 1 &BBBBBEBBBHtB & Hugs and Carpets m 5PftSs U!&tMStKSAS , ... - 1. ,.,. I1.. s-stsggs&k m S3 THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. W Beauties In Tapestry, Body Brussels, Axminsters, Velvets, Ardahaus and Wiltons New Government Inspected Mattings Just received J 77 LIBERTY ST. fswsasBssEssEB : ' I I HAUSER BROS. Headquarters for Fine Fishing Tackle Wo art In constant touch wllh all tli IIsIiIhk kiouiuIs, and know wltal lllt'H anil ImllH lint llsh aio talcing. HAUSER BROS. Headquarters for Fine Fishing Tackle When you ilo not know wlint to liny la Ashing tacklo, leave it to us. It Ih our specialty. Fishing Season !s Now Here! Who can resist the temptation to go forth and try to lure the wily trout from his hiding place. Come to our store and we will show you the many new things we have in fishing tackle. Below arc some of the articles wc carry: O P" fl A UUi PACIFIC COAST BAITS -u 1ml rrii- -- - nil ' "- " -" - L ...... , .-, ....-... ,.. .. ... , ... ., . - .L . -A H -T ' ... -..U ' t - r.Mi'l in in itir il ntfTv ilSka rfrmrt This has been used the past season uuJgfi with excellent effect. irir.fi-1rtirtlMT T Rods of every description. Ask to sec our No. 0 1 0 Rod at $3. It Is a winner. .i 1 IBSt jH HT The Frost Automatic Reel Something new and good. Wc will sell you this reel on approval. $4.00 $b We take a special pride in our stock of flics. Ask to sec the "YELLOW KING" Lines Leaders Baskets CatOeik. Leader Boxes Hy Books Landing Nets I I 'I xntumwin1ililwlill1l'nf"',"l " " " " " " " ""'" ""'"'h''ii'iti1"' ., , Sporting Summary. Tho scoring of a forfeited game for th" Giants on the flrst game be cause tho crowd invaded tho field, Is consldored by many as unjust, Inas much as the New York pollco afford ed no protection, and in that case it is argued that tho Giants were practically helpless. But tho police say they had no business 10 oo uuip lcss. as they should have organized a pollco force for themselves. This will have to bo done, and it is con sidered right, as thero is plenty of money in the games and the club can well afford to spend money for pro tection. It would bo easy enough to pot It out of the public, as there would be a llboral subscription on ihn imrt of the public, If straight, orderly gnmos could thus be secured When Barney Dreyfus heard that Johnny Kliug -was hopelessly at loggerheads with Charley Murphy, ho immediately wired Murphy to put a pries on the rebellious catcher. Murphy's answer threw Dreyfus into a Bpasm. It read: "Wagner anu $80,000." Tho batch of youngsters that Han Ion has in Cincinnati are a trusting lot. Their battery used Blgnals bo openly in their gamo with Cleveland that the Blues got wise in n few in nings. Tossing the Javolino, that good old Crook game, is still being kept alivo In tho west, with Jawn McCraw as tho target. But Jawn has had tho Javelin tossed Into him bo much that ho gets fat on it. Bamoy Dreyfus has boon flirting with tho ponies for years past, and hns finally gone into tho game strong. Ho is now partner In a rac ing stable. Tho Cubans have Invented a good way to bet o n hall games. They form a pool of elghtoon, and ench man drawn tho name of ono of tho eiglitoon plnyors In tho gamo. Tho man who holds tho namo of tho play tr making tho last run cops tho wholo lot. Conversational Charley Murphy says that his now southpaw, Blalno Durbln, has tljo hoad of Clark Grlf 11th, tho cunning of a Ramsoy, the courago of a Brown and tho versatil ity of n Matthowson. Yes, and now watch DurblnB finish. Most ot tho experts In St. Louis flguro that tho Browns will finish fnrthor up In tholr leaguo thnn the Cardinals will In theirs. Mr. Mc Closkoy of tho Cardinals, can't sea that dopo, especially aftor trimming tho Bi-owiib in tho spring oories. With tho offer made by somo Now York alumni of tho naval academy to present tho funds for tho oxponBes of tho trip and tho prospects of ob taining ofllclal sanction exceedingly bright, It la now practically assured that