OAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL;, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1007. 11 .WHOLESOME WOMAN. .n of the twentieth cca ' to gvo th. greater port cjftt"Kr rfrViwW9 who were the V ,BdUBJ5 chief- hundreds or V tbe Croat ewe olcd . i and overhung with nd wampum-they had V Kta ami ' ' n,i holla on . 1 differences arc 1 tic flue Indies of tho C of today! And yet there bd? m of tho modern woman .tatbeearsoti . hmlBC. tho or often"-; --- n Tnsoived probes of the ff tiie world-tho cry of her biW,T ...i ho while she B!Ser "er silly face and grl- i'Sk'-rillS? llK-uvi; "-- , . 10l "W3i""-""v" ; fa delusive The woman who hwV s. ;-, "- . 'S uay as though It B " . -i.i.. I.ni. ivnrlil lint- fcPcr, without much cons- t. brown cuiui"1-""" "- , Pi " : ..iMiMhn for wr 1 :: " iikrfe tnb JjSr looking than her bclatfed, '""' . i-,l rniicroil. "CO- tMW?Li nn.l nvnrmnnlnulat. Sw-Kato I'psou Clark In Los- (WW THE HOME DOCTOR. KjijiUj, get down on all fours and Ms the use of a mustard poultlco ptrtof the body rub that part Ictmpnoratea on iu uim i" -rt. fif tiklnc cold. Ut the fi"t intimation of a soro P... . MrM.1 nt n tcnsnoouful Kit ud on of aHonato of Boda khlfijliss of water. (car or bitten by an Insect, uinkc ute o( starch powder wnn cuioro jisJeiu de cologue and apply to btlerted part at once. fewts predisposed toward cryslp itasld ovoid vlne strong ton nnd i tad highly spim! or sousonou , The more laxative nnd cooling bid the better i the rouncsters buvn their Ha- Hfplj oil of peppermint. It Is a fal remedy, ir tne sum is . this cannot be used. In caso I tot kind apply a solution of bnk- jfader or borax. Polly Tronhlfa. fcr, Anmlnta. listen, deaf. Tltrt U a doll next door, 1 1st to rou know, her mother la i tuny stupid bore. I E cine to se me Just last week. vk.i mr toor doll waa 111. I Xrfarrit l.UltS Eleanor; lif-cn h.r a r'.'I ui I j km w my nclehbor said TVt r?inot v.m nlaln. Tiu ' iM lookM like her Mario ts.,J b tho sivateit mln. 1)1 1 m 1 D- ir MlM Bally Jones. I lr t h ,f hop lnok to i' f ,r all tha wcrid." iI S'" h'f v.o he took. E fc i i If mhc ware will. ftU f'fhW !i t nxt donr jt1 s my d'h s beauty rU(un n br! Ithtr I ipoka a l.ttl.- nula, j Jfct fct IS 'Af, ,j0 j ran tun ') u? jlES ! AtthMePrPniMtinn r .. gaWlteToodandncflula S"6SiQOids3 aolDowels of raaksTJutixsllnn PI ,.f..l IQS1MDmIi.i! ,.. jTyicrphine nor llicaal. EassSte aloss of Sleep. S(natureot slgyVORK. tWY CfVKAIVEfi. RiA PUBLIC NOTICE TO THE PKOl'LK OV SALKJI All persons in Salem must hold themsolrcs responsible for any weak noss or Buffering caused from old age, chonlc coughs or colds, bron chitis, weak lungs, run-down condi tions, Btomnch troubles, nervousness or poor blood when we aro willing to soil them tho real cod liver proparn tlon, Vlnol', nnd return their money It it does not benefit. Tho reason Vlnol is so successful In restoring health nnd creating strength Is becauso It contains In ad dition to tonic iron all tho medicinal dements of cod liver oil nctually taken from frosh cods' livers, but without oil or greaso to upset tho stomach and rotard its work. Unlike old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, it is delicious pnln table, agreeablo to the weakest stom ach, therefore, unequalled as a Btrongth creator and tonic recon structor. A member of tho Q. W. Putman Co., says: "It Is becauso wo know so well of what Vlnol Is mado that wo ask every rundown, nervous, de blllatcd, aged or weak person In Sa lem, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanglng-on coughs, bronchitis or Incipient consumption to try Vlnol on our guarantee." G. W. Putman Co., druggists. Note. Whllo we nro solo ng-nU for Vlnol in Salem, It Is now for sale nt tho lending