reWwPfl' -i. rvrr. DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, SALEM, OREGON' WF.DNKSIMY, ArRIL 17, 1007, T ,J I Don't Let Watchman Sleep Tie Ever fa the watchman of to tody So lonp as it keeps SSSratwrrk there is Utile L-erfrom lilious atincKs or disorders that follow a JS ler. Don't let it las- Sat let itco to sleep. At the first signs of a lazy, ,5 liver, take eecAam m tbe bet remcJy ever discovered u. vwrnnsr fie bile rcculated. litre is no ot'-T medicine like .v. fnr muddv complexion. &3eves, constipation, stomach troubles, suk headache. lieri- and central deuilitv. jeecbani s Pills promptly carry .n tyiuonous matter from the iptem, act quickly on the bile iadre a grand old remedy to Waken The Liver hboitl with full directions loc and 35c COLONIAL CONFKKEXCI2. Wilfred Lnurler of Prominent. Canada Is stoodon, April 17. Tho colonial ktatnee, which began on tho lGth Is falrb' under way, nnd tho rJerence of the colonial govern- ::t it found to be of groat profit J ill concern! Tie coming of Ocneral Botha solo- to conTlncc firent llrltnln of the riltr of tho South Africa Dutch, 'Is slJered very significant. ITit Canadians are groatly pleased 1 S!r Wl fr d Laurlor, promlor of (Dominion, OTwwimo hln groat ro- lanes to coiiu', to accomplish ba he haJ to ovorcomo som tin dlfflculMi 1, nnd en mo ovor to hite in the debates. Sir Wilfrod Mtf I very popular, nnd hW its an eloquent 0110. , Tho most V question is that of Imporlul ffctic, on which greatly contradlc- r cplnlons nro held. nehherent dlfllculty 0 tho prob lem will be to draw tho distinction between Great Britain's position ns n European power nnd ns tho mother country of a great colonial empire. Thus, It will bo argued, Great- Bri tain could not expect tho colonies to bind thomselvos to assist hor In nny European war In which they wore I not concerned, whilst at tho same time, under tho oxtsltlns circumstan ces and conditions, any colony could embroil Qreat Britain In wnr without Incurring any but the moral obliga tion to come to her rescuo. The Idea is to endeavor if possible to arrive at some ngreemont of nlllnnce Insur ing romsulatlon nnd co-operation la nny conflict arilng from causes out side of purely European politics, all parties thereto contributing men nnd money for a common defense upon a population nnd revenue basis. Dr. Jameson Intondod to propose tho organization of somo plan whore by contributions from each colony should be equitably fixed on the con dition tho colonies be ropresonted up on tho Imperial council, nt which questions concerning tho ponce of the ompiro shall bo discussed. Sir Joseph Ward, of New Zealand, fnvors Increasing the colonial naval contributions to tho imporlnl defense. Australia is determined to bring up tho Asiatic exclusion question, nnd tho Hon. Mr. Ward declared on bolnr Interviewed on tho subject that New Zenland was ngalnst tho admission of Chineso and Jnpaneses, between whom and Now Zoalaudera ho boos the liicvitablo struggle. Earl Grey, governor genronl of Canntla, will tonight address tho congress. Sir Robert Crnnston, Lord Provost of Edlnburg, nd William T. Stoad will also spoak, besldos n num ber of distinguished men. Prosidant Diur telegruphod that ho Is unable to attond. nittcn by n Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider blto, John Washington of Bosquevillo, Tox., would havo lost his leg, which bocamo a masB or run ning sores, had ho not boon porsund- od to try Bucklon's Arnlen Salve Ho wrltes: "Tho first application relloved, and four boxos healed all tho soros." Hoals every Boro. 25c nt J. C. Perry's, druggist. Apricot Crop Ik Rnmngctl. Now York, April 17. Tho trado al largo 1b deeply Interested In crop DO YOTJ GET UP WITH A I,AMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost every body who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver nnd