tho midshipmen's olght-onroil Bholl crow will compote in tho nn nunl Poughkoopslo regatta, to bo hold on tho Hudson rlvor, Juno 20, noxt. Dlscontont In tho American Ken nol club is ronuhing a critical stage, rrosldont Bolmont hns boon petition ed by Bovon club dologatos to cnll a special meeting to sot things right nnd form a complete leorganizntton, or forco a lawsuit. In the Interest of harmony Prosldont Bolmont hnd suggested that tho directors roslgi In a body, and that thu club oloot nn othor board at tho May mooting. Tho commlttoo donios the validity of tho Incorporation. Tho Hchooner yacht Marjorlo has boon sold by Frank St, John to John F. Baudonlno. Tho yacht Is at Jacob's shlpynrd, City Island, havlntr a 25-hors power gnsollno onglno in stalled. Sho is S5 foot over nil, ami was built In 1005. The schooner yacht Agatha has boon sold to William C. Towen, vice commodore of the Brooklyn Yacht club, by Harry Toboy. Tho yacht's name wjll be cutuved to Tnmmanv nnd ns such she will bo ono of the competitors notably so, In the ocean race to Bermuda in June. Sho Is a flush dock, koel vessel, 72 foot over all, and built in 1002. T. Bacho Bleeker has bought the fast class sloop yacht Jig Step from F. J. Havens. Tho yacht was built last year from plans by Mr. Glelow and won the champlonblp of her class on Grnvasoud bay and during tho Larchmont week. Sho will bo racod on Long Island sound during the coming season, hor home being Oyster bay. o EUKKKA! Yes, I Have Found It nt Last. Found what? Why that Chamber lain's Salve cures eczema and all manner of itching of tho skin. I have been afflicted for many years with ekiu deases. I had to get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay tho terrible Itching, but since using this salve In December, 1905, the itching has stopped and has not troubled me. Eldor John T. Ongloy, Rootville, Pa. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. L," . Worries, " Annoyances I A rnir.rD& mmm mu Vanish when Poller's Golden Gate Coffee Appears Sold on merit Aroma-tight tin, J.A.FOLUbR&CO. San Frauds art. a .which v j'Iiiurw BC8 CIRCUS DAY AT SALEM SATURDAY, APRIL 2; I YYU maUKMAINLtS AT 2 AND 8 P, M, rrHE v - .iVr l&re sss tt .i n O .feUHH-r - - Vf" h S?nrr iA WttfM iSu ar 100 -Circus Champions and Celebrity &a Famous Equoatriano 11 Arabian Tumt tO Unrlnii Aorlnllnts 0 , u. u... . ' lO Reckless Rough Rldor '"' '-"""-mi 7 rtusnian Cossaoks vSid2f A Ul ti wjp iL XV'1 aSR LL 9 Sonoational IuiliW 20 Astonishing Acrobm A Complate Japumti Suporb Garland SabM Scores of Trnlncd Wild! Hortlo of Perfarmbt Cnmols, Llnmos and Bos In Educatod Seals and 8m Highest Jumpinc He Thundering Roman Chariot Trained Impoilid AnMu SltWtN Only Lady Japanese ArthU b U 100 Shetland Pony faJW Cnlte A7alklnc H Marvelous Picards celebrated stirk (lO)Farai AMfHi o - ;.., Le FleurTn '"" jj,, ,i, h I Pretty Edna Marjtt tM felf P v - -- - Orand Street Pari MoiAH Rofnco Soph Cluttd& UlC Qar'S DOB" Ncwskuoff Troupe of Russian Vi Famous Auallan Troupe Bicyae uv MELNOTTE LE NOLLE TRIO Sensational Comedy Wire ArUsts LEFPEL TRIO Trampol IN BAR AU3 1 00 New Novel Peatures ROSTEIN & GREENBAW PRICES ON STAPU ... .,r THU W&&SI HAVING 110UGIIT HEAM V, -. VnB ADLBX01 VAXCES IX WIIOLKSAULi wh ALL FOllMER ritlCES. Heavy twilled shirting. .. .lOoyd Calico, largo Hue 5c yd Dros3 gingham 8 l-3c yd Chocked llnon toweling. . . .9o yd Heavy Daisy cloth lOcyd Fancy lawns, 5, 10, 12c yd Dest unbleached muslin 8 l-3c yd Medium weight muslin. .7 c yd Best bleached muslin ....lOcyd Medium weight muslin. .7 c yd Standard oil cloth 18c yd Wide corset cover emby..25cyd Fancy cotton eultlng ....lOcyd Turkish towels unblea ..lOceach Turkish towels largo blea 16c eacn o Anv mnH npnrl buttons ...."C CWWren'i " W rhildren'SBMtybU" . Cbildren'i nerer ,y insa Children "" 12.55 corduroy P ,, men l(a,j 00 wool pt . - H ilM Cotton P; S1 -s cottoa Pu ,w Joys' short P ' ,. . norf Jodb PaUB; . . fena oe". H " ROSTEIN & G 1240-246 Commercial St reenbaum s