tt DAILI CAPITAL JOVK&AJk 8ALBM, ORSOON, SATURDAY; APRIL SO, 1907. , y Jb wore Alcohol COURT DOCKET, ClRCl11 &s for April Term Judge ., Will lUnVOlV lvi-nti- ,ent So. 2 Monuny. . win hpdn tho Anrll liit . ,. - in thn nbsonco "".":: Monday ,jdge uai.w ----- - fMiBC at IU iUUu -- " ..,.ftlnR session Is promised. !.doeset entries nro as follews: porrancc Lumber Co. vs. Francis ,iif assl5nmcnt J'willh vs M. L. Chamberlain, JjUund Co. vs. Chas. Scott. tment .. M..nni nilmlnlntrntor 7t Gilbert, ot al., accounting. fo.M. Smith vs. Salem Building & Association, quiet uhu. cii,. Scott vs. D. K. Smltn, ot ni., w-kxurc f Fisher, executor, vs. J. M. m, suit in equity. LydU A Ennis vs. . vm. r-unia. kore. .. . .. tr B. Morse vs. W. n. uuou, man- j.Wolfard, et nl., vs. A. W. Flsh- uecntor, manuute. Id it M&rlcr vs. Adolla ne. ct al., quiet title fl L. Dower, et al., vs. Wilson Dow ir. mandate h e. Murphy vs. Chns. Lombcke, tsdite. lUitllda Stanton vs. Roy L. Wiles, M title. Jmtt Stltt vs. Wm. N. Strlng .a, foreclosure U J West b. L. West, divorce Margaret R. Lolcko vs. Thomas tlcke. divorce The Parkcrsvlllo Dralnago DIs- !s by S. V. Jones, et al., vs. Joso kse Holland, et nl., mandnto. 0. W Fisher vs. Christlno Fisher, wrcc. Wm. E. Joseph, by Fred Hans, vs. . S. Skiff, equity. W. S. Mott, ot nl., vs. Salem louring Mills Co., a corporation, Junction Altec Slcvers vs. Mnrk Slovors, liorcc. jjl Chrlstenson vs. Elvln Arnold td Chas. Arnold, forcclosuro. Id A. McKce vs. Chnrlotto Mc- iff, divorce (Anna A. Crookham vs. Horaco L. oVham. divorce. IT. C. Smith vs. Marcus Christen- in, et al , foreclosure T J. Lupper vb. Llzzlo R. Luppor, Bwce Mary L Daunport vs. Lowolyn L maport. divorce. tCyrui riansti vs. Geo. W. Poy- ir. et al . qui, t title. Jm Sauge vs. Henry L. Savage, iwte Martin Smith s. Voronn Smith, Geo. Bauer, ot wee. Eall Schomui vs. . quiet tit . timzm ANrttlaUcPrcparalicrarorAs- Slffiflallral IhcToodflndRptiuLi. teg tbcStomarfs andBowels of Rofflotes'DIJcslIon.Chceirul ss and Rest Contains neither au.'Morphine nor Mineral. OT'A3tcOTIC. v troua-swizzmuza f-tUl.SJti. jy t . inu4 KAw tUnr. I jfrft Remedy forConsllfwi- --...wviu jiouucn.uiarTnoca. OF SLEEP. lScuc Signature of 1, ,1111 1 1.1 HIT MPirorvHutMM. wm .-. i Ac nnV made. AVlro Sltrefinnrillfi Jn n -., J tain the least particle of alcohol in any feton what ever. You get all the tonic and alterative effects, without stimulation. When a stimalaat is needed, your doctor will know it, and will tell you of it. Consult him freely about our remedies. thfOrmnlorUcmrprprtlont. J. O. Xrtr Co., Ixwll, MaM. Mary J. Davis vs. John T. Davis, divorce. Maud L. Largont vs. Robert L Largent, divorce. H. A. Hartley, ct al., vs. Amanda I. Bowon, et al., partition. F. J. Eldrldgo vs. John Hoofer, ct nl., equity. Frank P. Van Vlack vs. Allco A Van Vlack, divorce. Samuel O. Burkhart vs. Nolllo M. Burkhart, divorce. T. A. Llvesley vs. A. D. Petty John, et al., bill of interpleader. J. J. Stehly vs. Eastern Invest ment Company, suit to remove cloud. W. W. Slaughter vs. E. L. Rem ington, equity. Anna Cornish vs. Mary A. Elsen hnrt, ct al., partition. Josophlno Rontz vs. William T. Rentz, divorce. F. P. Tnlklngton vs. Luther Burt and E. A. Pierce, foreclosure. L. E. Goodmnn vs. W. F. Mlnnrdj foreclosure. Ida Probst vs. Qulncy E. Probst, divorce. In tho matter of tho' cstnto of Wm. Murray, deceased, on petition of Kaiser & Slater, F. P. Tnlklngton, ndmlnistrntor do bonis non, vs Ed. Herrcn and M. E. Becker, anneal Pale- from county court. F. J. Eldrldgo vs. John Hooror and Casper Zorn, partners, doing busi ness under tho firm nnmo nnd stylo of Hoefer & Zorn, Injunction. Mnudo I. Rudolph vs. Mrs. Bcllo Grlswold, suit to quiet title. C. C. WItto vs. Mottlo Wltto, di vorce Llsslo A. Allien vs. Alfred L. Al len, divorce N. Moflltt nnd C. J. Olmstcnd vs. City of Snlom, writ of rovlow. E. C. Knlppor vs. D. W. Fisher, M. Chrlstenson