Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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i iRacn TBajOair im
mam 4Bf IMrt n4 v Mab Iff .. . .. i--iC
ff-W yfP t0 ,ook rich Wealthy, and luxuriant
A JL Litis We know you do! Ayer's Hair Vigor,
nsw improved formula, will give It just
mat appearance. An Ideal hair dress
ing. Ask your doctor about It.
V? publish th Ibraulu
vrk. Aurll 13. Ono of tho
;rtte banks has Improved on the
Cm ban Idea, and has established
w" nmrnt whereby men who
mrnav nftir hniirfl
urge UB13 Ul
F . ..-.-.mmoJatcd through tho
Tkt. They established drawers in
Sen tho m n who havo big wads
.... .,rir mnnov at any hour
JuiealsM, and got It agdln In tho
rnlns. without tho troublo of hav
tei It got through tho books of tho
Zl at all. As there will bo no
.m resulting from handling tho
ecaer.they chargo tho sum of $20
brtbli privilege ii is iruviuK veij
pillar, especially with gamblers,
.is bavo big wnds nt night, and
nat them for tho next night, but
,.at them in a safe plnco. So far
Ijj ve know this Is tlio oniy concern
ct the kind In tho city, but tho idon
.titnoa bo caught up by others, and
iitr banks, or rather prlvnto bnnk
en, will bo In it. Taken gonorally
ik bank3 arc now getting to be so
jocndatlng thnt they tnko on all
tij accommodating fenturos that
Mt customers enn possibly think of,
ud adopt them, greatly to tholr nd
uaug as there are hundreds of
nil In ahlch momy can bo mndo In
Mi city ty bankers without chnrg
s excessive Interest rates, or play-
rjtrliks upon cuatomors. Tho salo
dwhulcsalo interests in tho bank3,
kmer, makes ninny changes lu
tuincss, and whole drovos of cus-
ItMaers find themselves doing business
October 13, last year, he happened
along as Mrs. Carl tried to ond her
life In order to rid herself of neu
ralgia, but Lazarus was too quick
for her, and roseued her notwith
standing tho current was very swift.
Threo othor rescues comploto Laz
arus' record to date, out It may got
up to a dozen before the uroper
medal arrives.
Tho magnificent plnns of New
York York In the way of subways,
bridges, nnd tho like, bid fair to havo
a chock If the city flnancos do not Im
prove. Tho city financial officials nro
face to fuco with tho conclusion that
tho city is confronted with the ne
cessity of rigid economy in expendi
tures. They tnko it for granted that
thoro must bo nn orn of retrench
ment all along tho linos. Tho new
court house schomo will probably bu
abandoned tompornrlly, as well as
Borough Prosldont Ahonrn's plan for
a new Bewor system. Tho proposition
of Brldgo Commissioner Stevenson
for a new Enst rlvor brldgo will also
go by tho board, nnd should tho city
find ltsolf compelled to build Its own
subways thore Is likelihood that only
tho Loxlngton nvonuo lino will bo
built, nnd tho sovonth nud eight avo
nuo linos would cost approximately
$40,000,000. According to n report
submlttod to Mayor McClollan by the
advisory commltteo on taxation nnd
flnnnco tho city's prodlcnmont Is du
to the dobt limit. Tho commission
regards the city flnancos In such n
light that they ndvlso the passngo of
a constitutional nmondmont lucrons-
Ing tho city's dobt-mnklng power
Tho roport set 'forth thnt tho city Is
committed to cortaln Improvomonts,
such as school housos, tho Hudson
Memorial brldgo, tho subway loop
botweon tho bridges nnd tho onlnrged
BolleVuo hospital. Thoso and othor
Improvomonts, Including subways,
rt!i hsnk ticonlo whom thov don't
in, and as soon as posslblo thoyl'ou,d br,"B tho expenditures about
p la droves to somo other bank,
itlrh their old bank olllcors, who
mt out t hen the control changed
lull, have established.
Hartem has a hero In George Lnz-
!ini, and the chances nro thnt he will
to wearing a Carnegie modal, of the
Wto fund variety, before long. Do
ur a professional diver, ho Bponds
nich of his time along tho rlvor
faint, and has five rescuos to his
wdit Th. Cirnogle hero fund com
alHion h'iir, failed to recognize
tWnanv lia ri'iciies made by the
JW n an fnm the treacherous
:Mtrir,r j.ark waters, until a worn
. t said !. was Mm. Catharine
Vudi..:i tnd to drown herself.
ilWlitffiun nf tho comnilulnn wna
atai. 1 v, nung Lasarus, and as
'-suitji. j,,,!i-d a letter from the
MHbltil. il rmut'stlnr full nnrtlnn.
