IMILX CAPJTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEOON THURSDAY, APIIHi 11, 1007. 6 BARGAINS In Real Estate Farms and city proporty for salo toy Itadcllft Co. C-room tnodorn cottage, on car lino. This proporty ia offered at a sacrifice. Prico $1050. Easy terms Modern cottago of flvo rooms, all 'Plumbed and wired, good woodshed got 75 by 150 feet, septic tank. Prlco $1000. Nino room hotiso, plastered, clos oto, pantty, basement, soptlc tank, barn 2Gx34, woodsbod 18x22. This placo Is throo blocks from court faouso. Prlco $2C25. 3 acres In city limits, all In Logan berries, Prlco $1200. Easy terms. 2 ncros, now C-room houso, now bnrn, two blockn from carllne, good fruit. Prlco $13G0. 10 ncros nil in cultivation, good C room hotiso, barn, woodshed, mixed fruit, woll fenced, 2Vi miles from Salem. Prlco $1800. ilVi acres, 1 V4 In fruit good houso, woodBhod and chicken houso, IVt in I lea from Salem. Prlco $1200 'Ono-half cash balance at G per cont Interest, 80 ncros, 07 in cultivation, balanco tpneturo, C-room houso, burn nnd other out-bulldlngs, good young fruit all crop, Implomonta nnd stock goos -with placo, 4 mllos from Salem. d'rlco $8000. This 80 ncrcs has as tgood laud an any In Marlon county and purohnsorB can got good terms. 73 acros all In cultivation, largo mails, stook and oropn goes with woven wlro, good woll nnd windmill, -water forcod through houso nnd 'barn, ono mllu from Shaw, nil linplo wonts, stalk nnd crop goos with laco. Prico $0000. G5 ncros, 3G In cultivation, bnl Tinco pasturo, now 7-room houso, largo barn, 18 ncros of hops, 7 mllos from Salem. This Is ono of IIowoll Prairies bost furm. Prlco $110 per aero, ronsonablo tonus. Sovornl houses for ront. Call If you want nnythlng In Inauranco or notary work. A Nurse's Story If you are a sufferer from headache, neuralgia, or pain from any cause you should read tho fol lowing letter from a nurse. "For somi'tlmo I havo felt It my duty to vrlto you. I wan lmvlns ny doctor twiro evory wwk for liuml ncho. All lio Old for mo wan to Klva rpmothlng' to cimo tlio pnln. Honie tlmen tlio pain win bo actvera that I roul'l not opeak, and member of my family atooU over mo nnd pavo mo meillolno every flftcon mlnutcn until 1 wnn rcllovd. A namplo of Dr. Allien' Antl-Tnln Pills foil Into my Imndu, t rend tlio circular vory carefully, nnd found my cniia described oxnotly. Tlio noxt tlmo my linnd liejmn to ncho I took tlio I'nln I'llln according to di rections and I felt I was Kcttlntr licttcr, no I nent to tho druggist for n. box and took tlvcm until I wan no much bettor that I wan about tho houso all tho afternoon. I havo not hnd a doctor for headache since When ho mot mo Bomotlrao after ho wanted to know how I wns, nnd I told him what 1 hnd done, and ho replied: "ir you havo found anything that will help you, ntlck to It;" and no I havo. IJofnfr a nurao I hitvo recommended thorn to a great many grateful people. Ono enso I will mention. I miw a dixi tor ko to a neighbor ovcry wcok for month bocnuno nho hnd nuch awful liendachci; but for a long tlmo I dared not nugueat anything to her. Ono day I mot hor nnd I gava her n half a box of Antl-I'aln Pills nnd rho used thorn and haH had no doctor nlnco. Pho iiays thoy nro a great bleofilng to her nnd ald. "why didn't you toll mo nbout them before" x could tell you of many nlmllnr enncn." M1SH JOSBl'HINR UOIIN. 170 W. Goneeo St, Auburn, N. X. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are eold by rour druggist, who will quarantea that ha first package will benefit. If It falls, ha will return your money. 25 doses, 23 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RADCLIFF CO., (Reliable Agents Ytoom 11, Mooreo block, Snlom, Oro. Itoforonco, any bnnlc or buslnosr houso In tho olty of Snlom. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR 17111 treat you with Oriental herbs And euro any disease without operation or pain, Dr, Kum is known everywhere Id Balctu, nnd has cured many prominont people hero. Ho has llvml In Bnlem for SO yuraa, nud can be trusted. 1U uioa uifciiy tuediolnea unknown to white doctors, nnd with them can eurt catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheu euatlsai, stomach, liver, and kidney dls aa. Dr. Kum makos n specialty of drops; nnd feinalo troubles. Ills remedies euro private dlsoaaei when everything olae falls. Ho has hundreds of t4tl menials, nud give consultation free. Prices for medicines very moderate. Perrons in tho country can write for blank. Bo ml stamp. If you want some nxtra flno tea, jwt H from u. DR. KUM BOW WO CO., 187 Bouth High street, Salem, Of ego a. I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS.I X (in t u ttu M . nuw, KtHiwtnu, NIVU KSONM 10 fill. 4.i .u. MINh)hi .i mllkMmilliVtNMM WmMl Mill feAl. . . M II. . . .. .... 1 . k... U. H , -iiiw ,w' " "'""' I.!?.'!1!'0 t"O'0- co...i T4. Uw.un r. Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C, Stone I KTlL'Ii AKTKIt FHAUHS. Lutut ThlfvON Will Kiijoy No Free (ldiu. That tho land frnud cands will bo vigorously prosooutcd by tho now coitimlBBlonor of the Ronurnl land of flco Is shown by tho Washington dls luttch, which Hays: CoiniulBslnnor It. A. HalllnRor, of tho Konorul land ofllco, today Usuod a vlh'oroiiH statoutont Bhowlng that all land fraud casos will bo, proso cutod with all iiosstblo thorotiRlinoss until tho looting of tho public do mains mndo n thing of tho past. Ho has dovolopod n comiirohonBlvo plan, Involving tho Hystomntlzlng of tho work of tho special ngautu, by dlHtraatlng tho ontlro country umlur clilufH who tuny bt oxpsutod to prouo unto rolonlloHsly nil who havo In tlio past or will In tho future attempt to stonl InndH bolonglng to tho pooplo. Concentration Is tho koynotu of tho now plnn. Men will lit kept whore they aro most needed. He says It Is his Intention to use u force of HKeuts to keep the tlejmrtmeut hU vlsd promptly of the principal land frauds nnd secure eouvletlous when ever poeelhle. It Is also the purpose to protect the bona tide settler nnd entrymeu In nil tholr rlghU. The prlncliwl frauds have been In tho local Umber nnd arid lauds nnd be will guard the gov vrmnent'H Interest in referonoe to theee claaaee especially. However. KgrlcullurHl lHiidu wtll also be under n strict urvelllHiice. Harry II. SchwnrU ha been made rhief of the sieclal service division with the following KMlgHHteuts to districts: Oregon nnd pnrt of WhsIi lURtou, chief of division. ISdwurd W. Dlrktou. l'o rt la nil; California nnd Nvndn, Louis 11. Olavls. OakUnd: Washington nnd Idnho, V. W. Oood win. 8Hikun; Montana. Louis I,. Hpurk. Helena: Alaska. H. K. Love, Juuenu. Tho Tuxna Wouner. Cures all kldnoy, bladdor and rlioumntlo troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months treatment by malt for II. Dr. B. W. Hall, 3928 Ollvo street, St. Louis. Mo. Sond for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug store, dw-lyr Ht)MHee-WI-J I FtHM-M-)? I I I freffM-fW BRIEF HISTORY OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING .JMhHM--HM aH--MMrO-f4-i-HMHl HHWWWfti lights In Its Importnnt light house9 on tho straits of Dover in 1S58 and 18C2 and similar work was dono af LnHove, Franco in 18C3. tru,- nnrlif ivrn-tr In oloptrln 1 lfrir tho actual history of electric lighting, ! wn- nf)nnmil,u,1P(1 ,lv ,Pfint ..