DAILY OAI'l TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL i, 1907. CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGEJ HOFER BROS., id Proprietor THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PRO GRE8S, DEVELOPMENT, COVEItNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD IX) VK IS ENOUGH. Lovo is enough! Thoro Is naught oIbo to say, Naught hut to llvo the lovo, dear, day by dny, Suffusing ovory uct, yen, ovory thought, With that fino glow from Iovo'b rich radlnnco caught. "Lovo is onough," tho pnlnlor-post sang, And thro' his words a magic mossngo rang, Which our fond souls liavo quickened to now power- An ono might vivify a fading flower. Oh, lot us follow tho tho path scorn rough ' That road which bears tho sign: "Lovo is enough." All othor ways aro by-ways, barron, long. Loro is enough hark! Llfo becomes a song. -Estclto Duclo. WHY LONGER DODGE THE ISSUE. Copying what Rcprosontntlvo Sottlemlor said, that tho legislature was devoid of political leadership, T. T. Geer still flatters tho general as flombly by saying it was Just about as good as It could bo, and If It had any faults tho pcoplo woro to blamo, otc. This kind of ephemeral twnddlo huu boon heard hi Oregon for forty years, and Is Just what DESTROYS ALL SENSE OF RESPOXSIIHL1TY IN THE LEGISLATIVE RODY. If nobody Is responsible for anything, and tho blamo for tho misdeeds and ouoroachmoutH of the loglslaturo are always to bo laid at tho doors of tho pcoplo, what Is tho uso of having any legislature? It Is a nolicoablo fact that, ho fat- tho peoplo havo Initiated nnd -passed just such measures as tho loglslaturo has failed to pass REV I3.NUE MEASURES THAT PUT MONEY IN THE THEASURY. Editor Geer dodges tho wholo Issue, of tho vital dlfforonco botweon a machine for plunder nnd a combination for appropriations and loader whip for tho purposo of protecting tho peoplo against thoso vor things. Will Editor Geer say In what rospect ho would undo nny of tho work of tho loglsiaturoT WHAT HILLS WOULD HE HAVE VETOED HAD JII. IIKEN GOVEHNOH OF THE STATE? Is ha willing to bocomo a cnndldato for govornor on tho broad Issuo of upholding tho legislature In all It ill J and in condemning Govornor Chnmharlndi for his vetoing tho bills ho did veto? ANY HEI'UHMOAN OOVl.RNOIl WHO WOULD MAKE THE RECOItD CIIA.MRKRLAI.V HAN ON VETOES WOULD RE UPHELD. If ho In not dofondlng tho entire work of the loglslaturo, lot him say WHAT KILLS HE HELIEVES THE HEKEHEXDUM SHOULD HE TAK EN' ONV ., Tho Capital Journal not only bollevoH Oovornoj Chnmberlaliv did right In vetoing nil tho bills ho did veto, except tho Johnson road law, but it bo llovcs tho referendum should bo taken on about half n million dollars of tho HILLS THAT WEItE PASSED OVI.R HIS VEI'O. This Is a square Irhiio. If you aro not upholding nil that tho legisla ture did, thon why not hold up some of tho worst grafts thht got through In spite of tho vetoes? Does Govornor Clour favor taking tho roforondiiiu on tho ofuotal free pass bill, tho $1(10.000 for armories, and tho $2(0,000 blonnlul for tho Htnta Uulvorslty? Doom ho favor putting tho statu printer on a flat salary WITHOUT WAITING FOR FOUR VHAHS TO RHINO AHOUT THAT HEFOUMV Those aro lvo Issues with tho panplo of Oregon nnd ho Is olther up holding all that tho legislature did or ho should be willing to undo tome rif tin worst grafts and grabs that it legalised and tmuotlouod. Let tueee flirts bo born In mind: If tho Stat University appropria tion Is held up and defNled, under existing Ihw that tnutltutlun would tin reeelvo $110,000 ultmHlHlly. IF IT TURN8 OUT KVHN THIRTY GltADUATItS A