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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
AILYOAMTAL JOURNAL. fc, lit. I ! SALKM, OHKGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1007. NO. m. BIG REFERENDUM EDITION '2: ELOQUENT 4 era site-!a. t 1ft ite BUTTE iLWAS ELOQUENT APPEAL rtires the Renunci alion of Evelyn -Sacrifice of Woman a Trait Not Common Among men i testimony of a convicted folon, and ask 12 men torqturn a verdict that I will mako a young wife a widow." Evelyn Told Truth. v "You do boltcvo In your hearts, la fnct you know, that no human Imag ination could have Invented the story Evolyn told you that no actreBS day after day could have stood all tho tricks known to lawyers to break down a. witness unloss tho story waa true. Now try to depict tho effect that story had on tho mind of Hnrry Thaw? I Bhall prove It from many sources, prove It first In tho words of Evelyn testifying to you." Effect of Her Story. Sho says: " 'The effect's of my statement of tho wrong dono mo on Thaw wcro very terrible. Ho Bald It must have been frightful to think of mo, so young nnd tender, in the hnnds of this big yellow brute. Ho kept biting his nails, wnlklng up and not. I loved him too much to lot (was the cnuso of all hor wrongs, so him mako that sacrifice. I always ! that she refused to neo him alone. jtt York, April 9 Dolnins an- I before ho entered court thnt mid conciuuo ma argument m down, sobbing and moaning. Not mornings session. Tho crowd crying, but awful sobs shook him. He larjerthan ever today. Thaw would cry out 'Oh, God! Oh, God!" 9d bright and choorful. The n0 Baa no rjKi,t mlndod norson stonily was present. His slstor- would blame me. That I was only i lir JIr bdwaru llinw, n-.poor, unfortunate llttlo clrl. but for tho first tlmo. In opon-; that. In splto of what had hnpponoJ. j Muni tald "I will jyjd tho ho intendod to marry mo anyhow. I Mot of many weeks nnd, so far ( told him It wna not right, bocnuse njdcfenio Is concorned, placo iWhlto'a frlonds know, ami Hint thnv ibm la your handB." Ho re would snoor at him, that It would tri Molly what ho said yostor- hurt him with his family. Ho would M tha flirt rnillft 1nnri ntnai in' ..t I. .. ... - .1 . t - .. ..,,,..., ..... .v.. .. iu IJUI, i,Vui- mi;, Hiiu renewed ins oner ttlHld Of his argument. Hu of mnrrlnen. T rlliln't tlilnlr It rliMit ti np on Hummel nnd said: I told him I would no bnck on tho r latter again sco a higher of- stngo; hat would not tlo him down. of the people stand upon tho I wanted to marry him, but I could wmgoStGee I "peoples 'BAB&UNfflGSB OUR LOW PRICES ARE WHAT MAKE BUSINESS WE IUU.SOV AK AllK AIAlAVRiirsviunv irrmtviwivniTii llnrnoi, ." "" " """ I Hi. ,IVK aiKHOIIANIIISK OID ROODS FIND NO WE IX TIIF (1IICAOO K'mill.?. MVMitV Awvwt.v. iv mn J08K IS THIS SKASOX'fl LATEST AM) STACKS OF Tll'lttl TO ggT FHOM. HKAl) OS. ladies' New Spring Suits ktMidcrat Trent vou will rtmi n 1 tsorr ,r nt of tho latest tnll. i. itk i,n.d and hnndsomo. JJmw fanf rhtrks and black, if 15 Fi. ..uonally good vol- " Ud rfal irtO-data ir.trmnnta. tMu to u department. It u,r' " ' U'UT Pookot. S?o , $10.50, $12.50, t ju.du and $15. ' Dress Skirts mzit , f. A ".. I . ri. 't In all tho new 't- new materials, fjucy ohook, plain Prices. IjJf ll thought It waa my talking this wny which In part affected him so. " Her Ilciitiiicintlon. ' "It was a subllmo renunciation,' snys tho sneering district attorney. It was a subllmo sacrltlco that this poor girl, earning a living by tho hard work of in artist's modol nnd actress, should refuso a rich man's offer of marriage, but I show you by J ovmonco you cannot doubt thnt this subllmo ronunclntlon wns truo; that t was truo ho proposed marriagot thnt 8o rofusod him; that this re fusal was tho act of n noblo, solf sncrlflclng woman. It may bo that ma ncannot rise to Btich heights of