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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1907)
USI m.mtimimmMmitmiiimt AILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL .xni. .SALKM, OREGON, WKOXKSIUY, AIMUL IT, 1007. NO. 0.1. ARTHQUAKE SPAIM IGAMIST WITH EIGHTEEN WIVES - ,,. -Mf-4 I . iB ORK MAN DEMANDS TO GO TO JAIL jg Steamship With tOOO Passengers May Be Lost j2w i IIT FOR $5,000,000 DISMISSED raey General of Illinois stSue In lower Court CROWS NEST MINERS Have Gone on a Strike That May Cause Coal Famine tvlngfield, HI. April 17. Tho Vancouver, 13. C.t April 17. Tho : irstltutcd by order or tno gov- brows nest miners novo gone ou . far J5.000.000 back taxes, ni- BiriKO. tho mines nro sum uown. , .V. T- 1 . 1 to bo duo from tho Illinois Con 1 Railroad Company, was tUrown ikjrthe suircnic court this morn- t refuses to nssumo Jurlsdlc tnd to d the nttornoy-goneT-al L-iajtrnt In tho lower court. , o- Police Force Unilur State Control. piaio,, April 17. It Is reportod tii a result oi the pollao exposa, lkh it was found that members ie force, from commanding ofll- i down, wen forced to contribute apaign funds, efforts aro being s to pass a police bill nt Spring- e to put tho Chicago forco under ft control All industrlos of Wostorn Cnnndn are affected. The demoralization will bo completo In n few days. Tho Cana dian Pacific hns only n wook's sup ply of coal on linnd, nnd only pas songor trains nro opornted. Many Culgnry factories nro closod. Discharged Kmployo Held for Hob Ixtry. St. Paul, Minn., April 17. John Gundorson, a discharged omployo of tho Northorn Bxpross Company, was nrreatod after midnight on suspicion of knowing tho circumstances of tho holdup of Clerk Zimmerman Inst night, when robbing tho ofllce of $25,000. MCAGO STOfti PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE - - ilenVs Silk House! nilCAGO STOliK OFFKUS DUHI.NG THIS SALK OOOO YARDS ' SWKI.LLST, PUKTTIKST, XKWFST AXI) 11KST SILKS THAT ;m It SHOWN' IX SALKM. Owkujer nuul n lucky buy In tho F-nst last wwk. They came by kFtM and are hm now ready for your Inspection. They comprise lilw leading hilks now shown that are up-to-daU and suitable for Hue i Silk WalstH and Petticoats. Also various other gariuontM. The ! "ttch-hU Chlau, America, Franco and Japau, in all staple, fancy dainty dctlms. we bought thorn at tho right prlcvs, wi wo cau af- 'fcrtTtr you thus high-claw. 811k at as low prico as you can buy 'fa r.v r.rk or Chicago. Tho variety Is great and you should 1 d look them through, and e what a Salem Ifoiuw and Hn- P ran do, .. run till vour nnlnm In silks at nnv nrli'O you wish 25c, 35c. 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 "Jihad you nk for. Alfco. any class or kind of Silk you want. THAW TO STAY . IN JAIL Jerome Says He Will Not Consent to Any Bail New York, April 17. Thaw Is In good spirits. Ho has boon warned thnt bis application for ball Is llkoly to lull. So he has reconciled htm sulf to n BUtnmor In prison. Evelyn nnd other inotnbors of tho family nro silent about tho Holtnan stntomont. Ponbody visited Thaw this morn ing, but refused to talk about the confuronco. Thaw hns enjoined se crocy upon all his nttornoys. It Is said ho told them that ho will do all the talking that ho wnntod dona. Kv eJyn visited hor husband, nnd tho chief olork of Hartrldgo's ofllco ac companied hor to protect hor from tho mob and photographers. No Itall Says Jerome. Jeromo returned from his country homo this nfternoon nnd shattered Tlmw's hopes of release on bnll. Ho announced positively that ho would, WAGES ARE TO GO UP And Prices of Lumber Will Advance in Montana Holeno, Mont., April 17. All Wostorn Montana luinbermon were granted an Increase In wngoa May 1st. ranging from $5 up, per mouth. Tho lumbar companies will also rnlsa tho prices from $1 to $6 per thousand feoU . o DlltS OF imOKKX XI2CJC John Fivyer, Pioneer, FiiIIh Out of Wagon While Drunk. ItoMiburg, April 17. John Froy or, a well-known plonoor. living at KoUokk, foil out of n wagon nnd wn killed while on run to to that place from Oakland. He struck tho ground In such a manner as to break his neck. In tho wagon with him nt tho time wore his son, Wnllnco Froy or, and 1). S. Mode. Sovernl reports l.rucolved horo from Oakland Bay that not hoar of buoIi a thing. Ho saldtVWo threo men wero drunk. "Eight witnesses In tho recent trial believed Thaw insane, Tho Jury stood sovon to flvo In favor oi