DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, ORBGON. MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. !! ... CONGO u FREE STATE King Leopold's Admlnistra ; tlon Not So Black as It Has "Been Painted (Now York Commercial.) Tho Congo Freo State has In view tho building of further lines of rail way, which, whon complotcd, will add to a further 2000 kilometers to tha rnllwny system of tho Froo State. On tho waterways of tho stato there ard regular stoani navigation lines. Oh nnloy Peel thoro nro about 100 ntcamers, half of which bolong to tho stato. Tho stoamors in uso on tho rlvor and tho lakes hnvo' been specially built In Europo for shallow waters. On tho Upper Congo river tho fleet belonging to tho Freo Statu comprlsos 30 odd steamers, besides which thoro aro olght on tho lowor Congo, and 70 moro bolonging to distance telephoning has beon per fected and communications aro prac tically easy for distances of from 400 to GOO miles. Wireless telegraph has also been put. to practical use. Justlco may now be said to bo ad ministered throughout tho. Freo Stato. In tho chief towns of each, district there aro territorial courtB, exorcising' jurisdiction over natives nnd Europeans, tho Judicial system bolng carried out by 44 .civil tribu nals and military courts, 57 bureaus of vital statistics and 20 official no- tarlos. Over all thoso Is tho high council, which sits at Brussels, both as a court of appeal and as a court of cessation In civil and criminal af fairs. There Is also a court of ap poal nt Uoma, composed of a presid ing judgo nnd two associates, a dis trict attorney and a clork. Tho three Judgos aro choson, as far as possible, from dlfforent nationalities. To bo appointed ns presiding Judge of this court tho candidate must bo 30 years of age, a doctor of law, must olthor havo practiced, occupied a Judicial position, or taught law In a university for at least flvo years. Tho court of first Instance nt Doma may sit In any part of tho Freo StatoJ Its competency Is gonoral, covering civil, commorclal and criminal af- privato companies, tuo torminus fftrfl. It consists of a Judgo, a clerk ports for stoamors nro Stanloyvlllo on nnd a district nttorney. Tho torrl- tho Congo river. Kunltnbl on the Lonmal, Popoknbnka on tho ICwango, Zongo on tho Ubangl, Ibom on the Itlmblrl nnd Jambuyu on tho Aruwl m, From thoso ports wldo nnd easy highways extond toward tho Interior, Home of 'thorn Bpoclnlly constructed for automobile sorvico and othors for projoctod railways. Steamers and sailing vossols hnvo beon launched on Lnko Tanganyika, Lake Klvu nnd Lnko Moroo. The ports of Danaha, Doma nnd Matndl, on tho lowor Congo, nro accessible nt nil tlmos to oconn-golng Btonmors, nnd Banana, at tho mouth of the rlvor, onjoys tho groat advnntngo ol having no sand bnnks to Intorforo with navigation. Communication In tho Freo Stntc has within tho past 10 yonrs lnrgoly dovolopod by moans of tho tolophono and lelogrnph, tho firs' tomographic lino bolng ostnbllshcd bo twoon Domn nnd Mntndl in 189C. In 1808 both tho (olograph and tolo phono woro oxtontlod to Loopoldvlllo from Matndl. In 1890 nuothor 800 m.llos of wlro woro In sorvico, nnd since thon long- torlal courts aro competent to deal with nil infractions of tho law com mitted within tholr districts, or oven boypnd tho limits of tho same, though tho parties rcsldo or are found thoro In. Crimes committood by tho white population and