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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
W PP'!1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1007. " m Rv & r 'iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimnn. WEDNESDAY ONLY SPECIAL IlAItQAIN SALE NO. .127. Bargain Snlo wo offer. For our next rcgulnr weekly BATH TOWELS Whlto Turkish, sdft finish, 21x40 Inches, fringed onds, n splendid vnluo at 25c for Wednesday only, boglnning 18c at 8:30 a. m. (no telophono orders recolvod 3 FOR 50 Dress Goods Our dress goods depnrtmont Is our particular enro and pride. Its Btnndnrds of quality nro so strict that Just "good" won't do "Iwst" Is what's bought and sold thoro always. Tho now and popular as well ob much that Is cxcluslvo Is represented In our spring Htocko In a wldo ran go of beautiful col' irlngs and weaves, and nowhere can more oxcollonco and Htylo bo had for lessor prlco. Muslin Underwear Another big shlpmont of muslin underwear just received, A full rango of sizes from children's up to our sizes. DRAWERS .. . ...IWc lo $.'1.00 SKIRTS 85c to $0.f)O CORHICT COVERS, .noo to $3.00 Underwear The colobratod ".MKHODKA Tho most satisfactory undor wonr mado. Kvory garment li weights in all wanted grades and form 1 0c to $3 Men's Suits Tho now stylos of tho fnmou3 tailors, HART, SCHAFFXER & MARX, nro bore. Thoy nro mado from ALL-WOOOL MATERIALS. In tho nowost shndos. Tho styles are authorltatloly correct In ev ery detail. A wldo rango for you to chooso from. First floor. Footwear An Ill-fitting pnlr of shoos nro not only troublcsomo, but they will nof wear half as long ns a porfect-flttlng shoo. Hero wo lit your foot porfectly, glvo you shoes that will plcaso you as to stylo, and glvo you comfort In their per fection of fit. A full variety of tho latoBt in od ol a In both high and low shoes for mon and women in the nowest slylcB and leathers. $1 .50 to $5 Boys' Suits That boy of yours nood a now outllt for spring Wo aro offer ing nu extra bargnln In boys' suits two pairs of pants, ono strnlght styled, ono knlckorbockor. Popular shades to choos g., from Jp3 I ei&&& CT. Ci ty News dklMah ItaHd Concert At tho Auditorium Admission 10c. rink tonight. Aro Yon doing to build. Call nt Hnnson's planing mill. Ho can glvo you tho latent ideas, 4-0-3t Mr. E. A. KesNlor Export typewriter repairer, of Portland, is louated temporarily nt Mr. 0. M. Iiokwood's. All makuH of typewriter!! repaired. Work thor oughly warranted. Phono No. 401. 8-4-21 ltlrd Study Club ThU ovuuliig tho bird lovers wilt moot ut the Y. M. 0. A. parlors and u good program is promised. All in terested in this fiiHoluntlug study nro Invited to bu printout. Thu mooting begins at 8 o'olook. fclkntorn, Attention Hand tonight nt tho rink. Roller Skating Tho most oujoynblq and Invigorat ing pastlmu. Salem Military Hand wilt furnish thu muslo nt the Audi torium tonight. Admission IOqj skates 28c. UliOQlEXT APPKAL. Ml (Continued from pngo ono.) XwitU yfAUM Vw Itifi Item NtM Trc&Afm '& t YOUR EYES Delay is terrible dangerous when tho oyoe need munition. Kvory day that tho ojo which need glasses are forced to work without thorn Is milk ing them Just to muoh worse If headache or any thing else load you to think that you may need Kinases wo earnestly urge ou not to wait any longer, but to como to our ottlro at ouoo mid find out. Wo will mnko a thorough oxnmltm tlyn of your eyes and toll you wheth er you need glnssoa or tho care of n physlclnu. HKltMAN W. RARR, AT Optouictiit BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Stat kJ Uhlrti'ltKJtInm' Hrendluu: Over White. "From that time on ho was al ways haunted by tho thought Hint White, mi long iih ho lived, was ti constant mennoo to his homo and honor. Ills wlfo snld ho would wake hor In tho middle of tho night and ask questions about Whlto. Ho was constantly brooding on tho sub ject of White, Then ono by ono ho learned of specific ciisoh of other girls who