ii iijvm ii M'lUMia;.-,41,a.l AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 123, 1007. NO. 08. TO BE PAVED Vtnl Tltn Alani m h I 1 1 & , ll. i T r sub-grade, then a forco will follow " putting In the foundation work, and tho third forco will put down the pavement. This pavement' says Mr. Smart, "hardens vory rapidly, nud within an hour after It la rolled down heavy wagons can be driven over It without damaging It In the i least." Fathers Award Contract i The following istho bid ot the I Warren Construction construction company, as per speclfl :0 n"1'' I catiens: ' COinpany 1017 cubic yas excavation at 50c ,....$ 50S.5C 5G4 cubic yds foundation rock at $2 per yd 8008 sq yd Bltullthlc sur faco at $1.S0 t j eo l.--i speculation as to Ut pating state ui. leal mc'ing of tho council last vi the contract 01 paving biui-j L from the cast side of Commer- to the wiat sine oi iviiun-u l ..1 .n Hi. Wntrn M was awaiutu i . ......v fcrtruetlon Company lor ?-o,i-jj.- The work, will uogin ns soon us ; contract Is properly signed,. and I be nsa-d to completion at mo Klcft date. Ur. Smart, the local ropresonin 1.12S.Q0 14,414.00 1092 sq. yd stono block pavement 1467 feet straight curb at 4Gc 72 feet curve curb at 69c 75GS feet artificial stono sidewalk at 14c 117 sublc yd, sidewnlk fill at GOc 42 cubic yd. sub-Krado 1111- of the company, saiu mat m nt GOc 1 grado inlet Catch basin 79 feet C-lnch sewer plpo at GOc. , , , , fould not tell how long a period id tnko to llnlsh tho work, but eld push the work forward wUl dne dispatch. The Only Bid. bTe Warren Construction ' Com- . . ... ...I.. Iltln.n1v I.I.I In ujr oau mo ouij ict,mumvu um . ivork. Thero was ono otner urn bitted, but It was not nccompan- I with tho rcqulreJ check, and did k In other matters comply with npcclficatlons, and thorcforo could be considered. jhe bid of the Warren construc- Company for maintaining tho iia.Milc pavement In a good, scr- nV.i condition for a porlod of 10 for 2 '2 cents per Bquuro brdi was accepted. This bid 'r Is construed to moan any de nt cr any places thnt might need air from the wear of reasonable 1 In tho construction of tho (rlnp, a!.l Mr. Smnrt, tho ropro- k'.atlvo cf tho construction com er, "wo will pnvo one-hnlf of tho nd at a time, so as to not Intor- 1 lh business nny moro than Is olstely necessary. Tho company havo thrco forces of men nt G.4G0.00" G74.S2 49. GS 1,059.52 58.50 21.00 20.00 G0.00 39.50 RAILROAD RATE HEARING Shall the $3 10 Lum ber Tariff fee Abolished? Total $23,493.92 This will Include nil tho expenses to th oproporty ownors, but It does , not' lncludo tho expense of tho Gen eral Electric Company, which will npproxlmnto $8000, nor,tho expenso j I of tho Oregon Electric Company. I Tho work on tho street car lino will , necessarily hnvo to bo complotcd be fore tho other work can bo done. I Mr. Page, when soon by a Journal reporter this morning, said: "I have not put the proposition fully before tho Gonernl Electric Company as yet, but I think that tho work will bo taken up nt tho earlloBt poBslbk date. Tho meeting was called to order Inst night by Mayor Rodgors, who stated tho object of tho meeting. Tho bids woro thon opened and tho council resolved Itself Into a com mltteo of tho wholo to discuss nnJ (Continued on Page 4.) CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE 4 Live Merchandise Is the only kind that finds a place in out store. New, up.(o.da( merchandise that iuovoh quick, tliat Ih tho only kind if handle. I'liiiii' jtittl walk through our More mill m the btitducHX f do, tlini j on will get an Iden of the amount of good wo sell, nnil &X It U Me lm always tho latest and movent. goodn on hand to hhow ion. Murgalns in ovory department. Arguments at Two O'clock, Before the Oregon Rail road Commission Tho Orogon Railroad Commission began hoarlng on tho lumber rate controversy today at 2 o'clock, nt their rooms nt tho stato capltol. The contention of tho sawmill men of the interior of tho state Is that tho rate of $3.10 per 1000 pounds shall not bo raised to $5.00 per 1000, nB It is proposed to ho dono by tho Ilnrrlmnn system on all shipments from West ern Oregon to San Frnnclsco 'and Bay points, There was a largo nltendnnco of sawmill men and representatives of tho lumber Interests from various parts of tho stato, and arguments