punlBhnblo by doath aro tried oxcluslvoly boforo tho court of first ltiHtanco of tho lowor Congo nt Doma, whoro tho accused pnrtlci onjoy all tho privllegca of tho fair trial guarantcod by civilized countries. Tho government Is constantly giv ing Its Judicial ngonts Instructions for tho blnckB, nnd nny lnfrlngmont of tho rights of tho natives Is sovoro ly unlshod. Tho modlcal sorvico Is composod of a chief doctor, domlcllod nt Domn, anl ono dootor for ovory district, domlcllod nt tho chief town, oaoh of whom has -at his disposal a certain numbor of nntlvo nursos. Thoro nre now 27 of thoso government doctors scattorod throughout tho Froo State, hosldos, of course, tho prlvnto prac titioners. In tho capital of each dis trict thoro Is a pharmaceutical dopot I IOSTS OF GOOD PEOPLE iB Itct 1 U Wesicd land Rise Up and Praise Dr. Pierce's Family Medicine C rowea Gratitude Prompts This Sentiment In Payor ol Dr. Plerce'a Medicines. These j eoplo, so ready nnd anxious to recommend Dr. Tierce's Medicines, mtb tbontr iWm been cured, or eorao friend or lovod ono has beon cured, by ilteoeroedi 'line. Naturally, h tente of gratltudo prompts inch persons to recorfifcicnd Dr. Pierce's medicines to other aflllcted ones. Notwithstanding that tllese siedklnrs have been on general rale, In drug and medicine Horn, for mote Hi in two decodes, yet tholr talo contlnuea to grow aa it could not were they iyt in dlcinea of more than ordinary merit Athou, li ban attack have aometlmea been made upon Dr. Pierce's medl elnfaVjJilch temporarily Injured their sale, as In the caie of the mallcloualy. false, M.lVua libelous article published in 1M In the Ladiea' Home Journal pnilladelphla, yet their tale In greater to-day thnn ever. The pub Habere ol tiki paper were brought to account and Judgment obtnlncd agalUst them In conaUjuenco of their mnllcloua article concerning Dr. Plerce'a Favorlto iwuiii'iimii. jl im gnijiiyoi liq mniginnniS Wflre prQVIlllL.OJCJI COUrlnnd iudtf f hurcupou Dr. V which supplies tho drug stores or the various stations of tho district. Tho capitals of each district as well as all ho Important stations havo government hospitals, for tho caro of tho natives in tho government ser vice; these aro generally built of brick and aro well fitted. In Boma and Loopoldvlllo there aro hospitals especially fitted out for tho caro of tho whites, Tho government has established school colonies managed by Belgian sisters of mercy, where scholars nc qulro a practical professional train ing. From tbeso institutions tho government has acquired tho ser vices of capablo omploycs, foremen and non-commissioned officers for the Freo Stato army, known as the "Force Publlquo." In 1885 tho Belgians had only three missions nnd six missionaries In tho Freo Stato; today they own 59 missions and 30 Itinerant missionar ies. Besldos these there aro 530 mis sion farmB, 113 churches nnd chapols 523 lecturo halls, threo Intermediary schools, 75 primary schools and 450 elementary schools, where the na tives themselves teach reading and writing. Thon there aro Bovcn poor nBylurts, 75 Christian villages, and 70,000 converted Christians. Tho nbovo Is but a vory brlof Idea of what tho little country of Belgium has accomplished In 21 years in that vast African territory. Tho effort has been herculean, and tho results so astonishing that It Iiob aroused tho Jealously of thoso who would reap tho harvest without tho trouble of sowing