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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
rwvf&mm - - w""WB&&!!WF? ' - -- wvjr'ra.jB "itSSs"i:i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, PRECOX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1007. rrUr hest medicines in the world cannot tike the place of the family physician Consult him early when taken ill. I, C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. TT ILL TEXT OF LETTER rfiten bv E. H. Harriman for Which Roosevelt Called Him a Liar 1 Hnsation was c reatod by tlui titatlon of a letter written In De- ctr and addressed to Mr. Sidney biter of New York, nnd signed RH. Harriman.' This Is tho lot- SMney Webster Is a lawyer nnd ur oa political subjects. H1b rJe U ft sitter of Stuyvosant Fish Ibo lost t.o presidency of tho Illl- i Central railroad a few months i after antagonizing Mr. Harrl- I ITr. Sidney Webster, No. C, East feTnteenth street, Now Yerk: Dear -1 am glad to seo that you nr i ttrn, and hope soon to havo an inanity of talking innttors over fc. too. l bid printed copies of tho testi fier sent you, In hopo that you ImM after reading them, glvo ma i idea of I stand, for I i that I feel somewhnt at sea atie whole insurance matter. Tho John originated In allowing my- fw bo drawn Into other people's . nd partly from a doslro to them, and at their requost. I ' to bo liko the fellow who cot tvn th- man and his wifo in ? quarrel 'AJ to my pchtlcnl Instincts, to ''W MHUIWI '.s!S ScbblePrranr.MlAn Ru. 4 - lfttSiooachs awlBowels of fetes"Di?cslIon.arful andRcstConlfllrtsncilhcr wcwlorphine norlJincKiL 0NAltcOTIC. rrfeflRMiwv.. t r. . SSsESffifflSK oloss of Sleep. teSia Snatureof PZsS; &YpRK. trtsrrcr vtAm. The Family Physician JLuer's Cherry Pectoral J numCPn T?rMUITTT A If the trouble is with your throat, bron chial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Do as he says. Ik new kind contains no alcohol Wc have no secrets to hide! We. pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. which you rqfor In your letter of De cember 13, I nm qulto sure I hnvo none, nnd my being mndo at all prominent In tho political Bltuution Is ontlroly duo to Prcsldont RooboyqU ' nnd becnuso of my tnklng an nctlvo ' pnrt in tho autumn of 1904, nt his request, and his taking advantage of conditions thon cronted to further his own Intorosts. If It had boon n premeditated .plot It could not have been better started or carried out. "About a week beforo tho oloctlon In tho autumn of 1004, when it look ed cortnln that tho stato ticket would go Democratic, and was doubtful, as to HooBovelt hlmsolf, ho, tho ProsI dont, sont mo a requost to go to Washington to .confer upon tho polit ical conditions in New York stato. I complied and ho told mo ho under stood tho campaign could not bo suc cessfully carrlod on without sufficient money nnd asked if I would help them In raising the nocossnry funds, as tho national commlttco had utter ly fallcl of obtaining thorn, and there wns a largo amount duo from them to tho Now York stato commlt tco. "I explained to him thnt I under stood tho difficulty horo was mainly cntiBed by tho up-stato loadors being unwilling to support Dopow for ro electlon as United Stntos sonntor; that if ho (Dopow) could bo takon enro of in somo other wny, I thought matters could bo adjiiBtod and the dlfforont contending elements In tho party brought into nlllauco again. Wo talked ovor whnt could bo done for Depow nnd finally agreed if found nocossary ho would appoint him as ambassador to Paris. "With full bellsf that he (the Prosldont) would keep this agree ment, I camo back to New York, sent for Troasurer Dllss, who told mo that GASTORIA For Infants and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years MA all m of ftAJT j At JCASTORIA T .. .U. . ., .U.I .!. Aftor thnt I usod what Influonco f could to hnvo Dopow roturnod to tho Henate, as I cousldored there had boon nn Implied obligation