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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
i , v .i .;, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1007. 9 y a. R v tk BARGAINS In Real Estate Farms and city property for Bale by Rndcllff. Co. 200 acroo, 0 room houso, 2 barns, good fruit, about 130 acres in culti vation, balanco good pasture Prlco $75 nor aero. This piaco Is about 2 miles from Balom and Is a numbor ono dairy farm. C-room modorn cottage, on car lino. Tbls proporty is offered at a sacrifice Prlco ?1GG0. Easy tonns D-room modern cottago, on car lino built ono yoar. Prlco 1C00. Modorn cottago of flvo rooms, all plumbed and wired, good woodshed lot 70 by ICO feet, septic tank. Prlco I1D00. Nino room house, plnstorod, clos ets, pantry, basqmont, soptlo tank, barn 26x3-1, woodshed 18x22. This plnco Is thrco blocks from court houso. Prlco $2020. 3 acres In city limits, nil in Lognn berries. Prlco 11200. Easy torms. 2 ncrcs, now G-room houso, now bnrn, two blocks from cnrlino, good fruit. Prlco I1CG0. G ncrcs, 1 miles south of I. O. 0. F. Cemctory, on good crushed rock1 road, 3 ncros sot to fruit, no Improve ments. Prlco $73fi 2G5 down, bal anco at $G por month. IP acres nil In cultivation, good G room houso, barn, woodshed, mixed fruit,' well fenced, 2,& miles from Salora. Prlco 11800. 8Vi ncrcs, 1V& iu,frultgood house, woodBhod and chicken Iioubo, 1 'inilcu from Suloin. Prlco $1200 Ono-half cash balanco nt 0 por cont intorost. GO ncros all In hops, small houso and burn. Hop houso 30x30, atoro room bntlor and Backs fourtoon mlleu woHt of Balom, ono mllo from Dallas. Prlco $0000, tonus onsy. 80 ncrou, 07 in cultivation, balanco pneturo, G-room liotmo, barn and otlior out-bulldlngs, good young fruit nil crop, lmplomontH and stock goos v. with placo, -I miluu from Hulom. Prlco $8000. This 80 ncros has ns good laud as any In Marlon county and purchaaoru ran got good torms. 73 acres all In cultivation, largo montH, stock nnd crops goes with woven wlro, good well nnd windmill, wntor forced through Iioubo and barn, ono mllo from Hhnw, all Imple ments, atnlk nnd crop goes with plnco. Prlco $G000. G5 acres, 35 in cultivation, bal nnco pnsturo, now. 7-room houso, largo barn, 18 acres of hops, 7 nillos from Balom. This is ono of Howoll PrnlrleB boat farm. Prlco $110 por ncro, ronsonnblu tonus. 100 nor, 70 )n cultivation, bnl nnco pasture, C-room house, 2 barns nnd othor out-bulldlngB, fruit of nil IcIndH, 3V4 miles from Balom. Prlco $8000, or will trndo for Balom prop orty of about $2500 valuation. Bovoral bouses Tor rent. Call It you want anything In Insurance or notary work. H 1 1 1 i I HI 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ) 11 1 1 Hf J DURING THIS MONTH. Now Is tho time to get tho rheumatic poisons and foul acids from tho blood and sys tem, states nn eminent author ity, who says tho Rheumatism and Kidney trgublo nro caused b) ho blood, which often be coni"B sour from excessive acids, nnd also tells' what to do lo mnko it pure and healthy. Got from any good proscrip tion pharmacy ono-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono ounco Compound Knrgon, thrco ounces Compound. Syrup Snr saparilla. Mix by shaking in a bpttlo and tnko n toaspoonful nftor moals nt at bedtime. Just try this simple blood c'nsor and tonic at tho first slTi of Rheumatism, or If your back aches or you fool that tho Kldnoya nro not acting right. Any ono can easily preparo this mlxturo at homo. I RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Mooris block, Knlem, Oro. Roforonco, any bank .or Vumtnw houso In tho city o( Snlom. 