Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 20, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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His Remarkable Achievement in Settlement of Japanese and San
Francisco Public School Exclusion Order
fc. t'ai'ltnl Journal .presents
, r. adera In Orogon the
An, ,t passages of tho groat
g . , h nmile by Socrotnry
i; at the International
1 -vtts conferonco In dofaiiBO
cf the wonderful and suc-
?.. l Mntlnt nrtrrtnil nut
i- -Hill J'unw v... u
t, prcjUint Roosevelt In dealing
,, s ,ho controv rsy tnnt arose wun
apanoYcr he txiluslon of Japanese
ttJJren from the public schools of
&b FrancIsi.o Tho President In
vt Instant showed the utmost
enrage In den Ing with a situation
ihat was load, d with tho dynamite
of demagog y, that might havo been
,iplodcd and might havo lnvoiveu
no friendly nations In wnr with loss
courageous and less Intelligent troat-
Following are tho extracts rrom
the ipecch of Secretnry Root, who
ni also president of tho conforerfco.
It It well worth rending:
History of the Controversy with
In pan.
On tho 11th of October, 190C, tho
teird of education of San Francisco
tioptcd a resolution In these werds:
Resolved, that In nccordnnco with
utlcle X, Bictlon 1CC2, of the school
jv of California, principals ar
her 5r directed to send nil Ghlnose,
Japanese, or Korenns children to the
r-iental nubile school, sltunted on
tie south side of Clay strcot, bo
tvecn Powell and MnBou strcots. on
and after Mondny, October 15,
The school system thus provided
kcooI privileges for all resident chil
dren, whether citizen or nllcn; all
resident children wero Included In
the basis for estimating tho amount
to be raised by taxation for school
mrpoifs, the fund for tho support
of the school was raised by genera1
taxation upon all property of rosl-J
dent aliens ns well as of citizens;
ai all resident chlldron, whether of
aliens or of citizens, wore liable to
U compelled to attend tho schools.
So that under the resolution of the
beard of education, tho children of
retldent alkns of all other nationali
ties were freely admitted to the
xhools cf tho my in tho neighbor
hood of their homes, while tho chil
dren ef Indians. Chlnoso, and Japa
nese were excluded -from those
Khools, and were not only doprlved
f education unless they consented
to jo to the special orlontal school
MClay Btrnt, hut woro Hablo to bo
krdbly con-ji lied to go to that pnr-
!ar s hi".!
After the jassage of this rosolu
H. admi.in to the ordinary pri
ory sh. tl( San Frnnolsco was
cl tu Jui, anew chlldron, and
tHNipn th. government of Japnn
ri., r.tutlons to tho govorn-
of t!.. nltod Statos that inas-
as t'i, , hildren nf roalilnnta
un of aij other, for
- were freely ndmlttod
the citizens of Japan
I'ulted Statos wore,
;-i'n. denied the sntno
I 2 v r s 1 J z z -x" I
Wlien tho prcsidont is out in the
woods ho enjoys u good story, and
lus lnunh is honrtv and euro froo.
In repose tho president's fnco is
very solemn and dignified; in no
tion it is ono of tho most cxprcss
ivo couutonpueos in America.
Prosidont Roonuvolt lovos tho
children, nnd ono of his most kind
ly smiles is rosorved for thorn.
rfct to taut rtnimni
When Prosidont Roosovelt
clinches a point in tho midst of his
oratory his set expression is proof
in itsolf of his oarnostuoss.
criminatory administration In the other Holds th3 state executive, Is to
forolgn countries whoro they may net, Tho tronty-maklng power is not
travol or trndo or rosldo Is, and nl- distributed; It Ib nil vested In tho nn
ways has boon, ono of tho chief oh-' tlonal govornmont; no pnrt of it h
Iftftffl flf trmilv tllfllrltlir nA aliMi
provisions always have boon reciprocal.
