F-jfcj- (WUTT TWac!! DAILY QAM TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORHGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 107. 7 ' Falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Dan druff is caused by germs on the scalp. 9 FT ' T7r' J. C. AVER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. !)) Poems of the 1 1 Common People BOXES. (By Bolivar Judo.) Bd a man long tlmo ago I o" simple llko an alow. itn'at much (or talk nor looks, iU didn't know a thing o books. i hired out to work uija he didn't do nothln much bat shirk 'then ho was ast to do this cr i - I ay as no ranneu mssoii wuu tilt hat, Oh, gol, I'm tired I" i tailed him Bonos that wn'nt lit time, til salted ezzockly Jost tho samo i Umbered around llko a woro out tin? I'ii a solemn look on his humbly BS(. lUIrvas long an' his tooth was too' lit eyes an' his spoorlts was corky blue. V fce'd take hit pipe an' ho'd talc pull, i Bolter m tones llko a swoot- wieed bull. Oh. sol. Ira tired!" sua wha Buneg was hlrod to !ilrcdgal uhoao name was Sue i fell In loro with Bones, but bo pt reslprrratc, g0 she ItheqursMm one day to him, srewed tho smt with a woman's tin, nir n WfltJf, ftbUcTrsMfin r- a - JSfjng ftcTood andRctfula latStooachs end Bowels of E fextMHuWlnn ru..r. .i EtttContalnsndUw- TNARCovir. aw TV MHedyforfrnslIru- rh.Diarrhdca. oss of Sleep. !$J Sijoturc of JELyqrk." CSfy ? . m 3&. ) destroys Hair Germs luers rxair vigor J NEW IMPROVED FORMULA J quickly destroys all these germs, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, stops falling hair. The New Kind Does not change the ccnor of the hah "PleaBo marry mo, Bonos!" tho blamo gal pled, An' his big volco wobbled as ho turned an1 said, "Oh, gol, I'm tlrodl" Dut Bho won out, an' durn her hide, In less than a wcok becomo his brido. silo got uio ucenBO nn pniu mo ico, An' started tho kids on a shlvorco. An' when tho preacher, in tyln' tht, knot, Eyed Donos and ast whether or not Ho'd havo thlB woman fcr botte,r tr wust, Ho groaned llko his poor ol' heart M bust "Oh, gol, I'm tlrod!" " Years went on In tho rog'lnr way With nothln' Btrnngo till ono flno dny Things happened so that Bones was DAD; An it ortor a'-mado him rojolco an bo glad For tho Bunshlno at last but honv- ens nn' ycarth! It 'fetched him moro llko a death thnn a birth. An' when they shoyed tho kid to him Ho turned and groaned In a volco so grim, "Oh, gol, I'm tlrodl" Wal, that wor Jes aforo tho war bo- bogun, ' Than aoino Fort Sumpter and Bull Run, Then Lincoln's onll fey volunteors, An' brokon honrts an' floods o' tonra Bonos onllsted, but when It conio .To part with Suo nn' the kid an' hum no jos uroKO uown iiku u youngster doofi; An' all ho could say to console Suo was, "Oh, gol, I'm tlrod!" GASTORIA Tor Infanta and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA y www . turn y f. CM I Af' I Bonos wn'nt n. rnwnrri nn n ho WOH A corp'rnl's stripes at Donaldson. But ho hated ranrchtn' llko a dog; An" hb'd trot along with a funny Jog, An' tho boys 'd laugh an' then they'd say, "Is your collar a rubbin' yor shoulder hey?" But Bones 'd wobblo his ahocky head An' moan llko a plough-horso nlmos' dead, "Oli, gol, I'm tlrodl" Ono sultry day In slxty-thrco Whllo on tho march,' ol' Bonos says 'o Tired llko to mo, "O gol, I'm tired!" Jcs then tho dnmn bushwackors fired. Bones give a grunt an' foil head fust Faco down'ard, rootln In tho dusL I turned him ovor au' rnlsod his head Au Jos aforo ho died ho said, "Oh, gol, I'm tlrodl" Ahem, that was forty years ago, But I recall It Jost as though It happened only yostcrdny, An' slnco then I've turned old an gray But Bones halnt; ho's Jest tho samo 01' dog, with Jost tho sumo ol' namo. I shot my oyos nn' seo him plain, I lUton, nn' hear him snyln "Oh, gol, I'm tlrod!" Whon I fonch heaven, fust thing I do Is to look nroun' nn' fin Bones, too. An' whon 01 Gabriel comes nroun' Au' han's to Bonos a stnrry crown An puts n big harp In his ban An' Bnyg, "Come, Jlno tho heavenly ban An' pralso tho Lord!" 1 think I seo 01' Bonos hang back, an then says ' "Oh, gol, I'm tlrod!" u FRIENDSHIP TIH. (By Rudolph Qroon.) Tho snow clnd hills beforo mo rose, Agnlnst tho loadon sky, All naturo slept In sweot roposo, Yot rostloss wnndorcd I. 1 To seek from out tho lnndscnpo fair, Or sunsets tinted scroll Somothlng, I know not what nor whoro A balm to sooth my soul. I stood upon tho old brldgo grand And list to tho rlvor's ronr, It brought It's bloBslngs to tho land And hastened on onco