Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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    s 3we i
rf neeaea
ew Petitions Are Out
ana Being oigucu
...n milled Out of Their
Determination to Refer
I .nut moonshine, n Hltto Jollr-
, or some ttiereniuuiuti ..v
a to stop the Linn county grnng
'..d their friends from going
..to refer tho stnto university
Iprution. Hundreds of signer
' J I.. Tnrlnn POUntV Sttt-
ctKCureu m - -
W u soon aa tlio now puuuuim
Xo Wcnklng In M""
ntA.bany Herald says: Undls
.., hv tho discovery that tho
tutorcj secured Inst week to tho
,rctdnm petition on tho university
Ortjon appropriation bill, would
..Minowcd owing to nn error In
.Alts out the referendum petition,
ttttn of tho Linn county grange
1. nnrlr with ronowed
Kitness to secure tho flvo thou-
A nines noeessary for roferrtng
Oaimsunt of the strenuous oppo-
m which the Linn county grange
jmetbr supporters of tho Unlvor-
ItcfOreEon appropriation, It has
it decided not to. publish the
a of any of thoso who Blgn tho
i?Jon. When the movomqn.t wa
it liiBKurated by tho Linn county
uje, tho names of thoso who sign
l-ii petition were published in the
n.i At soon as tho names were
jrln oil, tho U. of O. pooplo nt
i vote letters to tho signers ask-
;tht they withdraw their names.
itadoff any slmllnr tactics on tho
rtof tho state Institution tho
m icu'ed to the potltlon from
it on will bo kept secrot until suffl
nt iro secured and tho entlro po-
m j flVd with tho socrotary of
i r Sal m
A!w Df tit-" petitions wero circu
its' J Abdn wsterday by ono of
not"! f the grango, nnd he
tWtatjs.'i.n. of those whom ho
"' 1 who had signed the llrst
'-" r s d t.j realllx their signa-
! w potltlon.
r ff'jca t.f the Linn county
Ijorcsv-dav txpressed grant sat-
wa tnat their action In oppos
ite university appropriation, had
ft:- 1 t". bo members of Po-
tr ' ' ' C j' .In Ihp mnntlnir
M J Hard zs t lac kamas county,
Atlah!ePren.-Mtiftn for ic.
IS J?otte9lsUon.Chccrful-
i r"jKC5LU3niain5 nciuicr
'awufiorpbjne nor Mineral.
AfftR,-TH.. r- ....
EsidLoss or Sleep.
,KS Stnaturt of
Aycc's Sarsaparilla is not a strong drink. As
now nuac, tncre is not a drop or aiconoi in it.
It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask
your own doctor atymt your taking this medi
cine tor tntn, impure oiooa. ronow ins aa-
vice everv time, tie Knows, lrust mm
n bwa M B&MvBtM f TITjk HnkllkS
theforrnaUsofixll our preparation.
- - -V --" I
last Wednesday. Every day many let
ters nro received from all parts of
the state supporting tho grange In its
move to refer tho Unlvorslty of Ore
gon $125,000 appropriation to a vote
of tho people.
Ilnlf Million Campaign.
The Capital Journal Is receiving
hundreds of replies to its questions,
Involving a program of saving halt
a million to a million in four years.
Following Is sample:
Do you favor an university tax of
$125,000 per annum? No.
Do you favor tho armory nppro
proprlatton of 1100,000? No.
Do you favor placing tho state
printer on a flat salary? Yes.
Do you favor tho official frco pass
bill? No.
Do you want the referendum on
any other bill? I nm opposed to tho
raiso of salaries; thoro nro plenty of
good men to tako tho offices nt tho
present salaries.
Eaglo Point, Or.
Coplos of roforondum petitions
can bo had at this office, and nil the
grango bills can bo signed nt this
offico whore a notary will cortlfy to
them froo of oxponsc. Lot tho inde
pendent citizens of Oregon show thnt
thoy cin do something In tho wny of
liolplng'thcniBolvoB oven If It Is not
sanctioned by W. S. U'Ron.
