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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
DAILY CATITAL J0URNAI SALliM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1007. r M an itakel You lold One way is to p-y no attention to it; at least, not until it develops into pneumonia,! or broncniti3, cr pleurisy. Another way is to ask your doctor about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. If he says, "The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyvray. Wthmntmrctil W jiublUh J.C.AyrCo., tha formula oriMocrpretmrmUaBi. Lcll.M. & ! in Txknilnn. 10 London pur- goim, ap' 4" ... to the tourist cinsa, um b - national championship It Is oxpectod that representatives of other clubs will bo scon In this evont, Including several of tho Marathon competitors F .,rifd over the American tqur-, from Boston nnd caBtern towns, vornca , ld - ho eery J1 "" U- Zn new hotili and scores oi . rt,ttne " ,i,ii, rfinr houses awau i ..-. a a great IU1, w it in lest financial disturbances " . - .ho rnanlirrOH of tho JUtflCUl ou iu ... . CUUE YOUR KIDNEYS. F ...r. who have left untold P1!..!!.. totters of tho hotol fattened on tho millions spont L lavish Americans. Many i .m ndcrs In tho London mo-1 ,V)1U win 00 "'"""' '"' "." Do Not Kndnngcr Llfo When n Snlcm Citizen Shows Yon tho Cure. Why will peoplo contlnuo to suffer tho agonies ot kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lame- ia the coffers or tno uoioi men ncs8 headaches, languor, why allow ,.(,nn1lnntpn who . . . . . i the army "l ouu muinsoives w uecoinu curomc iu- . . llllnMH anonf .... ... vnllds, when a cortaln euro Is offored them? Doan'u Kldnoy Pills Is tho remedy to use. becauso It elves to tho kid- pending mouey, which took flight noya tho ne,p they nccd to porform VI1 street, hut thero need bo no thoir work rtbenslon on tno pan oi uiu tu.a , jf vou nav0 ftnyt ovcn on0 ot tno rfp. which havo an nrmj oi 8ymntoms of kidney diseases, cure A comers on tho way to completo- your8clf now, boforo diabetes, dropsy jll them. Tnis army u " or Drlght'a dlsenso sets In. Head erery steamer tnai nan gmrivu tnl8 Sniom testimeny: . . t, nlt . ... . . ik easurn siioruo i w.u .tt u w .IU 0I Bw5 i,ront at. aa- r' and It Is generally estimated lom 0r BnV8. Doiin'B Kldnoy Pills ihs number of tourists golm; aro not n ncw r0mcdy to mo as I old from merlcn is lnrgor thnn navo U8C(i them, on dlfforont occa- . slons whenever tho necessity has Tine aro tho ndvlces that roach nri8cn. j uavo enjoyed tho best of Jon now, and tho passongor lists i,onm, nn my Hf0 oxcont for u touch tt itcamcrs bear out tho nntlcl- ot kianoy troublo nt tlmos. Bnck- i of tho well Informed. ino ncuo bothorod mo thon and when tad. Regent street nnd Bona thls haB boen tho enso, I havo gotton t are filled with Americans, ana Donn's Kidney Pills nt Stono's drug lrtly drc3cd American lndlos are storo nnd a few dosos havo eradlcntod U teen on every hand. tho troublo. I nm a firm bollover of Tie nuralKr of Amorlcnns In tho this romody nnd know of sevornl rtumi, galleries and public gttr- Othor peoplo who havo used It with i mggest May or Juno Instead ot gooa r08ults. I nm too pleased to rtl Tho tig hotels Incronso tho rocommond Donn's Kldnoy Pills abtr of their guests with tho ar- whonovor tho opportunity occurB." of crcry steamer. Inquiries nt por Bni0 uy an donlors. Prlco 50 tourists agenclos nbout coach c0nt8. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Dunfflo, lta.l)ho trips, nnd JournoyB In nil Now York, solo agonts for tho United .11 of Great Britain and Irolnnd stntos. Rcmombor tho nnmo Donns and tnko no other. r:e nerer more numerous than nt j time of the year. Tho London tipipers print fnr moro American hi than ever before, aB well ns ur itorles ot Amorlcan llfo nn.. inctcrlstlcs. ITbe Dally Kxpress says: "Only n oi us want tho Amorlcnn'a mon- The majority wnnt tho color nnd lira, of his vivacious personality. iidopt m'V nnd moro good things Icathe Imtfd States. Porhnps tho ktt obvious return England has ii ii th" Improvement of tin bmcan nifnt Todny ho haB Just klh a r. nt to make his convorsa- h peasant Ltna; may tho Invn U font nu- ' CrtwH Country ltncc. Sew Y"k irll 19. It Is oxpecU Ait n1 'tii chibs In the motro- hian dt-''. who have horotofore pid . -h muntry running will " i" una for tho ton-mile ?:-.' , wllch Is to bo hold to- K w a. th Polo grounds, the ft N w York National fW' ' Iraemuch ns this is a 1). A. It. Congrt'Hs Convention. Washington, April 19. Tho mem bers of tho Dnughtors of tho nopuu 11c will assomblo horo todny for their nt.nunl mcotlng. It 1b ontlroly prob nblo thnt Mrs. Donald McLnno will be ro'Oloctod to tho prosldonoy, ns nobody npponrs disposed to dlsputo tho oloctlon with hor. CompotltorB have been senrod away hut opposition may develop when later trains bring In tho dologatea from other quarters. Besides the head of the society a full national board and ten vice presi dents nre to be chosen. Sixteen candidates have been nominated by the opposing factions for the vlcu presidential honors, and intense In terest Is felt In the result. These amateur politicians say It will show whethor the McLean Ideal Is to con tinue to rule the society or whetfier the pendulum will swing backward to th days when social prestige counted. Mra. McLean's standard benrers aro Mrs. Mabel Swormstedt, Acfitlah!cPrenaM(ion frvr A. Jilting ftcTool AndReguta tafgtheSkaacfas ondBowcls cf ftwhOtrt)Igcsllori.Chcerrul josandRrttConlalw neilher yuc-M'rrhine nor Mineral, otXahcotic. Km St, J. iS 'lm lVctT 'RrryferConSlJDa- ,'oon.v-i,. u,...k ni . i, u . - 'r "uiM.ii,ijianiwca, n va k. orA-uisjonsjcAxrish cmLosa or Sleep. TisScK Signature of 2?WYOHJr. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Olilldren. The Kind Yqu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I (V tl AV Dicrw?roT VExmca. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Wllt.l for treasuror; Mrs. Charlotte E. Main, for vlco president in chnrgo of organization; Mrs. Ames Q. Draper, registrat; Mrs. J. Enklns, historian; Mrs. T. Bowran, assistant historian; Mrs. Helen M. Bownton, llbrnrlnn; Miss Virginia Miller, recording sec retary. So far the opposition candi dates are Mrs. Mary E. Brown, for troasuror general; Mrs. Richard Du bois, organizer ot chaptorsj Mrs. Fisher, reglstrnr; Miss Tulock, his torian; Mrs. C. V. Richardson, as sistant historian; Miss Allno Solo mon, chaplain; Mrs. John Earnest, recording secretary. Eleven hundred delegates aro here, nnd will take part In tho convention. This is tho largest numbor on record. Mrs. Mc Lonn estimates thoro aro 53,400 daughters. Of theso 514 havo Joint ed tho society within tho past month, nnd moro thnn 2000 slnco tho first ot tho yonr. This hns moro than off set deaths and resignations. Tho work on tho Hnll ot Fame also shows tho onorgetlc spirit ot the prosont roglmo. An Interesting fea ture of this congress is nn exhibi tion of Jnmostown curios. A collec tion of contlnontnl and othor historic costumos Is tho principal attraction. Those havo boon got togcthor by Mrs. Mary E. Lockwood. They lncludo a ball grown nt Washington's