tho seed or weeding the ground. It Is not In vnin that Cardinal Gib bons says: "There has beon a great amount of oxaggoratlon in tho stores of mnl-admlnlstrntlon. King Leopold Is a wiso, humane ruler, nnd wo hear through mlsslonnry sources thnt whonovor cases of cruolty havo oc curred, King Leopold has boon prompt to redress such nbiiBOS and punish offondors. I fonr this agita tion against King Koopold's adminis tration Is nnlmntod partly by relig ious jealousy and partly by commor clal rivalry. It Ib to bo hoped that tho Individuals who aro carrying It on will not bo successful in tholr of forts to Induce tho powers to Intor foro." No strongor expression of tho truth wiib ovot given In rogard to Congo affairs nnd it Is a satisfaction to know thnt It comes from bucii u Bourcc. o A COUNTRY KDITOR. NEW CITY BOOKS Large List Has Been Added to Salem Public Library Ono of tho Ignorant Kind Who AskH Questions. (lureupOII Ur. ttOrCO UCCIUL'U to tnkn llluilii Blnn mill mililinh In Mo wIiaI. worm n uui us oi wio initrruienia entering- into ma medicines, nnd this com pktely confounded hla innUeions traducera and vindicated both tho Doctor nnd Ida medloinos. In consequence, hia medicines lmvo enjoyed n popularity nnd Incrontte In anle of Into, amounting almost to ix boom, and ft ia believed thnt this greatly increased drinaud Is duo largely to tho fart of Ur. Pierce's open, honest way of trusting his patrons nnd pnti-ntN by imposing confidence In thoe who trust In him and hit) medicinws. ! has no aeeretti to withhold from them, lie piibllnhi the composition of hla medicine openly nnd nbovo board, so that all who use them mny know oxnolly whnt they an taking. Thus thoy nro placed in ciu nil fci themrhf.i nnd cannot bo oonsiderod as either eeoret or patent ineiUciiira, for they arc in fatt tirifW. ."AT. ilUi CUIUI. People often ask I tloiw. v.iakueaM and illtrolniriloriin. wentM. ia Dr. Plerce'a Favorite PreerTp- hat tin I Jr. IMorcu'lt two IiwiIIiilt liiml Jclne.1 'tlnlden Medical Dlwovery' and Favorlto Proscription' euro?" Ilrleny, the answer It that m , uml rt ritivi' Medical 1)1 tfirPtVEjil liivlttornlQi. In "f uranv llniort ?pna t)iriI. Itriii aiul lilrt mrum, i t,r. riwiia mvoruo rreKTIit tlon, a Is .milr nttnotiHl by thousniuU Of llllntlllclLoil ttwitJituinlnU ru.nl i-ihuliul l. I "flnldtm ' grateful pailonu who have been rureil hi milll rVUMtlt Hi It ..f lMIIHAI-lt.Ul tkJ.ltlf..l lu...l.ul. ...... I. 1 .JAII',1 txiliir. yr. ltlr, prolaimu awl other dlaiilaroiueut;, ti.?'M.('".!yfttr.T ile'rtun of utema awl klmlrwl affee- 1 1 lion. i)lti aftir many other advurUil a-Jj."-. vi tun HH9WI mrH". HtfilH" ;. IIIIU l.tllMI. cmai unx. utomarn. ihmhi i.th hv tnmarli. Uiuult I tiunr iiirimi a uiruo iMTft'iiuiuK ur cntarrlmi c.. whailmr the Iimm al- paMagM, thii ihMat, , htoiiiHi'h a eatarrhal ftCta Ul !Sltl Inn nx tire.iehla tlyix,lU). tMiwwU ia muruu Jlarrhru), uwrus or niuer tielvle orwHit th ehmiilo or uleraUv kianx ( Uiaee aUrcUona, It U Keiierally oorr- uyiiiml uatUler, Kven lu of Uiaee fill liiatfivtluKeuiiM. hi fnetUm'Uuiapit .MtNlloal IHK-ovwry l h Ithoiit doubl, tho w l'M MlirUlfBUllvl HltullltlHM ua wnoiiy winiK ii i Mm ttw viyeerle ox traeta it nH, mxlplnal rooU, fouiHl In our Au, ii. nu l.irwu. The pruere mil..fd in tli.-ir miuuf.ieture wr url-ilmtl nli lr )'ire, aal Umt V iMrruti on to -niitt rhaouta anaiibar ma.ivu mid th.. hi.I of apnanttua and apuliai.. m-'HI.) ilcalcnd anil built for thia .ui..,M' Kotli nnlloln are iiitlr.i) f,,, (r.,in aI.mIioI and all other , - i--- ----. ....