?" u'
i'4nd '
I nil. r
with a boat-hook. Sho
! " If, but he managed
' l police saying he Is
"l In himself. On
$25,000,000 boyond tho ostimnted
dobt limit within tho next live yonrs
Tho rovlvais started In Brooklyn
havo not beon without nn effect, as
booksollors stnto that thoro Is somo
dnngor of n Blblo fnmlno In thnt
borough owing to tho unusually lnrge
salo of religious books, partlctinrly
the Blblo during tho Inst month.
Bookmen, nnd ospocially those who
carry nn oxtonstvo lino of Bibles, at
tribute the boom In tho rollgloiiB lit
erature mnrker to tho wave of re
ligious awakening which hnd been
witnessed In Brooklyn since the ad
vent of Gypsy Smith and other evan-
gellttH. A great number or book
sellers, who formerly carried a lim
ited assortment of Bibles and re
ligious literature, have been forced
to replenish their shelves. The
larger department stores report uii-
" Uzai n willod the woman out f usual activity in this line of business
And there Is still another source from
which thore Is a very pronounced de
mand for Bibles. The poor of Brook
ln. many of whom arc unable to
Kind You Ilnvo Always Bought, nnd which Ims heen
- -. un-t uU .w-urs. jjiuj uuniu mo Mirnuuiru ui
mm and hns been mndo under IiIm pcr-
Hoiml supervision hIiico its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you In thlH.
fvT- jWj-A
J tomitorfelts, Imitations nnd Just.os-rood'nr' bub
perlniciits thnt trlllo with ami ciiriniiircr tho hosi of
""U and Cihlicu-ISxpcrlonco ajjiilnst Kxpoo . jnt.
?tor- U ft harmless substltuto for Cnstor Oil, Pnro
!"' 1,'l' Mid Soothing Syrups. It U lMooMint. It
wjuiiw neither Oiiluni, Morphlno nor othor Narcotic
rTu ''-. Its ago Is its gtmrnnttio. It itw.troys AVorniu
iL vwlhhnofcs. It euros Dlnrrliiua nnd Wlnil
Jjp It roiipves Tcetlilntr Troubles, euros Constlpiitton
A I-UuItf-ficy. It lushuilntes tho Food, rogulntos tho
i i MlMl Iwcls, KlUiif? healthy and imtunil bloop.
v lnlareu's lauacoa-Tho Mother's Prlond.
y) Bears the Signature of
y v
purchaso oxponslvo Bibles, havo
made known tholr wants to thoso
ngonclos which make It tholr busl
noss to supply tho cheapest editions
of the Holy Boo. There Is an obvious
shortage in this direction, duo un
doubtedly to tho limited funds pro
vided for tho work.
Andrew Carnegie's romarks about
Wall street and tho gambling that is
carried on under Its- name contained
In tho speech last wcok boforo tho
veteran army tolegrnphors, throw nn
Interesting sidelight on tho position
Mr. Carnegie assumed In dealing with
Wall streot on tho occasion of tho
sale of his steel works to tho orga
nizers of the Steel Corporation. He
took his pny, not in stock of any
kind, but In first mortgngo bonds so-
cured by the property he was selling,
as wcSl as by all other proporty
owned by the new company. Ho thus
ontrenohod himself In n position that
was safo, no matter how much gam
bling might be conductod In stock of
the now company, nnd If porchnnco,
anything woro to go wrong ho would
get his property back again. Mr.
Carnegie made It clear upon this oc
casion, If over there hnd boon any
doubt on the point, thnt ho la not
much of a gambler hlmsolf. Ho pre
fers to have the suro sldo of tho bar
gain. It brought up Bomo tendor memories
Iu many souls to read of tho soronado
that was glvon to Ira D. Snnkoy, tho
old-tlmo singer of Gospol tunos nt
tho Moody meetings, whoso touch
ing voice saved many n soul. Mr.
