Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    zn Go
Woiio sold uiidl :80 n. in. No telephone order tnkcn.
Spring Styles in
Tailor Suits
Every approved fashion Is hare
In a groat variety of fllmdOB and
materials. Every suit 1b guaran
teed to fit nml tlio prleo 1b units
unlly low for Reed qunlltlcB. See
ond Floor.
$1 1 .85 to $40
Spring Skirts
A wonderful Block of ntnnrt
(i ml etyllsh skirts for spring wear,
tlio result of much caroful propa
rntlon nnd planning. Tlio best
dcslgnorB' boat offortB show In
thin, tlio Binnrteut collection in
Salem. Ono foaturo Hint will In
Btnntly appenl to all women ' Is
tho wcarablltyof theso garments
not only brightness, nowncss
and charm, but good wearing ns
well, Your tnnto and purso can
bo suited hero from this cxtonsivo
Bhowlng of now things.
$4.50 to $25
In buying cIoUiob your flrBt
thought Ib of looks pattern, la
pels, hIocvob, flt about neck and
body, hang and flaro of tho coat.
We'ro concorncd deeply nbout
lookB, too; and moro, wo'vo got
to know what the style In and so
lcct clothes mado bo good thnt
they will look right all tho tlm
you woar thorn, night horo Is
whoro tho clothes wo Bell are what
tho others nro not.
$10 and Up
Merode Underwear
Big lino of suminor wolghtB now
ready. HIoovoIcmn Vih(h In Bilk,
Llslo, bIIIc and IIhIo, and cotton.
Each garment la hnnd-lliilHhud
extra ijunlltloB
10 to $3 00.
Onyx Hosiery
Just rocolvod another ship
mont, Including a good nsBort-
lUiont of colors pretty Biibduod
shades as well as blacks In laeo
nml ombrnldory. Entirely now
stylcfl and doHlgus
25S to 93.OO.
Men's Shoes
Tho finest nnd best assortment
of good bIiocb you will find. Wo
do not carry n shoo that wo can
not recommend, ns wo regard no
shoo as cheap unless It Is mado of
good, solid leather that will glvo
satisfaction. You will find those
In Shoos and Oxfords.
An unuMiiall lino lino of tho Hon
son's bust stylofl In eanvaa Blmdos
In tho wanted
Low Cuban and Lotiln hool, In
wolta and turiiB. All sixes nnd
widths cIiooho now.
$1.50 to $2.00
A Collect Itm of liupurinnt Para,
graphs fur Your Consideration.
Modern CoiiMriii'tlnn
Ruiiulnxi special attention to de
tails which Js given to nil work
loavlng Hnnaeu'a pinning mill.
Do They Xwil Repairing'
Doom yout Bowing machine or
your organ need roimlrhiK? if M),
notify tho m utile hnuw of Geo. 0.
Will, and It will have competent nnd
careful attention. a-4-t
Condition Improved
MUs HIIii MuuaoM. of lfeiet Sale,
who was rooeutly takoii to the ho
pltnl to bu trawled far pneumonia
fever. la -reported to be bstti
Wc have a new oe-glaaa mounting
that la a grmtl improvement oyer
tho old kinds -It la neat na a pin and
atloka on without Injuring tho akin.
KU an all metal guard and perfeet
ly sanitary. Thla eye-glna mount
ing will hold ou whore wuiy of the
other kinds fall to it ay In pine. We
teat oyoa free of charge, nnd when
wo furuUh glajw we guantutuo
them for a yonr. Wo wapeolally ao
licit JiniouR onsen that have been
worked ou by othor qptlolaua with
out antlsfaotory reult. Many aueh
caaoa that wo ha'o fitted have given
eutlro vatUfaotloa.
llim.MAN W.
.Um Hingis IIIinimIiionn
.Mrs. M. P. imnnell has llled di
vorce proceedings In department No.
a of the Marlon county circuit court
NRHliiatQ. a. Donnoll, ou the ground
of desertion, The pnrtlM wort mar
ried In (loldendnle, WaahlHitou, In
18-1, and havo boon realdenU of Or
egon for th Mt tan year. There
nro no property right uur children
Involved in the suit.