blad der remedy. It is the great med ical ttiumph of the nineteenth century ; disco verednfteryoflrs of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidncv and blnddcr specialist, and is wonderfully successful iu promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Origin's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so imuiy ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have u sample bottle scut free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to flndoutifyouhnvekidncy or bladder trou ble. When writlne; mention rcndiiur this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer f& 01 V.O., ismgnamiou, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles arc noma or svrumvRoot. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the unnie, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, and the nddrcM. llinirhututon. N. V,. oa every bottle. est part of thnt country has been flooded, and trnvol through tho fruit district hi boon Impossible. Tho giowers goiorally fear damage from blight, signs of which are now In evidence. About 260,000 ncros of land In the benn-growlng district ore submerged. Thoy Ho north of Snn Francisco and aro gonorally tormod tho Sacramento valley. - 0 1 ALBANY'S SUICIDE. Death of Tom Daniels by tho Cnrlndlc I Unite. iuj"a conditions on tho coast, but It has taken with much roservu the onrly ndvleos. "Last yoac." roport J. K. Armsby, "tho nprlcot crop in southern Cali fornia wnH tho bottor ono. Wo se en rod not only bottor qualify, but larger tonnngo from the south. Our Us Angeles reports sny approximate ly -10 per cont of nprlcot crop In southern California Is dnmngeil. In tho Sun Jonqtmln vnlloy apricots are a total failure; In tho Santa Cluru v.7Io thoro will be no moro than last year, nnd bohmj varieties will bo n totnl failure Taking tho crop of tho stnto ns a "wholo no onu now llgtiros ns largo 11 crop of nprlcot ns wns produced hi 190G. Wo flo not figure that tho 'San Jonquln vnlloy will hnvo u Inrgur total of ponchos tlM,. just year. In northern Cnll fornl. wo Ituvo Veon practically un nblo to got nny ruports, as the 3urg itmwiwwiiHwwwwmmwwwM SAVE GOOD MONEY This Month Is the Last Chance to Get the Bargain Rates On the Capital Journal for This Season Save $1.00 a year on the Daily Capital Journal or save 25c on the Weekly Capital Journal, and do it now. By paying tip all arrears, yoti can get the DAILY IN ADVANCE FOR THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, and the WEEKLY FOR 75e PER YEAR. BARGAIN RATES Good to APRIL 30. Albany Democrat, April 16; Thus. Daniels, nn old rosldont, com mitted suicide this morning at his homo on Oonry street, by taking carbolic nold. He Is nlghtwntch nt Venl & Son' chair factory, going homo nB usual this morning, splitting somo wood nnd going Into bronkfnst, whloh ho nto. Mrs Daniels flnlshod first nnd wont out doors. Mr. Dnntols poured n little co (Too Into his cup, wont Into another room, got n bottlo down from tho clock sholf, poured somo of tho contents Into It, wont Into tho ad joining room, lny down on n sofa, said good-byo and boenmo uncon scious. Louis Dnnlols, a ton yon old son, saw nil this, but did not rcnllzo what was being dono. It wni thought from tho nmount of acid, Bomowhnt diluted, In tho bottlo, thnt ho took three or lour ounces. Tho bottlo had boon on tho sholf for n long time, having oeon used ns a dis infectant during a long Illness of Mr. Dnnlolo. Hu lived several hours boforo oxplrng. Dr. Stark was call od but nothing could bo dono. Mr. Dnnlols had been In vory poor honltlt for several yours, nnd It is said had threatened to end his troubles somo tlmo. The deconsod was a plonoor rosl dont. For n good many yonrs ho run tho old Ashby Puaroo property across tho rlvor. He leaves a wife, a stop-slstor of Mr. Robert Snail, ono dnughtor, Sndlo, now at independ ence with bar unclu, Geo, Snoll, and n son, Louis. Ho wns a Mticcnboe, about 70 yonrs of ngo. o Not loc. All owing mo on account or over duo noto nro notified to pay up by May 1st, without fall, nt tho Capital National Bank, as after that dnt same will bo plncod with my nttor- noy with Instructions to suo. I havo pormnnontly removed from Salem, nnd will positively grant no furthoi oxtonslons. F. A. WiaaiNS, t-13-10t Topponlsh, Wash, o THE CITUIKTOPIIONK. In the Face of Competition Wo havo secured fifteen per cent, of tho cigar business of this country How? By making better cigars of oveiy grado than any other manufacturer lias produced, and toll ing tho truth about thorn. By making tho strongest definite claims that any cigar manufacturer over dared to make and by living up to thorn. By marking tho boxos of our standard brands with tho Triangle A so that overy smoker of this country could shut down on tho hit-or-miss way of buying cigars on anybody's say-so, and make his selections from brands that ho knows aro tho best his money can pay forbetter in every way quality and grading of leaf, even ness of blend, and perfection of condition. Now put thnt to tho test-. Smoko n cigar of oomo hrand bonring tho "A" (Trinnglo A) and find out. You can't do better than begin with The New CREMO Every box in cxtm-iorappcdin alanine paper scaled to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanli ness until the box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer Merit Mark hurled himself upon tho clorgymnn, but was soon on tho ground with tho pronchur silting astride him. Tomplo monuwhllo pulled his six shooter, but a klok sent thu weapon Hying. Carney tlion surrendered. Thou ho forced Temple to apologise, and tho three rodo over to thu meet ing place together.. In Church With u Preacher llchlml Look an the tay nn -vnttr nanor anrl mv o to the oresent. and then oav in ad- tS? at $3 PCf Year fr the Daily by mail or special delivery, or $5 by carrier. Mats is a rcrJurtlnn nf fct -. r,A wllf nnf hf cood after Aoril 30. FFlll I f ' OII,CC n &Ct e ' ' """"' wva. wi oianic below, cat it out and send in with yotir remittance: O to o o i H t 1 u , BARGAIN RATE SUBSCRIPTION ORDER HOFER BROS,, Publishers The Daily and Weekly Capital Journal, Salem, Oregen: Enclosed find remittance for my subscription up to 1907, at $6 per year Daily by carrler$. . . . At $4 per year Dnily by mail or special delivery $ . . . . At $1 pet year for Weekly by mail. $ One year in advance Daily by carrier $5.00 One year in advance Daily by mail or special delivery $3.00 One year for Weekly by mail s 75 Total remittance $ Name Pottofffcc Ha ? P i? p s i 2! o o o o ft. it 1 (9 S HHHMMnMMMieWieMMMt4tW Albany's Ohrlsiophnno hue given It a reputation nil oTor tlio coast. 1 114 following Is from Frldny'H ISxaml- tier : , "IleKlnnlng uoxt Hunduy mornliiK Allmny ihk)i! may hour their ser moiw lying nbed, at the brwikfaa' table or In the jmrlnr. If they are ronneotMl with the U'n telephoii" xrhnnjc nnd don't want to mo to church. "Albany is (he first etty oh the I'a cHlr codst to Install this apparatus. It Is liftBg plneed In thu United I'ree byterien church by the Home Tale phone company, and the ltev. W. P. White, the (Mietor Is prerwrlnK one of his fineat ouee for Inauguration of th iwrrlee." The ChrletephoM wne glren the nmt prartlrel trlel SHHday mernlnif. Sixty people were Riven oonneetleH with the ChrletthOH Mtid by aetitel rount ovr 99 ware tamed away, lurh was the laiereat In the lntr ment. Ah able sermo wa dleiiMrt- llv h-Hrd. He wl hh tbe mueUr. though the latter faite u Utinz out jthe fore of sqay mmI aratory yet. !&mo Rt ilo not harMHtnko with 'the initrHRiHt, this wilt be reM jiHlled, and two extra jHatreaaU In , sUiled for aeelaUmee. It la a graft! 