TE2 6 DAILY CM?tAh JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1007. GIUSON STOLB PRISONER. CX "Umistml Cunt; Makes Fun for Of ficer Constable Johnson Ar vihLh Man mtil Chief TiiIcch Him. wo Mnclcuy formers, who recent ly had Home porsonut dlfforcucos &pponod to bo in Salem last Satur day nftornoon, and, meotlng at tho Jones food stable, ono of tho rural Bonllomon thought it time to settle Hhfelr differences. Aftor getting up tittmm with tho UBtml hot air, heated tiy nngor, tho two pulled up along-. Bido and began to rain flvera on each othors prow and forotop. Thoy wero Boperated boforo ony great tiamago was done, and tho bc nsftHnor of tho battlo tlicn realized 1lmt ho waB guilty of assaulting his neighbor. Ho thoroforo wont to tho "city hall, whoro ho oxplnlned his tohduct lo iudgo Mooros, and said thnt ho was guilty of assault and bat lory, nnd would llko to pay hla flno. Tho judgo told him that ho was sorry thrft 1)6 could not tnko his monoy, Ibilt vw thoro wa no chargo in the 'tlty tourt ho could not accept a flno. Tito goulluman from Macleay did not "Vlxh to go homo without paying all K1h bills, and ho thorcforo vUltcd 3sllco Wcbstor, and Bald that ho wished to plead guilty to hitting hla "neighbor, and wanted to pay his flno "Mill go liotno. Tho Judgo told him Hhnt ho could not nccopt n flno, for Uhero had boon no warrant sworn out -in liln t'ourt. Constablo Johnson, "who is always on tho alort not to lot -any guilty parties oscapo, voluntoorod to swoar out a warrant himsolf, so he to Tujcommodnto tho lionoat man irom Tdneloay. Ho thoroforo placod lil8 nmn undor arroat on tho chargo "oEtififfault and baltory, and was Just 'TnaTflng somo nocossary ontrios In tho ivko, whon Chlof of Pollco Gibson 'rTtnn rnutilnir In with n wnrrnnt Hint "Hind J net boon sworn out In Judgo JUooroH' court by tho man who was ittsnuHud. Johnson permlttm' "Pcrt!" Gibson to tnlco tho prlsonor, '"hilt, nrtor a few mlnutos' thought, ho scalnt) lo tho conclusion that ho had dtino wrong, and saw n lawyer nboul hu matter, who told him ho had Thtson "buncoed" out of his prlsonor. rho constable thought that thoro wrtghl 1)e somo hopo of regaining his hotft prUo, so ho hastened to tho po Mhro tourt nnd Informod tho uuthor Mtlon that tho nmn belonged to him. ""at was finally Hottled, In this enso nt "ICTiHt, that possession was nine points nnd tho cotuitnblo had lost out. Mr. -Johimon good humnrodly snys thnt ilxt tlnio ho will soo that "Don" mid Wyluy don't gut the host or Milm, land especially In coming and taking Ws TfrlBonorn right nut of hlg own ourt. tiiiiniHiiiin iii ii iii ii' SPLENDID TO USE. I ! This Is tho month to rid tho ! system of Blood disordors of ; all kinds, of which Rheuina i tlsm is tho most prevalent ', symptom and hardest to ovor como during tho winter months, when tho Kidneys havo failed to filter out the uric acid nnd othor wnsto mat tor. A well ' known authority wrltos that tho worst forms of Rheumatism, Dlood disordors, olao Kidney and Bladder wenk noss nro often readily relieved and prevented during an cntiro yonr by taking for a Httln whilo ono tcaspoonful of tho following mixture after meals nnd at bcdtlmo, viz.: Fluid Extract Dandelion ono-half ounce, Compound Knrgon ono ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla thrco ounces. A local druggist states that thoso nro hnrmloss Ingrcdlonts, which nny good prescription pharmacy can supply and nny ono can oaslly mix them at homo by Blinking in a bottle. . It Ib Baid by many of tho old folks that tho abovo mix ture, if taken during this month, will add years of lit" nnd provont mnny n Blck and ! mlanriililn ilnv Inrlnc tlm vnnr I' J. 'rntiTiiTITni I ITi I I fTTTTT EUGENE Vfl. SALEM ON ROIjLEU SKATES. (4. i , , i i i ' i i i i i i i ' TgejMM rVrrri "i M 1 r nrt (fcwiCTnHHr - " "w T 0 Ji7rSil c-KlrIik-IT1 ITTs - iMi'iTmiVlrgn hi Rv "'V LV Tlilnl IbiNlatlNill- Gnmc; to Tnlco Plnco at. Auditorium Rink To morrow Night. -o- Statu of Ohio, Olty of Toledo, Lit m County, m. Krank J. Cheney makM oath that the, ht senior partner of the llrm of IF. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, county nnd teUrt ror4nld, and that said firm Mm pur the Hum of OKlfi HUNDUMD 0C.T.AU8 for each and every onso HiK Cntnrrli that cnuuot bo cured by th use ot UhU'h Outarrh Curo. Krnnlt J. Clieney. worn to before mi and nubsorlbad In my presence, this Oth day ot Do Gomliur, A. 1)., IS80. wl ' A. V. GLWASON, Notary Publlo. ItuU'i Cutnrrh Cure is tnkon In- rnally, nnd -otB dlrootly on tho felood nnd iuooua surf noon of the 'nyBtom. Bend for tetitlmontnU free. V. 3. CHENKY & Co., Toledo, 0. ISold by nil drugiilats, 7Sc, Tako Hnll'a Family IMlts for cou MHtpt(0U. '0 illwi Ada llur!ugHr, of GorvnllU, v)m bus beau vUllhiK In UiU olty. XK yiMtardtiy for Woodburu to vUlt 'hw brother. Tho third bnskotball gamo on roll ors to tnko plnco in this city will bo plnyod nt tho Auditorium tomorrow avvuing. This gumo is considered siiporlor to nil forms of contests, ow ing to tho oppononts of the loon! players bolng nn out-of-town nggro- gallon, which havo cauaod Salem mora hard playing nnd dlllgout prac tice In nnd boforo nil tho contests of both bnsobull nnd football than any othor plnyorH ot tho Amorlcan gamos In Oregon. The now nnd up-to-dnto gnmo ot baskutball on rollers, Is now coiiBtd orod nn uxtromoly Impnrtnnt feature in tho lino of sports by tho ontlro EnBtorn country, nnd Is proving n success In this stnto, ns n loaguo lu now being formed in Orogon, consist ing of Salem, Dallas, Eugdno nnd Portland. Tho oontost tomorrow night botwoon tho "Pigeon Wings" nnd tho Eugene plnyors will bo the opening of tho league games, nnd tho Snloui people should turn out woll Hinl oucourHiie their home team. On account of the hettvy oxpense of bringing this team to Sulem an Hdmtsalon fee of 85 cents will be chftrced. LINOLEUM Is the most satisfactory covering for a kitchen floor. Nobody should try to get along without it. Let us measure your floors and give you the price laid on the floor complete. -o- il inw r- riWg? WINDOW SHADES Of every size made to fit your win dows. No extra charges for special sizes. This is a good time to discard the old ones for new. WALL PAPER New designs arriving every day. The best display .we have ever shown. j Good paper from 1 0c per double roll up to $1 . Don't wait until everybody else wantsto pa per. Do it now. V&MSZ- v'VdS&F A Well Selected Stock of CARPETS Will enable you to easily decide to buy for your floors. Good Tapestry Carpets as low as 75c. PORTIERES Portieres from $3 up to $20 Bair I 1 "vS. Japanese Mattings Arc excellent covers for bed chambers and summer use on living rooms. Set what we are showing in Mattings be fore buying elsewhere. WATCH FOR NOTICE OF OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL Better Than Your Memory V vltvrklng account will krop your tmiduwui transaction nbolutoly ivurrivf . Vihii nt ftitt Mh Im a rvcnl of your chocking account. Wien you Uoklro to nfr to iwt tmiionrtlomi, n chwklug account furnUluut ivllnblo data tnlly ftNUMl and coiuplcto In nil dctnlU. Vny by cluvk In orcry tnuiMCtlon. Wo Invito jronr cltccktug Account. Wo effcr kuiK-rlor ndvnutagc. Sicm State Bank k X. l'AGK. Pmiliknt. W, W. MA2AIU), Csbtr. Whooping Cough. I have need Chamberlain Cough I Hemetly In my family In cases ot whooping cough, nnd wnnt to tall you that It Is tho boat medloluo I havo evor used. W. V, Qnston, Pasco, Ga. This romody Is buTo nnd sure, For sale nt Dr. St'ono's drug storo. -o ' Hcltool tlmml MeotN, At the meeting of the school bonrd Saturday evening nil members wero present, nnd, uulde from u little rou tine buslnetw. the only mutter to do niMHd the Httentlub of the bonrd whs u petition from tho Salem Women's Club, urging thnt manual training be Introduced In the Salem schools nt the earliest possible date. This win rend tuul pln.ced-'un file. Interest on popular loan notes, HttioHHtlng to IlitO whs ullowetl, nnd other bills were imld ns follews: II. Ctnlwell. for North school sldewulk, fieo.lG; Aetna Insurance Co., (19; llofer Hros., Jft.H. A wnlk was al so ordered built from the main side walk, J tut completed, to Ike untrunue of tho North school building, o Ciiittl HbuumndHin. Mr. Win. Henry ot CUnttnnoogn, Tetm.. had rheumatism In his left nrm. "The strength seemed to Uave gone out ot the muscles so that It wns uoelss for work." he ys. "1 applied Chamberlnln's I'sln llshu and wrapped the arm In flannel nt night, nnd to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength returned. In three weeks tho rheumatism had disappeared nnd tint not tlnoo returned." It troubled with rheumatism try a. few applica tions ot Tain Malm. You nro cer tain to be pleased with tho relist which It affords. For salo at Or. Stone's drug storo. "'0 . How Thoy Bln. It. F. Myers, of Jefferson, was ic tho city today, Ho says ho has se cured 80 signatures to tbo University referendum petition. Only five re fused to sign the same In that pw-clnct. Swoxm K COPPER RIVER ROAD Seuttlu lOitlntellli;uuQor: The steamer Yuontun which sails today for Alaska will Imvo several thou sand dollars' worth of machinery aboard to be usod In tho construc tion of the railroad