u V ft 03 DAILY CATITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, i007. Wthoui A Strong Tonic A Body Builder A Blood Purifier -A Great Alterative -A Doctor's Medicine 1 hkjI Aycr's Sarsaparilla I fri llfl f ' DO ""r"l HtV''- We hare do wrtl We pnbUih thefBnnnl of all our preparation. Without Without Without Without Without Without Alcohol! Alcohol Alcohol! Alcohols Alcoholc Alcohol! J. CArri-Co., wowelt. Mm, I rSml DESIAND. .... w KwklnK Tench- Require 700 to 800 -' -,. finch Ycr. Xe l1"1" -..r of teachers at this Tie '" ....,, neitation of UCjnslng rt ,irntional lt01ticaamos- , dffl.j 8UoM 1, nmnetont instructor ittK:L i,Bin. and tho su- J&r"LT So shortage. Superintend er,of Clackamas county, 'Lrtisalway.asreater ffonlndf 1W ... .init r thn fact ,,t tan suppu ,u"o -industrial activity, and con- HP; . .... .nm..nnmilon than au7 mw """: tttthers' prorcssion t"u u.. . i.t rrlpr or stono mason jamand a better salary than nn jted profession, wuu i iy- the latter cannot success- .MmMta with tho former. Till county employs about 200 atrt.and for tho past iuw yuui h not been a sufllclont aup- yitiny time, except occubiuuuw ui the close of tho year, wuon tof the smaller schools closo and ... .m nf tho teachers. At jkllnnlng of tho school year t u always a greater uunumu . ..m nf crnerlenccd teachers, j art" -- r 1 1 V.ra Wtl obllcQj tO KO OUt- itii county to securo a sufllclont sir Thero Is always a groator M fnr men than I can supply. nt 10 per cent of our tonchors t men." n, i. ! imt nntural and so many Lj professions and tratlos offer Ctr Inducements to me men, mat .fniinr tho vocation of n tonclior arte per cent of tho girts who t, an iho wnrV noon retire. owing . my .- iktterwago Inducements and mnt- mj It Is estlrrlited thnt at least i) to 100 new tonchors aro needed iiieitito annually. A worthy con- ,Mnrr In n rflrpnt Infllin snVH! -Sutlitlcs show that annually tho requires oetweon uu nnu auu wQcrs, Tho largost numuor in frnm thn miiMi.tnlknil.nf nnr 1 stbools, but owing to tho limit upon too bizo or n normal '. kr l( trnlnlnf ilnnnrlmnnt! i nr Tft rmwltlntaa apa nil ill lit rnn iojted from each school por an- . me nam meant is uiub- kl is the training school for ono !-' Counting an A and B usiacafh of th- nine grades, It ncm for s practice touchers i4U:f day period. 3G a daw or. In 'I for tio onr. Multiplying ' IT four schools there la a nos. ! cf 2Ss Uarhers. Supposing iiauuiim hubs iiiuuuui- Jtitjactlvo service, it still loaves scrolcioso to 500 teachers. Of course, tho high schools, public schools and demolnatlonal colleges supply their quota, but nothing llko this number. Tho condition Is not lessoned by tho fact that thero is still a greater scarcity of teachers In Washington and other Northwestern states than tn Oregon. "Washington spends nearly five times as much on Its three normals as Oregon does on Its four, and thon goes a stop farther and recognizes tho normal diplomas from Oregon as teaching certificates, whereas tho holder Is required to tako 22 exam Inatlons beforo tho stato board of ed ucation in this stato in ordor to ob tain legal permission to offlclato In public school work In Oregon. Tho graduates ask, and with very good reason, why they Bhould go through tho slogo of examination which they havo so recently passed in their re spective Institutions whon thoy can go Into tho adjoining stato and bo granted a first grado certificate by taking tho minor examinations, those In school law and stnto constitution, and at tho snmo tlmo receive a better Balary than they would nt homo. If thoy teach flvo years thoy aro grant ed Ufa certificates. Practically all tho states supporting normal school! accept tho diplomas ns teaching cer tificates, Including Massachusetts, Now York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iown, Nebraska, Michigan, Idnho and California. In California only state normal school and tho stato unlvorsl ty diplomas aro accepted. "President P. L. Campbell, of the University of Oregon, who Is consid ered nn authority on public school matters, takes this vlow of tho situa situa teon: " 'Tho stnto ought to maintain ths? normal sohools adequately, rcqulro thorough work in tho training do pnrtmonts, and gtvo nt loast a four years' certlflcato on grnduntlon. On