'ftf" , U &1 It PAYS OTHERS to Advertise in the Capital Journal It Will PAY YOU, i AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1007. NO. 83. -jTIl. ORTY-PIVE DAYS FAST ENDED OSEVELT SAYS NO THIRD TERM THAW CASE ARGUED TO JURY ID TERW TALK of Very Briefly by iy's Friend. Jake mrfni, ATirll 8, "Tho Prcs- Lu ae that he will not take two. 1 know th0 ,uan IsMjh lor me. Ho will Keep U" Jacob Hlls bo disposed ffirf term story after a visit ist'ie House toJny. LIS COrXTV DIVORCE. . rag nets a Divorce nmi ffle Gets .otliing. fciat April lopecmw L miifil lv .In (lee llamll- Meuoi cf a spiclnl term (Jt ill court Geo . Young, a u4 wealth) mpltalist, who k from Brattle over a yonr BtorceJ from his wife, Mario to whom ho was married B. C, In July lUOO. Mr. jhi been sojourning In Call-, r the past few months with in wno u in very poor The decree allows Mrs. wiling la the way of a cash Kit or alimony - not ovon her station. In contesting tho K Young aakeJ for $25,000 i Mttlement and for a oue- : In her husband's prop kit alleged that he Is worth H retUIon. Young alleged that ttuotan extremely Jealous fwoui imposition, nud that iceeitantly accusing him of UBUciltv. making llfo a wr burden to him From tho K44iceJ at the trial Judge sieved tfcaf Mrs. Young'B m were without foundation", rnBore mat uer conduct iluto harrasa and nnnov" l4 K d i Mon wna rnn. WiiB-lT -0 :F- ISCHMITZ CASES IRONS . MAYBE USED To Bring: Millionaire Detwiler to 'Frisco Snn Francisco, April S. Tho dis trict attorney's ofllce now lookB upon Detwiler nrf n common fugitive, and taken Bteps, and announced It would tako last week to run him down. Sev eral duys ngo Burns telographod his Intention to Dotwilor'B brother. Tho latter replied 'Saturday that ho would take the mattor up with IiIb attornoy. Nothing further has boon heard. To day IJurns took decisivo action. What ho did tho dotectivo forco rofused to roveal. It is reported that secret sorvico nithi hnvq,beon assigned to the tnk, with instruction to bring Det wllor to Snn Francisco, In Irons, If necessary. FIEND THREW SWITCH Desperate Attempts to Wreck Trains in Ohio COURT SUSTAINS COMMISSION Justice Fitzgerald .Holds Thaw Sane Counsel for Defense Con cludes Introduction of Testimony Alllanco. O., April. S. Tho Bovonth attempt within a month to wreck tho Pennsylvania pnBsongor trains wna mado this morning within 500 feet of tho depot. Tho engineer of a fast Now York, April 8. Justlco Flts gorald today at tho oponlng of court. condrmod tho roport of tho Thaw lu nacy commission, finding Thaw wan sane, lie dlroctod tho trial to pro ceed. Before the Jury wns nssemblod this morning Jerome mndc n porfunctory npponl to "the court not to conllrm tho lunacy report. "In vlow of tho (hidings I can only accept it," said tho court. "Thou resume' Joromo called in. Dr. Hamilton took tho stand. Thaw's dofonso rostod at 10:50, and tho trial wub adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Preparing to Argue. Joromo objected to Dolmas' lino of questioning Dr. Hamilton, tho court sustaining Jerome, Efforts of de fense to' havo Hamilton say ho thought Thaw Insano when ho shot White wero withdrawn. After n short conference with his colleagues Delmns announced "tho defense rosts." Tho court Intorvonod to any It wanted" tho tnklng of tostlmony to cense. Ho announced that by con words of sympathy to speak. I wish I could remove tho cloud which must henceforth darken their carcors, that 1 could suspend In the case of tho son tho inexorable law that tho alns of tho father aro visited upon tho third and fourth generations. Tho story to which, you've listened to for so many weeks la otic of wo young poo plo destined by nn inscrutnblo fato to bo united, and to pass through llfo together. . It Is a story, tho saddest and most mournful ever told In n court of Justice." Story of Evelyn, Tho attornoy took up Evelyn's story from her birth on Christmas ovo, 188-1, through her childhood and