1) DAILY OAPI AIj JOURNAL, SALEM, ORHGON,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1007. I Ik iSSSSZ TODAY ONLY SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE NO. 27. Fdr otir next regular weekly 11 II linn nil i ill 1 1 mini ill- Bargain Sale wo offer. BATH TOWELS "Whlto Turkish, soft finish, 21x40 inches, fringed ends, a Bplendld value at 26c for WodnoBday only, beginning at 8:30 a. in. (no tolophono ordorn received 3 r0K 50 18c I Smart Suits for SPUING WEAR. Wo speak authoritatively when wo Bay that our garments correct ly oxprcas tho latest stylo Ideas. You can buy hero with a cortnln ty of being correctly and fashion ably attired. Our ready to wear stylea aro es pecially becoming thlB year both In Btylo nnd color. Don't Imag Ino that bocauso wo spoak ho en thusiastically that they nro high priced. "When you sa thorn you'll consldor tho prices very llttlo fju I to less than you ex pected to pay. Now garinonta ovory day. $11.85 to $40 Underwear Tho colebratcd "MEHODE. Tho most satisfactory undor- wear made Evory garment 1 hnnd-llnlBhcd. All hIzcb nnd wolghtH In all wantod grades 1 0c to $3 Men's Suits Tho now stylos of tho famous tailors, IfAItT, BCIIAFFNER & MARX, nro hero. Thoy aro nmdo from ALL-WOOL JLVTEHIALS, lit tho newest shades. Tho stylea nro nuthorltatloly correct In ov cry dotall. A wldo rango for you to choose from. First lloor. Footwear An Ill-flttlng pnlr of shoos aro not only troublesome, but thoy will not wear half ns long as a porfcct-flttlng shoo, Hero wo flt your foot pcrfoctly, glvo you Bhocs that will plcaso you as to stylo, nnd glvo you comfort In tholr per fection of flt. A full vnrloty of tho latost modols In both high and low shoes for mon nnd women In tho nowest styles nnd lonthcrs. Boo Court-stroot window. $1 .50 to $5 Umbrellas All styled hnudlcs stool frnmo -Now Era runnoru 75c to $1.50 rfffiw? rei&&& CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Paro KrapliH for Your CoiiNlttaratloH. COUPON. If returned to Garnott Candy Factory, Stato street, Is good for Go In trado on ovory aro purchaeo. Market Street Tho now named street In In no bet tor condition than whim It carrlod tho old ntuno of (Inrdou Iload. Water In over all tho walks, and no pro visions lutVo been nindo to turn tho current from tho parts that aiiHWor for sidewalks. Tho Lnut Rail Saturday, April lath, nt Tioga ball. -1-0-Ct Notlro to tho Public Mr. N. Rosonbnum Is tho duly ap pointed Hoxton of the 1. 0. O. F. comotury and a permit must bo hud from tho trusloos or tho saxton bo foro any work la dono on tho prom ises, lly ordor of the truHtoos. uod Try Tliour Sugar ourtid hams, IGo par pound, at Furrlnglan & Van PntUm's, the grocers and mnritotnum, i 20 State treet. Phono 217. One-Half the World Wear glniwoH. but not half of that half wear the right kIumo. Tho wrong glausoA nro often worse than none; thoy aro n oonstaut strain and a permanent Injury to tho oyo. Only eoloutlilo oxnuilnntlon can determine what glaiwos your ayes require, you cau'l toll by trying on glasses. . Ho on tho safe side; let our op tloltin glvo your eyes careful oxnmln atlon. It dooan't coot anything ho can tell you just what you ncetpMlolay aro dangerous. Our prices aro rea sonable, und we guarauteo satisfac tion. JIKRMAN W. 11A11K, Optometlst AT BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Tioga Kiiiiwv Saturday, April 13th. Tho last of tho Houson. 