wore vlotlms of Whlto. With this thought, hn said White's placo Is In the penitentiary, that ho got worso and worse ns timo wont on, ho would dostroy not only girls on tho stugo, but other girls, and they would not only be disgraced but bo eoui0 bad woman. To show how deep was this Improtuilou on his mind 1 call attention to tho provisions In tliu.codloll of his will, settljig aside thoummU of dollars to protot girls who might beoomo vlotlms of Whlto and strunge to say It was written on the night, of his wedding. Thaw Wont to Jerome, "Hut )ls effort did not and with the oodtall, but in the onrly part ut 1900 he wrote to Anthony Com sUiok and than called niton the dis trict attorney who mow asks his life. Thou lit vHt to the most Important deleellve Hgvnetw, him! always with tho mune remilt. 11 was told tka. nothing oonld be doue. Kveii his wife told him he couldn't snowed agnliit Whit awl his powerful friends. With these thought in mlud, that lie was batted la his bat tle for right and virtue, try ta con ceive of thu state of Thaw's mind, when he looked Into the face of Stanford White." How Jury Took It. The Jurors appeared to give undi vided uttoutiou to Uoimns, but were like so many graven image, w far ns showing by their facial (uprw along any impression from his nrgu meat. Delutns began lit afternoon nddroM with tho night of tho tragd) described the dinner party of Thaw, Hvolyn, McCnlob and Denlo and Thaw talking togethor until llealo stoppod to talk to his friend, Thaw going on alone. Ho said ho only wished to call nttentlou, without dwelling upo Uie scones, to the great points tho Jury must consid er. Dolman said that it tho experts could clarify Thaw's Insanity thu) would characterise It as "dementia Americana," which makes a nian bo llevo that the sanctity of hit homo Is Inviolate. THY THIS AT HOME. MIX the following by shak- ing well In' a bottlo and taku 1 in teaBpoonful doses after T meals and nt bcdtlme: Fluid Extract . Dandelion, one-half unco; Compound Kar gon, ono ounco; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, threo ounces. A local druggist ad vises that these simple Vege table Ingredients can bo ob tained nt nominal cost from any good proscription phar macy. Tho mixture is said to cleanso and strengthen tho clogged nnd inactive Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Bladder weakness nnd ovon tho worst fqrms of Rhoumntlsm, which, ns evcryono knows, Is producod by cxcesslvo uric ncld nnd other poisonous wasto matter which the Kidneys fall to sift nnd strain from the blood. Every man or womnn bore who feels thnt tho Kldnoys aro not Btrong or acting In n healthy manner, should mix this prescription nt homo and glvo it a trial. Personals nun miHini n m nn-t KNIFE CAUSES TROUBLE Chris Bloss Struck in Face and Robert Bolier Knocked Down There wob n general mix In Eckor Ioiib barroom yesterday afternoon, when William Dawno struck Chris RloBS In tho face, and Roily knocked Hubert Ilollvor Down, Indicting pnln fill wouudB, nmong which was tho loss of four of his front toutlh It seems that Dawn and IJIobb had trad ed 'pocket knives, but onch ono had, a dlfforont understanding of tho transaction, and Dloss wanted his knlfo back. Young Dawn, who Is i husky fellow, wnu In tho Eokorlon enfo barroom with sovoral friends, nnd entered Into a conversation about tho knlfo oxchnngo. Ho soon lost his tompor and struck Dloss In tho fnco, Inflicting n painful brulso, Illoss, who Is an old mnii, had boon talking to Hobort Ilollvor, of Zunn, concerning a prospootivo cow trade, J and as he was struck, so wltnossos say, ho turned nnd nskod nollver If ho saw Dawn hit him. Ilollvor re pllod that bo had seen tho blow struck, and then started toward the door, but beforo reaching tho oxlt some unseen pair of lists bognu hos tilities against his fnco. He was knocked down beforo ho ronllzod Just what was being done, nnd when picked up ho wns missing four good teeth, and