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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1907)
DAIZiT OATlTAXi JOURNAIiBALEM, OREGON. WKDXESDAY, APRIL 17, 1007. If JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe. Relieved by Pe-ru-na,, "The Grip Is Properly Termed Epidemic Catarrh As Pe-ru-na Relieves Every Form of Catarrh, It Has Probably Relieved More Cases of Grip Than Any Other Remedy. tgpiil? f0! The Pear of Grip Makes People Nervous. Tlioro In no remedy in tlio world that moots tho conditions produced by thn . grlpbAtlur tliuii Tortiiia. Tornna strengthens as It ronovntno, 'Hooltio wlillo It HtliniilatoD, lionU ns It ox)urgtoH. Itrcaohos tlio nouroa of nil (IlHonnoi of tho tiiucottM iiiuinlirnnufl by ltd notion on Uio vno-molor systom of nerves, AUor-Eflccta of tho Grip. Kvory ptirVtou who has had In Brlpjm during tlio Innt yunr Hliould tnko n ouro of Perunn. Tho Krlji Iiiih produced ontarrhal In Uliuninntloii of tho whole mucous mom- "brine, mid ;ood health In lmpoHAlhlo until thusonro roitorvd to n normal con dltlon. TJiIh I'eruiiu will do. A Kreat many rumcdlcii huvo lieon wuRKoiitod for IIiIh condition from time to 1 1 mo, hut I'cruua U tho only remedy thnt Iiiih Rained urent popularity In thoo canon, It hits seldom fulled to give saturno ' lion ilurltiK forty yearn' experience mid etlll oaouplen tho tiulqtiu poidtlou of tboIiiK tho loading anil moNt ironurnlly xinod remedy for tho after-olfeoU of 1i;rljipo. W. II. l'arnono li Kx-Htato Senator and Kx-Spoolnl Judgo of tho Huproino Court of Toxns, nnd was also Ilrlgadlcr-Oonoral in Oonfodorato Army. In n recent lottor fromUil II stroot, N. W., Washington, D. C, this promlnont gontlomnn sayss "Upon tho recommendation of personal Mends and many strong testi monials as to tlio efficacy of Pcruna In the treatment of tho numerous symptoms of tlio grippe with which I have been afflctcd for four months past, I Jiavo been Induced to undergo a treatment with this Justly cele brated formula. I feel a decided change tor the better after using It only one week," "It Is especially good In toning up the stomach and has a decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encouraged that I am on the road to complete restoration. "My numerous friends In Toxns, whoro 1 havo had tho honor to command n hrlRado of hor Volurnn Cavnlry in a four yonrs' wnr, may nccopt this vol untary testimonial to tho merits of Poruna nn a sonso of obligation on my part for Its wonderful olllcaoy." W. II. Parsons. No Timo Liko tho Present If you nro suffering from tho after effects of In grippe If you have become discouraged In your attempts to euro yourself with otlior treatments, tnko n Untie of J'oruna now. A IxUtlo of Ptiruun taken during the beginning of UioiIIhouho Is worth more than a doxen bottles nftor tho trouble has buuomo duopsuatcd. Pe-rU'iin, a Good Mcdieino for la Grippe. Mrs. Louisa Kastmnu, I.auunstor, Wis,, write i "1 urn nil right. I do not think 1 need any more treatment. I am nhlo to do myownirk whloh I could not do at tho time I wroto you. My cough Is Igono, my appetite- Is good, 1 sloop good, nnd my bowels nro nil right. 1 think Poruna Is a good mcdieino for tho grip," A Moat Effcctivo Mcdieino For La Grippe. Itobt.L. Madison, A.JU., Principal of Cullowhoo High Hohool, Palntor, N. 0., U chnlrmnn of tho Jackson County Hoard of Kducatlon. Iro is a writer of occasional verso and hns contributed to number offloading papers nnd maga zines, In speaking of Poruna, Mr. Madison says i 44I am hardly ovor without Poruna in my homo. It is tho most offeutlvo med loluo that I have over tried for la grlppo. It cured my wlfo of nasal catarrh." PAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL 1IV IIOI'Klt ltHOM., I'iihIIhIicih nnd Proprietors. snuscniiTiON katks. Ity Mali. Dally Journal, una month .... 35c Dally Journal, throa months . , 11.00 Dally Journul, ouo your ...... 