AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL .afl .xrn. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1007. NO. HI.. . 1XICAN. , EARTH QUAKES ,kes Feit in Parts ofSouth America efrumenls at Albany Now York, Kecura ucuuvu Movemenis UoCitv. Mex., April 15. Uiaikea continue to shako this Hud a wide area """"'" got, cow In Indicate that It was icter 600 miles, from i-oiobi io In South America. Btos Ayres. April 15. Andean nocs In tho torrltory of Rio i aro very active. Felt nt Albany. lftinr. N. Y.. April 15. Tho irwiMt and longest enrthqunko x recorded here slnco tno seiiimo- nkm Installed began at 1:14 n. '. tMi morning and continued over statin. Tho record wns much Lw pronounced than that mado by L Sin Francisco quako a year ago kuttmm vibration was so groat that t imag the pcndlum clear off tho JiiiK cylinder. Offlclnls or tho In Kologlcal survey say tho dlffor- fcs in t'mo between hero and Moxl- midicatcs the quake was recorded In liter than the one at Mexico Locate Quake In Chile. jfiihmgton, April 15. Tho gov- meat seismograph hero recorded IU Mm earthquake as tho ono ro- Wed at Albany. Tho wenthor bu st tan the Indications nro there hi a tremendous upheaval at a dls- i: about qual to Valparaiso, o ' CUCKAMAS COUNTY LEADS. lOrer eighty Miles of Plunk Roud With Over JMO Miles of Stono or Gmvcl Surface. Ortjcn City special: ' ' ' fatiamas has more miles' of pub- irxjdi than any county In tho state Ji and Marlon each havo 2800 Linn 2C00 mllos, DougIn9 iW and Clarkamas 2987. Those rM are taken from the United Stt rov. rirrfnt agricultural do- atare' ur-.' for the yonr 1904. hsasaivi has so mllos of plnnlt "i Hi miles of road surfaced with n in J in miles Biirfacod with la 1 l the amount of tax M wai $4S,ii00. The numbor twaant'.. to noli tax wnn aar. b an. 'n ,,f tax, at 3 por 1997., the total property I" 'Ml. mg $57,975. S Mi th rv were .14,286 mllos r' ad In the state of Ore con. t.a ZzV, miles were Hiirfnn.! rTft 2- t nillea wlfh atnna nn.l But -t ,l,anki wnknK a to- - of improved road. ' fium these flguros ) i cent of tho roads "i'd Ily comparing ".nee with the arm wix-ars that there 1 .x hundredths of a l per square Milt "i'riott of mileage 1 -how that there wa I ; ivery 12 Inhabi ts -n mile of Improved Inhabitants. "I in the oonstrae- ' roads are derived " proterty tax The rate of taxation purposes must n.U'a on Uie dollar, rltl may 9yy an ' for the purpose l" Improvements. ' unty u made by ' ur commhwlanera' ' of taxation var- :'t (OUntiaa tram 1 V mat lnii.i.u.i. '" U a .. ""-""" t j- , " - " ana 60 (un- HiM uii.ti u required to H,, 6i i. tax of $3 for road tu o- ,u,,w r the "tau-t,-" ' U' tars "teat ms " :. siaee la maay aHl4l x PPrs to have rHJh ' , " J"orBod oa th tk?!" f ro derived W! l(i ,j t.l C - .a ' u f BuL ... t,f to f re, . J3J n 1 rr " UU 8. , ttArw) 1 Ha 'aj j I ' us-r ,, an4 .. fa I . "Ui "l, tho state, It Is found that the funds collected and oxpondod for road pur poses amount to $23.24 per mile of public rond, or $1.92 por Inhabitant. . o . MOTHER HUNTING DAUGHTER Most Sensational Case in Police Court. Dulhml Seattle, April 15. Accompanied, by a distracted mothor, who said she could not llvo until morning If hor daughtor was not found, Mayor II. E. Peek, of Ballard, stnrtod out last night In search of Gussle Burt, tho 14-yodr-old girl who was hidden somowhoro In Soattlo about C o'clock Friday morning by Policeman Joe French. Af midnight the Ballard po llco and the relatlvos of tho girl had rocolved no word as to tho buccosb of tho mission. IVck Flinmlly Acts. Those aro tho latest dovolopments In tho sensational pollco scandal nt Ballard. Roused to action by oxpos uro of tho affair, Peck decided yos terday afternoon to do somothHig Ho Interviewed Mrs. Nettlo Simon ton, mother of tho hidden school girl, and other closo relatlvos, and quick ly satisfied himself that tho situation demanded