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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
-rn 'jftyf, Hrw;1" DAILY CAI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, ATRIL 5. 1007. 'asr!i5,-'r"V"' Mr r DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY IlOFEIl BROS., Ptwrflflhcrs and Proprietors, BTD 3- HlUHiUAa8juadfE!AS SUIISORIimON RATES. Bjr Mall. 'Daily Journal, ono month .... 35c Dlly Journal, thrco months ..$1.00 'Dally Journal, ono year 4.00 "Wcokly Journal, ono year .... 1.00 By Carrier. Dally Journal, por month .... 60c HARRIMAN HEARING COMPLETE ""JDon't Pick Out One for the Sins of 9 Many ils the Plea of Lawyeas Who Want Fair Play "Wauhlngton, April G. Attornoy 3ilburn today concluded hla nrgu Jtnont (n favor of Harrlman boforo Hho Intorstnto commorco coiiiiiiIbbIoii, 'maintaining that tho acquisition of 'tiro Houlhorn I'aclfla by tho Union "faclflo wan not In violation of tho N9liornian act, Indicating tliolr dofonso If tho government Institutes a unit upon tho basis of tho commission's fundings. Cktllburu in into n ploa for fair piny, Tind said that boforo tho roport wiih ubmlttod to' Inquire into tho I'onn- sylvnnln and Vnndorbllt linos, tho Norlharn Pacific, tho Hook Island nd Great Northoru. Tboy nro all qmrnllal and competing IIiibh, and nvoro tvhou tho Bliorinnn law wiih piiBrtcd. This ban boon going on tho unino as now undue tho oyoa of tho commission for yours. Let this body consider tbtt pooplos iiuostlons (iiilin- ly. paying no nttuiitlon to tho cry of jolltloluus. "Don't pick us (Mil. but trout all ullko." Attornoy Bovurouoe, for llio gov Hirumunt, uuduavorod to show that tho Hhurmnn livw was violated; that tho Union Paalllo controlle-d the Illi nois aautral, and thatboth the South ern and Union got Into l'ortlaud anil coiiipetul for trade to that point, be toro llio merger. Llurolu, Neb., April ft. Governor Hhulduu today said tho lullueiuio of JlnrrJmuu and tho Union Paolllc small In thut stale; that the poo Jplo rulud Nobraslcu, and tho people moid for Iloosovoll. Washington, April o. Home liar jrJnmn newspapers In this ulty and Nuw York and Washington corro apouduutu of those papers aro hint lug durogutlvety that tho Prosldoiit's tiorves nro unstrung, and that his inuntnl condition U suoh that ho uoods nbsnluto root. Tho gouurnl Jiody of uorrospondunta horo do not wlmro thu above, but fully ugroe with tho President. Kirk. Aguliut Trartloit Company. Norfolk. Vu., April 6. Tho state corporation communion Is lion ring today Mayor lUod's complaint ugitlnst Hi" Norfolk and Portsmouth TTYaotlou company's looul servtce. Joseph K. Ullai'd, a member of the coinml.ilou. has been In Portsmouth mid has inudo a special Inspection of tho local servluo, about whluh tho lnnyor complains. The mayor Is so UrltouH In this matter, as be want llio oily to put Its bust foot farwurtl H tho accommodation of paw anger bound to or from the Jameaiowae wposllluu. rOSTMASTHU liACIIMItt, ASSISTANT PAOKWOOD. HaVar City. April J. --Thu formal eommliMlon of V. J. Lachuev a puet Master of Maker City arrived yoier Ouy, and tfat gentleman will today tuko charge of the Baker City pi.r office. He has nppoluted as hla etiuf uasUtaut William U. Paekwood, Hr who himself was a candidate for tho mtrioe at one time during tho wlut r Mr. Lnchnrr proposes to put tho IJaVor City nwdottlco on an up to tlato basis, and will soon havo all tho details of tho different departments 4n bU bands. o UJsnatolios say Santiago ( on Sro, and It Is feared will bo totally sltmtroycd, aa there It no water avail A Boston schoolboy wa tII, weak and sickly. His arms wer soft and flatiby. He didn't havo a strong muscle in hU entire body. The physician who had attended , the family for thirty years prescribed Scoff jr Emtttsion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to & blacksmith. ALL. DRUaaiSTSl 600. AND Sl.OO. $$0fr'e'&'&sO ACKNOWLEDGE IT. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Salem Bus o Bow o tho Inevitable Scores of Citizens Prove It. After roadlng tho public stnto mont of thin representative citizen of Salem glvon bolow, you miiBt como to this conclusien: A romody which cured yonrs ago, which has kopt tho kldnoys In good health slnco, can bo rolled to porform tho onino work in othor canoB, Itoad tills: 0. S. Cooper, farmer, living throo miles northeast of Salem, Oregon, on It. P. D. No. 7, Bays: "I Just as ompliatlcnlly recommend Donn's Kldnoy Pills todny, as I did soma throo yonrs ago. At that time I procurod tho romody at Dr. Stono's drug storo nnd used It with tho result thnt the backache was banished, and tho othor n anoy ances caused by a dorangomout of tho kldnoys dlBnppoarod. Tho troublo started from too heavy lifting, rosult Ing In my back bolug strained nnd over nftor thoro wan a dull, aching pain over my kldnoys and through tho IoIiih. I got prompt rollof from I)oans Kldnoy Pills. I nlso know of some of my neighbors who havo used your remedy nnd found It most re liable." Kor salo by nil doulars. Prlco 50 cents. ' l'ostof.Mllhuru Co., Huffnlo, Now York, sola agonta for tho United Stntus. Itomomber tho nam Doan's nnd tako no other. Tho Worst. Kind. After Pllus havo oxlstad for n long tlmn nnd passed through different stage, tho Hiiffurlng Is Intense pntn, nohtng, throbbing, tumors form, lin ed to bursting with blood. Symptoms ludlratlng othor trou bles may appear to a thoroughly Pile sluk purson. This Is when Dr. Lconhnrdt's Hem-Hold, tho only absolute Pile euro, brings tho rtwulla that have made Us fame. It will euro the most stubborn ease nnd n guarautoo to that o fleet gos with oneb paukago. 11.00 n't tho drug store, or from Dr. Loonhnrdt Co., Niagara Kails, N. Y Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S. a Stone, Salem. o Wyoming Coufurvnco Mivts. l.Mtorshlre. Pa., April I. Tho luymon or tho Methodist Uplsoopal conference nro holding a meeting hero today. Illshop Luther H. Wil son, ono of tho now bishops, will pro side at tho conference composed of ministers and laymen. Acoordlng to tho by-laws udoptod at tho last con vention nil laymun of tho Methodist Mptsonpal church over 31 years of ugo are entitled to all tho privileges of the association at It annual meet lug, but thut churches may bo sure of representation they are urged to send delegate, aue for each hundred members of a majority. A rousing meeting Is o.peell as u number of dhUlHgulsbed speakers will take part. Willamette. A. B. Davis, Portland. A. I Smith, Pertlnnd: C. C. Cheney, Znncsvlllo, O. C. H. Holmes, Portland. Dr. II. ,A.' Hcnuchamp, Stay ton. Walter Lyon, Albany. D. McOnrrlty, San Francisco. J. II. Shaw, Knnsas City. II. .1. Lyon, Snn FrnnclBco. C. II. Edmunds, Portlnnd. II. P. McOrogor, Chicago. James Heavy, Portland. David llcor, Now York. P. W. Lumps, Ilockpon, Wash. W. T. Emory, Now York. Mrs. W. T. mory, Now York. , Qco. K. llurton, Portland. Chas. L. Gall, Detroit. Salem. W. II. Chumborlnln nnd wlfo, Port lnnd. J. II. Smith nnd wlfo, Indlnnnpolla John Torpor nnd wife, Mt. Angel. J. W. South, Allmny. 