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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
a "MiIi Zrfizpv' DAILY CAPITAL JOUIl.vAli, BALF.M, OHEGON. T I'KSDAY, APItH 0, 1007. re I I 1 '? i HOFER BROS., PMm nd Proprietors JJ. JIQFJSH, Editor. A. P. HOFEK, Manager. THE JOUItNAL STANDS FOIt PH0GKE8S, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEQKADBD LABOR. THE HOROSCOPE. O radiant angol of iny ruling start Itcad mo tho story of tho Tioroacopo, That Sent Lovo to mo, for I darkly gropo Uoforo tho secret of tho calendar That ushers In tomorrow. It Is far Tho day that woars my diadem of hopo, When I aha!! know Lovo'fi plenltudo and acopo, And all its hidden wondorB as thoy aro? How blinded nro tho mortals of my blrthl As Irapot ont In rapturo as In sorrow Tho caiItal of Destiny to borrow. Whntovor wealth our fortune may bo worth. And though I gavo tho glory of tho earth, I ceuld not buy ono whlapor of tomorrow! By EIsa'Dakqr. g2ainC:ZCi3CUMWMWliaCWftMWMWMfttMW' A Suit You'll Be Proud Of "THE LITTLE PATCHED TROUSERS. Tho wide Hprondlng scat with Its llttlo squnro patches, - Tho pookots that bulged with my luncheon for noon, And also with marbles and flshworms and matches, And grubworms and klto strings from April to June. Ho pantaloons over performed' greater sorvlco , . In filling tho hearts of uu youugstors with Joy; They mado thodoscont from Adolphus to Jnrvls, Illght down through tho family of ton llttlo boys. Tho' llttlo patahed trousers, 'tho second-hand trousers, Tho old fnmlly trousers that bugged nt tho knoo. WHOIS HlflNO sunsiiHZED? Tho Eugene Guard charges tho Sulom Journal with being a uubsldlzo.l organ of grnft, on account of Its opposition to tho university appropria tion. It Is now Tho Journal's turn Albany Domocrnt. Tho Euguno Guard Is vory tnlompornto' In tho discussion of tho pro posal to ruforoudum tho voto on tho lnoronsod appropriation for tho uni versity. Albany Horuld. Tho fight of tho Linn county gran go Is ono of prinoplo. Tho cry ot "'subsidized organ" douu not apply. , Tho Capital Journal (loos not blamo tho Eugene popors and vthoy nro ontorprlslug and nblo ami ns a nulo fair for standing up for tho local appropriations for Euguno. Tho Capital Journal will do what nono of thorn will do It will print "tho monniMt and tho harshest things that can bo said about ltsolf AND LEAVE THE HKSUIr WITH THE PUHLIO. Alt through tho discission of tho unlvorslty appropriations tho post tlon has boon mnlntiilnod by tho Ptoplo of Orogon did not doslro to -rofuso roaHouablo nupport for th Orogon ntnto unlvorsty. Tho quontlnu at Issuo Is not tho u mount of tho approprlatoa so much - as tho manner In wlicli tho Eugene Insttutlou mnungors domandod It, and refused Information AS, TO WHAT THE MONK YWAS TO HE USED von. It tho prouodont thuy have ostabllshod. stands thon noh school In fu ture will bo JUHtlllod In demanding a lump sum of a quarter or a half million, as tho fnnoy may tulto them, "without specifications," AND JIU8II IT THROUGH ON A COMBINATION WITHOUT DISCUSSION. Tho statu unlvorslty s a big Institution. It lias a powerful board of TOgontB. IT HAH ITS OWN PRINTING PltltSSES AT PUHLIO EX PENSE. It lias an nble faculty, a talented president. It has a large In coino. .It has many nwvnpapers lighting for It. THE LINN COUNTY (HtANGK HAS NO FINDS. IT HAS NOT SUMSIDIZHD ANYONE. Tho Capital Journal will send out a large epeolal edition today to al low the farmers and business mon a chance to exprees thomselvoe ou tho University appropriation. THAT WILL HE THIt IHtST 11HPLY TO THE CRY OF THE UNIVERSITY OHGANS AND WILL HHVKAL WHO IS RHINO