which tho Alaska Pnolllo Hallway & Terminal company Is oAiistructtnK In the Copper river district of southeastern Alaska. The our no Includes machinery fur live sawmills, which will be taken Into the country over the show nnd will be used In building the treaties along the railroad; several pile drivers for nee on the piers now In the course ot ooneruotlon near Catalia, and other similar apparatus. It was oxnected the chief engineer and some of the oUJoers ot the com pany would accompany the corps of engineers sailing today, but they were delayed. The party, Including A. W. Cook ot Cookabnrg. near Pitts burg, lhu, president ot the company, will remain In Seattle for the pres ent. The company Tor the present will make its headquarters in the ScheuerMan block, ami later will move to tho otlloes to be vacated by the Dexter Morton bank. Tho lino to bo constructed will ex tend from Catalu three miles wst ot tho Marten Islnuds through the Copper river country to tho Yukon river, a dlstanco ot SOO mllos. Ac cording to ono of tho offleors ot the comnauy, a portion ot the line tan- pins the coal reglonc around Uorlng lake wilt bo cotuploted this year. Starting from tho Marten Islands tho rond will run up tho Catalia rive valley nnd ncross Uerlng Inke, per mission having boon grnntod by the war dopartmont to cross the tide lands and lake. It will contlnuo uj) Shopherd creek through Charlotte pass nnd thence wosterly to n point on tho Copper rlvor between Chi. da nnd Miles glaciers whoro tho com pany has station grounds on both aides of the rlvor. nnd In accordance with pormlsslon from congress wilt brldgo tho rlvr nt this point. Tho lino proceods up tho wost side of tho rlvor to tho coppor Holds about ISO mllos from the terminals, whare the Ch'tann nnd Kotslnn rivers ontor from he onst. It will follow tho Copper rlvor until passing over tho dlvldo nonr tho headwaters of tho Tannna, nnd ontor tho Yukon valloy near ISagle. The surveys started In 1906 nnd now complete show nn nil river grado of less than 1 Vi per cent on tho ontlro length ot tho line. The rond will be built by tho Key stone Constructing company of this city. The above road crosses the proper ty of the Anglo-American Oil & Coal company. See adv. on page 9. Call on Mr. Mollrlde, business mannget of the company, room C, Willamette hotel. Salem, and see samples ot coal, also government maps and reports. CAPITAL COMMISSION. CO. 267 Commercial St Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. lullii Itonuilne Company, j Tho Kllnger Grand had cnpncltv business Inst night, nnd tho Inrgo uu dlonco soomod to enjoy "Kidnaped" immensely. The Julia Romnlne Co. hns cartnlnly caught on horo, whloh ngnln provos thnt If tlo people of Salem nro glvon what thoy want in tho theatrical lino thoro will bo no lnok of patronngu nt tho thontra. Last night tho Kllngor Grand orches tra numborod nluo plocos, nnd the music lndeod wns n rnro troat. To night nnd continuing until Thurs day tho Julia Romalno Co will offer tho throo-aot farco comedy, "My Undo from Japaji." Tho lattor halt of the woek wP. bo glvon to thnt groat and evorlastlng play, "Tho Octoroon." "Zoe," In the Octoroon. Is said to be Miss Romnlno's pot part, nnd whon ono thinks over tho cast It Is onsy to bollovo wo will bo glvon n splendid production. See "My Uncle from Japan" to night, and onjoy n good he&rty laugh. Go ngnln again on Thursday night and enjoy that beautiful com mingling ot laughter nnd tears. o "Pneumonia's Deadly Work Had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rurual Routo 1, Georgetown, Tonn.. "that I coughed continuously night and day and the neighbors' prediction consumption seemed Inevitable, until my husband brought home a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery, which in my case proved to ho the only real cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lunga." When all other remedies utterly fall, you may still win In the battle against lung and throat, toubles with New Discovery, the ntal cure. Guaranteed by J. 0. Perry, druggist. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. GUAM) OPEUA HOUSE. Thursday, April 25: M Hitchcock, In "The Yankw Ik Kllngcr-Grand. This week Julia Romila Sad Company. Coming Attraction "nird Island," by HW " sonior class. Pony Show. April 17: Norrli 4 "" W and Pony Show. Bwn tb Blgutuo GJS.&'ZP&StlM M MS 1" "l"Zi" amu The Question Answered U a senous rtd. j to ; housekeeper swse factory. bt swerlng the "" " Epplcy's PeAcM Baking Powto nitheKt.Jifi!is always the , is made la Sale materials. w sell It C. M. Cl-rt- Mam'1 ortg I Smentt Z