drug storo In nearly ovory town nnd city In tho country. Look for tho Vlnol ngoncy In your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity In the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. l'axton Co., Boston. Mass. o 1 Disowning Mnbcllc. Snn Francisco, March 30. C. II. Gllmnn, reputed father of Mnbollo Oilman, In a stntomont today Bald ho did not know whether tho actor or Corey was going to mnrry was his daughter. Ho stated that he had not soon his dnughtor for 10 years, nnd ncknowleded that tho woman in Pnrls inny not ho his child, o ScntiMico Commuted. London, Mnrch 30. Owing to popular agitation tho sontonco of Itaynor, who was convicted of the murdor of "Whltoloy, wnB today com muted to llfo Imprlsonmont. o Ijiiimriry Workers Strike. "Snn Francisco, April 1. A strike of nil union laundry worker In Sn Francisco was olllclnlly declared nt 0:30 this morning. They demand h 10 per cont inorense. o Lnwrouce G. Fareneworth, John Molchlor, Michull Melchlor and Frank Saudors, students at the Mt Angol colloge, nro in Salem today, taking In tho Bights and enjoying n holiday. GASTORIA For Infants and Chlldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CAS1MIA J C lu r Jttt FRIBBLES OF FASHION. . tVrnpa Itccnll th DAr "t the Shairl. riomb a Smart Shnilc at Grnr For Uie dressy coat and skirt tho bolero, whoso decline was predicted, will be as popular as over. Tho quaint draped wrap recalling tho days of tho Bhawl Is another ravorlte, and we shall boo these effects in cloth, velvet and fur. There Is n shnde of gray called plomb load, which Is very popular In Paris. BLACK VEIiVKT HAT. Fashlou'ablo dressmakers and tailors havo brought over quantities of this color la broadcloth, and It will un doubtedly be extremely chic. Blue serge Is ouo of tho most desira ble materials used nt present for smart gowns of tbe strictly tailored type. Either plaited or plain gored skirts of nnklo length nro used, topped by closo fitting coats of tho box or pony shapes. An attractive model In blue sorgo has Its pony cont elaborately trimmed with black silk braid, opening over it smart little vest of black sntln. Tho sleeves arc long. Some of the prettiest of tho Benson's costumes nro made up In tho dregs of wlno and similar reds combined with black. Materials of this kind nro find ing considerable favor with tailors nnd dressmakers of tho better elnBS. Here, ns elscwhore, the popularity of stripes Is being emphasized, and ono sees mnny broadcloths, lightweight twill suitings etc., with red grounds nnd hair lines of black. , Somo of the smartest Htreot hats aro In black, trimmed In Home ono of tho vivid yet soft greens, nnd thero nro pretty models In all green. Tho hat UhiHtrntcd Is nn all black velvet nffnir. It Is pressed, ns aro nil tho Parisian volvct hats, on an mi wlrod crlnollno frame. Two handsomo ostrich feathers nro the sole trimming buvo u jet buckle. . JUDIO CIIOLLET. WHAT IS WORN. Torpcilo THttf I.entl In Mnutll lint. II I up n nil IllurU CiiiuliluntloiiM. Torpedo toquen are not bo dangerous ns their name Indicates, but they nro mighty woll named iftid aro tho newest things In small hats. IMuu and blnek aro u faHhlonablo com bination on the new hats. A black satin felt has h pwullur xteol blue vol' IMIWN Ut VKXOH I LUTlt vet iu fold around Use crowu rut UtreMtpi a btrg ent eteel bockle Hh let brtw fas uptwrufld and held by snuuMt'kat Itablar sdtafla of blue vvlvet A wlihe atffret to the only relief itj tills soJNimr oowr ecHPOM. MMt of the new Usenter bate have t touch of Uum1. The fetiodMtfaHi. t)H tlowera or the rlubou waietltm al three are ef eltver tUette. In broadctetlM the raiiRe of colurtngi Is boautlful-Mft hyacinth blua. Um new Ruseian groetui, JaeqoomlBot. reO