SUHSIDIED. It Is tho principle that Is Involved In the fight against the unlversty npproprlatuu. IT IS NOT THE AMOUNT. If It had but been shown that the growth of tho liutltuflon, th Increase In nttendnnoe, the need ot building uud lauds had boon such as to require JH60.000 fur tho next two years THE PHOPLE WOULD HAVE GHANTED TDK APPHOPHIA. TION. Hut no such showing was made. It was refused. It la published that many of tho student aro working their way imrt of the tlitio to get through the school. THAT DOES NOT Al'KHtr TDK SITUATION. It still costs the state f 400 for uuoh year onoh student goes there and If the students pay their own support all the time thoy nro there that does not offeot the amount of motny THE STATE PAYS POU "FINISH. Ml) EDUCATION." The IqbuI paper at Eugene will make no headway by engaging In per eonal abuse, it sounds strangely like the squeal of the subsidised pre. Tho Journal Is trm to admit that from the standpoint ot that preee, and tho apologist of organised and predatory oltlolttlew, It attitude U un popular. Tho Journal stands for enroful wtwervntlva btulne prog ress. That attitude Is luoomprohunslble to the rooters after public acorns. uar.-ni.uwf 3' ThtnHI STYtE-ORAClS jCOKEECT CLOTHES gehtujmejn. & v y um. WW 11 II siif Hfc. SCIItOSS BEOS &"Cd H Ciotiks Hum Jtlllmtr, ftM That's the kind of n suit your spring suit should be. And It's tho kind of n suit It will bo If It comes from tills homo of good clothes. "fT1? Tho known character and tho ap parent superiority of our clothing aro homctlmcs posltvo luindicaps to us, becauso people fonn tho idea that such line clothes cost moro than they' do. Hut with nil our selling of the fin est muly-to-wenr clothes In (ho world, wo havo never ncclcctcd tho man whoso outlay for n suit is to be $10 to $30 G. W. Johnson & Co. itMaMH9llffflMMllaiIMmiaMHllllt W1P WW WW WW A UNIQUE II SHOWING Your grocery wants tully supplied at our storo 432 State street. Phono 131. Call and seo our largo variety of EARLY VEGETABLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, ETC. A complete lino of fancy and staplo groceries. 111. M. BRANSON ii Phone 131. 432StaeSt. jj it 1 1 ZJ99B1f999W999a99t Tho GHILLINC: OF SINNHItS. There ure various wys ot dishing up slmier. Tim iKipular ways of serving AltH OltlLIillD, HHOlldll), Sl''ALUD, 1WJABTHD, "IMio OrUllHg ot HlHer" Is the title H. A. UWs has wt to kit Uteet artlnle In the Atlnatto Monthly. Belilom Howndnys doee ono Had wholeMMtt truths utterod m troHch natly ns throughout the serlte of t'onlriliutlOHs frow his jh which haw Uw recently nHPwrlng in that iHaunslno. "THE GUADING OFHINNlHtS" THUOIv DHP? "THe CHHUnnlold" added a new word to our voeabutnry, and ou wo greatly Meedeil; "TH Grilling of StMHere" mates in UHmlstakahle term the iwsln UuelaeM of prejHut-tlny ethic, that ot mueterlug the foroe of rlghteOMiaeet, GET TING TllliM IX) STIUKIt TOGETHER, AND TO STRIKK HAItD. The public Is bewildered, he say. It divides on quunttoHs of creed, and raee, aad pUtl. and eela rank; ud all the tliwo tho powers that pry the trusts, the boodlert, the (ranchlse-grabbers thrive- on tho spoils. THE INDIGNATION OF THE RIGHTEOUS MISSES FIRE. "Hnlly tha forooa" Is the watchword for thse who aro dedicated to the cause of light and prosros. Wo Imagine that Professor Ross would havo made n sood prophet in days ot old. Rut perhaps tuoru Is as groat a place for such a man now as there ever waa. Wo neJ sotuo ono to wako us up. go lone as Muuor aro Hot coudomned to tho lako ot b'rttnttono and mwlMtinir jlre, . . "W wakee Us owa lwlU 0e4MM-Ua oura keatta." Sporting Summary. Jockoy Koornor