Cured Rheumatism.
Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanooga,
Tonn., had rhoumntlsm in his left
arm. "Tho strength scorned to have
gono out of tho muscles so that it
was tisolss for work," ho says. "1
applied Chamborlaln's Pain Dalm
and wrapped tho arm In flannel nt
night, and to my relief I found that
tho pain gradually left mo and the
strength roturned. In threo weeks
tho rhoumntlsm had disappeared and
'has not slnco roturnod." If troubled
with rheumatism try a fow applica
tions of Pain Dalm. You nro cer
tain to bo pleased with tho rollof
which It affords. For salo nt Dr.
Stono's drug store,
Ono Hundred Four Years Old.
Daltlmoro, April 15. Yostorday
Mrs. Cntharlno Floln passod her
104th blrthdny In tho little soconi
story bnck room of 1320 North
Ohnpel stroot, whoro sho has boon
confined to her -bod for the past flvo
She was ns choerful as over, hal
oid ago having boon passed In a
happy spirit. Hor faoo Is much
wrinkled, nnd her body waned and
hor oyoslght falling, sho nevortho
loss, rotnlns all of hor othor faculties
to a wonderful degroo, and yosterdar
gavo an account of her llfo, In n
lively mid Bplrlted mnunor. Her
honlth ts good, although she fols
Hip wolght of years, and is rather
feeble, walking with difficulty
For Infants nnd Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tut cnwa t. "
AT Alt
Sonttlo Post-Intelllgcncer: The
steamer Yucatan which sails today
for Alaska will havo sovcral thou
sand dollars' worth of machinery
aboard to bo used in tho construc
tion of tho railroad which tho Alaska
Pacific Railway & Terminal company
is constructing In tho Copper river
district of southeastern Alaska. Tho
cargo Includes machinery for flvu
sawmills, which will bo tnkrn Into
tho country over tho snow and will
bo used In building the trestles along
tho railroad; sovoral pllo drivers for
uso on tho piors now In tho courso
of consructtou iiaur Catalla, and other
slmllnr apparatus.
It was expected tho chief cnglneor
and somo of tho officers of tho com
pany would accompany tho corps of
engineers Balling today, but thoy
woro delayed. Tho party, Including
A. W. Cook of Cooksburg, near Pitts
burg, Pa., prosldcnt.qt tho company,
will remain In Sonttlo for tho pres
ent.' Tho company for tho present
will tnnko Its headquarters In tho
Schouormnu block, nnd Inter will
movo to tho officos to bo vacated by
tho Dexter Horton bank,
Tho lino to bo constructed will cx
tond from Catallu threo miles wst
of tho Marten islands through tho
Copper rlvor country to tho Yukon
rlvor, n dlstnnro of 500 mllos. Ac
cording to .ono of the officers of tho
company, a portion of tho lino tap
ping the coal roglono nrottnd Poring
lako will be completed this yonr.
Starting from tho Marten Islnnds tho
road will run up the Cntalla rlvor
valloy nnd across norlng lako, per
mission having boon granted by tho
war department to cross tho tldo
Innds and lako. It will contlnuo up
Shephord crenk through Charlotte
pass and thence wosterly to a point
on the Copper rlvor botwoen Chl.ds
and Miles glaciers whoro tho com
pany has station grounds on both
sides of tho river, nnd In nccordanco
with pormlsslou from congross will
brldgo tho rlvor at this point.
The lino proceeds up tho wost sldo
of the rlvor to tho coppor Holds about
1C0 mllos from tho termlnnls, where
tho Ch'tnnn and Kotslnn rlveVa enter
from Mio oast. It will follow the
Copper rlvor tintll pnsslng ovor tho
divide near tho lmadwators of the
Tauann, and ontor tho Yukon valloy
near Ungle. Tho survoys started in
11)05 and now oomploto show nn all
river grade of lotw than 1 V& per oent
on the entire length of the line.