Snnkoy Is blind nnd bod-rlddeu, nud
Itov. Br. Theodore Cuylor, who nlso
was serenaded at sunrlso In tho city
of Brooklyn Is very old. It followed
n sunrlso prayer mooting nnd song
service nt the Hanson Plnco Baptist
church, nud bended by Mlnlstor Cnso,
who Is the pastor of tho church, and
Itov. John P. Fox, tho stngoru march
ed to South Oxford street. The
Snnkoy house Is dotnehod, nnd Mr.
Snnkoy's room Is on the second floor.
Tho groat choir surroundod the
hotiso, nud nt a signal from Mr. Mlllf.
bognn "God Will Take Care of You,"
which hns hocomo n fnvorlto of tho
oxnngollita. Upatnirs In Mr. Snnkoy'i
room the offoct wns nlmost oloctrlcnl.
"What Is It? What doos It all
monn?" oxclnlmod the blind evan
gelist, rousing himself from nn oast
ern modltntlon nnd ronchlng hi
hands toward tho window. Tho
oarly morning nlr thrlllod with the
niolody. "Quick," snld Mr. Snnkey,
"opon the windows. I don't want to
mlw nny of It." Tho windows woro
raised, and Mr. Snnkoy wns nsststod
to a seat overlooking the street.
The tears atronmed down the old
evangelist face as he listened to the
voices. In sueaeeslnn thore were
given a number of Mr. Shu key's fa
vorites, among them "Onward, Chris
tian Soldiers," When the Mists Have
Rolled Away," Under Ills Wing" and
"No Shadows There." Long before
the program was Mulshed the street
was filled with people attracted from
many points. One ootild account for
the great outdoors at that hour.
Magistrate Crane has given out the
Information that he and W. K. D
Stokes, who vo children . of the
Memorial hospital an automobile ridt
that It is expected to make the move
nlent spread throughout the coun
try. "We are going to make our
cheine a national one," said tko
magistrate. "I have letters from
many prominent automobile owners
and manufacturers signifying their
wlUlngneM to Head auto for the
happlumw of sick children at any
i line As soon as the movement Is
well established In New York the
prominent men who are Intoroated In
it will uso their Infiutneo with wn
in other cities and before long It Is
hoped to havo a regular system of
free rides for little Invalids all over
Words of PraiBe
For tho fovornl Ingnxllonta o which T)r.
Piorco's medicines nro composca, s glv n
by leaders In all tho savoral cnooL nf
medicine, should havn far mnr waI-M I
than anv amount nt nnn.nrnf(nnl tn. i Mt
tltnonlals. Dr. Pierce's Favori to Prescrip
tion has the hadqk or liosKerr on ovf y
bottlo-wrappcr. In a full list of all Its In
gredients printed In plain English.
If you aro an Invalid womnn and suffer
from f reqmnt headache, backache, gnaw
Ing dlstra In stomach, periodical pains,
dlsagrecfiWe, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
uragg 1 1 fo'dow n distress In lower abdomen
or pe!v, perhaps dark spots or specki
danclig boforo tho eyes, faint spells and
kindtelsyrastomscaused by feraalo woak
ooss, otf thnt derangement of the fcuilnlno
organs, Hy can not do bettor than Uk
Dr. Plcryek. Favorito Prescription.
Tho hf-sf. tal, surgeon's knlfo and opera
ting talltfrnay bo avoldod by tho timely
use of H'avorlUi Proscription" In such
cases. Thereby tho obnoNlnu xailn
ntlonaanu.!. .it .tre.ttniotnypt iIk fatlT
1'nvMcian c.t i iv nvoiiicu ann a iheroe
st-lf H
MMiinii(Mi(if mm tmim
cciirse o s;t otssiul lremmr nt cnrrltVi e"j
latin'. mriitJ r.Lt" li'Ttnp '"Kavnrit
Prescrlptioi. l i.oiuposcdo( the very best
native raraicinai roou Known to nieaicai
sclenco for tl o euro of woman's peculiar
ailment, contain no alcohol and no
harmful or lubit-formlng drugs.
