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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
"ww,. " ' "T f "l-. K-,l f-v ruyifiniiB. ;'" wwwercsrr rT. :i ; ji p ".im- , -7Kl.JV 'fr DAILY CAM PAL- JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL , 1&07. alem OCial 0O$etp j Prolonged FYYfltch Wedding. kW " ... wertdlni: took place VET i 1 th ft,s Marlon stroot, when r.Hdeof LutelluaLlndley fr. , nf Chicago, but Portland, played "Idjrllo" Sir march when the bridal party 5 the pador and took their STbweatn a large white wedding frter ci lemony was per- V. n. christian church. Jlr congratulations tho guestB -Krtcd with a ummj iUUUU. stride and groom wore tho re- -dili oi many ueauiuui mm i- UrtnU among Miem bolng cut iT.rrt nutated china and silver. 7, bride was charming In n gown letta ilk "cno uo cnmo anu led t shower bouquet or wnuo .tiAM. Tho groom woro tho Kttlonal black The bride was -(Tided. Uti parlors were beautifully dec- i b ferns and Knstcr lines, rftle dining room In Oregon grapo iiisineseaulnce. liaVeatch Is quite well known Itlls city, being tho daughter or Hi Mrs. J. P. Veatch, old re- ti sloneers. ufr. Woods Is tho youngest son of : ill Mrs. D. L. Woods, of Cottago tit. Mr Woods Is located with Will music house of this city. tit out of town guoats were Dr. UUrs. D. L. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. ML Woods, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. im. of Cottage Clrovo; Mrs. Itoy A, Miss LlndL y Welch and Mr. !Vrt L D Pape, of Portland; . ff P Tibbals, of Port Town- , Wash , Mr and Mrs. 0. W. a, Vernon It and Frod Owons, IfeMInnTllle ind Mrs Woods will bo nt f to their friend after-April 20, llH Marlon street. WIM.ffiirt Wcdillni:. !U Tedding of Miss Carol Ino i to Mr Dfl Dognrt, took plnco I home of tho brldo's mothor In pad Wednesday evening. Miss i Is a former Salem Klrl and n, TJopular ono too. Mr. Uognrt Is II known In Snlem. Ho Is n BBf salesman for Prnel Hoglty mr Mrs S 0 Schntfor, of itatflei, who Is visiting hor pnr- iiatnis ntv att.ndod the wed- l LabWi MfftrimvK. r-u inij G.rtrude Jones Wf'M hi. VUs ijih.Mh nn.l ' l'lirtlund, nt La- 1' fiom the gen- v-'iiii attends ul I i - home, this after- ' ' 1 a number of ' i.t, thoee going ' e mim Sophie " "t. Miss Hthel The affair, was, " "i . onipllmantnry Thv, ,,, W in I I! the , JU Fl ll ? h' t., t iSi "i r.-8 to a 'an !x i fur pp.f -!u.r. I U h 1 !... of young men In honor of Prof. New berry, who loft Salem this past week. Tho ovcnlng was spent In muse, games and conversation after which .Mrs. Hatch' served refreshments.. Tho guests were follow members of the Y. M. C. A., of which Prof. Now. berry Is nu active member. Thoy wore Chns. Roth, Sllns Rich, 0. P. Butler, Alfred Schramn, Bon Kumler and Mr. G. A. Forbes. Hnrd TIiiicm Soclnl. Tho "hard times" soclnl at . the I Christian church Inst Monday even ing b v) iu vyunsunn .janunnv ors, wns n success, both financially and socially. j All the guosts woro supposod to wear somothlng old, hence many gowns and bonnets came out of trunks and attics, which hadn't scon I tho light of day for a, number of yonrs. The moro years tho bettor. Somo of tho costumes woro almost (nnclcnt. Thofco who woro unfortu nnto enough to have no old clothes. woro fined for being dressed too well Among somo of thoso were Judge Scott, Mrs. A. Bennett, Mlsp Theo Bennett, Ruth Hansbro, Mrs. L. S. Rowland and Miss Lena GIrnrden. After n general merrymaking, an oldfashloned taffy pulling was In dulged In. Tho proceeds went to tho society. Musical Kntcrtnlnnient. Prominent