During tho entiro history of the
United Statos provisions of thin de
scription havo Included privileges,
llbrtlos, nnd rights relating to the
rights of rcsldonco which wero ac
corded to tho citizens or subjects of
tho most-fnvored nation. Tho ques
tions thus raised wero promptly pre
sented by tho govornmont of tho
United States to tho fcdoral court in
California, nnd nlso to tho state court
of California, In appropriate loga'
proceedings. Tho matter has boon
happily disposod of without proceed
ing to Judgment In olthor case; but
In tho moantlmo thoro was much ox
cltod discussion of tho subject in tho
newspnpors and In public meetings
and In private conversation.
It is a pleasure to bo ablo to sav
that never for a moment was thoro,
vostcd In or rcsorvod to tho stntos.
In Internntlonnl affairs thoro are no
statos; there Is hut ono nation, act
ing In direct relation to nnd repre
sentation of ovory citizen In ovejy
state. Kvcry tronty mndo under tutlon
to education, or us to tho exorcise of
religion and ns to burial but not n
to education, or ns to education but
not as to property or rollglon. That
would bo substituting tho mere will
of tho stnto for tho Judgment of tho
Prosidont nnd Honnto In exercising a
power committed to them nnd pro
hibited to tho stntos by tho constl-
tho authority of the United States
is made by tho national govornmont,
ns tho direct and solo representa
tive of every cltlzon of tho United
Statos rosldlng In California equally
with every citizen of tho United
States residing elsowhoro. It Is, of
course, concelvnblo that, under pre
tonso of exorcising tho treaty-making
power, tho Prosidont nnd sonute
Thoro was, thorcfore, no real Ques
tion of power arising ttndor this Jap-
nnoso tronty nnd no quoBtlon of stato
Thoro woro, howovor, questions of
policy, questions of nntlonnl Interests
and of Btnte Interests, nrlslng under
tho administration of tho tronty and
regarding tho application of Its pro
visions to tho conditions existing on
might nttompt to make provisions , tho Pacific const,
rognrdlng mnttors which aro not j in the distribution of powors un
propor subjects of International (dor our oomposlto systom of govorn
ngroomont, nnd which would bo only ; mont tho poople of San Francisco
n colorablo not n real oxorolso of , had throo sets ol Interests committed
the tronty-maklng power; but so fnrto three different sots of orncors
ns tho ronl oxerclsc of tho poworjtholr poolnl intortist n cltlzons of
goos, thoro can bo no quostlon of the nrlnclnnl olty nnd commercial
ns botwoon the govornmont of thw, stato rights, because tho conHtitu- 'port of tho Pacific const reprosonteU Jquoullon underlying tho whole sul
United Stntos and tho government of , lion Itself, in Hie most explicit jy the olty govornmont of San Fran- jot which made till (mentions of
Japan, tho slightest departure from 'terms, tins preoludeu the oxlstonoo
nnd purpose woro necessary. Many
thoughtless und somu nilBohtovom
persons havo spoken nnd written re
garding these coVforeucea and com
munications ns It they wero tho par
leying and compromise of enemies.
On tho contrnry, thoy woro an ex
nmplo of the way In which tho public
business ought nlwayn to bo conduct
ed; so that tho different public nfll
cors respectively charged with tho
performance of duties nffectlng the
sumo uuhjoct-mnttor niny work to
gether in fiirthornnvo of tho tmmu
public pulley and with n common
purpose for tho good or tho wholn
country nnd ovury part of tho coun
try. Huoh a conoort of notion with
such a purpose was oHtnbllshod by
tho oonforouaos und 00111111011100110111
botwoon tho national authorities nnd
tho authorities of California and
81111 Frnnclsoo which followed the
pnunge of tho bourd of education
Only Hunger of Wnr I,lri la I'tvlliigi
of IV'oplo.
There was ono great nnd serious
WWrr ,
jW count!
Ut n.
I frf'th-K i,,er Tmi,1()s ,,
Kelprw! a:riaaiiL hola-aan
! "ll r ..1. !!., ... .....
