DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1007. HWHil 'l"l 'i 'I I'H1 J FINK FOR TDK RLOOD. Got the following from any good prescription pharmacy nnd mix by slinking woll in ft bottle: Fluid Extract Dande lion, one-half ounce; Com pound Kargon, one ounco; Compound Syrup SarBapnrrila, throo ounces. Tako a tonBpoon ful of this mlxturo after each meal and again at bedtimo. This harmless Vegetable 4. Prescription, whllo almplo, In- 1 cxponslvo and easily propared at homo, is said to tako from the blood and system all Im purities, acids and decomposed wnato mattor, restoring ovon tho most impuro blood to Its full lioalth and rlohnoss. If a few doses nro taken occasion ally It will mako you fool well nnd hearty during tho ontlre season. Try it, anyway. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY I'rcpnrcd for tho Public Schools nnd the Family Circle. A ROYAL TONIC 1IKATS ANYTHING 1VJ5 EVER SOLD AS A STRENGTH CREATOR AND JIODY RUILRER. IIASKETRALL ON SKATES. Interesting Game Played nl Auditor! urn Last Night Witnessed by Enthusiastic Crowd. Tho game of basketball is a con tost full of excitement and vigorous exercise, when played by teams that ill Mill I Mill I I III lllllll SECOND MILL IN THE AVORLD. Smith Company Will Hiilhl It at Miirslifk'UI Dally Capacity of 1150,000 Feel. Tho second largost sawmill on the Pacific coast, with a dally capacity of 250,000 foot, la to bo located at Mnrsliflold, Coos Day, by tho .0. A. Smith Company, which owns tho Jnrgost Htiwmlll In tho world, located nt .Minneapolis. Tho struct uro will bo about 70x 100 foot. Tho company will put In n Jath mill of tin own design, It Is estimated that tho total cost of tho plant will bo about $150,000 nnd that eight months' tlma will bu required to complete It. . ' o 1'rmrntlnii (if Consumption. Ottawu, Out., April 12. The out come of the convention In this city of tho Canadian Association for tin Prevention of Comtuiuptlou Is that u oubstantlal advance In public sentl jiient and In publlu Intcroat in tin subject has been evinced throuichniit the Domain, and It U felt that the convention did u jcront dual of good. Home of the HtateiiientH reported at the nsHoolntlou muHtlug showed that tho death rate from consumption In Canada had Incronsed In ten yearn from le.fi to 18 per thouwiud, which la prououuued truly nliirmlng. The .report points with Mime deitreo of prldo to the faut that a decrouse of 80 Uvea In the last year of the de cade wan mIiowii. Title It undoubted ly n noltlo and worthy work, nnd de serving of every encouragement. Tho report ascribes nil this, not to Hiiy nostrum, but to the dleeointiiMtloii of sound and sensible directions hi to the proper and reasonable UM of nil the imeet Ideas on the subject, nnd especially to the abundant nnd eel onlltle um of pure sir, nnd the prac tical Uvtug nut In the onea, nnd the subjecting or the IhhI to all the puri fying d strengthening InUtienee of a style of living that glres the body, nnd eepeclHlly the lunge tu beuellt of hII the haaollolal effects of ptue Kir and right living. u Sunday School SupeiliitendeiitN ami PnMoiN of City School. You Hre requested tu meet uet Friday evening. April 18th. at ttu First Christian' church, In this city, to consider mutters of Imitortanoe In cunneclloH with the County Sunday School Association work. An assess inunt Uks been lovled uimii the Sun day school workers of this county and eity, with or without your ooh sout. This assessment remains uh paid. wteenl In part. W'ltnln 10 day doubtless another auseesment vrtll b 4evld. We need nnd must have the oo. operation of the Sunday school worker. Signed. IB. 11. ANl)Urt80N. 4-12-21 Pres. Marioa Co. 8. 