DAILY OAVITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WKDXKfa'PAY, APRIL 3, 1007. .CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE.., V X HOFER BROS., P" and Proprietors j. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PRO OIIKSS, WBVBfiOPMnNT, GOVKRNMKXT. AND NO DEQRADBD LAIIOR. OF MVSKLF. lie Thin only grant mo, thai my moans may Too low for envy, for contempt too liln. Soma honor I would liavo, Not from goodB deeds, but good alone; Tho unknown aro better than 111 known; Rumor can open tho grnvo, Acquaintance I would liavo, but whon 't depends Not on tho numbor but tbo choice of friends, , BookB should, not bustnosH ,ontortan tho light, And sloop ns undisturbed as death, tho night. My houso a cottngo moro Than paluco and should flttlnB bo v For nil my uso, no luxury. My cardon painted o'or ) With Nature's hand, not Art's; nnd ploasuro yield, aiornco might onvy In his Sablno field. TIjub would I doublo my life's fading simco; Tor ho that runs It woll twlco runs his race , .' And In this truo dollght, $ ' Thcso unbought sports, this happy stnto, fl would not fonr, nor wish, my fate: But boldly, says each night, Tomorrow lot my sun his beams display, Or In olouds ttlilo them; I have lived today. Till: ART OF WALKING. Tho delightful art of walking, tho happy -prnotlco of vngabondage whlch Btovonson nnd Whitman pralsod so woll, tho most Innooont of paB times, the slmplost of nxorolBos, Is In dnngr of falling Into aboyanco smyo Illltw Carman In Tho Dollnoator Tor April. Our fushlonnblo people nffect ono rldlculoiiB mnnnor of walking nnd then another, year aftor year, but nlmoHt no ono thinks It worth while to learn to walk normally. TIIHKK OAN III NO UNIFORM FAHIIION OK GOOD WALKING. Tho normal walk Is not a matter of oaprlco, but of art; It lends Itself tto tho Infinite varlotlos of ohnruotnr, nnd boromos In onrh Instnnco ox yrosslvo of tho Individual; so that wo rocognlzo A MAN HY 1IIH GAIT AH KASHA' AH IIV HIH VOIOK. THK FIRST HKQUISITK OF GOOD WALKING IS A GOOD POISK. If tho body Is woll polBsd at each point of Its motion, tho motion Itself uitiHt bo good. MM.,. ..mnu.u nf wntiflnif whltm hiiH batui dosorlbod ns a sorlos of falls. 4b, to bu somewhat moro accurate, a hoiIoh of fallH and rocovorlos bo In sensibly merged that thore Is no Buying whoru tho fall qiiiIh and tho Tocovory begins. ' IN WALKING WF. ARK IN A CO.NTIXUOOUS STATU OF UXSTAHLK r.QUiLinuiuM. Wo pus gradually from ono position to nnothor, yot are nuvor out of unlno. i Wo uro playing with gravity, A good walker spliiB tho earth deftly beneath IiIh foot, ns an aorobat la a droits, lying on his baok, Bpluu u barrel or painted ball. -ii i -O" ItltlfUTIIS SPOOXIM AND ItllVMIUlXllt. William Tmlall who represented the fourteenth dlstrlot of Missouri In eunRivM Uhs gone borne after two years at the oapltal with eleven iliuiiMnd dollare which he has saved from his salary end perquleltes allien hi election. This faet U nn unauswerabl refutation of the statement of Senator lleverldg that a eongrwsamun cannot live on a salary of live thousand a year in the cnpllal, that. In fact, "thirty thousand rollars a year is a very rdlnaiy outlay" for keeping up hii establishment here. Mr Uereredlge has had a nightmare In whloJi he fancied ONLY MIL. I.IOXAIHUS COIM.U AFFORD TO HUN Til II OOVHRXMHXT and he put the olweaslon In bluek and white and sent It to Applotons magazine. Now Mr. Tymlull hue arisen to prove that not only can a man live on live thousand u year, with olerk at tlfteeii hundred or more nnd other peniulsltes but he wn 8AVH A NKMI I.ITTI.ll FORTFXH OUT OF IT IlKrlllillS. Of oouree Mr. T mull's case U an extreme one. lie did not wear -t.vi.nty dollar froek eoats as Mr. Ilevorldge doe, and he did not wenr a dress mill fur dinner. II K I'UT NO SOCIAL OAPHH8. n did not ko to the theater nor to Wlllst-d nfterwiml. 