-. n.t 9 m mm 41., imlitln la wr nntm f 1 BJ JUi U t(IU IUU1V l& .UUW1I,UU, A hundred years ngo In experi menting with electrical phenomena many luminous effects wore noted by the oxporlmcntors nnd physicists, but sSrLl&rLL. s y r learns ,,tw mb we: S MEMS p'1!; s y y ardwood Floors 7y In Cans ' j oprwa mctn on our ou 4 ISwj-BK fvy'tiwyiM'vi wii, .,ajf ftors Hh a good rruh, ind hsc an UD-lo-diie recemion riwun ihaiB.Kr.vtan htll tr rMrlM" Nilural wood finlih, toujjh, cltitlc tod durWs Varno-Lac exactly Imitate all fine wood, no mtntrbow old ho lurfttf. to U mined, The only irtlclc mid that rccutres eo tltll w produce so4 result. AnoiJ dlvjpolntmctw by rtjsmrtH to ak for Varno-Lac. " Ai hit UMPVwOitriihS, GEO- B. JACOB KHOXT AKl VIXH .TRlCerTi, t mm AUsMV dates bnck only to 1875. In this brief spnee of time tho Industry lias developed and grown beyond Imagi nation until today there aro thott snndft of conlral stntlons and isolatod plants nnd millions of lamps scatter ed ,pvor tho cntlro onrth. Tho Oon crnl Electric compnny nlone has placed 170,000,000 Incandescent and nearly n million arc Inmps on the market slnco 1880, tho year Thomas A. Edison lnvonted tho first success ful inenndoscont lump, nud now manufactures Incandescent Inmps at tho rato of 21,000,000 a year. Tlio Arc Lniup. Sir Humphroy Davy, of London, was tho first to oxpcrlmont In elec tric lighting with any deflnlto object In view. Tho dynamo was then un dreamed of and chemical batteries wero In gonornl uso. Davy construct ed a bnttory of 2000 colls, tho lurgost thon in uso, nnd In 1809-10 demon stnrtod tho first crudo nro light. He attached pieces of charcoal to tho lormlnuls of his bnttorlcs and when thoso crudo carbons woro brought near to ouch othor a bright spark was producod and moro than half tho volumo of chnrconl becamo Ignited to whItoncs3 nnd by with drawing tho polntB from each, othor n constant dlsohargo took placo through tho hoatod air producing n most brilliant nscondlng arc of light. Kor ovor thirty yonrs, or until tho discovory of tho dynamo, tho arc light thus dOBcrlbod was an oxpon hIvo oxporlmont. In 18-14 a French sclontlBt hit upon tho plnn of using tho doposlts In gns retorts In placo of tho charcoal nnd producod tho first Btcndy nnd continuous light. In tho meantime Prof. U. A. Stlllmnn, Jr., and Dr. II. Goodo woro oxporl montlng nlong tho snmo lines In tho laboratory nt Ynlo collogo. About tho snmo tlmo Foucault'a light was oxhlbltcd publicly In Paris and Its availability was being dls ousHod for lighting Btreots nnd build ings. Tho fact that bnttorloe woro still In uso and that tho lampB hnd to bo regulated by hnud dlscourngod the plnn of gonornl uso. Tho first pntctlonl use of tho now Illumina tion was during tho proeuntntlon of the opera "Mosee," nt tho Pnrls opera house when tin "uleotrlo sun" shed Its beams upon tlio stage. Tho llret out of doors Humiliation was whon Deleutl plttoed n lamp-on tho kuetMi of tho stutula of a woman typifying the town of Lille. Othor InmiHi were won on oxhlbltlon In I'nrls. Tho first publlo oxhlbltlon of lumps In Unglnnd wits mndo by B. B. StUe, nt Sunderland, and during tho next four years other oxhlbtlons fol lowed. In IS IB Thornus Wright, of London, devised n lamp In which tho carbons were automatically ndjustod. In his iHtuue the carbons woro out In dlaoe and revolve! slowly by clock work na fast as the carbon was oon turned. Wright's adjusting Invention wnt followed by thoee of Strttlthe In 1S47. Kouetuilt In ISIS. Serrln In lSft7 and Duboncq In 1S&S. Tho last imiutHl made what Is spoken or as the Hret real are lamp. In 1S66 ln CatHHtitie and Tktere. of France, brought out tholr first regulator pat euts whlah omuloyetl a column of meroury and two eetwrate olectro magnets to life and feivl the onr bona. Willi this apparatus they light ed the Qual dee CeleUn, at lj-oim. la JHae of that year. Hotter oar Uon was mhih ettUetttuted and the nunllty of light Improved, subjeot to tho llwlUOona of batteries as u oure of onrrent. The wodern period of arc lighting depedlft NIMH dyaaiuo as source of carrHt la ereallUstl to the work of