and tho crushed fruit aliades. The smart brown shade U a dut chocolate color that takes the llfo out of Xhi moat vivacious face. To lighten this gloom there are charming trim mlnga with dull bright gllnta here and there of metals that are alluring la their chiaroscuro. Tbe gown Illustrated la an elaborati creation of pale lemon chiffon broad cloth. The skirt U trimmed with a dee( flounce, which la turn la adorned wltfc velvet ribbon, an applique of velvet reM and waveel twa of hsiry ! TH wlsb effect U aMeata mm II v'e J V l Jfff l Tho Blood is The Life." Sclcnco haa novcr gono beyond th abovo slmplo statement of scripture, . But It has Illuminated that statement and given It a meaning over broadening with tho Increasing breadth of knowledge. When tho blood Is "bad" or Impure It Is not alono tho body which suffers through dljeaso. Tho brain U also clouded, Hbn mind and Judgment are bOocted, andTnany an evil de .d or Impure tohttO-tHroctly trJced t0 tbJ hapuTtfyof tc Ctftcib F.yiUmpHTfMoo'l Cn,.Ve .mart jnrn y f.ie ii?aot Hrt Pierce's Go. i ti MoJiritl l).(ovirv. I. mr'cm's. an-t nuti'ia. ii- .bL tn tucrobv 7TT - '. '. "?". curing, pimp;, s, biouae. eruptions and other cutaneous affii-ilous, as ccioma, totter, or Mlt-rhoum. I.ivih and otber manifestations of Impure blood. In tho cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged gland, open eating ulcers, or old Bores, tho"lio'.don Medical Discovery "has porformetl tho most nian'elous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, It ts well to apply to the open sores Dr. Plerco's All-lloallng Salvo, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores In con junction with the tuo of "ttohlen Medical Discovery " as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to havo tho "All-IIcallng Salvo" In sUv.lt, you can easily procure It by Inclosing fifty-tour cents In postaso stamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce, tiC3 Main St., UtitTalo, N, Y and It will aimo to you by return post. Moat druggists keep It as well as tho "Golden Medical Discovery." You can't afford to accept any medicine of utiMioirii camjxMltlim as a substltuto for "Golden Medical Discovery," which ts a medlclno ok known composition, having a comploto list of Ingredients In plain English on Its bottlo-wrappcr, tho namo being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollots regulato and Invigorate stomach, liver and bownls. Fred Mclntyro, who Is visiting Salem friends, will return to his homo in Montesnno tomorrow, o Tho Texas YTonacr. Cures all kldnoy, bladdor and rhoumatlo trouble: Bold by all drug gists, or two months' trcatmont by mall for 1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo Btreot, St. Louis, Mo. Bend for testimonials. Sold by Stono's drug store, dw-lyr BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth moro than any othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFOUNIA BAKKRV. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Garden Seeds ! Wo havo a largo stock of Gardou Seeds In bulk. Our eoods nro all 1906 crop; no carry-ovor. ONION SETS. Ask for small onion sots. You got throo times ns many to tho pound. FIELD HEEDS. Fancy BItioetom Wheat, Chevelln Bnrloy, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa, Flold Pens, Land Plnstor, etc Distributing agents for Coulson'B Egg Foods, CoulBon's Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powders, Tho largoat wholosalo and retail doalors In tho clty TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. I B B B Oraor a packago of this famous health and brain building flour and enjoy oomo good old fashioned New England Ilrowu It rend. A chance at a right hot loaf will make you think you aro In Boston. With Allen's