DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. FOR COUGHS KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR COLDS THROAT DR. KINO'S wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJmmmmmimmmmmmKmmKmmmmmmmKmmmmmm AND LUNGS NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had tho most debilitating cough a mortal was over afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely bo for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's. New Discovery cured mo so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovcrtown, Ind. Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. PERRY'S DRUG STORE (lay Color for Men TIiIh Soiikoii. Now York. April 20. Tho mnn who followH tho Menu tho clothiers, tho aklrtmakorB, and tho habordoah orH huvo laid down na tho rulco of fashions this spring and summor, will nppoor In nil tho tints of tho bird of paradise. Men's clothes, no cording to this season's tllotntos of fashion, will rival women's raiment In gorgootiB colors. Everything will ho conspicuous, from tho tho hIioob, betweon whloh two oxtromltlos will ho skirts of gay hues, ties of lurid shade nnfl Block ing that "nro Just too cuto for any thing," Hiiggostlng tho modern llonti Hrtimmoll. Of course those fanciful creations nro tho most oxtrumo dress- oxeept lit coats, which nro being mado with n military and hnlf-mlll-tnry back. Tho pattern, which wns so popular a few HonsotiB ngo, la be ing rovlvod, and most inon of oroct flguro nro Kind. Tho coats nro be ing tundo 32 nnd 33 Inches long, nbout tho anmo length that has boon prevailing. Thoy nro straight down tho front, In slnglo nnd double hroasts, with two or throo buttons, lint to as tho wearer my profor. Finishing up with military hack nnd carrying out the "cavo-ln-tho-bnck" Impros hIoii, tho bottom will flnro a trllle. Trousers nro being mndo In pog-top. Thoro nro oxtromos In pog-tops, though, nnd tho wonror may havo them mndo na ho likes. One stylo ors. Thoso of ciuloter tnstos may 'of trousers this spring gives ono tho select Ions consplcloua mntorlnls and still bo In good form. Sorgo and tho ImprosHlon that tho wonror hns In flntod thorn, for they stand out from club cheek grays nro running each j tho hips nnd tnpor to tho bottom In othor ii clone race, for tho suit, whlol. J a graceful curvo that looks llko n of courso cornea tlrst, for that Is tho j Dutch picture All It ucods Is a pnlr biggest nnd moBt easily Been of tho of sabots to conipleto tho Ukcnoss, whole spring outfit. Dark gray, In Vests will bo tho strong point with tho club cheeks, nnd fancy bluo tho suits. Thoso that nro mndo of check Bergo, with blocks, nro tho tho snnio cloth ns tho suit will bo cut rule, but tho ronlly only corroot low, without collars. Somo oxtrom shades, flay tho tnilors la brown, lata nro gottlng theirs with only throo Drowns In different shades nro bnok or four buttons. Ono or two of tho ngtiiu for a revlvnl, but tho youth do tnilors nro making tho voata with n not sooni to have taken very kldly to double row of buttons. To him who them. Uluo aorgo has long boon Hits long over tho knlvos and forks popular with tho young men for this stylo of vest, which Is loosened spring nnd summor wear, but this by lotting out ono row of buttons year tho fabric Is inoro popular than nnd fastening tho othor row, Is read over. Moro suits lire Wing made up lly appreciated. Fancy vests will lie In tho fiiuey typo of sorgo, but tho tho vogue. Iloaldos tho usual pique plutn bluo still retains a good place waistcoats, llannol In many and In tho favor of the woll d roused variegated colors will bo worn, young man There Is not n groat Sumo nro neat and tnatotul with dual of chnngo in tin- cut of clothes, plain stripes running on a plain Undertaking and Embalming DKHT SKUYICK COMl'l.KXK OUTFIT On'y White Henrso nnd Whlto Horses in Marlon and adjoin ing oountle. W. T. RIGDON I O O. Fllldg. 