Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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The Old White Corner
-e cr inW THAT fiftOn
MO pkiu: ou -"" '.." .sir
Cnui i uulji i jvj TTIIII II
,. i. true wo sell on n closo margin in nnd expect to build up a big
U .?.., aniline VOU Often. But tho loWPKt nrlpn nt whlnh vnn
jolnfss t . Btoro carries with It merchandise of merit, wo
loT.. .oil anr other kind, no matter how great tho financial gain
hV And you got actual valuo for your money if you buy tho
St eSnilve z" m our hoU80,
$3 to $20
Now York's beat val
ues in neatly-styled
skirts, volloB, Pan
amas, ccrges, broad
Jlotus, strlped.chockod
nnd plaid novelties. It
is a raro collection
thnt overy lndy should
n Shirt Waist tSltoe. Waists como and go horo llko chnff boforo
trsle. Nearly every day a fow dozen now ones arrive. Somo beau-
Ufa lingerie waists SS-iSS to 3U-50-
Beautiful Lawn Suits SI -00 to S3. 00-
Theatres and Entertainments
- at Sa em
Tonight Dark.
Wednesday, April 17: "Original
ile Jubilee Singers."
Saturday, April 20 Florcnco Galo.
Thursday, April 2G: Raymond
Etctcock, In "Tho Ynnkco Tourist."
This week Majestic Vaudevlllo
.N'eit week Julln Romaln Stock
Coming Attractions.
"Trial by Jury," by tho Salem
Fib School students.
Bird Island," by High School
alor class,
Auditorium Holler Rink.
Tonljht Basketball gamo on
la or.rniug, afternoon nnd ov-
Wsr sessions
Pour Klinu--
ril il NorrU & Rowo's Doc
Pout Show
ft Horc Editor at tho Opcrn.
ft horse editor enjoyed tho sea-
Mi elasslral music at tho Grand
rt Houso last night. Thoro was
1 Peat deal of good racing and fast
; Wb on tho stage with tho hand
ifo la the grand atand all the
It was nolso, nolso, noise,
about three tlmna m ,.
1 BMlO as f VCrVthlnir nlan xniii.
j. ad all the average bald-hoad
80 Wag lOOlt nf lm r.t1a
Wdii8 ears shut if ho wanted
' W n!$ Wife Tho Clrln u-nrn
Pto beho'd-prettlor without
" thO Coat II m (Ml ivnrn na
MJt UJict were pretty whon they
rtBPBtt'ler the wlr nn , ...
J "Jtrector said go. but as for
ilT. ms' that was whnt
wad was thr .. ...... ........
, yourself think. It was
worn, boom, and when wo
10 bear fine rrmau ...i.
rnout In front of thoWatori
, r and hear Olo Erlckson
T Nation army drum. Wo
know ho will lot up whon ono of tho
other performers tries to slug.
Tho horso odltor must register
ono kick too ninny fillies woro en
tered out of thoir clnss. Somo wcro
put on as spring colts thnt had not
seen tho spring for twonty years,
nnd ninny old racers woro entered as
first performnnco nnlmnls. Ono or
two of theso entrlos right off tho
fresh grass hnd string-halt, and had
not boon out to grass for sevoral gen
erations. Rut thoy could sing llko
lnrks, when thoy got n chunco, nnd
If thoro ha'd boon nny way to shut out
tho bollor-Bhop bnnd they might hnvo
been hoard by tho mngnlflcont oudl
onco. Thoro was tho usual amount
of Iovo-mnklug, whoro two parsons
pour out thoir hearts In n high koo
with thoir noses right against each
othor's fncoa that may bo tho Nw
York way on tho stage, but It Is far
from satisfactory out wost. The
baud must hnvo boon playing on tho
motor plan, with tho register sot to
sound volume, and a monkey-wrench
hung on tho snfoty valve, and thoy
woro doing doublo tlmo for doublo
pay. Anyway It wnB all bnnd, oxcopt
what you could boo with your oyos.