-. i i. wk.ui-. wuiiou.MuiKHit.i rtniuy iot i imruitui. iiiit roiiuiu druaw. A full all form of eatarrtial dlaiutara known to ' Hat .,r ti...ir i..0r...i -- ...iiT.i ' T Mt mo tk'leueo. In dirunle of tholr wraum-r-i. '1 !. m wl LTa1 tairea Catarrh UwHHxtr 'of v. h nmiio nnsii.in.il ni .. k... rv&Hi 'Btifrii ur K.M.n.i.Mii ivmu&am i . ... , r. . . .. . . v - a:M .-"i.. i",:''i ..vrr l'W"t. : r . ". ' ""'. ,M,M" "" nta a na UK out tho nan) imimncim wlill . tirale (n it tuu " c4ki.intjc aw) elMiMtiu taklui M1 for nan) t uvory - tor iia iiiooa ajMetflc, heallnc wffeeu i llnJiiR wmbraii. TUU UtHMlUlOIUUOUl com Win! local uml k-ikt l uvU.iut w euro a vry lru tMn-iit of ike wwi CAMMof fliMiilo uul i-Aiurrh. iu uiatUT nvlHl tho tr,', jim endonieueiil aud praiMi iur inoir .-urainn virtue fittm the most Kuiiuiii ttriutr on Mttieritt .VrtJi.,1 In itih. .-. nntry. What l uld of th'-lr ixicr to ,ui ih afral liix'tM f.r ht.h tlio am advlaed ma tw oi-iiy if, riKti hv wukIIimf your iuuutt li.l .l.r. v I . Ir l H.J I...WTT of how man) yry uitdlt Uty may bo, N, Y , I. r a I. .'.." UkUIoi ln.'h i. T.- -Alio Hie raViirlt Irwr1nllii. It l ruini ili.l. . ,m-;.i ml ,j .Hii..u .iM.k. HlVtVtrilinL, .-WW .if Qllf fi. nf ,1ft. (R,m mi-,', I. .f l.ll!.U I'ImIIohI I.I..L. Uaaux.-ilie wakneRea.tlPnniHtMv.lii.il mo n Moultoi s auilioritlw b and InvffulsriU (KHMillar to ' phiiiuiiHof u.. n-xorjl . tioolt of prac- nifiiU aiia It u a Kirful, yet evuUy net- iuk. iiiviicurniir ionic mm nervine, ritr weak, worn u.. oor-orke! womut no IU lor llielr vulIuuf In uraarriUii. Tt l rK to ai.( A puaUl cant rqHat lUattur whatih i iana,l tint .r..V !., ,. "Favorlto t'i -.lu-t o will be fomi.i ,ntt ouVtu - iii i.uiWinif up iheaireuKih. vt,iiv.. h u nuiuanir inwimia, niu- oinor 4i:i. .,. s h, .a tiiMuwh drueitltia. dulng jia u arwl Ununt about l thy. ' You hao the d4,..ir.tr,f teaUiuoni "of tronir, vlgotvua comllUun of theluJojn boat of tho lMd.u MeJIeaT wrttorl niHi iiHiruen. Aoim jot ihh will Irlnc Ik You i1 u' hnvo to rely joMy upon the MauMfart.irer i-oa loth iiouer of lr I'm i'' : .. . no In t-uni. ik wiih othor .iiisli. k. -. h. .a through druenltla. Dr. Pierce bellevtst that our Amerkmn foroata atiound lu moit vnlimWo until clnai roou for tho euro of iwmi of our otMllnaU aud HiiMt fatal dUeaset, If v would proiwrly lnvelBto them: and, it conflrraatlou of thii rtrm eonvlatlon, Jio poluu with prti'e to the alttuMt mar velous ouroi aiTiH-tisI tiv liiu(i,Li.in tu.i. i-.i i)ii. .:., lT.i.'i ". ".. rt imiimiici), -which uaa proyou hkmi Mtnktui teatlwouy. It ran W n-tttl upoit hi u truiiiiui uocaivM u mtfroty ill nfiin. Dr. lleNoJit PlowMtit PolleU cure eon aKiMtUui. VwtftliiaUuii U tho cau of many dte$aN. Cure tho eaute ami you ewro thlT dlMsiw. One Pellet U a RMitle laxative, ami two a mild cathar- l)tki4t . ll.tu ... ..tl.l .r.J??.1..""1 .luou. t0fc. ! U-Jt a KiKvt" They aro the ortihuil wany jxKnillar atlcc-1 at cauJy, 'W Hon. D. M. C. Qault, in Western Oregon.) Wcstorn Oregon supposes thnt tho $250,000 appropriation for tho Stato Unlvorslty Is ronsonnblo and nocos Biiry for its propor tnnlntonnnco, but tho management should bo willing to tuko tho public Into its conlldonco. Vlllnrd could sticcossfully, or did onco, socuro n blind pool, but tho unlvorslty will do well not to Btop In his trncks. Tho rogunts, or