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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1907)
" y li1 mnvijpitg ""Fwy- r$ r DAILY CAPITAL JQURXAU SALEM, OREGON, TUKSIUV, APRIL 2, 1007. Jcohol t neeaea Ayer's Sarsapariila is not a strong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medi cine for thin, impure blood. Follow his ad vice every time. He knows. Trust him. Wo tn no immWI W publish J.C.AyorOo., theformnUofiJlourprprtlcn. LowtlY, M. Life jffnn. ! . L mndsco, April 2.-Probably ih17 . ...jt.r. fro.lcht nrob- e8Crtitraor":w --- - nri'i iiilu -- ,., eTer r-- ,. I '- ,rtHPn the Southern Pacific High Pressure Dnys. Men and women nllko havo to brain and hand to hold tholr own nowadays. . l ,, 'Novor wore tho demnnds ot business, feet of streets, .. I . "Tnfi AlDlXO IN" ' tno nronPt unloading of cars and to Bt ' Many shippers have been urging the , nf l0 southern Pacific latter course upon the company as : n tl,e Dcmnml for Trans- an Imperatlvo duty to the commun- rf Materials niul Mcrclinn-j Uy. A warning has been sent to J4 . '.)-. stricken City's Re-, tho prfiplo of San Francisco by Trnf- ' . flc Director J. S. Stubbs. tlint tlm company Is giving tho utmost atten tion toward stralghtonlug out tho situation. At tho tlmo of the flro tho company carried more than 224,000 passon- m providing tho necessary gora anii 1000 carloads of rellof sup for handling the vast pieg frec nnti to expedlto the de ,t of material necessary to ro- ljvery of supplies tho number of cars 'e,a Fraoclsco. on freight trains In that soctlon was pr compiled by thnt company, limited to 10 or 15 per train, so thnt jTj JUSl uec " f i vuuj iuuiu iiiiiKU iiussuugur UIUO. At- since the lire tho Southern though the loss caused by tho Inter ns built tnreo new "-ttption or roguiar trnmc and th lth nn aggregate capacity frco sorvlco rendered was groat, the EG . ,..(40 square feet, anu nns nc- railroad expended about $200,000 -jfcrnurchase from prlvato par- for additional rellof work. .Oite adltlonal warehousos hav a ft. In addition, tho com- . hi. nrt iimnifQ rlunpatea wiu """"", work Incessantly with KM square feet r u baa covercu wnu muiuu .. . rAtv nrrnnro tI5,0QO squaru u . " "; tho wants of tho ,.. tho rnil,r(, UtaW 33:000 'e l ments of society, more numerous. R,Vi. has law .s,-w ." Tho flrat offect of tho praiseworthy l8mllcioinua.uu. Vr.K - - Hiin r "inMiiDirv i r mm "",u "' " Lti la Saa Francisco. Iteacdlately following tho fire. onrr tracks were laid upon tho pat of tho city nuthorltlos, on a l nsnr of the paved stroots, for owpoe ot removing debris nnd S( id material for rebuilding. lit peat have been the domnnds Accompany that n condition of ci congestion hns been prosont- lljejfalluroof conslgneos to un- Itie freight sent to them. Some utthe amount of freight bolng !ir!o San Francisco may bo ,le:rf from tho fact that on Feb- cr 13 the company had ir35 cars 5 F-anclsco loaded with com- tUl freight, CGs cars of slmllnr ;it destined for San .Frnnclsco i Htk oa th. const division, nnd Hart of similar material at Oak- i. Of the cars outside of San Jdsco 3! pr cnt woro loaded nt Ut Bljbt bo called foreign points, 'twinning 6s por cent nt local fntithln tho state of California. Iluarr !1 tho company had hold :ealti western and coast division 1 on destined for San Francisco. !l thiv had 1075 cars f24 a tit point These figure Mtafacrrase of 1272 cars In 30 f i r" ta arerag. of about 40 onrB things Is commonly seen In n weak ened or doblliated condition of tho nervous system, which results In