Jubilee Slngcrti,
Tho Williams Jubllco Slngors, of
Chicago, will glvo thoir popular con
cert tn tho Grand Opera Houso Wed
nesday ovoning, April 17th. Tho
troup will give tho first entertain
ment of tho Y. M. C. A. course for
tho purposo of adding dollars to tho
fund of tho association, as woll as
New York, April ill. Now Yerl:
had a novelty presented In a batcl.
of immigrants tho other day. Usual
ly their baggngo is a sight for tho
curious, tho odd looking bags nnd
boxes, trunks and bundles, always
attracted tho attention of thoso who
going nlong tho streets, met n drove
of tho men nnd women who struggled
along in a motloy crowd. But tho
dandy crowd camp from Naples, nnd
thoy had no sooner landed nnd start
ed for their railroad than each and
nil of them hoisted umbrellas, and
In solemn procession mndo their way
along between tho ranks of astonish
ed spectators. Whon asked what It
nil meant, they snld they saw some
nlco umbrollns In Rome nnd Naples
thnt woro very cheap, and thoy con
cluded that they would be nlco In
this country whoro they hnd heard
rain sometimes docs fall, Tho suspi
cion is, that they woro contract la
borers, and that tho contractors sup-
I piled, thorn with tho umbrellas as a
.means of Identification. Well, If
thnt was true, ho was ablo to toll
them apart without trouble, as thoy
kept qulto a distinct from tho army
Q i from other socttons.
j Tho public nro expecting much
I pleasure from tho now regulation of
tho postolllce, whoroby u person wilt
bo ablo to mall a letter by special
dollvory without buying a special de
livery Btamp, but enn mnko up tho
delivery stamp with ordinary stamps.
Tho special dollvory of lottora has
proved to bo a groat convonlonco, nnd
thousands avail thouiBolvos of tho
prlvllogo; but onch and nil of them
chnffed nt tho necosslty of sending
specially to tho poBtoftlco for tho
nocossnry stamps. Thoy had to mnko
n spcclnl Journoy to buy what wm
nocossnry to Insuro thnt Undo Sam
would sond a special messenger with
their letter. Now it enn go tho snnio
as any lottor, with tho added wings
of special mcsBongrc.
Work on tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Now York Terminal nnd tun
nols Is being ptiBhud with grcnt ra
pidity. Considerable sections of the
tunneling woro actually completed,
and there hns been another "mout
Ing" of tunnols this tlmo In Long Isl
nnd city. Tho southernmost of the
four tubos being driven from East
nvonuo undor tho Long Island pas
senger tormlnnl toward tho rlvor hns
ranched tho rlvor shaft, and Is now
connected with tho tube thnt run
out under tho wntor. Only throe or
four dnys ngo tho bondings bound In
opposlto directions undor Thirty-sec-and
stroot, Mnuhnttnn, en mo to
gothor nearly undor Third nvonuo,
so thnt thoro are continuous pnssage
from tho East rlvor to Fifth avenue
undor both Thlrty-sooond nnd Thirty-third
streets. Elghty-flvo por cont
nf tho uxonvatlon work In tho nroa
bounded by Sovonth nnd Nlneth avo
nuos nnd Thirty-first nnd Thirty
second streets, Is dono. Hotwcon
Harrison, on tho prosont main lino of
tho Pennsylvania nnd tho Rcrgon
Hill turnplko, sovernl bridges have
boon constructed. Tho ono over tho
Haokonsaek river Is nearly flnlahod.
To tho gontlo art of JIu Jltm nnd
a young woman's knowledge of how
to glvo satisfaction to thoso who at
tend tho concort. Tho program con- to apply it, Dernard niook owos tlw
Sat ,
. -- ea EYerr fmll i ,..
Ti ,Z;ofKetaB their mon-
Pet, Uhea you bu'
tZ T ,0tt 'hou,d know
ii w au right.
Vs Perfection
a ti .
.. - verett v... l .
