..j' h m m DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1007. w l HOFER BROS., PriMd" aQC Proprietors E. IIOFER, Editor. A. P. HOFER, Mnnnger. THE JOURNAL STANDS POIt PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADQD LABOR. GOOD THE SORROWS OP A SKIPPER. Wallace Irwin In "In Lighter Vein" In the May Century. ''I hntes to think of dyinV says the Bklpnor to the mate; "Starvation, shipwrecks, heart dlseaso I loathes to contemplate 1 hates to think of vunltles and nil tho crimes they lead to" Then says tho mate, With looks sedate, "Yo doesn't rcoly need to." "To conjor up tho happy days what careless has slipped by. I hntos to contomplato tho day I ups and loft mo Mary" Thon says tho mate, Why contemplate, If It ain't necessary?" "Supposo that thlH horo vessel," says tho Bklpnor with a groan, "Should loso 'or hcarin's, run away, and hump upon a stone; Suposo aho'd shiver and go down when save ourselves wo couldn't" Tho mato roplles, "Oh blow mo eyes! Supposo, ug'ln, she shouldn't?" "Tho "chances Is ag'In us," says the sklnpor In dismay, "ir Into don't kill uh out and out, It gits us all soma day, So ninny porlBh of old ago, tho death-rate must bo fearful" ( "Well," Bays tho mato, "At any rato We might as well d!b cheerful." "I road In thorn statistic hooks," tho nervous sklppor cries, "That every tninuto by tho clock Home fcllor ups and dies. I wonder what dlHoaso they gits that klllo In such a hurry" Tho mato ho winks And Bays, "I thlnkH They mostly dlos of worry." "Of cortaln things," tho sklppor slghn, "mo consolonco won't bo rid, And nil tho wicked things I dono I Hiiro should not havo did. Tho wrlnklos on mo Inmost soul compel mo oft to Bhlvor" , "Yer bouPb fust rato," Obsorvos tho mate: "Tho trouhlo's with yor Hvor." o A NEW DEAL DEMANDED. u I M &$Q&$&&Q&&Q&&Q'&F'II&'&Q& A New Orleans woman was thin. & Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scott's Emulsion, Result: She gained a pound a day in weight' Jj ALL DRUGGISTS SOe. AND S1.00 gg. Tho more appropriation of political powor for personal onds Is n Arnvosty on Holf-govorumont by tho people. YET IT IH THE COMMON PRAOTICE OP THE AVERAGE AMERI CAN POLITICIAN. Elllcleucy, n well as honesty, In political, financial, and charitable af fairs In a subject which Is In nctlvo discussion nnd In tho mlndii of all thinking citizens. In this connection our nnuouncomout of A HOOK ENTITLED EPPICI ENT RKMOCRARY by W. II. All-'n, will bo u vnlunblo bit of howb to thoHo iutoroHlod In tills subject. Tho tltlon of two of tho chaptorn EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMENT nnd lluroau of Municipal StutlstlcH aro especially apropos In vlow of tho proposed Investigation of the city and stato dopartmontB by Mayor Mc Clolluii nnd (lovoruor IlughoH. When tho people glvo a man olllco, do thoy glvo It to him TO USE FOR HIH PERSONAL ADVANTAGE? Novor. Tlmt Is not tho theory. Jt Ih not tin proposition. Hut 10 Union out. of 20 It Is tho rosult. PERSONAL SACRIFICE MUST RE THE RULE OP GOVERNMENT, TiO'V PERSONAL ENRICHMENT, AGGRANDIZEMENT. A now deal Is doumndod. A moro olllclont democracy. Tho profit or a single dollar by holding olllco, above tho HtrlctoHt construction of tho law, U an much of n Kraft na to take thousands. l'HOIMT, ADVANTAGE, CLERKSHIPS, PERQUISITES, ARE ALL ttRAIT. It Hhould In Mild to th credit of the Into H. 1 Holso that THERE IK NO PROOF OP IMS HAVING WRENCHED OR TWISTED THE LAWS TO HIS OWN PROFIT. Suoh