. , ll i, itfft'i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKItf. OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1007. STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner cial offerings the feature this week CI0TMNG SPECIALS. MENS' SUITS t30 "I1 I0 J?1U "-- $1 1 .50 i .- t m the houso that for- X-"."..Z2XS In be wW tDls wttn- "" "'""' L .... io cleanest stock or Ling in the city. Every suit la U and stytisn. v,umu uuu .. L. we will show you tho best Hart you nave ever auou. THIS WEIiiv uux. IffASU GOODS HALF PRICE. Iti) pieces of wash goods rang- . in price from iuo io uc u rf will bo on Kile nil this woel: JUST HALF PRICE. HKXMETTA, 20c. tot tho display In our Court ttt wlnJow of now Henriettas . finer printed grays, plaid nnd rirt, cream, plain bluo and plain Ion color. PETTICOATS 3LYDE OF SILK HEATHER BLOOM, SATIXE AND MER CERIZED LVST11E. $1.25 to 18.50 A big stock of petticoats camo last Friday evening, and out of tho lino wo selected a lot for In troductory specials. They are tho regular $3.00 values, and will bo Eold at that noxt week, If nny are loft. But this week they go at $2.25 Just this week only. LINEN KTAMIXES. 50c and 75c ',u.e: ir -3 ""'-J " mines In tho new block chucks and plain colors. Special 35 YARD. FAXCY SATIXES HALF-PRICE. Twenty-two plccos on salo thl9 week. CORRECT VIEWS GIVEN Let the Truth Be Known About Clackamas Grangers IN6CR GRAND ! TONIGHT Julia omame Co. the powerful four-act comedy REAPING THE HARVEST" the great four-act mountain UK PAItSOX'S DAUGHTER" fci 15 and 25c. , We Don't Know tho Girls. T-n T : U Reporter.) 1 8 n I mal Is recolvlnz hii .u.n. kjuiiiw i yv- m awfully nlco tlmu Hand Concert. The Salem Military Dand delight, od a vory largo crowd Sundny after noon In Wlllson nvonuo with another J of tholr popular opon-nlr concorts. Tito uny was Idonl nnd every shade In tho nvonuo was filled with people who npproclntod tho oxcollont pro grnm rondorod. Tho avenuo Is being put In lino shnpo, the Inwns nre be ing mown, tho shrubs nnd walks nil kept in good condition, and tho wholo proBonts n vory picturesque vlow. Tho bandstand Is to bo paint ed this wook, which will ndd much to tho npponrnnce of tho structure. Tho program rondorod yoaterdny was ns follews: Mnrch,"Froo Lnnce" Sousa Solcotlon, "Urldny Rose". . . .Lnvallo Characteristic mnroh, "Stilt Danco" Kilt Wnltz, "MugglnB" NollI Intormozzo, "Tohnmn" Iinlnos "FliokorhiR Firelight" Penn Rnw Two-stop, "Noodloe". .Wonrlch Wnltz. "Summer Soerets". .Toubert March, "In Royal Favor".. . .Potter u Paul Stnhl cam down from the reform school this morning. It has been published over nnrf. over that Clackamas county granges are for tho University appropriation of $250,000 blonnlnlly. A corre spondent of tho Oregon City Star, from Logan, whoro tho meeting wan held, writes: What Was Done nt Logan. It you will nllow mo space, I think that I can provo tho correctness of my stntomont in rogard to tho "sontl mont" of tho grange horo nt Logan April 10th. I said your correspond ent or Informant was badly mistak en, nnd I monnt It. Doing n mom- bor, nnd being present, I hoard what was said. Agnln I say it is unfair to say tho scutlmont of the grnngo was noarly unnulmou?, when only threo people out of u crowd of 12G or 130 people got up nnd oxpressod thura solves In fnvor of tho appropriations. Two of thoso nion woro Profossor Cnmpboll nnd V. S. U'Ren. I can not understand why Mr. U'Ron would say It was "noarly unani mous." Tho present master of tho grnngo nnd tho past mastor both share my view, and sny it Is incor rect to quote the grange In that way. I novor have mlsropresontod nny facts, aiul nlwuys, In reporting from horo, try to stnto fncts nnd truth ns woll. Every ouo who nttonded tho mooting knows that statement was orrouoous. That resolution spokoti of was tabled. Tho old motte: "God holps those who help themselves," bus porhnpt sank deopor Into some pooplo's ornnl urns thnn othurs, nnd farmers are beginning to ronllzo soino of tho edu cational needs of their soiih nnd dnughters. Tho country school W good as far as It goos, but onds ni tho olghth grnde. Now, suppose children get through theso grndos nt 15 yonrs, they cannot go nnd entor a high school or collogo without tnk lug n preparatory courso or comploto tho other courses, and tho propor plnco to do that Is In tho homo schols Hom Is tho plnco for boys nnd girls to board