4-9-Gt If You Want Something good and at tho sunm tlmo very cheap, wo havo closlng-out decorated putternB In Boml-porcolnln which wo aro selling nt loss than cost Como and get n bargain at this eulo. Yokohama Tea Company. Itaugo HjHclnl- Continues this week. Evory range sold tills week enrrlos with It n froe set of dlshoB, cooking utensils or n household trensuro. Huron & Ham ilton. Nicked Ware nt Your Own Price Wu huvo on hand a largo quuutlty of Huml-porcolnln nnd ohlna, plain and decorated, which Is nicked, boiuo pIocuh vary slightly. It mnkos no d I (To re n co whloh ploco It Is, wo aro going to nlmost glvo away those goods during ThurHdny foronoon uuxt, nnd It will pay you to brln your baskat to tho Yokohnmn Ton Store and tuka away nice piece at your own prloo. Kamombor, ThurH duy forenoon Is tho tlmo vhon It goea so clump. Conducts Otmeiiil Mercantile David Baxter, formerly of this ally, has recently gone Into tho mor onntllo business at Spray, Oregon. Ho attended tho University hero, and married MIm Delia Osborn, of thl alt). After moving to Eastern Ore gon he has conducted tho "Sprny Courier," and has bean ono of tho leading buslnovs man of tho llttlo ally. Ho has many frlunds horo who wUli Mm every susee In his new undertaking. A I.lttlr- Down ami a Utile eaah waek pay for a IJuok range. Free dishes or; uumsiis litis wooK with ranged. Huron & Hamlltou. Und Not Mot for :lil Years Mrs. H. J. 11 race urrlve'd from Cal ifornia yesterday to visit bar broth er, N. W. Clark, whom she had not seen for 23 years. She formerly re sided In South Dakota, but has lived In California for the past two yours. Her Impression of the Willamette valley is very favorable. She says the rain here Is mild to what tho last flood in California has boon. Every Range You buy of us this week carrion with It a prlio of $5 In dlshea" or cooking utousiis or furniture, It you want It, Duron ft Hamilton. At, tao Auditorium rlk tomorrow Mlt. AtlHutiOo cents. BLOOD GETS SOUR. At this tlmo of year, BayB a well-known authqrlty, the Kid neys become weak, clogged and Inactive, falling to Alter out the poisons nnd acids, which sour tho blood, causing not only facial and bodily erup tions, but tho worst forms of Rheumatism, Nervous and Stomach troubles, Backache and painful, annoying urinary . afflictions. It Is worth anyone's tlmo now to get from Bqmc good proscription pharmacy tho fol lowing ingredients: Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one-half onnce; Compound Kargon, ono ounce; Compound Syrup Sar 8aparilla, threo ounces. Mix by Blinking well In a bottle and In teaspoonful daseH after your meals ana at ncuumo. ThlB simple, homo-mado ml: '.. turo will force tho Kidneys to ; ; normal, healthy action, bo j thoy will filter and Btrnln all '.'. urlo acid and poisonous waste ; ; mattor from tho blood, nnd ox- pel this In tho urln nt tho snmo tlmo restoring tho "full blood '. '. count" that )b 95 per cent ; ; rod blood corpusclos which Is perfectly lndlsponalblo to per- X feet health, mi mil nil mi limn Personals The Fame Of our Duck rangds Is known throughout tho land. Get n Buck rango for thorough satisfaction. Spe cial bargains this wook, Ensy terms. Duron, & Hamilton, o Itlicuiiiatlc Pains. I havo been n vory great Bufferor from tho dreadful dlsoaso, rheuma tism, for n numbor of yenra. I havo trlod ninny medicines but novor got much relief from any of thorn until two years ago, when I bought n hot tlo of Chamborlnln's Pnln Dnlm. I found rolicf boforo I had used all of ono bottle, but kept on applying It and soon folt llko a dlfforont wom an. Through my ndvlco many of my friends havo tried It and can toll you how wonderfully It has worked. MrB. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. Now St, Dover, Dol. Chamberlain's Pain Dnlm Is a ltnlmont. Tho relief from pnln which It affords Is alono worth many times Its cost. It makes rest nnd Bleep posslblo. For onlo nt Dr. Stono'a drug otoro. MltH. HAHUIKT STEVENS. History of mi Old-timo Resident of The DiiIIcn. Mrs. Harriot N. Stovons died nt her boii'b homo In Condon Saturdny morning. She was born In Zuuea vtllo, Ohio, In Ootobor, 1S31, and on Mny 2, IS 19, wiih mnrrlud to OzlaB P. Stovons In Princeton, III. In 1800 they moved to Texas, and In 1SG7 enmo to Tho Dalles, whoro thoy re sided until 1871, going to Lone Hock In that year. Soveu yours after thoy return to Tho Dallos, whoro Mr. Slovens died In 1893, bIiico which tlmo