The roml will be built by the Key
atone Constructing company of this
The iibove road crosses the proper
ty of tho Anglo-American Oil & Coat
company. Seo adv. on page 8. Call
on Mr. Mellrlde, business manager
of the company, room C, Willamette
hotol. Salem, nnd soe snmplea of
coal, nlso government maps nnd re
ports. o
New Mining Stock Market IJegln.
Now York, April IB. The general
luting committee of the New York
Produce Hxohnnge now mining stok
market begins todny with doallng In
mining Bharos. Several hundred
lorporntlons applied for a plnoe oh
the list, but the committee 1ms list
ed about 97 mines on the list, as fol
lews: Goldfleld, Nov., 40; Ilullfrog.
Nev, 10; Tonopnh, Nov., 0; other
parts of Nevada, C; Alaska, 3; Colo
rado, G; Montana, 3; Arizona, 3;
Idaho. 3; Uuth, 3; Qanuda, T; Mexi
co, 7.
In addition there are to be about
20 Industrial stocks, mostly manu
facturing nnd eleotrlo traction com
panies. Most of the better else of
mining stocks on the erW market
have been Included In tte list, possi
bly the Standard Oil. It is also un
derstood that none of the storks
dealt In on the New York Stock IK
change have been taken in.
- -O'
Married Agalntt Parent Wlln
ltfued IVtihUhIoii to Suo Dying
Itatliflr Aftor Trniullfig 2000
Chicago. April 1. At the ead of
a 2000-mile Journey, Mrs. Helen
Drowning of the state of Washing
ton, has been denied Audleaee with
h r dying father to whose side she
sought to hasten when she learned
that his death was Imminent.
Between them stands the woman's
mother, still bitter because of the
daughter's marriage many years ago
against parental objection. Resolute
ly she refuses her daughter even ad
mittance to the boose.
The dylnt; man Is William Sw of
A Square Seal
Is assured you whon you buy Dr. Plere'
f&rolly misllclnca for all tho tngredt
nn!4 nnlAf tiir Inlrt tltAtrt SMk vlntfu1 nn
n'r .:?.'" "" """. "t" .i'"" .- n
. .., "?: -,.?.: .,. r. X?Ir .ii?2
and correct. You know just what you are
paying for and that tho Ingredients arc
gathered Iron Nature's laboratory, being
vi m..--u uuuv uiiiu o Ln'iii ,ii'i'
solected from tho moH valuablo nativo
medicinal roots found growing In our
American fores Qrwwtjvhlle potent to cure
are perrfCtiv harrobyuCJvsni lo tho most
dellcato woina WTnilor?Tr Not a dmn
imiiciiai nroDcrtirvt of Its own.
Doing a moi niuat)itanii8opuo mm ami
ferment, nuirltlvo and sooihlng doinul
Glycerine plays an Important part In
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscoxcry In
tho euro of indigestion, dyspepsia and
weak stomach, attended by sour rlslui;,
heart-burn, foul breath, coated Umiro,
poor aniH'tlto, gnawing feeling In stom
ach, bllioiuuivs and Kindred dcraiiKa
menUs of tho stomach, liver and lxiwi.
Resides curing all tho nbovo distressing
ailments, tln"lloldon Medical Discovery
Is a re-lllc for all diseases of tho mucous
memlir.uies, as catarrh, whether of tha
.na-Ml as.iaesorof tho stomach, bowels
br olvlc organs. Even In lt ulceratlvo
stage It w 111 yield to this sovereign rem
edy If Its use bo iersovewHl In. In Chronic
Catarrh of tho Nasal parage. It Is well,
wlulo taking tho "Golden Medical Dis
covery" for the necessary constitutional
troattnent, to eloansA tho passacos freely
two nr three times a day with Dr. Sago's
Catarrh Remedy. This thorough couna
of treatmunt generally cuivs tho worst
In reueh and horeitrM ou(hI tip bren
dual, llirvtst and hinir ntli-ri'Mi. exrenteen-
. . . . r ....-. . .