and nttond school nt that, susceptible ago, and not bo sont away somewhoro to do it. Tho grnngo U nu educator Itslf, nntl stands first, Inst and always for tho cause of edu cation. There nre so many numerous lit tle strings, known as red taps, how evi-r, that can be dispensed with. If farmers have to bear their burden ot taxation, let some of It bo for schools that will benefit tholr own children nonrer homo. We can dls penso with a fow normals, nnd ndd n few more grades to tho schools we have, nnd try to make them hot ter. Too much Is said of tho "high er" education, nnd not enough for tho intermediate for tho masses. Better to give nil n chanco for nn ordinary education thnn only n few for the highest. No ill feeling has boon heard expressed toward tho Stato Unlvorslty, nnd no action what ovor was takou. nt tho Pomona meet ing. Potltlons, however, nro now be ing circulated, which will show tha pooplo's sontlmont on thoso ques tions. o Gentle nnd Effective. A woll known Manitoba editor writes: "As nn Insldo worker I find Chnmborlnln's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets invaluable for tho touches ot biliousness natural to sodontary llfo, tholr action being gentlo nnd effec tive', clonrlng tho digestive tract and tho hond." Prlco 2G conts. Samploa free For salo nt Dr. Stono's drug store. MORE DOGS DIE. NMHOIHMIWaWMMMMmiMM MMIIMIIHIHIIMMM PRING SACK SLITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN 1 1 mm ML In all the nobbiest fabric effects inii snappy Single and double-breasted jj styles, artistically custom - tailored jj throughout and containing every new f wrinkle and fancy: Our Prices $8.50 to $35 1 i II I I I I. 1 II -. - !! y p The fancy checks and stripes in the ii. - i r j new styles ot bprmg Neckwear are:: i JU3L IUC U ill 15 lv WHS""." up vrui Spring Clothing. We are showing the jj largest selection ever shown in thejj city. Price 50c. j lem Woolen Mill Store! Enemy of Canines Still nt Wqvk Several Dogs PoUonotl. Tho hater of doge Is still eontln unlng his work, in throwing out poi soned meat, nnd Is getting so bold ns to go from ynrd to yard, distribut ing his bnlt, which moans torture nnd donth to the unfortunate animals j Thoro wore four or flvo cases of dog I poisoning reported Inst Thursdnj l nnd Frldny. Sovoral of thoso woro of flno dogs. Yostordny there woro sovoral more cases reported, among which was the poisoning ot John Moyor'a trained bird dog, nnd the Rpnnlel of Mr. Andorson, who ro sldos on North Front street, i Mr. Moyer succeeded In saving his dog, but tho latter cnno proved fatal. Small pieces of poisoned boofstenk wore thrown In several yards on Front street onrly Sunday morning by tho designing culprit, nnd It thn Identity ot tho guilty party Is found out ho will probably bo mado to pay doarly for IiIh work. Thoro Is a serious war on nt Sa lem botwoon dog owuors nnd non dog ownors. A sovoro city ordinance against dogs is pending nt present, allowing overy citizen to shoot n tres passing dog upon sight. Tho non dog owners sny tho dogs dostroy their llowor beds nnd lawns, etc , etc. o Tho Price of llrullti. "T prloe of health In a malar ious dlstrlet Is Just 25 cents; tho cost ot n box of Dr. King's New Lite Pills," wrltwt Itlla Slayton, of No land, Ark. Naw Life Pills oltmnse gently nnd Impart new Ufa nnd vigor to the system. 2Eo. Satisfaction Kiiarantood at J. G. Parrya' druggist. o Will Glvo Picnic. The Rlckreall Artlwins, according to their timo-honorwl custom, will open the picnic saaftpn in Polk coun ty with a big outdoor gathering nt Hick mill an Saturday, Juh 1 Further particular latar. u Through blood poisoning caused by a spldor bite, John Washington ot Boequovlllo, Tor., would hnvo lost his leg, whloh became a mass or run ning sores, had ho not bean persuad ed to try Iluoklan's Arnica Salvo He writes: "Tho first application relieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. 