Self-rising II. II. II. Floor you can make bread Just like tho Puritans used to make. SMI Pnncwko Flour la also a puro food; eelf rlilng and all ready to mix with water and bake on a hot griddle. Trade Mark ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, Ban Jose, Cal. Eastern Factory, Little Wolf Mills, Manatra, Wis. MfiUfll fttJnlWFREJfCH FEMILE Muumuvmb pills.! X . ftltlll tiuu ttt tmrnMM U. mil (iiwa rauii. - -. -, 4 II m mt tmM. ----'-' .... i - . -ji r- rf r. rm ir..MrLdl.. MiUnHvt;Ml,i,iLi I uwtTeiicwfcHce..a4.uaw.r. Mr cm; CLASSIFIED MI-t--frti tlillllllliltllllei TO MIX For Snlc. Secoud-haud buggy, In good condition. Inqulro of G. W. Johnson. 3-30-3t For Sale Havo 100 head of owes und lambs for sale at my placo In Polk county. 8. II. Darkor, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem. Phono Fnrmora 24. 3-29-lwk For Sale or To Kent for Summer Seasldo cottage completely fur nished at Seal Hocks, Oregon. Ap ply to F. L. Washburn, St. An thony Park, Minn 3-30-3t For Snlc Ladles' $35 wheel some what worn for $5. Inqulro 1118 Illnos St. Phono 574. 3-30-3t For Srtlc IB acres of land, good houso, barn nnd greon houao. Fruit of all kinds, 3 miles oast of Salem, In Auburn addition. In qulro of O. W. Ynnnko, FnRhlon Stables. 3-2 1-2 w For Snlc. A flvo and a ntx-room houso, with from ono to six lots with each, woll locatod In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schoneflold, 21st and Marlon Sts., Salem. 1-28-tf WAKTKD. Wnntctl Lady or goutloman, good nppenranco, to travel for largo manufacturing houso, to collect, ndvertlso nnd dlstrlbuto enmplcs, (No ennvnsstng.) 1S por week nnd expenses, ExponsoB ndvnncod Addrcsa F. D. Cornwall, Salem, Oro. 3-30-lt Wimtttl A woman to do laundry work for our lady rogulnrly. Leave address at Wlllnmotto hotol ofllce. 3-30-3t Wanted By n young lady, a placo to work for board nnd nttond school. Addross J. J. Kraps, Sa eom, Or. 3-19-tt LODGES. Foresters of America Court Blr.r wood Forcstors. No. 19. Mcots Tucadny In Hurst hall, Btata stroot Leo Abblo. O. It.; A. L. Drown, F. B. Central Lodge No. 1H, K. ot P. Cantlo Hall In Holmnn block, cor nor Stnto nnd Llborty Btroots. Tuesday of each wook nt 7:30 p. m. H. W. Harnrd. O. O.; W. I. Staloy, K. ot H. and S. Modern Woodmen of Anierlra Oro gon Codar Camp No. 5240. McoU ovory Thursday ovontng nt S o'clook In Holmnn hnll. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A, Turner, Olork. AVoodmeii of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holmnn hall. J. A. Dlokey, C. 8.; P. L. Fraxlor, - Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent nnd ponslon Insurance; 2, 000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J. 11. O. Montgomery, supremo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, Hooroctary, 646 Stnto Htreot. MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jumii Tonoker of pi ano; touch, teohnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory oottrso Advanoed students prepared for pubtle nppenrnuee. Resldonco 058 Center It. Tel. Malu 526. 2-88-tf. PIIVSIOIANH AND KUnflKO.NH. Dr. D. II. Grlllln, tho Hpodullst on Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which he cures In 3 days No money until cured, 214 Trad St., Salem. Oro. Phono 568. John Doyens, nualnoss Manager. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. 11. II. White Oraduato of Kirks vlllo, Mo., under founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Breyman building. Commerolal stroot Phone 87. Keeldene corner Mill and Twenty-Aral Bta. Phone 589. Treats acute and chronic disease. Examination froo. 11-17-tf BASn AND DOOB rAOTORIEa. Frank M. Browne-Manufacturer of saab, dvr. mooldloga. All kind ef house flolah and bard wood work Front utreet, bet. State and Couri The Fasfuon Stables Formerly tshopson'a BUble. Up-to-date livery 'and tab llae Fuaeral toroonte a epeciaUj. Tally ko tot pieslea aad exeoroioB. Paom it, CIIAS. W. YANNKB, Prof. Mt aatJ m JO , DEPARTMENT j lNETW AND SECOND-HAND GOOD. New and Secod-lIaBd Ged.