conviction In first degree murder. In vlow of thoso facts I hollovo It only right thnt Tunw jomuln In jnll until tho next trial." O'Hollly says ho saw Joromo, but apparently got no satisfaction. Jerome says If tho Judges of the court of general sessions wish to waive tholr vacations to try ponding homicide case) It might oxpudlto the Thnw casu. Otherwise ho could son uo hopo for the Thnw trial In tho near future. Count oes of Yarmouth nnd Mrs. William Thnw srmnt nn hour with tho prlsonor today. Froyer wns tho iather-In-lnw of "Hob" Tnpp, who Is In tho county Jail horo awaiting trial for assault ing "Dick" Nous, thou city marshal, nt Oakland, two weoka ngn. A few DEMANDS JO GO TO PRISON Or Will Build Jail and Im prison Himself , EIGHTEEN W1YES FOUND Case of Bigamist Will Prob ably Be Twenty-Three Now York, April 17. Louis Clour dnln was arraigned today nd wnlvod examination. Ho nskud the ofllcora to hasten him to Jollot, to begin his prison torm. Ho pays If his efforts I to sorvo n sonlsnco still prove un availing, ho will carry out his origin al Intention, nnd build n prlvnte Jnll ami Imprison himself outside the Illi nois Btnlu prison. o RUGGED FIGHTER ARRIVES San Frnnulwo, April 17. Squlrus, tho, Australian pugilist, arrived this morning. Ho -watt greeted by many local sportlnc iiiun, nnd soon after his arrival was naked to sign for a light with Hums at Colmu, Muy 30th. Ho ruftiHt'd to light nt that time, say ing lie wnntod more time to look lmllr nttnnVIm, Knm 'Pnllll I UrOHIld Mill gUt IlltO COItllHIall. He ndmlniBtored a horrible beating to his ""J"1 ne willing to fight anybody, nged fnthfir-lu-lnw. It Is said that Froyer's fuoe was still discolored from the affects of tho assault whon ho left Oakland for Kellogg in n drunken condition. -a- PACIFIC STOCKS TREMBLING 50 Ladies' Tailored Suits LH4s' i fJ u.t Ttf K . j Mh -d. to-wear gar- ' ut lower prlMa a the .Pacific ' U hsBdsomely W 1 n liBftd. Sst ' -" US.S0 and Rne Millinery l?a t0 Bt rich on .1. J 5cf Luainau BBd t'J T ..,j ...- -. te,. ; quick as i - i Uu f 'Mt:j a buy protty 2i0. J2.95, 8ALiai8 FASTEST OnOWlXO STOItE. McEVOY BROS. ?vL,li AVTl rvTTDwi Brnviqa New York. April 17. There ap pears to be much foundation for the rumors that Harrlinun and Sen iff. leading the opposing factions, are among the financiers righting because of Harrlman'a radical plunge. For eign Investors are baek of 8hlff. Tke Indication are that on exchange UMlay something is hanging over Psclrle aueka, but the cus Is uneertalM. IVjiciw TalK'rs Will Soon Quit. New York, April 17. The peace conferunco ndopted resolutions nd va cating various plumes of tho propa ganda. A number of woman spoko. Preparation wns made for the final windup to night. This afternoon la dovoted to dlsousslng the legislative and Judicial aspects of tho peuco movements. o WHOLE FAMILY POISONED Ho donlus thui ho slde-stopiMl jiiok Johnson, suyirw ho hnd heard thnt everybody In America wnu nfrnlil of tho negro, and that If he knocked out JoluiBoj It would have been Impossl. blu for him to t:et n mmclt in Ameri ca. Squires hns tho nppoarhuao of being a rugged tighter. Philadelphia, April 17. Wvory hour adds to the number of wives, ot James Williams, bigamist, whoso ca reer tho police nro Investigating. Tho authorities Bay Williams, mar ried a woman nt c-vory olty from Now York to San Frnnolsco, 18 wo men married to him having roportod their olrotimstnuces already. Tho names nnd nd drosses of other victim nro being obtained by the ofllcora. o WOUK OF IJXICMIKS. Ho Drolnrt Answer ot Defendants lit KMdy Hull. lCarth Still Tremble. Constantinople, April 17. An earthquake was felt here nnd In the suburbs nt 4:30 this morning. It was very severe. Felt troitnwt In tho upper lUMphurtiH territory, nit imWh from AmIcnIihiI, UiimiIh, trnns- Uonrord, N. II., April 17. A.n an swer was IMed thin afternoon to tho suit for an accounting of tho proper ty of Mrs. F.ddy. Not only does it da ily most ot tho allegations, but do utaros tho nullon wan not brought lu good faith, Knch defendant ,dH clnren tho action was brought With out tho consent or knowledge of Mrs. Kddy. Tho charge wns prompted by Mrs. Kddy's enemies, for tho purpose of bringing hor and hor principles In to dlsroputo. Thoy deny (lint Mrs. IMdy's mind Is now or ovor was Im paired. CtutnlRH territory, says lb quake tke telephone cases. ..... Remarkable Case of Distrib uting Dope in Chicigo &LKM, OR. DulnuiK