Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 22, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 97.
P .....
...... Uhfrfi rtttr.
DC ucu i thii." 'ii-
He Tracts Can Be Had
in laano
...i., rH 32. ThlrtV
2BC JU'-' ' --
and acres tf Irrigable land wow
fopen at noon today for public
. md hundreds of pooplo came
xt their filings upon tho nllot-
u available. Tho opening le
kH by tho state land board of
. Icb sc Is tlio land to aot-
it BO cents an acre, oi which
;U is jald down. The perpetual
right Is 130, of which $3 nu
U paid down and tho balanc
line annual Installments. The
of the Carey act, which gov
tiu opening, Is to onablo a set-
to pay for his land from bis
n, mis mo "" wi"jmj,
lie land In tho northwest this
md will be followed by others
a the remainder of tho tract Is
open. The tract Ib on the
'Itiit of the Snake river opposite
original Twin Falls tract of 240,
icres which has all beon set
latwoyrars with 10,000 people.
towns have been built, ono of
b, Twin Falls tract of 240,000
s vhlch has all boon settled In
tears ultta 10,000 people Soven
m hare been built of which
i Falls has n population of over
I and a 1 the Improvements of i
!rn city, Including wnter works
Mirers. Among tho buildings Is
costing $100,000, which Is as
xious as the most modorn and ex-
hostelry Tho town lots of
r wero also plnced on nlo to-
, tad as this Is tho railroad and
lt town of the now tract, It
lies to bo a bustling city. This
Is 30 miles southwest of Nlmo-
(, and Is on tho Mlnodoha &
acfstern railway a 75-mllo
h of the Oregon Short Line.
penetrates this new and pho-
lully rich country. Tho Twin
i project. s Interesting because
rapid development nnd tho fine
Mihlp tbat Is embraced In Us
iktlon, Water was first turnod
the canals in 190r, tho supply
i:Uef only to the eastern part,
la 190G It was available over
Uro tract and nearly 100,000
ere r. lalnied. Mnny of the
i an r,"W selling oft a part
ulr holdlnu having tnkon th
of 16'" r.. r. s, and often mnJp
;on li.i they sell to pay for
tay ntam Sales of entire
e trait have boon mndo nt
aa a r. Fjve-ncro tracts near
" of Twin Tails have sold
I ID ft! r All Min Inml vn
Uon tho rnvment of 13.60 nn
town, two yeara ncn. Tho
' alkiwan. . in the contraot Is
"I f'v , (t stcond for oach
"it 9-ncre Inches a
' 1 In miners' Inches
iout 100 InchM to
nn The amount
"-ft as inn oh as Is
the Snaku has
the 420,000 acres
- tract is more than
'1 up lands of Utah,
" 'i00 aeree. Thef
) nearly the same
south side, which
t the bottom, nnd
f "4tural body water,
of them. Cola-
i r. paratlons for the
rth side tract at
jmpletlon of tho
f electric appara-
iment of power.
San Francisco, April 22. The of-,
flclnls of tho Pacific Mall asorlbo tho
accident to tho Mongolia to the per
sistant rofusal of Japanese sailing
masters to pay any nttentlou to slg
nnlB or movomcuts of American vos
8ols. They say a number of acci
dents nro duo to this causo, and mora
wero narrowly avortod. The Mon
golian loft Hong Kong April ICth,
and was duo horo May 14th. Sho
carried a full list of passengors and
a crow of 400.
Tho stoamor Mngnolla Is nshoro
near Mnyeda lighthouse, In tho prov
lnc o; Nngato. Tho locality is full
of reefs. Tho Magnolia sought to
avoid a collision with n sailing ship.
She is closo to land, nnd there is no
po-slblllty of loss of life. Tho ship
will probably also be Bnved.
Trying to Break Into
Chemawa Store
Had Been Out In the Woods
and Needed Grub
Woodburn, April 22. A fast and
oxcltlng gnmo of baseball between
tho Woodburn team and tho N. P.
Browors horo yosterdny rosultod In
a victory for tho Browors. The
Brovor8 scorod a comploto blank un
til tho ninth inning, whon a walk
and three MtB sont thrco of their
men across tho plate. Tho gnmo was
full of sonBatlonnl playing, and
looked llko tho big longuo gamos, in
fact hotter than some of them. Con
cannon, for Woodburn, pitched star
ball, striking out 14 of the husky
Drowors, whllo RobliiBon, of tho vis
itors, retired only four Woodburn
ltos. Tho score:
IL 11. E.