has gono from Oakland to LcuIbvIUo. A two days' suspension by Holtmnn accoloracd hla doparturo. Ho intends resting a weok boforo reporting at Aqueduct. John Ollvor Kocno surprised ovory body by shipping his string from Oakland to Now York. It Includes Mnndator, Rod Leaf and Mansard In tho oldor division, nnd tho two-year-olds Doas and Exchequer. Tho last named la rognrded ns tho pick ot the lot. W. H. Jonnlngs hats JttBt puobaBod a 2C0r-acro ranch noar Woodland, California, and iutonds breeding his own raco horses hereafter. Doalors say tho blcyclo Is coming back, as Bales show that It Is receiv ing popular favor. Thoy Bay that wheols aro now simple and moro durablo than of old, and good ronda and bettor stroots havo helped tho causes. Howard A. Fronch Is to glvo a vnl unblo gold modal to tho rider cover ing tho greatest mlleago this year, all being eligible Tho cyclomotor readings nro to bo tnkon dnlly and tiled each month, with a sworn statu mout. Motoring Is said to bo ojijoylus tho snmo wnvo of popularity. Ono doalor roports ordors for 20. The tolephono companies are taking ad vautngo of the simplicity of tho low cost of ninlntennnco to oqutp their Hiihurban mon with thoso mnohluoa In Imltlmoro, while tho park board and polloo board saw tho advantages of tho mnohluo for duty in the public park last season. Joo Thomas nnd Wllllo Lewis havo been matched to light within, two weeks before, the olub offering tho host terms. Tho two men ngrood to weight ISO pounds at 3 o'clock ou the day ot the tight. Tim Hurst has been selected to referee. Bids for the battleground cloned at tho Dar tholdl on Tuojsdny with Harry Foley. Thomas has defoatod' Hnaoy Mollody twice, and the Charleston lighter has twice knocked out Lewis, So on pa per at least. It look as It WUIe were up against It. Wlllard V. Downs, of liny Shore, L. I.. Is building a Class Q boat for Hubert A. Brown,' Atlantlo Yaeht olub. This boat Is blng built from designs by Henry J. (llelow. and will be In conformity to the general rule. Her owner will raoe her In Gavosond, Day, poeelbly at Larchmont, and will take her down to Jamestown oxposl- OTF yoa have Idle II money on hand that Is not earning yoa any thing, deposit It In oar Savings Department. It will earn Interest and be subject to withdrawal when needed. tlon, to Bail for tho International trophy. Anglers nro ready to catch trout In Now York state. Hundreds of an glors Btarted for Long Island on tho first of tho month to catch tho llttlo beauties, tho sport this weok having boon good. But ns many of tho Btroam nro posted tho ohancos of fill ing tholr crools aro vory poor for tho public. Lady Isabel, tho Holstoln filly who won tho two-year-old raco, Is tho first wlnnor Samuol Ross over bred hlmsolf. Sho Is a chestnut miss ot comoly nppoaranco, nlthough aho is not vory lnrgo, and aho has an ntnaz Ing turn ot spcod. Mtlor, who rodo hor, says sho broko as readily as a horso of maturo ago, and rnn as though sho had had two or tliroe yoars' oxporienco nt it. o "Pneumonia's Deadly Work Ilnd so sorlously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannlo Connor, of Rurunl Routo 1, Georgetown, Tonn., "that I coughed continuously night and day nnd tho nolghbors prediction consumption scorned Inovitablo, until my husband brought homo a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery, which In my enso proved to bo tho only ronl cough euro and rcstoror ot wonk, soro lungs." Whon all othor remodlos utterly fall, you may still win In tho battlo ngainst lung and throat toubles with New Dlscovory. tho real cure. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. 