olso Home of thorn, ought to make an ttomized Htntemont of how tho old appropriation Is apont. Tho old ap propriation, nccordlng to Prosldunt Campbell, Is $47,600, to whloh must bo udtlotl $12,000 roaltzed from In torost on tho university Irreducible fund In tho state treasury, making $fi'J,500. Is the rovanuo from the Vlllnrd haquoet includud? How Is that ffiO.BOO spent? What profoe soi'H wore paid, and how much? Kor tho two years oovered by the stato npproprlitUon. the collone would hitve JllD.OOO plua IXfiO.OftO, or $t.000 What are tho items of illalniree monta? Thoy nre lunte. but tho regent own well afford to take the people Into their confi dence, tho more since It la the peo ple who are to furutok the money. The ocUool Ndmlta to owning 37 acroo of land, but wants more. The Hold coreted niljolne nnd belongs to ex-Secretary llarrloon Ktncald. He It of the older school of polities and knows how to spoil "graft." and some ha not boon slow to remark that his prioo U out of reason a sum that no ono else is ready to pay Little Women. Old Fashion Girl. Hose In Bloom. Aftermath. Darnaby Leo Tho Disciple. Her ICth Year. Story of Tonty. Mnn from Glengarry. Clover. New Year's Bargain. Following tho Guidon. La Belle Novcrnalso. Van Bibber. Soldiers of Fortune. Dr. Lavenders People. History Modern Tlmos. f New Franco nnd Now England. History Modorn Europe. Municipal Improvements. Boy'B King Arthur. Book Ed. Burt. Cuckoo Clock. Wasps and Their Ways. Shrlno Terrlll. Ship of State. N Flvo Little Poppers Midway. Flvo Llttlo Peppers Grown Up. Heidi. Merry Men. Squirrel Inn. Tlng-a-Hng. Voyngo of Charlemango. Second Wooing of Salina Sue. Lay Down Your Arms. Toward tho Rising Sun. On Board a Whaler. Pain Dccldos. Captured Cruiser. Country Cousins. Doophnven. To Hnvo and to Hold. Two Boys In Blue Rldgo. Thnt Llttlo Smith Girl. Flock of Boys nnd Girls. Slstor of Evangeline. Montozuma. Gallops. Household Storlos. Pioneers Spaniards In North Amer ica. Norso Stories. With tho Fnthers. American Lands and Letters. Rlchellou. St. Louis. Expansion of Amorlcan People. Decimal Classification. Story of Goths. Story of Cnthago. Tuscan Republics. British India'. Story of Sicily. Switzerland. Just Sixteen. Modorn Franco. Balkans. Story of Poland. Story of Bnrbary Corsairs. Story of Turkey. , Story of Parthla. Story of Holland. Tho Frnnks. Story of Portugal. Story of Hungary. Austria. IlniiBa Towns. Blazud Trails Storlos. Houso of Mirth. Wolf's Long Howl. Ednnh nnd llor Brothers. Faith Gartnoy. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Ottt. Pill a bottle or common class with vour probably legltl-' water nud let it stand twenty-four hours ; K&tiuiiciiiurci tliiixiiidicateiiRn unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your liuett it is evidence of kid ney trouble : too frequent desire SmJv P or paia 111 Ills UM.-IS 0 also convincing proof that the kid cays and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often oxpresed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kiduey remedy, It is thus that the prejudice of tho "T T Ti 7 , cwn"!?rnmu,T r,1"' iC i r-..i- i . paiu iu the bock, kidneya, liver, bladder head or a family of boys Is aroused. ,1 cvory pn of the urinary tsge. lie may not hope for a elasaical edit- It corrects inability to hold water oatlon far thoao. oali Jat the eighth a,ul B Im pawitiK it, or bad rTTT i I HvpcaeBKryi 1 Women Avoid Operations When a -woman