Mrs. Stvenus made her home with her sons. Slio lenvou throo soiib to mourn her donth Charles, of Lono Hock; Frank, of Condon, nnd Alamo, of Hood River. Mrs. A. H. Curtis, of Ornnd Dnll'oH, Is a ulster and Horace N. Could a brother. M'liy Have a torpid liver when Herblno, tho only liver regulator will holp you? Thoro Is no reason why you Bhould surfer from Dyspopsln, Con stipation, Ohllla and Fever or any liver complaints, when Herblno will euro you. F. C. Wnlte, Westvllle, Fla., writes. "I was sick for a month with chills nnd fever, nnd nftor tak ing two bottles of Herblno am woll and healthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. IIHIMIIIHHHHIIHMM E. 0. MOLL'S (X)lNTltV (THUD HAMS AND HA COX. Wo havo Just roelved from him un extra select lot of small linms that weigh from ttn to twelve pounds. The breakfast bacon la the very best we have over had In stock. You will not regret placlug your order for some of this tine numi. v. J will have our regular supply of Z mo loiiowtug vegetables: ASAPAUAGVS ltUUVHAHH LKTTl'CK YOUNG ONIONS CAHHAOK AND GREENS Remember our stock of or anges, bananas and apples is the vory best. .MOUt GROCERY CO. f 456 Suto St. Phone 182 itmtmm Mrs. W. J. Irwin, of Shlem, mat ron In tho lnsano asylum, has been in tho city today. East Oregonian, April 8th. B. C. Weaver went to Portland last evening on business. Thomas Brown went to Woodburn yesterday. Mrs. Laura Howo arrived In .the city this morning from Turner. MrB. S. M. Pnyno went to Turner last evening to visit rolatlVi'B. A L. Brown was among tho Port land passengers this morning. Mrs. W. II. OBborno left this morn ing for Spray to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dave Baxter. Mr. Osborn will accompany hor as far as Portland. Miss Qirardln arrived In tho city this morning from her homo In Tur nor. Miss Hazel TIchener left this morning for "Lnblsh Meadows," whoro she will be tho guest of Miss Gertrude Jones. Mrs. Fred Gooch, who haB been tho guest of Salem frlond'fl, left yes terday for her homo In Sclo. Mrs. E. W. Redd, who has been vlbitlng here, hna returned to her home in Portlnnd. Jacob Idlowlno loft this, morning for Portlnnd. MIbb Verna Towmend and Mlas Bertha Woodcock, who havo been visiting their nunt, Mrs. Townsond, nt tho Hotel Scott, loft this morning for tholr homoB in Princeton, Minn. It. D. Tetor nnd daughter, Fanulo Bullock, left this morning for Port land, en routo to Sntsop, Washington, whoro thoy will visit relatives. Mrs. It. D. Toter Is visiting nt Sataop, and will roturn with hor huBband. Mrs. II. D. Klmbnll has returned from a visit In Portland. Mrs. J. Vnn Fleot nnd llttlo Bon loft Inst evening for tholr homo in Portland, nftor vUltlng Salem friends. Harry Hill, of tho Statesman forco, hns roturnod from n month's vacation spent In Sonttlo. Mrs. S. M. Dalrymplo and dnugh tor, Miss Grace, are visiting in this city. Jos. Bornnrdl tho woll-knowu plumber, loft this morning for Port land on buslnoBs. A. M. Fry, of Aurora, after visit ing 0. II. Smith, nt tho Salem hos pital, returned to hla homo this morn lug. Miss Minn Smith loft todny for n vlBlt In Sllvorton. W. L. Warren, who has been visit ing Salem rolntlvcs, has returned to his homo In McMlnnvlllc. Dr. E. A. Plorco, of Portlnnd, Is visiting in Salem. Mrs. E. A. Mills, aftor visiting Sa lem frionds hns returned to hor homo In Jefferson. Loo Wood, who has boen vlsltng bore, left this morning for Ills home nt Sllotz. Judge Durnott went to Corvnllls today on business. Ho will roturn to Albany tomorrow to hold n short hoshIoii of court. C. W. MoNnmar, of Kansas, who has boon visiting Salem frionds, left this morning for Eugene, whoro ho will rosldo for the summor. Ho was formorly of this city. Miss Anna Doehlngor nnd Miss Doeurt, graduate nurses of tho Sa lem hospital, loft yesterday for Port land, on routo for Sun Francisco. Thoy will visit many places of lntor eut In the Golden state, and return humo In about two weoks. D. A. White and llttlo grandson wont to Albany this morning for a short visit. Hoy W. Wlttsohen, formorly of this city, but now of Portland, Is In Sa lem on liustiitXM.