solf-sncrlllco nnd self-abnegation, but than God, tho Creator has placed In tho nobler, moro tenrtor breast of wo man tho power to rlso to thoso heights. Itosa to Sublime Height. "When this power nppoara In our laughters it becomes tho Joy or our homes. When It appears In our wives It becomoB tho balm of our llvoa." Inias roforrod to Thaw's letter to Longfollow. Ho coutlnued: "The gonuluouoae of this lettor Is unquoa tlonod. Thnt It tolls tho truth Is undonltd. Yen, It was a subllmo ro nunclntlon. Iu hor llttlo, but noblo hohrt tho spirit of solf-sncrllloo roso. She snid: 'Harry, I won't drag you down. I can't mako of you an ob ject at which every slow linger of scorn may point. I will bo nil thnt a woman can bo to n ninnNto youbut 1 won't tlo you down. Tho nlomont you think It beBt 1 go back to my and, dreary life, whllo you return to your own life, to your mother, to your sisters, whllo I drop lowor, lowor until I disappear.' That's nil," exclaimed Delmas. "Sho wouldn't bo co mo hla wifo, because Bho feared It would shut him out from hla mother nnd slstors, nnd from that society to which ho had boon ncouBtomod. Men of sordid affairs may not nrlao to that conception, but this llttlo glr! did rlso o thnt sublime height." Tlimv'a Miml Poisoned. when he exclaimed, 'Poor llttlo Evo lyn,' then recall the lottors ho wroto hor, how he wrote nextdny, Oh, tho madness of It, as you aro absolutely honest ho won't trouble you; ho would have dono nothing for you, now you must got strongor without him.' Tho pages neither of poetry nor oratory contain n snddor story of. utter desolation. Thaw bewailed his loss, tho world sccmod a blank to him, ho felt he had nothing to llvo for, nil nmbltlon fled." Thaw Coiicclrvtl Ills Mission. , Dolmns described at longth Thaw'a changed manner when ho went to Pittsburg; how tho mother noticed and nt last loarncd tho secret. Ho centinued: "Then you romombor tho occnslon In the church whon the organ ponlod out that grand anthem totho God of our nrmlos nnd nnvlos, 'Lost AVo Forget,' how ho broko down, with tho music ringing In his onrs, ropontlng tho state, 'you novor can forget th wrong dono this girl, you never can forgot what makes your life so deolnto?' Tho courag eous man conceived thnt ho had a mission to porform. Suelng Evolyn In tho hands of White Beemcd to him worBO than tho torment of hull, Ho LEGISLATIVE REPORT OF STATE GRANGE Grills Some of the Bad Work of the Last General Assembly Favors Free Locks and Port of Celumbia: Bills University Appropriation Held Excessive i Ab a member of tho legislative committee of tho State Grnngo, I hurowlth submit it partial roport of nwB enacted and bills dofontod at thu laitt session of tho loglalature: this Includes only house bills, ex- camo back to Now York to mako one ' ept such uh I hnvo boon uuablo to obtain a full rocord of, as tho llnnl calendar has not boon Issued yet, ntrl only thoso which 1 decide of mont In- more effort to savo her." Thaw Save.t Evelyn. The ndvocnto limn tlntilntinl Imw Thaw and Evelyn had met. almost as ltoro'!t to tho members nt our order, strangers, how Evolyn nt last learned I"lt,0 nfx,1 '"V th U.U,W.V ! tho Storloa tnlil nhm.t Thnw wnfnhvl11 tWUlth a final report, InchullnR $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.90 Muslin Underwear A grand assortment in skirts, chem ises, gowns, oorset oovers and draw ers. Corset Covors, 26c. Sic and 9e. Skirts, 66c, 9Sc, 11.25 and 1 49. Gowns, 49c. 75c, 9Sc and $1.25. lu"ls FASTEST GKOWINO STORJ3. McEVOV RROS. 1 . mm mm - r mmr "w-TIAIj AVn rnnnm bvudio . " mm. ninnExs. SALKM, OR. Thou tho speaker went Into the groat main thomo of tho dofonso, tho effect of Evolyns story upon Thnw'g mind. "Consider tho fatal rouse quencos of this talk ih Paris on this man. I roturn to hor story of tholr stay In Europo. How ho talked too much of this thing. How he would