and Julius Chrlsten son, suit to dismiss partnership. Alnnson Mnttlson vs. Honry Mnttl son, Injunction. J. K. Senrs vs. F. I. Dunbar, ac counting. Ilnttlo Mnnsflold, ct al., vs. J. L. Hill, et al., equity. E. P. Bordlno vs. O. W. Johnson, suit In oqulty. W. L. Smith vs. Graco Smith, di vorce. Orogon Eloctrlc Rallwny vs. Wm. Goodrich nnd I. B. Goodrich, con demnation. Lovrna Hogan, ot nl., vs. Lillian Dcnnison, partition. Conrnd Lang va. Olonn Lang, di vorce Loo Potorson vs. Rhoda Peterson, (ilvorco. Francis Stalnborn vs. Christian Stoluborn, uMvorco. Chns. Sapplngflold, at nl., vs. Mnry K. Stephens, ot al., forcclosuro. L. Ames vs. John G. Lais, Injunc tion. Mnrtha Wilson vs. G. W, Wilson, dlvorco. Oscar W. T. Moullhnupt "vs. Tho Gorman Evangelical Reformed Both- 6AST0RIA For Infanta and Ohildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years OASTORIA Tw irrwM (WM, w T. Mbf r F l ill any Church of Salem, Oregon, et aU foreclosure. M. F. Donncll lvs. G. S. Donncll, divorce. Geo. DoBord vs. Vardomnn Scott, and John W. Evans, suit to fore close laborer's Hen. o SALEM SCHOOL NEWS Personals About Students and Teachers in the Grades East School. Miss Frieda Spltzbart, Into of Colorado, has Just entered tho eighth grade. Tho teachers in tho advanced grades at East schoot have certain pupils tnko n subject or topic, that has 8omo connection with tho lest sons and mako special preparation on It, nnd whon this preparation Is in ado to address tho class on that subject. The East school has a circulating: library nnd tho principal ot thnt school Bays ho has noticed that most of tho reading that Is dono Is by pu pils ot tho Intermediate grades. Quito a numbof of drawings which nro work of tho pupils nro ex hibited In halls ot tho Enst school. These pupils hnvo no regular draw ing teacher but this subject is palJ special attention to . Each pupil It required to turn In eighteen sopnrnto drawings, either original or copied. Tho work thnt Is out certainly shows talent nnd desorves special mention. North School. Tho total numbor enrolled In tho North school tins school yonr to dato Is 317 1G4 boys and 153 girls. Tho wholo numbor registered this term, from February 10 to April 19, Is 216141 boys and 120 girls. Thoso present Frldny at school numborod 241 12C boys and 115 girls. Tho percontngo ot attondnnco Is ovor 92 per cont of numbor en rolled this term, and 9G per cent of nvorngo number bolonglng to thu school. This certainly Is -a good showing for North school. All departments nro making a credltnblo ndvancomont In regular school work. Tho general ordor and dtsolpllno maintained Is oxccllont. Tho fow nb'oncea caused row nro by stcknoss as measles and grip. Vow Park School. Danlol Zoh, who Is Just from Wnlln Wnlln, entored school Tues day. During tho good woathor tho pit plls of tho Park school hnvo formed ranks on the grounds nnd march Into tho building four nbroast. In this way every pupil can bo marched Into the building In about two min utes. The building may be oinptlod In tho gnnio time. Tho Jofforsonlnn club held Its reg ular monthly meatlug on Frldny. Tho club Is composed of the pupils In the principal's room. Dobntos aro n rogulur foaturo on tho programs. Tho subject of tho last dobato was, 'HoBolved. that Washington did more for his country than Lincoln." Lincoln School. Tho dobntlng sooloty In tho prin cipal's room at Lincoln school met Friday aftornoon. A ronl Interesting debate wuh hold. Tho nnmos of thA pupil on the afflrmatlvo woro Clar Alford, Ross Van Oadale, Arlotn Cap por. Lonord Mason, Glee Alferd: ne gntlvo, Ruby Hnrck. Theodore Koore man, Margaret MoGilohrist, Joe Mar tin and Charles Bentley. The attendance has been very good this month there has been scarcely any dropping out o I'r)uirlng for Goldru Flood. Paris, April 20. The six 'Ameri can Monttw" of the Paris year hav now begun, nnd the managers of