4H 94Wat)93t f Gold Dust Flour Mado by TUB SYDNEY TOW ER OOMTANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family uie, Ak your jrrocr for It. llran and abort always on Intnl. P. B. Wallace AGENT iniiiniinmninmm hiiiii iiiiiiniiiniinii Horoscope for Monibiy. AprJI H. Tho nlnoty-clghth dny of this year. Moon Is In tho Inst quarter; ago 2G days. Jupltor Is evening and Venus is rnornlng star. Extreme) loauaclty at any tlmo Is to bo deplored, but on this dny talk ativeness is especially to bo regretted. Guard tho tonguo lost it 'draw you Into doop nnd lnBtlng troublo nnd dishonor. Attend atrlclly to your own nffnlra and do not molost or Intrudo upon thoso of your neighbor. Abovo nil, do not repont scandnl. Tho ohnngonblo and uncertain moon In tho govornlng planet for this day, and tales sout out with tho In tont of Injurious offoct on othors nro moro than Jlkoly to provo boom ornngs, that travol In n circle, re turning to vont tholr forco nt tholr starting pblnt. Tnko no risks, Children horn on this day will bo vory fond of ploasuro and company, clovor, witty nnd sarcastic In conver sation. Thoy will boast but fow friends and fool tho lack koouly. Fomalos will wod Into in llfo to elder ly men, with -precarious martial Imp plnosa as n result. Tlicy Liked Eggs. There wore four huBky loggers from up tho vnlloy In tho city yester day. Thoy ovldcntly came down for a good time nnd thoy suro wore hav ing It. Tho Journal man did not run across them until Into in tho after noon nnd then they wore in tho White Houso restaurant. They were not out for stylo, and thero was no cham pagne, but they had a bottle, a large Bizcd ono full of red nppotlzor, that was certainly tho genuine stuff, for after a couplo Of jolts all "around thoy proceeded to do business with the bill of furc. Thoy had ovldontly mlssod Easter and woro determined to oven up, and nil ordorcd eggs. Thoy nto eight apiece, and thon two of them swltchod and took In a regu lar order. Tho other two, howevor, wanted moro hon fruit, and proceed ed to got it. One of them quit whon ho had surroundod twenty, besides tnklng in tho sldo dlshos of potntocs, six hot rolls, pudding, plo and two cups of coffee, but tho other who had ovldontly boon around some gambling rooms somo tlmo, said ho would make "21 or bust," and he didn't "bUBt." Tho four got around G7 eggs four very fair "Bettings." Such conduct as UiIb is discouraging ovou to the most optimistic Oregon hen, nnd coupled with tho recent rnthor In elomont weather Is calculated to mnko tho golden centorcd egg both flenrco and costly. How any man with 21 oggs under his vest could moot oven a rooster without taking off his hat and apologizing is boyond tho pon of a nowspnpor reporter, and how ho could fnco a hen with 30 days of hor hard work tucked away In his system and not blush cannot oven bu imaginod. Its a ten to ono shot that whon dnyllght camo this morning, that two of those loggors cackled and tho othor two crowod. Dig Figure nt Carnegie Institute. Pittsburg, April 8. Tho handsome bronze smybollc figures which adorn the front of tho new Carnegie Insti tute, which hnvo taken a lops while" to' be placed In position, ute Just finished a fow days beforo Founders' day. There are 10 figures In all, and thoy are said to be the' handsomest and heaviest on any building in tho ontlre country. 