X. T. Orawme, a Belgian Inven tor, reeJdiHg la Pnrt. HU llrst put ut was take out la 1ST0 and his Mret dytttUMo elect rl machine was auUmltled to the Aeadeui) ot Scumcs In 1ST!. A great tribute U ild to William Stemaaa atMl sir Charles WhenUtone, of Klaisd. for their lmpro-miU of the dynamo la 1SG7 by doing away with the noxmanent inagnots nnd using u their stivad eolU of wlra about as soft as Iron coro. Somo of the credit is also duo Prof. Moaoa G. Farmer, a distinguish ed American ( of SaUta, Mas., who in I860 obtained tho sacio results. Thus boforo the day ot Qramm? others had boon busy In tho ovolu tloa ot dynamo electric machinery and aro lighting had bwm actually acconsplUhed with the older appa ratus. England adopted the new arc rent nnd altornatlng current had to wait n score of years before It could be utilized. Shortly aftor the introduction of tho Gramme machlno nnothor stop In nrc lighting was made by Jabloch koff, who In 187G patonted a simple mechanism for nrc Inmps which con sisted of two vortical sticks of car bon sepornted slightly by an Insulat ing material which wns consumed nt tho same tlmo with tho carbons. Thoso lamps woro Boon burning on tho city Btreots In Europe and this country. Tho Wannmaker Btoros In Philadelphia wero tho first to use tho lights in America. Among the American Inventors who woro working In tho Illuminat ing field wero Mossrs. Charles F Uusli nnd Edwnrd Weston. Thoy do volopod methods ot series arc light ing and their systems wero soon in general uso. Tho first Drush series arc lampB wns scattorcd In tho public saunros of Cleveland, Ohio, In 1879. Tho first contral station operating arc lamps was installed by tho Cali fornia Electric Light compnny of San Francisco in 1879. Tho successful devolopmont ot tho nrc lamp was In no small degrco tho rosult of oxporlments by William Wallnco, of Ansonln, Conn., nnd Prof. Mosos G. Fn nil or, of Snlom, Mass. At an early dnto thoso mon woro building dynnmos nnd oxperlmcnting In tho Hold of olcctrlcnl illumination. Tho Fnrmor-Wallaco dynamo was oxhlbltcd at tho Philadelphia Con tonnlnl exposition in 187G whoro it wns tho only dynamo supplying olec trlc lighting current. Mr Wallace Is crodlted with bolng tho first to uso tho round enrbon pencil still used In nrc Inmps. Tho Thomsoa-IIouston system mndo Its appearanco In 1881 nnd tho llrst 2G nrc light machines woro Boon lighting tho stroots ot cities. Slnco thon tho dovolopmont of tho nrc light by this compnny nnd Its successor tho Gonornl Electric compnny hna boon stondy until tho finished product of todny gives tho nonrost approach to sun light posslblo in artificial lighting. Tho vory latost develop ment Is tho llnmo nrc Inmp tncrons Ing tho quantity of light nnd lessen ing tho cost for curront. Tho Incandescent Lump, The commorclnl world domandoj the minute subdividing of tho elec trical curront so that lights corre sponding to gns Jots might bo usod. Such Invontors ns Swan, Lnno-Fox nnd Crooks In England, nnd Edison, llrush, Sawyer, Man, Weston nnd Mnxlm in this country dovotod tholr oxcluslvo offorts to solvo tho prob lem. As early as 1S41 Do Moleyns pntented In England an electrical Use A NEW PERFECIION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Slove Because it's clean. Because it's econom ical. ' Because it save 3 time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame can be regulated instantly. Because it will not overheat your kitchen Because it is better than the coal or wood 6tow Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's. or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. nr r uCWCafY'lJf0rltsuS cannot b eqishj for Its llrUv. ... Bteadv lloht. nlmnl ,.2 . ' ' j it.7?.". . f '." -""ran ... ..... , . u UUS01BW ay. MtkaMd with latest Improved burner. Made of brass UkmZ and