Mini Club to Miot
Tho Snlom lllrd Study Club will
hold a mooting at tho Y. M. 0. A.
parlors at T:0 o'olouk thla owning,
and not at I'nRjr church, m provloua-
Doing Nh'oljw-
J. lp. Clark, who UHdorwtHt an on
ration for an nbaoooa In oho of hla
oars hwt SHHdny at tho Willamette)
Sanitarium, la rapurtud to lit doing
uleoiy. llo ht tho sou of V. Olurk,
of thla oily, ami has many frlonda
who will bo glad to hoar of hts mm
oloto rooovory.
'flio Cnuivln Still On
Tho talking maohlno eraao to attll
on, and It will never ond. It will
grow. Tho music Iiuhm of fao. 0.
Will la agoMt tot tho Hdtaon, tho
NMotnr noil tho Columbia. Tho boot
talking iHAohiuoa ami talking taa
ehlno roeonla In tha workl. 4-t-ftt
For tho Pen .
tihorirt J, M. makoly awl laputy
K. 0. Harry, of Wallowa ooMnt)1. ,nr
rhd yoatorday with Urnoat Hlllot
who waa aontonoad from Ilntorpriao
to Borw ono yoar In tho ponltoHtlary.
Uoputy Shorlff Prank T. Kane, of
WiUHlHgton county, do)lvrd Joha
T. MoNamara .to tho stato prlaon.
whoro ho will aorvo a trm of two
yoara for laroony in a dwelling In tho
clti of HUWboro.
Uh-d ClHb to 3Iect
Tho Salem Bird Study Club will
hold a meeting' at tho Y. 21. C. A.
pnrlora at 7:30 o'clock this evening,
nnd not at Unity church, as previous
ly announced.
At the Store Agilti
Geo. C. Will, tho music and sew
ing machine dealer, who has been
laid up at homo for six or seven
weokB with rhcumntlBm, is now able
to bo out and at 1Mb store. Ho Is not
qulto "ns good as now" yot, but he 1
Improving daily, and feelB several
thousand per cant hotter than whan
ho wnB obliged to remain IndoorsT
In the .Springtime
Nothing toBtos bettor thnn de
licious ham or bncon and Oggs for
breakfast. The dollcloiiB hum and
bacon can bo obtained from Fnr
ringtou & Vnnl'ntton, grocers and
Life I'ardierH CIiommi
County Clork Allon this morning
lotted a marrlago IIcoiiho to Wm. W.
Klnbor, of Salem, nged 23, nnd
Amy E. Lindsay, ot Snlom, nged 20;
II. E. Whlto noting ns witness. The
happy young pctiplo wore mnrrled nt
10:30 a. m. todny by Judge Burnett,
nt the court house.
An Excellent AddresH
Rev. W. J. Weber, a student of
tho Kimball lustltuto, gavo a very
entortnlnlng nnd beneficial lecture
last night to tho Chomawn Btudontd
nnd their friends upon tho nubject
of "Tho Threo Is and tho Thrco Rb."
Tho orlglnnt subject was well han
dlod, and tho lnrgo audience spent
a vory ploasant nnd profitable ev
ening. The Young IVopIi'-
Whon yoilng nnd full of llfo, ns
you should be, you must go to tho
music hpuso of Goo. 0. Will and se
lect from his big sto'ok tho lntost In
shoot music. And thoro'is no ago
limit on tho lovo of good music, be
It Bald to thohappluom ot tho whole
world. 4-2-Gt
CoiitriicU-d Hops
J. P. nnd P. Wllquot, of Garvnls,
havo contracted 15,000 pounds ot
tholr 1907 crop to Klaher, Wolf &
Nottor for 10'4 conts.
Lucky XinnlKirh
In tho Yokohama Taa Company's
prlzo contest nro as follews: Doll,
213; toa set G3G; clock, 1918. The
persons holding those numbers may
call nt our storo nnd olnlm tho nrlzoti.
un oncn prize ton nuinuora. wor
drawn, oaeh being nllowed to aland
one week awaiting proaontanon of
duplicate coupon.
Things Went Round
W. 11. Armoirons partook too fre
ly of aleoholle bovoraiioa yaoterday
and aoon tliought hltnaolf tho hub of
tho universe. All went well with his.
fMltnga until he ran up against
Marahal Glbaou, who took the devla
tor from aoberneea over to aoo Judg
Mnorw. Armatrong put up at tho
city hall laat night, and will pay S
Into the oity treaaury for hla mlatnke
- - u
Don't I'ut t)tr
Kor tomorrow what you can do to
day. If you pat off buying a bottlv
of Uallard'a Show Liniment, whoa
that pain aomoa you wont have any,
buy n bottle today. A poaltlve our
for Hhoumatlam. llarna. Cuts,
Spralna, Contraotod Muaeltw. etc. T.