hnd sevornl ugly cuts about his noso and face. Warrants weio Kworu out for the nrrest of Wm. lU'lly, who, witnesses said, wns tho man who struck DoJIvor, nnd nUo for Dnwue. Chief of Police Gibson soon brought the Inst named man be foro Judge Moorta who gave him voine good advice on controlling his fiery temper, lined him $10 nnd turitod ht'U uM. Dawno admitted that he had done wrong, eepeclnlly In itilVtag an old mau. Deliver said that be did aot kaow any of the crowd uf xiiorse traders that were In the Mloon at the time, and really could not say Just who hit him. hu would like to see the man who used hi (Hits MMdeverly. Dr J X. Smith tmwd his wounds, aad after swear lag out a warrant for Helly. Uollvur left for his hnwt near Xena. Relly was arrested at the Salem Hotel late last 0701(1118, d taken to the city ball, where he was lined Ml. Refusing to pay his Hue Ik whs plneetl tu the olty Jail, where he will Hrobably rewala until the $35 Is paid. J. E. Bourne, tho accommodating ngent at the passenger depot, left this morning for a months visit In Colorado Springs. Rev. R. M. Messlck loft today for a visit in Starbuck, Washington. J. H. McCormlck la the guest of friends In Portland. S. Helmroth left this morning for n business trip to Orogon City. Frank Derby left today for East ern Oregon for a short business trip. A. F. Brown roturnod this morn ing from a buslnoss trip up the valley. George Wntt, the real ostate man and broker, after n visit horo, has returned to bis ofllci In Portlnnd. northern cities, on route to their home In Ayrshire, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. John Roth, who have been visiting Salem relatives, have returned to tholr home in White Water, Kansas. E. L. Irvin loft this morning for Portland on business. Mrs. Urnce, of South Dakota, Is visiting hor slstor, Mrs. X. W. Clark of this city. Hon. and Mrs. T. B. Kny left this morning for a short visit in Portland. Mrs. L. M. .Kirk wont to Port land today to visit her daughter. Mrs. Clinton. A. L. Thaw, tho Orcgonlnn report er, lias been trnnsierrcu to rortianu by his paper, whoro ho will remain during tho campaign. A. W. Prescotf will return Sunday to tako chnrgo of the Salem Held. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Molson, who hnvo boon visiting Salem relatlvos, returned this morning to their homo , ,, ... I 111 DIIVUIIUII. Y-n WHEELS AND WHEELS Ttcrc ate wheels, bat if yoa one that yew know will give yQU -tianent satisfaction you cannot affruj . w to overlook the line we catty. Racycle best on eatth. Catnell best lot the price. Princeton, the onlv f fi:.v t. 7 6 vueapis the price. Yoqrs for Yoar Moneys Worth Ftf anfc J. Kloote, EXPERT REPAIRING Doa't forget the new No. 447 Court Street Lossner has gono to visit frlonds nnd roln- Miss May Portland to tlves. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Sommorvlllo, after a short visit bore, loft this morning for Portlnnd and othor William Dabcock, tho ontorprlslnt; mnnugor of tho Salem Flour Mllld Company, left this morning for Port land on busInoBS. Hev. D. A. Errett nnd Deacon Scott Hlggs loft last evening for McMlnn vjllo on buslnoss. Attornoy W. II. Holnioa roturnod this morning from a biiBlnoss visit In Portland. Hov. A. II. Lnudy roturnod last ov- onlng from a visit In Vancouver, Washington. Itov. and Mrs. Bnbcock loft this cI1 morning for. Brownsvlllo, whoro they will nttend tho Willnmotto Prcsby ery tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs II. C. Portor, of Aiimsvlllo, nftor a visit horo, have roturnod to their homo. Mrs. D. D. Caldwoll, nftor a wook's visit In tho city, hns roturnod to hor home In Sfnyton. Miss X. '.. Ynntts has gone to Sum mit to visit trleuds nnd relative. Miss Llllle Springer left this morning for Jefferson to visit roln tlvos nnd friunds. Itov. W. M. Hoblnson will nttonrt tho Wlllamotte Presbytery In Browns vlllo toutght. Xotlco to Property Owners on State Street. Xotlco la