8. A. Rcnr-Admiral llronson, of tho U S. Navy, has been given ah audionqo with tho emporor of Japan. The American and Drltish govern ments aro co-oporatlng to crush tho opium traffic In tho Orient. Tho pooplo of Topokn nro today waging a war of oxtormlnatlon upon the dandollon, which has become a pest in tho capital of Kansas. As a roBitlt of tho visit of King Edward to tho King of Spain a now 1 treaty Is to bo framed, giving Eng land nccoss to all tho ports of Spain, In caso of war, nnd Spain la to hnvo tho support of England In diplomatic coutosts. ProBldout Uonllla, ,of Honduras, lins surroudored to Prosldont Zelnya, of Nicaragua, and it is bolievod this will end tho wnr. Dr. Thompson, M. P., Is to bo ap pointed to tho governorship of tho Klondike. Lord Cromer, tho Drltish rulor of Egypt, lias resigned, and Sir Eldon Uorst was appointed to succeed him. The Russian naval authorities aro planning for a strict blockade of the coast of Finland. A momber of tho O. W. Putman Co.. is very enthusiastic over tho de licious cod liver preparation. Vlnol, are evenly mntched, without any re which contains no oil. In roforrlng to , strlctions plnced on the players other the mnttor, tho druggist said: "We than the common rules of tho game, sell many tonics and we hnndlo all 'but to see a contest where all the kinds of romedlos that olalm to be playors aro attached to roller skates 800 GOO :too ison sao 3B00 Piling tt tuber Is very scan, sell ing as high ss IS cents per line' foot t Astoria Trniufera of Real Estate. Tin) following deeds hnvo been placod on rocord In the ollloe of the Marlon county recorder. W. D. Smith, ot ux., to Clinrlos L. McAllister, ot ux., lot S, Waldo Hills Fruit Farm, w I $ J. M. Drown, ot ux., to J, P. Larson, et ux., lots 23 and S 1 and parcel of land In Drown's addition to Sllverton, w d.. A. II. Dunn, ot ux., to Charles L. McAllister, ot ux lots -I and 13, block 2, Shaw, w d W. M. Stout, ot nl., to Oregon lClectrle Hallway Co., land In Marlon county, d J. P. Lnrsen, el ux., to Itobsrt Evans, lot 1, block 2, J. M. Drown's addition to Silver- ' ton, w d IS. nnd P. A. Shipley to Adolph A. hlngluburt, lots fi, u nnd 7, block 29, University addi tion to Salem, w d A. M. ChomnosH, et ux., to Cool Idge &. MeClalne, laud In t (I s, r 1 u, w d 3600 Coolldge & McClsIne to I'red I). Knight, et ux., laud In MMflon county, w d ...... Alice A. Gale, et al., to Alton II. Dunu, land In Marlon county, q c d F. W. Davenport, et ux., to A. 1). and M. 1). Martin, land In Marlon county, w d l -O ' Tun Convicts Attempted ltcape. Two convicts who were employed yesterday to help the excavation work on the east wing of the asylum took advantage or their guards and were making their escape when they were discovered by one ot the iw tlents of the asylum, who Immediate ly gave an alarm. Guard Iluslck and one of the attendants at the asy lum started In pursuit, and soon had their men surrounded lr a hop house at Walker's nursery, which Is about hair a mils northeast or the asylum. As the convicts were unarmed they were soon captured ami returned to the prtiMiH. The convicts, after theli escape, started eastward, but were headed off at the road turning to want the Savage farm by Qtlloar Du Mlek. who had pursue! them on a bicycle. Oae or the men was onn tursd outside of the hop house, WHloh the)- attempted to reach, and the other mau ran luto the hop house and crawled Into the hop stove. o- The ctn ot an artesian well ai la Grande Is down sou foot. They expert to reach hot water. tonics and Btrongth creators, but when our advice Is asked in regard to a tonic, body-builder or strength creator wo Invariably rocommend Vlnol, ns wo know of nothing that can compare with It. "In Vlnol modorn scionce has giv on us nil of tho tonic, body-building and curative dements of that fam ous old romedy, cod llvor oil, actually takon from fresh cods' livers, with out n drop of tho system clogging oil which characterizes old-fashlonod cod "Ivor oil and omulslons. is Intensoly Interesting. Such wni the caBO last night at the Auditorium whon tho "Pigeon Wings," the rink team, defoatod tho Y. M. C. A. team by a scoro of 8 to C. There was something doing ovcry minute from tho time tho whistlo blow to bogln until It sounded nt the close of the gnmo. The "High Rollors," of th Y. M. C. A., excelled probably in bas ket throwing, but were slightly out