tumiiiion in tin n'ivnnovil sfak-L-s tholioldon
Mfulrnl DlMMveiv" tx ft mint ullli'lciil run
edy, enurclalU tu tlivXt) obtlnatu. Iianc-on
eou.UhrauMH! by irjifvlloii aiulcotireitlimet
, l)i- I'loiiiliUI mueou- iiiiinbrne. Tim "Dli"
cuirery " u net m coi-m! for acuto couhIii arl
lti .um nuililon cold, nor miut It bo ex
ported to cute ivnintnetlon In Us drneicl
UC(M-no imMU'tho will Uo that but for all
tbu olHtuiAtiv dmiiile eoucli. which. If niur
IflCHil, or bmllr trt-uted. lotil uploeoniuwe
i ... .. ill.- n-i mIU'lnn lliktmn lmlw
Wnukegon. Strickon with pnrnlysls
as tho rosiilt of n runaway accident
nt n funornl a yonr ago, In tho last
wook ho hns grown rapidly worse.
Ono of tho family wrote Mrs. Drown
ing that to soe hor father nllvo she
would havo to haston,
Roachlng hor former homo In Wnu
kogon sho was met at tho door by
hor mothor- With tonrB streaming.
sho Implored ndmlttnnco, but the
mothor was obdtirato and sho wnn
turned nwny with bitter ropronchos.
Mrs. Drowning Is now nt a hotnl
nt Wnukogon. In agony lost hor
fnthor should dto boforo her mother
rolonts, h4io consulted nn nttornoy
In tho nftornoon In tho hopo thnt sho
might through lognl proceedings
roach bin bMo and obtain from him
tho forgiveness whloh hor mothor
Xotlcu to Property Owners on Stnto
Notlco Is hereby given thnt tho
city council of the city of Snlom, Oro
gon, nt a special mooting thereof held
on tho 8th dny of April, 1907, duly
passed a resolution Instructing- tho
reaorder to notify nil proporty own
ers who are liable for tho ooBt of Im
provement of 8tnto street from tha
east lino of Commorolnl stroot to tho
wait lino of Church stroot, In said
city, who Intend to comploto the
pnrt of said improvement for which
thoy are nssossod, undor tho super
vision of tho stroot commissioner, In
lieu of their said assessment, If nny
suoh thoro bo, bo required to notify
snld common council and comply with
tho specifications of said improve
ment by filing a bond therefor on or
boforo tho special meeting of tho
oounoll on tho 22d day of April.
1907. Ily ordor of tho common coun
cil. W. A. MOORES,
. City Recorder
Date of first publication of thii
notlol April 9, 1907. 4-9-10t
, In Honor of Judge; Jlolxe.
In accordance with the aetloH tak
en by tho Marlon County liar Associ
ation n't tho meeting held Thursday,
Hon. Tllmon Ford, ns chairman, has
appointed tho following attorneys to
assist him in drafting appropriate
resolutions in memory of tho late
JudgR. P. Relse: Supremo Judgft
R. . Dean, vx-Governor William P.
Lord, Hon. John I). Waldo and Clr
cMlt Jtidgo George II. Uurnett.
The resolutions will probably be
completed and roported to the clr
c,ujt court for Marlon county the lat
ter part of the present mouth.
It Is worth more than any other
bread, yet tho price Is no higher.
For salo at your grocer's.
Tboms Cooley, Props.
orricx city hall.
For water service epply at offle
Dills payable monthly in sdvaas
Make all conplaloU at the offlt.
Our meat saarket on East State
street has been doubled in site and
we are better $rere4 than ever to
serve customers. Prosapt terries aai
the test of smsU eur 4to. Call
orpfeMltt. , 9, JMiwAs, TT99
tp-uwyj. whys', ui,w.urir.syft iaaiuuu
A mucn.mnuT acfin u ). ii iwtn or-':
gf'Jtng ftwi ,i',mYrmgTUttiMiaaal
t)rlnclt)To nwl In tliom. vlt.nmy Irlill-.
raimji kuct mi. ma aeeni
For Sale Cheap, a gcntlo, B-yoar-olrt
driving ninro, 549 North Capital
street, 4-13-3t
For Sale Ton acres cultivated land.
