DAILY OAriTAL JOUBNAL, SALK51. OREGON. TUESDAY, Al'IUTi 0, 1007. m'T""-"V " 5 "l STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner r5lo"LOW THAT GOOD QUALITY DOESN'T GO WITH IT , fl wo sell on a closo margin In and expect to build up a big i ihrougu soiling juu unuu. uui, iuu lum-st pneo at wmen you laslnfss M thla 8toro carri08 with It merchandise of merit, wo kBj.fvSi any other kind, no mntter how great tho financial gain Toale" ,' i vou cet actual value for your money If you buy tho p'Sm r.ivo corn's In our house. nosteiiivu..- - A RARE OF 0 Skirts $3 to $20 New York's best vnl uoa In neatly-styled skirts, voiles, Pan amas, sorgos, broad cloths, Btrlped.chccked and plaid novoltles. It la a raro collection that every lady should see. The Shirt Waist Store. WalBts come and go horo llko chnff boforo i pic. Nearly every any a iow uozen new ones arrive Some benu tifal lingerie waists S2-25 to S6 50. Bcautiiui utxvn oiuib ox-uu 3.uu jt I It-rano upea raoase . Idl nm, u t th , b JXO. P. COHDUAY, Malinger. WKDXKSlUY, AI'KITj IiaE SIKPASSIXO MUSICAL EVENT OP THIS SEASON. KUw .1 Erlnngcr Firscnt tlie SOISA OPKHA CO., WITH JOSEPH CAWTHOHNK. IX I HnuXSmlth's Military Comic Opera Tin: riun LAN'Cl:.,, buslnoss Is dovoloplng Into a groat Industry thoro. Tho Curtis Lumber company mill Is cutting from one hundred to ono hundred and twenty and would run a night shift If thoy flvo thousand foot of lumber por day could got cars. o "The Frco Ijuiee." Managor Meredith has tho follow ing to say of his groat coming nt- flTII Till: OUiniN'AL NEW YOUK'j,. I'llODUCTIOX AND CAST INTACT. AUGMENTED OIICHESTHA CIIOHl'S OP SIXTY. Wrtoi, 50c, I 00, J1.G0, J2.00. l&iU on sale Tuesday from 9 a. in. ki l p, m, Wednesday, 9 n. m., all Vv IfHltlKb; no phono ordors takon Tuesday. I dostro to call particular atten tion to tho surpassing mimical orga nization, tho Sousn Oporn Co., which will bo soon at this thoater on Wod nosday, April 10, presenting John Philip Sousa's triumphant military comic opera "Tho Proo Lanco," with tho ronownod comedian Josepli , Caw thorn In tho tltlo part, supportod G.MX1 Sale of Seats. . Jby U)o IdntcnI conll,any wh,oh np. Tto advance sale of seats for ,)Qar0(1 for oIgnt ,0lllhi nt tho Now I OP-'a The Freo LnnQO," t Aiiilarlnm thiwitar in N'aw York rpiar3 at the Grand Opora !oty tOKethor with the original Hoenlo i nrrr,,w r-eniRK. opoiied at .....i .,,,, nniilniiiant. nlisnlntalv I'luXklhH mulling. ThOrO WOrt. Inn, Th.i l.nnW l liv Hirrv II. iUDats'.r mime, and bUBlnosa gmUhi ftUtll0r of ..Robn j,00,,,.. wraniw. isotwiuistnnu-(Th8 0iissiKinont U by far tho most UW h.'Kovcr, tllSte romallia unrtnt n'n. In Snlnm'n tlinntlrnnl wofSKd B.ats which, no doubt, !hl8tory nnd i am empowered to nb rantonruw, inasmuoh as thla iBOllltely tsuarnnto It as a most Im- "-I.3 ratiks any that has ovor , ,A.i i,,,. .,0k Tim im tmti in M, m Tl,8 morning '.... .. ...m .ii-.i ' ....,(....i.. III09 lb If 14 lOVm Uiwiniiiy The Kllnger Grand. Tho Kllnger Grand was crowdeJ to tlie doors Mnndnv nlnht to seo the ; last appearance of tho Empire Stock company, in tho city, tho play being "Passion Slave." Tho company has done some really good and conscien tious work, nnd th emembors havo jmade many warm friends who re gret tholr departure., Tho play la ' an old fnshioned ono with lots of gun iplay; an Innocent prisoner, a loving girl, n proud father and Innumerable ("situations." Mr. Dlngham had tho part of tho somewhat lachrymose victim of crcumstnncea, nnd an, un scrupulous villain, nnd whllo tho role Is ono of tho most difficult to por tray, manngod It as well as such a part can well bo handled, nnd that la saying much. Miss Maxlno Miles played tho part of Mnmlo Drlscoe, tho woman In tho case well, na sho has done In nil tho parts sho has takon. Roberts was a good villain or a bad villain, if that sounds