'There are four main figures, and tho rost aro secondary. Tho main statutes aro symbolic of art, music, literature and science Each ono is creot, standing 1G feot in height, and weighing from five to six tons. At tho baso of each of tho large ilguros aro smaller tautea of a master in onoh lino. Dnch Is -portrayed In tho rrrnslc statue, Shakospoaro In lltorature, Galilee In sclonco, and Michael An golo In art. Thd stntuos woro design ed by J. Mnssey Rhind, tho famous sculptor, and the models were made In his Now York studio. Tho cast ings woro mado in Naples, Italy. Thoro Is snhl to bo moro bronzo In the flguros on tho new lnstltuto than on any othor building In tho co.untry. Tho Carneglo Institute hns about qx haustcd tho supply of tho celebrated Pemtcllc marble from Athens, as In roplnclng a marblo pillar of this pre cious material, which had a Blight defect, It took 12 months to procure a satisfactory piece of tho marblo. Do You Like Honest Square Bealint Dr. Pierce's world-fatned medicines are put out und y publicity is the best possible guaranty of merit nnri tu 7 Ugent people generally want to know what they take int' achs, whether it be as food, drink or medicine Altlm t. fi step to take, and quite out of the usual practice of mat t tnrv medicines, vet Dr. Pierce. snm t5m ,.. -.. . ' ; bh n iiw. ho.m,.w "' ";r, :: ".r-u?.c,aw vm mi luc jngTcaients entering ; composition, or make-up, of his celebrated family medir,.- . deal is therefore assured every one usintr his mitVt. r. H i.. i i . , , "-u, jot (jjje tatoi exactly what he or she, is paying for when numb.,,, .i.. .Ingredient is published in plain English on the bottle-wrap correctness ofthe samt attested under mlnm, ti. . Vrl ' . . . . inese several u ij ents are selected from among the very best known to medical for the cure of the various diseases for which thp J -o- "l'notimouln'M Deadly Work Had bo seriously affocted my right lung," wrltos Mrs. I'j'nnnlo Connor, of Kuruul Routo 1, Georgetown, Tonn.. "that I coughed continuously night and day and tho neighbors' prediction consumption scorned inovitnblo, until my husband brought homo a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Dlscovory, whloh In my enso proved to bo the only roal cough euro and rcstoror of wenk, sore lungs." Whon all othor ro mod I oh uttorly fall, you ijmy still win In tho bnttlo against lung nnd throat toublos with Now Dlscovory. tho roal euro. Gunrantocd by S. O. Perry, druggist. G0q nnd $1.00. Trlnl bottle froo. o No boasting In the Portland papers about Oregon harbors. Thoy have tho only harbor. IT IS FOR YOU, NICKI.Y FOLKS I HohMtorV Stniniu'li HMtcrti ha proven itevlf the Ideal medicine for every man or woman who suuVm from Poor Appctito, llwutmlii', Uclt'hliiKi Ni'itM'ti, Knur UIMiigK, Dyn Hptla, ludlgitloii, CosthtMicti, Colds, (irlpihs Hpi-lng lVv(r ur Ma laria, und elnce we guarantee It n (.olnioly puiv no owe ned heeitntd in trying n buttle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS nt uhcm. It h1wo iclvoe Mtlefaetlon A SQUARE DEAL AND A IMlIt TRIAL OF 01 R FARM lMPJ.RMK.yTS AM) MACIIIXKHY OF ALL HINDU. IF YOU ARU NOT SATISI'IKD WITH A FAIR Till Ah YOU XKtiD NOT lll'V. I SHI.l.TRACriON AND STATIOXKUY RNGINKS, NICROI.'S AND BlIKPARD'H RUD 1UVUII 8KPARATOKS, HAY 1IAMUIS, hTEKIvT AND ROAD GRADING MACUINKKV. W HANDLU TDK I1YR1) WAGONS, RNGHU RUGOHSi, HACKS AND CAHHIAGHS. 'K ARU AGU.NT8 1X)R TDK ADHIANOK, nUOKKYR MOW. HUH, CI.IPPRR PJ0W8 AND IRAK R1UUON OUITIVATOH8, AI.HO 80MK 8HCOND HAND FAIttl 1MVL11MKNTS AND WAGONS VHHV C1IU.W. 1A1NTH, OH-S AND VARNISIIliS AT W1IOMISAI.K AND RK TAH Glass AND STAINS OF AM. RINDS, AND lUlimilW 8UPPLIIW. 