suffering from female trouble is told that an oper ation is necessary, It, of course frightens her. ' The very thought of tho hospital, tho operating table and tho knifo strikes terror to her heart. It ia quite tmo that these troub les may reach a stago where an ope ration Is tho only resource, but a great many women have been cured by Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound after an operation has been decided upon as tho only cure. j. no strongest sua most grateful Www m Rose moors' .! to maKo come from xvomen who by takh, Lydia E. Pinkhattfs Vegetable $SL mndo from native roots and horbs, haro cscat,) . j P"! evidenced by Miss Rose Moore's case, of 30? W thsv1 Dear Mrs. PInlcham:-"Lvlla V. vtltl'. ".'.N.Y ShiL11 cured mo of tho very worst form of female troublKT?lwas4 to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered intcno. .VitnZ l was unaoio to attend to my duties and wn n CJ V0 JMiotiJ doctored and doctored with only temnSrsluS?'11 ' 4l to an operation which I was aWuS 5nde2i " " lJ&i E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound; It cured nfe"of JwiwS and I am now In better health than I havo been fVt Urx1b, promptly communicate with Mrs. PinkhamTat 5S MaaTfc?'' symptoms given, tho trouble may bo located and th 'n way of recovery advised. "cavea ana tho qnicktna Z Summer in Lcslio Goldtbwalto's Life. Four Footed Americans. Cold Stories American Progress. Children of Cold. Bolng a Boy. Child BtorleB American History. Prlnco nnd Pngo. Noank's Log. U. S. Vol. 5. Glengarry School Dnys. Undor tho Rose. Kim. Tho Road to Frontonnc. Tho Heart of tho Ancient Wo.od. Lady Rose's Daughter. No. 5 John Stroot. Guonn. Phlllpotts The Golden Fetich. Francozkn. Darroll of tho Blosscd Isles. Tho Derelict. A Forost Hearth. Tho Doath of tho Gods. Story of a Strango Case A Texas Matchmaker. Off tho Highway. StiBnn Clcgg and Her Friend Mrs. Lnthrop. Tho Marvelous L.tnd of Oz. " Ponknpog Papers.' From Ponknpog to Pcsth. Aubodon Tho Llfo of John James Audobon. French Art. Tho Control of tho Trusts. Recollections of a Long Llfo. The Romnnco of tho Colorado Rlvor. Sixteen Years In Siberia. Notos of nn Itinerant Policeman. Tho Rlso nnd Growth of Amorlonn Politics. Lottors from Japan. Empross of Franco. Clinptors on Animals. Japan An Interpretation. Tho Frlgnto Constitution. Along Frpnch Byways. Flolds. Fnctorlos and Workshops. Lewis & Clark. Tha Fighting Frlgnto. An Irishman's Story. Britain nnd tho British Islos. Doublo Gnrdon. Nathan Hnle. An Amorlcan With Lord Roberts. Tho Philippines. How Count Loo. N. Tolstoy Lives ' to take adTtnUg, f tb uuu vurn, Shaler Tho Individual. Budapest. Sponoor Autobiography, 2 Vol. Famous Actors of, tho Day, Sml Sorles. Mendolseohn. x. The True Aaron Burr. How to Drain a HouKO. Roger Drake. Captain of Industry- The Silent Plaoes. Bach. The Crossing. The Descent of Mao, The Cathedrals of Great Britain. nronosed fnr tin .u .L. . - "" '"j "nertu. gaged In by various tlthn. .,. whom urged the coutntttia g, gravity system of city wittruMn tno urst and most Imports provements to bo made. Thft plV ln,ln).l.l --....,, luuuuivuacsi tjj pVU uuiaiunuing uonas were filly J Plained by Recorder Fits CtnaJI viiiy Attorney John McCowu auor uiscussmg the dlffereatpi of tho proposed changes to tltc ter a motion was made br man W. R. Ellla that k toaBitm taxpayers, consisting of three I each of tho city wards, be iptd by tno chairman to