sultablo ovldcnco that tho teacher has dono good work, tho certificate should bo changed to n stato cortlfi cato at tho end of tho four-year term. Tho limiting tho first certlflcato to four years would obvlato tho dangor that grnduatcs of tho normal bcIiooIh who failed to teach subsequent to graduation would hold state papors. Tho superintendents should bo re quired to exorclso strict supervision nnd refuso to rocommond tho grant ing of a stnto diploma to a graduato whoso work has not beon satisfac tory, it should bo tho policy of th stuto to I mill co nB many tonchors ns posstblo to compute a normal course Tho possibility of securing a stnto di ploma would be n very strong Induce ment. As. the situation Is today, both Orogon nnd Washington nro short of good teachors.' " o For tho pnst three months overy number of Tho Contury Mngazlno 1ms gono out of print within a fow woeks of Issuo. SALEM TO PORTLAND. uw. nnum""' kSTORll Kktt hhlVTWnn-.itinn r Is. fetoricToodandRcula SfcStoaadB AndBoYrcls cf ISaasafeaosp fkTiiltrwulfll10 mauier lwur-N.-JflCOTin. '& y j R2SS2sr Cor cointlfwi. wHucn.DiarThoca, m,Trt"lswns.Fevcnsh -loss of Sleep. fe51 Sttnaturc of JgW" VORK.' CAST0R1A Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jfb ri AW j i ti TWPy WVSAWra. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTQRIA HMtIM MWMtrr. BW T. Oregon Electric Kallwny Now Work ing on Uock Cuts. Portland, April C. Construction work on tho Oregon Electric railway Is being retarded by tho unfavorable weather. Until tho weather clears, preliminary work Is being dono on rock cutB nnd trestles In South Port land. Mthinwhllo tho Wllsonvfllo bridge Is being rushed to completion ns fast as possible Steel now on tho way for tho superstructure Is expect ed to reach this city within a fow days. Nino miles of trnck is being constructed from Tualatin to Wllson- vlllo for tho purposo of transferring tho bridge material from tho South ern Pacific tracks to tho brldgo Blto. Tho road will bo approximately 50 miles in length and will follow al most nn nlr lino from Portland to Snlom. It Is expected to mako th.3 dlstnnco within nn hour and n half with tho heavy electric cars now bo lng built In tho east for tho road. Tho effects of tho now electric lino nro being felt along tho routo and property Is changing hands on ac count of tho new transportation facil ities which will give access to a largo Bcctlon that Is not now nvnllablo for resldenco by people having positions in Portland. Thero hnvo boon a number of sales of small ncrcagu tracts lying nlong tho routo to now comors, many of whom expect to on gago In truck farming. It is tho plan of tho builders of tho road to havo it In operation by Octo bor or In tlmo for the stnto fair If possible. During tho spring nnd Bummor largo forcos of mon will ba put to work nnd ovary moans used to hasten tho construction. o Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney mnkos oath that ho Is sontor partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buslnoss In tho city of Toledo, county nnd stnto aforosald, nnd thnt said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each nnd ovory cobo of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Catarrh Curo. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to boforo mo nnd subscribed In my presenco, this Gth day of Do combor, A. D., 188G. (Seal) A. W. QLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon tn- tornnlly, nnd -cts directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfacos of the systom. Sand for tostimonlnlB froc. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 7Cc. Tnko Hall's Family PllU for constipation. I.ifo (iwiml.s. The Life Qunrdi are two regiments of cavalry forming part of the Brit ish household troops. They are gal lant soldlora, nnd overy loyal British heart Is proud of thorn. Not only tho king's housohold, but yours, ours, everybody's should havo Its life guards. The need of thorn Is fpo- daily grout whon tho groatost of foos of llfo, dlsonsos, find nlllos In tho very olemontB, ns colds, Inllu enzn, catarrh, tho grip, nud pneu monia do In tho stormy month of March. The host way that wo know of to guard ngulnst thorn dlsonsoa Is to strengthen tho system with Hood's Snrsapnrrllln tho groatetit