" lilt t Uli'ni Mt OAli nn.lnn wa-
... w, mll MI.IIU1. . W-
lL " uitory of ike otkier
f UMiunff ttia nanat fninlllnr
"S" Ml .1 .H.nilA.Hl.na.1 Av.vlaAa
' --..kwv,mi W"i viavn
King power. To se
" of one's anunlrv
- "nutory laws and dte-
perfect good tomper, mutunl confi
dence, nnd klildly consideration; and
that no soonor hnd the views and
purposes of the governments of the
United States, the state of California
of any such question.
So Qiit'Ntlon of Htiitim'
Since the rights, prlvllegs
I public mootlngs? What would bo
1 the effect upon our own people ot
.the rwipoiiBM that natural rosnt-
ment for such treatment would elicit
from tho Japanese?
Tho first nrtlolo of tho first treaty
Japnn over mado with a western pow
er provlded:
"Thero shall bo a purfoct, perma
nent, ami universal pcaco nnd a sili
cons and cordial amity botwoon tho
United Stnes or Amorlcn on tho out)
pnrt, and tho empire ot Japan on
tho other part, and between thotr
people respectively, without excep
tion of porsonu or placcH,"
Problem Va to Avoid "Warlike
Under tho treaty which lioro tho
signature of Matthew Calbralth
Perry, wo Introduced Japan to thu
world of wostorn civilisation. Wo
had nlwnya boon proud ot her won
derful development proud of tho
gonitis ot tho rnco that In a single
genornttnn ndnptcd an anclont feudal
syBtom of tho far oast to tho must
advanced standards ot modern Kur
opo nnd Amorlcn. Tho friendship be
tween tho two nations hnd been tpo
miliar nnd close. Was tho dotinrn
tlon of that treaty to he art nsldo?
At Kurlhama, In Japan, stands a
monumout to Commodoro Perry.
raised by tho Japanese In gratofnl
appreciation, upon tho site whero ho
landed nnd opened negotiations for
the treaty. Was that monument,
henceforth to roprosont dlsltko nnd
resentmuulT Wero tho two peoples
to fnco each othor across tho Pacific
In future years with angry and re
sentful feollngsT All this wns In
evitable If tho process which neomod
to havo hoRiin wns to continue, anil
tho government of tho United Statos
looked with tho greatest solicitude
upon tho possibility that tho procesa
might continue.
TI10 People, Not din GnvrmmcHt,
Make War.
. It Is hard for democracy to loam
tho responsibilities of Its power; hut
tho peoplu now, not govornmont,
mako friendship or dislike, sympathy
or discord, peace or war, hotwoon-
nations. In hla modern day
through the columns of the myriad
press nnd message flashing ovor
countless wires, multitude calls to.
multitude noross boundaries ami
oceans In courtesy or Insult, In amity
or In dotlnucu. Foreign ofllcoo au
nmhnssadors and ministers no longor
keep or break tho poaco, but tho
conduct of each people toward ovory
other. Th; people who permit thorn-
snlvuri to treat the people of other
clsoo; their Intereet In common with construction and of soopu ami of of
all the people of the state of Callfor- f00t of the troaty Itself -all quo-
nln represented by the govornor and tlons as to whether the claims of countries with discourtesy jimt In
legislature at Sacramento; and tholr Jnnan wore woll founded or not; all lt are surely sowing tho wind to
Interuels In common with all tho peo. riHestlons as to whether the resolu- reap thu whirlwind, for n world of
ImmunitiM. both of nerson aad ro- ' ,1 at tU Un"l States reprosentod tlon of the school board was valid "Hllen and revengeful hatred inn
and tho city of San Franclseo boon )e,ty. to-bo nooorded to foreigners In b" l,,M watloaal government at or not -seem temporary and eompnr- nover lie a world of p w.
explnlnod by each to the other tlia)iOHr 00,,, and to our cltlzeM In i Washington. (atlvely unimportant. It was not a 'Against such a feeling treatlei
entiro harmony and good under- foroiK aountrlee are n nroner sub- Tli Wm 11 Perfect Conreri or niiesiloH of war with Juima. All the are waste papor anil .llitlonui-
Jet of troaty provision and within Action, ( fuollsh talk about war was puroly oy tho empty routine of Idle form.
iim iimiti nf Dm irAn(v.uivi.r iuiw. isttah ono nf th Mu tiiraa tUftaratkt ' KMiiwiinnai ami iiniiMiHiittvii. Theru The great question which oversbad-
or. and sinoo such rluhta. tirlvllegM ' governmental agwele had author- wns never even frirtlon lietween the,owel all ritanieeiun of the Ir-mHy of
standing rsultod, with n common
doslro to exerdse the powers vested
In each, for the common good of the
whole country, of the state, aHd of
tho olty.
m ..