1). H. Zek nnd wlfo, Walla Wnlln G. A. Cross, Lnwronco, Mich. Harry Aldrlch nnd wife, Portlnnd. C. C. Morris, Tumor. Win. Cowos, Turner. o Don't Put oir Por tomorrow what you can do to day. If you put off buying n bottle of Ilnllard'B Snow Liniment, when that pain comos you won't havo any, buy a bottlo today. A positive curi for Ilhoumntism, Burns, Cuts, Sprnl;i8, Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Graham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment. It positively curod me of HheumntUm after others bnJ failed." Sold by D. J. Pry. o Toicht'iH l.Mtiiiltiatloit In Mlsslslppl. Jackson, MIm., April 5 Prof. II L. Wkltileld, state superintendent of education, hue commenced tho spring examinations of teachers by county boards of examiner In tho 77 coun ties of the state. The examination commence todny for white touchers, and will contlnuo tomorrow. For colorod touchers tho examinations are for Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13. For whlto teachers Fri day and Saturday, April 10 and 20. For colored teaohers Friday and Sat urday, April 12 G and 27. Tho state board of oxamlnors prepared tho list of examinations. 4H 11 MHII II 11 1 II III II 11-f Disagreed With Prvhldent. New York. April 5. President Dutlor, of Columbia collogo, who has returned from tho Pacific coast, suys he disagreed with Roosevelt on tho Japanese ueetlon. Ho says ho bo-1 llevost he San Francisco people were fully Justified In excluding tho Jap aneee from their schools. TRANSFERS IN j; REAI, ESTATE ;; -H-niiimi.iimin.n i The following docdB havo been placed on record In tho office of tho Marlon county recerder: W.. W. Slaughter to Allco Pomeroy, 3.52 acres, t5 b, r 1 w, w d .? 16" N. nnd J. II. Zlmmerle to L. A. and A. Shafer, 1.40 acres Remington's addition Dood burn, w d 00 W. J. and M. Jerman to truBteca of G. II. Thomas Post G. A. R. ct al, land in Marlon county, w d 80 Louis K. Hirtzelet ux to Clar ence Hlrtzcl, lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Cottlo and Cook addition, Scotts Mills, w d 1 Enstorn Investment Co. to Ab bot of St. Benedicts Abbey, b o U, sec 18, and b w Yh sec 32, t 8, r 2 o, q c d. . . . 1 II. II. Podorson ot ux to J. P. Larsen, .22 of nn acre In N. Sllvcrton, w d Anna Scqtt to Sarah M. Pratt, block 32 Friends Ore. Col ony, Scott Miliary d M. E. nnd L. M. White to A. R. Fratt, lots G, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 nnd 12, block 31, Scotts Mills, w d G. W. McLintock ot ux to A. J. Smith, lot 8, block 13, Scotts Mills, a c d W. II. Commons ot ux to J. M. and I. E. Dllnklcy, lot 7, block 13, town ot Scotts Mills, w d A. W. SmlthBon to J. M. and I. E. Dlnkloy .lot 8, block 13, Scotts Mills, w d T. W. nnd It. D. Conovor to Lulu Conovor, 2.74 acres in D. L. C A. T. Wnllor tract, w d 1 Security Snvlng & TniBt Co. to A. C. Lolsy, 3.01 ncros, t 7 b, r 3 w, deod 2500 S. P. Fletcher ot ux to L. M. Van Clovo, land In t 7 s, r 3 w, w d W. S. Gflmoro ot ux to Wm. Rlchter, lot 2, block 3, Frlckeys addition, Salem, w d . , 1100 50 975 10 22ft 55 KIDNEY TROUBLES The kidneys aro essential orgatfs for keeping tho body freo from im- SurlMcn. If they should fall to work catb would ensue In very short time. Inflammation or Irritation caused by some fcmlnino derangement may spread to soma extent to the Kidneys and affect them, The cause can be bo far removed by uBlng- Lydla E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound that the troublo will disappear. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loinB, backache, swelling of tho limbs or feet, swell ing under tho eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling; in tho region of tho kidneys, she should lose no timo in com mencing treatment with ' M,SSlA4 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoa It may be tho means of saving her life. Read wh&ttW.