Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and
absolutely free from lime,
, alum and ammonia.
nnc also added to the enjoyment of
the play. One of the hits of the eve
ning was made by Max Freeman, as
the over attentlvo waiter, and the
rBt of the cast deserves credit for
Its handling of the- minor roles.
Amusements at the Capital City
rM-aMsPnli !! I itlaafr4-aH-a)-HM-g
Jluymoml Hitchcock, April 115.
"A Yntilcoo Tourist," a now comic
opora In thrco ucts, tho book by
lllclmrd Harding Davis, lyrics by
"Wnllaco Irwin and a ncoro of much
inorlt by Alfred U. Ilobyn, has boon
selected by Henry W. Savago as a
now starring vohlclo for that most'
amusing of comedians, Raymond
TTUtchcock, and In that vohlclo ho
will bo soon nt tho Grand opera
Jioiibo on. nxt Thursday ovoulng,
.surrounded by a cast of oxtrnordl-
sinry oxcollouco and a singing nnd
nlnnclng cIioimih typical of all Savago
productions. Mr. Hitchcock has be'on
nptly chrlsloned "tho totally differ
ent comedian," and In ovory particu
lar ho Ih different from any other
-coinuillau on tho comic opera stage.
311s past nuccoBsoit have boon many
nnd in this now vohlclo ho Is oxpoct
' od lo canal If not surpass nil of tho
other triumphs ho has known. Mr.
Davis, who takes rank us one of tho
most brilliant of prime nt day Amorl
ran writers, has Htudlud Mr. Hitch
cock and his methods vury well and
tho roHiilt Is that ho has given him
' tin nearly prefect a vehicle as Ib poH-
alble. Mr. Irwin rose to sudden and
U what has since provod a lastliig
uncross through tho medium of his
versos In Collier's and others of tho
blgh cliiHH magazines, has written
noma very coiiMlstunt and most enter
taining lyrics, while tho musto by
'Mr. Itobyii Is hiiM to bo some of the
most catchy yet written and ho will
Iouk bu romumhered for tho original
ity of tho Hcoro he provided for "Tlu
Yniikeo Couaul." In which Mr. Hitch
eoik mnilu ono of his moat convinc
ing Hiieoeeiua. Tho oast aurround
lug Mr. Hitchcock Is out) which hat
long bui'ii Identified with him and
liuiludt'a I'loru Kahellu, Herbert
Onwthorne, Harry Stone, Iluloi.
llulrt, Rualo Porroater Cuwthoruo,
Wnlter Lnwreuoe, ISva Fallon, I'hll
llp Sinnllu) and other. Thu engage
id out in i bin city will lie limited and
umiUMtliiuHbly will he numbered
nmoiiK tho moat prolenttoue cheutrl
cm I eveuta of tho neatou. The com
pany earrlea a complete oreheatrn a
well hi an Imiuejtee amount of teen-
long absenco, looking fresher than
As Cyprlcnno, tho dissatisfied wife
of Ilcnrti doB I'runollcs, Qraco
Ooorgo was nt her best. Sho uttered
with sincerity and conviction the
sojlhlstry of tho wife, who Biiddonly
ciiino to bollovo that sho had miss
ed much in llfo becnuso of her lack
of oxporlonco nnd who rebellod
against tho conventions which tied
women. Sho accomplished with
smoothness nnd grnco tho swift trail
sx.ii uut anA? t ivti vtzj
Diroutor of tlit Metropolitan
OpiM'ii House, fonnoi'ly uuumgor
of the Irving IMnco tJiutitor, Now
Hltlon from tho wlfo soaking to lonvo
hor hualmnd for another by way of
the onny road of a now divorce law,
to tho woman who camo to rnllzo
that hor husband had vlrtuoa that
attracted hor. With tho arousing of
tho II rut pang of Joulouay alio forgot
her sophistry saw tho faultB of tho
lover Mud the commendable quail
tie of tho hualmnd, and auddouly
found that sho was not so certain sho
wanted a quick divorce, Mies
try. 8o ta wltl be on wle at the Oeorge'a actiug waa subtle, clean-cut
box olllre Thnredny morning at 0 aud frequently touched the height
o'clock. Phone order will be accept which the role demanded,
d. Prank Worthing, aa the auppoeetl-
ly eelf- aacrl&clng hueband who ne
Ntr York Tliwuws,
William 4. Bid'e re viral of.