YKAH, THHV WOULD STILL HI. COSTING Tllll STATE tfiiOOl) HAOII. If lh slt printer were put on a lint Hilary, no wrong would be done that ottlcUl. That le not m new proposition. It whs illwiisesed for the piut four yearn. Tho people have amended tJiw ooiulttutlon authorising the legislature to put tho state printer on a lint salary. WHV NOT DO IT7 Is there any oxuuho (or furthur delaying this reform f If there Id not why will not Hdltor Oeer help got the referendum ON THIS AND OTIIKlt MATTRRBV Tho people must Imv help l of these dlreoAiopn. Tho llepubll can prty needs Umlerehlp In tho direction of popHUr reform. Hot lu the directum of ihmImUIhIk legislative grails. HE WAS THE ONE GREAT FACTOR REACHING OUT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WESTERN OREGON. As general manager of tho Lewis and Clnrk Exposition ho had boen tho ono great personality that mado It a success and TURNED THE TIDE OF WEALTH, POPULATION AND PROSPERITY TOWARD. OR EGON. Passing on in his prime, when groatar flolds of usofulness wero open ing to him, his departure Is like tho collapao of a great, beautiful build f n HIS INFLUENCE WAS ALWAYS CONSERVATIVE, HARMONIZING, RENEFICAL. HE WAS A RUILDER, A CREATOR, IN THE LARGER SENSE OF THE WORD. But his irifluonco will long continue. His work will not stop. PLANS MADE I1Y HIM WILL DE CARRIED INTO EXECUTION. His llfo nnd character wero woll rounded out. Ho had outlived oppo sition, ovorcome obstacles, survived all criticism, and wns prepared for whatovcr came. Ills death Is a groat blow to his company and to hlB associates. Portland and tho wholo Pacific Northwost have suffered an Irrepar nblo loss. No such man can bo dropped out of activities on so large a scato and not leavo a gap that it will tako tlmo to fill. , - -o- POL1TICAL FREEDOM IS AT HAND. THE STEAL IX STEEL. (W. J. Bryan In tho Commoner Tho United States Steel (or Steal) company hn i.... , for 1906 and from this stato it appears: lts ,ttay First That tho gross sales wero $690,756 926 01 M Second That tho company has 202.4G7 employes Third That tho employes received last year $147 7- K Fourth That tho not earnings for tho year nm'.. . . 0 273.18. umca IISmA From theso figures it will bo Been that the not . . about 23 per cent of tho gross sales. Can tho averaco h aao,U that well when ho has no monopoly? Dnslnesj auj It will also be seen that tho net nnmimo n...j .. 3j plyos. That means that each employo earns what la nAilibl. addition to that earns a profit for his emnlovor m. .u In -4 ! wanes. Tho company makes more than ion nn-. ,. e",a' to paid; can tho ordinary business man do that well when h0,th8, nopoly? l hi m Tho employes receive ln'wngca nbout 21 per cent of th and yet tho nvorago tariff Is nbout GO per cent. What neeA1 company of tho tariff which It now enjoys? And how lone win ii, lean nconlo wait for tho tariff to bo rnfnnn,i i... , ... . . lllaAni tho nverago business man who hns no monopoly continue t mnnngors of tho Bteel strust? Tot !' TO KNOW OHHGON lUIFI'IM. No one can know Oregon too well. Oregon will beer Investigation Ad liuprme UU On,tMlHtlft0. The outctdo world is earning to Hhow OrtRou lwttor ami Is comIhic to QrVKon IN til'IPH OF MUCH HAD ADVHKTISfNG. I8vry oHImh of Orwiiuii nhoiilit gl huM hhiI udvUw tholr frlH.l khiI ROtiimlHUtuow In oihrr stutoa tkMt thors ur otly fimr w Uft lu whleh to kM- Uit HdrautnR of th oolunlti ratw to OrN points. TUwm ttckota will b sold mu to and tHelMillNg April lOtk; tttM- to loU of Urn to Mt lu Mood work. All th WHtiHoreUl ImmIIm of M sUt skauhl cot busy witli all tho schools, tor whll the heiuomitkoro are