more. Tho sapphlro clouds moved with tho brcezo, That kissed tho day good night; All ghostly stood tho sighting trees, Thoro walnlng In tholr might. A bird Hint snt on tho Icy rail Chlrpod sadly for Its mato That lie thero frozon In tho trail, Whero death had soalod Is fnto. T'wns but the wage of the law of change Which will tomorrow pay For all that Is how old but strong, And take our all today. Ah llfo, what hnst thou now In storo, Thnt will not paw away: For all wo know must bow boforo, Old nature's sure dooay. Tho wtb of sorrow, Joy nud strlfo Is Intormlngled so, Wo fool tho hour most blast In life, Is whon we death shall know. Truo strongth nnd manhood are In noed When disappointments meet Our hope. and salflshn is freed From It's oft moekeU retreut. Yet like' tho flower, oaah llfo is blest With fragrance from abovo And If with good Its soul Is dreeeed, T'wlll live and thrlvo and love. So long as mtislo, soolal life. And love aud friendship's here. Tho world will rUte above its strife, And find oontent and cheer, o Of Ilonullt to Tourist. New York, April C. The Inter state commerce commlMlon having made a ruling that ho ticket eouto be validated short of deetisvatlon, the Southern Paclflo and other trans continental lines oxneet to publish a provision Jn their new tariffs whleli will make It possible to validate thM tickets at the principal points U California, without holders having to go to Los Angelee or San Fran co. This will be gratifying to tourists, as under the ruling If a tluket Is not validated as required it become a dead low, as It cannot bo sent by mail for that purpose, but must be presented in person. Tho result Is that luconvenloncos occured has sub jected tho railroads to much sever. censure and criticism, when they wero not at fault, but where simply obeying tho law and escaping pros cution for its violation. The South ern Pacific has a new rale, under which, when persou buys a ticket at aa outside depot s4 cannot m The Uwlcsty or Women aturally makes them shrink from tha fuilollcato questions, tho obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local trvat acnts, which somo physicians consider essential In tho treatment of diseases of women. Yot, If help can bo had, It Is bottcr to submit to this ordeal than lot tho diseaso grow and spread. Tho trouble Is that so olten tho woman undergoes all tho annosAnco and sharao for nothing. ThonsandiSjf women who havo been curcd'Wv Dr. IHerco's Favorite Prescrip tion wrllS. Injtfswclatlon 0( u,q cura which dlsjVwSrNjli tho examinations and local trratmentThcr la no nthfr medicine o nro nml i fnr ilPllont vpjnjMjnsjTav--v r'V.-ptlon, it cures doblli' f'n- , 'T!1rrvular7ty and femalo wcaMhcs. It always holps. It almost alwuys cures. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non - secret, all Its Ingredients being printed on Its bottlo-wrappers con tains no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every natlvo medicinal root entering Into Its composition has tho full endorsement of those most eminent In the several schools of medical practice. Soma of theso numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its Ingredient), will bo found In a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also (n a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. H. V. Pierce, ol Buffalo, K. Y. Theso professional en dorsemonU should havn far mora wolght than any amount of tho ordinary lay, or non-pro(espnal testimonials. Tho most Intelligent women nowatlays insist on knowing what they tako as. m-l-Icluo Instead of epening: tholr mouths llko a lot of youm; birds and gulping down whatever Is olTerod thorn. "Fnvorito 1tp scrlptlon"ls of kxowk coJirosmox. It makes weak women strong and sick women veil. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sontrre on recolpt of stamps to pav oxpenso of mailing otili. Send to Dr. It. V. l'lerrr, DutTalo, N. v., SI one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamp for cloth-bound. If sick consult tho Doctor, free of rharxe by lotter. All such communications are held sacredly contUleutlnl. Dr. rierve's l'loaani Pellets InvlRorate knd reculato stomach, liver and bowela. It tho station agent may redeom It, on propor roprosontatlon. Horcto foro tlckots could bo rcdoomod only nt tho gonoral ofllco. This ontnllcd muoh tlmo and oxponso nnd consld orablo corrospondonco. o Just llccntiso Your cough Is only In tho thornt and doeB not troublo you now, don't think that It needs no nttontlon. Whon