4.00 Weekly Journal, ouo year .... 1.00 Hy Carrier. Daily Journal, pur month .... 50a ll'(JltM.rOUVAM,LS PAXAIi PUOJIUT Huguuu Ouurd: A meetliiK of n vommtttuo fri)m tho Cummurolnl olub nd n onmmlttoo of farmers la belli hold In tho otllco of Dr. I- I.. Whit son. president of tho olub, Into this nftornoun, halug called at t o'olool:, jJPAor tho pttrposo of ilUotissltig tho 'feasibility of the luguiu-Corvallla oanal projeot. It Is probable tho member of tho ouKlnoorlng depart ment tu lh university will bo Hunt ovor the proposed route of tho onual during the April vacation to report upon Hi feasibility before a survey Is made, and If the report U favor uhlo the survey will probably bo or dered at iiHOti. Tho Commer cial olub committee consists of Dr. Leonard, of tho university, duo M. Miller ami W. O. Ollstran. Tho oommltlee of farmer at the meeting consisted of J. A. J. Crow, of the Grow neighborhood, and Jorry Atkln frou, of Uirauo. Itdimitlniiitl ICvuittx. Astoria. April XI. U, SO, county Instltutt. Corvulllu, May , regents State Afc rleullural college to Mleot prenldeut. Koeell, May. S, 0, 10, county hull lute. Salem. July l. S, a, StHtw ItiluoH tloiml Aasoolutlon. I is AugvlM. July -l, Nntlnnnl ICUiiMtloual AwkoIhMoh. ' o etrui: vouu kid.n'uvs. -o- kuukka: ',l llavo Found It wt Ittt. Do Not Hndanger I.lfo Wluin a Salem OltUon Shows Vim tlio Curt'. Why will ptoplt coutlnua to suffpt tli agonlea of kidney complulnt, linoknoho, urinary disorders, lame uoiH), hendnohoa, Inugtior, why allow thiiMHlve tw beoonie ohronlo In valids, when a oartnlu euro Is ottered theinT Down's Kidney Pills Is the romedy to use. beouuso It gives to the kid neys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, ovon one, of the symptoms of kldnoy dlsensos. our yourself now, boforo diabetes, dropsy or llrlght's dlseuso sots in. llend this Salem tostlmeny: U. W. 1U1I, of 32S Kront St. Sa lem, Or., Bays: "Donn'a Kidney Pills nro not a new remedy to me as 1 have used Uiem on different occa sions whenever the neoeaalty has arisen. I have enjoyed tho beet of health all my life except for u touch of kidney trouble at time. Hack ache bothered me then and when this has been the cam, I have gotten Domh's Kidney Pill at Stone's drux store and a few doe have eradicated i the trouble. I am a firm Uellerer of UiU remedy aad know of several other people who have usd It with good rosults. 1 am too pleated U reoomiMend Doau's Kldaey Pills whenever the opportunity oeettre." Hor sjiIo by all dealers. Price 10 cents. Pustor-Mllburu Co., Duafflo, circulated In Parkpluce, Mt. Pleas ant, Cauomnli, West Orogon City and Oregon City districts, nnd tho onsy matter of securing signatures la nn Indication of the seutlmout on the subject. 18 ven those whoso private lutorest would be affected adversoly, nro In favor of tho plan booauso It Is for the general good. Prof. T. P. Ken dall, principal of the West Sldo schools, said It would probably ro- sult In decreasing his and otlior prin cipals' salaries, but ho was In favor of a union high school, o Cured Hbuuiitatlstn. Mr. Win. Henry of Chnttanoogn, Teun., had rheumatism iu his left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone out of the muscles so that It was usolsa for work," he says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Dalro and wrapped tho arm In flannel at night, and to my rollof I found that the pain gradually loft mo and the strength returned. In throe wooks the rheumatism had disappeared and has not since roturned." If troubled with rheumatism try a few applica tions of Pain Halm. You nro cer tain to bo pleased with tho rollof which It nffords. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug storo. LAWYER JIM FINCH. Threatened to IJc .lulled for Con tempt of Court. (Wl I f fizyyffxMxizia Ss if & &E3& kKKSSsiisSii0sSgssi 'Midi kmMUik Mmm mm - Eil ' 51 KH0N.WH PAR50NJ. Tfr13lsiHBl im&m MIM el WAJH1NGTON.D.C " ' J'" Oregon City special: Attorney Jamos Finch, of Portlnnd, of tho Arm of Plggott & Finch, waa threatened with Jail for contempt In tho circuit court yoaterday. Mr. Finch Is repre senting Carl Stelnblcker In a Bult against Isaac dratton and tho MII wauklo Country Club, to recover $1400 allogod to havo been lost In gambling. While Judgo McDrlde was hearing the argumont on n motion to strike out certain parts of tho complaint, Mr. Finch interrupted proceedings three different times, and finally the patlenco of the court bcenmc ex hausted, and ho Bald to Finch: "You will either bohavo yourself nn a gontlomnn Bhould, or you will go to Jnll." "I wnnt a grand jury," said Mr Finch. Finch Btatod that ho would demand an investigation of tho conduct of thn Country Club by a grand jury or by tho district nttornoy, out Judge McDrlde said that ho would not al low tho criminal branch of tho court to bo UBod as a club to prosecuto a civil action. "If tho allegation in tho complaint Is true," snld his honor, "then the district nttornoy should Indict both dofondnnts and tho plaintiff as well." Tho affair created considerable ox cltomont In tho ordinary dull routlno of tho court sosslon. Tho defendant's nttornoy fllod a demurror In tho com plaint today. o Prisoners Drought from Tillamook. Shorlff II. Crenshaw and deputy, W. M. Dodyfolt, of Tillamook, ar rived In tho city last night at 12 o'clock with A. J. Ilorstoll, a prison or, who had boon Bontonced to tho penltontlnry. Harstoll was recently convlctod of forgery nnd Hontoncod to flvo yonrs In tho Btato prison. The shorlff nnd IiIb doputy Btnrtod from Tillamook at G a. m. yostordoy morn ing, with buggy nnd team, and ar rived horo Inst night at 12 o'clock. This Is a romarkably good drlvo. considering tho condition of tho roads, which aro vory rough In the mountains. Mr. Cronshnw and Mr. nodyfolt will lenvo this oftornoon for Portlnnd on business. Thoy will ro turn to this city on Saturday, and drlvo to Tillamook, o Trnln Robber Captured. Myrtlo Point Special: Joseph S. Rush, who hold up a Missouri Pacific train Mnrch 4, at Pittsburg, Kan., nnd killed John Honry, a pasaongor. was captured heio today by Dotectlvo Joseph MoIIugh, In tho omploy of the Missouri Pnclflc, assisted by Dop uty Sheriff D. Fonton, of Douglas county, and United States Deputy Marshal N. D. Grlflln, of Portland. Bush will bo taken overland to Itoseburg, and from there to Port land, where he will bo hold until ex tradition papers aro obtained. Bush is Bald to have secured $200 In cash and $1000 In personal effects when ho held up the Missouri Pa cific on the night of Mnrch 4. John Henry, who resisted tho robber, was Bhot dead. A reward of $200 was offered for tho arrest of Bush, and it Is under stood that a larger sum was prom ised by tho railroad company for his nrrost. Bush has been working hero for several weeks as a common laborer. o Rldgewny Caw Postponed. Tho Stanwood vs. Itldgoway opto metry suit has been postponed until May 1st. Mr, Stanwood, In speaking to a Journal roporter, this morning, said: "I do not lntond to drop tho case by nny means. This 1b not a per sonal matter, but It Is a caso which concorns the Btato and has the Board of Optomotry back of It. Thcro have been Bevoral who havo camo to mo slnco tho last complaint was mado out nnd offered to tostlfy thot Mr. Ridgewny had fitted their oyes with glasBoo. Mr. Rldgoway is well known In Snlom, nnd Is allowed to go on Ills own recognizance He does not dony thnt ho has sold eyo glasses, but claims thcro Is no law which makes It a crimo to soil oyc glasses. Notice to Property Owners on State Street. Notlco Is hereby given thnt tho city council of tho city of Salem, Oro gon, nt n special meeting thorcof held on tho 8th dny of April, 1907, duly passod a resolution instructing tho rccordor to notify all property own ers who nro llablo for tho cost of Im provement of Stato Btrcot from tin cast lino of Commercial street to tho wo8t lino of Church street, In said city, who lntond to complcto tho part of said improvement for which thoy nrc nssosscd, under tho super vision of tho Btrcot commissioner, in llou of tholr said assessment, If nny such thoro bo, bo required to notify snld common council and comply with tho specifications of said Improve ment by filing a bond thorcfor on or boforo tho special mooting of tho council on tho 22d day of April. 