of all llfo guards. It romovos tho conditions In which the-so diseases make their most successful attack, gives vigor and tone to the vital organs nnd tunc tlons, nnd Imparta a genial warmth to tho blood. Romember the weaker tho systom 'io grentor the oxposuro to disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the system strong, o CAHNKGIK MRHAIIY I'OK THE 1A MiKS At The Dalles Monday night a mass meeting was held In reepoRM to a call by the mayor for the pur poee of securing an expression from the people as to the proportion to obtain a donation from Andrew Or negie for the erection of a library UnUding. The meeting wa well at tended and was unanimously In fav or f accepting flO.QO0 and 1,900, If poaeible. The offer of Mr. Car negie to donate $19,000 has ben made, provided the conditions Im posed are complied with, but The DnMes people want It raUwd to $1S. 000. The meeting Is described as an ntbuslatle one, attended by all clashes of IU business men and many women were present who took part la giving the movement and added impetus. o Itlnbreclit-DIHz. A marriage license has been Issued to August Rlnbrecht, of Washington, aged 68, and Mrs. Johanna Diets, of Salem, aged 50; Samuel Ludl, act Ing at witness. Tho Knock-oat Bloir. Tho blow which knocked out Corbet wm a revelation to tho pruo fighters. ctvux ao r&rinm cays ot the ring U; knock-out blow was Mm! fnr tlm 1w tho temple or tho Jugular vein. Stomach punches wore throwu tn to worry and WC&ry tho fiohtcr. but If ft s.lnntl(ln tnsn had told ono of tho old fighters that tho aost vulnorablo spot was tho region of tho stomach, ho'd havo laughed at him for an Ignoramus. Dr. Plcrco is bringing BOW.to tho public a parallel fact; that the, siomacl3 tho most vulncrablo organ out of he prtM ring as well as In It Wo protect burJitiaj, throats feet and lungs but tkoVhatthvo aro utterly Indiffer ent to, until dlscatlnds tho solar plexus and knocks usoutr Mako your stomach cures "weak stomach," Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and Im pure blood and other diseases of the or gans ot digestion and nutrition. Tlwaoldon Medical Discovery " has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces and henco cures catarrh, no tnattor where located or what stago It may havo reached. In Nasal Catarrh It Is well to clcanso tho passages with Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy (laid while using tho "Dljcovcry "as a constitutional rem edy. Why tho "Golden Medical Discov ery " euro catarrhal diseased, as ot tho stomach, bowels, bladder and other polvlo organs will bo plain to you If you will read a booklet of oxtracU from tho writ ings ot eminent medical authorities, en dorsing Its Ingredients and explaining their curatlvo properties. It Is mailed ircc on request Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, uffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all tho Ingredients entering Into Dr. Ploroa's medicine from which It will ba seen that they contain not a drop ot alcohol, pure, triple-rofined glycorlno being used Instead. Dr. Plorco's grent thoutand-pago Illus trated Common Sonw Modlcal Adviser will bo wit freo. papor-bonnd, for ill one cent stniiips, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps Addrvss Dr. T'lerco as above. OTiiHiiieitjiliniiiiilitiiliiiiin !'! CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I FOR RALB Fop Sale A 4-year-old gulldlng, weight about 1C00 poundB, well broko and In flno condition. In qulro of W. 11. Engnn, Gorvals, U F. D. No. 2. Phono Farmers 36. 4-4-lwk Uunutmnl Opportunity 246 acres ot good land at railroad Btatlon, well Improved, six-room house, spring water; will soil or ronf, don't wrlto, but como and seo It. I will certainly trado with you. D. W. Hotter, Divide, Oregon. 