;, t 'A- r o O PAILY OAPI AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 80, 1007. Out Big Stoe ! Impresses you at onco with a nonso of newness and brlghtncBB and no matter which floor you visit tho imtno Impression will prevail. Ydu can nlwaya be suro when you. buy hero that you are making your se lection from tho newest designs and stylOB that tho loading manufac turers have created. Our present stock faithfully reflects the prettiest and moBt doslrablo things for Bprlng and Btimnior uso. Folger's Golden Gate Extracts w Shirt Waists Our lino has boon thoroughly solocted, bought by oxporloncod buyers and It 'comprises tho finest collection of ldons evolved In waist wear. A grand assortment of good values Is horo ready for your choosing. All styles, fabrics and sizes, 50c to $1 3.50 SoId ON Merit Long Gloves MOItU FOR TODAY Yostorday wo rocolved nnothor lot of long kid gloves In tho 12 nnd 1C button longth. Thoyaro In colors. Now Hrown, Whlto, Ulnok, dray and Buod, I $3.50 to $4.50 Spring Suits THIS HNAI'PY SORT That contlnuo all tho newest stylo fonturus. That nro miido up of tho most fashlonablo fabrics lu shados you want. Every gar niont Is thoroughly tailored throughout. Prices aro lowor than oqiuil quality -can be bought for olsowhoro. $i 0 to $30 Joci. uleueAA 6 uxmA I mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Para frraphs for Your Consideration, Wood Cuttora Wanted Will pay $1.40 par cord for chop ping white flr wood. Hoard $4 per week, with good bunk house, sit mlloo north of Snlum. Apply .to Bpnuldlng Logging Company oltlco In BnUun. H. D. Turner, foreman of camp. 4-17Gt Havo Jiihl Iteeolved A new lino of Oxford hIioqb for tho summer. Alio a largo stock of easy house Hllppurs. Plonse call bo foro you buy, and see our bargnluH. Jacob Voght, 14ft State stroot. St They Aro Tutting rubbor tho on thrM and four biigKltw every day at Ira Jor gonson'. High street. Gnll and w them. The season Is open. Tkey will do the right thing by you. Otto Headrlck left this morning for a visit lu CorvHllli. One-Half the World Wear glassce, lt uot halt of that half wonr tho right Klnwtos. The wrong glnsttm nro often worse than nene: they are n constant train and a permanent injury to tho eyes. Only nolontlutt examination can doteriuliu what ghiMos your oyos ronulro, you can't to)) by trying on ttlnwes. Do ou the safe side; let our ap tlclan ulvo your oyu oaretul examin ation. It doesn't cont Anything ho can toll you Just what you need delays Aro danuorous. Our price aro roa eonnble, and w guarantee satisfac tion. HKRMAN W. llAltU, OptomotUt AT BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Pen ewm sy kA. tXnVrn Hpnilned Ankle Arthur Wlndom, tho Wlllamotto University sprlntor, whllo prnctlclnc laBt evoulng, had tho mlsfortuno to sprain his ankle. Tho sprain, while painful, Is not serious, and Mr. Wln dom will bo ou tho traak again In u few days. Gall Uj . Hansen's planing mill If you want sorouns, anil avoid having to wait, as you will suroly havo to If you or dor lator. 4-20-3t MiiUlug Improvement- Ira Jorgenson Is fixing up hlr blacksmith shop; painting, papering nnd olonnlng up In general. What It Is for we do not know, but we sup pustt his future hopue are growing brighter, llnnnclal or otherwise. Vnndty Tioomw Valuable Mini Professor Qtorgo K. Goghlll, ono of Willamette University's progros tve tew oh em, has been oluctod to the chitlr of MpkMfy Ik the Dennlson Uni versity, nt Granville, Ohio. Profes sor Coghlll la one or the most able men that over tilled Willamette's chair of science, and the vnennoy mused by his departure will be hard to till. The protester will leave for the Mast us toon a poaetble after the preeent school year ends. The Garden Spot of Salem Where yon will And the very best nnd freeheet of vegetable nnd fruits. Look nt the list and thou place your order early. ASPARAGUS OAULU'IiOWUR OAIUUGH lMtHSII TOMATOKS ORKKX PIUS GIUJKNS l.KTTUCH HAR1SIIHS YOUNG ONIONS RUUltARU Saturday Special LKMONS, aoc