ttaidorla "UlvorttNMt" aa prevented
on Monday night In Wallaca'a then
or with Uraeu George aa the atr,
i! i-.ii,.Mtv, whleto waa adapted by
v.un.t Mayu, nppiared like an o4 j
frt.'ii-i ivho nnd come back attar
A Hut king account will Keep your
IhibJik u-miuhk tiuuw NUDalntoU'
irr.i. Yon on vly on Uie
miM'd of your cliM'ktui; Hccoimt.
Wbru )t dtndio to rfwr to pu.st
tmiwwctiikHU, n ohucklug account
fm'iibbii ivllublo ibita-imslly
(omul uiitl completo iu nil details.
! by check In every tnuiwctlon.
Wo Invito your checking nccouut.
Wo tlXev MtierIor advantages.
Salem State Bank
I. K. 1VVGB, lreWviL
K. W, llAZAUD, CiuthUr.
Tho witty nml cynical Irish
plnyAvright nnd critio, who eays
Shakospoaro isjroatly overrated.
rlrtcos the lovor, was oxcollout. Ills
Interpretation of Henry des Prunolloa
waa woll sustained and ho received
several curtain calls at tho cud or
tho accond act. Tho part of tho lovxsr
was played oKectlva by Robert T.
Halaea, and A. H. Stuart as ClaYy-
Norrls & Jlowc Circus.
One of tho most pleasingly sensa
tional features with a circus Is the
exhibitions given by expert eques
triennes and jaquostralns and their
beautiful, sleek, educated thorough
breds. It is n feature that is tho
very backbono of tho sawdust arena,
ono that is always looked forward to
and ono that tho public would not
hnvo omitted In the time honored
traditions of tho circus. Norrls &
Itowo claim to have tho most expert
lady and gentlemen bareback riders
who aro performing In the world of
tho whlto tents today. They are all
young people, ambitious and gnlncd
fnmo In their spcclnl line. Somo ex
cel In export riding, somo In trick
riding, carrying acts, rough riding
and tho nlways difficult somersault
riding. George Holland has two
puro whlto stallions upon which he
goes through a number of graceful
act, finishing with a Borles of somcr
Baults; Roso DIckrIll, a petite nnd
graceful rldor docs a high school
menngo act; Prank Mlllor Is a hurrl
enn hurdlo Jockey rider and is ac
companied by his riding dog, "Vic;"
Charming Edna Maretfn Is credited
with being tho only Indy in tho world
who can turn a series of truo com
plete somersaults upon tho back of
ti swiftly running horse; Ed. V.
Job ns Interpreter.
Tho United States civil servlco
commission announced that an In
terpreter examination will bo held
May 15, 1907, at tho places men
tioned below to fill vacancies as they
may occur In the position of Inter
preter In tho Immigration Borvico, at
$1200 per annum.
Examinations will bo held In the
following cities: Astoria, Bnker
City, Eugene and Portland.
Applications will bo received for
any of tho following languages
Arabic, Armenian, Assyrian (Arabic)
Bohemian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Chi
nese, Lalmntlan, Sanlsh, Lutch, Fin
nish, Flemish, French, Gorman,
Greek, Hebrew, Herzegovlnlan, Hin
doo, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
Lithuanian, Montenegrin, Magyar,
Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portu
gese, Slovenish (Kranish), Spanish,
Swedish, Syrian, Syrian (Arabic),
Turkish, Yiddish.
Ago limit, 20 y'ears or ovor on the
dato of examination.