N. P. Brewers 3 10 2
Woodburn .Jjr 3 2
An Indian bay namod Chariot
Floater, aged about 14, was shot
through tho head this morning while
trying to bronk Into tho storo nt Che
mawa Btatlon. Tho shooting took
plnco about 1 a. m., but the boy did
not dlo until about S:30. Ho wan
shot through tho head, tho bullet en
tering tho Bkull nbovo tho right oar,
and coming out nbovo the loft ear.
going through tho brnln In a down
ward course. Thrco physicians
worked over the lad to suvo hlB life,
tho Indian school physician and Drs.
Mott and Miles, of Snlom. The
shooting waB dono by It. O. Homier
son, tho storo kcopor, postmaster
nnd telegraph operator, who has
been doing business nt tho school for
about flvo yenrB. Ho was awakonod
by tho Flostor boy, who was accom
panied by nnother boy, Ignnco Sey
mour, trying to bronk In, nnd got up
to dofond hlB property. As tho boy
ran awny ho flrod, and with fntal ro
sults. Thoro 1b no blnmo nttaohsd
to Hendorson, who Is well liked nnd
gonernlly rospected at tho school,
lliul n ltml Hcoonl.
The Floater hoy had a bad rocord
iiB n chronic runaway. Ills homo Is
In Northern California, nnd his moth
er, whon InBt hoard from, was about
Dunsmulr Bomowhoro. Tho boy rnn
away four times, twice -gottlng nB far
as Grants Pnss nnd onco to Tnn
gont. Tho Inst tlmo he "bus boon out
In tho woods hiding slnco Inst Fri
day, ond probably camo In, driven by
hunger, to get Bomothlng to oat. Dr.
Chaloraft Immediately tolophonod
Unltod Stntoa Attorney Bristol, at
Portland, and Bristol ndvlsod that
an Inquost bo held, and Shorlff Cul
vor nnd Coronor Clough, of Salem,
wont down this morning and hold an
Inquest. Supt. Chulcrnft wont to
Portland nnd laid tho wholo case be
Crater Lake ltonrt Sold.
Mcdford, April 22. Saturday Ho-
colvor Hoddy. In accordance with the
order of tho circuit court of Jackson
county, offered at receiver's sale- tho
property of tho Medford & Crater J for0 ln8 fU(jerni authorities, and It
Lnko railway. Tho sale took place , wnB jodded that tho county oflloew
at JackBonvlllo, nnd, contrary to tho ll(ul jrdlctIon In tho case. Bristol
expectations of those Interested, the RdVsad that they go abend nnd got
blddorB wore fow. Stophon Carver at lll0 ,nctH un,j t,etl r8,,0rt to him.
nnd Judgo Durham, for his client, Ti10 iniiinn chlWren nt tho school are
Now York. April 22. Honry
Wattorson says Governor Hughes Ib
cortnin to be the Ilopubllcnn noml
neo for 190S, and Bryan tho Demo
cratic. Ho prodlcts Hughes' election
Hu snys ho holds n ticket in tho Paris
mutunls bet of a hundred to ono that
Hughes will succeed Roosevelt.
Clerk; Stolo BomK
Now York, April 22. Tho presi
dent of tho Trust Company of North
America today stated that another
nrrest may bo mndo In tho enso of
W. O. Douglas, tho defaulting em
ploye of tho company. Douglas Bays
ho took a quarter of a million. Tho
ofuclnlB aro only to establish a short
ago of K0,000. Douglas waB ar
raigned today and hold without ball.
President Thorno snya Douglas ad
mits taking tho bonds, nnd told
whoro they could bo found. Ho
mndo no attempt to dlsposo of thorn,
and Bald ho did not know why ho hnd
taken them.
Snlt Lake, April 22. Tho Salt
Lake Mreot car operative met th!
morning and balloted on n strike.
Tho rowilt will be nnnounuod tuutght
It Is Konornlly admitted that tho
Btrlke will bo called Wodnosd&y, nnd
nil tho mon connected with tho nlllcd
unionB, It Is Bald, will also walk nut.
This inonnB no streut cura, no lights
nnd no power until tho trouble Is
H. or ..!
& Me.,,,.
ant i-
m (,
H. bui
f of d.
- Uai . ,
S4 f
fltb -i
W of t
' falls s
U j
Mr. Dewing, of Kalnninzoo, Michi
gan, wero tho only bidders.
At 2:45 the blddlqg reached high
wator mark at $G2,700. and tho
road was knocked down to Judgo
Durham, or Win. Dowlng & Sons, of
Kalamazoo, at that flguro.