first In nugurntlon by one of tho Van Ronn seiner family, and n gown worn nt tho Lnfnyotto foto In tho White Houso in 1S24 by ono ot tho Hnmll tons. Miss Mary Dosha, ono of tho founders of tho socloty, huts develop cd a strong opposition to all the mombors ot tho honrd, who nro Mrs. MoLonn's party advocntos. Mrs. Mc Lonn, herself, will bo supported by tho ontlre body, but hor most dovotod ndh routs will hnvo the hardest tlmo of their Hvob In gottlng a nont nt the nntlonnl council tnhlo. Miss Doshn callod a mooting ot tho antt-McLonn group, nnd nn opposition alnto wm proparod. Tho mombors of thlB pnr ty call thomBolvos tho conservation. Thoy havo placod n nnmo ngnlnat ovary ono soloctod by Mrs. McLean' supportors, nnd tho fun will begin when the election Is in ordor. o Notice for ItldM. Tho county clork of Marlon coun ty, Oregon, will rocolvo settled bids up to 1 o'olook p. m., May 3, 1907, proposing to dollvor forty cords of first olass grub oak or old growth oak wood, nlso forty cords of first class second growth or old growth fir wood at the county court houso In Salem. Orogon, on or before Septem ber 1. 1907. All bids must be accompanied with a certified cheek In n sum oqnnl to 10 per cent of the amount of th hid, condition! that said sum he forfeited it the party bidding shall rail to enter into a written contract In accordance to the terms ot said hid within five days from the date ot the acceptance of said hid by tht county court of Marlon eoHnty, Ore gon, wid give an approved lwind conditioned that the party blddlns, will faithfully carry ot said contract In accordance with the terms there of. The county court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids will be opened at 1 o'clock p. m.. May I, 190T. JOHN II. SCOTT. 4-19-St. County Judge. The Farmer's Wife Is very careful about hor churn. She scalds It thoroughly after using, and give It a sun bath to sweeten lL Sho knows that It her churn Is sour it will taint th butter that Is mado In It. Tho stomach la a churn. In tho stomach and digestive and nutrltlvo tracts arc performed pro CC4JCS which are almost exactly llko tho churning of butter. Is It not apparent then that it this stomach-churn Is foul It makes foul all uhlch Is put Into It? The evil ot a foul stomach Is not alone tho bad tasto In tho mouth and tho foul breath caused by It, but tho corruption ot tho pure current of blood and tho dom ination of disease throughout tho body. Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Discovery makes tho sour and foul stomach sweet. It dow for the stomach what tho washing and sun bath do for tho churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment. In this way It cures hlotchw, plmplos, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open oatlng ulcors nud all humors or diseases arising from bad blood If you have bitter, nasty, foul tastn In your mouth, coated toncuo, foul breath, aro weak and easily tired, feel depressed and desiwmlent, havo frequent headaches, dlziy attacks, gnawing or dlstres In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, thesf symptoms, or any consider able numherof tlietn. Indicate that you ara fuffcrlne from billousno., torpid or lazy Ivor with tiio usual accompnnying tndl S cotton, ordv spopsla and their attendant orangements. laJBCdlcaJtoi. u bovc svm i t o m 1 aiiliSI oticr TorUi. ivrivTTn ut ami .riiniuiinti. n nue-sioa uv ijip.w hi n-iMniu n-.i-iin ami nr-n-1 1 T inni-i-i ... tUi'.