- Bought and sold, also raagM, Btovoa and cooking utensils, dleh es, granlto and tinware ot alt klaAe Give us a call. O. L. McPcek, 17t 8outh Commercial St. 8-18-ly - I "" ' """ ' ' - PLtriassM. Theo. M. Brr Plumbing, hot watev and Btoam heating and tlnmla, ,164 Commercial stroot Phoe Main 102. 9-1-ly M. J, retxed Plumbing, etaam aM gas fitting. Sueoeeior to Knox M Murphy, Q20 Comutetelal atreet 'Phono Mala 17, FOt ItENT For Kent Thrco liousoa cheap, also flvo-acro strayborry patch; ton ncros potato ground, Addrons Box 113, Turner, Oro. 3-30-3t For Rent Oood pasture for horaos and cattlo, plonty ot shade, aholter nnd running wntor, F. A. Sutton, R. F. D. No. 4, Phono Suburblua 97. 3-30-3t For Rent Savon-room houso, hot and cold wntor, electric light, bath, room. Inqulro ot Aug. Schrolb or. 560 North High street. 3-25-tf For Rent Cheap, an upstnlra room, 25x60 toot. Good location tor nhop. Inqulro ot Sknlfo & Era mott, 198 Stato stroot. 3-25-lwk For Rent A 0-ncro hop ,yard, at one-fourth ront. Inqulro ot M. J. Egan, Gorvnls, Ilouto 2, 3-51-tf For . Rent. Nlco cottage, largn grounds; tho roso and flowor cor ner block ot Salem, Houso la first-class condition, screens to nil windows nnd doors, now shades, curtnln polos, hot nnd cold water In bod rooms, porcelain nnd mar bio wash standB, porcolntn bath nnd toilet, chaudollora In ovory, room, oloctrlo lights, flno porch and shndo trees; tho finest location In Salem, closo In, cornor ot Mill and church streets. 'This cottage will be for rout April 1st. J, Con nor, Wlllnmotto Hotol. 3-14-tt MISCELLANEOUS. Enlarged IkAA Our moat markot on East State stroot has boon doubled In alio nnd wo nro hotter propared than ovor to norvo ctistomorB. Prompt eorvlco and tho host of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. II. 13. Edwards, Prop PJnno Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ot pert tuning, ropnlrlug nnd polish ing. Lonvo orders nt Goo. O. Wills' music Htoro, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrvta Wrk. Qot my prlcos on alduwnlka, curbs, aoptlo tnnks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Hltfhlnnd add. Phono 509. 2-11-tf Ilutto Ai Weuderotli Flno wines, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handlo the colobrntod Kellogg and Caotlo whlsklos. Cool and rofroihlng boor constantly dn drough. South Commercial atreot 0-3-lyr Snletn Iron Work. Founders, ma chlnlats and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds ot sawmill machinery. Hop nnd fruit drying Btovos, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Solent llov .V Lumber Co. Kemoved from South ttalem to 14 th atreet, near the H. P. depot. Boxee, Berry Crate. Fruit Trays and CerfAotlon Fruit Evaporators Phono 201. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OITV HALL. Per water servlse cpply at ofileo. Bills payable monthly la advaasa, Make all ettuplalnU at tba ofllea. I.NDHl'H.VDKNCE STAGE. Dally except Sunday. leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nicts with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 6:16 p. m. Leaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phone Mala 170. RALPH DUDLONO, Manager, DRAYMtW. It. O. Cummius Successor to Whit Cummins, express, delivery and tranafer Urn. Prompt service 1 our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Htand at 151 South Commercial eueet. Phoae 175. Roldence phone 968. 8-4-tl IV33K.1fJBi.a iMfStU Kfsateje lil JUOIU uaubunv