nmong tho ovonts of tho coming week will bo tho recon- tlon given noxt "Wednesday nftor noon nt tho Elks' hnll with Mrs. W. Cnrlton Smith, Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Geo. V. Jonos and Mrs. Goo. G. ninghnm ns hostOBsos. , 1 o Glee Club Will' Present Piny. A coming ovont of social Interest Is tho musical comedy, "Trial by Jury," which will bo prosonted on tho 20th of this month at tho Grnn-1 oporn houso by tho mombors of tho high school gloe club. Tho piny Is undor tho direction of Dr. II. C. Eploy, instructor of tho gloo club, and with tho host drnmatle talont that can bo obtninod In tho high school, tho affair will undouht- ly be n great bucccbb. Honor Professor NowlK'rry, A farewell party was glvon In honor of Porfessor Prnnk B. New berry nt tho Y. M. 0. A. nsaoolntlon rooms last Monday evening. Tho professor loft this week for Band, onstern Oregon, to spend tho sum mer. The ovenlng wns pleasantly apent in sanies, imialc and toaata. At a late hour' n substantial lunch waa aerred and the gueata departed for their various liomea wishing th profeaeor every succeaa during hla aummer vacation. A moat enjoy able evening waa aitent and the uiya terious disappearance of Mr. IBaeter'a overeout waa a cause or much merri ment. We understand that he hai recovered 'the lost property. PltMi.Mint Surpriso Party. ; ' A pleaaant surprise waa given Mle lfilule Cottennan, last Monday even ing nt her home on Hlghlutitr ave nue. ) A large number of UeJr young frlomls were present, and ilio even- Life nett on Chomokota Btreet. Ator tho f business of tho society wnB finished, J a program, almost impromptu, wn rendered. Miss Nellie Sykes acted ' as chairman of the musical and liter- I nry part or the entertainment, nnrt In oloquent language Introduced tho various performors of tho evening. There aro many per sons living to-day, whom doctors have given up to die. D; Miles' Heart Cure has added, years to their lives. It strength ens tho heart licrvcs and muscles, restores normal heart action, so that it can send tho blood through the veins to nour ish and sustain life. "I am glad to recommend Br. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine for thoy rmvo tict-n of ktouX. benent to mo. The doctors suld I was llnblo to Ulo tiny time; my oofo wob Incurable. I wns told this by doctor in this vlllnge nnrt Southern Minnesota. I have used four bottles of Heart Curo nnd the ontns of Norvlne, ami although not a younp man, having passed throush tho war, I fpol younger than I did boforo. I am feellna' better In every way and uleep like a healthy six year old boy. I was advised to um your medicines by n man who la now a perfect pecl man of manhood. He tried Dr. M lies' remedy and he said It cured him of heart trouble, twel'o years niro after the doctors had clron him up to die." CHAS. E. MUItPmVVerndale. Minn. Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Wdlmfkmlms It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any stove. This is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives die instant a lighted match is ap plied no delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt. For cooking, tho NEW PERFECTION Wek Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ? Equaled. It gives quick results because its jt is highly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense Jfcvo. Made in three sizes. Every KQVe Wnrr-inniJ Tr .. -- J,f . w vmte to our nearest agency, ft Tr : ' . . Uji fv" all-round household use. ww throughout and beautifully nickeled. (tT?3rconncted; absolutely life; unexcelled t "TtM-prinj. pewer: an nminvnMn nv room. thl- . ,' ;. " ' r 1 .. wlianr&l. lanroiiAin - ... 