will bo modo by roprcsontntlvcs of tho traffic department of tho rail roads. It isoiot understood that the Portland BawmlllB tiro taking pnrt in this controversy. Thoy tiro getting tho $3.10 rnto, but pay $5.00, bo tho quostlou involved Is roally whuthor rates for tho wholo stato shall go up to tho Portland rnto. This rato from Portland monns $7.00 to $8.25 per thousand foot of lumber to Bny points, whllo tho wator rato Is $8.00 WOMAN WITNESS CALLED Who Is to Give Important if True Testimony (Continued on Page 5.) Ignorant Voters Taught. HrlBtol, Va., April 23. Tho wills key politicians left no stono unturned to carry tho election. They ovon Btarted a school to overcome tho ed- Concord, X. H., April 23. Whon tho suit of rolntlves agalnBt Mrs. Eddy Is called thero will bo a wlt oss, according to Chandler, who 'III testify that Mrs. Eddy years ago confessed thnt sho was in mortal dread of Fryo, her private secretary, and that sho could not resist tho evil Influence ho cast over her. Tho witness Is described as a woman of menus and assured social position, an organizer Influential in a Chris tian Sclonco church In n distant city. She assorts that sho was urged by Mrs. Eddy to lcavo Concord, bccnuBO Mrs. Eddy said "her'llfo was in dan ger since she had opposed Fryo.' Chandler soys tho woman will testi fy that Mrs. Eddy told her that "Fryo Is a living Incarnation of ma licious animal magnotiBin." BARONESS SHOOTS HERMAN Now York, April 23. Tho Buro iiosh Anesla LouIbo do MtiBsoy was placed on trial today for tho murder ot Ousttiv Simon, tho millionaire shirt manufacturer, who waB Bhot dead at Ills ollleo last November. Tho bnronosB was attended In court by two attachos of tho French consul's ollleo, and was ropresontod by Attorney Chnrlos LoBnrblor. It Is Bald tho dofonse will bo a cnBO of mistaken identity, but tho proBccu- ! imiiif iiaiiitift-HH-frWilf I1M ii Eugene vs.' Salem-BASKET BALL 0N m"-hs ii AUDITORIUM RfNK TONIGHT 'ADMISSION 25 CENTS flf !!! !!! flCef HIH Oil 19 f -t-HH fJ I I SAWMILL BURNED DOWN Plant Said to be the Largest in the World Seattle, April 23. Flro destroyed tho mill of tho Port Dlnkoloy Mill Company, tho largest In tho world, Inst night. Tho flames broko out In tho plnnor room, from a hot box, and spread to all parts of the plant. Tho population turned out nnd by hard work succeeded In keeping tho ware house and surrounding buildings from burning until tho flro boat from Senttlo arrived, shortly after mid night, to nsstst in saving tho town. Tho mills woro valued at halt a mil lion, nnd employed 000 men. All the 12 vosscIb in tho harbor pulled out Into tho stream without serious damage Colonial Theatre Opened Lust Night. Norfolk, Va., April 23. Tho hand- somo Colonial thcatro waB opened last night, tho attractions being fur nlshed by tho Shuborts. Tho Com mercial Realty Company built tho Colonial. Every modorn appliance known to thn down-to-dnto play house was Installed In tho Colonlul. Tho Interior llttlngH nro gorgeous. Tho now hoiiso linn Its entrance on Tazowol 8troot, with a wide lobby and promonndo. Tho Beating capaci ty of tho hoiiBO Ib nbout 1000. Thore 1b n balcony nnd gnllory. Tho prl vato boxes nro of the latest design. A fonturo of tho now house Ih the height of tho stage. Scouory cnrrled by tho largest companion nro nccom mndntod with ease. All tho lat't appliances In electricity nro used on tho stage. Tho opening attraction m'ob DoWolf Hopper In "Happy Laud." Miss Mary Manuorlng will follow' and Jimiiob T.Powors will tip pear In tho "llluo Moon." Ladies' Dress Skirts fe r Q lt --lilf-nillll nasnrttnnnt r1 ! tt I- , . .,i. j . ,. uiuvro auu ujuiu- FltH Pa j ,,.. cr- . -uuuius mm vuiiua. m 'will ar; ... ..,,, !. r"v wu uu ! Ia ..,, , " l vwv rti nuuk t-T u,0,'"f -hem. Wo ask small r . i tr P S,. I-' V $3.50, $4.50 Ladies' White tawn Waists "aaor..e!v r un tu'ked and trim- & e f.ntl ninl.il.lK.M W .f th..m le .. CY So.4 at aman prJ 4g Kfv and $1.25. Fine Silks and Dress Goods Tho Chicago Store is tho ttor that doos tho business In thoso de partments. When yon want a nlco dross or waist of snappy now goods It will pay you to tako n look through thiB mammoth stock. Wo aHk small pricoa por yard: Por yard, 35c, -19c, C5c and S9c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. ucntlonal qualification clniiBo of