Do not expect too much from Tavorlte
Prescription; "It v Ml not perform mira
cles ; it will not d I solve or cure tumors,
ikfltnorifemottlll. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health In most weak
nesses and ailmenls peculiarly Incident to
women as any medicine can. It must te
glen a fair chance by rcvoranco In lu
uso for a rcasi nablo longth of time.
oil r?n',l .enl m.afjorii-n prrfJnn.
trum as a -rtUyt f. rpm.-iiy. n
tnwi-rrr 'i'ih'ii,"
Sick women nro invited to consult Dr,
Plorco, by lrttir,rfc All correspond
pneo Ls guurdM a saennlly xeerei am!
womanly conlUlencos an iinitectwl b
professional privacy. Addross Dr. It. v.
Plorco, Ilui"ulo. N. V.
Dr. Plon-e s Plwisnnt Pellets tho boM
laxative and regulator of tho bowoh
They lnvlgr;tn stomach, liver nud
Iiowi'Ik. 0'i a laxative; two or throo t
eathartlc. Ka to takn as candy.
For Snlc Ton acres cultivated land.
Also houso nnd about two acres,
ond of car, south. Inqulro of
Mrs. Geo. II. Jones. 4-11-lw
For Sale Ton frosh
cholco of 25 cows.
era 21.
cows. Your
Phono Farm-
For Sale Salom-Indopondonco-Mon
mouth stngo lino, fully oqulppod.
Inquiro of Capital Commission
Company, Snlom. 4-5-tt
Hoy AYnntcd To do porter work. In
qulro of W. B, Qllson, 117 Com
mercial stroot. 4-10-tt
the country.
CmrriiorSiitNilcd With ItercNs Plnn,
Trenton, N. J., April 13. Tho ar
rangement whoroby tho leglslnturo
took n recess todny lu order to tnko
time to consider tho votoos by tho
governor, groatly plonsos tho govern
or. Ho has not folt constrained to
liurxy up his consideration of bills,
and leisurely and calmly hns docldod
With an additional wook at his com
mand tho governor him boen able to
dispose or n lnnd of buslnoss thnt
would huvo boon too muoh for hi m
to dispose of In tho ordinary tlmo.
Ho will ho nblo to dispose of nil with
in tho 11 vo days limit.
High I'rrssiiro Days,
Men nnd womon nllko havo to
work IncoBsantly with brnlu and
hnnd to hold tholr own nowadays.
Novor woro tho domnnds of buslnoss,
tho wants of tho fnmlly, tho roqulro-
monts of society, inoro numorous.
Tho first offect of tho prnlBOWorthy
ofTort to koop up with all these
things Is commonly soon In a wonk
oned or deblllntod condition of tho
nervous system, which results in
dyspepsia, defective nutrition of both
body and brain, and In extreme cases
In complete nervous prostration. It
la clearly seen that what is needed
la what will sustain the system, give
vigor and tone to the nervot, nud
keep the digestive and assimilative
functions healthy and nctlve. From
personal knowledge, we enn recom
mend Hood Snrsapnrllla for this pur
pose. It aots on nil the vital organs,
builds up the whole system, and flta
men and women for thee high-pressure
lluskiithull CiiamploiiNlilp,
MontelHlr, K. J., April II. The
Orange high, school and tho Pasnale
high school teams play the deciding
gam today for th championship for
For SnU 233 acros, 150 under
plaw, balanco timber $35 per aero;
151 acros, good houso, barn and
wludmlll, bost farm In valley, $10,
000; 21 ncros, good houso, barn, D
long by 100 foot wldo, (3500; 80
cows; 10 acros, wagon, buggy, all
tho farm implomonts nnd houso
furniture; 21 acres near town oa
tho Island, good C-room houso
nnd barn, $0000; big lot 200 foot
Hug by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 80
acres 3 miles south of town nearly
all In grain, $G5 por ncro; 8 ncros
2 miles wost of town with houso
and barn, $800; 00 ncros, 12 itillca
ast of Snlom, $40 I'or aero; 1
ncros, good houso and barn, $S50;
lncro with Ave room houso nnd
bnrn, $700; 5 acros with good 0
room houso and barn, $1000; 4
acres with good houso nnd wind
mill tn.town, $2200; 4 ncros with
houso and barn In town, $2(100;
nlso from 20 to 30 good housos
from $000 to $4000. For salo by
J. C. Schults, 747 Suth Twelfth
8L Snlom. 4-1-lmo.
Thco. M. Hnri" Plumbing, hot watt
and steam heating and tinning,
164 Commorclnl streot. Phone
Main 102. 9-1-ly
M. J. rotsel Plumbing, steam an4
gas fitting. Successor to Knox M
Murphy, 220 Commercial street.