H" Boulevard shop ad faahlonai ' kotels nib their haads with satufac tioH ae they read la the pre nv d serlpllon after anoeher of tbc i glaalag ot the aanaal Aiueri. an mevemeNt towanl I'rnaeh short- i "Ttwy'v bad aaotker wonderfully proaptfttitfl year," le the word pawd from the .MadelelM to the Place d U Uaetllle. and tram the ehufch f Notre Iame to the Arc da Trlomphf All is ready aad the beat suites In must of the large hotels are retrvd for the use ot the Americans Mas. Hejaae has had a special lomedy. "Paris aad New York.' written expressly to attract Ameri cans to her theater, built according to American ideas ot comfort. Sev eral of the most prominent portrait painter who usualy make tours of the United States, bare decided to vary the progrcn and are fixing up magnificent studio In the neighbor hood ot the Bois de Boulogue to re ceive their share of the golden flood. A Woman's Back Haa nany aches and pains caused by weaknesses and falling, or other displace aacnt, of tho pelvic organs. Other symp toms of fornalo weakness aro frequent headache, dluinws. Imaginary specks or dark spots floating before ,tho eyes, gnaw ing sensation In stomach, dragging or bearing down In lowcrabdomlnalor pelvic region, dlsagreeablo drains from pelvic organs,falnt spoils with general weakness If any conilderablo numbor of tho abov symptoms aro present there I) no remedy that WNlvo quicker relief dr a more per manent rbm than Dr. ricrco's Favorlto PrecmoTjSlt has a record of over forty ycat InxL cars ot cufN It M the, most potent UXYlg?ra,UncjctUi vjflonownrar ot the glyceric ex calcan ilUUU jnaJlen madf extracU o( native medici nal roots found In our forests and con , tains not a drop ot alcohol or harmful, ot habit-forming drugs. Its Ingredients are all printed on tho bottle-wrapper and at tested under oath as correct. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa vorlto Proscription " has tho written on dorscment ot tho most eminent meillcn writers cf all the several schools ot prac ticemore valuablo than any amount of non-professional testimonials though the latter are not lacking, having boon con trlbutcd voluntarily by grateful patient" In numbers to exceed tho endorsements given to any other medlclno extant for tho euro of woman's Ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine ot unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy or ksow.n coMrusmox, even though the dealer piny makonllttlfl more- profit thereby, Yaut Interest in regaining honlth Is paramount to any solfsh Interest i hi and It la an Insult to your Intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute You know what you want and it Is his busi ness to supply tho nrtlelo called for. Dr. ricrco's Pleasant Pollota aro tho original "Ltttlo Liver Pills" lint put up by old Dr. Ploreo over forty years agu, much imitated but novnr equalod. Little sngar-roatm granules easy to take ki "American of tho bettor clnssos hnvo decided that Its tnoro 'chic' to be painted in Pnrls than In Now York or Chicago, but for this wo raised tho price 25 por cent," was tho ro mnrk mndo by a famous portrait palntor, whoso luxurous studio on Boulovnrd Blnonu Ib linked by a con sulting room for tho uso ot fresh Ynnkoo nsplrnnts for his fnvors, mak ing It look Ilka tho office of n fash ionable doctor. From tho tops of de partment storos lluttor tho stnra and strlpos husldus tho tricolor, to tho exclusion ot othor fings ot othor nn tlnns whoso peoplo apond much less monoy nnd who want tholr chnngo back. Tho vory dates of curtain horso races hnvo hcon changed so ns to fall on Sundnys nnd has lost n largo amount ot American patron age. The ot nil nrtlctca such ns oxporlunco has shown that Ameri cans nro suro to buy hnvo boon doubled and tripled. Even tho spring Is doing Its. host to help tho PnrlHlaus In tho UBunl dogroo of harvest this year, for not In n dozen year lins tho soasou buen