men are rare. Hut If Hilf-Kovrnment Is to llvu, If democracy Is to bo oflnoUvo an n form of govorumout, that prlnolplo must provnll. o .. TEACHING AS A PINE ART. It U not only profowtlonnl wioldera of tho blrch.who will want to rand what Profowor duorge Herbert Palmer has to say In the April Atlantic on "The Idwtl Ttmcher; " for tho toucher moro or less idonl HAS A CHPriAL PART TO PLAV IX THE LIKE OP A .MODERN COMMl'N ITV, and all of us, college students, evou ten-yoar-oKls, havo our Idea uh to what tiuulltlea go Into the making of this rnro Individual. Profowor Palmer announces that that only kind of teacher for whom he wrltta Is tho one "who iB drawn Into tenoning by tho love of It, WHO REGARDS IT AS THE MOST VITAL OP THE PINE ARTS, who Is nmily to meet some hnrdahlpd and to put up with modernto fuj' If by no doing he may win Us rich opportunities." And what iiualltlfttt must a teuohor pomohs? Sympat hollo ImaglniUlon Is one, rumuliUlve wealth of knowlodge and twperlunue Is another; tho third Is "an ability lo Invigorate Hfo through knowledge." and the fourth hardest of nil A READINESS TO RE FORGOTTEN." Perhaps that looks like a dlllloult schedule; but then most Ideals ore, That doiui not make them any tho load worth while. Tho Quebec gold mine, at Granite, Ore , has been bonded. DEP'OSIT YOl'R IDLE MONEY WHERE IT WILL EARN SOMETHING. WK PAY ;i PER CUNT SUMI-AN- NUALLV. WITHRHAWAI.S OAN RE MADE WHEN DESIRED. Savings Department Capital National Bant Smiles J. U. ALBERT, PrwUlcitt. K. M. CROISAN, VlccPmJdcMt. JOS. If. ALUKHT, The aldermen of n city are the elty fathers. They should set a good J example to the rest of the family, If . Salem Is ever to have a oltan-up day Itt nch aldermnn btgln In his own . block. How many aldoruiuute blocks are surroundod by heap of rubbish lu the street? Mneltny grange refused to ondorso th University tax of $Sf 0,000. That lias not linked out into any of the push papers. Tho program of tho push: "Put 'om to sleep with prosperity talk. Tax om llko tho devil. It gives us moro ntouoy'to carry tho next elec tion with. o Qymuastfcs alone can novor give that elasticity, ease and graceful figure which cornea by taking- Hollta ter'a Rocky Mountain Tm. SI eMts, Te w Tablet. For Ml at Dr. SKoa Hr. TIMUER LOCATORS THRONGING INTO RAKER. Ono Party from Minnesota nnd Two from Irinho Looking for Timber. Baker City special: Moro timber locators are arriving In Baker City I than over before In her history. Frl day a party of four came all tho way from Minnesota to look for large tracts of timber to purchase for an Eastern lumber company. If tho deal contemplated goes through K ,prico $1500. BARGAINS In Real Estate Farms and city property for sale by Radpllff Co. 5-room modorn cottage, on car dne. This property Is offered nt a sacrifice. Prico $1G50. Easy terms Modern cottago of flvo rooms, all J plumbed nnd wired, good woodshed tlot 75 by 150 feet, septic tank. will mean tho trnnsfor of ono of ths largest single tracts In tho countrj Nino room houso, plastered, clos Jets, pantry, basement, septic tank, to Eastern parties, and the estab-!bnrn 2Cx34 W00a3Ucd 18x22. This llshment, in tho course of time, of a largo sawmill not far from tho city. Today there aro"two moro parties In tho city, ono coming from Genesee, Idaho, and consisting of tho follow fellow follew ing: Mesdamcs Ehlcn, Inglo nnc from court place is threo blocks houso. Prlco $2C25. 