a, complete Investigation and prompt action. , Evidently throwing asldo all roll anco upon his pollco department ho wont to French and demanded to know whore QubsIo was. French re fused to toll. Ho said ho would loso his right arm before ho would di vulge tho Becrot. Thon Ballard' chief oxocutlvo sought out Mrs. Sim onton, and relying solely upon tho woman's BUggostlons as to whoro tho girl might possibly be, started out on tho extraordinary hunt. Condition of Mother Serious. Mrs. Slmonton is a small, frail woman In dollcato hoalth. The troublo In which hor daughter has bocomo Involved has been a terrible strain upon hor. She Is troublod with honrt dlsoaso, and tho shock mny provo fatal. Chlof of Police Nnbors.rofusod last night to discuss tho matter, oxcopt to Bay that Fronch had boen dismissed from tho forco and that llannon had been laid off pending fnrthor Investi gation. Ho admitted that other members of tho forco might also be investigated. llannon laBt night mado, his first atuemmit of JiIb port in mo nunir. tie Bam: lfnnnon Makes Explanation. "I can easily show that I am not in any way to blnmo. If I had boon, why I should hnvo sworn out the war rant for the nrrost of Lee and Ln'nn gan? The girl's mothor asked us to find tho girl, but to bring hor lioinn and not to Jail. These were the In structions I got from the night onp tnln. The woman was crying nnd tho ohje-ct of Denton nnd myself wan to get tho girl homo with ns little trouble and noise an possible. "I found the girl with Lee. Th ronson I did not nrrost Leo wns that I could not have arrested' him with out arresting the girl, also. So T took the girl home and then went to headquarters to swear out the war Vant. When I went down to the sa loon for Lee, with the warrant, ho was gone. I thought he would stay there Hntll I returned. I do not know anything about what French did." Pope Creates CardlimK Rome, April 16. In ecrot eonslt- tory this Morning the pope created oardnalsaa follews: KaYallarl, pa triarch at Venice: HlnaMlado, papal nunelo to Spain: Lorenielll. ex-nun eio to Parte: LunJItU. archbishop at Palermoj Mercer, archbutnop at Ma llnew; Mafar, archbishop at Plea; Aquirrey Oar eta. bishop of Burgos, Spain. PEACE HATH CHARMS No Less Renowned lltari Loud Alarming War New York, April 15. Tho Ameri can wolcomo to tho dologatos to the ponco conferonee was extonded this nftornoon by Root, for tho nation. Govornor Hughes, for tho state, and Mayor McClollnn, for tho city. Ev ory wnlk of llfo Is represented nmonc tho peaco makers Veterans, led by Dewey" and G. A. R. commanders, nro numorous. Now York's moBt distin guished men nnd foreigners wPl sponk tonight. A letter from Presi dent Roosevelt to Carnbglo, express ing regrets nt his absence, waB read. CITY MARSHAL v R1DDELL Woodburn Law and Or der Officer Cracks a Skull IDAHO GRAND JURY Will Not Be Interfered, With by Bonaparte THAW UNITING LAWYERS Before Making Effort to Get Bail Placed Under Bunds and Will - Have Hearing Tuesday rli&Jnennn OnrrMwrgyfcodg;giNo '' jj V Murray Crane. Junior United Stntos sonntor from- Massachusetts, formerly govornor ot his stale. Ronsevolt'a lottor to tho peace con foronco says he bollovos in n gonorn nrbltmtlon tronty us tho most Im portant matter for Tho Hague con foronco to consider this Bttmmer. He hopes tho powers nt Tho Hague wjjU bo lncTonsod-nnd Tno Ilaguu confer cos bo paid ndoquate snlarlos. He thinks moro Important than disarm ament Is tho removal of tho causos for war. Govornor Cram, of Massa chusetts, Is prominent at the conference. K.