becomo oxclted about it How ho wui constantly going over It again nnd again, how it wns novor out of his ! mind. Suoh wus tho condition of Thnw's mind when ho partod from Evelyn and sent hor to America he foro him. It was tho first faint dawn of tho mental condition which maul footed Itself three years luter. He Buys he went to call upon her soon after he arrived In New York and found that In the meantime such thing had happened thnt when he, the man she loved, called on her she refused to see him alono." Evelyn AVn Decide!. "He found that hen. mind was poisoned against him. He said she didn't understand. Then she told him she had heard certain stories, that ho put a girl in a bathtub and turned boiling wntor on hor; thnt he took morphine; that he was craiy; that he was in the habit of tying girls to bedposts and beating them no shook his head and suld: 'Poor llttlo deludod Evelyn.' Sho told him how sho had gone to Hummel's of floe and seon thore papers purporting to tell of the suit against him by the girl he had mistreated, and be told her If she wished to. believe such things sho could. Tlunr AVas Dfccoiuolate. "She said be kissed my hand and said he would always caro mot for me, that I was an angel to him, and we parted as though never to see oaca other again. Picture the state of bit Mind when he received such greetings from the woman from whom he part ed so tenderly a short time before, who he lored and bad asked to be his wife; picture the state of bis mind when ho found sho had ben menUUy poisoned by the man who untrue. "Then," oxcmlmed Dolman, "hopo. began ngnln to dawn dn thlo, luan'B'breast. Tho hour of reconcili ation wan nt hnnd, tho barriers wore fnlllng nway. Thoy camo cloBor to gether, until that blessed night of Christmas, 1903, tho night White had propnrod In tho high towor to tho banquet for tills girl victim of his, whon he was to lure her to hla don ngnln, tho night when ho hoped to renew his wrongs to her, thnt night this mnn devoted to her, snntohed her nway from tho Jnws of death, from the snares of dlsgrnco tho senate bills and such house bills ns I hnvo not been ennblnd up to thW dato to get a f till record of, aa well a H soma nf thu inrmt Imtmrthnt roan. lutlons. TIouso mTlio. iC'knovffi-riY tho Chnplii bill, tuiHiSod both houses and npprovod by the governor, It provldoa for tho appointment of throo commissioners by tho gover nor, who hns already appointed thorn, ono of these commlsslonorii to bo elected by tho pooplo in 1908, tho other two In 1910. Thh bill-Wna ntuendod so much that It Is Impoiwl blo to give the exact provisions of the law as enacted until said law Iu, published. AVhotller it will glvo ro llbf from rnllrond abuses that 'thn pooplo demand, tlmo will show. HouBo'blll NO. 7. Hiibslttuto for x bill for an act appropriating money to nsslst tho U. 8. government to build locks nt tho fnllii of the AVII lamottu river at Oregon City waa pivHaed by both houses nnd nppravctV by tho governor. It appropriates $300,000 contin gent upon a Blmllnr appropriation by tho government to either buy . tk present loclm or build new oneao the enat nlilo of tha river. H. II. 12, n bill to establish Jut mill nt tho penitentiary, wna defeat, ed by bolng Imlellnltoly postponed H. II. 37. a bill for nu act tu In- cronso annual appropriations for sup (ContTifuod on piigoihrco.) ' nud took hor nway." Another Kpectrv. In continuation of hla morning speech Delmas said: "And thnt night real love for onoh othor be gan; that night whon hunting for tho man who hnd resouod her, but found him not, pistol In hund. White threat ened to shoot the man who had baf fled him. Dolmns exclaimed how Thaw believed AVhlto employod the "Monk" Eastman gang to kill him. Ho coutlnuodt "Thon arose the spec tre that ho might loso hla own life, added to tho ono which bad hnuutod him so long. From that night he wont