Applications should at onco apply
to tho local secretary of tho board of
civil servlco oxamlnors at any of tho
places mentioned abovo, or to tho
secretary, Twelfth Civil Service Dis
trict, San Francisco, Cal., for appll-
(Continued from page ono.)
tenant. Into a fish market, was left
cation forms 304 nnd 1111, which to tho committeo on flro and water '
should bo properly executed and filed
with tho civil servlco commission,
Washington, D. C.
Circuit Court.
Thero wcro none of tho many
casos which wore docketed In tho cir
cuit, rnnrf. for tndnv'n liiinlnnsn roadv.
Hocum is another accomplished andlimi ti10 0ntiro morning was used by
Judgo Burnett In postponing tho va
rious suits. Tho following business
was transacted yesterday:
Tho equity suit of W. W. Slaugh
ter vs. 13. L. Romlngton, et nl., was
A demurrer to the complaint In
tho Maud I. Rudolph vs. Mayo B.
Grlswold caso was ovorrulcd.
Tho default of tho defendant In the
dlvorco caso of Leo Potorson vs.
Rhoda Peterson nnd tho dofnult of
O. W. Wilson In tho dlvorco of Mnr
tha Wilson vs. O. W. Wilson was on
torod. Tho salo was confirmed In tho fon?
closuro suit of Geo. E. Chnmborlaln,
ot nl., vs. Gcorgo W. Johns, ot al.
A motion of tho defendant to
strlko out plaintiff's cost bill In tin1
suit of David Froobrich vs. D. F.
Lane wnB overruled.
finished bnreback somersault rider;
Horbort Humloy Is a dnro-dovll
rough hldor nnd how ho manages to
stick upon tho back of his roaring,
bucking, galloping steed Is nothing
short of mnrvolous; John Carroll has
two of tho prottlost horso acts ovor
soon. His first Is with his own horso
"Hlnnldo." Tho horso executes ovory
step that It is posslblo to teach an
equine. Ho dnncoB tho two-step,
walks upon two logs, bows to the
ground, etc., and all this tlmo Is
without bit or rolgn or trappings of
nny sort. Mr. Carroll's second nutn
bor Is with six fiery Arabian stallion?
who drill, march and gd'through mil
itary evolutions with tho precision
of trained soldiers. Norrls & Rowo
will exhibit at Salem, April 27.
"Trial by Jury" to Ho Itcpentcd.
Owing to tho Biiccos3 ot tho high
school musical comedy, tho "Trlnl by
Jury" which was glvon recently nnd
to tho many roqucsts that tho pro
duction bo glvon again Dr. Eploy and
tho porformors hnvo doclded to put
tho llttlo opera on again soon. Tho
program will probablo bo revised and
Btronffthonod In various places and
owing to tho exporionce gnlnod In tho
firat production tho outortulnmont
will bo a vory onjoynblo affair ovon
for thoso who hnvo soon tho former
creditable effort.
Thursday, April 25: Raymond
Hltohcock, In "Tho Ynnkoo Tourist."
Thla woek Julia Romaln Stook
Coming Attractions.
"Bird Island," by High Sohool
sonlor class.
Pony Show.
April ?7: Norrls Rowa's Dog
and Pony Show.
Stnto of Ohio, City of Tolado, Lti
eaa Count, as.
Frank J. Cheney make oath that
ha ta aenlor partner of the Arm of
W. J. Cheney 4 Co., doing bnatneaa
la the ettx of Toledo, county and
ttata atortsatd, and that aald first
will pax the aum of ONJfl HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every eta
of Catarrh tba cannot ba cured by
the una of Haifa Catarrh Cure: Fran
J. ChtnV.
ftworn to before me and aubaarlhnd
IS my preeeaoe. thla 6th day of De
eaaaber, ,. D,, 1881.
(al) , A. W. OLSASOV,
Notary Public.
Bali'a Catarrh Cure la taken t
tonkiliy, and eta direct!? on tha
blood nnd ftneona aurta.-ea of the
)uin. twod'tor teatlanouiala free.
