mm m iwhwmw irtiWis is Mw Jew sorts' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1007. FOUR NEW COMPANIES, HOSPITAL CORPS AND AMBULANCE BRIGADE WOMEN IN HOSPITAL' TO BE ORGANIZED IN THIS STATE bxperiences ot Mrs. Kockwood and Miss Ti r m , ' ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen sable to the preparation of the finest 'Cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. I Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they arc "cheap." Housekeepers should stop and think. J f such powders are lower priced, are they inferior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion ? "SHie "Royal Baker nnd Pastry Cook" containing over 800 most tpractTcal , nnd valuable cooking re ceipts free to every patron. Scpjl postal card with your full address, Alum bused In some baking pow ders nnd in most of the so-called phosphate powders, because It Is cheap, nnd makes n cheaper pow der. Hut nlumisn corrosive which, takcri in food, nets injuriously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROVAl BAKING P0WDEI1 CO., NEW YORK. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFKH 1I110H., Publishers nnd Proprietors. beO 3 HU1WCHIPT10N RATES. lly (Hull. 'Dally Journal, 0110 month .... 3Cc Dally Journal, throe months ..11,00 (Dally Journal, onu year 4.00 Weekly Jouniiil, onu your .... 1,00 Ily Carrier. DnMy Journal, per month .... COc STUDENT BODY MEETS Salem High School Enters Western Oregon League Tht monthly meeting of he Aeeo elated Stud cut Hotly or the, Salem IiIkIi school vm held Tuesday after noon nftr school Hint the huelne Of tU tSt IHOHlll was settled up. In h recent meeting of the .xeu Or committee of the Illicit school It M'HM decided to give each member of tlit girl's haakolhull team and tho ilolmtlun twain m picture of the teoin Ju whloli they oompeted, us these two . -teams both won Western Stat oliain plnnihlps. IH til OKOCHltVe IHMtlllK Hli). "Oudln Roberta Hd Floyd Utter ww voted tint oltlolal Iilieliolioti, basket ball "8" for having competed In -two auooeasful trumo of bnsketbull. In the student body meeting It was voted to take lit the IiIkIi hcIiooI orchestra us a student body outer prlso. Heretofore tho orohwttra ban toeon Independent of thw student body, but the member havo beou do ing oxoellenl work by themselvea, and have doserved for some tlnio tit lo takou In as a student body enter prise. Tho constitution of the Western Oregon Utererkolastk- Aikletle Better Than Your Memory A vliwMug account will kcop jour butitii(ktt ti-autactlous bolutuly rorrwt. You run rvly ou tho rmnl of your chocking account. When )wu dolro to rotor to pant trtMiMtrtiou, a checking account fnriiUU-K reliable data easily found aud complete la All detail. j Pay by chrvk In vvry tnmactIou. luvlto jour checking Aceouut. Wo offer superior advAiiUgc. LoaRiio, which was preparod nt tho rocunt athlotlc ineotliiK In HiiKono, was road boforo tho studantH nod unanimously adopted, ontorlne tho Snlom hlith school In tho now athletic lenguo, of which Saloin, I-jiigen, Al ban and HoutbtirK IiIkIi schools ami tho Drain normal achool am tho ohartor mumbors. Othor nchools aro proparlnc to outer this Ioukuo lntor. A voto of tliauks was xteudod to Prof. Marlatto for his Htieovwful ef forts In the ostabllHhmont of this nth lutlo loiiguo. Thoodoro Kindly, odltor-lu-ohtof of tho "Clarion," mado a fow romarkJ rolatlvo to the annual number of tho "Clarion, " which Is to bo put out thli sprint;. All IiIkIi school outorprtBu are now In a llourlshiiK uoiidltou, and pronilso to roinatn so. Tho IiIkIi schools of