whlol; should be llvod up to. "This Is tho wny I was brought to tho surface In tho political matters, as I had novor boforo tnken any nc tlvo part and had only dono whnt I could as any private citizen might, so you seo I wns brought forward by Roosevolt In nn ntompt to holp him, nt his roquost, tho samo as I waB In tho Insurance mnttor by Hydo and Ryan by tholr requust for my holp, nnd in tho cnao of Ryan I probably would havo droppod tho matter after our first lntervlow had It not been for my doslro to savo Dolmont from taking a position for which ho could have been erltlolsod by tho public pross. As ho was tho one Rynn do lilrod mo to inlluonco from opposing Morton for oloctlon aa chairman of tho Eultnblo board. Belmont after ward thanked mo for tnklng his part. TWO PULL TEXT as If he had voted against Morton, in view of his local trnotlon conten tions with Mr. Ryan, It would 1ihv been mlsconatruoted. "Ryan's suooeee In all his manipu lations, traction douls, tabacco com binations, manipulation of tho Tate Trust company into the Morton Trust company, the Shoe and Leather bank Into tho National Dank of Commorco, thus covering up his tracks, has been done by tho ndrolt mind of Kllhu Root, and this Is the situation that has boen brought about by a combi nation of circumstances which has brought together the Rynn, Hoot, Roosevelt olemout. "Whim do I stand? "Yours sincerely, "E. H. HARRIMAN." Reform at the Stato Pair. The Pendleton Tribune heartily commends the notion of the state fair board in deciding to banish from tho grounds durlne the next state fair all pool selling or gambling In any form. "The prenonc of tho professional gambler at the grand stand during fair week whore women constitute more than one-half of the attendance hat always been a reproach oh the management, and while It baa In oh way served to Inereaao (lie attend ance. It has In a twiner had the op posite effect. "It la not an d I tying spectacle to see men by the hundreds throat the fjMse In front of tho grandstand snouting their offers to toot on thl horse or that, often plainly under the iHUneaee of Intoxicant, wall; the youth of the state of both sex are present by the thousand. And women of dfeeolute character are there with their sporty hats and cause. In tonsftlelous evidence, seek ing an opportunity to take a cbaneo on the raos, while underneath the grandstand Is a seething maw of men, obseured In a density of tobacco smoke and fumes of alcohol In tholr various stages of repulslveness that does not favorably appeal to the average respectable woman, or man. "The grandstand at a fair ground where the people of the entire atatc aro invited, and wbero thousands of them so every afternoon during the i nua ntuir lust nape, unu inut mvj had exhausted every othor resource. In hl3 presotico I called upon inti mate friend of Sonator Dopow, told him that if was necessary In order to carry Now York stato that $200, 000 should bo raised at once, nnd if he would help I "would subscribe $50,000. After a few words over the telephone, tho gentleman said ho would let me know, which ho did In three or four hours, with, tho result thnt tho whole amount, Including my subscription, had been raised. "Tho checks were given to Treas urer Bliss, who took them to Chair man Cortolyou. If thoro were any among thorn of llfo Insur ance companlos, of courso Cor telyou must have informed tho President. I do not know who tho subscribers were othor than the frlonds of Dopew, who wn3 an indi vidual. This amount enabled tho Now York stato commlttco to con tinue its work, with tho result that nt loast 50,000 votes were turned in tho city of Now York alono, making a difference of 100,000 votes In the goneral rosult. "Thoro aro between 2200 and 2300 dletrlots In Greater Now York, nnd in a campaign such as that tho expendi ture of, say, $50 in onch district for campaign purposos would tnko more than $100,000. Sometime In Dccombor, 1904, on my