PKU DOZEN. Moir Grocery Company 456 State Pic182 True to name Uniformity Purity and Flavor Always Packed in Full Measure Bottles J. A. FOLCJER & CO. Snn Francisco. lluftU . I WU8JWM COlODf mDSJ n n PS I tag) OiBlliaBmiBBBBBlBBCiaH Tlmo Extcndeil Tho tlmo for making an nppralse ment and lnvontory In tho Anna Fel ler, deceased, estate, linn been extend ed 30 days. Tho estate Is valued at $11,000, and John Whltnoy Is ad ministrator. , It Is Up to tho Council Old Sherwood nnd Will Sklpton agreed ycBtorduy, In Judgo Moores' court, to lenvo tholr gate troubles to tho city council. Mr. Sherwood said that ho would placo tho mattor be fore, tho council to havo tho gnto re moved from Ills alloy permanently, and Mr. Sklpton said ho would abldo poaccably by tholr decision, Mr. Sherwood ngroolng to roplnco the gate If tho council should so rule. Tho enso was dismissed from tho jus tlco court. Sent to Crlttendon Home MIUIo Shophord, of Stnyton, wai brought boforo Judgo Scott this af ternoon on tho chargo of being an Improper womnn to enro for her four small chlldron. Tho testimony showod that two of tho children worj Ulogltlmnto, nnd that tho mother had boon living u wild life. Mrs. Shop herd was sont tn tho Florence Grit- tendon homo, and took tho youngest child with hor. The othor threoch'll dron woro tnkon by their grand mother. KluiNoy J)lHinIssel Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Klmsoy, of Mnoloay, woro arrostod and brought boforo Judge Scott this nftornoon, charged with nogleot to proporly caro for tholr ohlldron. Aftor hear ing tho wltnessos tho enso wns dis missed tor lao kof ovldenco. Thoro nro two small chlldron In tho fnmlly o Why Hnvo a torpid llvor when Ilorblno, tho only llvor regulator will holp you? Thoro Is no ronson why you should suffer from Dyspopsla, Con stipation, Chills and Fovor or any llvor complaints, whon Horblno will euro you. V. C. Wnlto. Wostvlllo, Fla., wrltos. "I was slok for a month with chills nnd fever, and after tak ing two bottlos of Ilorblno nm woll and honlthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. -o ADDITIONAL CHURCH SERVICES Personals Clarke, author of n history Oregon, and ploneor nowspaper Flrxt Methodist. At 10:10 a. m. the pastor will nd drew the medical profeeelou and the students of the medical department of Willamette University on "The Medical Profession." At 7: SO p. m. th otoplc of the sermon will be "A UuslNees Proposition." Xpworth Loague Kt 6:10 p. w. All are wrm ly wolromeil. St, Jtosoph'H Catholic. Hev. A. Moore, rector. Third Sun- day after Master. First mass at 7:30 a. in. Catechism at 9:30 a. m. High mass at 10: SO a. m. Vespers and boneUotlon at 7:80 p. hi. At high mass a mission by a IledentiUorist prlost from Portland wilt open, and ooutlnuo tor a week. Service evorv evening at 7:30 p. in. First Unitarian. Corner of Ohoiueketn and Cottage streets. Servioea at 11 a. in. Proack Ing by Itov. Paul S. Htudy. A cor dial Invitation extended to all, and especially to those, without othor church affiliation. No evealng sor vice. n Tho clock ticks and ticks the tlmo away, Shortening up our lire osoh day, Eat, drink and bo merry. For Bomo day. you t?M bo where, ov. can't Rocky Mountain Tea. (Froo. samples at Dr. Stone's atore.1 Miss Myrtlo'DuRette left this morn lng for Portland after visiting Sa lem relatives and friends. M. D. Looney, of Jefferson, wn.i In the city yesterday and went home today. S. A of man of Orogon and Washington cor respondent, has resigned his position in tho Intorlor department nnd will nt onco return homo. His interesting Washington letters woro a feature of tho Gervais Star. Dr. Kimball, of Spokano, address ed tho students of Wlllamotto Uni versity yestordny morning in the 'varsity chapel. Tho doctor Is an able speaker and entertained those present with tho great truths con cerning the bonoflt of education. Miss Cminn Muths, of this city, 1? reported to bo quite 111 with tonso, litis nt hor homo op front street. Ex-Govornor Moody loft