45G Court St whlto or crenm background. Others bear noatly embroidered flowers,, nnd tho colors of somo of tho cxtromo stylos nro nnmzlng. Buttons, too, will conio In for a great deal of con sideration. Ono tailor hns gotten n stock of buttons with n girls picture inclosed In n gold fnmo. Ono or two waistcoats, with ngnto nnd horn but tons, havo nppoarod In windows, but nit tho wnlalconts, buttons and nil, will bo of joyous tint. o Xotlro for Rids. Tho county clork of Marlon coun ty, Oregon, will rpcolva scnlcd bids up to 1 o'clock p. m., Mny 3, 1907, proposing to deliver forty cords of first class grub oak or old growth onk wood, nlso forty cords of first class second growth or old growth fir wood nt tho county court houso In Silom, Oregon, on or botoro Septem ber 1, 1907. All bids must bo accompanied with n cortlflcd check In n sum equal to 10 por cent of tho amount of thd bid, conditioned that said sum he forfoltod it tho party bidding shall fnll to ontor Into n wrltton contrnct in nccordnnco to tho terms of snld bid within flvo dnya from tho dnto of tho nccoptunco of snld bid by tho county court of Mnrlon cotinty,Oro gon, nnd glvo an npproved bond conditioned that tho party bidding will faithfully enrry out said contrnct in nccordnnco with tho terms thoro or. Tho county court reserves tho right to rojoct nny and nil bids. Snld bids will bo opened nt 1 o'clock p. m., Mny 3, 1907. JOHN II. SCOTT, 4-19-6L County Judge. o graduates vs. far.mkus. Will Fight Hoforvmloiii on IT. of (), Appropriation Right to Polls. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM'S PRICES ON STAPLES HAV1MJ IKH'CIIIT IIIIAVY IIKKOItK TIIK TltlOIICMKH'S AD YANtiCi IN WUOI.ltSAl.K COST, K AUK AIU.K TO DUPLICATE At.l, FOUMKR lMUOllS. Heavy twilled shirting lOeyd Calico, lartre line to yd Dress gluuham S l-3c ytl Checked lliuut towolliiB... .9c yd Heavy Daisy cloth lOo yd Fancy Iuwiib.. . .... B, 10, ISo yd H'ut unbleached muslin 8 l-3o yd Medium walnut muslin.. 7 Via yd IU't blwiohod mutllu ...,10c yd Medium weight muslin.. 7 io yd Standard oil cloth IScyd Wldo corset coyer omby..a5cyd Fancy cotton suiting ....lOoyd Turkish towels uublsa . .lOoeach Turkish towoU largo blea 16c each. 3 dot. good, pearl buttons ....Be Children' undershirts ISo ladles' heavy gruy hoso ..lOepr Children's heavy black hoso lOo pr Children's never wear out no 15o pr Children Ineo hose 23opr $-25 corduroy pauts for men Si.50 $2.00 wool pants for mon..$1.40 $1.35 Cottou pants for men $1.00 $1.25 cotton pauts for men 90c Roys' short pants , a Bo Hoys loug pants 45c Men's gray overalls ........ 75o. Mon'a black aud whlto shirts 40c Men's negligee shirts 45 and 65c ROSTBN & GREEINBAliM 240-246 Commercial St. 5sNClVt QftgOA ! KM At a uioetlug of tho Portland branch of tho University of Oregon Alpuil nwioelntlon held yeetorda ths following o 111 cere were elaotod ; for the ensuing year: President, C. i N. MeArthur; secretary. Dr. Fred J. Xelgler; treasurer, Dr. C. Q. MeCor niaok. Tho local association has about 100 member, many of whom art prominent In buslneea and pro fessional circles. It is its custom to tcl an nnuual banquet, aud also nu infoi iiimI entertalameHl to graduates of the loral high schools and nonde nilea Titers Is a general allium' association, rompoeetl of graduutss of all departments of the university. The headquarters are at Bugane, whore there Is also n local nlumnl association. The Portland nnd Hu gene organisations are now endeav oring to head off the referendum be ing agltntod against the university appropriation bill aud if the require! number of signature are secured, tho alumni in all parts of the state will prepare for the battle at the polls lu June. IMS The University of Oregon has about 600 graduates, most of whom reside In the state, -o Rtn Dr. Orr's Lecture. Now York. April 50. The leoturoa on tho "Virgin IUrth of Christ." now being given in the Fifth Avenue , Presbytorlan church on Tuesdar and irrmay nuernoqas. are attraotinc much attention, and the attention ot tho public Is secured by tho system ot answering questions lutroduced by Dr- Orr, The religious dement I profoundly aroused by the learned doctor, -Kho is the protestor ot theol ogy and apologetics In the United jTCi utimch college, Qhutgov, Pr, Orr la recognized ns ono of the best qualified men living to conduct this discussion. The Dross prlzo of $6000 wn3 lately awnrded to him for hla book "Tho Problem of the Old Tes tament," by Lake Forest university, nnd honor shared with him by two predecessors Dr Pntton, of Prince ton, nnd Dr. Dods, of Edinburgh, Scotlnnd. The lectures nro given under tho auspices of tho Bible Teachers' trnlning school of New