F. J. CHBN'tY A Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by nil dmruUt. 75c. '
Take Hall'a Family PilU for eon
attention. o f
s Not let.
Bide will be received at the office or
the Portland General Xiectrle Com
pany up to and Including May 5,
1907, for Uie construction of a brick
building adjolulng tho steam plant
of this company in accordance with
bluo prints, specifications and con
tract tonus on filo In tho ottlco of tho
company in this city. Bluo prints
and other Information can be se
cured from tho undersigned after
Thursday, tho 25th Instant.
St. Local Manager.
"Pnetiiiionln'H Deadly Work
Had so seriously affected my right
lung," writes Mrs. Fnnnlo Connor, of
Runml Routo 1, Georgetown, Tonn..
"that I coughed continuously night
and day and tho neighbors' prediction
consumption scorned Inevitable,
until my husband brought homo u
bottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery,
which in my caso provod to bo the
only ronl cough cure and rcstoror of
woak, 'Boro lungs." Whon all othor
romodlos uttorly fall, you may still
win In tho battlo against lung and
throat toublcs with Now Discovery,
tho roal cure. Guaranteed by J. C,
Perry. druggist. 50c nnd $1.00. Trial
bottlo froc.
A New "Mary" Son.
"Mnry Cnaey" Is tho latoat addi
tion to the popular Mnry family of
song hits. It waa wrltton by Lute
Johnson, n Colorado newspaper man,
for the minstrel show of tho Denver
Praaa club, and Immediately sprang
Into popularity. It Is speeding over
the country on the professional stage
and faat turniua; every whistle to thr
tantallaltt waltz rhythm of it
ohorua. The pubtlehers are the
TolbeW II. Ingram Mualc Co., Den
ver, and the aong can be had by mall
at 85 centa a copy.
Owed ItlieMUMitfiiti.
Mr. Urn. Hoary of Chattanoogn.
Tana., lad rheumatism In his left
arm. "The etrcngtb aeemed to have
gone out of the muaclea so that It
waa uaalaa for work," he aaya. "I
applied Chamberlaln'a Pain Balsa
gad wrapped the arm in flannel at
eight, and to my relief I found that
the pain gradually left me and the
etreaptb return d. in three week
the rheumutiBm bad disappeared and
haa not it nee returned." If troubled
with rhoamatUiu try a few applica
tion of Pain Balm. You are aer
ials to be pleased with the relief
which It affords. For sale at Dr.
tone's drug store.
o . -
All owing me on acorunt or over
due note are notified to pay up by
May lat, without fall, at tho Capital
National Bank, na attor that data
saruo will bo placed with my attor
noy with Instructions to sue. I have
permanently romoved from Salem,
and will positively grant no further
extensions. F. A. WIGGINS.
4-13-1 Ot Toppenlah, Wash.
. o-
.a. w o act x .. .
!& ,IMU8iYHHawJUwfs
1 la
faction of 1
u,. ., controluTI
restom n , ' 'w
Miles' ?
7. fltl(1 m'i
foim their U-'1
sufferer from &rv2 W
times I wag no fen J"ra
almost a burdii ?ftSt NiJ
llttlo or no rtllff ttnh'Wttry
jnako one morj wJlW1
the. purcha.e of ?Vte.I M I
na one of Heart CmT ef.!tw
1 began to tttl bittiM?. ' S
a "dor bo U, yST
proved i Mt J 'naii
and anlrita ilnce. rmM' "
i, reel a sincere itm-i7e&
tlmt pvcral BeMOBifhivJ1
ntcd throuihP$fe?
or. ."r'xc,
avonuo wns placed In tho hnnds ot win refund you?1' '
tho committeo having chnrgo of thu Miles Medical Co, Eliirtll
TCrirHi Rnli'in nlrnnt tnitirnvomnntn. I ' .
consider the same,, with Aldermati
Stockton In tho chair. Upon the mo
tion of Mr. Greenbnum the commit
tee of tho whole favored the award
ing of tho contract to tho Warren
uonstruciion company, tiio com
mitcto of tho whole then roso
Aldornlan Stockton reported tho
Hon of tho committee, and moved
the adoption of their report, author
izing the city to entoer, Into a con
tract with the construction company
to do tho work. Tho company agrees
to do any work that Is not specified
for cost, with 15 per cont added.