this morning for Portland. Mrs. Honry McConncll was among tho Portlnnd-bound passengers this morning. Tho Peerless orchestra returned this morning from Corvdllls, where it filled an engagement last night. Miss Loulso Drynnt nnd Miss Hazel Humphreys nrrlvbd this morn ing from Eugene to visit Miss Bar bara Eakln. F. V. Galloway, who is attending tho Univorsity of Oregon arrived In Snlem this morning to visit rolntlvcs and friends. Miss Gladys Farrar arrived from Eugene this morning. Miss Ermlno Dushnell wont to Woodburn this morning to attend the toachorB' meeting nnd visit friends. Attornoy nnd Mrs. John McNnry left this morning for nn oxtondec trip In tho East. They will visit tho Jamestown oxpoBition, Now York, Boston and many placos of interest boforo returning. Miss Mnry Feaglns has returned to hor homo In Froowntor, after visiting Snlem friends nnd rolnttvos. Miss AIlco Peoblos wont to Wood burn to nttond tho toachcrs' mooting todny. MIbb Dolingor loft this morning for Portlnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Biidloftg wont to Mill City yestordny to visit frlonds nnd relatives. ' Miss Rachel Dovo loft . yesterday for Saginaw for on over-Sunday visit. Mrs. M. R. Woodward, who has boon visiting rolntlvos hero, loft this morning for bur homo In Union. Sho rocontly returned from n visit In California. Miss Anna Joffroy loft this morn ing for an ovor-Sundny visit In Portland. Mrs. M. T. Rlnomnn nnd daughter, Grnce, left today for Portland for n sovornl dnys visit. S. 1). Cattorlln loft this niornlntr WHY NfYr ari" Buy youraQlf a bicycle and incr n. nmnii nnvnpnt tn wmnir t h . ,. .,.,. , iMtiiirn van u Yale, Cornell or Princeton bicycle. lest you forget It. . Do It now. van r.,... t i. , re " 'i uown in Racycles $50 and up Yalcs $45 Cornell $40 Princeton $25. Brs fcij. tH. . w " HjU REMEMBER Si"".8 '' Wo nro prepared to do nnythlng and luimmuB ) win umu. urea, rims, coaster brakes and C ' everyiuing xor tno oicyclo. Our stock Is good clPa 7. m our price Is right. Give us a call or call un ins and,rw.Ul WWW Best Wok at Honest Pt ices, Ff anfc J, Mooe, Donrt forget the new No. 447 Court Sfo ect Row Boat Case Dismissed. A trial Is in progress this afternoon In Justlco Wcbstor's court over a row boat, which Is owned by Mason Kellogg, and wns takon from a lako on his placo In Ankeny bottom by Honry Cawthorn, S. E. Benson nnd John Whltlntch. Tho threo gentle moii accused of the thoft wcro driv ing nonr tho river nnd Bnw tho boat lodged in somo drift in tho lake, and, by their testimony, thinking that It wns n stray boat, they took It homo with thorn. Tho caso was dismissed, as tho dofendants wcro portoctly willing that tho plaintiff should havo tho boat, and novor claimed owner ship. o - A Joke on Dnvcy. Tho Forest Grove TIiiiob coplos tho following from tho Lincoln coun ty Lender: "Hon Frank Davoy has roslgnod ns hoavy editorial dispenser of tho Salem Stntestnan, nnd will go to Har noy county to connect with tho sim ple llfo in tho rolo of a country edi tor. Ho will bo n welcome addition to tho ranks of tho unsophisticated and undolllod. o Just Rcrnuso Your cough Is only In tho thorat and does not troublo you now, don't think that It needs no nttontlon. When It has not had much of a start is the foe an ovor-Sundny visit In Portlnnd. 'tlmo to check It. Tho slightest cough W. W. Culver, who has boon visit ing rolntlvos and friends has returned to his homo In Portlnnd. 