4Ht Iiiiihm" or to itHHuueto ur iiiuk tens I Ess $ fsl W!l BE Hi S8 M h ''t A !! V11'" M I lIB1 1 1 iii 1 1 ' ' 'i' l"' 1 m Hit hi! I thCm&f. i ImSCHLOSS BRO co ! ! 5plne Clolhes.MaKer$ S J jr Balllmorc ifnd New YorK gtftMMHUMHIMMWMMMtt WIHaitWHHtmW SPRING OPENING Abraham Cowley. Spring Qean House, 2 lots carllno, $G00. HI 2 b,A, ho tt House. 4 lots. 2 biocks tnm rlino, S50 oeotra Good G room house and 7 w. . blocks from carline, U250 Good 7 room hou8e andl5, blocks from carline. l?7A ""' Good 8 room home m , Into In frL.U . . " ' Improvements, on carline ii,. Fine block of .... . . and Loganberries bearlns !!!? $1800. Z' "rt Jl CORRECT CLOTHES ii FOR GENTLEMEN.":: Wc cordially invite you to call and examine the haedsome New Spring Styles iot 1907. j Just in: fresh from the makers? jj they have been carefully tailored j 1 -A r 4.t!!,?'i0'2.0'40'60MdWewHo tO OUr especial urocr AruiiA mv ,, in soutn Salem for sale. Houit J ' rent or trado for outside ptor most aaeroved designs aiid are ox j!,F,ro' 1f. ""idem insuti lUUat ttpuYvv. v & i pays promptly Its losses. i.f A U4rn0CC 410V04 !! Notary work. Money to but a Sl.yit5 "U ,hvvt'w t w j , nny nnd all business la our list before seen in ready-to-wear j JR R Ryan Glomes ior irxen. iuw o vixk, ) time to loot them over, while the ii; stock is complete. House and lot on 2flit. ... .... $450. '" "" "0 Houso and lot on 22ad u4 &, view, $500. 8M' House and lot on ib4 m Hou8onnd3 1oUo!inmQ Good house nnd 2 lots oa j, ' Awn isa '"l A beautiful homn nn r... .... - " WU..C lift, with lots of fruit, good loe,blr; horso nnd buccy. etc.. tnitu . r r TVt aomo iino orcliards In he te 546 State st !IG. W. JOHNSON & CO. tatttititMtww'WMWW!lM' May Settle Iro Companr FWL I Chlcaeo. Anrll 3 -The livnni , meeting of the Knlckerbochr ij company is ueing ui'iaioas; AS! Junction obtained by tbe Intorosts to prevent the rotor I tho mnjorlty stock held by the W( crn Ice company, precluded t r- urn while It was In force Tkert however, n report that an into! sottlcmvnt will bo reached to4ij wantH and he doclaroa that tho Provident hlmaolf. ennnot get any moro than that. , , Sonalor DovoildBo's plaint has boon answered and whllo ho and man of his collengiiM may not hnvo Mr. Tyndall'a gonlus for economy thoy at least ennnot now dony that llvo thousand dollars a yonr may bo mado to oovor all tho nocossarlos of llfo at tho capital and loavo somo bosldos for u rainy day. o- IT IH WORTH RIWIK.MIIHRIXO. That sottelps never neouro "pernmnent Jobi." That love may be ever so wrent, but must be wise, to grow. THAT A I'OOI. IS NHV1IK SO FOOLISH HIT THAT IIH MAV TIMOII A.VOTIIKR I'OOli SOMICri'HIXO. Tlmt to be HMr without losing nelf-respocV or a s.nne of enjoyment Is flue Hi't. That kindness of wy true sort must be expressed In terms of the re niuiunt nnt uf Ilia dounr. That capability marks some iiioh, d imporUitce others, but that ia dlspenslblllty attaches to none. That friendship which Is genulm may Invariably be reconlied In that It Is neither Jealous nor saltish That Indolence among tbo rich Is more to be condemned than ignor ance among the poor. The rloh know better. THAT IXTHIil.KCITAIi WORTH IS MOST UhKAHIA SHOWX IX TIIM COMIMiliril AXI Al't'ORATK IWOWIiHDOH 01' OXIVS OWN AHIIiITIIIS. That mediocrity, provided It bo preeervlnB, aeoomirttehBe more then fit ful talent. Hares and tortnlses stlil run rnoett. nimnf n nn nr dniiehtor. 