dyspepsln, defcctlvo nutrition of both body nnd brain, and In extreme cases In complcto nervous prostration. It 'Is clearly soon that what Is noetlcd Is what will sustain tho systom, give vigor nnd tono to tho nerves, and keep tho dlgestlvo nnd assimilative functions healthy and nctlvo. From personal knowledge, wo can recom mond Hood Sarsaparllln for this pur pose It acts on nil tho vital organs, ; builds up tho wholo system, and flta men nnd womon for theso hlgh-nros-suro days. o , More Pny in Warren District. El Paso, Toxas., April 2. All this big companies In tho Warren (Ariz.) district IncrenBCd tho wagos of tholr omployes yostordny. Tho lncroaso Is from 25 conts up, and tho nn nouncoment says tho ' prosont high prlco enppor mnkos It possible About 4000 mon are nffoated. Tho real rason Is bollovod to bo opposi tion In tho Wostom Fodorntion of Minors. o Insurance nnd Practical Generosity. , For some tlmo pnst, corporations nnd great fiduciary Institutions ,0.11 organizations controlling or holding vast sums of money hnvo been tho chief objects of public nttentlon. Honost mon have welcomed this manifestation of public Interest In tho problems crented by modorn methods of conducting gonerotts en terprises. Clear-hendcd men realize at tho same time thnt somo of tho Institutions mado promlnont by their far-roachlng operations nnd Intimate rolatlons with tho public, nro con ducted by men of tho hrghost integ rity nnd nro performing a public sor vlco of lncnlcunblo value. Tho great Metropolitan Llfo Insur ance compnny of Xow York Is com ing more and moro to bo rocognlzed as nn Institution whoso nttltudo to wnrd the public Is nearer to that of a gonerous philanthropist than nn op- prussivo capitalist. This compnny conducts tho buslnoss of Insurnnco In a way thnt can bo understood by tho ordinary citizen. It ostlmntes In tho light of universal oxporlenco nnd export knowledge tho actual cost of Insuring n llfo undor glvon conditions oxnots a legitimate promlum based upon costs, wrltosm policy ns definite nnd clear as tho simplest buslnoss contract, and then PAYS every dol lar the bonoflclnry expocts or hopes to rccolve. Further concosslons nindo by tho Metropolitan Llfo during 190C affect tholr younger policy- holders, ami havo taken tho shape of. voluntary cash dlvldonds upon Industrial poli cies dlvldonds not promised nor Im plied In tho policies, not bnrgalned for, noped for, or oxpocted by those who rocolvo thorn. This Is nn Horn of something llko two millions of dollars, making tho totnl voluntary concessions during the yonr moru than threo millions. ' Q Ton blrdaKd 1U1U IUHAUC X . ak Da Yoh Tliink For Yaursslf T own rour month nv , i mtlM -lAaB bl. - A. K "v uu uioTcr iooa or tacoi- oneroa j-our r if tVSD IntPlllrrnt llilnt-lnt. winm ta BecU orA:f tromvkne,ncrToune&a. ln ana suAlnc. then U tncans nch to nOTlt frr ihert.Tffoftn" iT' i- T Kf i Tht makcni of Dr. Pierce's Farorlto Prr acrlptlon. for tho euro or wmk. nerrous. run down. orir-worled. debilitated. ialn-rackct women, kttowjue IhlsmcdUlno to bo made ud of Incrcdlents. CTcrr cno of whlcl has the Btroncest WiMblo indorsement of tho leading and standard authorities of tho aoTeral choolg of sractice, are perfectly wllllnr. and tn facu are only too clad to print, as they do. tho formula, or list of lucredlenta, of which It is composed, t platn KnolUh, on orory bottle-wrtpper Tho formula of Dr. Tierce's Farorlto Pro scription will bear tho most critical examina tion of medical exports, for it contains no alcohol, narcotic, harmful, or hablt-formlnc