-crjiffiijjQuidZhy Lxaixri- lliat this Is absolutely truo will bo readily proven to your satisfaction If you w HI but mall a postal enrd request to Dr It. V. Plirec. lhilTalo. N. Y . for a free c.iv of his booklet of extract from the stamltird miHlical authnrltlos, giving tho name ir all tho Ingredients onterlng Into his wur'd-fanml mnllelnes and show ing w Imt Die nunt eminent tnodlcal mvb of tho ntfo sav of thnm. Plf ty Vwirs Old nml Xot Unrrrd. Medford, Mass., April 19 Al though nearly 10 years of age. Petr W. Foley, of this eity. will compete in the Marathon raee today at Bos ton. Foley, who Is n member of the B. A. A. Is an all around athlete. For the last three years he has start? ed In the Marathon race, and al though he never won he always fin ished strongly. His appearance or the road from Ashland to Boston en these occasions has always created as much Interest and enthusiasm and Intest as thnt of the winner. All along the lines he Is greeted with cheers. While the "old man" M,he hi eommonir called la New Hngland, Is not a sprinter, he is a plodder who has never been known to nott- Many times hit stamina has eaaUetl aim to heat out oppoaanu who wore lew than half his ago. Laot year he ftamail among the Bret It. nasi two yean ao earn la Slat. la Uwt nm H took him I boars. Se minaiw. 6 i-l soooods to traverse the aoMrte. He has always remained nn awatoar notwtUstand tag he has had many offers to become a nrofoteionaL winning nro consldorod to bo tho host. He nrxlvod In Boston cti the 10th, and usod the Bpnre tlmo in familiarizing hlmsolt with tho courso. o CurctI Itheuinutlsni. Mr. Wm. Honry ot Chnttnnoogn, Tonn., had rhounmtlsm In his loft nrm. "Tho strongth seemed to hnvo gono out ot tho muscles so thnt It was usolss for work," ho says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wrnppod tho arm in Uanncl at night, nnd to my rollof I found that tho pain gradually left mo nnd tho strength returned. In threo w6oks tho rhoumntism had disappeared and hns not slnco returned." If troubled with rhoumntism try n fow applica tions of Puln Balm. You nro cor tnln to ho pleased with tho rollof which It affords. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. o Hnrry Munsen, of Ogdon, hns nr rived in the city to study violin with. LeRoy Geener. O- i" Notice All owing ma on noaount or over due note nre notified to pay up by May 1st, without fall, at the' Capital National Bank, as nftor that data same will be plnoed with my attor ney with Instructions to buo. I hnvo permanently removed from Salem, and will positively grant no further extensions. F. A. WIOaiNS, 4-13-10t Topptmtsh, Wash. sriieieieiate ieieieiefiieieieitieiejtaiieianmm II CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT J e)ieiefiiieiieiimiieuteteieieientiemeieii FO& RAMI. MNVW For Snlci Good cow, fresh. Also good family horso, nt n bargain, it takon at onco, T. D. Jonos 3274 State street. 4-lS-lw For Sale. Good young pony, brldlo nnd saddle. Inqulro at 093 Church street, 4-15-lwk Stenm ltlg- Up-to-dato nnd ready to run, for salo, 35x50. Advance separator, lC-horso Russell onglno. Ens terms. Inqulro at Salem Iron Works. 4-15-Ct For Snlo Barred Plymouth Rook pggo. From imported stock. Phono No. 1373. Mra. J. A. Bishop, South Commercial stroot, Salem. 4-15-lwk l'or Siile Salom-Indepondenco-Mon- niouth Btngo lino, fully equipped. Inqulro ot Cnpltal Commission Company, Salem. 4-5-tt For Snlo- 233 acres, 150 undor plaw, balnnco timber $35 per aero; 151 ncros, gJfod houso, bnrn nnd windmill, best farm in vnlloy, $10. 