S. Oraham, Prairie Grove. Ark.,
wrltoe: "I wish to thank you for
the good rosulto I received from
Snow Ltuluionu It pooltively cured
mo ot Rheumatism after other haJ
failed." Sold by 1). J. Pry.
Authorizes Any Person
Kill Any Dog On Sight
A bill for an ordinance prohibiting
dogs from running at large upon tho
ftreet or alleys or public parks of
the city of Salem, Oregon, nnd pro
viding i penalty for violation of tho
Bo It ordained by the common coun
cil of the city of Salem, Oregen:
Section 1. No dog shall bo per
mitted to run or be upon tho strcots
or alloys or public parks of tho city
of Snlom, unless socuroly fastened or
led by a rope or chnln, or othor fast
enings, by the ownor or keeper1 there
of, and It Bhnll bo lawful for any
porsou to kill any such dog so found
at largo, and tho owner or kcopcr of
any such dog pormlttlng the same to
be nt lnrgo In violation of tho pro
visions of this section uhnll be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
nnd on conviction thorcof, before tho
city recorder, 'shall be punished by a
fine ot not less than $10 nor moru
thnn $2G.
And In nil cases whero n fine shall
bo Imposed under his ordinance, It
shall bo tho duty of the city record
er to adjudge that tho offender stand
committed to the city Jail one day for
each two dollars of said fine.
This bill will bo irp on third rond
Ing nt next mooting.
Doing ISiiMiicm.h Again.
"Whon my frlonds thought I wns
nbout to' tttko louvo of this world, on
account of Indigestion, norvousnoss
nnd general doblllty," wrltos A. A.
ChrlBholm, Troadwoll. N. Y "and
when It lookod us If thoro was no
hopo left, I wns persundod to try
Uloctrle Hitters, nnd I rojolco to say
that they are curing me. I nm now
doing buslnoBH again ns ot old, nnd
nm still gaining dnlly," nost tonic
modlclno an earth. Guaranteed by
J. C. Perry, druggist, a 50c.
or, left this morning' for her home In
Mrs. A. Strong went to Portland
today, nnd will attend the Helllg
opora 'this evening.
Henry Stoudenmcyer left this
morning for Portland tonttend tho
Madam Nordlcn opera nt the II"llig.
J. H. C. Montgomery left this
morning for Oregon City on business
C. H. Walker wont to Portland to
day on business.
A. G. Porklns Is in Portland on
Miss Ruth Fryo returned to hor
home yesterday, after a visit in tlil-t
Robert Vinson, of Portland, Is. vis
iting Salem friends nnd relative.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Carlson, who
nttondod tho funornl of tho late Mrs.
Rice, have roturned to tholr home In
Mrs. Eva Cox left this morninsr
for a day's visit In tho metropolis.
Mrs. Geo. Bingham and Mrs. Carl
ton Smith wont to Portland todny to
nttond the opora at tho Helllg.
Mrs. A. H. Bunn haa gono to Port
land for n short visit.
Mr. nnd.MrB. R. A. Moshberger
left this morning for Woodburn,'
whoro they will reside.
Mrs. M. Kundrot, left todny for
Portland, whore she will spend, th'j
su id m or,
Wllllnm Tompkins, who has been
tho guest of Salem friends, left this
morning for his homo In Portland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Rlngo left to
day for a month's visit with their
son, D.r. R. E. Rlngo, In Pendleton.
Miss Elonor Rlchtor la tho guest
of Portlnnd frlonds for a few days.
Mrs. J. A. Wugncr, vwlio hns been
visiting Salem relatives, returned
this morning to hor homo In Port
lnnd. Mrs. J. A. Wilson loft todny for a
sovoral weeks' visit In Portland.
F. KIrsahor wont to Portland to
day on buslnoss.
C. P. Royal is n buslnoss visitor In
Oregon City today.
not Eton It. im ... .
Paper's u8e " ,e" for i
writing the letter T?
wont fm. '.:lter b itu.
grid's repoAer,?5'0 i
have. You only hav
We harm. lt , ",' 'm,
tho persons who nrlm .
short of tho mark '? U
letter created a aUrTV1"
yostordav. 3Ur 0a Van ,
Cabinet Conilili. .