pouring t the sUte thttlr Httbr (UN ltd MATItltlALLY INCltlUSHD HV PUOPItH RF POUT. To kttflw Ortfos BAttor oitd portleukutr tho cowHiHHliy In which you llvo has tittwmo otklmlo ull r th sUtt. ChUf QrlUMOchor, of th PMitaiuA pollco. mm opl a sokool of loformHlloH for all of kit otHcort, hmiI VHO0' dr (HiutllArisinc tkonwolvwi not only wltk wy damn of lk clO" kt WITH IMlHHtTANT MA'in'HRS HUUVTIVHTO TIIK STATIC. Tho Nortkori. lNietHe I'trmlHMl company, lu rkorgo of all tk trnployet of tho 1'ortlnnd UIoh depot, hns opHI h simitar school of lnforruKtlon. awl will (Mt kla mN tvry two weeks hs to their otUoleucy. Mr. J. IF. Wkyte, or New Orleans. LouUUtum. hag oe to mike hi. hoHio 1h OroH. ImvUg eoatol a poeltlou wltk tko AMort ebambt-r of MHMMOro at llftOO h er. AUMOST ANYONE WOULD Rll WILLING TO COMIC ON THOSK THRMS. Tho thiloiH boKrd of trail e take tke pluce of tko Salem CowmercUl club, ud roprtMMtiMs tklem's coHiblHwl tiud dotormlHOd offurt to umke korMlf bonrtlt AMONG THHf ClTltS OK TIIK NORTHWHST. TkU ontHnlwitlon mw ling In contemplation a spoolal OAqurslqn party similar U) tkote made by the Portland ImslpoN mtn. Tho capital Qlt- U detortulued to have hotter etreaU aad otkor ImpravoutonU of a metropol itan charuotur. In the uieAttUmo all push tcvknow Oreijou botUr. I M. O DUATII OF 11, W. GOODl. Tho uueitpootea will hrpp-in, H. V. Goodo, wanasor of tho General Weotrlc properties at" Portland died suddenly Sunday tuornlug at Atlan tic City, Nok Jorsey, KK WAS A M.VN ORRGOX COULD IIJi AFFOKD TO IX) AT (S. E. Masters In Gold Roach Globe.) It would scorn to ono from tho ovldonco of political organizations, that political freedom is about at hand. Tho grip of political organizations must be loosened nnd mon nro go ing to voto as their renson directs. Tho common pcoplo find tlmt strong political organizations put mon Into leglslntlvo ofllces who will loglslato us tho loading politicians dictate, tho ncutal reform movomont all ovor tho United States has como through mon olected by tho peoplo and not by tho politicians. Wo do not rcfor to pnrty principles, but to political organizations with n irannn, Corkor or n Simon nt tho head. FRENZIED THOUGHTS IN THE ALRAXY DKMOCHAT Mr. Harrlman says ho is willing to sit by tho President and a 1 1 nil rlnv Innif Wn U'mtlrl llln try 1in,. .. -II ....... U """ !j .. .,, .... ,.v w. .. kw .., u u iminung of Mr. Ro, tnltlnir snmn of Mr. Hnrrlmnn'it mlvlro """r Mighty mean of tho Iowa legia.aturo to treat Cummin. j ni way. It expressed its presidential preference by voting 75 forn Mnjor Scely of tho British army says that married km.ii- bravest. Perhaps war docs not scorn llko much of anything to tbm iu muiiu ui luiuiiiK iiiiiiiuna vi. injrua ui nun in nml l.n,... ... . . i . i .t. i ii i . . . "l"w umDWl uuun uiuiuu, mo iin oi ruining mo inioves BUggests Itself EASTER SERVICE. Etistor Wiih Appropriately OIimtvimI nt the Rickey School- Hoiiho Sunday Morning. Tho following Easter program was ronderod at tho Rtohoy sohool houso Sunday merning: Song, "Tho Prlnco of Llfo Is ItlBon" Choir Raoltatlon, "Ro8iirraotlon" .' Ilnzol Hatnos Recitation Chostor Horuor Song, "A Shaphord Dear" ..Quartet Recitation, "Eastor Eggs" Loulso linger Song, "Happy Eastor Tlmo".... ; Primary class Recitation, "Enstor Flowora". ... Lnura Lofgran Song, "Again We'll Novor Pnss This Way" Choir Recitation, "Stfuttorlng Soeds" .. Clydo Ettor Raeltntlnu, "A Sorot" Shindy Dlokmau Sung, "Sunttorlng Seeds". . .Quartet Reoltntlou, "Eastor Lllllo" .. .. Alma Ashby Song. "Wake Up, Roys nml Girls" Primary olass Recitation, "The Unfinished Pray or" Mlldrod White