3 acres In city limits, all In Logan berries. Prlco $1200. Easy terms 2 acres, new 5-room house, now lmrn. twn lilnnlfo frnm nnrtltin jmnrl Stultz, nnd Charles Stultz and E. O. ..., ..,., ,,.r, .,.,., ... . ... fruit. Prlco J1G50. Cathcort, Harland Mann and B. F. 1rt nll . .., . r ,., , . . ., 10 acres all In cultivation, good D- Miller, of Promise, Ore., aro at the . . , . , , . .'., ' .... ' room houso, barn, woodshed, mlxct Crablll hotel, and expect to tnko up , .... . ,. ' , ,. ,, , .-.!.. .1...I 1 '.-.t - r ..''fruit, well fenced, 2 miles from II liuuj ui iiiiiuui juiuiuu a i)Y iiiiiv south of this city, near Thompson's Siding. All tho timber cruisers are taxed to their utmost to find claims for locators and tracts for purchas ers. Evoryono Is tlmbor mad, and Judging from tho stonily advanco in pricos of lumbor this crnzo is not al together without foundation. o Tho Price of Health. "Tho prlco of health In n malar ious district Is Just 25 cents; tho coBt of a box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills," writes Ella Slayton, of No land, Ark. Now Llfo Pills clcanso gontly and Impart now llfo and vigor to tho Bystem. 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed nt J. C. Porrys' druggist. Oregon Official Dates Railroad Conuiilslon Dates. Regular meetings on first nnd third Tuoadny of ouch month. April 20 Conforcnco with Travel ing Men's Asosclntlon at Portland. April 22 Hearing nt Portland, Keystone Lumbor Co, vs. Sunset Logging Co. April 23 Lumbor rnto sosslon at Salem. May C Iloarlng of Trnvollng Men's Association. Educational Events. Astoria, April 21, 25, 20, county Institute. Corvnllls, May 2, regonts Stato Ag ricultural collogo to seloct prosldout. Fossil, May, 8, 9, 10, county Insti tute Salem, July 1, 2, 3, Stato Educa tional Association. I.oa Angolos, July 8-12, National Educational Association. WTl&-)t.f A Whole Medicine Chest. A bottle of DEAN'S KINQ CACTUS OIL In time ct eraervencj 1 e iniajr d..Ur. PROF. DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL Wr.t nel the urt trbJ wlrocm with out loot Inn a near If uitdlatiwo. We bare thouiwdi of ttMtUuooUU tbt rroie tali fm. u Kvry owutr ot Hto tok tbould keep It on band, for It l a putlttva cur (or t uu, prla. bruliw, oW wrei. welllos, opfl vound, brnM and addlKaIU,tC KINQ CACTUS OIL It equally raluablo ' for tlBioti t( the human race. It li max. , uttiolaaJ wothlas, pleataei to apply and ncalt a wound fivm tae bottom up. 60M bj- drutt ta 15 SOe. and n botUei. I) and as decorated cana. Sent prepaid It jour druMlit cannot aupply you by ' OLNKY A WCDAID, Clinton, Iowa. Tor aal by &. W. PutBaw Cn, 183 N. Cem. fee 8lew, Or, Salem. Prlco $1800. I 8 'A acres, 1M: In fruit good house, I woodshed and chicken houso, 1 miles from Salem. Prlco $1200 Ono-hnlf cash balance at C per cent Interest. 80 ncros, 07 In cultivation, balanco pacture, 5-room houso, barn and othor out-bulldlngs, good young fruit all crop, implements and stock goos with plnco, i miles from Salem. Prlco $8000. TIiIb 80 ncroB haB as good land ns nny In Mnrlon county and purchasers can got good terms. 73 acres nil In cultivation, largo tnontB, Btock and crops goes with woven wire, good woll nnd windmill, wntor forcod through houso nnd barn, ono mllo from Shaw, all lmple moats, stalk and crop goes with plnco. Prlco $5000. 