hot ter, and Emily Ilnlzon mado a very wlhsonio little lady's maid. Tho play Is not In tho class of Capital vs. Labor, produced by tho smno com pnny, and tho management mndo a mlstako In not giving that a few nights' run as a farowoll. O'Connoll did some good comedy work and with Miss Golden won honrty applauso In tholr specialty. It was announcod a few nights ago that the Kllngor Grand would bo dark all this wook, but a popular domand for vnudovlllo caused the matmgomont to make umingomonts, and Inst night tho Majostlc Vaudeville compnny, of Soattlo, bogun a wook'a ongagomont, O'Con noll and Golden rumalulng for tho week to appear In now specialties. . Aa thu curtain wont down for tho last tlmo last night, someone who had ovldently enjoyed tho music and devoted moro tlmo to tho orchestra than tho stago handod tho roportcr tho following bit of Hontlment: i When Leln HnyN. When Loin plays, her ilngors drift Aa whlto and dnlntly o'or tho koys Aa ohorry blossoms tu tho Spring, Swoot playthings of oach vagrant broozo; And fluttering o'or tho lvorloa They mnko tho Soul of Music alng, And all tho sweota of sound uplift, And spirits of nil hnrmoulos, And dreams of nil tho molodlos Aro oroat tiros of hor moods nnfi wnys When Lola nlnys r o- . UEPEH ANOTHER HILL. f WE RECEIVED YESTERDAY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiminiHiiiiiiimimm T Objections to Creating n Nor Jmllc In I District. 211 CASES H-f-M-M mmiiiiminiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmniiiiiMnimiiiiiii ih t CONTAINING 5238 PAIRS OP y- i. UW&V . Alb. mV Y3V-VyYV 3A "inwnTrsT! ' I ftoO mu' fck This shipment weighed over five tons and is by far the largest shipment of shoes ever brought to Salem We have 56 more cases of shoes now on the road from the same factory and more to follow as soon as made. Our new spring line contains every desirable style for the present season in SHOES AND OXFORD TIES. We now have a great variety of Ladies' WHITE CAN VAS OXFORDS. The demand for these goods will be enormous, so you'd better buy while the present stock lasts, as later shipments may be badly delayed. 1 Big line of NOVELTY SILKS received yesterday in our Dry Goods Department. They'll be ready for you today. '" S"U only at tho window. I'en;w morning at 9 o'clook tho when 1b raroly offored In towns of this bIzo In any portion of the coun- hmrm., ,, (HUB BIZO iu any puruuji ui iIB uuuii- ., . aSal" OPOn, at Wh,Qh t Salem la tho only point in Oro 7 t!Z Uofnmar o nado olthor g0n vistcd by this company outside '-"-or at the window. 0f Portland. Thla is an Instanot whoroln absoluto confldonce may b placed In ndvanco announcements, nnd an occasion wlioro patrons may bo posltvoly asaurod of witnessing n EUUEICAf ". I Hare Found It at Iinst. "id what' Why that Chambor- n.t . w llUOlklVlJ wonmuM w. .- -.o " wire cures eczema and all t,rrnrmmir. wih nil the llttla do- ll.tll.Li- ... . ' "' '"' "- '- V4 inning or tno skin. I hava tails that go to mako up tho alluring 1 lEleted for manv veara with '..-..,- - ..in,nill -i. '. T hr,A tn o.t ,.- I . . .. . .. ... i4i rh. i v ""- nossea in 1110 greai moirujiuun noun. '"rUniM CVfrv nli.Vi nn.l ... . . .. - ... .. ..-i ...111 re&d o " .. uroaaway, lor mo umo uohik yr: ater t0 a,lay tlo terrlbld bo trananlanted to Salem, and those . oat jlnce using thla salvo In who dlnrocard this onnortunlty wilt '.1803, the Itching haajonly havo thorasolvea to blamo for - uas not trmiMari mo : Joka T Oneler. Pnnm t ,,al,t Dr stone's drug store. ""I - -o . ormpriw .f oi . .. , OUIUIII, t C n .. - ..a-'viin. nr miii nitv tt'ngh Salem Ratiirrtnv H far p r!i,nil ,..., it,. -.4 uu uuBiuuas. 'B --, t .... - " o wiiiam- ;jj, - u,r,"tai uoparimeni il-Ed ia cow located at Mill 3., ltAVv tettt.v.. mouatlngs mado nut, ,V fas plaB. plaolng - .