1IUGQY TOl'ft, IABU0Ani8, Willi's, ROHW8, JJTa COIUtlMVOMHiXCK 80MC1TRD, CIRCULARS AND DHSCRU'. TIVK aiTALOGUKS FUMN1SHKD ON APPUCATION. Cured Rheumatism, Mr. Win, Honry of Chattanooga, Tonn., hnd rhounintlam In his loft nrm. "Tho strength seomed to have gono out of tho muscles so that It was uboIbb for work," ho says. "I applied Chamborlnln's Pnln Dnlm and wrapped tho arm In flannel at night, nnd to my rollof I found thntjduo on tho 1st of Juno, nnd nnotho tho pain gradually loft mo and tho'uillllon on Uto 1st of July. Thu strength returned'. In throo weeks . dividend will not bo passed, as Iiub tho rhoumntlsm had dlsappoarod and boon roportcd. Tho monoy for Its Notes Renewed and Will Do I'ald. Now York, April 8. Rumors In Wnll streot qffcctlng tho credit of tho Brio Railway have boon pronoun cod not only wrong, but nlso absurd. Thoy undoubtedly nroso from tho cxprossod dotormlnntlon of tho mnn agomont to hold up tho expenditure? decided upon for vnst Improvements, amounting to $12,000,000. Provi sion has boon mado for tho payment of all tho notos Issued last fall, amounting to $5,000,000. An oasler monoy mnrkot was ox poctod this spring, hut notwlthstnnd lug the hard rntos, tho notos will be taken enro of satisfactorily. Throo millions of thoso notos woro ronow ed todny. Ono million moro will fall recommended. Tho moKt eminent and leading med ical tenchcra and writers of all the Bovcrni schools of practice have endorsed each of the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines in tho strongest pos elblrtcrms. The makers of Dr. Pierco's medicines believcVhat intelligent people do notVish to opVt their mouths like a lotVif I. voting blrVi and gulp down whatevcBjjTrscWeayto them, either in the way oP"foW; mWc or medicine, without knowing Waning of tho properties nnd harming character of the agents employed. Thv hollew, thAt health la too snerfd a he ritne jo be exnonmpntpd with, and thnt ntonle .-!.- j.'.'ui. tt-: - '"rt'Vf"" iii-ine ram- medicaesi slioxi xnerimented. will Id not take mrUi naiUwn oTjrhlAhjhaLnrt'kepttntnnnr' cinr. Dr. Pierco's mcuicines arc made wholly from the roots of plants found growing in tho depths of our American forests. They are so compounded that they cannot do harm in any case, even By hfs has not alnco roturncd." If troubled with rhoumntlsm try a fow applica tions of Pnln Halm. You aro cer tain to bo pleased with tho rollnt which it affords. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug storo. o pnymont Is In bank. Doing Dnslness Again. "Whon my frlcndB thought I was about to tako leavo of this world, on account of indigestion, nervousnoss and gonoral debility," writes A. A. Chrlsholm, Trendwoll, N. Y., "and .whon it looked as if thoro was no hopo loft, I was porauoded to try Wnlfdt Must Appoar Tixbiy. Chicago, April S. This Is tho day that John R. Walsh, according to tho ordor of Judgo Andorson of tho fod-. Electric Dlttors, nnd I rojolco to any oral court, must nppoar and enter thnt thoy aro curing mo. I am now his ploa to tho 1C0 counts or tho In- doing business ngaln as of old, and dlctmont charging him with mlsap- am still gaining dally." Dost tonic iHicuuun oi ino juniia or a nauonni medlclno on earth. Guaranteed by to the vwst delicate woman or child. onen publicity Dr. Picrco has taken medicines out of tho list of secret no's truma, of doubtful merit, and made them REMEDIES OF KNOWK COMfO- emotf. They nro thcroforo, In n class all by themselves, boing absolutely and in overy sense noti'Secrct. By this bold stop Dr. Picrco has shown that his formulas are of such cxccllcnco thnt ho is not nfraid to subject them to