- He recently ac cepted a position as travollng salos- in an with the Arm of Schuylkill Mills Co., of Philadelphia. Mrs. S. J. Willis and llttlo daugh ter left this morning for Cottage Grove, where they will visit rela tives. Mrs. C. H. Gelger. of Forest Grove, who Iirb beon vUltlng Salem frionds and relatives left thU morning for Turner, to be tho guest of Mrs. Colo. She was aoeompanied by Mrs. Jnmoe Shirley, of this city. Sketch of Sir. McAdams. II. F". McAdams was born in Glas gow, Scotland, la 1827, came to America at the ago of three years. Ills mother died soon after, and hla father waB a sea captain. Ho resid ed with an old couple In New York, and then wont to Chlcngo, and was cast adrift at ten ear3 of age. He first worked as an errand boy, and then settled in Minnesota, whero hr, was married at tho ago, of 23 to Amartda Fowler, by whom ho had six children, two of whom arc, living I. L. McAdams, of Salem, and C. J. McAdams, of Missouri. Ills first wlfo died about twenty yenrs ago, and, leaving Minnesota, ho went to Iowa, whero he married Mrs. R. Swebt about ten years ago. Foiir years ago ho camo to Oregon, where he resided until his death. Ho baa always been a laboring man, a carptoner by trade, and has closed his life by tho remark able fast of nearly forty days. Ho was a man of industrious habits, cheerful disposition, and never know ingly wronged any human being. His lifo was a model of frugality and Industry. Geiitlo and Effective. A well known Manitoba editor writes: "As an Inside worker I And Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets Invaluablo for tho touches ol biliousness natural to sedentary lite, their action being gentle and effec tive, clearing the dlgestlTO tract and tho head." Prlco 25 centa. Sample free. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. O i Will Observe May Day Willamette University will observe May Day with crowning a Queen ot May, as tho result of a popular con test for tho moat beautiful girl stu dent, and an athletic tryout In the afternoon, Card of TlmiikH. Wo tako this opportunity of thank ing our many frlendB for their sym pathy and actB of kindness during tho sickness nnd death of our bolovcd husband and father. MRS. H. F. M'ADAMS, I. L. M'ADAMS. o Call for Bids. Notlco Is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received by tho City of Salem, Oregon, nt tho ofllco of tho city rccordor, at tho city hall In said city, up to 8 o'clock p. m. on Mon day, April 22, 1907, for tho Improve ment ot State Btrcet) In tho city of Salem, Oregon, from tho East lino of Commercial street to tho west lino ot Church street, In tho Bald city, by grading said portion of Stato street and paving tho samo with Warron'a Bltullthlc Waterproof Pavomont, and to widen tho sidowalka on a portion of said' strcot, In nccordnnco with the plana nnd specification now on illo In tho ofllco of tho city rccordor. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified chock to tho value of 10 por cent, of tho amount, of tho bid submitted, na n guarauteo that tho blddor will ontor Into a contract thoreln prescribed within 10 days after having rccolvod notlco of tho ncceptanco of hla bid, Bald check to bo forfeited to tho city of Salem in caso tho bidder falls to qualify and oxecuto tho contract. Tho city resorvca tho right to ro Joct any or nil bids. Plans and speci fications can bo scon at tho ofllco ot tho rccordor at tho city hall. By or- do rot tho common council. W.( A. MOORES, City Recordor. Dnto of first publication of this notlco, April 9, 1907. 