55 acres, 35 In cultivation, bal anco pasturo, now 7-roorn houso, largo bnrn, 18 ncrcs of hops, 7 miles from Salem. This Is ono of Howoll Prairies best farm. Prlco $110 por aero, roasonnblo terms. Sovoral houses for rent. Call If you want anything In Insurnnco or notary work. RADCLIfF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, MooreB block, Salem, Oro. Roforonco, nny bank or buslnosn houso In tho city of Salem. CORN Shelled Corn Wo havo a carload of Bholl.d corn that wns delayed In ship ment, nnd In ordor to close It out wo will mnko special pricos on samo. Call and seo it. Splondld for foodlng stock. A Other Feed In largo or small quantities at closo prices. TILLSON & CO. ' 151 High Si.' CMIMMMMBMBMmttttMj 1 Buys a Sincerity. of Exceptional Worth and Quality TLm. . .. "ere is no y pitting clothidj! maae, and tt.u 5IYC y( greater satisfac hon in its pen nence of style shape retention $15.00 is a price when know what are buying. li! 1 i I ' JE O a F5 I'ilaHHnH l . w mmmimx'-sSi. 1 " 'lBKwH w IJH1XII II 1 vSH wi 1 1 ALvMI XmM. I ) ar 'WiTSr'Wrf ff TiifigP ' yi OUK 910 SUITS ARB GUAltAXTKKl) 1IY VS AND BT TW SIAKEIIS. IP YOU FIX!) TIIKM UXHATlSIMnOKV. TO TO 3TAKK IT IliailT WITH YOU. ,IV1!ALEVEU MUCE VoUffS jyj uu, jta ui'i'iiiv iuu xiik IHST VALUES M TM riGUUK. FOIt 918.00, 920.00, 923.00 AM) $30.00 VE OH ajLiuii iiKrxnii UHii.iiiiAis ix MATKUIAIi AND V0RK3UI SHIP. HUT 91.-.00 IS A 8AFK WHCK AXI) O.VB WHICH II CAN SAFJ3LY RECOMMEND. i G. Wo Johnson & Co! HIRlINHlflHlMMH91tHlIMMmiI I MEALS 15c I AT THE Salem Restaurant aao court street. Call and try our 10c meals. S Wo will glvo you a 2Gc meal for lCc, In first-class order. IMM8MIMMMHMMM Jt HiaMnfflMfL,'tgfcfcM(Pfat(tMaM P VVIlfriWWBIIBwIIWVWPaVVVWVV .. ? Gold Dtist Float i ( Mado by THE SYDNEY POW i Mado for family use Ask your J grocer for it. Bran and sborti always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT a mm Vi Hot SSBDEj O. C T. CO STEAMERS POMONA AND ORKGONA LEAVE PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNES. DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M, FOU CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. M. P. M. BALDWIN, Ast. TT; ' T i ffl&h? nTB:3T 1 " Lzm n3-" l-T frnm liu THK IIKSTRO-ISTIB FASIILY ETR E Can bo obtained froa tender and Juicy bed, ! nork. All our meiti w trom tho choicest, and pPfci' the tablo to suit thftdeataii" fastidious. Our price mm quality than you cm W nlnco In Salem. E.G Phono 201. w INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Daily except Sunday. Turu -wn. lamette Hotel, Salem at S p. ., cob. Hscta wltk motor for Monmouth and Dallaa at 6; 16 p. aa. Lmtm lade- 1 pMdB at 8 a. aa. Phoa mi DANGER IS LURKING IN IT. When your bathroom or lavatory Isn't fitted up with modorn sanitary plumbing. Sower gas 18 moro dan gerous lu winter than in summer, bo. causo ventilation is not so free. You will ward off dlseaso by having your closets, bathroom, kitchen, sinks, and water pipes overhauled. We mnko a specialty of sanitary plumb ing and do It scientifically nnd at reasonable prices. A. L. FRASER 358 State Street. PhoHO 135. - ,..llifef SMr11 of It wisely no bap ' 11 a T rl.- Inui-MU&l DUKUI, -"-", Suece8ori Jl ftIall IS Jfl FRENCH FEWLE liPILLS. JSm,Cwui Bun tnBcmS))lnnti. ruit KNgWN TB MH. lfti s.rtl Bpcrl 6 I IftUif . fcf.1 1 Kfl.iMirti. ruiu.j.uiiuk.Miilit UN IT CO MCBiCAL C0., aox T4. UMAaSTtn. . nmTJM)i A ' -.' beryouneed, coma ani w r"18- atfl w J !-( Wi t Hit fit 'ill, fcp Cattl rt- LJWj KX pogi - 1 Vt-a it? "filtt 1.50 tb UU b:u Um da "-J5, til- u (ttici 3 4 F"( 17 . RALPH lUpLONQ, Hamaftr. SoidhSakm by Dr. S. C She