druirs. and no stent enters Into It that U not hlthly recomm-nded by tho most adraccwl and lcadlne tredtcal teachers and author ities of their Joreral schools of nnrti, These auihorlties recommend thelncredlrnts i OTttiiiif nsHJinintiiaitiimnnBf ij CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I of "Dr. I'iercey ;.ivorlt 1'reyrlpUon forTfio euro of esacl'r the nme sllmenn forwhirK tut.1 worlil-iimojltnllclne In ii)TUrl. It Hi th No other medlclno for woman's Ills has any such profolonl endorsement as lr. Pierces Favorltu Preu-rlptlon has nn-elred. In tho un qualllled rvcommenditloi of each of Its sororal Incrcdlents by scores of leadlnir medi cal men of all tho schools of practlco. Is such an cudorremont not worthy of your consideration 7 tt . rjt Hi A Ixxiklet of incnxllents. with numorona authoratlro profeslonal eni orsomcut by tho leadlui; medical authorltleu of this country, will bo mailed to any on f.ndluir namo and oddross xetth rtqurst for same. Addrs4 Dr. II V. IMerre..llii(Talo, N. Y. l'onco !)( Ih'oii Colclinitlon. St. Atmiistlno. Fin.. Anrll 2. The far ia exetss of what was bolng founding of tho city by MenendK Is W I v San Francisco '' -H has th alttmtlon b ii 'ac company has been un- ;!st --v$sj!V nf s, rloiiily consld- r4ief!ann5 r.f an embargo on m f uses vt building mnterlnl wr Kljli , or of Incretwlnc 'Jno saffl.i.ntly to Induce ' ferent each dn'. the opening fen t it r a today of the cole brntlon of Ponce d Irwin's Inudlni: In Florida. The change of Hags, of the United States taking possawlou of the city, will open the festivities tomorrow. Each day n graud parade follows tho opoulng event, being dlf- aSTORJA ' t. i i. CKUMePreniMt r. fiasSaX QJcaai5 amlDovN-cls of "WCtesfli?i.cllnn rt..r..i iSKLConlflIn5ncWcr -jt ytorewiic )ISr?2Vich,Diarrhoca. (Loss of Sleep. Snahw of ?&Kn&k. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. MssiMlksslsiiaasikMsMHStMMMsMsMilsHssssssssaBMssMasssM The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jbf v i .ir l V i 1 1 VT Am cr w-HAPPCB. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ssfftM VvswNs)lsTf wWswsw Tv4 TTf WoniKii Tells How to Itclleve Itlieiiumtlc Pains. I havo boon a very groat sufferer from tho dreadful dlsoaso, rheuma tism, for n nttmbor of yonrs. I havo tried many modletuos but novor got much rollof from nny of thorn until two yonrs ago, whon I bought n bot tlo of Chnmborlnln's Pnlu Dnlm. I found rollof bolero I(ltnd used nil of ono bolllo, but kopt on applying It and Boon Tolt llko a dlfforont wom an. Through my ndvlco many of my friends havo tried It and enn tell you how woudorfully It has workod. Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. Now St, Dover, mi. Chnmborlnln's Pain Hnlm Is n llnlmont. Tho rellof frpm pnln which it nffords Is nlono worth mnny tlmos Its cost. It nmkes rest nnd sloop poBslblo. For snla nt Dr. Stone's drug storo. o - To Adopt .V'v Plnn. New York, April 2. Nothing htn been lieurd this week regarding th? plnn nnd markotlng of Ingrain oar pota mid art sauarcM through one selling agent. According to nil reports, some 1200 out of tho totnl number of looms have agreed to adopt the plan proposod at the Philadelphia confer ence, nnd thnt the manufacturers representing the balance of the looms would undoubtedly come Into the combine, Tho demand this sea son for Ingrain oarnets lian been very poor, nnd with the exception of a moderate amount of business on in grain nrt squares the mills have had n poor season. It Is confldentally be lieved by the trndo thnt the plan to appoint