13VKX INTO THE 1IOMIS OF THKIK 0W5J Yot In tho ordor of society and tho domnnds of this aie It lu scj boon found possible. Thoy must go to school, Into uuslnesi, into uses Irv TIiobo demands that lntronch upon tho snerod homo Influences i t iniiMi for Rome nnturos to stnnd up ugalnst unguldea ana aione. Whllo a fow nro mado Btrongor and developod by rude coaUtt th Mm wnrlil..mntiv ARK SWKPT DOWX IX THH UUHIlh.Vl - aw n For tho fathor or mother who has experienced such a loss ill N think and feol must have only tho n rofonnaeet syrapam) XOT JHAIiOUS OK MR. DAVKY. TH II MAX WHO DON'T AUVHIITISII. .... II.I.II .... ... ilia li)lud lIUVH 1IW HIUU h K" IU UIW I"""" .."- " ..-.-.- -. . , nor tsvke vleltlng oonstltuete to ainneri at the """J-" T, Uote8 o,i,ai NWi Bas this to a yof the buelueee man who does HII IilVHH MUHHSTI.V IX A IIOAUIIKNO 1IOVHIC AM ll HlS ,u1wUm: OWX OlillHirAli WORK, , ,,h m- who ,1, ,,ot miVertlse simply because his grandfather did He seveil earfare4y walking te th. oapltol and by leaving uis targe kuw brwohM nml a um,9. XOT AHVHRT1SK ItHCVVSH IT COSTS IXO RHXT FOR THK SAMU IUWSOX. Tho man who do not advortlse because he tried It and fulled. should throw away his cigar because, the light went out. "The man who d)3 not advertise beoause re doesn't know hew him self, ought to stay MtlHg beoauBe he can oook. "The ih who tloee aot advertise beoouee somebody setd It did not my, ought net te Vtelleve the world te round because the aneimt said It was Hat." -.ii O "' ' He SRteit earfare 4y walking te tM. enpitoi aim y umvinit u u Q WWf kuw) brwc( family at honm In Bprlngfleld Mo., he Hlwed the soelal aenlmtlous of the ,n,H AN WI() ,)0,w xc women kind and eawd himself trouble and money. MOXKY. SHOLM.U QUIT I'AYi: He live! easily on the llfteen hundred that he might have llilclerk . muu w,;o ot Bild hi' eellleg ul wome aim iuhkuik " mm iinnmu . vw money he maintained his family. He kM had eeough to t. KHough to went, as good a bed as ho Cont Yout Money Awl mm how much inmv )iu Iw tUny tluui )ou halt u jiitr ago. Many of our tlipoltor' ims bKike hhon n balance of Metitl hundn'U tlcdbtr, all urcuumlntci! In tho lUfct )iHir. You cu snvs oo, Opru a tutlti)t nccouut with us uml try It. jwsewgjw AwW4issems riyitiT TfsUimt BmwI: Garden Seeds ! largo stoek of In bulk. Our 1300 crop; uo We have n Garden Seed seeds are all carry-over. OXIOX SUTS. Ask for small oulon sets. You get three tlmee as mauy to the pound. 1IHM sunns. l'aMQ) Itluestom Wheat, Oheveilu Ilarley, Oats, Corn, Clover, Alfalfa. Field Teas, Land Plaster, etc Distributing ageuts for Coulson's Hgg Foods, Coulson's Chlok Foods, Coulson's Coudltloa Powders. Tho largest wholesale and retail dealers in tho city. TiLLSON & CO. 151 Ntfc St' TIMIIHH OROWS WAST. 1 tAliuon II. Clark In Toledo Reforier.) Ies 0mm tea )r ho the spleadW uroree eX yoHRg lire Uiet aro scattered over these hills had uo QOiftmeteJftl velee. "nU,ar oruleers wre of the olaioa that it wquld lukt WV ymn or growtu uerore tnere would be a demao4 for that clusa of tlMber. Today there is a competi tive demand tor every tree that ohh hi delivered at tidewater or at a railroad eOUlo. Th smaller tree are ueedetl for nilUs and ties. Tie are worth SO chU each delivered on. the right of way, and trow 4 m 6 ties oa n bo mude from eaeh tree. The demand for piling: is Illimitable. This coun ty has a wealtk of Usaber that ft sttrtwseed by but tow leoalltles on the coast. 