The extremely low price offerod lo
somewhat surprising, in vlow of the
rainbow talk Indulged In prior to thi
sale, but the fact that tho purchas
ers of the road are abundantly able
to complete it without dolay war
rants It early oporatlon as soon as
tho sale is conflmed. Dewing &
Sons have largo interests In the vi
cinity of Butte Falls, and these inter
ests domand tho oporatlon of the
line, for this reason tbat the trans
fer of tho road to them give general
The sale is not eeitftlvo, as an
offer of ten per eent above the ac
cepted bid can yet be made within
five days. ad Lh sal will be reopened.
Hif at SL
aj f.r
! It. .
K. h ,
ll a
lu.ntione Falls Peer
i.uu, Fails. The ex
it Twin Falls ha
- 'Ha for tho season
' how the usual big
' ' these who farm
Sur beets were
'' of 21 toaa to the
" 2 to 19.7 suerese.
made in Septom-
o4 in November.
&. fato. a -.
- mrr raisoa ions
eJk r ni,80d 84
ljj,J'' on a single acre,
lxJ,l! t oats on another
iL "'' mU1 4S Dushola
r 17
Mi Tfc!11 UW,7 CommlMion la
li!v,Brterl3r Ioa today
IfwW Hoa.Wm.Arnf.
I w U fa the Hiv hm.ait
Frmt at I)invr.
Denver. April . A sIiimpii drop
In tomiterature followed the enow
storm last night, 14 above aero be
ing recorded by the weather bureau
In both Denver and Poeoto. and
fruit of all kinds In Rasters Colora
do waB effectively nipned la the bud.
At Grand Junotlon, the eeater of the
mor eimportant fruit growing dis
trict west of the contineatal divide,
the temperature foil to 30 degrees
and the weather obsorvor there re
ported today tbat tho condition of
fruit wu grave. While the damage
the wards or tho government. The
boy will bo burled Taesdny at Oho
mawa. Tito Coroner InqucNt.
Coronor Clough summonod n Jury
at Chemawa aa follews: J. B. Olesy,
George Mudge, Alox. Hulden, J. V.
Rnrlght. Henry K. Mann, J. S. Clark.
The Jury occupied the forenoon In
hearing the testimony of the wit
nesses. Tho principal ones were the
Seymour boy and Mr. Henderson.
The ooronor's Jury exonerated
Hondorson from all criminal liability
for shooting young Fleeter. Anoth-
or boy, William Wiley was found, on
tho hearing, to have been In the par
ty. Ho was not a truant, but was
picked up after dark, and was oae
of tho robbing party,
Guard Patrol Camp.
Stockton, Cal.. April 22. Forty
armed guards are patrolling the
properties of tho Utlea Mining Com
pany, at Angela Camp, where over
000 men are looked out. The minora
demo ad ed nn oighuhour day. The
owners refusod, and, anticipating t
sirike, etoeed down.
IVixm Involved in TKterio.
Jackson, Mis., April 22. Judge
Nixon called a special term of the
federal clroult court at Bllexi today
to lad let the persons involved in the
lotteries found ob board steamers
running up and down tho Mississippi
river. Special efforts were made by
the federal sloutbs to secure evidence
that would convict the owners who
have lately Invaded tho steamboat
to fruit in this state may amount to lines. It Is declared tbat the regular
several million dollars, nearly all
other crops will be greatly benefit
ted by the moisture.
' A remarkablo feature of the ssetr
storm was tbat it was more srre
In tho lowlands than the hmms
tains. o
Teddy Going to Summer Kddice.
Washington, April 23. It Is an
nounced tbat the President will go
to Oyster Bay June 12th.
prise drawing have taken place on
Te4ts In the waters of the gulf.
Met to Inqurtt Postponed.
Chicago, April 22. Extreme ill
bom of Mary Slade, daughter of
Frank and Mary Motto, who ar
dead from poison, caused an abrupt
postponement of the 'Inquest tba
coroner Is holding over the remains
of Mette and wife. Tho woman U la
the last stages of consumption.
Aurorn, Or., April 82. Hop grow
oth in this Hootlon aro complaining
of the soundly of help this yonr,
nnd, although Reed wages aro of
fered, it Ib imposelble to Kt enough
men or women to work In tho yards.
Ono yard Is offering girls 1.7fi n
dny and tholr dinner to tlo up hop
vinos. Tho crop Is looking lino, and
tho oontlnuod heavy rnln tills spring
(loos not seem to hnvo dono any ma
terial dnmago. Home of tho yards
aro Infected to n slight dogroo with
the wood worm, but no far tho worms
have not becomo a peat. A large
numhor of yards In this district nro
being touted this season, the owners
thinking there is moro money In It
for thorn to rent than to run the
chances of scarcity of labor now and
at hop ploklng time. The noreago
this season will be largely increased
over thnt of last year.