Wostorn OroKou ara hogln nhiK to work tof;uthor In all athlotlc and dobatliiK competitions, and by next fall comlltona will bo suuh that thuru will be no nioro wrangling and IlKhtliiK over datwi, Kimies and cham pionships, such as there has been to the Htt. Notice. Nolle It hereby given tlmt I, J. 11. Dulley, county tretteurer of Coot eouHty, Oregon, will redeem on May l, 1007, t the ItMttk of the New York SMwrlty & Trust Compttny, N'ew York. N. Y.. homls (7, S sml 0) of Xchoul District No. 9, of Coos coun ty. Oregon. No Interest will be al lowed after May 1. 1907. J. II. nUMMY. Coos County Treasurer. Dated April 1. 1907, Cwpillle City, Oregon. 4-a-lt O' 1 ' ' HinlKiiatlou of .MluUttU'. ltttv. O. W. Nelson, of Albany, hai foriHHlly rend his reelgiiHtloH m ms tor of the CougretfHtloHHl ckHrch. to take offset June 1, which will com pluto four years of faithful service for tho CouKregHtlunal church of that etty. Hew Nelson has aoeepted the IKistoraU of the CtiugregtUtoHMl ohuroh at St. Johns. Portland, o llHti'ii by a rplder. Through lilooil poisoning oaused by a spider bite, John Washington of Uosquovllle, Tex., would have lost his loKi which beoHMte a inaes or run uliiK'horoa, had he not been persuad ed to try Ilueklen's Arnica Salve, lie write: "The first application relieved, and four boxes healed All thosor.M lie! every sore, lie at J. 0. Perry's, druggist. SUm State Bank L. K, PAGe PtnHmt rW.tIAZARD,C4ig IUhoiiI Uitrnkor for Northern Mexico. OliirHAkMa. Mex., April I. 8. D llrdiga, uf thtt-OIty of .Meileo. who has returned from Parral, Cklkua. kuu, (a entluisluiUeHlly ogitwletlc ovr the ooudltlOM there and tke bright tuoteeM of its iHMomlHg tke blggwet iHlllltiK proHVltlo In north - ern Mexleu. HiMwkliiK of tke emn. be ys: It will only b a short Uimo before kkt inllbi tkwre will be trenttitg 1096 tons of ore per day. A 390 ton puuit- U buliiK put lu by the l'arral Power & Milling wmipauy, but tht will un doubtedly bo luorwuod lu capacity mptdly. Largo cnnlte plants will nlso bo installed for tho savIur ot tho low grodo vnlius In silver and gold oros, ot which thoro Is almost unllut Ued quAotlty." -o Cbloao. April I. mat T70. 7K, corn SK5.ti SJ, (Lester Davis Special In Portland Telegram from Salem.) Tho state military board this after noon will malco provision for tho or ganization of a full hospital corps aud ambulance brlgada, with com plement of about CO officers and men, and for an additional battalion of In fantry to comploto the organization of tho Fourth roglmont. On account of strife between the officers and tnon of Company L, ot La Grande, which practically disor ganized tho company, orders have boon Issued disbanding that Organi zation nnd a new company Is bolug formed at Pcndloton to roplaco It. Tho ofllcors of the disbanded, com pany are Captain A. B. Rogers, First Lioutenant Goodrich nnd Second Lieutenant Williams. . Three of tho four companies to compose tho new battalion of the Fourth roglmont will bo organized at McMlnnvIlIo, Cottage Grove and Oregon City. Tho fourth company is still in doubt, but tho choice of lo cation lios between Sllverton and Tillamook. This will give the fourth roglmont two battalions and will place It practically upon the basis of a full reglmont, and will necessitate a full staff of roglmcntal ofllcors from colonel down. Major Yoran, of tho First Sopornte battalion, ot Eu gone, will probably bo raised to trie rank of colonol of tho new roglmont, but tho porsonnol of the balanco of the staff, lleutonnnt colonol, two mn Jors, otc, has not boon decided upon. MISS MARGARET TIERNEY