It has not had much of a start Is tho tlmo to check it. Tho slightest cough easily leads to Pnoinuonla, Bronchi tis nnd Consumption. A bottlo of Ballard's Horohound Syrup will cure that cough. Tho prlco puts it within roach of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. o Tho maples nro In bloom. Tho daisies whlton tho lawns nnd tho but tercups yollow tho yards. o Gymnastics nlono enn novor glvo thnt elasticity, oaso and grncoful flguro which comos by taking Hollls tor's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 conts, Toa or Tablots. For salo at Dr. Stono storo. "Oh, thnt mlno ononiy would wrlta a book," snld tho Psalmist. And Senator Balloy threatens to do it. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send stamp for Particulars nnd Testimonials of Uio rt'mcdy that clears the Complexion, Itcmovra Skirt IiiilwfcctlotiH, Mukrti New BIokhI ami Improves tho Henltli. If you tako BEAUTYSKIN benollclnl results nro guaranteed or money refunded. CIIICHICSTKIt CHFJIICAL CO., Madison PInco, Philadelphia, Pa, SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service tpply at offle Bills payable monthly la sdvase Make all coiuplatots at the ofilea. HOU.IBTCrV& Rocky Mountain Tea Nuygots A Daiy U4Ma fcr Dm IW. Mat OiliM HIHi i Ittt4 Vljor. X hHi tarQotmHimtUm. lJtottM. U?oi y Tpdwwo. I itnpiM. KvacMj. imfmn awua. Murium nwrt.umac f form SS anf n I r .. .rn masi b BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than auy other bread, yet tho price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. GALIFOHNIA IUKKHY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. The Fashion Stables Formerly fthnpson's Stable. Up-to-date Hi cry and tab lice Funorai turnouts a specialty. Tally ko for plenles and exenrslocs. Phoas 44, OHAfl. W YANNKB, Prop 247 aad 249 High Street. MAHAM2 iJEAHi!. tTStf stTU IS Tl mil. . v.i y4,i uit .".'jgf .. 14. Uu.ow p. SUk3mbrlk..Cm Wlilsils)iBeIiWttt)t8l8jalteIIC i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I WHile)ieHe)lif Iimilit11illgllitlle1f Uli rOK RAIA For Sale Salom-Indopcndonco-Mon- mouth stngo lino, fully equipped. Inqulro dT Capital Commission Company, Salem. 4-E-tt For Salo Strawberry plants of the famous Oregon varloty. Inqulro of M. Wolch, routo No. C, Salem. Phono Farmors 32xx4. 4-G-3t For Salo A 4-yenr-old gulldlng, weight about 1G00 pounds, well broko and In lino condition. In qulro of W. II. Engan, Qorvals, 11 F. D. No. 2. Phono Farmors 30 4-4-lwk Uunusual Opportunity 245 acres ot good land nt railroad station, woll Improved, clx-room house, spring wntor; will soil or rent; don't wrlto, but como and seo It. I will certainly trado with you. D. W. Hoffer, Divide, Oregon. 4-4-3dlw Cows nnd Horso for Sale Two good milch cows nnd n draught horso Apply nt 1529 Fourth street NortU Salem. Chris Boss. 4-3-Gt For Snlo 233 ncros, 150 under plaw, balauco timber ?35 per aero; 151 ncroB, good houso, barn nnd windmill, bost farm In vnlloy, $10, 000; 21 acres, good houso, bnru, 0 long by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 80 cows; 10 ncros, wagon, buggy, all tho farm implomonts and houso turnlturo; 21 acres near town on tho lowland, good G room houso nnd barn, G000; big lot 200 foot ling by 100 feet wldo, 3500; 80 acres 3 mllos south ot town nearly nil In grnln, )G5 por aero; 8 acres 2 mllos wost ot town with houso and barn, $800; 00 acres, 12 miles ast of Salem, $40 por ncro; H& ncros, good houso nnd barn, $850; lacro with Uvo room houso and barn, $700; 5 acroa with good G room houso and barn, $1000; 4 acres with good houso and wind mill In town, $2200; 4 ncros with houso and barn In town, $2000; nlso from 20 to 30 good Iioubos from $000 to $4000. For salo by J. C. Bchultz, 747 South Twelfth 8t. Salem. 4-1-lmo. For Sale A flvo and a six-room Iioubo, with from ono to six lota with each, woll located In Kast Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21at and Marlon 8ts Snlom. 1-28-tf WANTED. wwv Wanted A good boy to loarn a trade, Including nn eduoatlon. Call at Capital Journal ofilao. 4-3-3t Wanted By a young lady, a place to work for board and nttond school. Addross J. J. Kraps, Oa lom, Or. 3-10-tt von BUNT For Kent Houso and four lots, gar den nnd barn, All kinds ot fruit. Apply at 345 Union stroot. Phouo 591. 4-l-tf For Ilent Sovon-room houso, hot and cold wntor, olectrlo light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Sohrolb or, 5G0 North High street. 3-25-tt For IUiit A 0-acro hop yard, nl one-fourth rent. Inqulro ot M. J. Ugan, Gervals, Itouto 2. 