-i WOODBURN KLKCTION CASKS. The election fraud caeee were de cided by JnsUce Hayes today, wit the result that St. Onge wa dis charged froH cHBtodr, bnt the Oer man Hungarian Oeper waa bMnd over to tin eircult eowrt. Roosoxtdt nnd" Corjtorntlons. Washington, prll 16. Whatever may be the vrfteeut purpoo nnd plans of President Roosevelt with reference to action on the part of the general government restraining cor porations engaged In Interstate trade and especially with reference to In terstate railroads, it Is certain that the aetlvltlea of the government along thee llnee will be. emphasised during the month of April by pro ceeding in the two most remarkahl and Important eaees now pending re lating to these subjects. One of theae ensos Is that against the Standard Oil company and the other to dUwolve the relations be tween the Union Pacific ami the Soutfiern Pacific railroads. In both Inataneee the complaint of the gov ernment la that the aeta performed by theee great corporations are In violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, and amount to a oonaolracy In restraint of laterntate trade. The oaae agalnat the Standard Oil oompany.wlll come up for anawer to day In the United State circuit court In St. LonU. The case Involving th Union Paclttp and the Southern Pa clHc railroads, will n heard before the Interstate eowineree commlseloH on Thursday neat. o TWO PAILUltaS. ' Sunday ovontng, about 4:30 p. m , an encounter tookjplaco on the main business street jot Wo.odburn thnt pay It-ad to aerloua results. William Moohan enmo out of hla saloon with a bundle of papers tindor Ids arm, and, It being contrary to law to hnvo saloona open or do any business nt them on Sunday, ho wns arrested by City Marshal Rlddell, tho now Inw and order official. But after some nvnrds Moohan convinced Rlddoll thnt lie had nothing bu,t n harmless bun dle of pnpors, and started to go about his buslnoHS. Tho crowd that had gathered Jeered nt tho marshal, who was angry tit his fatluro to cnptnro 'liquors, and ho Utrnod and nrrostod Median again. Biddell pulled a gun, when Mcelinn grabbed his hand and tried to disarm him. A struggle on- sued, hu which the byatnnders took no pnrtfiut n brothor ot Meehan, Peter Mlehnn, enmo up, and, appar ently with the Intention ot helping William, hut talked to both mou. nnd separated them, telling hit broth or to go about bin business, nR ho jhad dono not)ilhg to be nrrostod for. As Rlddoll walked imst Peter Meo Jinn, when It wns thought nil was quieted down, the latter wild some thing, when Rlddoll struck him on' tho bond with his gun nnd knocked him down, and i probably fractured his skull. Rlddoll waB nrrostod and placed undor $r00 bonds for his np sponranco Tuosdny at 10 n. m. Tho affair linn caused groat excrement, fund tho lnw and order pcoplo Bay ithoyworo trlokod Into n wrong nl nIt on the pjirt of tholr jpttjolul to ouforeo tho fawn, when there had' boon no lnwa violated. The Maohtins arc considered poacuablo men,' NO BLAME UPON THE EMPLOYES Washington, D. C, April IB. United Statoa District Attorney Ru- lok, ot Idaho, is en route hero to confer with Bonapnrto about tho work ot tho federal grand Jury nt Bolso. It Is reported thnt this body Indicted United Slates Senator Uor ah on a charge of conspiracy In. con nection with nlloged land frauds, and It Is reported that tho senator has appoalod to the dopnrtmont ot jus tice to review the papers boforb'thoy aro sorved on him. Bunnparto an nounced today thnt ho will not intor- foro with tho work ot tho grand Jury. Borah declares ho is tho victim ot a plot hatched by tho "Western Fed eration of Minors, because ho Is pri ccutlng Haywood. wtW Will iHave Trouble in Secur ing the Large Bend Required . i- J ItVMMMW CUAKIJES J. BOXAPAiltTK. Attorney gonofal in Prowlilont Jloosovalt'a tuiUinot, ax-soorotury jof tlt nav)j nnd gnuttlnophow o Nnpoloon Hoiuqmrto. IX)UKN'.0 llVltl) DICAU. Rules Enforced When It Is to Interest of Corporations On of Oregon's lfurly Ploivwrn Pms' Away nt Ills lhn on Union Street. . Now York, April 15. Until tho question ot who nro to bo his attor neys Is settled, probnbly Thaw wilt not apply for ball. It Is likely tho prlsonor will got a sot ot lawyers to work