horoby glvon that tho city council of the city of Salem, Oro gon, at a special meeting thereof held ( on tho 8th dny of April, 1007, duly pnssod a resolution Instructing tho rocordor to notify nil property own ors who nro llablo for tho cost of 1m provomont of Stnto street from the onst lino of Commorclnl street to tho wost lino of Church street, In Bald olty, who Intoud to completo tho pnrt of snld Improvomont for which thoy are assossod, under tho super vision of tho stroot commissioner, in llou of tholr said nssoBsmont, if any such thoro bo, bo required to notify said common council and comply with tho specifications of said improvo mont by tiling n bond therefor on or boforo tho special meeting of tho council on tho 11 2d day of April. 1007. By ordor of tho common coun- yy. A. MOQItES, City Jiecordor. Dnto at Urst publication of thU notice April 0, 1007. 4-9-10t -MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. mil Over Ladd & Bush'i Bank, Saba, ol Norwich Union Fire Insurance Frank Meredith, Reddest ir uuice with Wm. Brown t Co,! izu commercial street. Salem Military Itnml At the Auditorium rink tonight. Come and listen to a line concert nnd see SHlem's graceful skntors. Admis sion 10c. Trial by Judy Tho comic oporettn, "Trial by Jury," la to bo glvon at tho high school auditorium Friday ovenlng, April 19th, for the bonoflt of tho Btu dent body, and tho porformanco will bo almost wholly given by students. Director II. C. Eploy will assist in placing it on tho stngo. Other num bers will bo glvon by local talent to complete tho big event. NEW TODAY 13th, at Tioga 4-9-5t i.'.. N'lnfi-rOOB howi t lot. close In, some fruit. i' ' Addren " (W o- Xo Injunction on State Strtvt. The rejiart wrs olrciilatiHl upon the streets tbl mamlttK that InJunr Uoh prooeedluB were to be brought naalMt the liuprovewnt of Statj street, and Umt the uioviug pnrty was George llsyne, who owns tlu Hayue block, and Umt Attorney John nnyno, bla brother, was about to take the necessary legal steps. A Jour nal reporter therefore called upon tho latter gentleman, and he very frankly stated that tkere was abso lutely nothing to It He said also that ho had no knowledge ot anyone else contemplating such action, and that he would. udr bo circum stances take part la such proceed ings, owIub to tke fact that, aa a couttcllmau. It would placo him in a dual rapacity beforo tho community, which ho could not sanction. The I,:Kt Hull Saturday, April hall. o Chicago Markets -!.! ft H t llfl. i. Ff 1 jftt rt I ,.,-., IVlttfVtiMM uiucngo, April y. wiiuui m t ny " "" TttW 70, corn 4C ZMCfK, oats 12 Saturday. April t. ,. 9J)42. Hi seawu Aro lou in Iluslncss If tot ten 1 nn opportunity ot a lifetime. M lng to my falling health, 1 til sell my restaurant, confectloaerj nnd bakory at lest this osthJ Its worth. This Is a wlde-mM livo, moucy-makloe baslneu. ( lcaso for seven years. Dldi $16,000 busldess in the lut I months. Call nnd see ci it i Tho Angelus. Geo. F. SBlth.fR proprietor, Salem, Orejoa- 38. M- I.'or Kent Three furnUhed r fnr llcht housekeeplnt. rn bath and telephone. N'o. 1SCN Llborty street. Phone Utl l-W I Iost. String of gold btJ. R1 . n..k w l)rMi'l OU l lu riauK w. .-"-- door factory. I-Wt' Olrl Wuntcil For Snf' sl work. Inquire at 15 W r1 ,w, nf fnnrt. Phone M-laU tnken soon. Journal. Wc Want to Show You vTjlWiUiS -wheels that arc known thcv A line of wheels that have proven to be winners over as LEADERS AMONG LEADERS. Rambler, National, Reading, Standard, Savage ' fMff $25, $30. 35, $40 and $45 Old wbel-" mm e"-1 0 t Arff Thon Affaln ,f you arc not going to buy a new wheels leUJJgJ I lien Again, old wheel. Wc have the largrst and most coF shop in the city. Come in and look them over. Wc know we can please you. trade new wheels on easy installments. FDFF THIS WEEK With aH bcycJc repairs and bicycle sundries, a nkkic ptaUed 50c BI CYCLE WALL RACK fmtS Km mJ mTnmmWrm 'J'smM B Tm k Jmm mmm EMmlMlLXMJMJTlMSMm L ti