4kW' wnte to our nearest ctacy. oJS-uijjiBwor Ing wns pleasantly spent In games, and music, nttcr which a light lunch eon was served. Kntertnln Honolulu Vlxltors. Mrs. Oscar Waldstrom, former ly Miss Mlnnlo rhllllps, ono of the party of ton girls, who woro tnken on n ploasuro trip to Honolulu Inst Feb ruary entertained tho mombors of tho pnrty with a dlunor last Sunday nt her homo C58 Wnsco stroot, Port land. Tho nffalr was a most hnppy ovont, six of tho girls, bosldos Mrs. Wald strom , being prosont. TIiobo prosont woro Illnuch Urown of Salem, KfTIo King of Walla Walla. Snlllo Madlcan and Kutlo Nnsh of Portland, Florence Henvorn of Vnn- couvor, Molllo Probstol of La Grnndu Miss llortha Courtmnucho, of Mc- Mlunvlllo; Edna Pauley, of Rose burg, and Emily CroBsen woro un- nblo to attond. l'rlclllii Club. Tho Prlcllla club met laBt week wIUi Mrs. Fred SUuHloff nt hor homo on Commorolal strott, the coming wok thty will ni89t with Mrs. Lou Wln. Coining ltvuut. Itehenmla liar begun at the uni versity by students of tk college of oratory on h comedy tlraiim entitled "A Serau of Paner." which will be presented at tho Grand opera house owe time In June. Thtire are twelve clianieters In thi prodiietloti. which ht UUeu by tho most AdvHiiced stiulenta. uuder tb direction of Surah lirown Savsge. dean at the college of oratory. Theae playu have always been 'i succeee and are looked forward to with much pleasure). s Aid Society MccCh. Mrs. J. A. Remington, entertained the Aid Soulety of the United Kvan xelleal church at her home on North Inter street. The nfternoon wan pleasantly spent in social conversa tion and sewing, after which Mi. Runlngton served refreshments. Snli'inllefi Htiturtalii In Wood burn. IS. Cooke Patton, the maglelaa and wizard, und the Fleur d Lis Har mony Four entertained n large crowd of Woodburn people at the nrinorr ball last Might. Mr. Pattou worked to the utmost of his ability, and kept his audleaee In an uproar of amaze ment from start to llntah. Mr. Pal ton is ranked In the Drat clase of sleight of band perforin em. Ho also entertained for a while in the art of hypnotism, whloh more than pleased his audience. The Fleur de Lis Har mony Four Bang popular songs, sum as "Will You Love Me in Deoembn as Yo do in May?" "Somewhere' and "Ain't You Coming Rack to Old New HaiHHskire, Molly," and many choruses and melodies. Tho bos were in splendid volos, and rendered" their part of the program in a roan ner that won rounds of applause The entertainment was given under the auspUea of 'tho Woodburn high school, and tho proceeds will be placed in the piano fund of the icuool. Kudravor Social. The Young People' Society of the First Christian church hold their regular business meeting and social last night at the home of E, A. Den Mr. Frank Churchill and Miss Thodoala Dennett rondored sovoral dlfllault and pleasing plnno solos. Mrs. William Tsborn recited In a sympathetic and graceful nmnnor a lengthy poem on tho San Francisco disaster. The poom drew a vivid pic turo of the great fire, and told of tho loyalty of a Chinese boy In saving thoso who hnil beon loft In his onro. Professor Smith and Attorney Hor ace Sykes told In eloquent Inngungu tholr feelings on bolng called on Im promptu. The morrymnkors then repaired to tho dining room (by twos) where a dellcous luncheon of hot cakes, sorvod with butter and syrup and woll mndo coffee awaited. Tho ontlro ovonlng wns spent In a