armed." ComlnunK the story of Evelyn nud Harry, said Delmas. "In tho latter part of 1901 or lh beginning of 106. a second opera tion was performed oh Evelyn. Whan oonvateaeeHt the man who for two years had sought her love, who had been reHeed beeawM bc thought their union to be detriment al to him pareuadetl the mother he adored 'o oome to New York. She came aad brought the gtrl to marry her son. She aaeured her that she would be welcome to her home, lit the honored, reacted, loved wife of her son." Thaw Gnn Wild. She related that fctory to him one month before the fatal day In June. U9 began to gnaw his nails, his eyes grew wild. Did he not have oause to get wild, fhls mnn who had loved this girl for four years, who had carried her story in hie heart, who made her his wife when he hear! that her raviihor had boasted that ho would get hor back. In his mind ho heard AVhlte say: 'I stole hsr from her mother, and now I will SCHMITZ FRIEND HUBERT Being Put Through Another v Sweat Box Process San FranoUoo, April 9. Hxamlnn Ion of talesmen in tho Hjiur trial waa resumed this morning. Ono ad ditional talesman was temporarily passed. It Is generally Mondny'n heasion of the grand marked tho firing of the Ilrst gun In the general n win tilt1 on the pollqo de partment, and thnt In thu testimony of Fred Hllbert. Bob mils' bonom friend, waa laid the foundation not only for Indletment of Sohmltx. but several police otllolnls. llefore night fall It is believed Honey's real pur POM In going Into Hit alleged slot machine graft will be revealed. Hu bert will be sweated again this after noon. Members of the fight trust will alia be examined. GREAT FALLS STRIKE Throws Out Thousands of Men at Butte Untie, Mont., April 0. -Tho I'enn- . sylvanla, Mountain View, !,aonartl and Hast and West Colusa mfuoe o( f III Ililnli... R. 1 mm believed ' " wuimum uoinpuny nd JuryBhul UQWn tadny' u,rowln 3-P0 m.ii ..nt in worn, following (ho. cIohIiik of the Or oat l'all Htueitera by the strike of flfty-two (elootrJoal workors, maolilnlstM nnd black smiths fdr a I0-oeiit rni. Ilesldun 1100 smeltermen are renderoU Idle at CTeat I'a,IU HRd minora at Unite, about 1000 eoal miaera. uHarryiuen and trainmen are oHt of work. steal her again from her husband.' Dut he did not steal her again. Do tween that dealro and Its consumma tion this strong young man to dd fond bis right, inspired by the pledges he made before heaven to protect her with bis life." Tuo Million (iiiiiit Hags. Tho Stato Doard of Control of Washington has Just distributed nbout two million grain bags to tho wheat growing counties of thnt state The state of Washington has a legis lature that is not afraid to have Hi convict labor go into competition with the bagging trust. o (CoBtlBue4 ob Jkt.) Kcrub Woman .Ucim-d. Chicago, April 0. The mystery surrounding the theft of the $173, 000 from the sub-treasury bero Is said to have been cleared, Tho m ployea suspected are not guilty. It It deolared a scrub woman took tha bills whon the employes wero not looking. Following the search of tho woman was questioned by the gov I eminent secret service wen today. It la said a warrant will be Issued. MUviiirl Ig lulu tun. Jeffenwn City, Mo., April 9 In aeeordanto with the call of Governor j Folk, the legislature of the stute of .i muii 1 1 vhijiu (UKeuiwr in eaira ssa slon today. The speoine subjects named in the call are: To enact suoh legislation as may be neoetwnry to provide for the regulation of ttu rates of publlo corporations. To pro vide legislative enactments fur tho enforcement or tho dramshop law throughout the state. Tu provldo for the removal of derelict omcials. To provide for onactment wl(h an emer gency clause for the suppression of race track gambling. Dr. J. F. COOK THH MOTANWAL DOOyOK, MOVED TO Sid UMKHTY tiTKKJCt FOH ANY IH8KA4K OAMi ON IW, COOK. CONKUITATfOX FitKtt. . ! AH