Alderman Itadcllir nit Innocent Man. Aldormnn Ilndcllff was tho hottest man In towii this morning whon ho uwoko to tho fact that tho new dog ordlnanco, Introduced nt the ladt ses sion of tho council, had been surrep titiously laid at his door. Ho Is nolthor tho logal or Ulogal or otlior wlso paront of tho unknown child, and tho effort of the morning pnper to mako lilin father It Is tho joko of tho season. Itadcllff Isays bo will take all tho nbuse In tho world for ndvocatlng rovonue ordlnaucos, or stroet Improvement ordinances, but ho was raised In Kansas, and his po litical training wns not nogloctod to siioh no cxtont that ho will look up trouble over dog ordinances or ohlck eu ordlnaucos, or rat ordinances, or nny other troublo-breodlng and un profitable kind of legislation. He wants It distinctly understood that whoever put up that Job on him hns 0110 coining tho first time ho moots him. Ho Ib opposed to nil Htich leg islation, nnd, while ho does not keep a dog, it is not becaiiHo lu Is not a friend of dogs, but bucniiHO ho has never found one to Just suit him. o Why Havo n torpid liver whon Horblno, tho only llvor regulator will help you? Thoro Is no reason why you should suffer from Dyspop'sla, Con stipation, Chills aud Fovor or any liver complaints, when Horblno will cure you. I C. Wnlto, Wostvllle, Fla., writes. "I was Hick for n month with chills and fovor, nnd nftor tak ing two bottles of Herbliie am woll nnd healthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. o To Collect Xoto. Osrar W. T. MuellliMiipt vs. The Oennaii lCvaiigellcHl Reformed Itoth any church of ftalem and August Xchuuelle. Jacob Donny, llaus Tullll aud Win. Wulfemeyer, trustees, Is fit title of h suit llled In depsrtmeut No. it of circuit court to rolled cer tain notes which are set forth lu the complaint as lmvlng been made for valuable consideration by the de fendants to the plalntlfT. The plain tin" Hsks for h Judgment against the defendant for $1000, with Interest nt S per com from the 31st day' of No vember, 1804, Also 1I60 for attor ney's feee. Tho note are secured by mortgages on oort'aln property which the eourt Is petitioned to sell and ap ply tho proceeds to the payment of salil not. Life Underwriters Meet. k Now York, April 3. Tho mid year mooting of tho oxoctitlvo com mltteo of tho national association of Llfo Underwriters bogan today nt tho hotol Gotham, In this city. Tho mooting Is tho most Important held by tho association through tho year. A natlonnl organ, under tho tltlo of Life Asfloolntiou Nows, hns boon started and continued with much success. This mooting will discuss the pro ject boforo advanced, of a uniform and modol constitution and by-laws for tho local associations. This is the first step townrd making tho na tional association something more than n federation; towards amalga mating Into one working nnd effec tive whole the more than CO local associations. No Difference, No distinction is made as to tho kind of I'lloa that Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Hold ouros. The names Internal. Mxtemal, UleeitlnR, nilad, ltohlng. Suppurat ing, etc.. aro simply nnmw of tho dif ferent stages through which every case will pass If It continues long enough. l'llttrt nro enimoil hv nmnitinn n stagnation of blood In tke lower bow- 01, ana it taken an Internal remedy to remove the onus. Dr. I.tHinliardL'tt Haiu.ltnl.l i .t.. let taken Internally. It Is a perma- uvHv cure. .Money itacK it it falls. Prloe 1.9 at druggist. Dr. Loon hnnlt Co.. NfnKura PulU v v im. prietors. 