tho fullest scrutiny. Thero Is n badge of honesty on overy bottlo of Dr. Pierco's medicines in the full list of its ingrcdionta duly attested as correct under solemn oath. No othor medicines put up for general uso through druggists can mako claim to any such distinction, nnd none other than Dr. Piorco's medicines hnvo aiiy such professional endorsement of their ingredients. Such professional endorse ment should hnvo far moro weight with tho nfllHeiHIian nnv amount of lay, or non-professfonn, endorsement, or testi monials. Of courso, tho exact proportion of each Ingredient used In Dr. Pierco's medicines as well as tho working formula or mnnnor of prepnring tho same, and tho specially devised apparatus and ap pliances employed in their manufacture, aro withheld from publicity thnt Dr. Piorco's proprietary rights may bo fully protected from such unprincipled imi tators m might bo piratically inclined. Tho preparation of these medicines withont h uso of n drop of alcohol, so hi uso ia long continued, sSd nnd 'Kfe !ki . .Phnnnacuta and 2S assist mm. Nn(nn- i : . to give aWny hlSK buthedoVa-wanttoTO'ff patienanduXtKfe noncet way of denllng, thcTlnVt, Whit Do Thev r.i . Upn ia often asktd conctni Inerce's two earlimr m.u .1 Medical Discovery" and"Fiiritel ficriniinn J l Tho anawer ia thai "Golden iti "1,uiy 'a nioH potent u or blood-purifier, and mi . t ator and acts esnMinllv .rrvt.? curativo nnd healing waj opoj uj ...u..Uua iniiiig euriacci U 01 tLtl imnoijKco, uirom, oroncwu tubttn u.ii, uvncio utiu uiaaatr.rnn-ii Scr cent, of catarrhal cztn wbtiiji isenao affects the nwal pisim. ll"i nirii, uroncnia, itomid) ciimrnini ujspepsmi, DOWtU MR diarrheal, b nddpr ntimi pelvic organs. Hen In the ctnrl uicerauvo atapps of these aCKtiotJ is onen bucccmIuI in fflUajca Tho " Favorite Pre jenot-an y iM for tho cure of onocliinold'oioJ thoso peculiar weaknetwj, dn menis anu irregulanties ixmi women, it Is a po trial yrt tly nctlnt; invigoratuiK tow strengthening nenine Fotwul, out, over-worKea nomtn-no e what has caused (he brm-con, vorito rrescnptinn " will be focal effect ivo in building np the regulnting tho Komanlrfancfcoy, standing, are invited tocouoKI dulng pnln nnd bringingaboata vicorous condition of the whole r i omen Buffering from diwi I VigJ Picrco bv letter, frit. All ten enco la hold as strictly tirinli sacredly confidential. Additai I V. Pierce. Uuffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierco'a Medical Adtiser (I pages) ia sent free on receipt ol zll cent stamps ior piper0TH stamps for cloth-bound copj. as abovo. bank. J. C. Perry, druggist. 50c. Invitation Golf Tournament. Now York, April 8. Tho Shlnno cock Hills Invitation Golf tourna ment by permission of tho Metropoli tan Golf association commoncos Its golf tournnmont today, to continue on tho 9th and 10th. Tfcieoa this club is Ideal, and h i mont will attract much aeej Compotltton for tbe preil4ef in this club has vea n!i 189G. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY IN BUYING FROM OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ll 'IrLH1 1- illrf I. jrk.r Rgs, Carpets, Linoleum and Wall Pape Yot should inspect out line of floor o wall covef f or c yo bay, Outs aue the best in the market anct oat are right. The latest in rags, carpets, linoleum and decorations are always to be found in or line. A FINE LINE OF VARNISH TILE PAPERS FOR KITCHEN AND BATH ROOMS JUST AR i " TL. u r- ... 17715 GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. i ne nouse rurnismng lo 1'HONR 4tU MltN tXtt, VliONT AJSf 1'jINK STRKKTt)