"'I'f'yijfl "-w it M I 1 .' 1 m Trade at the Store That . SAVES YOU Our Up IS Tlir. iuuiivi rowi.ll THAT KEEPS DRIVING THE CHICAGO STORE ON TO SUCCESS.. WE HAVK. DOUBLED OUIl BUSINESS EVERY MONTH LIVE, NEW MERCHANDISE AND. LOW PRICES DOBS IT WE ARE GOING TO KEEP IT DOUBLING. EVERY DBPARTMIiNT IN TUB STOREIS FILLED CHANDISE MONEY CAN BUY AND. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PROFIT. . I Ladies' Tailored Suits In Wool ami Silk, also In every New Simile. Silk lined and hand somely trimmed with Persian and Vovtity Braids. Nothing newer shown l'rlcrt S 50 to $15 00. Spring Millinery )on cannot llnd In Portland a new rr or more complete line tlian wo hon. .Swelled trlmnud hats from $2 00 to 9500. Snow White Muslin Skirts Trimmed In every coucehnhle way with line embroidery and Incos. Sold t email prices from mo o $i as- French Gowns MacIc of Vino Nainsook and Mull. Sale price Soft $100 to g25Q. McEVOY BROS. In fl ml 5 DAILY MONEY -to -Date New Goods and Low Prices! Fine Cambric and Muslin Drawers Handsomely trimmed with cmbrolil ery and Linen Lace. Price 250. 350. nnd .J90. Notions Rest Spool Silk ,1c Rent Hair Curlers '. . . .He Rest Darning Cotton ..lc Rest Sans Silk 2u 8c White, lYnrl ButtoiiN, do -to Ific Dress Shields Do lflc Rack Combs l)c Hair Pins, u bitches for lo Rest FlnlHlihiK Braid c Ladies' Ferris Waists FERRIS WAIST Straight Front. Style 525. Si'OO Fine Quality Coutll. Bias patterns. Slightly boned with light flexible steels. Sizes 19 to 3olnChe?. wnlte Ana urao. We carry a complete lino from 40i to 9IOO. Dress Trimmings Thin Mock 1 1 complete. Wo hhow the lnUM nnwltlcs In Persian and 1'ancy Braids and IlamN. Price, yard 50. S l-3. 100. 150 and 250 Table Linens Now Is llio time to cut n hat-pUn In Tablu Linens. Wo cot a bargain In them and ran kHo you itnu beautiful 00c White Tam Damask, special price. YARD 290 Spring Dress Goods Here jou will llnd 1 inapilflcenl stock to Mlect from In nil the Utt hliadet and weave, Uo evening shades In voiles, Panama, sluulow plnlds In vMble check, etc. Prices from 250 yd to OS0 Salem's Fastest Growing Store Comer tmimiinnnnnimnrnnnMnnnnnnnnnnnrrri rr,wi CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OUKCJOX. mjpjgdPijEs j i?friy uuutuw Ladies' Spring Jackets In all the late wool materials and Nllk, handsomely silk lined and trim mod. Our line Is complete, and thu prices cannot 1h beaten. I-Yom 9305 to 98-50 nnd $10 00 Ladies' Fine Dress Skirts . i Wo hIiow a '.nind assortment In Silk, PanauuiM and Voll. PrlreH from 93 00 to 975O. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Sold hero. Tin i;reatut wearing coixrt on earth. Prlccn from 400 to 9150. Ladies' White Lawn Waists You thould keo thoo excjuUltc new walt, tluy are jiut Ix-autlful, trimmed with dainty lar nnd mil broldrj' Price from -100 to 9150 Court and Commercial ? '31 ii in T un J IV Jrmk MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1007. yiiFf? irade at rr QMre Trimmed Hats Shown In our Mllluer)" Department from nil partM of America, also Paris Pattern Ilal. Call at the Chicago Storv and nee how wo well them. Dress Skirts In all the latent material, hIm the latent wliailt'N Navy, CJrey, Tan, Mode, ,, White, Brown, Black and l'anoy CheckM and mixture. H4ile price 250. ?2-05. $300. 9305 nn.1 9.(05. Muslin Gowns Wo nliow a roiuiilete Hue of Aim Kowus luiudMtiuely trimmed with line laiMM and emhrolderleft. PrlceN hiuall 100. 050. 750 d 080- New Dress Silks Wo nro nhowiiiK tlio hireM klook of plain and noielty ullkn In bUdom, lxttlt In foreicu and doincti.tcJ. We am not looking for IjIk prctllt It Is hltf huklninui wo want. Price from 250 yard lo 080. Embroideries Thouwtiid of yards to elect from In SwUn, Xaliikook, Cambric mid Mull. J 000 ynrcU, Inchek wlilo. . . .1 Jic 1000 ynrdK, fl inchek whlo. . . .8 lUfl 000 arU, ttO liirlir rldo IWc BeadhiK nnd liiMiilou t omatth. Streets, I I Mil ' '""niiiMiiniiiiiiii.iiii.iiiiiiii.ii.ii.i trie store mat von monfyi TII18 .YEAR, AND .IF WITH THE REST MER- J " Corset Covers Thmisands of priity, dainty CoiHit Covers, lH'autlfHlly trimmed. Priced 100. 150. 250 nd 350. x Ladies' Oxford Patent Leather Shoes They are Ik'hiiHc, worth fJTR, Hale nrlco 9105. I rrfr fc ? """ 11 would 00 imiu.mue to find n UniutUT iiMsortmoiit of line Iret than wo mIiow In cotton, linen and nllk 1000 yatds I'lne l.lueu Iico ....lie nilOO )hmIn Val. iJices . . , .lo to lOe V Silk LnccM 1,1c, IHo and Uflv Loni? G!oes Hero In all the N'st,.! JhSmSi kcl can Klve, loui; and Hhort AllJjTkes from 350 to 915o5f IjccIIhk' Hue patent leather dre.s khoiw hero In a line Duucliiks ffttJiU or 91.00, Wo only tuk for Ihum dur i"K till kalo 93-05 Domestics This powerful ktock 111 led to tho brim with nil tho new tprluc junto riiils, IVrtiluu l4iwiik, lln'M (line luiins, Pretty Ijiuiis, .New Calicoes, Dainty Chnlllas, India I.hions nnd Fancy White Good 1000 yds beU Callcoe, yd....4fic 1000 yd pretty ChallM, d..4ic 1000 yds India Litmus, yd...8 1.3o Sk War SALEM, ORE, I ! J- I f & m ,y h 1 . cm u, : '' j.- &q l .AS . if. I m ,v,s 'J5 It 'T-. A. k