York, of which Dr. Wllbort Whlto la president. New York Fashion Item. A chiffon evonlng gown la of tho new shade, known na Terro d'Egypt, mndo ovor white, tho folded fichu nnd tho cantor panel painted lu flowers of Wedgwood bluo nnd Rom ney pink, nnd outlined on each (jidf by n panel of flno laco, n high Bash of cheno reproducing the flowers In more vivid toneB, tho vory fussy lnc and not sloovos tied with gold tlsatio. Anothor evening gown wns of whlto crepo de chine with n deep ln ccrtlon of painted chiffon, tho pink nnd yellow roses lightly touched with silver, giving tho misty effect of moonlight sheen, tho chiffon draper ies of the dccolletnge drawn through two lnrgo diamond half-moons nnd the floating sash of frilled whlto tullo also drawn thrugh n glittering horse shoe. A lovoly grny-bluo net gown la wrought nt tho hem with nn em broidery of silver, oxldlzo and gold. U is yelled with chiffon, over which falls embroidery carried out In clalr de luuc nouqlna, tho wholo suggesting dellcnto inoonBhlne. The soqulue npponrs also on tho corsage. A1 the Heat Where it s wanted. When it's wanted IIIRIL A hot stove in a hot kitchen makes a hot cook. Use a stove that gives concentrated heat that cooks the meal quickly without making an overheated jiiu.ui.ii. im mi. Htw tcnecuon uu Stove vm n working flame at moment of lighting. The ' NEW PERHCHON Wiek Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is the nciv oil stove. Embodies new principle! G best results. Chimneys are enameled in blue, which m with one, two, and three burners. Everv stov. ,.Z? If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest accTf descriptive circular. ' The $?Jt2ri T the.botUep "r -"' for all-roud Made of brass throughout and beautifully nicWd. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; meraW in light-giving power; an ornament to any tm. Every lamp warranted. If not at your desk.', write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OR COMPANY (iflUUW-u KATKO) 6 Rhciitnutlc Pains. I havo been n vory great BUfforer from tho dreadful dlscnBO, rheuma tism, for n number of yenrs. I havo trlod mnny medicines but novor got much relief from any of thorn until two yenrs ngo, when I bought a bot tlo ot Chnmberlnln's Pnln Dnlm. I found relief boforo I hnd usod nil of ono bottle, but kopt on applying tt nnd soon folt llko n dlfforont worn nn. Through my ndvlco mnny eft my frlonds havo tried it nnd can tell you how wonderfully it has worked. Mrs. Sarnh A. Colo, 140 S. Now St, Dover, Dol. Chnmborlnln'a Pnln Dnlm la a llulroont. Tho relief from pain which It nffords is nlono worth mnny tlmos Its cost. It makes rest and sleep possible For salo nt Dr. Stono's drug storo. o SUNDAY SERVICES Christian Science. FIrat Church of Christ, Scientist, 4 -10 Chomokota stroot. Services Sun day at 10:30 a. m. nnd 7:80 p. in. Subject of lesson sermon, "Probation Aftor Death." Sunday sohool nt 11:45 n. in. Tho Wodnosdny evonlnc la hold nt p. in. Rending room In the church open oach afternoon oxcupt Sunday. All nro cordlnlly ln vltod to nttond tho servlcos and the rondlng room. Central Congregational. Nlnotoenth mid Ferry atruot, P. S. Knight, pastor. Morning nnd ove nlng service conduetod by tho pas tor. Sunday school nnd Endeavor mooting ns usual. Ulblo study Thurs day ovenlng. Gospel Chapel. Fifteenth nnd Mill streets. Sun day Bchool at 10 n. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:15 p. m. Tostlmony and prnlso nt 0:45 p. m. Prnyer mooting Fridny ovenlng. Ulblo study nt 1450 Ferry Btreot' Tucsdny ovo nlng. Rov. Thos. G. Rogers nnd wlfo of California, will speak at tho Sun day services. First Congregational. Center and Liberty streets, F. E Dell, pastor. At 10 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. tho pnstor will occupy tho pul pit. Thomo for morning hour, "Ex pensive Economy in Acquiring Spiritual Gain, consideration, Facta." Sunday Bchool session at 12 m. Young Peoplo's meeting nt C;3o p. m. Prnyor meeting Thursday evening nt 7:30 o'clock. Teachers' meeting In charge of Mrs. Allco 11 Dodd, is hold Immediately after prayer meeting. Mrs. W. Cnrlton Smith and Mrs. W. P. Dnbcock will room n0U8e, barn, iroodM bo hoard In a duot at tho morning (rujt( wou (eared, ZH & aorvlce. Persons not having n cnurcn salom Price S1S0O. BARGAII In Real Estate Forms and city property Isr by Radcllff Co. j 5-room modern cotti;, ct i dno. This property It oleJt sacrifice. Price 11650. Eujt Modern cottage of firina),'! plumbed and wired, tool lot 75 by ICO feet, ir,it Prico $1500. Nino room home, pbutertd. t ets. nantty. baientct. nsict auujoct ror ovening bnrn 2cx34, woodihed IWt "Somo undenlabio Diaco ls tnrco bocl!I lns houso. Prico $2625. 