beautifully nickeled. An ornament tfraarfsT whether library, dining-room, parloror bedroom. IwJ lamp warranted. Write to our nearest apesCTll I your dealer's. Jm STANDARD Oil. COMPANY Utiwiu UHATtll) 6 The A BEAUTIFUL PACE Sond Ktnmp for Particulars nnd Testimonials of tho rvmedy thnt clwiw tlio Complexion, ltemovcs Skin IniporfVctloiiN, Makes Xciv lllood and Improves tho Health. If you tnko BEAUTYSKIN iHiuollclul rvsults ro gunnuiteod or iiionoy rofundod. CIIICIIISTBIl CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pn. Inmp of crudo form in which, a plati num wlro enclosed in nn exhausted globo wns rondorod Incandescent by nn electric curront, A few yonrs lntor, Starr ot Cincinnati, devised another inenndoscont lamp consltlng of thin strips of graphlto oncloscd In nn exhausted globo. No pormanent lamps results from this early work and tho plan wns declared Impracticable by somo ot tho vory host authorities up to tho vory moment, 25 years ago, whon Thomns A. Edison produced tho first working Inmps. Edison's oxporlmont bognn in 1877 whon ho cnrgoulzcd strips of paper for Incandescent lamps. When thoso fllamonts wero put In a vncumn In n glass globo an.' plncod In circuit, thoy gavo n nlco light but would Inst only for nn hour or two. Othor carbons mndo from thrond, wood nnd broom corn wore trlod, but with no bottor rosults Whllo hunting for a suitable medium Mr. Edison's nttontlon wnB attrncted to a palm loaf fan nnd cutting strips from tho bamboo rim ho cnrbonlzod them nnd put thorn Into his lamps He wns hnpplly surprised to find tha filaments woro many times better than any ho hnd trlod boforo. Until 1894 nil Cho Edison fllamonts woro mndo from bamboo. In thnt yoar celluloso enmo to bo almost wholly used. Slnco then tho Invontors have beon busy trying to product flla monts of a groutor efficiency which would glvo tho samo amount of light nt a lossor cost. Tho rosult Is the new tantalum nnd tungston lamps placed on tho mnrkot by tho General Blectrlc company within tho last few ! months. Tho filaments In these j lamps aro made of rnro mlnernls nnd reduce tho cost of Incandescent light ing fully n third. Thompson's Rose Nicotine Kills plant Insects on tut fruit trcos, vinos or re(tu& and VERMIS On human body, dogs ctu, Ini and in tho home. Colorless, Odorlas, StibkNl Prlco, 25 and 50 end it Fitvs Diura STORE, &,( Hoadqttartors for til Vik spray materials. Ask for booklet, "How to 1 Plant Insects and Yerels1 SrS33DCSi Tjflijflnljf ItilTVilJjkUfl mswg. People Who Arc "Meat Wise." feiliE -o Ba.-s tbs a Ihtt Kifid Yw Han Anwiq Bga ""zryz &AsA ct TXttntXl vosmoUfM not KlMt"'1 Oltw'"'( Pnf. i srJ! r f "Vi-iy Krtedirecuttoart-; i 4aii "' .1 ' of man or !' .jwaH ( Clinton, lo-,rp" r .tit jetntr G. rntaamO. HW.V.Off. Salr. Ot. ROSTEIN & GREENBADI PRICES ON STAPH llAVIXO BOUGHT 1IH.V llKTOKK T,,f Tjnl VAXCKS IX AMIOIiHSALK COST, Wfc """ ALT FOIOIEU IMtlGES. Will appreciate at onco tho fine grada ot meat we sell Choice cuts of Ueof. Lamb. Veal. Mutton and Pork for roasting. Delicious, Juicy, tender Steaks, excellent Cutlets and Chops, etc. and our prices aro always very reasonable. f. A. Kurtz Pfcw205 C(MH.St Heavy twilled shirting. .. .10a yd Calico, large lino So yd Dress gingham S 1-3b yd Cheeked linen toweling. .. .9c yd Heavy Daisy cloth loo yd Fancy lawn 5, 10, 12o yd Best unbleached muslin S l-3o yd Medium weight muslin.. 7 Ko yd Beet bleached tuuslln .... 10a yd Medium weight muslin . . 7 f4 o yd Standard oil cloth IScyd Wldo corset cover omby. ,25c yd Fancy cotton suiting ....lOcyd Turkish towels unblea , . 10c eaoh Turkish towels largo blea 15c each 2 dor. stood nearl buttons . . . 5c ROSTEIN & 240-248 CmwwcM St .ikM Chtidrea aw jS Chlldrea"shWlfy,Ht na " . .. t II is ead ea .', itf at $ j 0 r"" m n J H!rs- l.n ww Boy.'-"... I iREENBMlH 5 m U,i