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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1907)
'5i: DAILY OAPIAIj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1007. W. m. UUk c7f1eiie46&& II l ll awww NEW WAISTS Today There Is the Charm of First Choice Yesterday wo received n largo supply of tho nowost ldons in spring H and summor waists. Tlio vnluoB nro tho boat wo'vo ever Boon, nnd you'll want sovoral whon yon soo nt what small figures they're ninrlcod. 50c to $1 3.50 Dress Goods Cortalnly tho display Ih tho su perior to nny In thin section, and you needn't go no further In your Boarch for modish fabrics of tho moment, Mako your selections early wlipn tho fabrics, tho weaves, tho color combinations and tho prices nro suro to dollght you. New Spring Underwear Pine spring undorwenr that Bat iHllcs InstlnctB of roflnomont nnd good tnsto to tliolr fullost oxtont. Of tho many linos wo carry, tho famous Mcrcxlo nndorwonr Is con spicuous by Uh complotonoas and for tho beautifully flno aiinllty of tho mntorlals nnd Mulsh. All bIzob nnd wolghts. 10c to $6.00 stage, who will come from Scnttlo nnd Portland. If you want tcTiaugb you can find good reason for doing no by visiting tho Klinger. Personals c: c,i I opinio oiyis In Men's Clothing A remnrkublo flno showing of tho season's best productions. Hotter put your money Into our AH Wool Clothes You'll pay more for thorn than for tho ordinary roady-mado clothes, but you'll got really more than you pay. You'll pay for cIoIIich; you'll get HntlHfiictlon, In Ntintuco. Got thorn horo nny day; not a throud of cotton ohont In JIAHT, HCIIAKKNKU . MAD.Y Clothing for nion. Now stylos In all wnntod fabrics now ready. IH KKMNANT DAY. ...... f Short lengtiiH or soasouaoio aim uv-nri.i I OmOrrOWpondabla goods nt PRICE lac CITY NEWS A Collection of liupottaiit l'aro graphs for Your ConsldU'rutloH. COUl'OX. It returned to Qarnott Cnndy Factory, Htato stroot, Is good for Co In trndo on ovory 2Go purchnso. A Mlwdonnry Mu'tlng Tho Missionary soololy of tho First Christian church will hold n mooting nnd social Friday nftornoou nt 2 o'clock nt tho homo of Snrnh Jonas, 470 Snmmor utroot. A cordial in vitation Is given to all Indloa of tho city to attend. Tho Lnut Hull Baturday, April liall. 13th, at Tioga l-O-Dt Tioga Dnnotv Baturday, April 13th. tho soason. Missionary Horloty .Mewtlng Tho Woman's Missionary Hocloty of tho First I'rimhytorlnn church will moot nt tho homo of My. J. 1. Frlx xoll, No. 2-18 Bummor strtot, on Fri day, April 13, ut 2:30 p. in. All momburu and friends uro aordlalty invited. Tho Mnuo Of our ltuok nuiKW l known throughout the laud. Clt a lliiaU range for thorough uattofnotlon. Hu ctal bargains this wk. Ifciiy turuu. Duron & Hamlllon. One-Half the World Var glniHOS, but not lmlf of that half wonr tha right glnwuw. Th wrong glatNo nro often wora than none; they nr a consUuit strain and a norinnnent Injury to tho oyoa. Only eclontltlo xamlnutlon c-nn dotarmltu what n1iho your oyo roqnlra, you can't toll by trying on glnssos. Ho on tho twfo side; lot uur on tlolan give your uyo oareful tumula ntlon. It doosn't cost anything ho can tell you Just what you uoed dolayi aro clangorous. Our prlcoa nr roa onnbl, and wo guarantee eatUfno Uon. HKHMAX AV, ItAlUt, OntoiueUst AT BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Stated UtMrtyStS. Tho Inst of 1-9-nt Uiibh(r Tire Now rubbor tiros mako a now bug gy. Wo havo n largo varloty of now tiros on hand, thoroforo wo can ro pair your buggy with any kind of tlr s you llko, Our prices nro roa souablo. Ira Jorgonson, 1G0 High street. ltungo Hpi-clal-r- CouttnuoB this wook. Kvory rnngo sold this wook unrrlos with It a froo sot of dlshos, cooking utonulls or a household tronsuro. Duron & Ham lltou. Inventory Taken 0. W. Iluusakor, M. MalClnnuy and D. 12. Hobortsnn havo, appraised tho property of tho John Vaughn, deooasod, ostato nt I072.40. Another Carload of llnrmt William Sklpton nnd Tom Corne ll its returned Inst night from oast of tho mountains with u carload of horsw. Thwy sold five at Portland to Wm. Frnslar, and tho rout ar ut tho Hklpton barn on South Commer olnl Htruat for snlo. Soma line mnrwi In tho buuoh. A Little Down and a llttg aoh wtwk pnyt for n Duck