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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1P07. ..CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE.. vs w I I ai HOFER BROS., pm nt? Proprietors SUB JOURNAL STANDS FOR PRO GRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LADOR. GOOD THE LASS IIBXBATII THE llOXXKT. "When tho triumphs and tho conquests of tho heart nro counted o'er, "When thoy loll of lovo that flourished In tho days of novormore, "When thoy weigh tho charms of loving and tho amour dwell upon, Round whoso tondor rcollcctlons music echoes, roses run; Whon tho world has worn ono wenry with its flaneur and Its Hash, "With Us chain, of charming maldoos carrying heart with sweep and dash, Then a vision loomB boforo mo and a song sounds sweet and low--Ah, th lass beneath tho bonnet that I loved bo long ago! Tho olJ-tlmo striped Btinbonnct, whoro sho used to hldo hor faco, . Tho Bwoot, old fashioned Mines that sho carrlod with suoh grace, Tho curls that uso to dnngloSvhoro hor shouldors slopod so sweet, Th llttlo schoolgirl1 flguro with Hb touch of grace petite, 'flTro llttlo checkered apron and tho skirt of Highland plaid Mi, tho vision makoB mo merry nnd tho echo makos mo Bad. .For through tides of tlmo that Haw not another, lass, I know I Ins smiled foouenth a bonnot ns sho smiled bo long ngof Tlmo mny tako mo far from mein'fy of that sohoolhouso on tho hill, Tho llttlo woodland byroad that dipt down- across tho rill Tho fnlry fluids of fancy whoro two sweethearts pledged tholr vow, Hut I would that I could travol back to wondor of It now Hack to nil that world of mnrvol whon tho valor of tho knight turned n fipnrlc within my spirit that her lips hnd helped to light, And I'd faco tho dragon for hor, lot hofall or weal or woo, Just beenwe beneath hor bonnet sho had loved mo long ago! uaiumoro aim. LOVERS OF THE LITTLE MAIJ), who Is regarded as "tho moat lovable and tho most laughable of all Mrs.WIggln's creation." A distinct flavor is given to this second book by tho fact that tho supernumerary characters In tho former volume nppear again and tako tho center of tho stago, In turn. RIVER IMPROVEMENT WORK IS TO DEGIN Active Operation In Bettering Inland fttrrciiin and Harbor Will Com mence May 1 First Mooting of New Inland Waterways Commis sion Will Ro Held on Sninc Date, When Scientific Investigation of Entire Subject Will Do Under-taken. THE PIANOLA l'OR I1USINEHS MEN. ' A btiHlnossman gots noino satisfaction out of n pianola In knowing that Vilio muslo ho Is playing Is at least played mnthumntlcally correct and no falso notos nro being struck. Tho toohnlcal execution MA.Y NOT HE PEUEECT RUT HE DON'T KNOW IT. Tho avorngo merchant, lina llttlo understanding of n transcription from llorlolz to Liszt. In fact HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE LATTER HAS DONE TO THE EOIIMEIt, but wliou ho turns off tho Rnkonzy mnroh ho gati sreat bouquets of tinkling music out of it, that sounds nt times llko n tall troo full of blackbirds all Hinging at tho top of their volcos. THE PEDAI.S IK) THAT; ALL UK HAH TO DO IS TO WORK THEM. Tho plnnoln brings n range of music buforo tho non-musical that con torts them Into musle-lovors, bocauso tho onjoymont of music dopomU on knowing moro about )lio composor nnd tho composition THAN AHOUT MOW TO PLAV. Tho tlmo taken for lournlng to piny Is employed In gaining gonurnl mini leu I culture. ( l'or Instance, It would have taken him years to learn to play such n composition as tho wu'ltx from OhoplnB Opus 'J I, No. 1 on tho piano, nnd do 11 anything llko half-way Justice, but ho can run It through on the pianola the Hrst tlmo AND RHINO OUT NOT ALL, HUT MANY OV ITS RKAUTIES. Overture orfocts are possible on tho pianola that are simply out of tho quuHtlon on tho piano. For Instance, tho overture from '.nmpu IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE OP .RENDITION WITHOUT TDK MACHINE and Its ability to Htrlko twonty to thirty notos at once, whon tho