povorty. . Dolmas said tho girl wnn endowed with boauty. At 15 hor mother saw In this beauty n moans of oxlstenco. Ho told of taking the child to Philadelphia, socuring hor employment as nn nrtlst's model, thence to Now York, whoro tho re muneration wns gronjor. Told of White's desire to possoaa hor, but, being too old to attract tho child, ho wan tlib coufldonco of tho mother and daughter In tho capacity of tholr pro toctor. Tho lawyer said ho wished it was 'm his power to paw over the sconoa next succeeding. Excoriation of White. "I wish I wns compallod to rocall how this man lured this boautltul child lo his den resplendent with the workB of his genius, how ho, who wnn more than old enough to be hor LONG CHEAP TRIP Offered Salem Men and Wo men to Go to Boise That Salem people will havo nn opportunity to tako a long low-rato excursion to Uolso City and return Is undoubtedly n settlod fact. Tho apo dal commlttco of tho Salem Uoard of Trade has rccolvod Ita llnal Informa tion on this Bubjoot, and tomorrow morning will Blurt out to Bocuro tho necessary namos. Tho rnto for tho round trip, Including Bleopors, Is $27.20, nud tho trip will conBiim four days. Tho proposition Is to start tho 22d, nud nil cltlrous of Sa lem and surrounding country nud their families nud friends will bo eligible to go. All who decide to ttikolhe trip should lonvo word at Presldont Thlolseu'a olllco boforo Thursday ovenlng, as the mntter immt bo closod up with tho railroad fathor, Iqd hoi down step by stop tin- companies by that tlmo. Tho object til whon overcome by wine and drugs of tho trip In woll known, to bo for hIic beenmo the unconRcloua victim of this man. Need I recall tho tor riblo sceno, told hero with ho much pnthoB, by hor own lips. Oh, bettor for Stanford White that ho'd novor boon born than that ho had seen thnt I day. Hotter that his oara had novor oponcd than that ho should hnve heard thu shriek- of IiIb vlctlmr Ho had pcrpotrntcd the foulest, most cowardly of sins. Ho hnd committed a crime which the chief executive of this nation, In his Inst mossngo to congross said should bo punished by doath." Tlio Cry of the I'iiIIIiIchs. tho beuollt of our city n,nd people, by learning more of the other towns, and having a good time together. Tho following Itlnorary has boon agreed upen: Lonvo Portland, April. 22, 11:15 a m 4 i. W'ADAMS' FAST IS OVER Nortb Salem Man Dies iEnd of 45 Days at Today would havo completed u,4G dny fast (or Mr. McAdnms, of North Salem. For 45 days no haa .lived without food, and remained couaMoua to tho end. Hut this morning ho wTaa rapidly doollulng, and It wna npphr ront ho could not llvo moro than a fow hours longer, Ilia caso haa at tracted tho "attention of medical men all ovwr tho country. ', II. F. McAdnms breathed hU last itt 11:15 tthla forenoon. ' CoronCr Clough has taken charge of tho re mains. Ho found tho body insroly skin and bouea ,und thero wau gen oml oMllloatlou of tho veins and ar teries in hla limbs. ' ' o ODKLL ON TUUIiV (1HEAT freight saw a signal suddenly chnngo jseut of both sides from this tlmo on j "Ho who hnd crontod nltnrn, sane irom ciear lo uauger, nnu ino uiuur- no womu kuuji mujiiry luguuiur. ijih gonoy brnkos stopped tho train Just j cusalorf was had its to the tlmo for In tlmo to provont n collision of lond od cars. The craw saw a man, who oyldontly throw tho switch, running nway. Thero was an nttampt to wrook tho Pittsburg express at Parker, Penn , Sunday. o s -The caB ' lt.in;e of 8X- i hnrgeavof re eoutln- TAFT YERY POLITE "Hence A,r,i fWllltf ,,n J of Dlnun . "4 (oiim ., i lJWi:jd L..V"" .ntlnued ' Vltlimi. I ..... ... H" Bar,' ' . - ,ii i imvannii M 'f .. "Jl tholr nftYirtu tn nlitnlti noma definite ! iKwim. ,.. .. , . . .: . Innnniinnniiiiitil fi-rim Hi a mlinlntatra. ilain .v.. 1 ".'(,ltlnn n W'nal.lnr-tnti All fnlloil. IJm. Ktpar.d , , i. communloatlve nolltenew was all . 4 ,ih he telB- thQy eH from Secretary Taft. Th ! ar,.i ,...,.. l'j liberals left tha oonferonce In a huff. But Not Disclesing: American Intentions Towards Cuba TInvtinn Aurll K Ttlvnl ilalaea- tlons visited at the. palaco today In 1 speeches. Delmns la to begin this afternoon. The Jury was permitted until 2 p. m. to arrange its affairs for the few days In which they will be shut up. It la expected tho case will go to the Jury Wodnosday or Thursday. Thaw today mado u state mont. He designated It aa IiIb fourth authentic statement since August 10. It wna regarding IiIb vnlot Uodford. saying: "Hertford Is sober, Borlout) nud reapactod." Delmns Ilcglnx Argiiiuuiit. New York, April 8. Delimit) be gan his argument to the Jury at 2 p. ill. Dclnma mid: "In performing my task I ahull not nttompt to arouse your paloii, appeal to your sympa thies or warp your Judgmont. Rely I on nothing so unsubstantial or shad owy as 'unwritten law.' I place dense I faith on the firm base of the laws j tuarlea and churches, crowned with 'the emblem of redemption, hnd he forgotten the words of tho Redeem er: 'He whosoever rocolvtth such a child in my name, reeelveth mo.' Ho who erected temple to tho Uod of Isaac nud Abraham and Jacob, had ho forgotten the words of Jehevah: 'Yo shall not allUct a fathorleds child. for If it cry unto me 1 shall surely hoar, tind my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with my sword, and your wives shall be widows.' Did White Imagliio In his hnrdenod heart that God would not hoar the orlee of thHt fatherliMM child in the silence of u great city. Did ho Imagine thnt ha Imd forgotten hla promise and hla decree? Hotter for him hud he dlod before that day, whon death might have lHeu deplored byhla family, when hla memory might not have survived only to he desecrated The Groat Qiiohtlon, I' ll. Government Pliouuri in Ph filed a number - majority ft ah the tele- i"uly one Ac BOOB 88 fiuuned the rl ad trolley ' 'In mt r additeed ' - ,',B heffn ,mm Unit I llA. """ . yn rna f4s "Btoi.. . ttitV"4::: "tt nrt, ( AlbaRT'B '"id hla In I'r'ver, and ' In' run liv AIIkiii-. 51 !,Jiy has " city la " ma,k frtr Ins frequently Xovadji Tnilii Wrwk. Rono, Nev., April 8. The east bound nnsfionger train, No. 4, erashod Into a freight train at Drown sta tion, near Lovelock, Nevada, thla morning. Engineer Frank Hampton. (oi tho passenger train is reported (killed, and several Injured. Surgeon and a wrecking train was 'seat from Sparks. o Dlm-t Ix-glhlntlon. Grand Master AuBtln T. Huston. of the State Grange. la In the city to confer with tho state printer about the reforondum petitions for the offl- IoJnl pass bill and the armory appro priation bill of f 100J100, upon which 111,.- 'IITOUJIfhn ! nno. tinuTOutf .! n lalra LH HZ ?. 0- K; referendum ,. '' .e lo Leb- Karatfirf Pnmnhall lit h Mnn- aidftlk..." v - & H. . rnnnth Qlnta Vnrniil nhvnl irm tn - -i:r F,w,- . . ,. .v.mw .w..m... wwww., .- -- rjUrTl ,,,"" "r l0 the city Saturday to consult about "(lentlemon. la thia atorv true, or of New York. Under tho Inwa the in it true thnt 18vjlyn toM It to Thaw defendant finds ample protection of .'in Paris In 1903? Thla la one of the hla right and lire. In the perform- greateet nueatlona you inuat answer, mice of my tnsk It .will become my The district attorney tells you It la u duty to apeak pf the dead. I shall fabrication of the girl's own mind. not he unmindful of the Injunctions , that he tried to make her make a of the departed. Only that which la .written statement of It, In corrobor- good should he spokon, but I cannot tlon of her own story. I call youf forget ttie cirouimnanoea under which attention to things you bare tne living demanded that the truth eerved aa she told the atorr. tom memory IO IHtf HHri'lVOm ' lllimi' v.il uiw liar mimmiu w" """"-'- -,.. j . .. b.. . ... m.itwww .w.. nfvfi ... .. .m 0wiilii(r by DIiiuik. and rume work. I uk you on yonr lM lmWH ,,lr,nH u7,l,r " oatu waa she playing a part?' T" :,.,.,w ""." o oh You Monday. Arrlvo at Hood River, April 22, 1:30 p. m., Monday. Lonvo Hood River April 22, tn., Monday. . Arrlvo at Tho Dallas April 22, 4:45 p. m., Monday. Lonvo The Halloa, April 22, 11:15 p. m., Monday. Arrive at .Walla April 23, 7 a. m Tuosday. Leave Walla Walla April 23, 12:30 in., Tuesday. Arrlvo at Pendleton, April 23, 3 m., Tuesday. Leave Pendleton April 23, 11:30 m., Tuesday. Ajrlvd nt La Grande April in.. Wednesday, Leave La Grande April 2.1, 0:30 a. m., wodnosday. Arrlvo ut Hot Lake, April iu:eu p. m., Wodneaday. ioavo Hot Lake April 24, 2:30 p. in., Wednesday. Arrive linker City, April 21, 4:30 p. in., Wednesday. Louve Ilnkor City, April 24, 11 p. in., Wetinwdny. Arrive at liolso City April 2 0 n. m., Thursday. Leave llolse City April 26, 7 ti. m. Thuraday. . Arrive nt Portland April 20, 11 n. in., Friday. o 24, 3 I. thu I'onwt ArrHiiiementa are under way for the stabllabmant of a tjnitein of tel phofee over the nine moiiiiUIn for est reserve. A line will start from Granite and extend southward to the old Sheep Cump up the Qratid Runde 1. no matter how It bllghla the shw the horror on her face, her eunr-!Yt': ,neni lI,!lf,8i', !',y V8.uy l." ry of the dead, or how painful ageoiia atrugglln with br enio-1 "y From Fly Valley a branch aurvlvors." itlona; you shw her eompoee lerwelf " , w1lu Ua,rM" wejilWBrd through a '"Wf. tn frc tot., " t j " ui Haleey, 'e , com HIT to re. 't a froah few'" gri i . iir i. , . - SJMfc 77 ' rurvallla taking steps to Initiate a bill for the ' appropriation for the Monmouth nor mal, wuicu was Yeioeu uy me botwt nor. He stomed very sanguine that aiioti n. Mil wmstil onrrv with the rot- !'f, Icor tiB-iur..,.Ii? ers over the veto of the governor. F r .",Sflf. R'moit I A FaU.1 Fire. v m uo,yy k Marl .. dte -?- Now York. Aerfl 8. By this mora- (Ing'g fire the old Metropolitan Rail way Company's barna were destroyed k' "tj I v . . ona re u ilea in a iua oi nearly a t KHf w . 764 , million dollars. It also caned the F tala 42 S .detath of Captain John Eyan and the Injury of 14 other Oromen. A dletfagulahcKl gathering of law ytra and prominent men, among them being Senator Spooner, gath ered to hear Delmaa, Thaw's entire family and many women were pre eot. There la scarcely room for the allenieU. who gathered in foroe. The Jurors took their seats and Dolmas He began by reading a state ment of Jerome, when he nskod for the lunacy eommlaeion. when the prosecutor said: "If tho real facta were known we would nave no right ABOLISH FRANKING PRIVILEGE fA tiA trvlrair thla mnn rintmaiii ralmlv. nrecaedeil: 'tlnntlnmon If Waahlngton, April 4 The Inter- you had beard theae words from the, t commerce ootntnliMlon today Hdb of aa IrreeiMBelble bahbl.r. in- ! &- oxpreaa eoinpaalee rannot itd of the offieial chnrcl with n give franks to railroad otflclala great public duty; If you had heard them spoken In a place where men resort Instead of thla great tribunal:' had the occasion boetr a trivial die cnesion of an Insignificant topic. In stead of a dbate, th elaauo of which i life or death, and had you not heard the same lip rnake an appeal that the life of thla man muat be for feited to the law, they might have flUed you with amazement. It Is now y duty to offer you all! the assist ance In my power to roaoh a correct decision on the momentous issue you mutt decide." Apjwols for Hympatliy. fQt the survivors I have only fihort Telegrams. At Ottwa. III., John and Pert Cau pel, grown' men, and Alfred Simon and Irving Kane, boye, wero drowned when an electric launch struck a cable In tho river and capsized. A steamer brings newa that Gen eral Puerto Cortex, of Honduras, has beea. captured by tho Nioaraguana. All refined oil has been advanced half a cent a gallon by tbo Standard Oil Company, Snow In Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin haa stopped spring plant ing. It la over ten incuts deep at Fergus Falls, Mian. to Cum several branch lines, one of which will reach Woodier and the Camp Ceraon dis trict. It la the Intention to ramify the whole lllue inountnlH reserve with telephone service. The phones are for the use primarily of the gov ernment rangers and other forest re serve oiHelula, but the ayatoni will be eoHHCoted with other phono lines, and nrraiigemgnts will b made for the public to have aeceaw to and use of the same. When these proposed lines are completed there will hardly he any place too remote from olvlll ziitlon,to have speedy communication with the outaldo world. The govern ment haa appropriated mouey for these phono line, and the construc tion of tho same will be under the di rectum of Iho forest resono officials. It Is tho expectation to begin on the line from Granite to Starkey by the first of June, and the othar parts of the System will be erected as speedi ly as the circumstances will permit. o Important Decision of Huprenui Court Washington, April Tho Islo of Pines Is part of the territory of Cuba, and not purt of the United States to far as tho collection of duties la con cerned, according to an opinion which tho supremo court handed down, by Chief Justlco Fuller today, Now York, April 8.--Tho annual dinner of thu Clrlllors' Club was hold hero nud was mado tho occasion for spoeohos by a number of prominent New York statu pornonH, Including ox-Govornor Odell, I). Cndy Horrluk nml othura. Tlioro wero many Jokcn niurhumorouB songs. Odell, tn tho course of a speech said: "Sonio men who havo become, fa mous enclrolu thutusolvos within tho bouudnrlos uf their own egotism, .."Give mo thu simple man In proN arcanuo to him whoso constant hankering for power nnd pelf has distracted hla Imagination and led" htm to tho bollef that hla honesty In the only slmon pure article and that all othor members of society aro cheats, frntida and liars "It takes something mors than tho power to Indict porvonul or political chastisement tn climb hills and to I snoot, to make a bravo mnn. Tho bravest man la he who can discern his own faults, nnd mnko both con fowlcm and reparation for them. "Dignity la thu ohuraoturltdlo of u goutlumnu. Responsibility should bring with It rwipoet for Judgmont, but when there la a auorinue of both dignity ami responsibility through utterances thut are Inoompatablo with or both, that man la not a greac mnn who thus Indulges, no mutter If tho Ignorant applaud him for thorni utterances. "Tho paternalism In . government which aeeks to take nwny from tho Individual the nowora of Inltlntlvn nnd performonco, which alms to gaffe guard him in the samu manner wu protect the Infant, not only falls in Ita purpose hut la u positive Injury to the community. "It la much better for us lo dis agree with, the greut and the intelli gent, to he teiiueloua of our rights, than to he like 'dumb driven cattle, aoqulosoent, because It Is easier to bo followers than leatlws; followers or those who. like ourselves, are but human utid liable to err." Probnto IIukIiiuwn. The Inventory of the ilose Matth. leu. deceased, estate has been placed at 1121. John Murray, J. j. Ryan and Francis Keller were the apprais ers. ISInor Ilrower, as executor In the estate of Levi Ilrower. deceaseJ, ro ported the sale of serial u personal property of the estate. The el -. allied 4 18. to. The bond of Wllhtrd Jefferson. s guardian of the estate and person of Wilson Van Cleave, an liuuue per son, hue been approved. The dual account of Cornelia Mor ris, as executor of tho estate of Hen ry Morris, deceased, hus been al lowed, and the estate decJcrsd set tled. The final account of W. II. Morso. executor of the estnte of Ifthel Cuslcl; Morse, deceased, has been approved. o Tlirfo Years for VusuWhoof. F. H. Vsnderhoof was this morn ing sentenced to three years' Impris onment in the penitentiary on tho charge of tigering a forged instru ment. State to recover costs and disbursements. Dr. J. F. COOK TJIK WOTAMOAfc DOCTOR, MOVED TO 340 LIHKKTY 8TKKKT VOH ANV DI8KA8K OXhh OX DR COOK. CONSUITATtOK FKKM.