I1 6b fc urana
slsts of Jublleo songs, plantation
songs, negro molodles, campmceting
songs, negro lullablos, negro comlo
J songs, cabin and river songs, senti
mental ballads, rng-tlmo and olasilc
selections. Tho Oregonlan says of
thern: "An audience of more than
1200 pcoplo greeted Williams' Dix
ie Jublleo Singers at tho White
Tomplo, Saturday ovoning, and from
tho great applause ovoryono was do
lighted." o
o jl. cs 'z o att rt jOl. .
Bun U ? KW i HW Wain Basjjt
Ono of the best mountings made
for comfort and ease placing, plaoinc
tho lenses in proper position, giving
your eyes tho beat result from your
Hinges lenses are absolutly ground
tho same as all the tearing lenses the
occullats use In fitting you with elast
es. We use only the Tery beat. Wo
use only up-to-date scientific eye
testing appliances. Our instruments
are tho Tery latest.
Chas. M Hinges
ChiAjSW ftttfAfll
fact that ho is behind tho bars In
tho West Sldo court prison, proclaim
ing that ho Is not a burglar In splto
of the faet that ho la hold in 11000
ball for trial on that charge The
young woman who JIu Jltsu worked
so badly for Dlock Is Mrs. NelllM
Monahan, wife of Detective Sergeant
Monahan. Her hatred for would-be
lawbreakors Is duo to the fact that
sho has brothers, uncles and other
relatives on tho police force. Mrs
Monahan is 30. fair, pretty and
plump. Soarcoly had hor huiband
left his homo a few days ago, than
thoro onmo tho sound of some one at
work tit tho look of the dining room
door. Mrs. Monahan did not cry for
help but she throw open the door
and surprised Dlook experlmeetlRg
with skeleton keys. He sprang to
his feet knocked her down and then
(led. Fleet of foot as was the fugi
tive, Mrs. Monahan was at his heels
before he got a fair start down Ams
terdam avenue, and when a block
away ho saw he could not oacape
her, be dropped. Mrs. Monahan fell
oTer him, but beforo ho could arise
she was on her feet, bad seized his
right arm at the wrist, doubled It
under his collar bone, and then had
Mm safe by one of the simplest kinds
of holds In JIu Jltsu. "Get up," she
ordered. Sho gave his wrist a twiit
to emphasise ber command, and her
prisoner bowling with pain, got to
his feet meekly eaougb. With her
other ka4 at the aape of hW aeck
she march hits ahe4 of her for
thrco blocks, when sho was ircllovcd
by two pollcemon.
Governor Leslie Shaw, as his
friends nro calling him, has set early
hours for himself in assuming hla
dutlo3 as president of tho no.wly or
ganized Carnegie Trust company. Ho
does not delay his arrival at hla of
fice until near the opening of banking
hours, but appears thero early
enough to mnko the oittco boy fully
appreciate that ho has to koep his
own hours strictly unless ho Is will
ing to bo outdone by tho prcsldont of
tho Institution. "Mr. Prcsldont," hns
been used by somo In addressing the
former governor of Iowa since tho
nssumptlon of his now position, but
tho suggestion of prophesy coutnlnod
In tho phrnso offora no Inducement to
forego tho designation of govornor,
which Is tho ono that suits him best.
Upton Sinclair nppenrs to bo con
fronted with n problem ns sorloua ns
Tho Junglo" offered. But this time
It la for him to solvo. In nddltion
to looking for a now homo In his
Utopia, ho la as busy with hnlt n
dozen publisher, Ho cannot furnish
copy as fast ns thoy ask for It. Ills
very lntest sorrow comes from tho
Irroprosslblo mayor of a Jorsoy
town. SUns Dewey Drake, post
master, mayor, chlof of pollco, llro
chief and founder of Lincoln, hnn of
fered Sinclair and tho othor mom
bora of tho burnod-out llollcon wnll
colony n largo frnmo building .and a
section of land nt Lincoln, nultnblo
for a co-oporatlvo sctttlomcnt. Lincoln-,
would hardly bo considered n
Utopln. It Is on tho Central Rail
road of Now Jorsoy and Lohlgh Vnl
loy Rnllroads. Any local .train will
stop If llnggod. A largo Incubator
factory Is nlso located thoro. Mr.