classed In skating by their opponent? Dnshor was the star for the High Rollors, and for the Pigeon "Wing) LYDIALPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE - "In tho most natural mannor vi-1 tho work of Hnyes, Moyer nnd Damon no! tones up tho dlgostlvo organs, 'attracted much attontlon. A cnpacl oroatos n hearty nnnotlto. makes 1 1" crDW(1 wltnossod tho contost, and rich, rod blood, nnd stroncthens overv lno BBmo wns srontly appreciated. organ in tho body. "Our faith In Vlnol Is so strong thnt wo gladly offer to refund the mnnoy In ovcry caso whore it falls to glvo satisfaction." G. W. Putmaa Co., druggists. Note Whllo wo nro solo ngonts for Vlnol In Snlom, It Is now for sale at tho loading drug stores In nearly ovory town nnd city in tho country. Look for tho Vlnol ngoncy in your town. Tho two toamB will play again next Tuosdny night, nt which tlmo nn oven J more oxcltlng gnmo Is promised. Tho Ilnoup In last night's game fol lews: FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider 1'axtinc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. An a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities arc extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co., Doston. Mass. o IS A LOGGING ROAD A COMMON CARRIER? X60 I . t ttreW ity mmeBfiHReV It bHsbb?3i1bMbH hosthttcr's stomach bittcrs lias bxu pro lug fur n;l)tsira Us wonderful abtl- TO HU.STOIUC TDK AITHTITIC TO AID DIGESTION TO OPKX CI.OGGKD ROWING TO RKLIKYR (MIAMI1) TO I IRK SICK HUADACIIlt if u suffer from any of thee allmeaU) we urge ou (o voiunieuco taking tho Hitter nt onoe. De lay only makes your condition worse and so mush harder to euro. You'll find It the best stomach medicine you have ovor taken, nnd that It also cure and prevents Poor Appvtito, Roli'lilng, Sour Rls. logs, Heartburn, tutlvencs, IuilU Utlon, D)i.pcivsla, Fcitwlo Ills, Colds Chills anil Malaria. 1-Vrcr ami Amo. Is also a splendid medtclno to strengthen tho KhI and InHrw, tho most doltcato system belug ablo to retain It Insist on haTing Mo4ct. trs.. it Is aotijr tr. Content Ion In Complaint Filed With Rnllrond Coiiimlsslou, Astoria, April 12. (Special) Samuel Council, prosldont nnd man ager of tho Northwost Door Com pany, ot Portlnnd, hns sent n formal protost to tho State Railroad Com mission, now In session nt Snlom, ugnlnst tho Donson logging rond. 11 outlines grievances ngalnst tho ronl which, ho claims, linvo boon of 19 months' standing, and from which he has been unable to secure any relief, though ho has tried repoatedly. Counell owns a sawmill about four miles from Clntskaule, nnd quite a ilarge tract of timber land In tho vl elulty. The finished output ot this I mill furnishes the material for the Northwest Door Company, on the Uast Side, but Connell says he has been unable to operate his road be cause the Densou road litis refused to haul the product from the mill to Clntskaule, where the A. & C. road would pick up the haul nnd deliver at the door ot the factory in Port land. Connell, In his complaint, state i thnt the road has continually refusal to, move his lumber for 15 months, although the A. & C. road has prom ised to furnish the ears. It Is under stood that the Denson road claims that It Is a private concern, and doe- not have to abide by the mandates of the railroad commission, as the reg ular common carriers do, but Con uell. on the other baud, Insists that the tariff schedules ot the Denson road are tiled with the Southern Pa cllle and the O. It. & N. ami tho Northern Pacltle, and that It Is, there fore, to be classed as a common car rler. and under the Jurisdiction of the state commission. Pigeon Wings. Moyor Hhodos llayoa Damon Hollo f c g g High Rollors. Hargrovo Slmonton Dnshor Putnam Cross OIlcinls llolmnn nnd Coiomnn. Is acknowledged to be the most suc cessful remedy in tho country for thoso painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 30 years it has been curing Femalo Complaints, such ns Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and .consequent Spinal Weakness, Backuche, nnd is peculiarly adapted to tho Change of Life. uccorus iiuy uiub n nas cured u uu E. PfNvtS--' more cases of Femalo Ills than any other ' "M Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable (vL '"""foin, Tumors at an early ntngo of development nlJ3IssolT" ai ,w naln.witcrht. and headnehn nr..l ;...., "rag(rlDpSn..i W . JlTiOT1 - PalnfrCZf 7nidiu;rnfcr nndwnnttoboloftalono" feeling. Irritabiml?16 tatude. "SSfc Flatulenev. Melancholia or StS'.tm .