3 acres In city limits, an Ul berries. Prico $1300. EujJ 2 acres, now 5-rooa to,i barn, two block froncrllMJ fruit. Prico $1650. 10 ncros nit In cnltlntlts, Headache Sufferers Do yon want relief in just a few moments and no l)ad after-effects. If so, you have only to take, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. If subject to headache, havo them with you al ways. No harm can come from their use, if taken as directed, as they contain no opium, chloral, inor phino, cocaine, chloro form, heroin, alpha and beta eucaino, cannabis in dica or chloral hydrate, or their derivatives. Ask your druggist about them. homo nro moat kindly invited to moot with tho pcoplo of this churcb for worship. T ...1 C V1 , Rogular Sunday Borvico it 10:30 n. in. In tho German Luthornn St. John's church corner Contor nnJ Fourteenth BtrcctB. Geo. Engcl, pas tor. First Christian. Cornor of High nnd Contor atroots Pronohlng by tho pnstor nt 10:30 n. in. aud 7:30 p. thomea: "How tho Grow" and "Gonunlne Conversion. ' Dlble school at 12 in. Christian En deavor nt G:30 p. m. Strnngors and visitors wolcomo. D. Errott, pnstor St. Paul's 1-lplbcopnl. ChamoHotn nnd Church streets. Rov. Barr G. Loo, rector. Third Sundny nftor Enater. Usunl sorvlces nt 7:30 n. m., 11 n. m. nnd 4 p. m Sundny Bchool nt 10 n. m. Tho ev ening sorvlco is ohnnged from 4:3C to 4 p. m. until further notice. All welcome. First I'rosbytorinn. Church stroot, nonr Chemeketa Rev. Henry T. Dnbcock, pnstor. Morn ing s rvlco nt 10:30 n. m. Preach ing by tho pnstor. Subject: "Re In Christ." Sundny school at 12 in. C. B. nt C:30 p. m. Evening service nt 7:30 p. m., by the pastor. Sub Sub eoct: "Obedlouco to God." Mld wouk prnyor mooting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. The iooturo on Friday at S p. in., under the nuspieos of the Prosbytorlan brotherhood, given by Prof. J. D. Horner, of O. A. C. Cor vallla. Lecture on "The Holy Land" with ateroopticon views. SU ncres, lHlnlnuirw" woodahod and chlrtta miin from Salem. PittM Ono-halt cash balance at I Jf Intorost SO ncrca. 67 In cultlnUoi, nncture. 5-room boiue, l other out-buIldInKf,golT1 all crop, Implementi ail iJ with place, i nllei & Price IS000. Toll S 1 hUUU ,m - - ifc in. Rosnectlve Bnrrhnsen can Jr" Church Must 73 acrP, all In nn' monta, stock and crop w -n vcir. cood1feIfM", ..r forced throora M barn, one mile from BU meats, sialic and ere? F9 place. ITUe t50. 55 sere. 3 B - . i... is acres 'j rom Salem. Tail U -' Pmlries best farm. - acre, reasonable f1 Sereral bousi tot res- . ..ifr la t want buj t notary work It Klvcs rae jTat pleasure to be ablo to refer to the Dr. MIU AnU I'sUq lulls na tbo beat remedy we have ever had in our house ror the preven tion and cure of headache Uy wife who ha bn & cunsnant sufferer for YNU-a with tha above complaint. Joins e la. npcimmnduiB r, JIUm' AnU IVln IHIU. hoping they may fall Into the band ot nil who utrr." J, I. 8USU. Watervlelt, K. Y. Dv MIIm A.tln Miu are mM y )W rrt Mkoe vIU bijvHtU Iflt tetw. r.e xui return veer wMy. , at u. Hever aM fe bulk. MikMdklCd.. iUkluuIatsi RADCLIff Reliable A Room 11, Moore. WJJ Reference - ' j house 19 - - SeSef iiycriirtf ! andyou1Urtf --TLi flaw v" vaaaM e1 Will A(ldrvs Teachers. Stato Suporlntondont of Public In struction Ackerman left this morn-1 Ing for Woodburn, where ho will ad dress tho teachers In convention 0Hu" tuiT1 tho subject of "Recent School Legb- baT0 the && M latlon." In the afternoon be win speak "bn "lfow May tho Community Help tho School.- when eTery to send tb v... timet ta" UUI - .i MOU.lsrnr. Itocy Wountri.n Tea Mutjgta A Baij Htdidt fn By Pre. 2dgt QmJm l!.t& 4 Keattxi Vipt. Jl 'Sm4firCw!"'"nUUsttoo.UTe tad Kwiy l'rtwihwv hr rW. jv--W, P Wo' lUl llrrvj.il,. hMitnut. Inu, Utiet ad Bwiaw.. U H Vy MoUti Tf 1? t tl torta. m a U'X, -aut Buuie of you cm .mllr vt& .u-i .vboatewr- .A-.f ms Sit pJS.i