In harmony before imouier step Is taken. It will bo moro dim oult to provldo tho largo bond re quired than was anticipated. Mrs. ThawB fortuno Is greatly Impaired, nnd she Is hardly nblo to do bo alone Other relatives nro said to bo unwil ling to tnko chances on tho defend ant. Thcro Is nn old family trouble, in which Harry Thaw nntagonUcd his brothers In tho disposition of tho Thaw coko lands. Selects Ills Lawyers. Dnn O'Rsllly announced this morn ing that ho Is now attorney of record tor Thaw. Hereafter ho takes chargn qf tho caso. O'Reilly snys ho will. movQ within a week that Thaw bo admitted to ball. It la stated that Dnlmiin hiiH severed his connection ,wlt htho caso. A story printed hero today nys Thaw summarily removed Dulnina from the leadership ot tho caso tho day Dr. Mabon was testify. Ins. Ho wrote a nolo to DalmnH sny ng: "You aro no longer In ehnrgo of my caso." Later ho told Dolmus "l am snue, and you know It. I will npt penult those wltnessoB to swear flint 1 am Insane." O'Reilly nya ho Is the only lawyer rotnlnod, but Thaw, being, fond of Ponbody, tho latter will bo retained, ew York, April 15. It is report ed thnt Senator Knox has been ro tallied to defend Thaw. Senator Cwrter Suntaliis Ilorniann. Washington. April li.SesMitw Carter this afternoon testified that he had known Hermann since lSt. and said that his coandence among eompany is saylug it exfteeU to meet Ks liabilities and reasme, New Stock Brokers nod Building nod Loan Company. New Yerk. April 1. The s nenslen of W. L. Stowe & Company from membership In the stock ex change waa announced today. The HmT.!?11 XWM $649,717. t u. L? th a8Mat of th m, J" uree, belnit $796.- i ts. . . ePartai tkA .. ..- R aS Heago of pub- - - ibc population of Habile men was nnakaken by th in dietmenU. He eafd when he (Carter) waa eommlsetoser of the general lat office he resigned and took with him personal letter pre copybooks, as had all yrerkMis eommiaekmers. Sen atar Teller and Representative Mou dell teetifled suhstanUally Us sane. o filorlfler Won. New York, April li.In the lag raoes this season at th A4it dut traok Glorifler won the U. Carter handicap. HammoHd, April 1. The prose cutor of Boone county, who oo nil tint ed the prosecution ngnluit Hngineor Gatlnore, who had charge of the B. & Q. train which was wrecked In November, killing 61, this morning old fie was glad Oallnor was acqvlt ted, because the rules of the com imny were never Intended to he en forced. Thy are made so that, It obeyed to th letter, no train cohU run over ten miles an hour. Further he said that the defence proved that th road was run partly by nil and partly by guess work. When a wrect Lorenzo. A. Uyrd, ono ot Salem's well-known pioneers, passed to thu great beyond thin, mojnfngat .f o'clock, nt his homo. No. .043 .Union Htrsot, after n lingering Illness. He had reached tho mnturo ago ot 81 years, and, nftor a llfo of useful ness, which waB Insepornbly nssoolnt ed with the early history of thu Northwest, he law down hla harvest to thnt reaper who must close earth's destiny. He sustained n iirokuu hip Inst AugiiHt, and since then ho has grown gradually weaker to his death Loroimo A. Ilyrd wns born on n farm near Hateavllle, Indupoudonee county, Arkansas, December 10. 1822, and was a sou ot John nnd Mary (Wise) llyrd. Mr. Uyrd win but two years of Hge when his father died. Ills mother afterwards buoame the wife of Reuben MIHsops, nn oil), oer In the American unvy In the war of 1S12. Mr. Ilyrd Is the only sur viving one of the thruo children bom to John and Mary Ilyrd. Ho spent his early life uHn tho farm In Arkansas, and there developed an al ready hardy constitution, and whon In 1H he, wns given the opportunity to Join hh emigrant train to cross the plains he welcomed the tlmo as n eUHce to mould a future for whloh he had been especially fitted. The party, which was under U guidance of