dollghtful mnnnor, nnd all who woro prosont hopo to havo nuothor, oppor tunity to bo tho guosts of tho En- doavorors nt the Bonnet homo. Kntcrtnln ibixkctlmll Member. Miss Swnfford, tcnohor of Qorman In tho high school, will entertain thy. mombors of tllo boys' nnd girls' bnB kotball teams and tho faculty of tho high school tonight nt hor homo ou Ferry street. o SUNDAY SERVICES Indications of Stomach Storms sometime appear when least cxpcctcu. Acute luuigcsuoti, Hntulence, nausea, sick ucnu ttous arc n few sigualA which should not pasa ttnheedcd . Any of these conditions itidlcnte somadisturbiuc clement which needs to be calmed and removed. Take Weechamtt &UU ami you will snfely weather nil these storms of (ickucs. Their benign and healthful in- I flucucc is felt at once. Ihcy soothe, tone nnd iuvlcorntc the organs of digestion, regulate the bile, dispel the blues and create n settled coudltlou of stomach health. Buy a bos the nearest drug store and ki themou baud for cmcrgcuc They will Make all the Diffaranca Class, 11:30 a. ni. Sunday school, , 12 m. No sorvico In tho ovcnlng at Leslie, no tho illustrated Easter sor vico given nt Leslie Easter Sunday night with program conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Alford will bo ropoat ed nt Hope's chapel on noxt Sunday ovonlng. Flrr.t Methodist Episcopal. W. II. Sollcck, minister. Tho pas tor will proa oh nt 10:30 n. m. on "Immortality, n Dream or a Fact," nnd nt 7:30 p. m. on "God's Supromo Appeal." Epworth Lenguo at 0:30 p. m. will consider tho toplo "Trl umplmut Grnco." Illblo scbbol at 12 in. All aro cordially welcomed. St. Paul's Episcopal. Chemeketn nnd Olntroh Btrocts Rov. Mnrr Q. Leo, rector. Low Sun day. Holy communion, with sor mon, at H n. m. Chlldron'B Eastor sorvico at -1 p. m. No Sunday school today, owing to ntlernoon sorvico. Tho public la woloomo at all services. In boxes with full directions, 10c smt S3o Gospel Cbnpol. Fifteenth and Mill streets. Sun day Bchool, 10 a. m. Pronchlng, 11 n. m. nnd 7:45 p. nt. Prnyor meet ing Friday ovonlng. niblo study Tuesday ovonlng nt 1-15C Parry St All nro wolcomo. Cent nil Cougregntlounl. Morning nnd evonlng sorvico tomur row conductod by P. S. Knight, Sun day school nnd Endonvor mooting ns usual. Hlblo study Thursday ovo nlng. W. C. T. U. Mr. S. C. Ilutlor will addross tho GoHpol Temperance mooting Sunday Arlington Recerd: It tho Demo crats nro In real earnest to reform everything nnd everybody they ought to select Honey for tholr standard bonrcr In tho noxt presidential elec tion. Ho can innko Roooovolt ashamed. Ho can Btlr up moro bllo and get more ndultory ndvortlstng thnn any man In tho United States. er !... Tho clock ticks and ticks tho time nway, Shortening up our lives each day, Ent, drink and bo worry, For somo day you will bo whoro, You can't Rocky Mountain Toa. (Freo samples at Dr. Stono'a storo.l ttaArpniaifaiiftmaiaaalf afs WWwwWajWwwajajajajajajwajwWWajTfcayaTy i liA j! UNIQUE SHOWING ! Your grocery wania fully supplied at our store 432 5 State street. Phono 181. Call Jg and twe our large variety of m EARLY VKOICTA1ILKS, X OUANOHS, 11ANAXAH, 1CTC. A complete line of fancy and 9 staple groceries. H. M. BRANSON Phone 131. 432StacSt. tho 7th nt 4 p. m. at tho W. C. T. U. hall. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chomokota street. Sorvlces nt 10:30 nnd 7:30 p. in. Subject or lCBson sorinon, "Aro Sin Dlscnso nnd Death Real." Sunday school at 11:45 n. in. Tho "Wednesday ovonlng meet ing Is hold nt 7:30 p. m. Rending room In tho church opon cnoh nftor- n iinn ntrmiL Hitndnv. All nrb coi- dlnlly Invltod to nttond tho Horvlcos Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR nnd tho rending room. Lutbcnin St. JoIiu'k. Regular Sunday sorvico at 10:30 n. in. In tho German Lutheran St. .John's church, coruor Confer nnd Fourteenth Btroots. Goo. Engle pas tor. First Pivsbyterlnn. . Church strout, nour Chemokotn stroot, Rov. Honry T. Ilnbcock, pas tor. Morning Horvlco 10:30 a. in., colebratlon of tho Lord's Huppe. Communion tnlk by tho pnstor, sub ject, "This do In Rumembrnnco of Mo." Sunday school, 12 m. C. E 0:30 p. in. Evening's sorvico, 7:30 p. in., pronchlng by tho pastor, sub ject, "Havo Fnlth tu God." Midweek prnyor meotlng Thursday at 7:30 p. in., subject, "Tho Prcomlnonco of Christ. Public cordially Invltod to theuo sorvlces. Leslie. Regular service In morning, pronchlng by pastor, 10:30 n. in. DR. KUM 1VI11 trent you with Oriental bwbs and cure any diiosso without operatic or pain. Dr. Kutu is known everywhere la Salem, and bus cured many prominent people hero. II o has lived in Salem for CO yorns, and can be tnuted. Ha us i- rnniiy nindlclnoi unknown to white doctors, and with them csn curs catarrh, asthmn, lung troubles, rhea mstliin, itotnnch, llvor, and kidney dl Mues, Dr, Kum makes a spoelrdty of dropi and female troubles. Ills remedle, cure prlvnto diseaios when everything el so falls. lie has hundreds of tetU menials, and gives consultation free. Prices for medicines rory moderate, Porsons In tho country can write tot blnnk, Send stamp, If yon want somo extra fine tea, got It from us. DR. KUM DOW WO 0O., 107 South High Mroct, Sslnm, Oregon.' IWH'S"' ss tf i i s. ' "! WW ip ii,' jgu Undertaking and Embalming IIKOT fiKUVICK CO.MPLLTli OUTFIT On'y White Hearse ajid Whllo Horses in Marion and adjoin- ing counties, W. T. RI6D0N I. O O. F.DIdgy -if.0 Court flt. Mm, T rSSSBSiwtlgJSSSSSSSJBSF il i i Uo thsy mr If tiioy re not UC ACTLY ntht, let us rnsko them so When w fit you, wo fit you AC fUUATKLY Lone xprlne. tery necnary lemlflo appsratu and the required knuwIMit en abllntr us to corre tly uie the Mine. , our own cdmplolo workebop, with every fselilty oven to tho srlndlng of petl Imu re all st your dUposal here, sseurlne a service not ponlblo with others Ui forlu sstely oqulpp4. Acsln-Jo your Uties KIT, or nearly fltT MunseJI Optical Cb. ttAOMT KM r ' WASH SIS. PORTIAUD m'WOMEN'1'"1 RoUertlne gives wbst ertry womsn inoat 4elre -s. perfect cm(.txlr It tirincs tbet sort smooth, free' clear tint to the cheek that (Haute yeuthfelaess. It will brine beauty ui tbot who Uek It; It will retain it for Uteeo who already pewete K. It wilt enable you to suesaistullr combat the ravages of weather and time. Poa't doubt-don't arcue. Juit try ItoUrtine. Your druesUt win civ you a free sample. Ail Jru xUum keep KoUrtlne. mmm IKtXICMieCRIKtItn)B3lMIMBltsriaMltMMXtMleVt Men Ate Well Dtessed If They Have Tlielr Clotlies Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera House rvIERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. f MeMHB'MIMMMtMKMftXM irdwood Floors in Cans Atw! !a 'A Sprssd ihem on your old floors wnh s good truth, snd ' hive in up-io-Utie rwtptlon room, dining-room, hall or parlor.. Nitunl wood finish, lough, elastic ind durttl&v Varno-Lac cued Imltne'ill fine woods, no mtntrhowcld ih turfsce 10 ps tuined. The only srttete inide that requires no skill tot produce good rctulrs. Avoid dlsippolnimeni by rcflimfetfta wsil for Varno-Lac. t fitm Wfeiie U4.t Csjor'erls.Dtifrjyi GEO. B. JACOB FKONT AXI) W.VB HT11EEXH. XOUTU ti.U.KX, VUoho , SJ&ifl