On Established Grade.
Tho trustees of tho Wlllametto
University wcro Instructed to put tho B.0rY0US GllOy
cement sldownlk that Is to bo built I tho
on Stato street, between Twelfth and
WInt'or streets, on tho grndo estab-'
llshod by tho city ordinance This
will necessitate tko removal of tho !
trees along tho walk, ifhlch caused '
Bomo discussion.
A request of J. J Murphy to re
model his building on Stato street,
which Is now occupied by a Chinese
(nfter a lively discussion. Tho mat
ter will bo taken up at tho regular
meeting on Mny Cth.
Tho Improvement of Sovonth
street botweon Market nnd Gained
Wonderful CHINESE I
North Salem Btreet Improvements.
A petition from tho residents on
tho enst sldo of Seventeenth street,
from "A" to Mnrkct, providing for
tho lnylng of n five-foot board walk,
was reforrcd to tho committeo on
streets for consideration. Will treat you wltk OrieatalW
A resolution for tho improvement and euro any dlsnw willed t
of Sovonth street, in North Salem, or pain.
from tho north boundary lino of j Dr. Kum it knows t?trril
Mnrkot street to tho point wlioro i eaicm, ana nis eurrt but i
Sovonth Btrcot Intersects tho fair , people- here. Il hu liiri ij I
grounds road, and providing for tho for 20 tcim, and tin U bast
grading and grnvoling of that portion usos many mtdlclneitihmtti
of tho highway was. considered rn-iuociora, ana win ttea mi
vorably by tho council, and tho mnt
tor wns roforrod to tho committor
having chnrgo of tho North Salem
Btrcot Improvements,
Ilaskothnll on Hollers
Kugeno vs. Salem tonight.
Kills plant Insects on flowers,
fruit troos, vinos or vogotablos,
On human body, dogs cats, fowls,
and In tho hotiso.
Colorless, Odorless, Stainless
Prlco, 25 nnd 50 cents at
Hoadquurters for all kinds of
sprny matorlals.
Ask for booklot, "How to Destroy
Plant Insects nnd Vormln."
People Who Are
"Meat Wise."
8apppaiewsTev - ..jja. -ji i
catarrh, asthma, Ion; imk,i
matium, itomach, 11m, itdbi
Dr. Kum maiM a ijUltjif J
and female troublM. Ei
euro private JImiim ntt i
olso falls. n btt IsadrtJ i
monlols, and girts cqmIUUnI
Prleea for medlelnH nrj
Porsona in the eonstr tfi '
blank. Bend stamp.
If you want sobs MtnlMtM
it from us.
107 South High itrrtt, I
It la worth more ttu u
broad, yet the price li to
For salo at your swi
Thomas ft Cocle;,
Send the Family
Washing To I
and you'll never bother
it done at home k i
whon every family eonUtf'
to send tho wiM t '
but times have chH-i
have the methods u4Pri
..., Mn better afford t
fatnlU- waiblag w'
Ask about our prlcei
ing. rough dr). or
The Salem
Steam law
li..i,f 2
Will appreciate at once tho flue z - ' '
of meat we sell. Choice cuts
Beef, Lamb, Veal, Mutton and i'
for roasting. Dellcloua, Juicy, u:. ' r
Steaka. excellent CutleU and Chops,
etc., and our pricea are always vuj
Fe Ao Kurtz
Phone 205 Com. st
Manager '
Funeral Director and $
CaHs answered day or
flknnn TA 8 1 Cnurt St... SalflBI
The Question
. . . 3 l J
,t B K.W-- ylJ
l,OMkce? , 0
!afai'or.ut- .T-attHl
swn:-a '"
It IS IB 9
material. rr
sell It
C M.