6 THK SORROW Ol?-MR, AX1 MRS, JAMHS. There is general sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Jasses ovw the manner and death of their sob. Rmcoo. These tragedies do not cotno to many parents, but many parents feci thom AS DKHI'IA' AS IF THKY WKRK THI'.IR OWX. When our boys and girls grow to bo young men and women and go out Into the laiger world, or, that ' wo could always he at their side. What parent would not extend tho loving arms ot the homo influence w,nnr ! ! nnntlnusllv trvlntt to nut the editor of Th ' i....i i.. ) .tiitu.u nf lioluc lealous of Hon Krsnk P"T As a bro'har newspaper man,, the head of a f1'';-"f,.; ii.. iim. r fin. r,n .iiiuriiMi ii.r ni.'n VI, uw w.nwi "' " ,...-. - W'" . . t n He has always supjiorted him for ottlce wnen m- has cut out mean thlugs said by other papers But Ueer ... ....... i... .1... r...(..l Inurml that ilS W "ine daily reuemnoii uj mo snv.ni ...- -- ., . . . ...i..... .i..... i.'.,.nir rtuiiv did .1 - liavo inaue a muoii ueiier ieimiui mn.i . . - .,. rH5M cnuso him to Anally believe himself " T. T Oeer In Irtd ; 1 Wo challenge Mr. Qeer to produce gay such expreswo - , Tho editor of this paper doos not consider personal matter CL'SSIOX OF I'URLIC MATTHHh. utah'V 4 If an odltor feols ho has to koop still aboet a oi lvJ enuse some personal friend happens to be spesaer. or -nnd un-publlo-splrltod feeling. cobiiJc So cut It out, Ilro. Goob, and come down to lmprQBa .. ....... .. . .... ivi'ltl I'Kll As n candldato for the legislative nomlnattoa at M a sprlug, the editor or Ttio uapuai jounwi w- - who seek onloo for personal purposes, or say way to m... .....-. t t I....I o In.nafannnl. OUt-SIWK"1' WW" ' sought tho endorsement of no organization, nat-foow mont No. 1, grappled tho llvo wires. ueeiaru 7- ..--sjgjf TK1KI1 TO KBHl XO OXK IX THK DARK . i " .ie8Bi4i .... , i.i.,h., with no OB to8"V n J t urineriuora ne uuiuw Buimim.u - tirtm ho had boon nominated lie wouta nave iw .- machine just ns hard as he was at the prlroao 1 The eilltor of this paper courted the oppoUtlf" tRH. buause he consider THIS MACHIXK Oiuu ,my.fgt POLITICS FOR 1IIMSKLF AND FOR HIS K"" fioVWtfatt4 lull! STAXDPOIXT AS THK WORST YOU ui u-. ti . Ml1' v - ..4 li' The failure and downfall of city, counu. rrswiss K, ment In every Instnnco Is due to the s-ia0, .t iUfl and short-sightedness and DISLOYAITY OF M""' Thia nr the ideals that The Capital Journal -, an Impersonal manner at all times. It "'f1" tori1' anil whoever carries them Into effect hss our searo WITHOUT HV1JX ASKING FOR IT. &, The nollUoal erlme ot the American " g fi& broad sense ot the word playing ,,Uw ,hrTirMeL but for offleiat power, to bo used to beoe - sd MtW or some fnvoreU corporation. Men who pls l" benefits r Uraltora to party and to the people. THK RHFURUXnUM OX THK rXlVBBn- Tbe Graagors ot Linn county, in spite of m ftMi to them by tho president ot tho State i io ciw ,k. .nr.An.l.n. nn im nfinrnnrtiitiOU for t .. T11URK IS XO WAY TO TALK THIOI Ori ji There aro many reasons why thU is M"IV,4 1 organised to seouro the amount, "without W sVYV0& rHIS' u . .nature, Tho machine which dominated tbe legw 1?