-V . for Kate A. Hearn, 520 West 47th Street, New York. wwSr1'3 Dear Mrs. Plnkham:-"I owe a debt of gratitude to rS . II II. 1 11 n TU1 UfcWWAW wwmjiwhum vr v MUU ex v i;u III v ma . : Kidney trouble, irregularities and painful periods, and Jo8".11 fast turning to water. I used your medicine for somo tlm. ,jV mnAc mn strontr and well." " w4 I Lydla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound made from , and herbs enrcs Fcmalo Complaints, such as Falling and DUnW nnfl Organic Diseases. Dissolves and cxncls Tnmn . .. f'1?8 It strengthens and tones tho Stomach. Cures Headache, QmtrSluS1 and invigorates tho wholo system. For derangement of the KTAu $ nither box Livaia u;. nnnuams vecreiamo ujmnound i.Trv, Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Women Buffering from any form of female UlncssarelnTitritoj! Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice. It Is free. yaiV1r 1040 150 C. S. RUoy ot ux to state of Oregon, 23.93 ncrea, t 7 b, r 3 w, w d 10,000 A. Bush to B. M. MatthowB, lot 8, block G, Englewood addi tion, w d GO J. II. Cavo ot ux to S. W. Walker ot ux, lanu In Jorfcr- son, w d 550 A. V. and P. D. Peck to Mar garot Bryant ,land lnt 7 s, r 3, w d 2750 Thomas D. McDowell et ux to ThoB. J. Louslgnont, land In Snlom, w d 225 o Just Rccnuso Your cough Is only In tho thornt and dooB not troublo you now, don't think thnt It needs no attention. "When It has not hnd much of a start is tho timo to check it. Tho slightest cough easily leads to Pnoumoaln, Bronchi tis and Consumption. A bottlo ot Ballard's Ilorchound Syrup will euro that cough. Tho prlco puts it within roach of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. Smiles Why shoudldn't the elrlib. J Saturday night In "A Stntwl iownr mey are adTertlwd ul tney nro paid to be, and ihw . bo. Ono of them Is laid to btil rcct uoublo of Evelrn Thw Thoro are now so manr Ikks 1 Borves that It Is almoU lajca.1 to nnu room to turn aronai la ( gon. " An oxenango wittily Mjn. Jh of throo cornered game hubwa Ing on In Portland amoaj U I dalllos. Tho Telegram nnttiaid with a showing ngalnjt tht Jjid demonBtrntlng that a "leidai torlal" of a certain Ism ml bodily from tho Baltimore Ktti, i no credit given. To not betlm! misery the Journal comei as ' tho evldcnco convlctlnr the I ion, of some recent date, ot i nn "editorial" from a duu!m years old' Fnmo comei tuy t days. D DUpatckas say a eycloue deetroyod a large part of Alwandrla. La., this morning and killed 20 people and Injured 100. j Mririi'Mr JuiisT, I "TkSSHslsSSSRBsSsV jtHssssHlssssHil K'sHHsH KIHH.lHHHk. IWJ BY THE AID OF Uoati'ttcr's Nloiiucli Hitters, thousands of sukly peoplo huve boeu restered: to robust health during th p4st na yars, and many have voluntarily toelltled to the fact. ThU news ehould encourage all other elokly twople to follow their example You'll make no mistake In resolving to try HOSTfcTTEirS STOMACH BITTERS It is especially cotnpouftded for strengthening weak 8tomaohs aud making tho dlgeettoa perfect Then you are sur to oajoy good health. It euros and prevents lrptili, Cmtivcnw.!, IHcnrtburn, Crump, Sour UUlngs, INhht ApK"- m clte, lVuuilo HU, ltloAtlitg, Insomnia, Colds and ChllU. Don't accept anything in plao of Hotcuer'a If you want tho best result. All druggltts. Wo luarantoe u to bo abaolutely pur. Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothing I III Bill I II I . I . Ill I 1" " More' men ate realising the importance of weanoj; tool clothes. It is out aim to give only the best fabrics ui workmanship in out suits. We have the finest assortment of sptlq suits ever shown in this country aftd at pleasing prices. $8.50 Along up to $35.00 ROBERTS' wrS Best $3 Hat On Earth We are in evidence with the sflU shapes and styles of hats ever stow before. Call and see what is to be wora this season Washington Fashioned Apparel THt WAtMltoCTCM OO. fa t Salem Woolen Mill Store ..r 2s '-ji&-