hand-playor cannot by any possibility REACH OVER TEN NOTES AT A STROKE. The library system glvos tho intlncitlior a oholoo from an Immenso .catalogue or tho MUSIO OP ALL TIMES AND ALL NATURIfS. The lftt shipment Hint out contains llMollectloiiH of Sootlnud, Muhsm nlllo, (Dfuiuin Mexloaim). Henouvaii (doddard'H Spring -Krouuh) uml II Tremolo, from the HhIIhh, nil oltuslcs 1h their way. o TWO NI8WI8ST .MAOAINIIS. The Atlantic Monthly for April u m h ImmIIkk article on the Um tonoher. It myn the profusion of ttmohli) g hni tiaoomt ONI! OP Tllll OltUAT ItST OP HUMAN UMPI)V.MHNTS. $ The serial by May Sinclair, 'The lltlpmuU" U r apwulld effort Ht clussloAl lBiiielUh llotlnn. but tinged with TOO MANY HIIADAQllltS. There h n thtrtl paper o uthe spirit of old West I'olHt uml a second on the statesmanship of Ouvour. True to New IfiiiKlaud. the Atlantic Is always struHK In hUlorloal, liter ary uml economic artldee. HIT WEAK IN POItTRV. Outing Mngtulue for April, odltd liy Caspar WlilUity, HAS PLIINTY OP PRItSIUVIR Pt'NDS IN IT. Thero U flcilnu, lotographlng prairie pigtails, the long trull to lbrft dor. and a river ami logging story. Ilwk of all U the trh breecy treatment uf outdoor umntU by the editor PROM HIS VIEWPOINT! One of the two ihrhmkIiios le n 11 tie npHotteor for tho etoor ami they should h road In oomiMUiy. -e UATII DOUnUXS WIOOIN AND HUH ItQOKS. Ah mrl) iUev of "ltobeeoR of SHnaywteak NrmMoteHd hy saying: "Ohm uf OtK dwmei, qu&lutML, md moat IovhWo uf the hleotod family uf vrlHid rklulrwo hoe J net hoe milled td UMt Joyous circle by Kitte Utmgifts WlmfiK." 'Tho blooMHl fHiutly of everybody! cklM roo!" It Is u chunalttK phrase, and tho womftM WHO HAS UltltN PltlVll.lKHtl) TO ADD TO ITS MEMIWUH Buy well count neroulf fortuMto. Had eke elected to wtake ueroelt I bo klotorlAft of eklMUood. she could havo recotvd no bettor tnUiiing for t bo pooltfoo lbu tkiU which she ro-iM-luul In thn wtger, eMtkuelMtlr. devoted, kftrd -working years auionj lit uegteoted bble of Tr PtMt Httd tho UorbHry oonot. t)(tH whwe no worMl vloiblj obtrwdw to VOX tko nrtleltc wmr, THE HICST MORAL IS PUUgVlCNTLV TO lilt POUND. The nooHle of IUt PtHgbu WtcflH's book nro good nooolo to know, uud ehlleUoH Krow uiMWHerliHtely to be llko their MOtoehiloo. The trlitPiHil of h New York lk school looked for you're for book to rwcoMMiend to the thro thouenHti tetrls Ih hie osro, fbHWl U lu "K bHru of SiiHHybnuik lirm." btMl At)' eoolee fmm a geotrowi frtoHd. AMI TIIH THREK THOUSAND READ TIIIIM TO SHRHIKS. At (ah ae when Itho ntlwnt enn bo truetwl to stuR(D out sowtlweo Ulliy, Rud real humor to re-otl th o eheupH of horsoiikiy, those youH wwctt wro fortuuato ludoed to be given the leor ami laughter of a Ite bii in whom thero Is no shnm. The Inovltublo succoa of "Hobeeca of Sunuybrook" must lmro baR ovidoat to any ono who rend Its tint chuplur. and ltd companion, 'Tho New Cbronlolw of Rebcca.M trus UHPRltSHIXGLY PAR FROM THE RIUTIW PATH OP THE USUAL REOUKL. Thoa "Now Cbronloles" are nddltlnuul utorloa of tho wlnsomo here?- ta' Ufo In lllvorboro, Rlvlag further glimpse of her tempruuieut, liaractur, and porfconaltty. They ro certain Interostlntf opUodcs omitted from tho drat olutuo trow lack of jaw or tltuo to rcooutit them AND NOW Q1VKX XO IMK Washington, April 2. Llko nil good housekeepers tho United Stntes will bogln May 1 tho long delayed task of setting Its establishment In order. For prnctlcally 100 years the government has glvon little attention to ItB Internal affairs, so far as tho Inland rivers and harbors arc con cornod. This policy la to bo changed nnd boforo five weoks hnvo passed a now order of things will lmvo boon established to ho continued until Undo Sam's domnln In this regard Is In npplo-plo condition. Llttlo will bo dono with tho Mis sissippi river this yonr In so far as actual work of bottcrmont is con- corned. Tho undertaking Is bo great that congross hns authorized n spo clal appropriation for an oxnmlnntlon Into nil tho engineering dllllcultlos