! Ull
fUt A
Slates Aro Unknotvii in liitunitKloual
Legislative power Is dlstrlbHted:
upon some subjects the national leg
islature has authority; upon ether
subject the state Iegtltiire has au
thority. Judicial power hi dtstrtUuUJ
In some cam the federal court have
Jurisdiction; In other enaee the Ut
courts hfive Jurisdiction. ttxeitiw
power U dletrlbuted ; In some field
the national exeemlve ts to aet; In
and Immuultioe may be given by
troaty In contravention of the laws
of any state. It follows of neceselty
I that the treaty-making power alone
has authority to determine what
those right, privilege, or Immuni
ties shall bo. No state ean set up It
laws as against the grant of any par
ticular right, prlTllege or Imiuanltr .
Ity to do certain thing relating to two governments. The question was,
the treatment of Japanese residents what stato of feeling would he or eat
In San Francleeo. These three Inter- m between the great body ot the
nets eould be really In 0011 ft let; for people of the United State and the
the beet Intereet of th whole country great body of the pooplo of Japan
Is always the true Interest of even j a a riHHjlt of the treatment glvea to
state ami city, ami the protection of : the Japanese In thin country?
the Intereets of every looaltty In th What was to he the effect upon
ooHntrr hi always the true Interest that proud, sensitive, highly oivilUeU
any more than against the grant of j of the nation. There wa. however. ' people aro the PaelUc. of tho dla-
any other right, privilege, or Imwnn- j a suppose) or apparent dashing of oourUwy. Insult. Imputnttona of In
Ity. No atat oan say a treaty way Interest, and to do away with thli forlorlly and abuse aimed at them In
ISOt 'u the queatlen: Are tho
people of the United ttlataa about to
break friendship with the poie of
Jpa? That question, I believe, hud
been happily naeweied Ih th nega
fhe clock tick and tlrhs ti ilmo
thortoaluK sip our ll al iv
IJat. dxlak and tie aierry,
For mm day you win w
grant to alien resident equality of ronforono. eoMinHnleatioo. eontpaii-1 the eolumns of American newepapor Yo eftstt Itorky Mouutali. r
treatment as to property hut not ae son of view, explanation of poller and from the platform of American (Free sample at lr Biones i.r.
reck ',
IP CUsiitf
llri.. r... . ..
--- iiiiinei I'nirM(fcMi.
t Vurk Anrll n Aithnnoh
" u the hartlost kind
tCll. ..I .... t .
.I. , " K.f,IU IB UVtIIB
K h- living of the new tun
. dr,,Jif' at Cripple Croek.
)rk, r, u-d aHd thQ bore
la !i.i . .. . .....
f II '"iimhbb a uisuinw
iftti,, ,r'' vork t Installing
ij l,""i'r.or will nut be fln
4 srMi wkg, aild maehlno
l8ttWjul Bot n operation until
M Th aoprts4or. when
J!' Ai" lvatloH work for tht
a pecuIUr quality, heias: rly a, falls to enable the Oak warden to
hard as Hint, hot attor a hoi I keep a better watch oa any fleher
'drlllesl It Is easily broken by tho ex-! man who trie to flsh too near the
nloaiaii af nawiler. It Is ImsooaiWe ! fall. There Is-u strlet law against
to predict Jnet now whoa the hlf flehlng wltljln a eortala dUUnee of J
bore will rWeh that point whoro It hi the falls, but It Ut alleged that cor
to cut the water cotsrs.
bUilJin. l..- . . . . .