Drnko first enmo Into prominence nu
mayor or Lincoln. At thnt tlmo the
memborB of his council woro nil
womon. Whon tho Into Aloxandor
Dowlo, tho second Elijah, was storm
ing Now York. Mr. Drnko ofTorod a
Inrgo section of Lincoln to tho
prophet. Dowlo Bont ono of hla Hon
tonnnts to Investlgnto, but decided
thnt Lincoln was hardly a aeooud
Zlon city.
How llttlo wo or tho doctors know
nbuut our bodies la shown in tho euro
of James Henry Smith, "Sllont
Jnmos," aa ho waa known, so rich
that ho hardly know what to do with
his money, and with nil his $75,000,
000 ho dies suddenly, nnd tho men
who could drnw his cheek for mil
IIoiih la chocked blmsolf off life's
books. And now it trnnsplroa thnt
tho man who was going through so
cloty gatherings, tho onvy of every
body ns healthy apparently ns could
bo found, Iihh hnd n rancor. Ho was
doctored for nn nchlng tooth, nnd
yet hnd tho dondllest dlaeaso that
man hnd. X-Rnys do their part, but
when a deoper probe Is nouded man
kind, oven the most skillful physi
cians stnnd ns ignornnt ns a boy In
prosonco of n disease thnt Boarohou
tho wholo body for plaoos in which
to lap nnd frutloy tho donllest agony.
And with all hla woalth ho dropped
In don th In a forolgn land, with hlr.
nowly woddod wlfo, to be suro, nt
bis sldo, but In a land of stranger
and surrouhdad by them.
Tho oh I Id ron of tho pupbllc school
b nro bndly off for oyes, It npponrs.
nnd tho physlolnns sny thoy must
wear glasses. Now many nn army.
Indood, nro poor, somo of thorn very
poor, and thoy cannot only not af
ford, but really cannot rnlso tho mon
ey with which to pay for oyoglnBHOB.
So tho school uuthorltlos aro going to
provide them nt tho public oxpenao.
This Is now doctrine but it strike
tho public as alright. The children
aro tho future oltlzons, nnd In ono
respect at toast. If no othor thoy de
mand with irrefusable right tho gift
of oyo glaasos, for they nro tho fu
ture soldlors and sailors of tho coun
try, and very poor onos they wilt bo
If thoy hnvo not good oyeslght. Tha
education of tho child ron Is tho work
of the state, if its eosts millions.
XitIco to Prierty Owners on Stt
Notice is horeby given that the
city counoll of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, at a special meeting thereof hold
on the 8th day of April, 1907, duly
passed a resolution Inatruotlng the
recorder to notify all property own
ers who aro liable for tho coat of Im
provement of State street from thJ
east line of Commcroia! street to the
west lino of Church street, In said
olty, who Intend to complete the
part of said Improvement for whioh
they are assessed, under tho super
vision of the street commissioner, la
lieu of their said assoaamont, If any
such there be, bo required to notify
said common council and comply with
the specifications of said Improve
ment by filing a bond therefor on or
before the special mooting of tbd
council on the 2 2d day of April.
1907. Ry order of tho "common coun
cil. W. A. MOOKES,
City Xeeerter
Dt U n iHtMleathMi t UsU
MrtiM Apr! t, 1MT. i-s-lK
I n 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 m ! i n 1 1
Delegation In Congress.
Scnntor Chns. W. Fulton, Astorln.
Cnniktnii Ynnai ) TIhiihhh Yak
iviiuiui juumiiuii uuuiuu, ji.,,
Representative W, O. Hawley, Sa
eom. Ropresontnttvo W. R. Ellis, Pendle
ton. "
Stnto Officials.
Governor, George E. Chamberlain,
Sorotnry of State, Frank W. Bon
Bon. Stnto Troasuror, George A. Stcolo.