the Virginia laws. This la tho latest In novation In tho tempornnco fight. Many Ignornnt whlto pcoplo nud ne groes, who havo hitherto boon do- i franchlsod by reason of Inability to comply with tho roqulrnmonta to registration, and tho oxorclso of tho right Voauffrngo.wero enabled to votj Th applicants appoar to hnvo boon woll drilled, and had their unsworn to the questions which tho registrar pro pounded under tho lnw at their tongue's end. ft 6t. W show as ilno a lino of up-to-dato footwear as you can find any where.' Wo ask small profits. Wa want to build up a big shoo busi ness. It Is cow growing fast. Pricoa pair: 25c, 3Dc, 49c, 75c, 98c to $1.49. BALEM'8 FASTKST GltOWIXO STORK. McEVOY BROS. KfCIAI, AND COUKT STREETS. flALSM. OR. FAIRBANKS BOOMERS START tlon contends thnt she Is tho woman. Simon had a dlsputu over wages duo her. It la nlloged that tho woman had givon up her placo and returned to Simon for tho money she claimed due nor. An argument fol lowed, when tho woman 11 rod throe tlinoH, ono bullot entering tho lung, causing death at a hospital, after Si mon had accuvod tho bnronemi of bo lug IiIh slayer. There Ib much mys tery ns to the wouiiui'b history. Shu claims her hiiBband was polHouod in France by n secret ouemy. It la Bald hIio has lived horo 19 years Booking tho assaHHln. It Is HUHpoctcnl thero Is some connuctlon botween title and tho killing of Simon. FIRE IN NEW YORK Indianapolis, Ind., April 23. Can non and a party of Fairbanks presl dontlal boomors left this morning for Washington, whonce they go with tho Prosldont to Jnmostown Asked pointedly if ho favored Fair banks for Prosldont, Cannon dodged, and said; "Wo aro going now on a jllttlo jaunt to Jamestown, and noth ing olso Is worrying mo." At a con , ferenco last night, however, tho poli ticians talkod "Fairbanks for Proal j dont." It is declared that Cannon is for Fairbanks, and that Forakor Is ( stirring up tho rumpuB In Ohio mere ly to mako tho way clear for Fair banks to secure tho Buckeye dologa-tlon. Theatre Trust Tightened. Dotrolt, Mich., April 23. A story printed horo today says tho pnpors aro drawn and roady for signing, ef fecting n combination botween Klnw &. Erllnger nnd tho ShubortB. It M stated that tho deal Is tho result of an Intervention by tho New Yorkori and Qeo. P. Cox. Now York, April 23. Four men nro dond and threo nro mUslng, nlso ten flromoii woro Injured early this morning nB tuo result or ilrcs on the EnHt Sldo today. Two flro on- glneu were wruokod In a collision with Htreet cai'H, Two hundred nnd fifty horHOH wotW burned to doath and tho property Iohhoh are a qunrtor of a million. Every flro company on the East Sldo waa working for hours. Six tilaruiH from various points woro turnod In almoHt HlmuHnnooiiflly, and 300 fnmllloH hnvo boon driven out by the flumes. Tho most sorlotiB condition was at tho Mlupntoh and ExprosH Company stnhloB, whoro tho men nnd horse were killed. anlms Not Indicted. Washington, April 23. Borah cnllcd nt tho Whlto llouso today, and upon leaving said: "1 havo no Information wuatovor about (he al leged indictment, nnd do not know that ono has been returned, as It Is only rumored. Tho grand Jury line not adjourned yet. It Ib Ib said It Is supposed tho indictment hns been found becnuso of my connection with tho Bnrhor Lumber Company, but thus fnr no member of that com pany nor any othor clients hnvo been Indicted." Teachers for tho Philippines. San Francisco, April 23. Ono hundred nnd twenty teachers for tho Philippines will still beforo tho 1st of .Tunc. The first of theso Bnllcd today upon tho Karon; anothor party will leave tho city upon tho Amorica, May 2d, and the third pnrty of tench ocb will Ball on tho Slborla on May 10th. -o Elect Ion Unto Standi. Bristol, Va., April 23. Judge Price, of tho corporation eourt, de nied the petition of tho whiskey dcnlora It) havo rovokod tho onla" for a local option election In Bristol today. Ho also rotiiBcd to grant an Injunction to prevent the election, Counsel for tho whiskey men havo appealed from this decision. Charged With Murder. Chicago, April 23. A warrant wni iHBtied today, charging Mrs. May Slndok with the nutrdur of her pa rents, Frank nnd Mnry Motto. For mal charges woro preferred to legal ize a police guard over tho woman at a hoRpital. 