Thono Main 17.
Foresters of America Court Shvr
wood Foresters, No, 10, Moots
Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stnto street
Loo Abblo. C. It.; A. L. Brown,
F. 8.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of I .
Cnstlo Hall In Holmnn block, cor
ner Stato and Liberty strootc.
Tuosdny of each wook at 7:30 p.
m. K. W. Hazard. O. O.; W. I.
Staloy, K. of It. and S.
Modem Woodmen of America Ore
gon Codnr Camp No. 5340. Moot
ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.; P. A. Turner, Clork.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl
day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall.
J. A. Dlckoy, O. B.; P. L. Frazlor,
For 8ak A flvo and a six-room
houao, with from ono to six lots
with oach, woll located In Knit
Snlom. Good bnrgalns. Isaiah
Schonoflold, 21st nnd Mnrlon Sti.,
Snlom. 1-28-tt
For Kent Houao and four lots, gar
den nnd barn, All kinds of fruit.
Apply nt 345 Union stroot. Phono
501. 4-4-tf
For Kent Sovon-room houso, hot
nnd cold wntor, olcctrlo light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb
or, 5G0 North High streot.
- -mr 0
it mi .
w riiiiu Yon fta filwavs RoiicM
)n Use For Over 30 Years.
Nwwr, rt www inur, Htm m.
Pittahiirg IlntortiiiiiN OutH.
Pltuonrg. In.. April II. Tho
foreign gueats wore glvon the beet
tho dly atfurood In bot4 troommo
datioo, 100 rooms being engaged for
thorn in Scnoaley hotel, wblcb wm
tb general nonaqnnrtars of tbe visi
tors, 17 at the County Club, nod 10
at Port PUt. Fast automobile ser
vice tu motntaiMd botween tho
notoU na4 tho elab bouse. Tb
guests wero delighted with tbelr
treatment, nnd greatly pleased with
tho sights and sounds of tbe great
industrial etsUr. Tho Pittsburg
cotniniUoo was groatly pleased that
It wna not obliged to aond any of th
visitors to a prlvnto houso.
Ifelsoy Hearing IbtdrU.
Albany. K. Y., April II. Tods
clone the hearing in tbo caso of
Otto KeUoy SMporiaUadent of luiur
aneo. The sonate upoet Oovernor
Hughe to oOoao tbo hearlog without
other toUfoay, sad tbe cotnmutotf
took utloay for throo dayx.
o .....
Daly-Judgo Pays Dividend.
New York. April 13. The Daly-
Judge Mining company is paying its
regulsr dividend of 37 tt per stars.
Wlkoopliig' Cough,
I have used Chamberlain Cough
Remedy In my fumlly In eases of
whooping cough, and want to tell you
thnt It Is the best medicine I have
aver used. W. F. Gaston, Pasoo, Oa
This remedy Is safe and sure. Por
sale nt Dr. Stone's drug storo.
For Hunt A 0-ncro hop ynrd, at
ono-fourth rent. Inquire of M.
J. Rgnn, Gervnls, Houto 2.
For limit. Nice coUhko, largo
greunds: tho rose and flower cor
ner block of Salem. Houso in
flrst-olasa condition, soroons to all
windows and doors, new shades,
ourtaln polos, hot nnd cold wator
In bed rooms, porcelain nnd mar
bio wnsh stands, poroolnln bath
and toilet, chandeliers in ovory
room, eleetrlo lights, fino porob
nnd shade trees; tho finest loontlon
in Salem, closo in, oornor of Mill
nnd churoh streets. This cottage
will be for rent April 1st. J. Con
ner, Willamette Hotel. 3-14-tf
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl
dottt and ponilon Ituurnnco; $3,
000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid
Good agonts wantod. J. II. O.
Montgomery, supiomo orgnnlior,
Box 432 Balom, Orogon. R. It.
Ryan, socroctnry, 640 Stato stroot.
Kills plant Insects on flowers.
fruit trooa, vinos or vegetables.
On human body, dogs eats, fowls.
and la tbo houso.
ColnrluKS, Odurle, S(alnIM
Prteo, 21 and 19 etnta at
HHV8 DHL'O fiTOUIC, fUImn, Oro
Head quarters for all kinds of
spray materials.