- iiuu, BMIUS fJW ie I result from your cUM)iNa L1IXSES k "owiuuy ground , "V tte "db lenses tho V..7: w nttms yoa with glas 1 wT!.!B ' th6 TeT beat. Wo mz:ll "clent,flc w 4 . UBr Iiutrumet8 S H. Hinges tft2fUOpUcUa, T1 t tow to any after rogrot. Tho Sousa Opora company carrlos its own orchostra, a chorus of sixty trained volcas and a porsonal of 80 parsons. Tho cast, besides Mr. Cawthorn, ombracos Mossra Albert Hart, Gwrga SehllUr, George Tallman. Mlwea Nellie Der gon and Jaanotto Lowrlo. Prices will rango from 50 centa to-12. For thla ongagomont ats will b on salo at tho box offlce from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., Tuesday the 9th. During which tlmo no ordws by Uleaonj will be accepted. Th ganaral al of seats will open, on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, at which time reservations by phono may b made. Dut. if you wish to obtain seats In adranoe of Wednesday they will have to be procured at the window, o Funeral Notice. The funeral services of the late II P. McAdama will be conducted by Rev. W. H. Solleck from the family residenco at 1298 North Commercial street at 1:30 this afternoon. The burial will be In the Leo Mission cemetery. o Whereas, At tho last seftslon of the Oregon state leglBlnturo, tltero was passed an not creating the elev enth Judlclnl district, therefore be It Resolved, ny the members of Ilutte Creek Orange, No. SIM, Pat rons of Husbandry, that wo uro op posed to said measure for the follow ing reasens: First It Is uncnlled for and un necessary. Second Wo are opposed to any local legislation without .first ascer taining tho wishes of tho pooplu In terested. Third Tho district ns constituted at prosont glvos ample time for all burlnees coining before the court. Fourth- Tho oroatlng of the new district ndds an additional unneoeM sary expense of mqre than six thou sand dollars a year to state and county, and be it further nosolvod. That we favor the refer ondum on this measure, in order thai the people may have an opportunity of oxproBsIng tholr wishos In, the matter, which thoy woro not giver before tho loglslaturo met and passed the bill. Further, that a copy of theso ros olutlons be aont to tho newspapers of Wheeler. Gilliam nnd Sherman counties nnd to tho dnlly papers of Portland, Oregon. Introduced nnd ndoptod at Fossil, Wheeler county! Orogon. OTIS KIS12U, Mnstor. Mrs. Lllllo Klsor, Secretary. o Just HeraiiNO Your cough la only In tho thornt and doeB not trouble you now, don't think that it needs no attention. When It has not had much of a start Is tho time to cheok it. The sllghtost cough oasily leads to Pneumonia, Mronohl tla nnd Consumptl6n. A bottle of Ilallnrd's Horohound Syrup will euro that cough. Tho prloe puta It within roaoh of all. Sold by D. J. Fry FARMERS ALL SAY REFER Unsubsidized Taxpay ers Will Be Heard o M. m 3 -XVZLMm TlU4VxKiHaiirt5iie The Practical Question That stares every family Ih the faee is that of getting their mon ey's worth. When yea buy Baking Powder you should kson most of alll that It is all right Eppley's Perfection Is tho purest and best brand that money can buy, and it Is made In Salem. C M. EPPLEY Mjwwfacturer Satem , Orefn Campaign to Cut Out $500.' 000 of Logrolling Appro priations The next political state campaign opens with this issue of The Capital Journal, in which the reporu of the Orange committees on legislation and the report of the executive com mittee of the State Orange AHH I'imMHiiHi) and aivitx WIUB ClHCUIiATION. The Capital Journal campaign 1 in line with the demand of the fariaers and taxpayers of Oregon, sad means cutting out from half a million to a million of appropria tions now, and a great taring In the future. In the vory nature of things, thin campaign must be 1IY, I'OK, AND Ol' Till rJCOl'JJ, as the powerful com blnatlons that logroll the appropria tions through the legislature havo the money to subiidUo