26c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. o Jlllt ItcCMUKO Your cough Is only In the tttorat and dots not troublo you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When it has not had much of a start Is tha time to check it. The illentest eougk easily loads to Pneumoaia, Bronchi tis and Consumption. A bottle ot Ballard's Horehouud Syrup will euro that cough The prloe puts it within reach of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. T5! lrKV I sis Tr T VUK PERHAPS you are not content with the sort of Clothes you have been able to get for your boy. Perhaps they haven't the evidences of good tailor ing that you desire. If you feel tlwt way there is a remedy. Notice How This Coat Is Made Just like a man's coat with non - breakable fronts. Triple-Sewed seams. cpkHkkkK l I iVi k The Pants Are Double-Seated Tho 'fabrics nro especially so lectod for boys' wonr, nnd are chemically trcatod, maklntr them waterproof. Our prlco Is only $4.00. Loss thnn you'vo been paying for ordinary suits of Inferior quality. Men's Hats Tho now delayed shipment of new spring models has arrlvod. Wo'ro showing shnpos sultablo for every figure. Don't wonr n hat that looks ns If it woro built for another mnn. Wo can Mt you with n hat that's built for YOU, Our XX grade at $1.05 ami XXX grndo nt $2.26 glvo por foct satisfaction. You'll find them equal to any advertised $3.00 hut in tho city. HMMnaMBMMHMMMMMMMMaMMHHHaaMM SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Itit us show you a neat, up-to-date leas (or near and far-seeing. It U eually as good an the expensive klad, and half tha cost. Don't throw away your broken, glasses. Bring thou to us. We can duplicate any part, with little ex pense, Chas. H. Hinge Graduate OyOttoi . I3m OowmwtUI Bteti wtt 4yr I Rheuiimtlc PiiIiin, I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful (Uihmum, rheuma tism, for a number of years. I have tried many medicines hut never got much relief from nny of them nntl! two years ago, when I bought a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pnlu Halm. I found relief before I had used all of one bottle, but kept on applying It nnd soon felt like a different wain- nn. Through my advice many of my friends hnvo tried It and can toll you how wonderfully It has- worked. Mrs. Sarah A. Cole, 140 8. Now Ht , Dover, Del. Ohnmberlaln's Pain Halm Is a liniment. The relief from pain whloh It nffords Is alone worth tunny tlmos Us cost. It makos rest and sloop posslblo. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug store. O ,ii.. Chicago MitrUcU. Chleaxo, April 28. Wheat 78 f7SH. corn 48047, oats 44iJ, 43. The T;xa Wonder. Cures alt kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug glita, or two months' treatment by mail for 1. Dr. H. W. Hall, 2020 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo. (lend for testimonials . Hold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr ' o Timber I.UIU1 Vulues. Albany Herald, Sunday: Timber land value Ih 14mm eoMMty a ad In Or- oa seem deellited to laerease right aloag, HRlll tbey are quoted oh the baale of I0 te lta thosaMt atHmiMuce, neeordlHg t dealers in sac la ml. At preacat the arerag' value la ukoat l a tttoitiand. The ilewaiMl fur timber land sh the IMrt ot Hastera eapltallsts Is on the Inareaae from wek to week, ami, to u a cruiser's expression, "You Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Worta Wire Fencing. Hop Wire, Ilarb Wire, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles and P. ft D. Ready Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Moriey 25 OnirtSe. Sihm, Ort. don't have to hunt up a buyer It you bave a aoud tract nt timber to sell. The huyr will be sure to hunt you." "Timber lands are no lunger bought and sold by the nere," wild A well-known timber land operator, who waa In Albany yesterday. Cruis ers are now put Into the woods to as certain just how muoh timber Is growlug un n given tract, nnd thn value of such tract Is based on thn number uf thousand feet of stump age. In Linn nnd Lincoln cnunllm, values nro tho highest, an timber l considered more available. In the remote districts onst ot tho moun tains, timber laud Is chenpor, bo cans logging roads will havo to be constructed nt considerable expense to bring tho tlmbor to market. Roth & Graber GROCERS GOOD TIIINf.H TO HAT. DRIKI) Itl.KH IN IIPLK HMCI.D llOIMtl) HAM FANCY WHAM OllllliHIl 7 Ujk I-u-gi Wliir I.wn iWJc UUm I'lincy lletul llloo ii nn MlnriMl ('Iuiiim, Vt, for 'Mo fib tail Mltiui! Cluiiis for. . . .lfe i!lb vhu Mlnrtil Cbiiim for. . . ."Hr t! mn Ititrn Hluinlrtnl Oyntur 'or ""5e Ix't overlook uur stmsk of high-grade eaHd goods. We have a great variety of nlee goods for your table, too numerous to mention. lNijwrt-d Kwl Chee4. Wisconsin tin lit CIh'cm. Roth & Graber 410 Stato Sirt 4 niinniiiiiiiiniiiiniiiimiiiiiiiinii'ininMiiimii . .-