-? .UL7.' Nenr'neSlJ3!i,v femalo weakness or some organic derangement sure,ndiS For Kirlnov Rnmn n nlo lii B; .?' w Compound Is a most excellent remedy. S ' Pinkll!Ua'Vef,tK, Mrs. PInkhatn's Standing Invitation to W. write M PinTdVam;LynnTMa8TfordCvTcc l&$ W to who has been advising sick women free of chawe f!?1 Pbu years, and before that she assisted her mothcr-fr i,,'? ? tmtr In ndvlslng. Thus she is well qualified to guide aTcKi lien I th. Hor advice is free and always helpful. Www .lullii Romalue Co. Julia Romnlno Co., which opens nt' the Kllngor Grnnd thontro noxt Mon day night, April IGth, is a well known organization, which hns toured tho country for tho past throo years. Miss Romnlno Is vory well known to thentro-goors, ns sho hng starred In ovory city of noto In thlv country. Sho wns n mombor of tho onco famous Columbia Thontro Stock Co., of Portland. MIbs Romnlno has for her stngo director tho well-known author-actor, Mr. Tom Fitch, cousin of tho famous Clydo Fitch. Tho Ju lia Ronmlne Co. opon In Mr. Fltch'u host piny, "Roaplng tho Harvost." All Salem pooplo should soo thh beautiful play, which opons at tho Kllnger Grand next Monday, April l.'th. Hnvo Portland Contract. Another Salem firm of builders hnvo a contract at Portland. Young Sz Helmroth bogin today tho erection of tho now Odd Follows' homo at tho Cnrshops, Portland. It will cost $25,-000. Don't Put Oil For tomorrow what you can do to day. If you put off buying a bottle of Bnllnrd's Snow Liniment, whon thnt pnln comos you won't havo any, buy a bottlo today. A positive curz for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts,' Sprains, Contracted Muscles, otc. T. S. Graham, Prairio Grove, Ark., writefl: "I wish to thank you for tho good rosults I received from Snow Linlmont. It positively cured mo of Rheumatism nftcr others had failed." Sold by D. J. Fry. D JSX. C3 T2.' t arfX S. . llewi ttu 4 The Kind Voa Hare Altars Bosjli Blgnatnre , of wsr S&2& M. J. Davis lr ft restenhj fa, : uiiiu on ousiness. Tho Texas Tfon(jw Cures all kidney, blilto rheumatic trouble; gold by at, gists, or two monthi' treitset mall for $1. pr. E. W. m, unvo street, Bt. Louii. Ux lor testimonials . Sold b; i urug Biore. O. C T. 0 -STEAMERS- pomoxa AM) OREG0M Hid PORTLAND M0XD.VV, ViBS DAY AND FRIDAr AT It 51., TUESDAY, THOlSDAr 11 SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M. 1 CORVALIS TUESDAT, IHnS AND SATURDAY ABOUT t P. P. M. BALDWIN, i MIm Jtnette Smith, of the stati' house force, left this morning for a visit In Portland. Better Th an Your Memory A checking account ulll keop jour buxtnohs irauMtctious nb&ulutely corrtvt. You rait rely on the rvtnl of your checking account. AMmi )ou dcairc (o refer to past transactions, n checking account (urnUlK's rvllablo ibtit easily found and complete In all details, ly by chock hi every transaction. Wo Invito your checking nccouut. Wo offer superior advantages. Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothing Mote'men are realising the importance of wearing good clothes. It is out aim to give only the best fabrics aci workmanship in oar suits. We have the finest assortment of sprffl! suits ever shown in this country and at pleasing-prices. lift III lF im $8.50 Along up to $35.00 ROBERTS Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, Ptittat E. W.HA7APf f,. I Best $3 Hat On EartB We arc in evidence witt tie & shaoes and stvles of hats ever show HT3 before. Call and see what is to be worn this seasofl. Washington Fashioned Apparel lest ittt Salem Woolen Mill Store - - . .. ''w,wiit(