50c and '$1.00. Trial bottle froo. JV!". -""" W11T HM . -' ot it wisely nnl "?"" us? UJltt 2S2L"?i "wgrrlH4 O. C. T. CI STEAMERS. POMOXA ivn . roim-iSSW DAY AXn r-n,' "., TUESDAV. Ynrii' ,8 SATUItDAYSTwTl! .vt r... ax intHM oA-xuiuiAr ADOCT 6 p. P. M. BALDWIN, J DON'T BLAME THE CHEF If your Chops or Steak or Cutlets aro tough and tastolcss. Ho can cook good meat all right, but It Is mighty hard to cook poor meat so It will glvo satisfaction to tho eator. Be sides tho best prlvato families, wo supply tho leading hotels and restau rants, whoro tho Beef, Voal, Mutton Lamb or Pork has to bo of tho best quality or patrons would bo driven nwny. Buy horo once you'll Btny. f . A. Kurtz Phone 205 Com. st. PURE FOOD LAW Honors Gesner. The April numbor of Tho Skotch contains on Its front pago a largo llkenoss of Lo Roy Gesner, Snlom talented violinist, who will soon glvo n concert nt the Helllg. Itttceut advices from Adjutant General Finser. of the state military hoard, ludlcate that a company of the O. N. G. will be organized at Cot tage Grove. -- - - Savlags Department Capital Nattoaal Bmk Thompson's Rose Nicotine Kills plant insects on flowers, fruit vines or vegetables, and V1IRM1N On human body, dogs oats, fowls, and In tho house. Colorlo.vs Odorless, Stainless Price. 26 and 60 oents at PRY'S DRUG STORE, Salem, Oro Headquarters for all kinds of spray materials. Ask tor booklet, "How to Destroy Plant Insect and Vermin." J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmer. CaXs answered day or night. Phone 70, J S3 Court St., Sl How many pcoplo nro thore among you who know what It monns? If an nrtlolo is pure, tho manufacturers aro moro than ploaaod to say It ou tho labels of tholr goods and in tholr advertising. If thoy woro adulter ated, thoy will say nothing until forcod to by law. Again, many denl ors will ordor tho adultoratod goods bocnuse hoy oan mnko moro profit on thorn 'than Is posslblo to do on wholesomo, puro foods. So, if you get puro food, you will have to se loct tho brand and insist on gotting It from your doalor or send to tho manufacturer for your supply. ALLEN'S SELF-RISING BOSTON DROWN BREAD FLOUR IS PURE ALLEN'S SELF-RISING -B PAN CAKE FLOUR IS PURE. For sale by all first class grocers. If yours does not havo it, wrlto to us. ALLEN'S B.B.B FLODR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San Jose, Cal Easter Factory, Llttlo Wolf Falls, Manawa, Wis. Send the Family Washing To I and you'll noverbother tlti It dono at homo agila. Tlsi when every family co.nld tot , to sond tho washing to t but times havo chimed-, havo tho methods and prices. T you can better afford to tai family washing here tits Mi Ask about our prlcca on unflp Ing, rough dry, or flnhtei The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 25. 136-166 8. 1 CAPITAL .COMMISSION 267CornnirdalSt Phone 179 Cash Purchasers Puuitry, Eggs, and All Farm Pnxk Salem Fence Wir Headquarters for Wota IVnflnf. ti wim nrh WlM. M Netting, Plcketi, Catei,Si!tp P. &. D. Ready liooM. All at loweit prtst Walter Mode) o;n fniirtSt. St House Cleaning Time Tho season Is here for cleaning house and when It Is done you want your plumbing put in order. If there Is anything wrong with your range or water taV, sower, water pipes or gas pipes send word and an experienced men to put It In order A. L. FRASER u St4ate BtMAta Garden See We tew t a; Garden &c - '-. seeds are all J carry-over- Ask for o You got lor " to the P9nd- rrlK ?iJ Clover. AlWf. m Land PUftw. c-Coulsoe,El':u roulsoa's CWjr, "a.rr'toa reiau u- - & w 151 TILLS0N -MTXt tz 1 ssm m4 BJgy,' V iB!L hww '' am """ Hiiimimiiimiimin