'invention with wonderful poeelblH- katpiuK any ob away from ren who cares for the laMlrttlnalttr of the Mrtlee. for exprseeloa and tor real worship. Hor tbe who oajwot at tend it will eerUlnly prove a frlead Tlio PriMchtrr Could Ilht. Pierre. S. D., April 17. Tho Itor. John MeVey, a raeecnUr wleeioaar of the Had river eoeatry. has shown himself a real sky pilot. McVey was on a 2-IIe ride. U conduct a meeting, when confroatftd br George Carney and Fred Temple. The cowboys accosted him with "8oy Mr Preher. bare a drink." Thank you, I don't drink, and yea had better quit," was tho qtibH reply. 9 The cowboy defied him to proceed tod Towtd they wpnld forco him to taste tho wntfky. McVey appereut Temple sad eent hlw aorawlleg. Carney slted bi partner's fhuk a Just HeraiiNo Your couRh Is only In the thorat nnd does not troublo you now, don't think thnt It noods no attention. When It tins not had muoh of a ntnrt is tin tlmo to ohock It. Tho slightest cough easily loads to Pneumonia, Ilrouchl tls and Consumption. A bottlo of Hnllnrd'n Hofohound Syrup will curu that cough. Tho prleo puts It within roach of all. Sold by 1). J. Fry. BARGAINS In Real Estate KVICItVUMI hUUK MiM. Onjr Oorwnn eoffeo en ken umt nuule friend nkorevor Hied. Ther nn made the oM.faeUtoNed way ueUor (yon will iIoh ua for nny Uw) thnn yon can bake them nt home. "Yen m never tell till you try " Here's kooJu you'll irf th ret UaM yon're hnnary. OAPITAf IIAICKUV, O. VUjCM. Prop, Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bother with having It dene at borne again. Time waf when erery family eould not afford to sead tbe washing to a laundry. but tines have changed eo, too, bavo tbe methods and prises, Today you can better afford to tend the family washing here than not to Ask about our prices on family wash Ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Forma nnd city property for sale by Ilndcllff Co. 5-room modorn cottnno, on car- Ino. This property Is offorod nt n jacrlfioo. Prlco $10CO. Kasy tonna. Modorn cottngo of flvo rooms, all plumbod nnd wired, gool woodshed, lot 75 by 160 foot, soptlo tank Prlco 11600. Nino room house, plnstored, cIos- ots, pnntty, bosomont, soptid tank, barn 26x31, woodshed 18x22. Thin placo Is threo Mocks from courk hotiso. Prlco 12025. 3 aores In elty limits, nil In Logon, berries. Prlco $1200. Many termn. 2 ncros, new 6. room houso, now barn, two blocks from cnrllno, good fruit. Prion SI GEO. 10 ncres nil In cultivation, good B room houso, bnrii, woodHhod, inlxud fruit, well funned, 2, miles frtwa iuiem. Prlco 180ft. H V, ncres. 1 U, In fruit unml hf I woodshed nnd ahlaksn house. 1 iiilltw from Hftleiu. Prleo 1 1100 Oue-hnlf canli balanoe nt 6 per onl interest. 80 neree, C7 In oultiVHllon, balanao paetuie, 5-room house, barn nnd. other out-bulldlngs, good young fruit all crop, Implement nnd steak goo with pluee. miliet from Bnlem. Prlee 11000. Thl SO .aerue bus a good land as any In Mnrhm enmity and Hrehaer can gut good terms. 78 sere all In oiillivntlon. aran. wmu. stoek and croj.s goos with, wove wire, good well bhiJ wlMdmlll. watw foresu tbrongh hos bm! barn, one Mile from 8haw, all Imple iiiexu. stalk ami orop noee wW elaoe. Prtoe fStOfl. ii aeree, at lu cultivation, !ml onee pasture, new 7-roont bone, iMrne barn. II aerw of hepa. 7 utile from aleni. This le one of Ilowelb Prairies beet farm. Prleo $110 pr aere, reasenable terms. 8everol bouwi for ront. Call If you want anything lu Insurance qr notary work. RADCLIPF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Moors block, Balora, Ore. Reference, any bank or business bouii) lu tho city of Balero. MOU.ICTlCTft Rocky Mountain Ton NunnsU A Utf Jft&.'M f f P . f FrtfU UMi 0kra Mt.(ft M V-3vt4 Vlr. A i imm yi ' 4U1 KmwI T' I I. Ki4l j .., lb Ugtiot JfV T lllItldhJ hlKlMttlB fl.Il,. IW1 Bo. I Hrtt i l i hu rkwidi t.,.t a4Ui-h't- 1 ii rti'i;tfmv!S t ihi I . x V-VH v. miu hy, vm; . r it .W6 4 1 i KOf.