3-21-tf For lU-nt Nice cottago, large grounds; tho rose and flower cor ner blook of Salem. Houso in first-class condition, Bartons to all windows and doors, now shades, curtain poles, hot and cold water In bed rooms, poreeloln and mar bio wash stands, porcelain bath and toilet, chandeliers In every room, oleotrlo lights, fine porob and shade troos; tho finest looatlon In Salem, oloso In, oorner of Mill and ohtiroh streets. This cottage will be for rant Apr,) I 1st. J. Con nor, Willamette Hotel. 3-14-tf MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jei -Teacser of pi ano; touch, teohnleh, Interpreta tion, Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Itesldonce 668 Center St. Tel. Main C26. 2-38-tf. PHYSICIANS AND BUHOKONH. Dr. D. II. GrlOln, the Hiclalhit o Morphhje All drug and liquor habits, which be cure In S days. No money until cured, 114 Tr4 ft, gal. Or. Fbgm 668, Jo rUxmi MlftaaBlBl MAsaUaJsVassr. JuPwaPSasa awssniisiaBsf swws a i TUTHXKM. Tlieo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot wale and steam heating and tlnnlag, 164 Commercial street. Ffeeo Mala 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Peei Plumblajr, tteam av gas fltUBg, Successor to Kaox M Murphy, SSG Commercial street, 'Phono Main 17. LOIKJIC8. Forcetcra. ot Amork Court Shvr- wood Forostors, No. 19. Meets Tuosday In Hurst hall, Stato street Loo Abblo. C, It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, K, of IV Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty streets. Tuesday at each wook at 7:36 p. m. B. W. Haxard, C. C; W. I. Stnloy, K. ot It. and 8. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meet every Thursday ovonlng at S o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.; P. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moot every Fri day night At 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. 8.; P. L. Frasler, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. -Sick, acci dent and ponsloa Insurance; $2, 000,000 plodgod; every claim paid Good agonta wanted. J. H. O, Montgomery, supremo f organiser, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. II. R. Hynn, eocroctary, 640 Stato street. MIHOKLIiANFOUS. Ptx-Mtlug Parlors Pressing, clean ing, repairing and dressmaking done by Mrs. K. W. James 404 Court street. Phono 477, 4-4-lmo DnwMimklng Plain or fancy dross ranking dono by Portland lady ot oxporlonco. Mr a. A. N. Munsoy, 35G Sovcnteonth stroot. Phone 1171. 4-3-lmo. Your Htrpinother Is still horo busy ns ovor cleaning, dyolng, prosslng nnd ropnlrlng anything from a pair ' at gloves to tho most elaborate silk gown. Goods called for and roturnod. Mrs. O. II. Wnlkor, 221' South Commorclnl stroot. Phono 1245. ' 4-1-lra Kulnrgi'd Our moat market on East State stroot has boon doubled In slxo and we nro bottor proparod than ovor to serve oustomors. Prompt survlco nnd tho host of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. U. 13. Kdwnrds, Prop. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, plnno el port tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leavu orders at Goo. O. Wills' mtislo store, Salem, 2- 9-lyr Coum'to Work. Got my prices oa sidewalks, curbs, soptlo tanks and comont work of nny kind. AU work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 509. 2-11-tt lltttto Ai Wfiiderotli-k-FIno wines, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle the colobratod Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial strrot 9-3-lyr Salerii Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds ot sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, oto. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Kaleru llov & LiiiiiImt Co. Ilomovod from South Salem to 14th street, near the 8. P. depot. Box, Berry Orates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Hvaporator. Phono 201. 1NDHPIJ.NDIJNOH HTAGK. Dally oxeept Sunday. Leaves Wll lamotte Hotel, Salem at 3 p. in., con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 0:15 p. in. Loaves Inde pendence nt 8 a. m. Phone Mala 179. RALPH BUDLONO, Manager. DRAYMEN. It. O. Cutii&jii Successor to Whit Cummins, express, delivery and transfer lint. Prompt service ! our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Hand at 111 South Commercial i.'eeL Phoa 175. Itosldence phone 918. 8-4-tf MASH AXD DOO rAOTOUM. rraak M. fV-Kaaaftutur etf as, doers, saoeWJsa. AH kkd l ketts aWleli svswl jit4 vmsmI iIl ee j Pn. waw s e ,ssii I