8W by Dr. S. C. Stone. autvm. Tke Prealdesu bus nupnd out work tor congress. 1L Uss a uro gram all mapped out for the national legislature. Yet so brainy a body as tke Oregon logUjUlur W exnected to do Its own thinking. Chew Your Food No medicine can take tke place of teeth, Kat slowly, chew yur food tlwroughly and keep free from m diKcitiou. When haitc iiuiwkj extra work oa the Jtonnch, help it out with SSeeeaamSi &m" KUHHKA! Yes, I Have F011111I It 11 1 Last. Found what? Why that Chnmbor- laln's Salvo euros eczema and nil mnnnor of Itching of tho skin. I havo boqn nflllctod for many yonrs with skin donsos. I had to got up threo or four tlmos ovory night nnd wash with cold wator to allay tho terrible Itching, but slnco using this Balvo In Docomber, 1005, tho Itching- has stopped nnd has not troubled mo. Kldor John T. Ongloy, Rootvlllo, Pa. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. o Simple Spelling Convention. Now York, April a. Thoro will bo a gathering tonight at tho Waldor' Astoria from tho threo groat 13ngllsh speaking countries, and the meeting will continue tomorrow night. The simplified spelling board will bold Its first annual meeting with nil Its member, it Is oxpected that Eng land will be represented by William A. Archer, Canada semis two dele gates, aud the western part of tho United States Is reperesented by. three members, Including President David Starr Jordan, of Stanford uni versity. The session will last two days, nnd there will be n dinner nt which Andrew Carnegie will prosldo. MRS.CHAS.A.ROCKWOO0 A largo proportion of tho operations performed in our hospitals are upon women and girls for some organic trouble. Why should this bo tho case ? Because thoy havo neglected them selves, as every one of these patients in tho hospital beds had plenty of warning in thoso dragging sensations, Eains nt left or right of abdomen, ackaches, nervous exhaustion, in flammation, ulceration, displace ments, and other organic weaknesses. Allot theso symptoms aro indica tions of an unhealthy condition of tho female system and if not heeded tho ponalty has to bo paid by a dangorous operation. wncn tneso symptoms manifest themselves, do not drag along until you aro obliged to. go to tho hospital and submit to an opera tion but romember that Lydla K. Plnkham'o Vcgotable Compound, mado from native roots and herbs, has saved hundreds ot women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Plnlcham's Vegetable Compoundi hns cured mora cases of fomlnina ills than any other ono remedy. Sucb letters as thofollowing Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Won Women suffering from any form of female weakness are InrittJ promptly commumcato with Mrs. I'inkham, at Lynn, Mus. From tit symptoms given, tho trouble may bo located and tho quickest and sarai ri of rcoovory advised. Out of her vast volume of experience ia treating fri! ills Mrs. Pinkhnra probably has tho very knowledge that nur kelp row case. Xior auvlco is tree ana always noipiui. Ask Mrs. Plokhan's Advice A Womaa Best Understands a Wmus'iI sd Parliamentary LawofM H Fredonla, N.Vwriu;,rrwSM IH.V. T - .7" 1 trvrv. nnd n1H.i. iZ .TJVUl operation mVmVSrSf Miss Margnrct Tlernev. of v , W. 25th Street, NOWYo?k,ifeS Dear Mrs, rinkhum! VTion only elehta ytutttu. ESffi&o-Jr "M.?wSi" rolatlvo SJS?SlB1lSSv5 M able Compound did so. I wpn teprJf! health, tho proper conditlwSy cd and I am well and rtrocr nSu Lydla E. rinkhara', vtKto &el quallucd endorserarnt as Lt4!T1 ",,,uuu, 'Keiaoiou)tna)UEd. Jj ukiiur ruuiuujr in wo WOriatUI 1 ii-tuiu ui uurcs 01 iCQUlfl Uh. Tho Silver Polish. This