and J. Sloane sole selling agents for the next five years of all Ingrain enrpots and rugs will be put through, and that It will be one of tho beet things that could happen for the Ingrain Industry In the coun try. The price outtlng tnolles so exten elvely nraetlofd In past ReoeM br Ingrain inaMHfnoturers, for the pur pose, awwrently, of securing busi ness retjardleae of pi-lea, has result--d In damaging the lncralH trade to a marked extent. Conservative manufacturers state tkat where or ders were booked at price below the ooet of maaufaetare the eants turn ed out were Not egstal Ih quality to those of former smh, so very lit tle earnet wool was Hd and the wearing quality nf the Ingrain was Impaired to a marked extent. In this way Ingrain carpet and rugs have 'received a black eye throughout the country, and the buyer has turned bis attention to better grades of ear- pets, which he found cheaper to pur i base even at a higher prlee. o Date for Mohair Salu. The Polk oounty mohair pool will be sold Saturday, April 20, 1:30 p. ro This date was deolded upon at a largely attonded meeting of the growers In Dallas Saturday after noon. The growers will meet at 10 30 a. m. on tho day of the salo to adopt methods of disposing of tho pool. Princeton's Day in Pittsburg. Pittsburg. April 2. Tho Princo ton Alumni association of tho Pitta- burg district Ih holding Its nnnunl rounlon today. Tho dramatic club, tho Triangle, gnvo "Tho Mummy Monarch," n musical comody, In tho Nixon thontor. In tho ovonlng n din ner will be glvon, among tho speak ers being Dr. Wood row Wilson, pres ident of the university; Judgo George. Cray, of Delownro; Judgo Nathanlol Wolng, Unltod Stntos district Judgo. o ypoelnl Soxslon of Missouri Solons. Jefferson City, Mo., April 2. On tho cnll of Oovoruor Folk tho Mis souri legislature convonod today. It will consider moaauroa for tho regit lntlon of public utilities, corpora tions nnd dram shops. Thoro will bo n stirring sosslou, In which nil Mis oottrl will want to know about things. -o i . . Tho Tcxns Wonder. Cttros all kldnoy, blnddor and rhoumntlo troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' trcntmont by mall for $1. s Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo streot, St. Louis. Mo. Bend for testimonials . Bold by Btono's drug storo. dw-lyr TOR SAU For Sale 233 ncres, 150 under plaw, balance timber ?35 per acre: 151 acres, good houso, barn and windmill, best farm In vnlloy, $10, 000; 21 acres, good house, barn, 9 long by 100 foot wide, J3500; SO cows; 10 ncres, wagon, buggy, nil tho farm implements nnd houso furniture, 21 ncres nonr town on tho lowland, good G room houso nnd barn, $6000; big lot 200 feet' ling by 100 foot wido, $3500; SO j ncres 3 mllos south of town nearly ' nil In grain, $65 por ncro; S ncros 3 mllos west of town with houso ' nnd barn, $S00; 90 acres, 12 miles "ast of Salem, $40 por ncro; ltf ncres, good house nnd bnrn, $850; lacro with flvo room houso and barn, $700; 5 ncros with good 6 room houso nnd barn, $1600; 4 acres with good houso nnd wind mill In town, $2200; 4 acres with houso nnd bnrn In town, $2G00; also from 20 to 30 good houses from $000 to $4000. For Mtfo by J. C. Schults, 747 South Twelfth St. Snlom. 4-1-lmo. lell(Hllilleiflt,i'B . TwTWTWtTTWtWTWtWWW NKWANI)8KOONl).IIAND GOOD. New and Sccond-IIand Goo!. Bought nnd sold, also ranges, Btovca nnd cooking utensils, disk es, granite nnd tinware ot all kind Qlvo us a call. O. L. McPoek, 17 8outh Commercial SL 8-13-l PLTJMSKKS. Theo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot yrtlt and steam boating nnd tlnnlBg, 164 Commercial street. Phoae Main 192. 