4 . - ueen naisnea,
st,at ! 6B 4't a foundation for a
in u " Tb m,u
iHtoJ?4 in ,sr8!nB out Umber
t iu!!.Ub?r airlal necoaiary
aJiJJ 1JB machinery building
, 0:u " now la course
. woa. Th i.. v..ju..
c!alei h v. .w .
" miov ovv VVaV V
k Jrtrlnj the tunl 1 of
talu local flshormen fish within that
dletaneo on dark night, when the
1UL. srvlilli2lit tianlliig Fall. warden are una We to see mess. 11
Oregon Plcy, April So A laneo thought that by using the search
searchlight lias Uen Installed at the light the offenders will be seen and
mmmmm i i . ""j? Rrrested. The searchlight Is the
large one that was used or the gov-
otOmaCll riXpCrtS jernmeat building at the lwls and
tnara rair. iiany people win rraem
I br that the rays woro often thrown
1 clear ever to this city.
may disagree as to the exact cause
of indigestion, but vihon food dis
tresses the stomach, all disturbing
elements are quickly quieted and
removed by a dose or two of
American League Note.
It seems that the report that Duo
don and Towne. of the Sor..are to go
to the Minneapolis club of the Ameri
can association, I not founded oa
fact, Coralslcey deal that ho Is
tcsds to let the two me leave th
A yet the road from the bite
league circuits back to the hushes
ha not been very crowded, bat wait.
The season has not fairly started yt.
neither have the eollctte throw anJ
the dumb pay.
WtMtern papers all agree that Jim
Defobanty has a great fotsste a third
baseman for the Ilrowna, and give
as the mala reason the fact that Cin
cinnati released blm. Delia, Sey
mour, Stalnfleld. Overall, Crawford.
Day. Ilcklcy. Droot and others ar
taken as precedents.
Owner John J. Taylor, of the
Ilostoo club, announce that he ha
glvea up hope of coming to terrnn
with Fred Parent, and the oaoe great
shortstop U now on the market.
Hebo Ferrl, of the Ilostons, la not
In hi hast form Just now. Hobe'wai
spiked In the foot a fortnight ago,
hod It may hamper him for week.
Grinth has discouraged Billy Hog
la the latter' esTort to maater the
fpitbalL, Oriatth toW him that th
splthall I gol for a pitcher who
has lost hi other tricks, and Uogv
I far from that stage.
Lajole says he l going to speal
next winter looking up his relative
He denies the report that he m golnir
to play Independent ball over there.
Fielder Joae say he won't mek
any predictions, but adds that there
Is no club In th league which looks
good enough to boat the Hot. and bo
says ho has a good pair of eye.
Tho new rule that forbids base
runners to pas each other deserva
hearty support. There Is ao chancm
of Jlru McCluIro to get ahead of Hal
Chaso when the two are circling' the
Griffith Is certainly gambling with
hi pitching staff, and he ought to
win on account of hi nerve. Ho Is
boldly planning to throw the work
on five roeo, thr of whom aro prac
tically untried; Clarkson, Keefo
and Brocket!.
"twy" !tU, of the !U9M Box, U
lamming the ball h way Out singu
larly remind oa if the world's
championship r! - lucy" la evi
dently trrlPg t" ' '! -tii iho
COO of till f.l-N.fif k
LsfaT IbKL P m
Do Uy at? U Ihty'rs not ZX
A.CTI.Y tifbt. ht us make tbm so.
Wfcsn wji flt yeu, w fit you AC
CUKATKMT, Uoog sp4rtnc,
vsry DM4Wry scUelUle apwratus
sad th riulr-t knowlcds en.
sblloa us to cerrscUy use In anw.
our own, comsltte workshop, wiih
every fMUHj a to tb grhxlln
of spcUl ate all at yr
4Ufom htfe, aeurt a Mrvke
not powtbU trtth ethn h feftu.
ntlr iulp, Asl--de your
Uuhi liT, or srt ntr
Monsell Optical to.