1). D. Koolor, Htock lnspoctor for Marlon county, loft this morning for Mt. Angel on business. Miss Mnry Hoist Is among tho Sa eom toachorB who attondod tho con vention In Woodburn today. Mrs. S. K. Plpor wont to Portlnnd this morning to visit her son, E. C. Plpor, who will lenve soon for a visit In the East. J. II. Stanton wont to Portlnnd on business this morning. Mrs, R. W. Slmernl left this morn ing for Portland, on route to North Bend, where she will Join her hus band. Mr. nnd Mrs, W. H. Hllloary. of Turner, were Salem visitors today. Mrs. T. S. Learned loft this morn ing for nh outing nt Newport. MrSj. L. G. Aitmnn hns roturnod from a visit In Portland. Dr. Allen, of Jefferson, was visiting In the city this morning. Dr. Kimball left this morning for nn over-Snnday visit near Stnyton. Mrs. Will Anderson, aft6r a short visit hero, has returned to hor homo lu JoffersoH. Mrs. Livingston, of Grant county, who Is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Dllloy. left this morning for a day's visit at the reform school. Sho was accom panied by Mrs. Dllloy. Mrs. Flora George nnd daughtor left this morning for a visit In Jef ferson. Mrs. W. H. Slopor has gono to Waterloo to visit hor daughter, Mrs. Loftin. Mrs. D. C. Able, who has been vis iting Salem friends, loft today for hor homo In Lyons, o CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. fti KM Ye Have Always lovkt &&fffflZk easily loads to Pnoumonla, Bronchi tls and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horohound Syrup will euro that cough. Tho prlco puts It within rench of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. Tnxpaycrs Crgoi. Thn Invnnvc. i . -i"r"'.w" """" that will tako up f0f dlicnwC matters as the rcferendna I laws. Ono has been orjuW Victor point with about it ni J. D. Darby Is president isd CkH wnrnstr, secretary. ..MONEY TO LOAK thomask.ro Over Ladd & Bush'i Bisk, Si!, Norwich Union Fke Insurance Frank Meredith, RetUeitJ Office with Wm. Brown tCU 129 Commercial street NEW TODAY Bean the Wff&Mwe Wants Road Tax. Tho Jefferson Rovlow says: "A case of much lntorost will bo tried boforo tho city rocordor probably noxt Thursday. It Is G. B." Hoyt, stroot commissioner, plaintiff, vs. Ot to Shultz, dofondnnt. Hoyt demand ed 3 Bpeolal road tax from Mr. Shultz. Tho lattor did not pay, so the complaint followed. Tho de fendant clntms first, that ho has until Octobor 1 to pay said tax; second, that ho has no property In Jefferson, nud is preparing to move to Portland, whore nil his real proporty Is locat ed, a fact woll known to plaintiff, and thinks ho enn-pay his tax where ho can derive somo bonoflt from it; third, that tho constitutionality of the law Is now bolng tested, and he wishes to await a decision." o Through blood poisoning causod by n spider bito, John Washington l of BoBquoville, Tox., would havo lost his leg, which became a mass or run ning soros, had he not been persuad ed to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve Ho writes: "Tho first application relieved, and four boxes healed all tho sores." Heals every sore. 25c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. o Educational Events. Astoria, April U, 25, 26, county Institute. CorvalllB, May 2, regents State Ag ricultural college to select president. Fossil, May, S, 9, 10, county Insti tute. Salem, July 1, 2, 3, State Educa tional Association. Los Angeles, July S-12, National Educational Association. o Miss Edns. Stripling? and slater. Miss Julia, went to Jeifersoh this morning to visit their sister, Mn-Krause. Aro You in Huslncss It notteiil an opportunity of a Wetisi log to my falling heiW, 1 1 sell my restaurant, coif and bakery at lea Um bm Its worth. Thli U Uht" live, money-maklnsbuiM' loaso for seven rein. $15,000 burtneii la til W months. Call and l-B"' Tho Angelus. Geo. F SxSU nrnnrlfitor. Salem. 0rr ' MM w u l.'nr Sale On the Instateai n uoo.l G-room bouw. U-T four lots If dei!reI,clcM . .-.i. ,A fro. ' waier, un' - " , t i.n 7o Court Jtrt ! z:::: - ui epun Wantod-To borrow H: " wat f real estate ww pIyto"J.PVcaren Wantetl-A good. feW clean up a w"6! ally useful. Call at i j.welry store 1.,-t. ttvelope coatil'- doliar ttiu. -ii er ieTw cure rewara rU ,u "".;?;:; on u j mi as - ' .4 ,,ot:",i, wi HturBn."- .,.,. Court street. Paw" .. . .. "hwis J"! For Wr"M ' "'" r:. j - r nm W FW livnl-"- :,. Court Mr " j Inquire at w "", 4H Silft-06 J Canary for 5- lvS slDcer. St. - ftfcr. Mrtnst ParU i-r . ts Ferry it"1" -rrrrTT Hor Sa!c (T1-t A' nrWlllW' :& -f-ssrii.a atl9etr; r.1 Zens. F "" er S. ) o