so sunny and wnrm ns this, o Dullards Ilnrchouiul Hyrtip. Immediately rollovos hoarso, oroupy cough; oppressed, rattling rasping nnd difficult breathing. Honry O. Sterns, druggist, Shullsburg, Wis., wrltoo, May 20, 1902: "I haro boon selling Bnllard's Horohound Syrup for two yonrs, and hnvo novor had a preparation thnt has glvon bottor satisfaction. I notlco that when I soli a bottlo thoy como bnck for inoro I can honestly recommend It." 2Bc, fiOo nnd 100. Sold by D. J. Fry. The Fashion Stables Formerly bimpson's HtaWo. Up-to-date livery anl cab lis Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally to for picnics and excursions, Phon 44. 0IIA8. W YANNKB, Prop 247 aad 240 High Strut. Knlnrge! - Our moat market ou East State street has been douulcd in alio and we aro bottor prepared than ever to sorvo customers. Prompt servico and tho best of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. II. E. Edwards, Prop HARPER WHISKY Famous nt homo for Generations jut Famoiu now all over Uio world. For sale by AUG. gCHKKIHEK, Salera, iinrjjacuion I science, ills hm sfsV ltBr 9smmHHB giiitiitMBiimti8it f iaisi CLASSIPIED . WIHIHUriHl !! FOR RAXJt For Sfllc Good horso, weight about 1200 pounds, woll broko single or double A snap it takon at onco. Phono 232 or call nt S91 South 12th streot. 4-19-3f L 13 Acw Flno soil, half tlmbor, S!!. "1":. ii!) CKiiuin, iiuu uuuuauuvinuiu nun uk Salem, river, mountains, etc En tlroly enclosod with now "vrlroi fonco. IIouso and barn old. Ap pics, pears, plums, prunes, peach-1 08, cherries, berries full bearing. This Is for you, Mr. Bargnln Hunt- or. can on or wrllo to "II.," enro Journnl. 4-19-md-lw Vor Sale Good cow, fresh. Also good family horse, nt a bargain, it takon at once. T. D. Jonos 2274 Stnto street. 4-18-lw For Salo. Good young pony, brldlo nnd snddle. Inqulro at 093 Church sttooL 4-15-lwk Slcmn Itlg Up-to-dnto and ready to run, for tsnlo, .15x50. Advance separator, lC-horso ItussoU engine. Ens tonus. Inqulro at Salem Iron Works. 4-15-Ct For Sale Barred Plymouth Hock eggs. From imported stock. Phonn No. 1273. Mrs. J. A. Bishop, South Commorclnl stroct, Snlom. 4-15-lwk For Sale Salom-Indopondonco-Mon-mouth stngo lino, fully equipped. Inqulro of Capital Commlsstou Company, Salem. 4-5-tf For Sale 233 acres, 150 untlor plaw, halnnco tlmbor $35 per nero; 151 acres, good homo, bai. and windmill, host farm In vnlloy, $10. 000; 21 ncros, good houso, barn, 9 long by 100 foot wldo, $3600; 80 cows; 10 ncros, wngon, buggy, all tho farm Implomonts nnd houso turnlturo; 21 acres nonr town on tho island, good 0-room houso nnd bnrn, $0000; big lot 200 foot ling by 100 feet wldo, $3500; 80 ncros 3 miles sbuth-ot town nearly all In grain, $G5 per aero; 8 ncrea 3 miles wost ot town with houso and barn, $800; 94 acres, 13 miles ast of Salem, $40 por aero; lMi acres, good houso and barn, $850; lncro with flvo room houso and barn, $700; 5 acres with good 0 room houso and barn, $1000; 4 ncrcs with good houso and wind mill in town, $2200; 4 ncros with houso and bnrn In lewn, $2(100; also from 20 to 30 good housos from $000 to $4000. For snlo hy J. C. Schults, 747 South Twelfth St. Snlom. 4-Mmo. For Halo. A flvo and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located In East Salem. Good bargains, Innlnh Sohonoflold, 21st and Marlon 8ts Salem. 1-28-tf FOIt IUCNT For Una Houso and four lots, gar don nnd barn. All kinds of fruit. Apply nt 345 Union streot. Phono 591. 4-4-tf For Rent Bovon-room houso, hot and cold wator, electric llg'it, bath room. Inquire ot Aug. Bohrolb er, SCO North High streot. 3-25-tf DRAYMEN. Cummin Bros,' Transfer Company- All kinds of transfer work dono. Furniture nnd pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt sorvico is our motto. Stand and office at 2K3 South Commorolnl streot. PhOHO 210. Residence Phono 90S. MUHIOAL. Arlliur Von J-t-ii TaeVer of pi ano; touoh, teoh'nloh, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory eourse Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Resldeneo 668 Center St. Tel. Main 626. 