rang. Pros dhtlia or uttmathi thin wk with ran km. Dtirvn & llatiitltou. Miulo a Cltmuiip PrMlt iMpoetor Armett-OHg mhiU n raid uh hh old orolmrd InttnUtl with Shu Jos mhIw in tho seventh wrwI this meiHlmc. It was part of the old Rt Who, owned by u uoh rwldont, uri) Ihn tree were dug up and burned root and Uraneh. This Is horplo trHtmaHt, and ukaws that the mwa ru being enfaroeil lu a fearlose lunnuar. ltvury lliigt You buy of ua this wk carries with It n prUe of IS lu dishes or cooking utensils or furniture, It you want It. Duron & Hamilton. The Kiitgvr - Vaudeville holds tho boards nt Sa lotus popular little thentro and Is attracting good, hnusos, tho change from melodraniA being ouo thoatro goors havo asked. There Is some vory clever work done, and the stunts, whllo at tlrat somewhat orude, aro running smoothly now, and thoy aro cortalnly ' ludloroui enough to mako a three thousand- yc-ir-old mummy wake up and laugh. Sunday tboro will bo a complete change of program, and number of irt-cU8 artist of tho vaudeville Attorney J. A. Duchannn, of Rose burg, Is tho guests of his cpusln, Mrs. C. II. Walker, of tho Salem Dye Works. Miss Fawk nrrlved In the city to day from Salem bn n vlult to hor sis tor, Mrs. C. 8. Knight. Tho Dalles Chronicle. It. 0. Hunter returned today from a business trip up tho valley. Mrs. N. H. Looncy Is vlBltlng In tho city. DnndmaBtcr II. N. Stoudehmeyor nnd LcRoy Gesnor loft this morning for a day's fishing trip. Mrs. Fred Thompson, who bn& boon visiting Mrs. Dexter Flold nnd family, of this city, left this city, (loft this morning for tholr homo In Seattle. Hon. W. C. llnwloy loft today for Portland on business. County Clerk Allen wont to Wood burn this morning to bo n witness In tho declaration suit which Is being held thoro today. Mrs. A. V. McCarthy Is visiting hor dnughtor, Mrs. Wlnnlo Cllno, In Portland. Mrs. William Fortmlllor, dnugh tor, Greta, and son, Edward, of Al bany, nro tho guests of Salem friends Mrs. Ralph Fisher, who has "been visiting Salem rolatlvcs and friends, hns returned to hor homo In Port laud. Mrs. F. W. Sponcer and Miss Flor onco Alkon left this morning for Portland, whoro thoy will visit for u fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Clinrlos K. Spnuld Ing loft today for n short visit In Portland. Mrs. Spauldlng enmo up from tho metropolis Inst ovonlng. Aldermen Rndaltff nnd J. F. Goodo loft this morning for Portlnnd to Inspect tho new chemical 11 ro on glno. Thoy woro accompanied by Wnltor Low. Recordor Dnvo Drngor loft todny for Portland on business. Superintendent and Mrs. James loft this morning for Portlnnd on business. Mini Alta Gibson hns gono to I'rlond, Oregon, whoro sho has boon engaged as teacher In tho public schools, Attornoys John Carson nnd John McNnry loft this morning for Wood hum, whoro thoy havo legal business. T. J. Geer, who has boon In tho city on business, returned to his homo In London, Orogon, todny. William S. Mitchell loft this morn ing for Stnyton on buslnoBS. J. W. Roynolds and Wllfrod Enro, of Portland, loft this morning for u visit In Lobnnon. William Mlllsap, of Lebanon, at tar having visited his brother, L. A. Dyrd, returned to htu homo title morning to his homo. Mr. Dyrd is In n critical condition, and grave fours aro ontortnluod as to his re covery. C. A. Sohlbrodo and dnughtor aro ttxpoctod to nrrlvo In the city todny to visit George S. Downing nnd fam ily. Mr. Sohlbrodo Is a son-in-law of Mr. Downing, nnd rosldoa nt Marshtlold. His daughter rocontly arrived from Alaska. Mrs. M. A. Longnworth, who hns beon visiting Mrs. M. C. Alford, of this city, returned today to her hom In Jefferson. Mm. 0. A. Dort went to Tumor this morning to visit friends. Mia Ida Porter 1s the xuest of friends lu Tumor. Mm. C. I Watt, who has been lu Watftelnxton la the Interest of th United Artisans, arrhtnl In Portlnnd last evening, and v. Ill return home tomorrow. I WE HAVE NO EXCUSE TO OfiS? I AS TO THE QUALITIES OF ANY WHEEL WE HAVE SOLD IX Tim rapii xu ux iuuw xim ij'oj v.' j-awuvo tiau tni$ TODAY BETTER THAN EVER ASK THE RIDERS. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF THEM n EVER ON THE INCREASE. ' OUR PRICES $25, $30, $35 $40. and $45 OLD WHEELS TAKEN IN EX CHANGE. NEW WHEELS SOLD ON EASY INSTALLMENTS. Bear In Mi WE HAVE THE MOST COM PLETE REPAID SHOP IN THE CITY, AND CARRY ALL MAKES OF I.Mm, DIMS, COASTED DRAKE'! A-'D ALL KINDS OF FDAME IlKI'AIHS. WHEN IN NEED CALL MAIN 30. Our Other Lines GUNS AMMUNITION, DASEDALL AND LAWN TENNIS SUPPLIES. FDFF THIS WEEK With all bicycle repairs and bicycle sundries, a nickle plaited 50c BI CYCLE WALL RACK ytk.&hifmi CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for tho Public Schools and tho Family Circle. Chns. W. Moore, of Grass Valley, nnd Louis H. Arnrson, of Hood RIv or, havo boon nnpolntcd to tho lnnd olllco nt Tho Dalles. Tho astronomor of Columbia Uni versity, Now York, has found a now spot on tho sun, but It Is not bo llovod It will causo nny serious nt mosphorlc disturbances. Frnnols J. Houoy, who Is conduct ing tho conspiracy vasos In Snn Franolsco, was oxpollod for fighting nt Dorkoloy, nnd has now boon grnntod n dagroo by thut unlvorslty for his ability. Tho ClackamtiB county Grange ro fused to rocodo from Its dotormina tlon to tnka a rotorondum voto on tho State Unlvorslty blonnlnl appro priation of $2G0,000. Tho Union PaoIIlc rnllroad Is plan ning n two-mllo tunnol to ontor tho city of Tncomn. Secrotnry of War Taft recom mends that Cuba wait nnothor year boforo holding n goncral election. JIo believes it would bo duugorous nt proBont. Figures published In tho Orcgonlan show that $100,305 has boon saved In tho last five years on tho public school books used by tho children of this state, as compared with prises paid formerly. o eureka: Yes, I Havo Found It nt Last. Found what? Why that Chambor lnln's Salvo cures cczoma and all mnunor of Itching of tho skin. I havo boon afflicted for many years with skin doases. I had te got up three or four times overy night nnd wash with gold water to allay tho terrible Itching, but slnco using this salvo In Docomber, 1005, tho Itching has stopped and has not troubled mo; Eldor John T. Ongloy, Rootvlllo, Pa. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug storo o Mltchell-FU'lclior. A marrlago llconso hns been Issued to Leo J. MItcholl, of Salem, ngod 24, nnd Elmn Fletcher, of Salem; II. W. Molr acting as wltnoss. OASTOXtX Bentl6 Slgsfttaxo Ifea Kwd vi Hare Ahvars Becrjfl A4 eiminMtmitHi E. 0. MOLL'S COUNTRY CntHD HAMS AND DA CON. We have Just received from him au extra select lot of small hums that weigh from ten to twelve pounds. The breakfas baoon la the very best we havo over had lu stock. You -will t -.. .wc.vv ,, ;v(4l VIUC4 W X for somo of this noa mtuit v. 2 X will havo our regular supply of i tne following vegetables. ASAPARAGUS RHKlMUim IiHTXlX'K YOl'NO ONIONS CARRAOU AND tJHKKNS aagos. bananas and applos U tne very host. MOID GHOCmtY CO. 456 StatO St. Phone 18 Bicycle Tires A new shipment of G. & J. and other well known tires has Jast arrived. All fresh and new. Don't bay last year's tires Get this month's goods. BICYCLES THAT I HANDLE The Famous Racycle The well known Yale The Poptila Cornell The Economical Princeton Also t epaif ing of all kinds For Chemical Engine. Chairman Low, of the city frtul water committee, hai bid Lit i mltteo In conference for mcnlM considering different tjrpti o( i Icnl engines. This city hi itM mined to add a chemical to Its' ment. Aldermen Loir tM nro In Portland tods; to cIon I deal. '-0 IIOUN'. SMITH. To Mr. and Mn. Smith, April 10. 1J0T, tt homo on Summer street, so. Dr. Smith woro that "bits l gar on me" smllo among his frte today. 0"' DIKIK OLIVER. At the famll koa Liberty. Wednetdsy. Apm i 1007. Morton Oliver. Wut nf fr. nnd Mrs. JsmM 08'' agod 3 years and 10 nostU croup. i Tho funeral too pl teWj 11 o'clock, and Interment ? at I. O. O. P. cometerr ..MONEY TO LOM THOMAS fc.i Over Ladd & Bmh'i Bank. S Norwich Unloa Fkc insaruw' ' .. .f...uth Reiliesl'' OmcewlthWm.BroC6'J 129 Commercial iib" NEW TODAYS Best Work at Honest Pticzs, Ftank J. Moore Do't foegti Um aw N. 447 Ct S4Mt Aro You in Hsi "fil ,DB to ay MM Vj,, B81. my "Srsjt and baKery w "" aH .ti worth. This U w live.BioneymailBJp",ft4s lease for setea J- J proprietor. S j4H e ' . -"ZZZril ' Girl W"i-PM4t,,fte " ". TAjt norotCeari. 44-j J"TTt It For S'7,lf at Capital Sa1; !!5,4, . Sale T "?ZZt " i hens .! n For Sale T j f?, choice of S5 4 ora 51- inimumntl