The Aurora brnse band is making
plans to ltohl a monster Fourth of
July colobratlon here this year. The
ettlseflfi have evinced a dealre to have
something doing here on the Fourth.
anil will aid with tmbetaRUal contri
butions of money. Aurora has never
bad a oelebratioH. nud tho band pro
poses to give them one thnt will out
shine till other towns along the. line.
The big gasoline engine fur tho
city water works has arrived, and
workmen are busy KUlag the well
pump and engine in poeltlon to test
the water that Is now In the well.
The well Is down 174 feet, with an 8-
laoh casing, and the Intention Is to
pump the water out and see how
much of a flow there Is. No definite
plan has yet beon determined on as
to what kind of a pressure systort
mo city will have, whether air tanl
or elevated tank. Tbat will be do
elded whon the flow of water in th(
well is ascertained.
Ruef Trial Again Proceeding
With Usual Li.Iegnce
Snn Frnnolsco, April 22.- -Tlu
Huof trial was resumed today. Thore
was no progress at the morning ses
sion to socttro a Jury.
. V. S. Boutin Untaxable.
Washington, April 22. In tho
eases of tho Iowa tax law, tho bu
promo court today decided that gov
ernment bonds cannot bo taxed,
overruling tho Btnto courts, which
pormlttod tho utnto to assess a
hunk'fl holdings of govorumont
bondB, tho same ns other bonds.
Tito Herman Case.
Washington, April 22. Tho pros
ccutlon today completed Its nddrcHS
to, tho Jury In tho Hermann case. II.
P. Galley, son-in-law of Mr. Hor
mnnn, counsel for tho defense, began
his argument, nnd It Is oxpected a
verdict will bo secured this week.
CnutlimcM to Dig Up the
San Francisco, April 22. Whon
tho grnnd Jury roconvonou tomorrow
the Home Telophono case will ngntn
be tnkon up. Two mystorloua wit
nesses, for whom tho prosecution has
been sonrchlng tor over n weok,
wero located, and there In a possibil
ity that they will bo oxnmlned tomor
row. Tho prosecution predicts n
Hensntlon will, bu cteated by tholr
testimony. No effort will bo made
by tho proHocutlon to prevont tho
cniiHtruotlnn of tho Home's system,
ilonoy denies that ho has secured a
uompleto oxpoHtiro of municipal cor
ruption from ux-PolIco Commissioner
O'Grndy. Ho doclaroa O'Orndy la
Ht til missing.
Tampering With JurorM.
Charges of tnmperlng with tales
mon, Leon Frlediitnn, was raodo by
tho prosecution during Frledmnn'ti
examination. Tho stnto lutlmnted
thnt Kddle Granoy had attempted to
talk with Friedman about tho enso.
nnd that certain prnmlson had beon
held out to Friedman. Granoy was
ordered to nppenr In court thin after
Pilot Held Guilty.
New Loudon, Conn., April 22.
Tho Unltod States steamboat Inspect
ors today decided that Pilot Anson
was rcHponsiblu for the collision of
the Hteamur Lnrohmont nud thn
schooner Knowlton, sinking the
LurchinoHt with greut los of life.
Have Financial Control
in Persia
Washington. April 22. Advlco
today show that, bosldos building tho
Bagdad railroad across ABlntla Tur
key, Germany has now published,
thnt tho Gorman Orient Bank ot Ber
lin Is llunnclnl bnnkor of tho Por-
Htan government. Knglnnd Is certain
to be violently angry, as this coupo
forestalls thoi aim of Great Britain.
Tho Prostdont'n representative, nont
to observe conditions thero, Is about
duo to arrive. Tho government la
today advised that tho poaco confer
onco nt Annapolis Is dendlockod, and
that It la likely thcro will bo ft ro
numptlon ot hostilities In Central,
H)do-BtiiM)ii (7hh,(
Washington, April 22. The Hyde
DlmoHil-BeHSou land fraud conspira
cy ease was set for today In the su
preme court of the Dlatrlet of Colum
bia. It was postponed until uuxt
week, because the Kovernmunt Is still
busy with the Hermann ease.