Also houso ;and about two ncros,
5nd of car', south. Inqulro of
Mrs. Qco. II. Jones. 4-11-lw
Fop SjiIc Salom-Indopondonco-Mon-
mouth 8tngo lino, fully equipped.
Inqulro of Capital Commission
Company, Salem. 4-B-tf
For Sale -233 acros, 1G0 under
plnw, balanco. tlmbor ?35 por aero;
1G1 ncros, good houso, barn nnd
windmill, beat farm In valloy, 10,
000; 21 acres, good houso, barn, 9
long by 100 feet wldo, J3B00; 80
cows; 10 ncros, wagon, buggy, all
tho farm lmplomonts and houso
farnlturo; 21 acres near town on
tho Island, good G-room houso
nnd barn, $0000; big lot 200 foot
ling by 100 feet wldo, $3500; 80
acros 3 mllos south of town noarly
all in grain, $G5 por aero; 8 ncros
2 mllos wost of town with houso
and bnrn, $800; 90 acros, 12 mllos
ast of Salem, $40 por r.cro; XVt
acres, good houso and barn, $850;
lncro with flvo room houao nnd
bnrn, $700; 5 acros with good 0
room houso nnd bnrn, $1000; 4
acres with good houso and wind
mill In town, $2200; 4 acres with
houso and barn In town, $21100;
also from 20 to 30 good houses
from $000 to $4000. For salo hy
J. O. Schultz, 747 South Twelfth
St. Salem. 4-1-luio.
For Bale. A flvo nnd a six-room
houso, with from ono to six lots
with each, well locatod In East
Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah
Schonoflold, 21st nnd Mnrlon Sta.,
Snlom. 1-28-tf
For Kent Houso and tour lots, gar
don and barn. All kinds of fruit.
Apply at 345 Union street. Phono
591. 4-4-tf
For Kent ?Savon-room houso, hot
and cold wntor, oloctrlo light, bath
roont. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb
or, 5 GO North High stroot.
For Rent A 9-ncro hop yard, at
ono-fourth rent. Inqulro of M.
J. Egan, Gorvals, Routo 2,
For Rent. Nlco cottngo, largo
grounds; tho roso nnd flowor cor
ner block of Snlom. Houso In
first-class condition, screens to all
windows nnd doors, now ahados,
curtain polos, hot nnd cold wntor
In bod rooms, porcelain nnd mnr
bio wash stands, porcolaln bath
nnd tollot, ohnndollors In ovory
room, clectrlo lights, flno porch
nnd shndo troos; tho finest location
In Snlom, closo In, cornor of Mill
und church streets, This cottage
will be for rent April 1st. J. Con
nor, Wlllnmetto Hotol. a.l4-tt
It. O. Cummins Successor to Whits
Cummins, express, dollvory nnd
trnnsfor Ifnw. Prompt servlco Is
our motto. Furniture and piano
moving a spoolalty. Stand at 156
South Commercial su'ooU Phons
175. Rosldonco phono 908. 8-4-tl
Arthur Von Jcmcii Teacher of pi
ano; touoh, tcohnloh, Interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced students prepared for
public appearance. Residence 068
Center St. Tel. Main 026.
rrsnk M. Brown. Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mosldiags. All kinds el
house finish and bard wood work
Front street, lt. State and Court
The Fasfuon Stables
rormerly blmpton's SUblea.
Up to date livery and cab lias
Funeral turnouts a specialty, Tally
ko for picnics and exeurt!i&, Phoas
44. CHAB. W. YANNKB, Prop
C47 aad W Illfh Street.
t 4t, 'mihii lUU WllHHWWlH,r,
, fa-iii
I lutt.
fUljmHhm4. WwlMll
MM. VulHUlwauuui
MJ klaMM
UmHdnt. haiMlw. II tm4 tmfitt Lm HH
Um kwI m i w ti
UMITCO Mf OICAL CO.. t. Uautlia. r.