4-4-3dlw SiH'ncvr's llutte Is 205U Vwt High. Ward L. Ray and John Ponlnnd, Juniors In tho ouglnopring depart ment ot tho university, hnvo finished running n survey to Sponcor's butto nnd find tho hoight ot tho mountain to bo 205G feet nbovo sea level. Throo years ngo two studonts did tho snmo thing and measured tho height ns 2056. Sponcor Booms to bo grow ing qulto rapidly. Tho geological bnso at Vlllard hall Is 459 foot abovo sea lovol. Eugene Dally Guard, o Illtteu by n Spider. Through blood poisoning cnuscd by a spider blto, John Washington ot Uosquovlllo, Tex., would hnvo lost his leg, which bocamo n mass or run ning sores, hnd he not been porsund cd to try Ducklon'a Arnica Snlvo. Ho writes: "Tho first application rollovod, and four boxoa hcnlod all tho sores." Heals ovory soro. 25c at J. 0. Perry's, druggist. : o Man Who Got Hack IIIh Pin. Chicago, April 4. Edwin E. Omni loy nnd his 17-yoar-old nephew, ot Los Angolos, California, alighted from n train at the Polk streot stn tlon this morning. It was long pnst daylight, nnd they sturted to tho home of his nephews parents In this city. A man tried to grnb Omni ley's dlnmond pin, worth $600. Three othors helped him, when Omnlloy roslstod nnd oscnpod. Omnlloy ohnswl tho four through tho dupot, uupturod one, and recovorod his pin. o EUREKA 1 V, I Hnvo 1'ou ml It nt Lnftt. Found what? Why that Chambor Inln's Snlvo euros cozema nnd all manner ot Itching ot tho skin. I have boon nflllcted for many yoars with skin doasos. I hnd to got up thrco or four times ovory night nnd wash with cold water to allay tho torrlbld Itching, but slnco using this salvo In Docombor, 1005, tho Itching has stopped and has not troubled me. Elder John T. Ongloy, Rootvlllo, Pa. For sale at Dr. Stono'a drug storo. Cows nnd llorco for Sale Two good milch cowa nnd n drnught horse Apply nt 1529 Fourth street North Salem, Chris Bass. 4-3-6t For SaU; 233 acres, 150 undor plaw, balance tltubor 36 per aero; 151 acres, good houso, barn and windmill, best farm tn valley, ?10. 000; 21 acres, good houso, barn, 9 long by 100 feet wide,, $3600; 80 cowb; 10 ncres, wagon, buggy,, all tho farm Implements and houso furniture; 21 acres noar town on tho lowland, good C room houso and barn, JG000; big lot 200 feet ling by 100 feet wldo, J3500; 80 ncros 3 miles south ot town nearly nil In grnln, $05 por ncro; 8 acros 2 miles wost ot town with houso and barn, $800; 90 ncros, 12 mllen n8t ot Salem, $40 por aero; lMi acros, good houBO and barn, $850; lncro with flvo room houso nnd barn, $700; 5 ncroa with good 0 room houso and bnrn, $1000; 4 acres with good houso and wind mill In town, $2200; 4 ncros with houso nnd barn In town, $2000; also from 20 to 30 good housos from $000 to $4000. For snlo by J. C. 8chultz, 747 South Twelfth St. Snlom. 4-1-lmo. For 811I0. A flvo nnd a six-room houso, with from ono to six lota with each, woll locatod In East Salem, Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st and Marlon Sts., 8alom. 1-28-tf FLUXKKM, Xiieo. M. ltarr Plumbing, hot wate and steam heating aad tlweJas 164 Commercial street. fkeM Mala 192. 9-1-ljr M. J, Feteei Plumbing, steam gas flttlng. Successor to Kaex Murphy, 226 Commercial street. Those Mai 17. B))BJJJBBJBJtBJSBnBMJB)MBt FOR RENT For Rent Houso and four lots, gar den and barn. AU klnda ot fruit. Apply nt 345 Union stroet. Phone 591. 4-4-U For Kent Furnlshod qulro nt G95 Court postofllco. rooms. En stroot, near 4-3-3t For Rent Sovon-room house, hot nnd cold water, olcctrlo light, bate, room, Inqulro ot Aug. Schrolb or, 500 North High stroot. 3-25-tf For Rent A 9-ncro hop yard, Rt one-fourth ront. Inquire ot M. J. Egnn, Gorvals, Routo 3. 3-21-tt For Rent. Nlco cottago, large grounds; tho roso and Mower cor nor block ot Salem. House U first-class condition, scrcons to all windows nnd doors, now shades, curtnln polos, hot and cold water In bed rooms, porcolaln and mar bio wnsh stands, porcelain bath and tollot, chandeliers In ever room, oloctrlo lights, flno porch and shado trees; tho finest locallo In Snlom, closo In, corner of Milt and church stroots. This cottage will bo for ront April 1st. J. Con nor, Wlllnmetto Hotel. 3-14-tf Mllllnry Atlilotlc Toiiriuuiient. UrooWyn, April S. Tho military athletlo tournament which has horo tofore been hold In the MndUou Square Garden, will be held In tho Thirteenth regiment armory, tula city this year, tonight and tomorrow night. It will consist solely of athlet ic sports this year. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any otbor bread, yet tho price Is no higher. For sate at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA IIAKERV. Thomas & Cooley, Props. THe Fashion Stables Formerly (Simpson's Stable. Up-to-date livery and tab Has Funeral turnouts a speelalt. Tally ko for pleoles and excursions, Pboas 44. CIIAa W YANNKE, Prop 247 asd 2A0 High Street. llflnasnWisWFRaCH FEMALE wmmumtpiLL. X m. Cxmua liw k, trmttn Kimhim. StftS ISJMI Tt filL i u.l ,l;l UiU- unntomt twtM., , r. luwna. r. 94m m 5mm by Dr. S C $hnt WANTBD. SN Wiuitctl A good boy to lonrn a trado, Including nn education. Cnll nt Capital Journal ofllco. 4-3-3t Cook Wanted At Chemawa, for em ployes' mess. Apply to 13. N. Now combo, Cliomawa. 4-3-3t Hoy Wunted. Roy with pony can mnko good wugos carrying papors nftor Bchool. Capital Journal. 4-2-3t Wuntl Uy n young lady, a placo to work for board nnd attond school. Address J. J. Krapa, Sa eom, Or. 3-19-tf iiOnaiCH. ForoAters of America Court Slur wood Foresters, No. 19. Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato street Leo Abblo. O. It.; A. L. Drown, P. S. Central Lodge No. 1H, IC. of P. Castle Hall in Holmau block, cor nor Stato and Liberty stroots. Tuesday of each weak nt 7:30 p. m. H. W. Hnznrd, O. O.; W. I. Stnloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240, Moots overy Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.; P. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmrn of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, O. S.; P. L. Frazlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Unlou.-Blck, accl dont and ponslon Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organlzor, Dox 432 Salem, Oregon, It. R. Ryan, scorectary, 646 State stroot. MIMICAL. Arthur Von JettM.-n- Teacher of pl- nno; touoh, technlcb, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Resldenco CSS Center St. Tel. Main 620. 2-28-tf. I'll YHICIAXH AND HUKOEO.NH. Dr. I). II. CJriMIn, the Hpoclallst on Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which he euros In 3 days No money until cured, 214 Trada St., Balera. Ore Phone 568. Jobs Doyens, Business Manager- SALEM WATER COMPANY omcx orcr xaxl. For waUr servlse tpplj si esle Wile payable moots! 1 $4ru4 U3t4 ail eaiiiWsW at eJaee, MIHCICLTuVNKOUS. 1'tvmnIiik Parlors Prosslng, clonn 'Ing, repairing nnd drossntaklng dono by Mrs. E. W. Jamoa 404 Court stroot. Phono 477. 4-4-lmo i, DrtiNtimkliiK Plain or fancy dross making dono by Portland Indy of oxporlonco. Mrs, A, N, Munsoy, 350 Sovontconth stroot. Phone 1171. 4-3-lmo. Your Stvpmother Is still horo busy ns ovor cleaning, dyolng, pressing nnd ropalrlng anything from a pair of gloves to tho moat elaborate silk gown. Goods called for and returned. Mrs, O. H. Walker, 221 South Commorclnl stroot. Phono 1245. 4-1-lm Enlarged Our meat market on East State streot has been doublod In slzo and wo aro hotter prepared than ovor to sorvo customers. Prompt sorvlco and tho host of meats our motto, Call or phono 199. II. E. Edwards, Prop. Piano 'ruiicr L. L. Woods, piano ot port tuning, repairing and polish ing. Lenvo ordora at Goo. O. Wills' muslo store, Baloni. 2- 0-lyr Coiicrvto Work.- Qot my prices om sldownlks, curbs, soptlo tanks and comont work ot nny kind, AU work guaranteed first-class. M, Ward, Highland add. Phono 609, 2-11-tf Uutto Ai Wt'iidcrotli Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo the celebrated Kellogg nnd Castle whlsklos. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on drougb. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Halem Iron Work. Founders, ma chlnlsts nnd blacksmiths. Manu facturora of all kinds ot sawmill inaohlnory. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Hiiltwn llox & Lumber Co. Rcmovod from South Hnlom to 14th stroot, near tho 8. P. depot. Iloxes, Horry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evnporntors. Phono 301. INDEPENDENCE HTAGK. Daily oxoopt fiumluy. Ixaves WI1 lamutto Hotel, Salotn at 3 p, m., con nicts with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 6:15 p, m. Loaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phone Main 179. RALPH IIUJJI.ONG, Manager. DRAYMEN. It. O. Cuiiinil'iu Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery &ni transfer Hoc Prompt service Is our motto. Furnlturo and plasm moving a spoclnlty. Htand at 16 f South Commercial sweet. Phone 176 Rosldence phone 9JS. 8-4-tl SAMIZ AKD DOO TAVt&Umh TTak U. Ikresrsw MaaeJ44wr e4 eask, dMri, moeldiafsi. All klsde e4 aenee iaJsk aa4 aW weed leesV, IWaTW1 sVWf sjsjsjd pfljf v9spm