9-1-ly K. J. Petxol Plumbing, stesm an-s gns fitting. Sucocssor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street. Phono Main 17. FPU BBNT For Kent Throo houaoa chonp, nlso fivo-ncro strnyborry patch; toa acres potato ground. Address Box 113, Turner, Oro. 3-30-St For S4le. Second-hand buggy, In good condition. Inqutro ot Q. W. Johnson. 3-30-3t For Sale Hnvo 100 head of owes und lambs for salo at my plnco In Polk county. S. II. Darker, R. F. D. No, 1, Salem. Phono Farmors 24. 3-20-lwk For Sulo or To Kent for Summer ScnBldo cottage complotoly fur nlshod nt SonI Rooks, Oregon. Ap ply to F. L. Washburn, St. An thony Park, Minn 3-SG-3t For Sale Ladles' $35 wheel somo whnt worn for $5. Inqutro 111S Hlnos St. Phono 574. 3-30-3t For Sale 15 ncres of land, good houso, bnrn nnd green house. Fruit of nil kinds, 31& mllos oast ot Salem, In Auburn ndditlon, In qulro of O. W. Ynnnko, Fashion Stables. 3-21-2v For Sale. -A flvo nnd n six-room hotiMO, with from ono to six lots with each, woll locatod In East Salem. Good bargains., Isaiah Bchonollold, 21st and Marlon Bts Snlom. 1-28-tf WANTED. Wanted A girl to do gonornl house work. Knqulro 390 North Sttmmor St., cor Contur, or phono 1219. 4-1-3 1. For Kent Good pnsturo for horsoa nnd cnttlo, plonty of shndo, sholtcr nnd running wntor. F. A. Sutton. R. F. D, No. 4, Phono Suburblaa 97. 3-30-3t For Kent Sovon-room houso, hot nnd cold wntor, electric light, batfc room. Inqulro ot Aug. Schrolb- , or, 500 North High stroot. 3-25-tf For Kent-Cheap, nn upstairs room, 25xC0 foot. Good location for shop. Inqulro of Sknlto & Etn mott, 198 Stnto stroot, 3-25-lwk For Kent A 0-ncra hop ynfd, nt ono-fourth ront. Inqulro of M. J. Egnn, aorvals, Routo 3. 3-21-tf For Kent. Nlco cottngo, larg grounds; tho roso nnd flower cor nor block of Salem. Houso In first-class condition, scrcons to nit windows nnd doors, now shados, curtain polos, hot and cold wntor In bod rooms, porcolnln nnd mar blo wnsh stands, porcelain bath nud tollot, chnndollors In every room, oloctrlo lights, flno porch nnd shndo troos; thoflnoit locatlOH in Snlom, cloio In, cornor of Mill nnd church stroots. ThlB cottage will bo for ront April 1st. J. Con nor, Wlllnmotto Hotel. 3-14-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than nny othor bread, yet tho prlco is no higher. For salo, at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA HAKKKV. Thomas & Cooloy, frops. WnnUil Two or throe iinftirnlBlio.l rooniH, contrnlly loontod. Rofur encee. Addroes "W.," onru Jour nul. . 4-l-9t Wiuited Chambermaid at Willam ette hotel. 4-1-31. MISOKLIjANKOUS. VVWSAi lour Htcpmotltor Is lll hero busy as ovor cleaning, dyeing nnd ro pairing anything from n pnlr of glovos to tho most olnbornto slllc gown. Goods called for and re turned. Mrs. O. II. Walker. 221 South Commoralnl. St. 4-1-lmo. The Fashion Stables Formerly bhnpson's Stables, Up-to-date livery and cab lias Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally ho for picnics and excursions. Pbon 44, CIIA8. W YANNKE, Prop 247 and 249 High Street. Wanted Lady or gentleman, good nppearauoo, to travol for largo manufacturing houso, to collect, udvortlrje nud dlstrlbuto samples. (N6 canvassing.) $18 per week and oxpensee, ISxpenses advauued Address F. II. Cornwnll, Snlem, Oro. 3-30-lt SALEM WATER COMPANY orriou oity riALii. For water service cpply at ofllet Dills payable monthly in sdvane Mak all complaints at tbt otfien HVHlCAh. Arthur Von Jtttoou Toacaer of pi ano; touch, technlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory count Advanood students prepared for publia appearance. Residence C68 Center St. Tel. Main 620. 