Recitation, "Owen's Opinion of Grandmother" .... Owon Frysloy Song. Merrily Swinging" . ...Choir MARKET QUOTATIONS "Mnko Salem a Good Home Market." SALEM MARKET. Kleiner's Market. Doalors in flsh, gnmo and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. Loral Wholesale Market. Whoat -eGlZPGSc. Local whont C8c. Oats 3 8 0' 40c. Harloy -$22 $23. Flour $3.2G. Mill feed Bran, $19.00; shorts, $21.00. liny Choat nnd clover, $7 $3 por ton; timothy, $10 per ton. Eggs IC 2-3c. lions 12Vc; young ohlckons, lie Ducks 10c; gecso, 8c; turkoys, 13rjMGc. Butter 37",ie; buttor fat, 3Gc. Onions 90cC$l por cwt; pota toee, SI l-3SBc por owt. Hops Choice, 10 11c; prlmo to choice, S6 9c; medium to prlmo. oototfooffrsoMootMOfoowotoottMooiioiOMoom tttae eeseti Pimplos and Blotches Aro not tlit only signs that n blood oleaurilug, (onto miHliclno is iiwhUhI, Tired, languid feolings, Iom of nppetlto and general debility nre uther signs, and they may bo oro Mgus. The lAwt blooil-clounsiiig, tonic medi eliui la Hood's Snrsaparilln, which acta directly and peculiarly on the blood, ridding it of all fordgn matters ami building up tho wholo sytnn This statement is verified by thv experionco of thousands radloally eunnl. Over forty thousand UmihuimiiuIs re ceived in two years, by aetual count. Accept no subetituto for Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on hnvlug Hood's. Gil it today. In liquid or tablet form, lu) Ioes $1. YOUR HABITS e e e Arc either your enemies or your friends. Every young man should form the saving habit, which will prove a true friend and helper thrrough life. The tiest way to begin Is to open a savings bank account Savfaigs Department ilfcUW. $M i - Bm , ' i IP M - w k ,ivx - t r j ill L 4i ! SS I Si' " JIK lr ft !fM j'-k'f ftMII jiik M4tnu' ,i m r I I lBMk:rut ncc ignct ra S jT MllKorfrisd New Terk Chittlm bark 5 0e. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5o por lb. Oranges $2.75 $3.00. Lomons -1.00 $5.00. Retail Market. Flour $1 por Back. Bran 70c por sack; $21.00 por ton. Hay Timothy, 70co por cwt. cheat and clover. GOo por cwt.; shorts, 9Cc por cwt. Oats $1.35 per cwt; wheat, 80c; rolled barloy, $26.50 fj$28 per ton. Eggs 20c doz. Apples $3.00. Buttor Country, 35c; cream ery, 10c. Livestock. Cattle -1100(3)1200 lb stoors, IGMttc. Lighter steers 34c. Cows and hclfors 900(Q1000 lb, 3 40. Stock hogs 6c. Hogs -$2.00 $3.00 lb, fat, $G. $0.25. Lambs 5c. Veal Drossed, 8c. Hogs Dressed, 8a PORTLAND MARKET. WheatClub, 72c, !!-, ij oiuo stem, 74c. Oats Choice white, $1. MUlstuff Dran. $17. Hay Timothy, $136111, $11.50. Vetch $7.G0G $8.00. iuuil.ui.-3 l.UUHf15U Jf 1 Poultry Hens, 15c; mixed till ens, 14c; drosscd chickens, HJij turkoys, llvo, 13 15c; ivtx,i 18c; pigeons, $1.000 J1.50. Pork Drosscd, 66Hc. Boef Dressed, 5 6c. Mutton 6 7c Hops 9 10 He lb, .ccof.ljjl quality. Wool Valley, conns to neili 29 23c; eastern Oregon, 110:1 o PILES CURED IX 0 TO 11 Dli PAZO OINTMENT I j.-n' to cure any caso of Itcblnr, Ki Blooding or Protrudlns Pile U I 14 days or money refunded. W o Mies Ruby Cornell fail retiri from an ou-r-Sunday tu" x home In Jefferson SPRING OPENING CORRECT CLOTHE! -- j-xj n IJUK li ii IN I luiL m en. . 4 We cordially invite yoa to cai and examine tne nar dsome we Spting Styles for 1 907. Jtst in; fresh horn Ac mat tney nave been catef ally tali to our especial ot&zt from t most approved designs and a style and attractiveness before seen in ready-to- 'tymm Clothes for Men. Now & l J JLl i. t f- Xf.. ncPf. WWC lime iu iuu. tutui w- - stock is complete. ! G. W. JOHNSON & CD- Cageta! National Bmk fcnnimiimHiiminiiiiniiiMiiiiMiiiniiini t