DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL til, 1007. STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner URICE SO LOW THAT GOOD VUrtLI I I UUUI1 I VJU TTIIII li .. i. ru9 wo soil on a closo mnrgln In and expect to build up a big . through selling you oiten. uut tuo iowost price nt which you Illness i ln thl3 Btor(J carrjeg vrlth It morchnndlso of merit, wo wfSinnv other kind, no matter how great tho nnanclal gain 7 1. ho Ana you 6vw "' ""uu jwu uiuuij ,i juu uuj wu geip nslvc sow" In our houso. A RARE OP Skirts $3 to $20 Now York's best val ues In neatly-styled skirts, voiles, Pnn-nnins,- serges, brond .'loths, stripcd,chcckod and plaid novelties. It Is n raro collection that every lady should 800. m - nLIi ltflof ?fr.n WrtlBta pnmn nml rre lin.. lll. fllitiff l.HrH.A Illie OUIll ,,lil. .iv. .. ..w w...u im hu I1V1U imv I'llllll UV1UIU i file. N'carly every day a f ow dozen now ones arrive. Somo bonu ... . i I. nM OO OK n Cl KCi BULi llBgCJJU nuioko orf'0 " JJ'OV' Beautiful Lawn suns si-uu io j.uu- PKY 4 n HI Mi llvfl. f 11, PLAY 0. A. C. TODAY SHORT TALKS BY I L. T. COOPER. CONSTIPATION. High School Baseball Team Goes to Corvallfs This Afternoon INGER GRAND ! NEXT WEEK bscccccccccoisocooocccccococ. The Julia Romaine Co. I la the powerful four-act comody pa. 'REAPING TUT, HAUVKST" I J:l ih g at four-act mountain re 1111. I'UtSOVN DArRIITKIl" p' 1 ''1 :"c. i)i:cini: yourshlf. The Opportunity Is Hero, Harked by Salem Testimony. GUAM) Ol'LRA HOUSK. V4sdav April 17: "Original ' -'lv il 2u Florence Gale. ft.-ilr Aj..a 25: Raymond ' .n The Yank Tourlit." Mlnccr-G'rimil. ttjw.k Majestic Vaudeville p:t k Julia Romaln Stock Hr.r Coming ttmrtlmie '" tv Jlirv." hv tho Gntam : School stiijentg m Il-r'J, by High Sohool '" r US 1'ony Show. !'; H ' sy Sbr,w, N rrii & Rowe's Dog I' 'I u ,-, ,. . ....,. .i. mv a KOI) livailll "'Jcj alone can never give ai rt,r' faw aBd Bracotul '?fiw 0me b tak,DS Hollls- 8 ' Mountain Tea. 3S rnt.. -r ?l,rti F" at Dr. he 'actrcal tation h "TfMUIjr loth irt. -' ttlnr lhair non. -i, .!T ,ott ,llouW know ,lK 'iat it U all right. FfWs Prf0U t $ fiTirAA - . , wy eaa lb .- .. . "Sitta. l w M CPPLEY i,lrfcturcf OrtftN Don't take our word for It. Don't dopend on n stranger's stntomont. Rend Snlam ondorsomont. Rond the stntomont of Salem citi zens. And decldo for yourself. Horo Is ono ense of it: William M. Spnyd, living on Win ter St., southeast corner of D. St., Snlom, Oro., snys: "It Is Just about throo yonrs since I recommonded Donn's Kidney Pills through our lo cal pnpers. I said that words couldn't exprose my good opinion of Donn's KIdnoy Pills or describe tho remnrk nblo offocts thoy had on mo. My kldnoys had boon n source of annoy ance for a numbor of years and I suffered severely from backache and pain across my loins. I couldn't go out without my back paining me. A Woman Toll How to Relieve The kidney secretions were Irregular and my rest at night was disturbed on necount of their frequency and there was a scalding pnlu in passage. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and procured n supply at Dr. Stone's drug store. Dy the time I had used a little over one box, I was entirely free from the backache and the action of the kidney secretions was regulated so that I could rest the whole night without being dis turbed. My Kidneys were toned up and strengthened and my health wad Improved In every way. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills made me feel like n new man. I am always glad to ox prose my gratitude for what thoy did for me." For sale by all dealers. Prlee 60 cents. Flster-Mllburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no others. o Tho Prlco of Health. "Tho prlco of health in a malar ious district Is Just 25 oents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life PUIb," writes HUa Slayton, of No land, Ark. New Life Pills oleanse gently and Impart new life and vigor to tho system. 