JCfJsf asr iaiam WDr I fl Jffe
Wanted A boy to work In bakery.
Apply at onco. Fuller & Douglas.
4-1 3-1 1
Hoy Wnntcd To do porter work. la
qulro of W. D. Gtlson, 117 Com
morclnl Btroot. 4-10-tt
Theo. M. Ilnrr Plumbing, hot wait
and steam heating and tlnnlag,
164 Commercial stroot. Phewt
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J, Petsel PlumblnR, steam a4
i gas fitting. Bucceetor to Knot?
Murphy, 82(1 Commorelal itiiet,
'Phono Mala 17.
Forrstora o( AmericaCourt Sher
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meet
Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stnto street
Ixio Abblo, O, It.; A. L. Drown,
F. 8.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P.
Castle Hall In Holmnu block, cor
nor State and Lthorty streets.
Tuesday of each wook nt 7:30 p.
m. E. W. Hniard, O. 0. W. I.
Btaloy, K. of It. and S.
Modem Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. C346, Meete
ovory Thursday evening at 3
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Olork.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl
day night nt 7:90, In Holman hall.
J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frailer,
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl
dont nnd pension tnsurnnco; $2,
000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid
Good ngonta wnntod. J. 11, O,
Montgomery, supromo organiser,
Dox 432 Bnlom, Orogon. K. R.
Ryan, sccroctnry, 540 Stnto street.
liMtnucd From my plnco on Howoll
prnlrlo, March 24, ono two-yoar-old
Bhorthoru bull. Flndor will
bo rnwnrdcd by notifying A. L.
Ask, Salem Routo 7. 4-10-lw
Hoiim ClmnliiK Why uso oxponBlre
pnpor undor carpots, when yoa
can got cloan nowspaporsT W6 al
no hnvo heavy brown papor In
largo shoots, Just tho thing for un
der carpots tho ehoapest article
known. 4-lO-Gt
Litdle), Attention Now Is tho time
to hnvo your oid onrpots woven In
to new fluff rugs, manufactured by
tho Portland Rug Co. Mrs. M. H.
Holcomb, 1100 South Commorelal
iitreut, or phono 1138. 4-8-lwk
Do I-'oniNt, Mnrcoul mid United Wire
less Telegrnph nlook at a bargain.
Alio fow koloctod stocks of merit
with largo speculative possibilities.
Jlox 330, Roseburg, Or. 4-8-lw
PreMNlng l'nrlors .Pressing, clean
ing, repairing nnd dressmaking
dano by Mrs. H. W. Jnmos 404
Court street. Phono 477.
DroMimiUiiK Plain or fancy dress
making dono by Portland lady of
experience. Mr. A. N. Munsoy,
360 Heventeenlh street. Phone
1171. 4-3-lmo.
Your Hlepniotlier Is still horo busy
us over cleaning, dyeing, pressing
and repairing anything from & pair
of glovo to tho most olauprato
pllk gown. Goods called for and
returned. Mrs. a II. Walker, 221
South Commorolnl strcot. Phono
1245. 4-1-lm
Piano Tuner -U. h. Woods, piano et
pert tunleg, ropalrlug and polish
lng. Lonvo orders at Geo. O.
Wills' muale store, Salem.
2- 9-lyr
Concruttt Work-Gct my prices on
aldewnlks. ourbs, aoptlo tnnka and
cement work of any klnd.j All
work guaranteed flrat-olass.k M.
Ward, Highland add. Phono 5o9.
HiitlM Ai Wend.-rotli Kluo wlnei,
liquors and cigar. Wo handle the
celebrated Kellogg and Castln
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on drougb. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr
Salem Iron Work Koundors, ma
chinists and blacksmiths. Manu
facturer of all kinds ot sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drying
stovos, etc. Manufacturers ot the
Baletn Iron Works Hop Frews,
stalesH Hox Lwmhcr Co Removed
(rout South Salem to Uta street,
near the I. P. depot. Boxee, 3trr
Crate, Fruit Trays aad Ferfeette
fruit KT4Mratr. JPhoae 3l.