A V far tkjs.1tA, 'ff.u ,. n&JllrAW
Plant Insects and Wrmln ' J
It. O. Uumiuliis SuccoHsor to Whltt
Oummlns, expross, delivery and
transfer Haw. Prompt sorvlco It
our motto. Furnlturo nnd piano
moving a spoolnlty. Mtund at 160
South Commercial ai.-fiot. Phont
175. Hoaldonoo phono 008. 8-4-tf
Ktrn)(Ml From my plnco on Howoll
pralrlo, March 24, ono two-yoar-old
shorthorn bull. Flndor will
be rownrdod by notifying A. L.
Ask, Snlom Houto 7, 4-10-lw
Houho Clivmliig Why uso oxponslvo
pnpor under carpets, whon you
can gut cloun uowspnporBT Wo nl
so havo heavy brown pnpor In
Inrgo Bhcots, Juat tho thing for un
der onrpota the chonpsst article
known. 4-10-Ot
lMiUvn, Attotillou Now Is tho tlmt
to have your old enrpots woven In
to new fluff rugs, manufactured by
the Portland Itug Co. Mrs. M. 71.
Holeomb, 1160 Hniith Comtnerolnl
street, or phone 1118. 4-8-lwk
Do lroat, Mnrcnul nud Unltinl Wire
less Telegraph stock at a bargain.
Also few seleoted stoaks of merit
with large speculative posslbllltlos.
Box 130, ItossburK. Or. 48-lw
PnnNliir PnrlorN Pressing, clean
ing, repairing nnd dressmaking
done by Mrs. II. W. James 404
Co u rtt street. Phone 477.
Arthur You Jusum Toacaer of pi
ano; touch, teehnleh, lnterpreta
tlon. Thorough preparatory oonrte
Advanced students prepared for
puhlle appearanee. IteaidoaoM Gil
Center 8t. Tel. Main lis.
'A it. .a.' ' " " '-- '' i . , -4
'i iMHaMlfWvkin.tt,' l-,.M gj
JrtssissssninoiMimiJ,!,u""- I
Soli In Skm byDr.S.C Sta
Dr. I). II. ttrlllln, the BiMtcIallut on
Morplilmi All drug and liquor
habits, which be cures in 3 days
No money until cured, 214 Trad
St., Salem. Ore. Phone 168. Jobs
Doyens, Business Manager.
llrtMsuuikliiir Plain or fancy dress
making done by Portland lady or
experlunoe, Mrs. A. N. Munsey,
310 Seventeenth street. Phone
1171. 4-3-1 mo.
Your Htopmothor is still here busy
as ever cleaning, dyeing, pressing
and repairing anything from a pair
of glov to the, most elaborate
silk gown. Goods sailed for nnd
return!. Mrs. 0. II. Walker, 221
South Commercial street. Phouu
H4B. 4-1-lm
Piano Tuner -L. L. Woods, piano ot
pert timing, repairing and polish
ing. Leave Orders at Geo. G.
Wills' wusls storo, Saleai.
2- 9-lyr
Frank M. Brown. Maaafasturer ot
saab, d.w. nieeldisgs. All kinds ot
beaao flslib a ad bard weed work
Front street, bet. State and Court
The Fashion Stables
Formerly tslrn peon's B tables.
Up-to-date livsry and cab Use
Puaetsl toraonts ft specialty. Tally
ao tor picnics sad excursions. PhoM
44. ClUa W YAJfNKB, Proo
147 d W Hit ttmt.
Concrelo 'ork. Get my prleos on
sidewalks, ewrUs, soptie tanks and
oomoNt work of nny kind. All
work guaranteed flrai-eiaas. M.
Ward, Illgbland add. Phone 500.
liutte X Wenduroth Flue wines,
liquors ami cigars. We handle the
eolebratod KotlegK ad Castle
whUklos. Cool and refreshing beer
aonsURtly en drough. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr
Baleui Iron Works. Founders, ma
ohinlsts aud blaeksmtths. Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drying
stoves, etc, Manufacturers of tbe
Balom Iron Works Hop Press.
Kulutit Ikix & Lumber Co. Roraovort
from Bduth Baletn to 14th street,
near tho B. P. depot. Doxes, Berry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection
Fruit Evaporators. FhoM 191