2-5-tf. Dr. !. U. Grinin, tho KpcoIalit oa Morphine All drug and liquor habits, whloh ho cures In 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem. Ore. Phone 568. Jobs Doyens, Duslnosi Manager. WnntwlA-A woman to do laundry work for our lady regularly. Loavo address at Wlllnmotto hotel ofllre. 3-30-3t Wanted Dy a young lady, a placo ta work for board and uttond school. Address J. J. Kraps, Sa lem, Or. 3-19-tf KnlargtHl Our meat mnrket on East Btnto stroot has boon doubled In slio and we nro hotter propared than ovor to sorvo customors. Prompt sorvlco nnd tho host of monts our motto. Gall or phono 199. H. E. Edwards, Prop Piano Tinier l. L. Woods, piano of pert tuning, repairing nnd polish ing. Loavo orders nt Goo. O. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 9-lyr LODGK8. Foresters of America Court Bh.r wood Forodtiira, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, Btuto street Leo Abble, O. R.; A. L. Drown, P. S. Central Lodge No. IH, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holtnau bloek, cor ner Btato and Liberty streetr. Tuesday ot each week at 7:30 p. m. K. W. Hazard, O. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. 8ABII AND DOOR PAOTOBIBS. rrsnle M, Brown. Manufacturer of saib, doors, mouldings. All kinds ef bouse finish and bard wood work Front street, bet. State and Court UAnAIItl ntlA1P0FIIENCHFEIIJ.LE iMJWiimj. PILLS. AUm Ciuw Suu kilnnMtttuHium llfia IXSWBTBfilUtUi. kM.'StwitSMM t! l"K-l"i ? - " w Cjh w r rsviiiiriaf. if Liit.irf.ii.Lj W u.- h4 ,,u,t w ui' " i;nrnoiisoict..,MT4.iJ.MCA.-. ,a. mmmmmmmmmmm SUl$tfmbftk,$.CSt Motluni Woodmen of Amurlra - Ore gon Cwlnr Camp No. (246. Meets overy Thursday evening at 8 o'elock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C.J F. A. Turner, Olork. Woodmen of World Meet ovary Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman ball. J. A. Dlekey, C. fl.j P. L. Frazler, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. fllak, seel dont and pensn Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, suprono organUer, Box 432 Balem, Oregon, R. R. Ryan, secrectary, 54 6 Btato street. Concrete Work, Got my prlcos on oldowalks, curbs, septlu tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed llrst-clnss, M Ward, Highland add. Phono 509. a-ii-tr llutlo & Wendoroth- Flno wlnon, liquors and olgnrs. Wo handle thn colobratod Kellogg and Castln whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Knloni Iron Works. Fotindors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Mnnu fncturers of all kinds ot sawmill maahlnery. Hop and fruit drying stovos, etc. Manufacturers ot the Balem Iron Works Hop Proas. Salem llotc - I.ittnber Co. Removed from ionth falem to 14th street, near the 8. P. depot. Rosea, Kerry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit nvaporators. Phone 201. - os,jssxic:-tXJL. jhmtts 1U 1 Yw rUw Um Bx$l cZoffi&i I.VDIIPKNDK.NCR HTAOi;. , Dally oxeept, flunduy. leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Balem at 3 p. in., con mots with motor 'for Monmouth and Dallas nt 6:15 p. m.' Loaves Indo pondenco at 8 a. in. Phone Maiu 179. RALPH RUDLONO, Manager. DRAYMEN. sWVVV It, O. Cummins Successor to Whit -Cummins, express, delivery nnd transfer llnw. Prompt service to our motto. Furniture jwd piano moving a specialty, 4taa4 at 1ft South Commercial skv4. From 176. RfisidoQce piMM III. S-Mt