2-28-tf. i BARU AND DOOR FAOTOBIHg. Frank U. Tliown. Maoufaeturer of sash, tl.wm, mottldlsga. 1)1 kinds ef bouse flalih sad bard wood work Front street, bet. State nnd Court ummmrwtmrmui mtwmuvimbptLL. 4 lu, riu iu h ItrnMH Hmhhihh, lllll IMwm tiritt. a. huuimu. F - mr m ,,, f9tmm9. A., i MllW. W,.4lkMIW.taU Ul4l t .J...1, MM p4 tl 4wt M U hi. wiiMrM, irfMtf jh4AkM4 iiniTtocpcneo.. H4.umtn, . mIJ u -' Lu rv c Mi . DEPARTMENT 1 , Illf liHHl(t WAKTXD. Highest Cash lrlccPald for chlck ons nt Wlllamotto Hotel. 4-19-tt Girl Wanted. Inqulro at 5C5 High street. 4-1 8-3 1 - -I ' ,WI! M II ,m LOST. zxzsM-fctii dogrx swore to namo ot "Don." Return to E. Hofor, Couth Snlom. 4-17-tt PX.TJM1XM. j ' Barr Piumhlng, bot watea and steam heating and Uhb1i, 104 Commorcial street. Phoav Mala 192. 8-1-ly M. J, Fettel Plomblag, steam as-4 gas ittlag. Successor to Kaox M Murphy, 28 Commercial street, 'Phone Mais 17. LOIK3KS. I'orcstcra ot America Court ih-r wood Foreators, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street Loo Abble, O. R.; A. L. Browa, F. 8. Central lAtdgo No. 1H, K. et P. Castle Hall In Holman block, eer nor State and Liberty streets. Tuesday ot each week at 730 V, m. E. W. Hazard, O. O.; V. I. Stalcy, K. ot R. and 8. i i - r ii i 1 1 , i ! Modern Woodmen ot Ainerlci Ore gon Codar Camp No. 5246, Meete every Thursday evonlivj at $ o'clock In Holman hall, W. W. Hill, V. O.; Y. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moot evory Frl day night at 7:30, In Holtnaa hall. J. A. Dlckoy, O. 8.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. i i Lincoln Annuity Union. flick, acci dout and pension insuranco; $3, 000,000 plodgod; every claim pal Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organiser, Box 433 Snlom, Oregon. It. R. Ryan, socrectary, 546 8tato street MIHCKLIiANKOUH. 1'n'BnlnK Parlora Pressing, cloaa lug, repairing and drossmaklng dono by Mrs. E. W. James 484 Court street. Phono 477, 4-4-lmo DrrMiiiaklMK Plain or fancy dreas making dono by Portland lady of experience Mrs, A. N. Munsoy, 350 Hoventoonth stroot. Phone 1171. 4-3-lmo. Your Htopmoilior Is still hero busy as over cleaning, dyeing, pressng nnd repairing anything from a pair of glovoi to tho must elaborate silk gown. Ooods called for and roturnod. Mrs. G. II. Walker, 221 South Commorolnl streot. IMioha 1345. 4-1-lm PIihio Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ot port tuning, repairing and polish lug. Leave orders at Goo, O, Wills' uiuslo storo, Salem. 2- 9-lyr ConrrHo Work.-Got my prices oa sidewalks, curbs, soptlo tanks and cement work of any kind. All work gunrantood first-class. M. Ward, Highland add, Phono 569. 2-n-tr lluito At Wrnilerotti Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the colehrated Kullogg and Castle whlsklos. Cool and rotroshlng beer constantly on drough. South Commorcial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works Founders, tna chlnlsta and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds ot sawmill tnoohlner Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Hnlitin Box H Lumber Go, Removed from South Salum to. 14th street, near the 8. P. depot. Boxes, Vtrry Crates, Fruit Traya and Perfection Fruit Evuporatora. Phone 201. SALEM WATER COMPANY OrriOB CITY HALL. Per water service tpply at oMec, Bills payable monthly In advaaea. Make all complaints at the offltt. LVDIR'ENDU.VCi: 8TAHK. Dally excopt Sunday. Leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con mots with motor for Monmouth aael Dallas at 0:15 p. ra. Leave Iaite pondenco at 8 a. m. Phone Mafaj 179, RALPH BUDLONO, Maaager, DUHERNUT BREAD It Is worth mora thaa aay etkac bread, yet the prle la so kJgW. For sal at your grfrw'a. OAUVtMUaA MAKimr. f I -uf A" ua , WVyj4