Superintendent of Publtc Instruc
tion, J. II, Ackornmn,
Attornoy General. A. M. Crawford.
Statu Prlntor, W. S. Dunlwny.
Stato Labor Commissioner, O. P
Supremo Court.
Chlof Justlco, Kohort S, Bean.
Associate. Justice, Frank A. Mooro.
Ausoclnto Justlco, Robert Enkln.
Commissioners, W. T. Slntor. W.
R. King.
Clerk, J. J. Murphy.
Reporter, 11, G. Morrow,
Bnlllff, P. II. Raymond.
Circuit Judges, Goo. 11. Burnett,
Salem; William Gnllowny, McMlnn-
District Attornoy, John II. Mo
Nary, Salem.
Other Stato Olllclnls.
J. W. Balloy, Food nnd Dairy Com
missioner, Portland.
J. W. Bnkor, Oamo nnd Forestry
warden, Cottngo Grove.
Robt, 0. Yonny, Stnto Henlth Ofll
cor, Portland.
J. II. Lewis, Stnto Engtuoor, Sn
1cm. E. Gllltnghnm, Stnto Librarian, Sa
11. G. Van DiiBun, Stnto Fish Com
missioner, Astoria.
Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land
Agont, Salem,
W. W. Eldor, Commander Soldiers'
Home, Roseburg.
Marion County Olllclnls.
John II. Scott, County and Probnto
R. D. Alton, Clork of Courts.
W. J. Culver, 8herlff.
W. Y. Rlchardnon, Troasuror.
E. T. Mooros, Suporlntondout of
F, J. Rice, Ansosaor.
R, I), llorrlck, Jr., Survoyor.
J. O. Noodhnm, W. II. Goulot, Com
missioners, A. M. Clough, Coroner.
D. 0. Drngor, Rocordor.
Hnlom City Olllelnls.
Geo. F. Rodgors, Mayor,
W. A. Mooros, Recorder nnd Pollao
1). W. aibion, Mnrshal and Chlof
of Pollco.
Frank Meredith, City Trouaurer.
A. O. Condlt, Olty Attornoy.
JnB. W. Martin, Stroot Commis
sioner. Mark Savngo, Chief Flro Dopart
mont. W. C. Smith, Health Olllcor.
City Ktandlng Committee.
Ways and Monns--Jucob, Waldo,
Ordinances Grcoubnum, Low,
Accounts and Current Expenses
Churchill, Rndollff, Bnyno.
Stroots Downing, Stockton. Btols.
Public) Buildings Htookton, Btolz,
Bo worn go, Stolr, Jacob, Low.
Plumblns Frascr, Downing, Go
nor. ff.
Flro and Water Low, Radcllff,
Bridges Goaner, Churchill, Fras
or. Health and Pollco Haas, Jacob
Lights Qno!o, Haas, Oreonbaum.
Printing Radollff, Haas, Frfisor.
Public Parks Bayno, Grcenbaum,
Bonnl of Education,
W. H. Uyrd, Chairman,
A. A. Lo, H. a Hploy, E. M
Croiaan, Directors.
H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk.
J. M. Powers, Glty Supt. SohooU.
Reduction of 25 Per Cent Up
. to May 1, 1907
Up to, but not Including May 1st,
bargain rnto In ndvauco for The
Dally Capital Journnl, per year by
mall or spoclnl dollvory, 3,00.
Bnrgntn rnto on Woekly Capital
Journnl, por year, 75 conts, In ad
vance All arrearages on Weekly
must bo paid up nt $1.00 por year.
' Dally, by carrier, $5.00 per year.
In ndvanco. Regular rates by ear
ners $6.00 per year. Rata for all
arrears In subscription to Dally Jour
nal $4.00 a year by mnll or special
91.00 Ravo n Big Dollar $1.00
'O '
Don't Put Off
For toinorrow what you can do to
dny. If you put off buying a bottle
of Ballard's Snow Liniment, when
that pain comes you won't havo any,
buy a bottlo today. A positive cttrj
for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts,
Sprntna, Contracted Muscles, etc T.