1907. By ordor of tho common coun cil. W. A. MOORES, City Recordor Dato of first publication of thlj notlco April 9, 1907. 4-9-10t - . o Mrs. George Burnott loft yostorday for Portland, whoro she will spend n wook visiting frlonds. Judgo Bur nett Is transacting busInosB in thn Portlnnd courts. A lr-.. . . 'uviiinvt..... :; jJim, :: f order, whoa Flu11 Extract nttk :: ne ounce, Co ::Saa thr 1 Shake wen In vT1 i : each meal wJ Any good pre! ::ycansu n? i ; T'8 U said to do ,..,. :: 'oi -many people .. and complexion ih own . ! dltlon of thrt,:,7!0,: es Of Rhwn,,,,5 .. chronic backache 4tt . . ...u some and try it M-H- TO MAKE HARRIS TALI Chicago, April 17 -Deform,, torstato commerce commiMici , sumos Its Investigation tomortwj iiarninan's mcthodiol icqti and control of the Harriet, i the commission counsel Illi uiuur compelling Mrrlmum swor questions. A decision ti ns od beforo tho Inquiry optu toJ row. Convention of School OffiAh, i Tallahassee, Fla., April 1-J cording to the call of Isiaebj- Suporlntondont Hollovay lor Instruction, tho county npej tondents nnd other school cSdiltj tho state of Florida assembM it i city today for a three dayi KtcaJ hold it convention for the be of the ichcols of the state fori overy county In the state is rem sonted, the expenses of tie old who r-ltcnd being paid cttkyJ county treasuries. A fall tc was rendered this mornloj, nit tho ISth tho exercises will txKj'4 with Intorost. o Gentle and KoTtUre. A well known Manitoba wrltes: "As nn Inside worker 1 J Chamberlain's Stomach til Tablots invaluable for the to:til biliousness natural to itittivji their action being gentle uA i live, clearing the dlgestln tact the head." Price 25 cents. free. For sale at Dr Stcart i storo. MMMItlMamimiMUHMl Found what! Why that Chaiubor- Now York ml nKau3 rr " United laln'e Salvo cures eoioma aud all manner of Itching of tho skin. I havo been afflicted for many yearn with Vln dense. I bad te get up three or four times overy nljjut aud vrash -with cold wator to allay the terrlbl Itchlnp, but since using thU salve 1st AcBiber, 1905, the ItcklBt; k&s eftafi aa Ua aot truli w. BMer Jm T. OeMll. IUtU, f. t r, HsMM'e irw States, Romombor tho name Doans aud tako no othor. " o Vint Union High Hchool. Orogon City April 17. Tho alum ul of tho Barclay school havo Initi ated a movement (or a union high ishool for Oregon City and the ecfcool 4ltrkU lme4!tely adjoin l thk, PetHhMM r aor bIaf Better Than Your Memory A chocking account will kwp your tnikliifM tnui.vutloiis absolutely corsvec. You can roly on tho rvcotxl of yur chocking account. When you dclro to rvfor to past Iruitsnrtioiis, a chocking account (unilvlKVi ndlrtblo Litn easily found and complete In all details. Pay by check In every transaction. Wo Invito your checking account. We wtTcr superior adrantages. i SPRING SACK SUITS POR MEM AND YOUNG MEN iaee)f ' Salem State Bank li. K. PAGE, lrtIdct. K. W. XAZ.IRD, Cilcr. i .i , . . . .. j;,-. -.- i VI. In all the nobbiest fabric effects snappy single and doubrC-bres styles, artistically custom -C -7 throughout.and containing every wrinkle and fancy: Our Prices $8.50 to $3 - ljftfjgkaVrl The fancy checks and stripes'" newstvles of Soring Neckvve just the thing to brighten up cnr. nf(.;nr Wo are SW" largest selection ever shpwn city- Price 50c. Safem Woolen Mill St' miiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimnummminiummiii