tt DAILY. OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 0. 1007. t ; f t 4 IK ii- i Good Goods reMdSi Good i Goods I A Safe Store to Pin Faith To NOT ONLY THE SAFE STORK, RUT THE REST, RECAUSE IT IS THIS PLEASANTEST AND MOST CONVENIENT; RECAUSE ITS GOODS ARE INVARIAHLY OF HIGH GRADE AND DEPENDARLE; HEOAUSE ITS PRICES ARE INVARIAHLY LOW AND GENERALLY IX)WEST. SUCH A STORE IS A Pl'llLlO UTILITY. IT HAS AVON THE CONFIDENCE OF ALL SALEM PEOPLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. IS ' m 11 vi Smart Skirts A wondorful dlsplny, Indicating unmistakably ttio nrtlstlc sense of tho deslgnorB and tho rnro skill of tho tn'llorB. Everything Is right to tho frnctlon In fltylo, bnl nnco, material nnd tallorB. Every thing Is right enough to moot ov ory requirement for tho ensuing Benson. $4.50 to $25 Needle Work Wo nro showing nn clogant lino of stnmpod pattorns In good qunl Ity lawn In nn ussortmont of prot ty patterns. Corset covers, chom Ibob, scarfs, cuuhlotiB, hats, waists, etc., In shadow nnd oyolet pat terns. 35c to $1 .25 New Belts Now cmbroldorod waist holts In a good nBsortniont of stylos with fancy pearl buckles. A)so lenthor bolts In colors, red, tan, black nnd whlto. 25c to $1 .50 Men's Shoes Spring stylos In tho nowosi InHtH and leathers, such as Soml Patent, Tuxedo, IJIuchor, Rickey, Much CroHcotiB. $3.50 Up nPsw LLLLtLDvjp Personals i iiniiniimiEiiiiinnfc SAlLEp TO RELIEVE ALL RHEUMATISM X tr Ti. nosier left this mornlnc fori" Portland on business. .. B 8,mi prescription ib .. D. J. Beakey, representative ot ; ; said to perform remarkaulo ; ; the Woodmen of the World, left this ; ; cures In ninny cases of years' ; morning for Eugene. He visited the New Suits Ready Today. Our stock is now such as to permit nmplo choice You will benefit by purchasing now while tho rango of cholco is largo. The largost proportion of our clothing Is mndo by HART, SCIIAFFNER MARX Tho world's greatest tailors. $10 and Up CITY NEV 5 A Collection of Important Para graphs for Your Consideration. COUPON. If returned to (Inrnctt Candy Factory, Btnto utruut, Is good for Co in trudu on every 2fio purohnsu. JtiMt IlmuiM You buy our colobrntod Alwln go carta you enjoy yoursolf. Other oai buy thorn at tho House KurnJhlng Company, Liberty street. Will Hlng Local Kong Ed. O'Connell, tho ajaver qoiiiq dlnu with tho Umpire Stoalc Com pany, will slug, as n Hpeolulty tonight mid Sunday n Hong, the .words of which wore written by loual talent, nnd nrrtiugwl oy hlniHulf. If you want to lumr what ho ban to sny coiuiornlng yon nnd Hnlem nttuud the Ktlngor (Irnud. Tho O'CoiuiuIh ar nmoug tho best spolnlty people that Jmvo nppouroil at the little thontro. And uovur fail to give the nmllonot its mouoy'H worth. l'or Your Parlor Artist lo ploturo froiiiaj. Gome look nt (hum, you will buy Cham. At th lloutto Furnishing Company. Aro You Qolng to build. Call nt Hansen' planing mill. II mu give you th latest Idea. 4CSt You Cannot Get Another Pair of Eyes . GOOD 11KAKON why you should tako tho very boat caro of the pair you hnvo. Thtty must eurvo yuufur n lifetime. If you know (or oven It you only inspect) that thuy uro in need of a littlo enru and attention, vro will bo glnd to help you. VK CI I A HO K NOT! II NO TO THST YOUll KVK8. Wo lava n, tpleudld assortment ot I'HAMHH AND RIMLKHS GLASSY And we guaranteo perfect entl fuctlon in every particular. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Something Fancy In. tho lino of wnll pnpor, n very largo varloty, and wo know you can bo pleased. ' It Is tlio ducat In tho city, ut n low price. Houso FurnlHli Ing Company, Rubber Tiro H you wIh.1i rubbor tiros on your buggy call and hoo iih. Wo have Just received a largo supply of rubber tlorCB of ovory kind, and will guar antee to plontio you. I. W. Jorgon sou, 1R0 High street. A Nirtv QuniU-t . Flour d Ilannony Four l the nam given to tho mala (luaitet which whi recently orgnnlzod In this Ity, nnd inaila huoIi a favorable m prsiuilon for tltvlir work Inst night In Woodbuni. While Hit) orgnnlmtlon In new uaali maiubor is an axporl oncwl nnd wall-t rained vocalist, and will ilonlttltMtM noon win a nlaos for th "Fleur do LUM ntnong tho umlo qiiHrtaUt of tho Htnto. Tim niomlioM ar hh rollewB: First tenor, Walter Jago; Hdooud ttinor, Ralph Ilndur; tlrst baiH, Horry Mayor; saoond base. Charlod R Kuowland. Iirgoht In Tow n Largest Hhlpmout or room rugs this Hanson, 9x18. You ure suro to bo plmiBotl. Onll and tea tlim nt the lloustt FiirulriiuK Ooimmuy, 177 Lib urty strot. Uuggy Ridings- Ik a plousitro whou you linvo rubber tlrcw on your buggi', and you win gt nny, kind you WHHt at Ira Jorgen mu', 110 High HtrMt, at a rmtun wbl prlou. Civil Sonlw Itxnmliintio'u An uxHiuluntlon for the poaltlou of clwlc and oarrir (maU) will bw hold at th (KMtoiUei in Ula olty on April acth. For upplloatlon blanks, and for full Information rtfotlvo to tho uxuinluutlouH, qunlincAtlons, du tied. Hiilark8, vnmtlons, promotloim, oto., nddrowi Hooretary, board of civil tutrvleo Axaiiilnora, pOitoHlo. city Zaldo Palmer, local soorotary. To Young Woiuwi Who ure starting lu hatwekeep lug and want something new In the llai' of carpets and linoleum, call and look ovr our largo varloty at the House FurnUhng Company, Liberty treat. KomcthtiiK Nt; A complete line or rubber tiro at I. W. Jorgomwi'H, ISO High atrot. Phoue 375. Wo will put rtrat-olaaj tlrwa ou your buggy uud do Hrt-cla work. Culducll OotH Yenllcl Tho Jury In tho Caldwell vs. Goo Fond rich cnoo roturnod a verdict of JCO damages for tho plaintiff this af ternoon, shortly before 3 o'clock, at ter being out ovor four hours. Return to Klamath Sheriff Silas Obonchnln nnd Dopu ty Mark Sohnlloek, who yostordny arrived In tho olty with Frank Hnn doz and Mloguol Vera, two mon con victed of larceny, linvo roturuad to their homos lu Klamnth Falls. The two prisoners wore delivered to tho authorities at tho poultoutlnry yos torduy, and will servo n nontno of three ymirs. Htutvnnl Sent to Pen. Jamoa Steward, who was recntlr oouvlctwl of th larotuy of tht Fair Orounds store, wna yoattrdny after noon iuutencttd to Imprlioumeut iru tha penitentiary without limitation as to time. Tho pounlty ot tho ens would bo from two to live years. H iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiii C F. Butter aud George Simpson loft thU Mioralng for Portland, vherd they will attend a wchsUag ot th; SMate Batketball League. No FooPs Joke Begin April by Using CHASE & I SANBORN'S jj X Loading brands ot coffees. ', '. T Tho namo stands tor th qua!- ; Jty ana at prlcos that aro with in roaoh ot all. If you hnva novor tried It come lu and got a sample. Wo aro sole agents and wo fool suro you will not bo disappointed. . ijMoir Grocery;; ;: Company :: 456 State Pfuuw 1fi9 :: local camp last night. J. Linn left today for Albany on business. Charles DorcaB loft this morning for a fishing trip up $ho valley. A. L. Brown went to Jefferson to, day. r Rev. D. J. Coode and wife, who have been visiting SaJom nnd Port land frionds left this morning for their home In Eugene. MIsb Matilda Stlpley has gono to Jefferson for a visit with rolntlvos. Miss Alta Hobaon loft today for her homo in Stnyton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Cummlngs left today for thgtr homo In Halsey. after a visit to W. C. Smith, of thl3 city. Earl Flshor, deputy assosBor of Linn county, who was transacting lo gal business In tho city yesterday, re turned Inst evening to Albnny. Ills wlfo, who accompanied him to Sa lem, will remain a fow days visiting Mrs. Charles Kuowland. Miss Nolllo Hamilton' of Newberg, is In the city visiting her rclntlvcs. Miss Nolllo Derby arrived from Portland Inst evening for n visit nt her home In this city. Miss Roso M. Avery, of Portland, Is a guest of Mrs. A. J. Moore. Miss Ruth Snvago, of Macleay, & nuiklng n Bhort visit with her Bister, Miss Luclle Savage. Mrs. L. D. Pnpo returned to her Portland homo yoBtordny, after at tending tho Vontch-Woods wedding In thls city. J. II. HoudorBon roturued to Hnl soy yesterday, nftor having attonded tho funeral of MIbs May Tlllson. Mrs. M. F. Gntos, of Chohalls, ar rived In tho city yostordny. Sho la visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Page, ot Euglewood. Jny Ollngor, tho olootrlclnn, of Ev erett, Wash., Ib visiting in tho olty. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. a. Iluntor loft yesterday evening for a visit In Port land with Mrs. liuntor's mother, Mrs. S. E. aumm. Mrs. W. P. TlbbnlB loft for hor homo In Port Townsend yostordny, aftor attending tho Veatch-Woodn woddlng. Edwnrll W. Tlllson Ihib returned to his homo In Onkland, Cnl., from whoro ho had boon cnllod by the death of his sister. Miss May Tlllson. Mrs. F. J. Cnttorlln and Lloyd Cnt torllu, or Portland, are tho guosts of Mrs. Cuttorlln'B olstor, Mrs. A. M Clougli. Mr. and Mm. Martin McDonough, who Imvo been visiting Mr. nnd Mra. T. IC. Ford for some time, left todnv for a short outluK nt Seaside, nftor ' t. standing. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, ono ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparflla, three ounces. Mix by Blinking well in n bottle. and take in tea spoonful doses after each meal and nt bedtime. Tbcso lngre dlonts can be obtained at -moderate cost at any good proscription pharmacy, and arc harmless and will not injure tho most delicate stom ach. It has a peculiar .effect upon tho Kidneys, assisting tbcso most important organs to filter and strain from tho blood tho urlo ncld, etc., which causo the pain and misery of Rheuma tism. As n blood cleansing ngont and system tonic it Is of unusual merit. "arSJ: W. J. Lewis, xew v' . Chas Mare,,, C- B. Wllklni, city. B. J. Weltt. tity H.V.D0U)h(I)an m ."" v,uannstt Miss Clalro Jones, Miss Tessa Dent, Miss Sophia Catlln, Mrs. A. M. Cnnnon and Mrs. D. O. Schucklng left this morning for a short visit nt "Labish Meadows." William Stalgcr loft this morning for Portlnnd on business. Dr. D. H. Whlto loft this morning for nn extended visit In tho East. Ho will visit relatives In Dakota nnd Iowa, and return to his homo in this city during next moittb. o i Chicago Markets. Chicago, April C. Wheat 77 0 7G4, corn 40, oats 4342. . o ' FULLER & DOUOLAS' RILL OF FARE. Sunday, April 7, 1007. Dinner. Soup. Chlokdn. PImontalse. Salad. Shrimp Salad. Dolled. Dolled Dccf Spanish. Entrcos. Chicken Frlcnsseo, a la Rolmo. Pineapple FrlttorB, a la Colbert. Vegetables. Doston Raked Potatoes. Deans. Dessert. Ico Cream nnd Lady Too. Coffee. Mr. and Mrs t T J"k Angeles. m Lucy O. DeForJ, do C H. Boothby, porti. Ln Ab.Ii, KwTj?1 Frank Leam!so aaa Arthur Fitzgerald aad L. Tom L. Listen. t M.J.Loszynsky.NcY . M. A. Crowe " Snlei m. String Fingers. Milk. Two OlrlH Arrewted Chlof of-Police Gibson nrrostod two girls Inst night nt n Into hour, on tho ohnrgo of. vagrancy. Tho girls wero omul ou tho streets nnd tnkon to the city Jail. The two linvo been Silas Obenchaln, Klamath p, MarkSchallock.K.!! 1 It. nrnmfn t,-. 'a U j E. H. Anderson, city Theo. Roth, city. WIllIo Riley, Albany. J. W. South, Albany. STATE llOAItl) OP HEUnt Has No Authority to DfHa, 'g of Trafa,. , Tim nM.,... . . ""uvz-uunerai tody fa cd that, tho Stnto Doart ot Bn haB no authority, under tt..n- havo passenger trains HobnA cleaned at certain polnti, tint iiruposeu mat tnti railroai tea panics should allow all mumi But on wnno tno cars were bthj uuKiui-u, Bnnuatea and iitept, cording to rules ot the board. Tho nttorney-gcneral holds d tney cannot mnko or enlorw m ruloB undor the quarantine icdJa e the law, oxcopt In time of eDliab nnd In enses of Infection or to rjj spread of contagious disease. Til law does not apply to trarel ufa ordinary conditions. Hammock Itccclrcs Sentence Snnfonl Hammock, the run l on last Wednesday was arralgsel iJ dojiartmont No. 1 of tho circuit eocl nnd plend guilty to taking III to tho pockota of Emll Bier, t to n Intoxicated, was this morning (tnd n sentonco of $100 fine. He committed to tho county Jan tho lino Is pnld. Imprlionmeat i to exceed GO days. Hell Aslsstant Cook- Will lam Doll, the gny-ialw forgor, who was recently poilnj i Canndlnn capitalist, Is nov orli In the kitchen In tho penitentiary In the hnblt ot keeping Into hours. wkleh they will return to their homo 'and the nVroat will probably be r nt Fargo. N. D Mr. .McDonough, nee Miss Minnie Austin, Is n Hlater of Mra. Ford, and has made several previous visits to this city, nnd has many friends here. Hov. D. A. Hrrett roturned this morning tram Eugene, where ho-nt-Unded the Christian convention. Orln Mile returned from n vlsli up the valley this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. B. Simmon? loft this morning for Hllensburg, Wash ington, where they will reside. Mr. Simmons line accepted a position with n lumber firm of that place. leeeou to the young women In th future. PiisMun Slave The Empire Stock Company Ib presenting "Passion Slave" at tho Kllnger Grand this week, rfio play Is one of intonso Intorost, containing strong drnmntlc action, n sympathet ic lovo story and plont,y of good com ody. Tho plcturos, specialties nnd il lustrated songs aro good. TIiobo who wish to spond a plonsant nnd profit able evening will do woll to soo "Passion's Slnvo." GO TO MOORES liKPOUK RIYIXO YOUR WHEEL. OF COlltSK YOU WANT lllK REST, TURN YOU WANT A RA- CYCI.K COSIK AND LKP US SHOW YOU WHY'. OUR COR- NELL AND YAliH WHHHUS ARK mTTTER THAN MANY SO CALL Kl HES1' MAlvI-. IF YOU HAVE A HIKE, RHINO IT IN AND LET US PUT IT IN ORDHU, IF YOU HAVK'NT A WHEEIi, WHY NOT SAVE TIME, STRENGTH AND MONEY iiY PURCHASING A GOOD RELIARLK WIIUKl. Best Wotk at Honest Ptices Rri-f TelegmnM. At Lodz, Polish ItuMli, Its kS men were shot and killed urtel tory district today. Leaaw Uy tamnted to resume wnrk Thinu ngera desire tu re-mploT mi H tho striker refuse to alio tl3 roaume work. At n Are lo tho South Conn., iaean asylum this one Inmate was killed, the othtnl ins rescued. Tho property W not ureal. Dnllnrd. Wash. -At s !PUieAl tlon today will decide whether til nnnnitml to Seattle. If.-"1 attle will gain 20.000 popoU11 S.nteurivd for Utt. -..-...,.1.1, n,i AnrllS Wflw", S. Morris. Bd fll. ontoltW" thlost men In Oklahoma " , ciiitiv of murdering .-. n r.lAv Mil SOU, ' ' suit of a laad Imim Q-' aentenctd for life ...r- .rw2' ?" sf' NEW TODAY) i -FurnUhed rooW J . .. . lr (fid M--" keeping, ao. """crPScS,UM qulreim Center St P, Mr. aad Mrs W Rider l! .Mr. ' . lMi" evening for rr'Zi jurrj - visit with Mrs thla city. r roo For Rent r-ura-" .j, Inftuuv gontlewea. rlon street. 1-fSt hert- Fank J. Mooie. .EXPERT REPAIRING 447 CowtStattt PiMM36ft WanUtl-A tfrK --a .nuuii. or U"15: . j 11UW "- M MtN - i eu " B years l.,,kefar. ' sound. Coler." RuUer, IJrooKiv- ill M For Sale Fresa . Phone Farm ..,! Three W -'"jtj vlfe. no calM.-. fci la. Dr- X of Music ttHHniimniuiiuiuf' rm