nttondlng tho dovolopmont of tho gront stroam. As soon ns this data Is avallablo actual work will bo bo gun In making tho chnnnol navigable and opening to commorco a new nvonuo of transportation.' Operation on the Missouri river, however, will bo uudortnkon at onco, tho plans for tho work having boon npprovod by Gonornl Alexandor MncKenzIo, chief of ouglnoers. Tho rlvors nnd harbors bill oarrlo.l for work on tho Missouri rivor tho sum or 1400,000. Gonornl MacKon zlo plans to expond botwoon tho mouth of. tho rlvor and Knnsns CItv, $160,000; hotweon Kansas City and Sioux City tho' same amount; nnd botwoon Sioux City nnd Port Ilonton, Mont., $100,000. Tho principal work to be uudortnkon will bo th clearing of tho chnnnol, but a con uldarahlo portion of tho appropria tion will bo spont on work for tho protection of tho hanks of tho rlvor Work or. the Ohio rlvor and a num bor of tho southorn rivers will be undertaken about tho snmo date, or as quickly thereafter as tho chief of euglnora can approve the plans of tho engineers In the Held. The same hold true of the Columbia river and the other streams of tho coast. As for tiuproretHeuta to streams empty ing Into the Lakes, and the harbors an the Inland sens, work on these bodies uf water will be undertaken Just aa soon as they are free from loe. Simultaneously with the artua, beginning of operations on tlu vari ous Improvements projects. Mil ho held the first meeting of tho new In land waterways commission, uhlch ha just been named by Pr-'Mdcnt Roosevelt. Congrossmnu Hurton. chairman of the rivers and harbors committee of the house, Is chairman of this Hew eommlsston, thus making oertaln the elllolency of the organiza tion. Tho commission, which has not yet been formally organUfd. and tho duties of whleh are unknown x ooot to the members and to thr Pres ident himself. Is oxHected to linestl goto and oass nooh all questions of ItMprovsMeots attesting Inland water ways. It will not cnnHae Its atten tion entirely to the question of nal gallon, but will consider m?ans fur preventing of a recurrence uf Uw YOUR HABITS . Arc cither yoar enemies or yoar friends. Every young man should form the saving habit, which will prove a troe friend and helper thrroagh hfc. The best way to begin is to open a savings bank account. Say)!? Department disastrous freshets that havo swept tho Ohio valley, and will also ad vanco projects for tho crentlon of power through the uso of water. It Is duo In a great measure to tho earnest championship of tho qupstlotf bx tho National Rivers and Harbors congross that no Joalousy has been croatoJ In tho naming of tho commis sion. Only a few brlof years back tho Atlantic and Pacific coasts and Gulf states would havo seen in the appolntmont of such a commission a direct attompt on tho part of the administration to exploit lntornnl works of Improvement at their ox ponse. Through tho organization's efforts, howover, tho nntlon-wldo lm portnnco of tho question Is now un derstood, and tho fnct Is well estab lished that with adequato transporta tion In tho producing cantors of the mlddlo wost, tho wholo country will honoflt through tho reduction of frolght charges In getting these prod ucts to tho centers of consumption. . .. . i n Itcn Hur'H Great Run. New York, April 2. Tonight nt tho Acadomy of Music will bn glvon tho SCiOOth performance of Don Hur. This piny Immediately caught the popular favor to such an oxtcnt that it ran out of tho cnliro season nnd played two months of tho following ono. Its 500th performance occurred In Philadelphia. Tho 1000th por formnnco took plnco nt tho Great Southorn thoator In Columbus, Ohio, tho 1600th nt tho Drury Lane theater London, In tho presneo of King Ed- ward, tho guoon nnd mombors of Jho royal household, and tho 2000th por formnnco at tho Auditorium thontor, Chicago. Noarly ono million pooplo have wltnossod -111 onnctmonts of Hen Hur In Now York, city whllo In the eight years of Its oxlstonco it has attractod six millions of pooplo to the various playhouses throughout the country. o TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tako LAXATIVE DROMO Qulnlno Tnblots. Druggists rofund monoy If jt falls to euro. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 21c. o Coal Company Pays Dividend. Montreal, April 2. Tho Dominion Coal company pays today n qunrtoly dividend of 4 per cent on tho com mon stock. Assurances worn glvon that the company hnd reached such Restless Nervous ' Do you got up in tho morning tired, languid, and frequently with head ache almost unbearable? You have been unable to rest or sleep. It is nervous exhaustion, and affects the heart, lungs, stomach and all the organs that depend upon the nerves for motive power. What you need is Dr. Miles' 'Nervine to restore nerv ous energy and give new life to the organs. "For years I lmvo toon very nerv ous, iiulTnrod terribly with liendnchn. I had nlwnys Bono to tno doctor, nnd wns nbout to ro ono dny ta try him (or the Inst tlmo, when a friend ad vised mo to try Dr. Stiles' Ilostorutivo Nervine. I purchaxed a bottle nnd tho rcsultR woro so satisfactory I huvo been taking It ever since. It hns helped mo wonderfully. Dr. MllcV Nervo and Liver Pills havo dotlo lots of Kood for mo. When I get to feeling nervous now, I no for tho Norvlno hottlo nnu I nm so thnnkful I havo nomethlng to help mo without n. doc tor bill." MAIUI3 HAIUU8. 314 Colleso St., Flqua, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is told by your druQalit, who will guarantee that tho flnt Tjottlo will benefit. If It flli. he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Public Library Report March, 10(17. No. using rondlng room 3039 Dally avorago 9S Now mombors 52 Total momborshlp 1520 Now Rooks. Purchased 200 Gifts 28 TOtnl 28S r5 Phone 179 Cash Purchase Poultry, ' Eggs, and All farm Prod Going IJ That Is ono of the w j ;:."::.wno4 ; v. hucu you uso Epplcy's Perfection you aro always suro that mr biscuit, cake and putrr vffl properly rise, and that thfr a havo that sweet palatable Un, luu' ,s 8 essential and detlnbia wry it an the time. C M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, OrCgW Number of Loans. ncoks 2080 Periodicals 1S5 Total 2274 No. of voluntas In library 1239 MARY PARMI3NTER, , Librarian. o Tho clock ticks and ticks tho tlmo nway, Shortening up our llvos each day, Eat, drink nnd bo morry, For somo day you will ho whoro, You can't Rooky Mountain Ton. (Froo 8aniplos nt Dr. Stono's storo.1 RnHtrop City KIcctloii. Dastrop, Taxas, April 2. An elec- a state of development thnt thore Is tlon Is heliiB hold today for city every reason to believe thnt tho dlvl- marshal, city secrotary and thMe dend would be promanent. aldermen. Garden Seeds ! Wo havo a large stock ef pardon Seeds la bulk. Tj seeds aro all 1906 crop; m carry-ovor. ONION SETS. Ask for small onion itU. You get threo time u vmj to tho pound. FIELD SEEDS. Fancy Dlucstem Wiut, Chovclln Darloy, Oati, Cora, Clover, Alfalfa, Field Pen, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing ngenti tor Coulson's Egg Foods, Coulson's Chick Foodi, Coulson's Condition Povdtri Tho largest wholesale tti retail dealers In the city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High a MttfWSHtHMIHMIMHMMmilMmWf MWHgt8W :: yiT .... ec; i s vbISb) bbB JimBV 9? eS9 fiv t wQs iIB KiE liBf Gsls QhI tssH So if rim - f . nfiHS i v K ..JV TJIMJ? J !! MI , to 4W tiPl -Ifc ill! r'ShHI I! if !? r? sd'' II i v'w 1 ; idyl I I! vm- v iii VGB: B ' i "Itllae ClttMrters n r Balllmerc and New Utk SPRING OPENING CORRECT CLOTHES jFOR GENTLEMEN." Wc coudially fnvitc you to call and examine tne hardsome wcw Spring Styles for 1907. Just inj fresn from tne makers; they nave been carefully tallofrf to our especial order fcoffl most approved designs and a style and attractiveness W before seen in ready-to-' r.fnffiic fnr Men. NoW time to look them over, w&tfe stock is complete. I G. W. JOHNSON & CQ CafAUlNatkMialBamk piiiiiiinnHiiminninMiiimmiHMiiiuiniM iS Nr hiw1h&)$m,iiiffa. Ji