act la tefc tlon with tho mayor and eityt in ngreolng upon the cbistytv submitted to the people All Favor Water Sjttfn. Ono noticeable feature ot Cj principal addresses and dli of tho evening was the unnlaHjj Bontlmont upon the matter el w Ing a gravity system of water, and this will perhapihJ leading and most highly laje provision of tho charter du( though tho system may tot toe structed Immediately, that Ing with tho water commlalci. Tho last estimate on aipim gravity water for the city tu s In 1903, and at that tluft' thought such a system rouUtol for J12G.000, but. owing to tlt advanco In tho prices of all Wx since that time, this eitlcitiai tlroly too low, and a tuCcini) Issue to onable the water ccs to construct a modern ijitt" M perhnps be proposed After the committee ailiH counoll agree upon changni to oarry forward the nteM nrovemenU In tbeuiy aaotlf meeting of cltlx.ns wil K4' held and afiu tst (oe.n; be voted mon b theciiitapr dletoa. Atnnv favorable riprap onlnlon were heard on taedw 'the city charter law by -H zens may make charter caw dependent of the legttlatar. " .. . i tt,n trtt t.MJ uieton is on - law. grade. But show aim bow the mon ey Is spent, and why It Is weeded. effects followini! use of linuor. wine or ( beW, aud overcomes that unpleasout nc j cessity of being compelled to go often r iluniiK tue uay. ana lo get up mauy i tunes ihuinjj the ntht. The nuld aud lUtllrtNitt Cnstu. llonnl Today, i the eoctraonfinary effect of Swamp-Root .'n all in i-in i, nrii -pi,. ,. , ' is soou rcaliictl. It stands the highest Washington April SS The Unl- for Its wonderful cures of the most dis- ted Stntos supreme court advanced tressing cases. If you need a in edict ue tin iminv thrt iuu nt i,a o .1 you should have the best. Soldbydrug- II tOiln tho casea of yie Southorn Kists in fiftyent and one-dollar sues. Rallwuy company and tho Illinois You may have a sample bottle and u Contrnl Railroad oompany against kk tUat u'11 a'1 fyfL. tho Interstate commerce commls- tutu,i)oUi bent free slon. Involving the right of tho rail- Ker &&?. iuu vuiii.una iu auvauce the namton. w. Y. When Bkmcs-u.ki. frolgbt rata on lumber and set thorn I vrWK mention this paper and don't I ' uown tor touay, ana tnoy aro accord-1 i Ti I A v,""" " i..ivKin.. i,.i i nt, -iV -T" ixuuue.MDr. iKHiner Swamp-Koot, and Ingly being heard in Chicago today. th-elldriilnv.hin!nMv4v i - " a ., ... . BH Uhlcago today, theaadrcsa; CHARTKR OHANCIKS 11Y COJDIITTKK. Mayor of Pendleton Will Jlppolnt Citlzons to Work With City Council. mm (Poudlaton East Orogonlan). , Twelve taxpayers of Pendleton. ,)iHiiA fmm AnnY. tt iltA fnim L-nrrifi of ... ' .. n-. oisrefl tho city, to ho nppointou ny .Mayor prjca i. - ;jcsttf jamos a. f eo, win torni u cuiuwin irom .I ailPAVBi. MWfc- '' -olfP Greatest wow..., which will work with tho city in f or-1 cnargoa. .0. Itlj iiiPhlaad.Orea.l;7IB . . rify t" L a, ThU" riV. oi -1, "' a. M. en, - mulating tho charter changes hioh will bo adopted by tho citizens at au CiVWHUU lu wu uum ikivi. lUlillo "- .. This was tho decision of the oltl- Drops" and "iX' ton s mass meeting which was neia nt the court houso for the purpose of discussing charter changes. The 'meeting was well attended by tnx- puyersand citizens, and a thorough dlscussslon of tho principal changes mare one . . vfnrff -- -. i ThlswasiMyaw . .ffllcted sloTLi-. ftJSf. n'SViv. TRt rtr ' m "' 1 , Wfe ?t&. 'f ejr Kmm wKgn . A I I