the prow and havo the moans to carry on a cam paign of letters and circulars. Orer against this powerful speolal and privileged class, dominated by organized predatory officialism THAT IS ALWAYS AHK1NO FOB MOIII. The Capital Journal, the Grange and the country press stand for the inter ests of tho taxpayers, as against the tax eaters. It Is a Hre feat on an Isauo that cannot bo ovuded. WHICH huh: aim: you fightino with? Tim lU-fcrcnduin Campaign. This campaign to cut nut from $r.00,000 to U. 000,000 of graba nnd grafts will not Btop witlt signing up referendum petitions. TJII' CAM PAIGN wriiii iu: wagi'h in j:v. KHY TOWN A.l CITY, nnd tho en croachment of offensive combinations will he fought In public meotlngB, us threshed out in resolutions, and fought out In the columns of the newspapers. The bills on whloh the referendum will bo dlsouiHod boforo the people, ns well as tho measures lultlntud, and TIIH CONHTITUTIONAL BIGHT OF Till PKOPliK TO Jil'VY TAXIvS OXIiY HY TIIHIU COXKHNT WUA. Hi: ASSICUTKI). Tho stnto government must be mado moro responsive to tho people. Tito lugislnturo Imposes a million dollar additional taxes on tho penplo AXI) PHOVlDKS NO XKW SOUHCIi! OF HKYItXL'K. In fact, It ropeaied several sources of ruvonuo of tho past. A million dollars moans $2.25 on the thousand of assessed valua tion. Tho average farmer will pny about ten dollars additional statu taxes on account of the last sossiott of thu legislature. Haoh person np IHNiled to by this paper should con tribute one to five dollars to this campaign. I. Inn County Council, The fight is bolng led among the inuepeuueiu uranKo iy inu i.iiiu i county council. That body of metif have always boon u bulwark for good government, and they nro mnklng their tight, from, princtplo, .AN!) WITH NO I-'UNDH HUT VOtiUN TAHY CONTHIIUTIOX8. Tho Jour nal circulates 2000 copies todny at Its own uxpeusu. ; Tho pcoplo of tho stnto, rcgardloai of party, should nuutalu this light for ruforin nnd dofoat tho unlicensed do- m innnd for lump sums from tho stnto treusury at tho mvro ilemaud of tho salaried claw. The people are prepured to sup port publto schools nnd higher educa tion, hut they must hnvo control OF Till" AMOUNT THAT HHAMi 1113 OlYHN FOB HUGH PUBPOHICH. This battle will bo u doalsivo ono. Shall thoro he unlimited nggrosatonn In future for spuchil privileges or limited support based upou a bust nop showing of thu actual tiecosst tlos of tiiioli InstltutlmiT Tho Capital Journal nsks au Im medlnto responso to tho plea of tho Linn county farmers from tho farm ing nnd tuxpnylng olassso of nil counties in tho stnto. lutlhmls Horrhoiuul Hyrup. Immediately relievos hoarse, croupy ceugh: oppressed, rattling rasping and difficult breathing. Ilonry C. Sterns, druggist, Hhullsburg, Wis., wrltos, May 30, 1902: "I have boon soiling rinllard's Horohound Syrup for two years, and havo noror bad a preparation that has given bettor satisfaction. I notlco that whon I sell a bottlo they conio back for more. I can honestly recommend It," 2Gc, C0o nnd 1100. Bold by D. J. Fry. M H 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 9 I HI 11 1 1 H I II 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I II I H H I M I II 1 IJ E. O. MOLL'S Country Cured HAMS AND BACON I VK 1IAVH J18T lU'CKIVI'D VUOSl HIM AN HXTIIA HKLKOV UrV OF BMM.h I1AMH THAT WIJIflH 1'BOMIO TO 15! POUNDS. TIIH IlltliAUFAKT HACON 18 TIIH IlKST VB IIAVK KVIJIt HAD J.V STOCK. YOU V'ltJU NOT BKGBOT VSAVISQ AN OUDKU FOB BO.MK OF THIS J'l.VB MKAT. WIJ WIMi IIAVB OUB BEO VIuU SIPITA' OF TJIH FOLLOWING XVXnTVMlLESi AHPAB AGl'S, BHUIIABIl, JATCIVCll, YOUNG ONIONS. OAHBAGU AND GKI'l'XB. IUMKXI1EII Ol'B STOCK OF OBAXGKS, BANANAS AND APPWiS ABB TUB VKP.Y IlKST. ' MOIR GROCERY CO. 456 State St. Ptofte 182 U 1 i 1 II M H 1 1 H HI I H 1 1 1 M 1 1 M i II M 1 1 it 1 1 II II M 1 1 1 1'