S. Graham, Pralrlo Grove, Ark,,
wrltea: "I wish to thank you for
tho good results I rocolvcd from
Snow Liniment, It positively cured
mo of Rhoumntlsm ntter othors had
fnllod." Sold by D. J. Fry.
M II H H I 1 I 1 1 II U 1 1 I II I i i
REAL estate:;
President Campbell and Regent
W. S. U'Ron addressed tho Olaaka
mas Pomona Orange Wednosday In
behalf of the $2t0,000 University
Doing ilimlru Again,
"Whon my friend thought I was
bout to take leave of this world, on
account of indigestion, nervousness
and general debility," writes A. A,
Chrisholm, Treadwoll, N. Y "and
when It looked as If there was no
hopo left, I was persuaded to try
Electric Blttors, and I rejoice to say
that they are curing me. X am now
doing business again as of old, savtl
aa still gaining dally," Beet teak
atedlelM ( earth, GwarsaUia hy
. O. Ferry, irttufct. Ite,
Tho following deeds havo been re
corded In tho ofllco of tho Marlon
county rocerdor:
C. F. DuGuIro ot nl., to Louis
Brmlo, 2 ncroa In t 0 s, r 1
w, w d $ 400
E. F. and A. F. Marcus to Em
miv J. Bnuort n, w 1-3 ot lot
1, block 38,-Salem, w d .. 283
O. W. and D. W. Corby to W.
F. Lonon, lota 3, 4 nnd 0,
block 0, Myers' nddltion to
Salem, w d 225
J. O. Btaplcton, ot nl., to A. E.
Chunuwoth, Iota 1, 2, 'i,
10 W, 11 nnd 12, block 0,
first annex to Rlvervlow
Park addition to nSlom,
w d 40001
L. H. Lyon, ot ux., to Matilda
F. Hull, lot 4, blook 87, Sa
lem, w d 2200
A. J. Tweed, ot ux., to John J.
Tweed, 10 nuroa In t 7 s, r
2 w, w d 804
Jacob Roldhanr to Engtebnrt
Gler, 100 ncroa In t 0 s, r 1
w, w d ....13,00
U. 0. Price, ot ux., to Farmers'
& Muuhaulos' Hank n Vs of
lot 2, llock 2, Woodburn,
w d 4000
John W. Cook to Hollo Cook,
lot 1, block 2, addition "B"
to Woodburn, "w d 100
Susanna Will to Henry A. Sny
der, parcel of Jntid In t 4 s,
r 1 w, w d 75
Frank Krnxberger, ot ux,, to
Henry A, Buydor, 1 ncro in t
4 s, r 1 w, w d . , , , . , . , L
John Prunll to P. nnd J. l'rnntl,
100 acres In t 0 s, r I w,
w d t
Tho I'rlco of Health.
"Tho price, of health In a malar
ious district Is Just 25 cents; tho
coat of a box of Dr. King's Now Life
Pills," writes Ella Blayton, of No
land, Ark. New Life Pills cloaase
gently and Impart now life and vigor
to the system. 25c. Satisfaction
guaranteed at J. C. Perrys' druggist,
Mrs, HylvoniiH Page Is vlsltln
friends In Albany,
Have a torpid liver whon Herblno,
tho only liver regulator will help
you? Thero Is no reason why you
should suffer from Dyspepsia, Con
stipation, Chills and Favor or any
liver complaints, when Herblno will
euro you, F, C. Walto, Woatvllle,
Fla., writes. "I was sick for a month
with chills nnd fever, and after tak
ing two bottles of Herblno am well
and healthy." Bold by D, J, Fry.
Miss Ethel Rice loft this morning
for a visit In Brownsville.
A YUl Wwik.
Winnipeg, AhU It. It Is retwt
4 that ther 11 hwe a4
4m4 a4 4t ajtf4 hi a 0s4tam
Patjle wreck at fftNaai. Oat.