'Tho Inquest wlU. bo resumed nB soon nB tho womnn l strong enough, Forcing llurriiiiaii. Vow York, April 23.- Tho effort to miiko Harrlman toll tho namo of tho mini to whom ho rend tho Ilnrrl-man-WobBtor letter failed again to day. Defendant Hill was glvon utittl April 29 to lllu a brief In his clerk's behalf. IjIvo Volcano In Chile, Santiago do Chile, April 23. -Vol- cnuoeH In Southorn Chjlo tiro in vio lent eruption. Tho town of Valdn via Is covorod With nBhon. Tho In habitants of a wldo area nro floolng In torror, Hermann Dcfoii.st. Washington's April 33. Argu ments for tho dofeiiBo In tho Ringer Hermann case wire presented to tho Jury today by A. 8, Worthlngtau. Ho tulked nil day, and will probably con clude tomorrow, when tho district nt- . tornoy will oloso fr tho prosccur-tlon. Groccrh' Convention. Burlington, Vt., April 23. Tho convention for the grocers nnd food fair has brought to town a delega tion of grocers from every town in tbo state, so that Vermont stato is fully represented here today, Tho conven tion will contlnuo until tho 4th of May. Tho grocers antlclpato much benefit from tho meeting with their fellows from all parts of the state, and antlclpato much profit from a free Interchange of ideas with gro cers of wldo experience, and filled with local Information that will help 'solve tbelr own problems. SHIP GOES DOWN Pontwator, Mich., April 23. The Btoamor Arcadia, with 10 souls aboard, foundered off this port IhU morning, and it is believed that all hands woro drowned. Pcoplo at Pontwator saw tho ship strike, Thoy manned throo boats, but boforo reach ing half tho dlstanco to tho craft thoy saw It list badly and plungo stern downward, tho sudors clinging to tho rlggln. o Try to Pren-ent Election. Bristol, Tonn., April 23. Tho whiskey dealers of Bristol, Va., are tr ing to prevent tho oloctlon today fild under the local option law, and tried to havo revoked the ordor for a local optloa law today, Tbo coun sel declarer taat be would get out aa IniuBctloH kacttHKa tha nolt-tax oual- I Iflcatloa ctiaaei fee compiled with. BANKER HELD IN BONDS Chicago, April 23. Charles King, formerly proaldojit of tho FJrHt Na tional Bank of Scotland, South Da kota, wuh arrested here today, charged with misappropriation, In violation of the fodoral hanking law of $45,000 from tho bank. Ho wai arraigned boforo United HtatsB Coin. mlsBlonor Footo, wnlwd examina tion, and wits held In $20,000 bonds, which bo gave Tuft Won't Talk PolltlrH. Washington, April 23. Taft snyn h' has no tlmu to talk politics, nud nays t4int tho siioucIioh which ho wilt mako in Ohio and nt other WHlorn polntti will not touch tho political situation. Flro at Toulon Under Control. Toulon, Franco, April 23. Tho flro ut tho arsenal Is fully controlled today, nftor burning a largo trnct to tho ground, causing tho loss' of many mllllotiH of francs nnd injuring 20 Holdlora, All tho ships wore saved. Suing for $11,000,000. Boston, April 23. Tho suit of the Coppur Kango Company against Alfred O. Burriigo, Thomas LuwBon and others, nuking damages aggro gating $3,000,000 will opon in tho supremo court today. l. Wolgiigt Meet Campbell. St. Joseph, Mo., April 23. Young Wolgast, tho focal featherweight, will bo given a try-out tonight with Tommy Campbell, of Omaha. Thoy will clash at 12i pounds In a 15 round bout. Wolgast mado a hit whon ho fought Johnny Plotell In this city, and tho faun In the city arc anxious to sco him again, May nnd DccciiiIht Married Together Baltlrooro, April 23. Mrs. Laura J, BroTn, widow of AJexandor Brown formerly this city's most protnlnont banker, was married today to Cbas. Kaufmsn, of Botos, 32 year her Junior, Wlfn Murderer Hung. Washington, April 23. William Iliirgo, a negro, was hanged at 12:05 this afternoon for uxorchle, four years aftor tho erlmo, the Prosldont rofiiBlng to Intorforo. o- , Ran Dominican Tnty H titled. Washington. April 23 Minister Dawson can Ins that tho Han Domini can congronH has favorubly reported. tho treuty with tho United Statos. a Mongolian lUiloatcd. Toklo, April 23. Tho Mongollatt waa rofloatcd ut high tldo this morn ing. Sho has resumed her voyugo. o Chicago MurkftN. Chicago, April 23. Wheat 11 018, corn 47 j$4, oats 43 W ?t43. Dr. J. P. COOK .TIIH IKyi'ANIOAL DOOTOR, MOVED TO MAO LinKKTY HTItKKT FOR ANY D1HKAHK CALL ON I)R. COOK. CONHUITATION fKKS,