Ker. JiMenh Oornwall ktAnixird dkvkats in:iiKLi:Vi Hiitcin Jiutlos, Win, frbiii Indians tut,. .Uii'kcthajl. Cuttent Events The withdrawal of th Hnsalnn and Japan troops from Man chHrla, and the restoration of that territory to China Is almoM com pleted. King IMwaiKl, of Knglajid, will mmt Viator HhmhI mmt Wl, Italy, April ISth. Th National Arhltratlen atwl Peae eenfevenee of Amwien m In seseien at New York. PhlUdeiphla. April It. A receiv er waa, asked today for the Mntnal swUdlag & Loan Asseoiatio at Cam dn. It m said 1 4, . ar In volvod. o Tlw Jaiiee riunrli n Terror. Toklo. April It. Th new battle ship was sneosssfully lannhsl tots afternoon. It will he the meat pow erful rightist? craft In the world. Tonnage 19.880, horse power 25,-6e. oeeurs they throw th hlam onto th WM .j, of lwn -f iQ shoMlders of th employes. nU underwent many hanlDhlpe. O- .Hinilir U-IiIj.Ii ma. tl.. .. ..I 1. 1 . M 1 ....I.. gale cut-off." lHfore reaolilng Polk county In 147. Mr. Ilyrd then lo an ted upon a term In the Waldo Hills. He Welted California In 1818, and. after mining in so vera 1 or the valleys of the OoliUn state, returned to Oregon In 184 9. He again went to California, where he remained un til lfll. He then settled on French Prairie, where he lived until 1890. Who this date be has resided in In lorn. Mr. Ilyrd was united In marrlaco in 1$4 to Miss Martha a Savage, who still survives. To their union eight ehlldroH were hern, as follews: Dr. W. II. Uyrd. Mrs. W. Hager, Miss Virginia Ilyrd and MIm Ilortha O. Ilyrd and U A. Ilyrd, of Salem J. C. Ilyrd and M. V. Ilyrd, of Spokane, Washington, and Dr. Roy D. Ilyrd, of Elgin. The funeral servlees will bo con ducted from the home on Union street tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'olook p. ra. by Rev. P. 8. Knight and Rev. P. B. Doll. The burial will b la City View cemetery. Stanford University defeated thn University of California Saturday In tholr first game of baseball for this season by a score of 1 to 0. It ftf needless to say that It was n hot game. Tho Stanford 'varsity track team was defeated Saturday by tho Olym pic club by.n score nt 03 Vd t 5S 2-3 Cheek made tho 290-yard hurdles In 2C Hcoonds, am 'Garner the 880-yard run in 1 minute 58 V sosonils, shat tering two coast records. JiiiiIoih Win fioni Iiidlniix, Tho Y. M. C. A. Junior basketball team ilefeutod a team from the Chu ninwn Indian school Saturday nlgit by tho dose score of 13 to 12. Tna Httlo Juniors woro right there with the goods when It came to fchoottng baskets, nnd tho samo might he sn'il Of tho Iiiillniin. The lineups follow i Y. M. 0. A. f f o K K Kaiser Humphreys Ilernhnrdt Cnmon Hendrlokn Ohomuwn. Farrow Murray Hamburg Vlnr-it Willi WM "X Roferee IIm4U Urauhs. Umpire Joseph Teabo TIiiib It nnd SO minute. Itutff llcinoliin n I'rlMMtPr. I.o Aigelea, April ll. 0wlK o th failure of proper pper In Rnfa appllotitloii for n writ of Imhoaa cor pus to arrlvo here, the decision of tho uprM court, on which dtporls Ruef'n liberty, will not be handM down UHtll tomorrow, Now Panel of Ittiaf Tnlomnien. I gan Francisco. April It. Wllsor appolnte4 special elisor by Judge Dunne to secure a new panel of tales raon from whloh' to soleot Jurers to try Ruef. Sheriff O'Nell and Coroner Walsh wore disqualified, on tho grounds tha,t they were prejudleed and biased In favor of Ruef. A new panel will be drawn this afternoon, p Chicago Markets. Chicago, April 15." Whoat 78 iS Q 78, corn 47 H. oats 44. Hpp Conlrntis,, ' Ilernard Nys has cotitraoted l", 000 poundn of his 1907 hops to grown on the Llvasley farm, 4 t miles west ot Woodburn, to Wlwcj k Pltx, for 11 cents. Kd. llerren has contracted fr 6000 pounds of A. II. Matthte's 1907 hops from the Crcawell farm, near Aurora for 10 cent per pound. Dr. J. F. COOK TIIH HOTAMCAL HOOTO'I, MOVKD 'XO 810 L1KKKTY 6TKKIT IOK ANY DI8RA8K CALL OX DK. COOK. CONHUITATtON I'KKK, - n