000; 21 ncros, good houso, bnrn, 9 long by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 80 cows; 10 ncros, wngon, buggy, nil tho farm Implomonts nnd houso turnlturo; 21 ncros near town on tho Island, good C-room houso nnd bnrn, $0000; big lot 200 foot ling by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 80 ncros 3 miles south ot town nearly nil In grnln, $05 por aero; 8 ncros 2 miles wost ot town with houso nnd bnrn, $800; 90 ncroa, 12 miles nst of Salem, $40 por aero; IK ncros, good houso nnd barn, $850; lncro with flvo room houso nnd barn, $700; 5 ncros with good 0 room houso nnd bnrn, $1000; 4 ncros with good houso nud wind mill In town, $2200; 4 ncros with houso nnd ham In tewn, $2000; also from 20 to 30 good houses from $000 to $4000. For snlo hy J. C. Schultt, 747 South Twelfth St. 8nlem, 4-1-lmo. For Snlo. A flvo and n six-room houso, with trom ono to six lots with ench, well located In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Sehonoflold, 21st and Marlon Sts.. Sniom. 1-28-tt ' (5 V1 I J iGV HvicxO Toronto. April 19. Longboat, who Is entered for the Marattton raee at Boston, today, fs In fine shape for the raee, as he was trained by the ath letes ot the West Bad Y. M. C. A , and was sent over the flre-mlle course at least twice a day. With out exception be finished each of these trials In better condition than hli pacemakers, and kls chances or THE 11BST HOAHT THK FAMILY KVKU HAD Can he obtained from our prinn Under and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats ara seleoted from the ehoteest. nnd prepared ror the table to suit the demands of tho fastidious. Oar jirieea are lower for nwallty than you can And at any nlSM In Salem. H. C. CIIOSH, Phono 201. .'170 Hlnto HI. The Fashion Stables Formerly biapson's BUhles, Up-to-date livery and cab lie Poawal turneats a ijtMUlty. Tally ho for plenies and exeursWsi. I'haut 44. CHAa W. YAXNKK, Prep 2il7 sod 240 High Stmt. liiiUtrgetl . Our meat market on Kat State street has been doubled In size and we nro hotter prepared than ever to serve customers. Prompt service and the test of meats our motto. Call or phono 192. B. E. Edwards, Prop WAMTmD. Girl Wanted. Inqulro nt 305 High street. 4-18-3t ! -JB' , LOST. Lost Black, part spaniel dog. An Bwors to nnmo ot "Don." Roturn to E. Hofor, South Salem. 1 4-lV-tt PLTXBCBJUtS, Thco. M. lhtrr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phee Main 192. -l-ly M. J. PoU el Plumbing, steam sa4 gas fitting. Successor to Knox it Murphy, SCO Commorelal street, -'Phono Mala 17. LODGES. -tSS Forvatvra of America Court ShJ wood Forestora. No. 19, Meets Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street Loo Abbte, O. It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. FOR RENT For Knit Good pnstuiu, within two mlloe of town, good for horses nnd onttle. Plenty of shade, shelter and running wntor. Inquire of F. A. Button, Hnuto No. 4. 4-17-3t For Rent Houso nnd four lots, gar den nnd bnrn. All kinds ot fruit. Apply nt 341 Union streeL Phono 601. 4-4-tf For Itcmt Haven-room houso, hot nud oold water, oleotrla light, bath ' room. Inqulro of Aug. Sohrotb er, 500 North High street. 3-25-tt DRAYMEN, ('uiiiinliiN IlrwH,' TrmiNfer Coinpiuiy All kinds ot trnnsfer work done. Furniture and planus boxed ready for shipment. Prompt servloe Is our motto. Stand nnd olllco at 2S3 South Commercial streol. Phone 210. Resilience Phono 908. MUSICAL. WNNssN Arthur Von Je'ii Teacher of pi ano; touch, tttfihnleh, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory oourse Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Residence 068 Center St. Tel. Main 520. 