Washington, April "1
dent attended the sem.
not mooting, n ,. . M' &n
Harrlman Is not the j
subject. QorteU,. ''""W
cuss tho matter , .. " ts
campaign letter. IJmmJ
indications are that the iw.
will have something .- . "
the Harrlmnn to(,. ... 7Sc:
onts at Washington a er
...v. .,, xionse for hi, hii
letter worried nT F .
signs. Ho8rallcjn8hor
f' and waived hi, CJ
- . O ,
General Strike ro,,
Chicago, April 2,-At the bo,
when tho railway sltaatton 2
past tho crucial point the .2
ements In tho union commlttw 1
letter Printed
Personals -
Ernest Smnllwood, of MornlngBldo,
loft today for his now homo nt Now
port. W. J. Waber left thlB morning for
Portlnnd on husluoea
Mayor George Rodgora went to
Portland today ou bimlnaom
J. C. Stll, mauager of the Pacific
Caoe Burial Company, la vlaltlug Sa
eom friends today.
Sheriff and Mra. W. J. Calrar loft
thla morning for a abort visit in
Charlee Dorcaa, the hop man, loft
today for a roundup In tho Wood
hum section.
Mr. Walter Aegerter, who haa
been vlaltlng her father, W. C. Rak-
(Cqntiuucd from pngo ono).
did not enro In tho least, becauso
thoso pooplo wore crooks, and ho
could buy thorn; that whonovor ho
wnutod legislation from stato legis
latures that ho could buy It. That
ho could buy cougross, nnd thnt, If
necessary, ho could buy tho Judic
iary." Alton Parker Rejoices.
. Albany, N. Y., April 2. Tho pub
lishing of tho Harrlinan-Wobstor let
ter thla morning is greatly pleasing
Alton B. Parker and his frlonds, who
declare the truth Is now. known, nnd
lt rofutea Roosevelt's stntomonts,
camo active, nnd n
mnni, .,:: "kuwttiJ
-...-.. wHuimj-. uarreuos.1
tno conferonrn m. . . '
..xv - ,.."... infcn!
........ .. ugeu ga,ned UJ
Inglost. Tho labor aide h..-..
ceeded an Inch from lUorlglm
ositlon. The men's natlta JTx.
exhausted pretty soon, If the m
don't show a spirit of conceit
Knnpp and Xelll areaDDarentlT,.,
discouraged. Under the surfictnT-
ronu mangers hope for a Krfte. v
with othor troublea, they ttn iu
sentiment would goagaimttheUk
Omite.it Bomb Yet Find.
Hnrlrman wag almost frantic tJ
rago. He refused to defend hla
except to admit the authonhipof uJ
iottor. Tins is the greateit wni
tlon Rooaevelt has sprijng, uj
thoimost apcctncular ot thliadalt
trntlou, nnd tho end la not jet 1:
sight. This morning It teemed ui
tho Prosldcnt wns lilt hard. ThUir
ternoon the world ataggercd it tl
forco of tho blow ho hit la rttra
Weill 8troot 1b spoechleu, th pi
tlclnn is dumbfounded, and Pixirl
whose frlonds this morning cried 'j
told you so," tills afternoon hutat
to say the matter It too IxporUM
for him to be quoted hastily BM
won't talk.
! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I
Curt cnt Events
TIm Thrwi Wlmu'
If you want a now sewing maohlne
of tho vory llneat mak, you will And
uono bettor than tho Domestic, tho
Whlto and tho Standard. Thee threo
nro for sale by tho mualo nnd sow
ing nmchlao houao of Geo. Q, Will.
Commercial atrcvt, oppoalto tho bank
of Udd ,llub. 4-S-St
Jolm 1). Rockefeller ha given hla
honutlful $8.00.OOB home at Clevo
laud, Ohio, of about COO arree for a
nubllo itark.
Secretary of the Navy Metcalf and
party have retHraeil frow a visit to
Porto Rice,
A torrlblo too stom haa boen driv
ing the waye fur Uto the oiti- of
Tho nroolnta af oar 8orehmet for
March uxcoedDd Vfmm Wy J10,
oeQ.QQO. Seorotary of War Taft U soon to
vklt Cuba.
At the oity oUoUor held In Ku
gone Monday the nubile ownorshln
twiuaiea woro OMKNod. to nut in
light and water pleat.
Tho land problem la the greatest
subjeot of debate la the Kaeslan par
liament. Parm labor I very scaroe in Grant
Tho people, of PwtkmT will vote
on twenty charter ataoudneuU and
proposed new lawa at tho luno election.
Begin April
by Using
Loading brands ot coffees.
Tho name stands for tho qual
ity and at price that are with
in roaoh of all. If you have
novor tried It come In and get
a sample. We are sole agents
nud we feel sure you will not
bo disappointed.
The James PuucraL
The funeral ot Hotxoe Jinut id
llA IiaI.1 m TIMf ! nl l InfttAlV
made at the time that corporations 8.0 m fnm fK. FBiivBfcf
..- nwk .Mu.ruHcm. uy ...... r UWw Mricr., H.-. T R FrfJM:
i u Hisex i
i P. L. Young will on1K ('.
v wiiiiii'-uin nil i nil rilllllll.
The Preeldent'a letter coutlnuee
Its reaet: "Thla was doubtloaa said
In boaetful aynlclam, and partly In n
mere buret of bad temper, because
of hla objection to tho lutorstnto com
merce law, and to my actions na
President, but it shows a cynicism
nud deep-seated corruption which
makes a nmn utturlug such senti
ments nnd bonatlngs, no mnttor how
falsely, of his power to porform such j
crlmee, at loast as uudoslrablo'n ell-I
(sen as a Dabs, or a Moyor or a Hay-
vices over the numnn
Rcgvnt nt Drain.
.Governor I'hamtierlain 'j
named Mr. lli-nteu Mjen rfjrttcl
tho Drain normal Fhoo! larWJ
J. A. lllack, rt-lgn'd
Over Ladd & Duih'i Bank. SiieSAii
wood. It Js because wo havo capital- Jsfof wlcll Union FifC
Inswance Sockr
Frank Meredith, RmU AJj
Offlce with Wm Bron .
129 Commercial street.
IIMoir Grocery!
; j Company
AtZR Cf rw c 1
i,. -w vJimt i ftwn: o
1HIMHHH 1 II H I 111 al it
lots cnpablo of uttorlng such sontl
nienta and cnpablo of noting upon
them that thoro Is strength bohlnd
sinister ngltators of tho Hearst typw.
OutH Hotter nml Hotter.
"Wealth corruptloulsta and woalth
demagogue, who oxeltea in tho press
or on the stump, lu otllco or out of
.l,fl.A ..loci nmilnot ..1 n u.i .....1 nnnnnla
to basest passions of tho human Aro You in Iluiiir' " M ft
soul aro fundamentally alike and
equally onemles ot republic. I
waa horrified as was Root when you
told on today what Harrlman -had
aald to you. As I say, It you iheotj
him, you nro entirely wolcome to
ahow him this latter, although, -of
course, It must not bo mado public,
unless required by some reason of
public policy, and then only after
my consont has boon first obtained."
Thla was written Oct. S. ' 190C. and
slgued by Theodore Roosevelt. On
October 1 2th tho Prosldent wroto to
Sherman saying that both Cortolyou
and Bliss had hastened to protest
against Hydo as ambassador, as soon
as thoy heard ho was mentioned.
Harrlman Campaign Letter.
Now York, April 2. Tho publica
tion of tho Harrlman campaign letter
In which he la said to have declared
that Roosovolt appealed to him in
1907 to secure campaign funds, re
veals a peculiar situation. Harrl
man says the letter waa furnished by
a former employe named Hill. Ho
Insists it la about as perfect as a
poor stenographer could get from o
notes. Ho warned tho New Yi
norm iuav mw leuer must noiMe
printed, but when he found he cjbMij
riiinitv of a ufrt-81
""""" h.ini.1
lag to my "-
sell my reatauram, w.
. a i.ov-rv .it lew tew i
... .,ih This -"
lease tor boi -- i
516uw TT 40
roontns. ,v" " " r sA
proprietor. Sal. 'Jt-
w toaa oi '"- - fl
Suburban, Jr"" j4yt
tor swioi"- - or.
ling colt, oae s jj
hnrnftM. W". V
hreast colUrt " ThJ
.-M-r u
r0Mbie. -;: Ti
.Vddrims- ,
Salem, or " -J
,. Wantrd. B? .wf
" ....KSW"".!
aftcr school. C ,4