Is not a now kind of, stove polish, but n trio ot Silver Polish chickens that II. S. Rndcllff hns bought of Mj-b. Hertba M. Story, of Orogon City. Mrs. Story took first promlum on ono of theso chickens nt tho Lowls nnd Clnrk fnlr, nnd on two of thorn nt tho stnto poultry show. Ho will havo oggs nnd breed only this kind of fowls. A Woman Tells How to Relieve Ithcimuitlc Pains. I hnvo been n vory great sufferor from the dreadful disease rhouma tlsm, for n number of years. I have tried many medicines but never got much relief from nny of thorn until two years ago, whon I bought ij bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I found relief boforo I bad used nil ot one bottle, but kept on npplylug it and ,soon felt like a dlfferont wom an. Through my ndvlce many of my friends hnvo trlod It nnd can toll you how wonderfully It has worked. Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. Now St, Dover, Del. Chamborlnln's Pain Hnlm Is n llnlmont. The relief from pain which It affords is alone worth many timed Its cost. It makes rost nnd sleep posslblo. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. -o Arric In Klamath, Mr. and Mrs. C J HoIidm, V loft recently for Klamath Fills, hi written to relatives In this tit; c tholr arrival at their new home 1: say that they are well pleased tho country. 0 Tho Filipinos are now to be tf"l nil tho Joys of suffrage and cx?i:r contributions. Walter Lyon goes to Hope be strikes It rloh. Gold Hold. WIIKX YOU WANT TO HAT WKI.Ii ont with enjoymont nnd koop well, provide ourself with rolls or brend -r-the beet kind, tho kind we bake frosh overy day. If you havon't tried our rolls and bread you havon't boon In line with the wise ones. Order by phone It you like. ft UIiLOM, Prop. ear Uae, $.50. ' 7 - 1 nompson s Rose Nicotine Kills plant insects on flowers. fruit trot, vines or vegetables, and Y131UUX Ou human body, dogs cats. f6wls, and lu the bouse. Colorlos, Odorless, Sulnlcss Price, 25 and 50 cents at FUYS WIIUG STO11K, Salem, Or Headquarters for all kinds of spray materials, Atlf tnr ItnnlrlAf "ITn tn. n..iu- Plaat Insects and Verwlu." Gentlo and Kffectlvc. A woll known Manitoba editor wrltes: "As an Inside worker I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invaluablo for tho toucbos ot blllousnoss natural to sedentary llfo, tholr action being gentle and effec tive, cloarlng the d!g03tlvo tract and tho bond." Price 25 conts. Samples freo. For salo at Dr. Stono's druu store. STOWS llKAEnrt0F4 Greatest known remedy fcrfcar Prlpa Jl To expresi ow- from Salem 1 pay J3 cents cs charges. Highland. Oresoa, Oct jl?' TIMS IS to ewiw - - maro one bottle of ""j Drops" and cured ; " This was last winter w ' Dr.S.C.STOXE.Ssl0 For sale by all aris- A SQUARE DEAL .LVTS U FARM IJirw-"- lir MACHIXKRY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOl AND A FAIR TRIAL OP Ol'It aS - yti&vi iuo WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NKKD NOT m T SVIT. TIMOTIftV AVTl CT STinVRItY KNCIA" .., diim.tiiua jvi'.w itii o. ....- STIlKirr .VXD ROAD GIIADINO MACIHXKRY. DrCciI& WK HANDLK THE 11YRD WAGOXS, KSC.hK HACKS AND CARRIAGES. rrk'EVK J10' WK ARK AGKXTS FOR THE AimiASCB. l;JLTfllOl KRS, CLIPPER PIX)WS AND RLIK nilHlO IJ j ALSO SOMK SECOND HAND FARM mVl j WAGONS VERY CHK.VP. ltE J PAIXTS, OILS AND YAKXISHHS AT ",,ul,,'r:.D piCft TAIL, GL.ISS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS. A. SUPPLIES. yflj. 1JUGGY TOlS, D.YSlinOARDS, WUIVS. l fJfO TIYE CATALOGUES FURXIS11EO OX APP"" GEO. B. JACOB, P PHONE Ml MAIS tX)R, FRONT A Soejtvryetiir. lkoMUk.M43t, . .