Sus(aluel Hi Itoputatlou. Ntw York, April IT. DlUla M. Oelwas came here from Sea Fran eieM witk the reputation ot being the meet forceful and convincing lawyer before a jury In a capital case that ever apaeared in a Paoiflc coast court room. Whan he appeared la the Ttarw ease he had the handicap of great tame la his regard, and 11 woaM have taken a man of almost PklMM Aurll IT rka rmtMLlM poisoning of the Meet family at Brvlag Park, near this city, Is glvla lha poUee a mystery to solve, con taining melodramatic feature sel dom equaled. The father and moth er are dead, the daughter, Mrs. Mar)' Sladek, housekeeper for the family, Is under arrest In a hospital, where she Is suffering herself. Quantities of arsaale were found In the flour and meal barrels of tho house, and other poisons were found burled beaeatL the woodpile la the basemer-t. This umarbsnan nower to have come un to tae reputation he had. Hut Del-1 moralBg detective, on route (o the mas fully accomplished It, his speech IMeete house to resume the lavestl- to the Jury being generally pro Boanced aa the moat remarkable ad dress ever delivered In a. New York court room, and of most oonvlne tax character and .moving force. He swayed the people, but he didn't show his efforts ia doing so, bis emotional creative powers being covered with a logical and easy method of analyz ing the testimony and grouping the facts to a smoothly flowing story tbat led to one conclusion. gattoH, met Joseph Meete. Meete was deathly pale, and grow worse be fore them. The officers hastened Joseph to a doctor, and continued to the home, where they found Charles aged IS, Hudolph aged IS. suffering apparently form the same trouble. All arc dangerously III. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Poblo left this morning for Newport, where they will spend several days. there at 12:20 this forenoon Inetud nv ovMonda. Uadulntory motion, de stroying niiioli property. o- i i ii. Still After Teddy, Portland, Me., April IT. Oontral labor union today send (he Presi dent a resolution condemning his ultoraueea roganilng Moyer, Hsy wMd and PetiilHine In his letter to 8hrmnn answering Ilarrlmau. "a i Pine Itofildcuci! for Hale, Modern house, acre of land, good barn and wood homo, nut fruit and garden, Improved street, city water, and all modern iaiprovemeate. Coat ISStO. Good ni new. Will be sold for $2100. Why pay rent. Apply to It. It. Jtyan. State street. ... , . o Xebnuka Hullem Front, Lincoln, Nsb'., April IT. A blkt xard continues throughout the state. Temperature SO degree above zero this morning. AJI fruit kll'led. o ' Steamer Overdue Philadelphia, April 17. The liner Nordland is three days overdue. There are $& cabin and 810 steerage passengers. Heavy gales. Q-" Iot Tlu-ni (Joint) Arrosri, London, Xprll 17. Announcement is made tbat the Prince and Prlncw of Wales will tour Canada soon. Still I'minlMlng CTiimin, Shu Frnnolsoo, April 17. Thoro Is strong probability that no indict ments lu the telephone cases wilt bo returnod by the grand Jury until. Theo. Hiilsoy Is Indicted. Ho Is out side agent of the Pnolflo Btntm Tele- phone Co., and nrrlveB front Moulin, amy utii. uiusey mny bo glvon nn opportunity to tostlfy, aocordlng to Hums, lu spite f Uunis stntement, however, the prediction . Is freely made today that Saturday will mark not only the tiling of Indlatmuul In but return of formal oharges lu tho slot iimuhlno Kraft. Competent CJIrl WautM For geoerAl houicwork. Apply at m Nor(h Church i(rct, Salem. 4-n-4t Family aiargud Willi Murder. Dayton, April i7 Affidavits wer filed Hi la nfternoon charging Mrs Iah Oilman, the mother; OcjUIm, a brother, nnd Fay ne and Hecate, sis ters of Dona Oilman, with being ae ceesorlen to the murdar of Dona, wkooe bcHly was found la aa aum Held here some time ago. u - Knrtiiqunke In Spain. Madcrln, April 17. The provi of Mwrra was sliakeu by a aovera earthquakett. The towgs uf Tihms ami Worea were greatly damagetl. 1 " u- Hermann Chm CIommI. WaahlNgtOH. April IT Tke tak ing of toailiHony In Ike Hermann ear was finished Unlay. The pleas of both sides will take several days. i i i o i L4Mt-IIaajk, port spaniel dog. An swers bo Hams at "Don." Iletum to It. Hofer.'HoHlh Salem. 4.17-tf ii o i . Chicago .Markets, Chicago, April 17. -Wheat T8i 079tt.eorn m 10ft. outa 42 943 V6. Dr. J. P. COOK TIIH llOTAXICAb iKxrroK, MOVL'D TO t LiWKKTY KTKKKr FOR ANY DIMKAJiK CAI-Ij ON 1. COOK. CO.VSUIrATrOX KKK.