2-28-tf. HASH AND DOOE rAOTOOrES. lTank M. Brown, Maaefaeturer ot sash, dior, meuldlBgs. All kinds el heme finish sad hard woed work Front street, bet State and Court O. C T. CO STEAMERS- HOLurren Itocky Pufltain Tea Nuggti A tut )f&da fcr Buy FtAl. tiUf OuUa BmJOi a4 Ksm Vlf' A tpi&e tor CooulMtUto. Is4lUoo, UfK 4 KMa TrouUt. Wosnk. tewvai, lmtur VUmi K4 Breath. Wuirclsh tfoveu. UfcitU vcA HAetuu-tto. t' Hntfcf MouUJa Te is tU Ut tomi S cu ijox. (tntuu xu4 tf IMCM MMKTt TM SMiJW J POMONA AND ORKGONA hKAVR PORTLAND MONDAY, WISDNKH DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUHHDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT OiOO A. 31. FOR CORVALIH TUHHDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AHOUT O I. H. P. M. BALDWIN, Agt. If IflAlftl miAVHIFAEIICH FEMALE sWsWeeiJMAl. PILLS. 4 lUtt, fmu Sum It fcwun Ithhmmm, iff Mil iitsa to mil sh ., um, j Mm.M W. .)..!, tm mLaf MUHhl, ft. w40 SrfllMMtflal. (iHllMUWll UUiuiLi iMWiilM IwfMlM l'fWA4rfijMk4 ,4 M ! JVM MNH w l UNiriOM(D(CLCO..4T4.UMTta.l4. ! Central Idgo No. 18, K. of P. Cnstlo Hall in Holmnu block, coo nor Stnto nnd Llborty streets. Tuesday ot each wook at 7:30 p. m. K. W. Hasard, C. O.J W. L Staloy, K. ot It. nnd 8. Modcnt Woodmen of Ainerlr Ore gon Codnr Camp No. 5240. IAVl ovory Thursday ovonlng at S o'clock In IJolmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, O. 8,; P. L. Fraslor, Qlork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Blck, acci dent and pouslon Insurance; $3, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agonts wnntod. J. H. O, Montgomery, supromo organiser. Box 432 Salem, Orogon. It. R. Ryan, aecroctnry, 540 Btato street. i m .mihci:llvnkoum,. - Prtalu(c Parlors Prosslng, cleans ing, repairing And dronsmaklug 15. W. Jamoa 404 Phono 477, 4-4-lmo doitq bjc Mri. CoQH Iftroot. DrcKNtimkliig Plnln or fancy dross innkliiK dono by Portland lady of oxporlonoo. Mrs. A. N. Muusoy, 350 Seventeenth stroot. Phone 1171. 4-3-lmo. Your Hfepiuother Is still here busy as ever denning, dyeing, pressing nnd repairing anything from n pair ot gluvot to tho most olnhoraU Bilk gown. Goods cnllcd for and returned. Mrs. 0. H. Walker, 221 South Commeralal street. Phonu 1245. 4-1-lm Pinitu Timer L. L. Woods, plnno el pert tuuliiK, repairing nud polish ing. Lonvo orders at Goo. C. Wills' muslo storo, Bulom. 2- 9-lyr Concri'tu Work, Get my prices on sldowalks, ourhs, soptto tanks and comont work ot any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-olass. M Wurd, Highland ndd. Phono 509. MMf Iluttu Wciideroth Fine wluei, liquors and olgnrs. Wo handlo the celebrated Kellorg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing boer constantly on drough. South Commercial streot 9-3-lyr Halem Iron Works. Founders, ma. ohlnlsts and blacksmiths. Manu fuoturors of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, ota. Manufacturers of the Batem Iron Works Hop Press. Halriii Ilex & I.uinlmr Co. ltemovet from South Salem to 14th street, near the 8. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays ami Perfection Fruit Hraporator. Phone 201. SALEM WATER COMPANY OJTICB CITY HAUU Fer wattr service tpply at office. Bills payable moot lily la adraase Make ail cemplalata at the oM. INDHPHNDRNCU HTAGK. Dally except Sunday. Leaves Wll lawetto Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 0:15 l. ra. Leaves Inde pendenco at 8 a. w. Phone Hala 179. RALPH BUDLONG, Manager. BUnERNUT BREAD It Is worth mora thaa any pthec bread, yet the prle leno higher. For tale at yor sjreter's. OAXJTVOitXIA KAKKetY. fpifusssys JL JaaAajs V4lss-kl A eHrnwsssjf enn sr'gT a s 4''ej'sj