4-9-10t. o Notlco to Property Owners on State Street. Notlco Is horeby given that tho city councllof the city of Salem, Oro gon, at n special mooting thereof hold on tho 8th day of April, 1907, duly passed a resolution Instructing tho rocordor to notify nil proporty own ors who aro liablo for tho cost of im provement of Stato street from thy oast lino of Commercial street to tho wost lino ot Church street, in Bald city, who intend to complcto the part ot Bald Improvement tor which thoy are assessed, undor tho super vision ot tho street commissioner, In llou of their Bald assessment, if uny suoh thoro be, bo required to notify said common council and comply with tho specifications of said Improve ment by. filing a bond thorofor on or boforo tho special meeting ot tho counoll on tho 2 2d day ot April. 1907. By ordor of tho common coun oll. W. A. MOORES, . City Recordor. Date of fir JuV publication of thU notloo April 9, 1907. 4-9-10t Mrs. T. W. Ba'rr, who has beon vis iting hqr daughter, Mrs. O. G. Sav age, loft this morning for hor home In Turner. Sho wns accompanlod by Mrs. Savage, who will visit In Tureor. Cured Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Honry ot Chattanooga, Tonn., had rhoumatlsm In his left arm. "Tho strength seemed to have gono out ot tho mnsclea so that It was usolss for work," ha says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wrapped the arm In ' flannel at nlgbt, and to my relief I Krnnd that tho pain gradually loft mo. and the strength returned. In thrde weeks tho rheumatism bad dlsappe ired and has not slnco returned." It troubled with rheumatism try a few applica tions ot Pain Balm. You are cer tain to be pleased with tb a relief which It affords. For salfe At Dr. Stone's drug store. NERVOUS Vino! RcstorPfi iu u. .. Mice Dl! "V """ u,u,r rreskkat $ Miss Rnan nut. ... .. moroclub. Tr"' "Last spring I waa . nervonn nmi ir.it. i... . " MTJi netlto nmi i.t ... .'""ton?. many medicines " ...v, preparation ,.,, was recommended, ana it ,.o.n";;::D u.me-". COd liver nil nnj ... . " .... , ... ""wai I u potlto and restored me to Z? ..v...vU uuu oirengm." Vlnol Ctlroa pnnltl... ... . ""'uuillUtjijk, cause It contains all ol tbt two, "ivuiBium elements round la liver Oil Without A... .. .. Oil to llnRPt thn .-.-!. lta work, and tonic Iron added, mj nnuuKiuuus cverr organ In the 1 Wo ask everv mnn. ... debilitated, nepd n- vL.. Snlcm. nmi nvo ... . . I from Btubborn coldi, bastlsrl nMlntin n 1..U.LI. ... """b"" uruncniai troables b w Vlr.nl nn ... I ...... un uiu Buaraniee to Mt iiiuiiu; u ii inns. u. W PBtna( rlriltvfrlara Note. Whlln Tl'n nro ..!. .. - "" "'v .vie ipsa for Vlnol In Salem, it It now ton. nt the loading drug store la uv uc,j lunii uuu CIIJ m ID COCiTJ T.rtnlr tn iln iri-.i ... . I ..UU.k .v tllD . 1UU, afctUCJ JJ Jj; luwil. fastidious mm consider Paxtlne Toilet .Actht i necessity in me nygicmc are u t person and for local treatxet feminine ills. As a wish Its dcu qualities are extraordlm. Fori The R. Paxtoa Co lkttoa.MaM. o HASKinilALL OX SK.ITK. Novel Indoor Meet Will Take at Auditorium Rlak Tomnw .Night. Tho Indoor basketball (M rollor skates at the Andltoriw i tomorrow evening will be tie i of tho sonaon. for every ontul of thin novel and f rcakUh sort of e tortalnmont, which Ii KhedaMi thnt nlaco of amuaement Tlw. liinma hnVfi bM8 IwC from among tho memberj of tie M. C. A. nnd are wotd tie i nnibirn nnd employes of tie who will bo nnmed PUm M Ench will havo the rsUUoa i mnn nn n side lllaWS WUlMnS ,.t in full basketball unifom. 1 llnoup of tho team Ii m Wrn Slmonton Coleman Cross Hnrgrovo Putnam Bashor c S g f f sub WU Mrs. L. O. BochlBger wetet to Eu geno today to visit relative', ra.1... !. . .... .. rtn.ortr aflerf"' ' ,. rapidly JJ now ut tne i.-'w noon. " T...,. nllti : Miss I'ean nw " 0Uyth..ora,n6l?!M visit friU m "" tlon at the Bike' bil '-ra Anatln. TX., "r ..u bra8ch of "5, Ohangee or aaj "- Texas. ,.-... ' A Ojtauc itaWt A I" " '"1- on NFVV TOOAV rr'-S ...i iTeL - iwmved-rw H pratne. mh"i ft old ihorthert J Aj ... o.iath ROBtS -1 .s, iw-- -rz-t srs Kno