wny from Pennsylvania to Now York, I stopped and bad a short talk with tho Presldont. Ho told mo thou thnt ho did not think It necessary to appoint Dopow as ambassador to Paris, us agreod; In fact, favored him for tho sonnto. I had not expected thnt ho was tho ono (sic) as to what would bo nocossnry, but he nr rogatod that hlmsolf, ' nnd I, of courso, could say nothing further. Tho Story of a Medicine , Its name "Golden Medical Discover was suggested by ono of Its most Import ant and valuablo Ingredlonta Golden Seal root. Nearly forty year oro, Dr. Ptorco dtv covered that ho could, by tho use- of pure, trlplo-rofinod glycerine, hided by a cor tain degree of constantly maintained heat and with the nkl of epparatus ami appliances doslrmxl for that purpose, ex tract from our moat valuablo native mo diclnal roots tholr curatho properties much better than by tho uso of alcohol, so general!;- employed. So ho now world famed Uolrin Medical Dlscovory," for the euro of weak stomach, li'dlpestlon, or drpepla, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was i.rt made, as It ever slnio has oVn. without a particle of alcohol In its malVuu. A BlanccVatMhfJu list of Its Inirrcdl cntj, printed Te.rv bottlo-wroppsr, will show that It Is himbi from the mwi valuablo medicinal rooisMound crowing In our American forctSJ All thso In gTp?lPU ftp, rmlvrfl ho Mwv&SJX: boon complied by Dr. R, V. Plerco, ol Buffalo, N. Y., and will bo moiled frte to any ono asking same bv postal card, ex lottor addressed to tho Doctor as atxvo. From those rndorscmnnu, copied from standard medical booU of all tho differ ent schooli f practice. It will lie found that tho Ingredients coniosIng"tho"Golii en Medical Dlfcuvory" uro advlsctl nrfr only for tho euro of thonlwvo mentioned dleosw, but al .o for tho euro of nil ca tarrhal, bmnrhlal and throat affections, accompaiued with catarrhal dlsoharuM. hoarseness, ?oro throat. Ilnircrlnn. or hanBon-coiiKh. and all thnso wastlns MTectlons which, If not promptly and properly treated nru llablo to termlnnto in consumption. Tako Dr. Pierce's DU covory In tlmo and prsovero In Its uo until you give It n fair trial nnd It Is not llkoly to disappoint. Too much must not bo oxjectoit of it. It will not perform miracles. It will not cure conaimptlon In Its advanced stages. No mcdlclno will. It tr(U cure tho utTictloiis that lead up te -.otwutnptlon, if UiKcn in Unu, progress of tho oxhlbtlon Is no place for (his sort of thing. It should have boon abolished yoars ago. Most of tho statos of tho union hnvo nlrondy banished pool selling nnd gambling from their fair grounds, nnd tho ro sult has not diminished tho aggro gato rovonuos, but it It did, tho samo ruason for Its provontlon would ro mnln. "Gambling Is undor tho ban of tho stato olswvhoro, why should It bo glvou a spoolnl pormlt nt tho state fair grounds? Tho notion of tho fatr board Ib anothor "movo In tho right direction." ACKXOWLKDGK IT. Salem Huh o How o tho Inevitable Scores of CltlzoiiH l'rovo It- After roadlng tho public stato mout of this reprosontntlvo cltlzon of Salom'glven bolow, you mnst como to this conclusien: A remedy which curod yoars ago, which has kopt the kldnoys in good honlth nlnco, enn bo rollod to porform tho same work In othor cases. Road this: G. S. Cooper, farmer, living throo mltea northeast of Snlom, Oregon, on R. V. D. No. 7, saya: "I Just aa emphatically recommend Donn'a Kidney Pills today, as I did some three years ngo. At that time I procured tho remedy at Dr. Stono's drug storo nnd used It with tho result that tho baokuoho was banished, nnd the other annoy nnooft enusod by a dorangemout of the lctdnoya disappeared. Tho trouble started from too henvy lifting, result Ing In my back being atrnlued and over nftor thoro was n dull, aching pain ovor my kldnoys and through tho loins. I got prompt relief from Doaus Kldnoy Pills. I also know of some of my neighbors who have used your remedy and found It moBt re liable." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Statos. Remember tho name Dean's and take no other. Ilutcli-YIolett. Philadelphia, April 3. Mia Vlolett, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Atwood Vlolett, of New York, and a nleee of Mm. Charles Whalnn, of this city, was married today to W. Deal sou Hatoh, of New York. The wed ding took place at the mldeneo of hr parents. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any other bread, yet the prlco Is no higher. For salo nt your grocor's. CALIFORNIA JIAKERY. Thomas & Cooler, Props. Tfic Fashion Stables Formerly Rlmpsoa'a Stable. Up-to-date livery and eab 'Ho a Funeral tnraonta a specialty. Tally ho for ptcales and examines. Paom ii. CIIAfl. W. YANNKB, Prop. 47 u4 U9 High Street. SALEM WATER COMPANY orrzox cmr kall. For water eerrife apply t enUa Bills psyaUe aaeoiUy U adranee Kak all wfUste at fee . ..,..r ..,.,,., ii;ui MuMi-u uia u.'1-uuni y; vFVl- l,'''Vrr I'm1 wn'in nn Mnt.i-irx JUttNcH wm roffimmnnil thrm aq ,hn vrry. b rciiKHTlfffJor li dl?rfl.r for wifri AjiuivTbctilKoi tneso ondorseilTeuu liki iaiiaiiaiilia)ajsj.ifa i CLASSIFIED aMHltllilelllJiSJt rO& flAUB For Sale 233 ncres, 150 undor plaw, balanco timber $35 per aero; 151 ncros, good houso, barn nnd windmill, best farm in vnlloy, $10, 000; 21 acres, good houso, barn, 9 long by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 50 cows; 10 acres, wagon, buggy, nil tho farm implements and houso furniture; 21 acres near town on tho lowland, good 6 room houso nnd barn, $G000; big lot 200 foot ling by 100 feet wldo, $3500; 80 ncrcs 3 miles south of town nearly nil In grain, $G5 per aero; S ncrcs 3 mlloa west ot town with houso nnd barn, $S00; 90 ncros, 13 mlloa flnst ot Salem, $40 por aero; 1 acres, good houso nnd barn, $S50; lncro with Ivo room houso and barn, $700; 5 ncroa with good 6 room houso nud bnrn, $1G00; 4 ncrcs with good houso nnd wind mill In town, $2200; 4 ncros with houso nnd bnrn In town, $2000; also from 20 to 30 good housos from $000 to $4000. For salo by J. C. Schulta, 747 South Twelfth St. Salem. 4-1-lmo. For Sale Hnvo 100 hoad of owos und lnmba for salo nt my place In Polk county. 8. II. Darkor, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem. Phono Farmers 24. 3-29-lwk For Sale 15 acres ot land, good houso, bnrn nnd grcon houso. Fruit ot nil kinds, 3 Mi mllca cast of Salem, In Auburn addition. In quire ot C. W. Ynnuko, FnBhlon Stables. 3-21-2w For Salo. A flvo and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lots with onch, woll located In Ease Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st nnd Marlon Sts Snlom. 1-28-tt WANTED. Hoy Wanted. Hoy with pony can mnko good wngos carrying papors nftor school. Capital Journal. 4-2-3t Wanted A girl to do gonoral house work. Enqulro 390 North Summor St., cor Contor, or phono 1219. 4-1-3L WnnUtl Two or threu unfurnlahod rooms, contrnlly looatod. Refer ences. Address "V.," enro Jour nal. 4-l-3t Wanted Chnmbormald at Willam ette hotel. 4-l-3t. Wanted Uy a young lady, a placo to work for board and attend sohool. Address J. J. Krnps, Ga lorn, Or. 3-10-tf LOUGHS. Fort'stvrtt of America Court Slur wood Forostors, No. 19, Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato street Leo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Drown, F. 8. Central Iodgo No. 1H, K, of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty stroots. Tuesdny of each wook nt 7:30 p. m. H. W. Haxard, C. O, W, I. Staloy, K. of It. and 8. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Ccdnr Camp No. 5240. Moots overy Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clook In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; V. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman ball. J. A. Dlokey, C. 8.; P. L. Frnzlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, aacl dont and ponslon Insuranoo; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organiser, Dox 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, soereetnry, 54C State street. MUSICAL. Arthur Von .Hen Teaoker of pi ano; touch, tochnleh, Interpreta tion, Thorough preparatory course Advanoed students prepared for public appearance. Resldunce CBS Center SL Tl. Main 626. 2-28-tf. SABII AND DOOR rAOTOSIEB. Frank M. Browu, Manufaeturor ot aaab, doors, mouldings. All kinds of Lome finlab and hard wood work Front strt, Ut. State and Coori Ifl FRENCH FEJIUE HPILL8. il.u. (inn tuor hihmwulliMHinM. BlfiailSVSTiail. . Sr 1 uu tllMM lmJU,Hllia.Ut,mikl br'ut UtoMtrtM. lffunMU4 WMnraeMtoiCAL eo., 4, uuut ( . p. Mvaf m SmiNl mf Of, 3r, C MM DEPARTMENT (NEW XSli SECOND-HAND GOOD. Now nnd Sccond-IInnd Goo4- Bought and sold, also rang, stoves and cooking utensils, dish ea, grantto nnd tinware ot all kind Glvo us a call. O. L. MoPeek, 17 South Commercial St. 8-lS-ly 3 PLTJMHBERS. Theo. M. Rarr Plumbing, hot wate and steam heating ana tinning, 164 Commercial atroeU Phone Mnln 192. 9-1-ly M. JT, Petiel I'lurublng, steam aa4 gas fitting, Sucoeor to Knox M Murphy, 220 Commorelal strut, Thone Main 17. lOR ENT Vw Rent Sovon-room houso, hot nnd cold wntor, olcctrlo light, bath, room. Inqulro ot Aug. Schrolb cr, 5C0 North High stroot. 3-25-tt For Rent Cheap, nn upatnlra room. 25xG0 toot. Good location for shop. Inqulro ot Skntto ft Km mott, 19S Stato stroot. 3-25-lwk For Rent A 9-ncro hop yard, at ono-fourth rout. Inqulro ot M. J. Egan, Qorvals, Routo 2. 3-21-tt For Rent. NIco cottago, large) grounds; tho rose nnd Hawor cor nor block of Salem. Houso Ih flrst-clasa condition, scrcous to all windows nnd doors, now shndoa, curtain polos, hot nnd cold wntor In bod rooms, porcelain nnd mar bio wash stands, porcolaln bath, nnd toilet, chnndollora In overy room, olaotrlo lights, flno porch nnd shado troos; tho fluost location In Salem, closo In, cornor ot Mill nnd church stroots. This cottago will ha for rout April 1st. J. Con nor, Wlllnmotto Hotel. 3-14-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Your Stepmother Is still horo busy nft ovor donning, dyolng and ro pnlrlng anything from n pair ot glovoB to tho most elaborate silk gown. Goods called for nnd ro turnod. Mrs. C. II. Walker, 221 South Commercial, St. 4-1-lmo. KularKt'd Our moat market on East Stato stroot has boon doubled In slru and wo aro hotter proparod than ovor to sorvo customors. Prompt sorvico and tho host ot moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop I'huio Tuner L. L. Woods, piano cJ pert tuning, ropalrlng and polish ing. Loavo rdors at Goo. O. Wills' muslo storo, Salem. 2- 9lyr Concrete Work, Oot my prlcos on Hldowalka, curbs, aoptlo tanks and comont work ot any kind. All work gunrantood first-class. M. Ward, Highland ndd. Phono 500. 2-11-tt Ilutto .V Wemlerotli Flno wines, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle thn colobratod Kellogg nnd Caitlo whlsklos. Cool audj-ofreshing beor constantly on drough. South Commorelal stroot 0-3-lyr Hnlriti Iron Works Foundors, ma cblnlsts and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill maoblnory. Hop nnd fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Preis, Kulein Box Al Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the 8. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit lSvaporators. Phone 201. INDEPHNDItNOE STAGE. Dally except Sunday. Leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nsots with motor for Monmouth r.nd Dallas at 6t 16 p. m. Leaves Inde pendence nt 8 n. m. Phono 7Ialn 179. RALPH BUJDI)NO, Manager DRAYMKN. It. O, Cummins Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery nnd transfer llnw. Prompt sorvico la our motto. Furniture and plana moving a specialty. Stnnd at 16f South Commorelal si.'oot. Phose 175. Reildoneo phono 908. 8-4-tf Dr. 1). 11. Griffln, the fipcclallst fM Morjhlne All drug and liquor habits, which ho cure In i day. No money until cured, 314 Tr4 BL, galen. Ore. lko Si 8, Je4a Doyan,