25c Satisfaction guaranteed at J. C. Perrys' druggist, o OASTOKilX.. BntU sll4lMYNHMAJft&g "GgUtfteESt SIIUIl-OX, ON-TO-STAY-ON One af the Weet mountings mad fsr eomfort ad ww plaeUg, plata the leasee la proper peeiUen. gtvto your eyes the beet result from your lease. IN GRINDING LENSES Hlngea lenses are absolutiy ground the same as all the testing lenses tha occullsta use In fitting you with gl&si es. Wo use only the Tery best. W use only up-to-date scientific eye testing appliances. Oar Instruments are the very latest. Chas. It Hinges 1M CnMMU Mnet, sutSMr to Castla! Xotfeswkl The Saltm high school bnsebnll team, togothor with Mnnngor Moores and Coach Coleman, left this morning for Corvallls, where thoy will plnv tho O. A. C. team this aftornoon This will bo tho high school's first game this sonson, and thoro is n great doal of speculation as to how they will stand up to It. Tho tonm has boen practicing hnrd during this fine wenthor. and, under tho coaching of Curt Colomnn, nro now In good shape for tholr tlrst game, considering tho wenthor condi tions of lato. Tho tonm that has beon picked for today's gnmo will probably remain tho snmo throughout the soasou, bar ring nccldonto. Tho snmo old battory of Inst year Is up again, Koono pltchor nnd Jonon catcher. Koeno has his snmo old speed nnd control, nnd will probably mnko tho Corvalllsltos tnko notlco this aftornoon, whllo Jonos hns evon Improved upon his last yonr's work, as ho played most of tho sttmtuor. lie will put up a good backstop for Keene's pitching. "Kndy" Roberts, captain, will play shortstop, nnd will not be slow when it comes to handling the leather. On the bnsee, (labrloleon has got back his old stand at first. Farmer hns won out nt second and Kny has tho third bng. Ralph Moores, Harrison and C. Carey will do tho fielding at Corval lls today. "1)111" Perkins was taken along as sub. At the bat most of the boys haw been doing pretty well, but their vnl- uo In handling the willow will not bo really shown until nfter today's gnmo. Of course, Keono, Roberts nnd Jones have boon plnutlng tho ball out In their old 8tyJs, nnd will no doubt contlnuo to koop It up. The rest of the team have beon doing pretty good batting, but have not hud onough practice to really show them selves up yet. Compllim'iitM Y. M. C. A. At the close of the successful bas ketball season of the high school the executive committee has drawn up tho following resolutions In ap preciation of the generosity of tho Salem Y. M. C. A., In Its help toward high school athletics. The Y. M. C. A. helped tha high school In erery possible way In making their basket ball season successful. ItrMilutlons Adopted. Whereas, The members of the Sa lem Y. M. C. A. have extended many courtesies to our boys' basketball team and In many Instances liav. shown their good wlH towards our school, often at an Inconvenience to themselveM, and in addition, bar furnished the use of their gymnasi um and baths, both for games and practice, without which advantage we could hardly have put out a bas ketball team, therefore be It Resolved, By the executive com mittee of the Salem high school that a copy of these resolutions, ex i reus ing our appreciation for the many favors extended to -us by the Salem Y. M. C. A. be presented to the Y. M. C. A. and that copies be furnished the city press for publication, u State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cas County, sa. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Go., doing business in the olty of Toledo, county asd state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONR HUNDRUD DOLLARS for eaoh asd every ease of Catarrh that sannot be cured by the mm of Hall's Catarrh Cur. Prank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my prosenea, this 8th day of De cember, A. D., It! 6. (Seal) A. W. GLHASOX, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Our w take In fernally, and -ots dirtoUy en the blood and mucous surface of the sysiom. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHHKY & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 7c Take Hall's Family Pills for eoa Uoatloa. o IAMCEL aOOUK, I can tell a person who Is constipated on sight. Their complexion is pasty or yellow. Their eyes are dull, and they look and feel sleepy. No wonder i they do. Tho bowels are a sewer. ' They carry away the poisonous re ' fuse. I( they dont I act the poisonous matter is absorbed by the body, and headaches, dull ' ness, bad complex ion and eventually i serious troubles re ' suit. Tli ere is no better rule for good health than that the bowels should move cycry day at the same hour if possible. Regu I larity can be acquired by nuking a habit ' of this. Foolish people neglect this and I when clironio constipation cllccts them they take pills every few days to force tho bowels to perform their natural function. As years go on they require more and , more pdls. This should bo stopped. Cooper's New Discovery will build up the stomach and cause tho bowels to act naturally. While taking the medioino (let the habit of regularity, then gradually stop taking the medicine. Here is a sample ot letters from those who have tried itt "For sixteen years I have suffered (rom stomach and licr trouble, and chronic constipation. I had frequent headaches and always felt tired and worn out. ' heard of Cooper's New Discovery an began itt use, After I had finished onr bottle I was wonderfully improved. Con stipation gave way to a pleasing regularity of the bowels and I ate better, slept bet ter und (elt better than I had for months. It is tho greatest medicine I have eve. known." Samuel iiooren. 17-12 Munsc Ave., Scranton i'a. in Summit Shifts Stand the Test vcsasraaaasnaaxaaaxzaraaaacxM i i -v.- jjOmin VtlUXU&3&7t?BlEZ&2&izniS3&3D IT WILL STAND THC TEST IF IT 1$ A Our customers who have used them m the Cooper medicines do the work. Vl sell them. J. C. PERRY IIOTKL ARRIVALS. Wllluiuetlc. Tom Drown, Loudon, Iflnglnnd. Hen llnlmus, Woodhuru. 13. J. YVomlck, Portland. Felix Wagner, Kugene. T. 11. Hubert, Chicago. Damn Hug Nub, Cincinnati, 0. F. R. Roddy, Portland. Jan, May, Chicago. 11. A. Kweok, UoHton. Id. N. HutohiuRon, Portland. W. A. Lytlo, Pendleton. 10. L. Wilson, Toledo. 10. 11. Kuupp, New York. 11. It. Noble, Portland. L. L. Harris, New York. A. J. Slmuiouds, New York. William Ilrock, Portland. W. D. McNary, Portland. Geo. Ilifllerworlh, St. Paul. M. W. Llllard, Portland. IC. 8. Morgan. Portland. II. J. Clark, Grants Pans, Knloin. J. Davis, New York. John Hayes, Portland. J. L. Drown, Stnytoa. George Wetherhy, Portland. F. IS. Wann, Seattle. C. W. Hamilton. OUR NEW SPRING SHIRTS are now on display. We're showing the nobbiest line of the popular SOFT NEGLIGEE SHLRTS In the city. In, Plain White and Cream Soft Shirts which are the favorites this season, we have a great variety of fabrics ranging in price from 50c to $2.00 Summit Shirts nro nil mndo In full, llbornl dlmoualons, cut to fit perfectly nnd thor oughly finished. Our prices nro figured on tho spot cash basis nnd economical busi ness mnnngomout That moans tho best possible values for our customers. IMro SfflRTF l JR ry? s r). V JSV w 0 jr-"' &rs's&i irczost zj,i&s'0 0.L.J(rsSfc4t ijfir'y. We undersell "regular stores." vmmmmmmmm WILL VISIT Till! WKST. Provident of tho American Aihtrtlr I'nloii In Coming to Oregon. Oregon has 75 students la eastern eolleges. Cornell leads with 13 Northwestern hue 11, Harvard 10, Yale 7. Smith 7, Michigan 6. the others scattering. Ot thee IS are from Portland. Oregon has about ad many more In the colleges of Wash ington. Idaho and California. o DoIiik HiihIiiohd Again. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on aooount of Indigestion, nervousness and general debility," writes A. A. Chrlsbolm, Treadwell, N. Y., "and when It looked as it there was no hopo left, I was persuaded to try Hlootrlc Dltters, and I rejoleo to say that they are curing in a. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining dally." Rest tonic medlolne on earth. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. lOe. o CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. TU KN Ym Mart Always tW Bear tha HST"""Jf f J TSnasnjanrfc-njs Notice to Prt)Mtrty Owners on Htuto Street. Notice is hereby glvn that the city eouHQtl of the elty of Salem, Ore gon, at a sfteotal meeting thereof held on th tu day of April, 1907, duly paseed a resolution Instructing the recorder to notify all property own ers who are liable for the eot of Im provement of Stat street from thi not lino of Commercial street to the wt line of Church street, la said olty, who Intend to complete the part of sold Improvement for which thoy are assessed, under the super vision of the street ootamlselooer, In lieu ot their said assessment, If any suoh there be, be required to notify said common counoll and comply with the specifications of said Improve ment by filing a bond therefor on or before the special meeting of th council on tho 22d day of April. 1907. Dy order of the common coun cil. W. A. MOOREfl, City Recorder, Date of Irs-t publlcatSea of thU notice April , 17. I-Mlt That Western athletics Is attract- lug attention In the ICast Is proven by the fact that J. IS. Sullivan, prealdeut of the American Athletic Union, In planning to come to the coast this spring and tour all the centers or amateur sitort, from Seattle to Los Angeles. It Is understood here that the colleges will receive eepealul at tention, us stone are to be made at all tho prominent one, Including the University or Oregon. Of course, the particular attraction here Is Kelly, hut there are also n number of oth er men whoso ability would undoubt edly Interest Sullivan. Whether or not any Investigation ot the management ot athletic In the Northwest will he made la not known here, but It seems likely that Sullivan desires to bring the Haet and West on better terms In sport dum. ISxcbaage. o Woodhuni ftiNON, The arrests at Woodhuru for the Law and Order League wore disposed of as follews: J. J. Hall, for assault, discharged. Two eases or Illegal voting taken under advisement by Justleo Hay until Saturday. HUmilCAl Yes, I Hnvo Found It nt Lnut, Found what? Why that Chamber lain's Salve oures eczema and all manner of Rolling of the skin. I have been a filleted for many years with skin deases. I had te get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay the terrible Halting, but since using this salve In December, 1901, the Itching has stopped and has not troubled me. -Mlder John T Ongley, Rootvllle, Pa For sale at Dr Btone's drux store Halcm Man Inherit l'ottimo Iu Florida. After having lived In nnd about Salem for IS years or more, Samuel Hutchinson, an old soldier of tho Civil War, has Just fallen heir to val uable property In Florida through the death of an uncle, donera! Slo eum. The hHeL contains XB00 acre of land, much or It set with orange trees, nnd the remainder cov ered with vnluuble limber siiltaltlo for the making or furniture. In early summer Comrade Hutohlusou will go to Florida to endeavor to dispose ot his Interests, us he prefers to live In the healthful Oregon ullmute. He Is a native of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and by Industry and uoonomy bus amassed u little fortune on his own uecouut. Coiriiinii Hit) Paving Has Pnld Wulln Walla. J. J. Coffmnn, formerly chief ot polls at Walla Walla, says that pav ing la a great thing, and that, with out the shadow of a doubt,, the pop ulatlou or Walla Walla has been In erad approximately 7000 by no other euus than the paved streets. ' o Why Have n torpid liver when Herblno, the only liver regulator will help you? There Is no taason why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, Con stipation, Chills and Fever er any liver oomplalnts, when Horllno will cure you. F. O. Watte, Westvllle. Fin., writes. "I was sick for a month with ohllls and fever, and nftor tak ing two bottles of Herblne am well and healthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. Th first gas stove has arrived ot Coos Hay. It Is on exhibition at tho offle of th Coos Hay Gas and ttlee- trw- Company T7T Tf?'fSJlT,TTP17 Several Good Second Hand sets, Low Prices TJAD CT? AH round family delving horse for VV.fcJ-l nf faenniM. STOVES AND RANGES A New Lot of SecoadHand Stoves aad Ranges They Are All Bargains