,tMiiilf4'd a Hoy,
Kwv York. April 22. Benedict
Olmmel, who tried to commit suicide
Pendleton, April 22. (Special
to Tho Capital Journal) After
three days and a half tho Inst nt tho
12 Jurymen for tho MaManuB murder
trial wnn sooured this morning at
10:35, and tho taking of testimony
was started thin afternoon. In out
lining tho case for tho state District
Attorney Phelps stated that the pros
edition would undunvor to show that,
Me.Mnnus did not Intend to shoot'.
Hubert Kstos, but ho did think ho
was shooting the man McCarty, whuiu
tho Pilot Hook editor had hnd ar
rested a few days beforo for robbing,
him. Hinting tho so for tho tie--fennn
Colonel Italoy declared tho do
feuao Id bo nlilo to prove that Mo
Manuu did kill Hates, and thnt ho
wan JiiHjIlled lit so doing, for tho.
reason thnt nt thnt time totes ,
had his hand In MoMnnun' pookot
for the purpoHO of removing money.
Ho nlso stated that evidence would
ho Introduced to show tho character
of listes. Woven of tho 12 Juror))
nro farmers. Me.Mnnus la cheerful
and hopeful, taking advantage of a ,
brief recess this morning to walk
ovor to tho reporters' table nnd
shake hands with them, and the law
yers sitting near. Ills wife la al
ways by his side.
n- i ..
Circuit Cotut Prom-dlitgN.
Judge Burnett convened the April
term of ulreult court this morning at
0 o'olook and transacted the follow,
lux buslnetts:
111 the notion for money of A. It.
Adams vs. J. F. Wentworth. In do
swrtmeMt No. 1, tho plaintiff' motion
for a nHn-wilt was allowed. A Judg
ment for the dsfondnut was len
(IlHmhNdng the notion without preju
(Use, nud for cost ami disburse
ment of suit.
Tim recovery suit of Mary Herah
burger vs. Jenkins Harding was con
tinned for service.
A motion to strike out part ot the-
Prlutlnc I'lauts Hum.
8a nPranolsco, April 22 The
new wholesale section about Fifth
and Howard streets was threatened
with destruction by fire, reaultinc
from crossed wires In the printing
plant of Spauldlng & Graul, which
destroyed the building occupied by
the California Lltboraph Company.
the Pacific States type foundry aud
Wro. Novlc Printing Company. Dam
age and Iom 127.000.
downfall to Iwsemlty from overwork.
HotiMt l)elro)rd with Pour Children
Fulton, ICy April 22.-The resi
dence of John Green, Merchant,
burned, and hht four afclldrM, an
rati King from in to ten, burned U
death. Neighbors ressneil the futh
er, mother and two other children.
tfputigti Otrt It'tprlou).
Jefferson Olty. Mo., April 22.
The governor today granted a CO
day reprieve to Ww. HjwiiKb, sen
tenced to hang Thursday for the mur
der of Sheriff Polk, In Iror county.
s Haiti on Gamblers.
San Fraaolsoo, April 22, Halds or.
gambling Joints began Saturday and
wero continued until early this
morning. Over 130 gamblers were
. .. . e e . . I
aiwr nw arreei upon oompiaini oi a NrHeii4ld oemplalnt in the August
boy. .111 early this morning. TUs j iCshrbsrger vs. smhi Dlstrlet No.
family at his bedside attributed bis n wna overrule!
The action for woney ef n. Melr
lug vs. Wm, Ilurmslster and Hubert
Lossy was seUlsd.
In the appeal from Justice court
Of the V. 11. Caldwell vs. norge
Fend rich suit a Judgment was glw
sn for the plaintiff on vertlfftk
UHNlmtt the defendant and his sure
ties ou appeal for f fit, together with,
the costs and disbursements of suit.
IliikliwNN in IMmrtiiit'ot ?'" it.
In department No. 3 the fallowing
suits were centinued: Dorranco
Lumber Company vs. Francis Fel
ler; Leo Willis vs. M. L. Chamber
lain; Oregon Land Company vs. Chas.
Soott, and the divorce suit of Alio
Hlevers vs. Mark Slevers.
Tho (julet tltio cai of Cyrus
Olauser vs. Geo. W. Poysor, et ft!.,
was settled.
A demurrer to tho amended com
plaint In the divorce suit of Frank
It. Von Vlack vs. Allco A. Van Vlaok
was sustained. Tho plaintiff was
given lcavo to serve and Die a see-
ond amended complaint on or bo-
foro April 25, 1007, on condition
(bat he pay Into tho court for de
fendant with such ascend amended
complaint tho coats anJ disburse
ments Incurred by the defendants in
Abe suit to this date.
Dr. J. F. COOK
,.AAUj-jAi UtoJlit&t