,' e DAILY CAPITAL JOTJRNALy SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1007. 9 fheCoughof ,onsumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. We publl.h th formoUi J.O.AvarCo.. of kit our preparation!. Lowell. Mm. INDAY SERVICES .Mi riwiK'l. lit?!' n h and Mill streets. Sun ".a. . Preaching at d 7 P- m- Evening .. xHwInns." Tcstl- . . fi-45 n. m. Prayer iJwday evening. Dlblo study S at 1C Forry St. fTMcCandllsh, pastor. N -i,,l. SrleilCC. Lt church of Christ, Scientist, f.itc6ureu onrvlees at J it m Subject of lesson sor . .mr " Sunday school ,t is a m Tho Wednesday 11 ' ,- i.M.1 "5r 7?30 n. jttdlnjroomlnthechurchoi.cn i. Oiimlnl' All .aflfrnoon exceut ouuuu, .... ..lii invited to attend tho L, Wd the reading room. i-it,.il rmticcllcal. jrt h L. Pratt will preach Sun- ,-ornlng and evening, t uuia Iwta quarterly conforonco. Tho ... M,fornfo convonos April 4 tenUis, Ore. The pastor leaves . Tittday morning iu '' "" riu preliminary to coiuurunuu. i. Dock, pastor, IntliKran St. John's. juter icrvlco Sunday morning at Hi o and Monday ovonlng nt ,lo :ork in the German Lutheran jttai church, corner conter nnu cfwa'h streets. Geo. Engel, pas- rirt Christian. In'nR service, 10:30 a. m., Rov. 1 Jlcsslck will preach. Evo'nlng itr 7 30 r m . preaching by tho dr D. E.-rett, theme, "The Fact ie Resurrection." Special Eastor iii the evening service. Blblo fcw it 12 m Christian Endoavor, ' : p, b. Strangers and visitors 'coat. First MclhodNt Episcopal. l?iil Easter program morning twnlng Mom I hit. W Lilt Your Glad Volcos." hvw ' WAm, "Christ Our Passover," fcL.llBB Choir fetnr Offertory Prof. S. S. fc" I Kik'A That Mr Redeemer J Friim 'li- Messiah, Handel biv Hmum. with Hillalulali !' l".d f M . t i"i t lirt W..n ri, ii p. Rowland, yre- I.. I .. ! T, .... ... . . - i r r riiii'itmi (UWriC. t ir.uk. Ten Thousand -Tii'-a ui4.ii liming 7:. 10 it. m. I:? r U n T n m rectlon." Shel ls Head Int. Anthem, "Christ, The Lord la Risen," Buck. Rending Miss Gusslo Booth. Solo, "Tho Trumpet Shall Sound," from Handel's Messiah Dr. R. A. Heritage. Reading Mls3 Vera Bynrs. "Gloria from the Twelfth Mats," Mozart. Offering for missions. nthem, "Sing All Elula Mass," Buck. Hymn. Benediction. A cordial invitation to tho pub lic to attend thoso serlvcos. Rev. W. H. Solleck, pastor. Central Congregational. Nineteenth and Forry streets, P. S Knight pastor. Pastor will conduct sorvlccs at 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday school, 10 a. ni. Endoavor meeting, C:30 p. m. Blblo study Thursday evening. W. O. T. U. Miss Ella McElroy will nddrcss tho Gospol Temporanco mooting Sunday, March 31, at 4 p. m. A pnpor will bo road from Dr. G. W. Gronnls. St. Paul's. Tho Easter sorvlcos nt St. Paul's church, Chomekcta and Church streots, will be: Plain cclobratlon, 7:30 n. m. Sundny school, 10 a. m Second colobrntion with music, 11 a. m. Evening sorvlco, 4:30 p. in. Tho rogulnr choir, supplomonted by Bovornl volcos will Blng nt tho morn ing service At tho nftornoon sor vlco, the music will bo rendered by Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, soprane: Mrs. Etta Squlor Soloy, contralto; Prof. Francosco Soloy, tonor; Mr. F. G. Decobnoh, linrltono; Prof. F. E. Nowborry, organist. Tho music will be ns follews: Orgnn Prolude, Goo-. L Spnuldlng. Introlt Hymn No. IIS, "At tho Lamb's High Foast Wo Sing," Elvoy. Kyrlo Elelson, Tuckormnn Gloria Tlbl and Gratlas Tlbl, Gounod. Crood, W. T. Host. . Sormou Hymn No. 110, "Come Ye Fnlthful, Ralio tho Strain," Sir Ar thur Sullivan. Orgnn Offertory, "Molody in F," Ruboustotn. Presentation, "Thou Art Worthy," W. 1). Gilbert. Suraum Cord a and Sanotus, Cnmldge. Renedlctiui Qui Venlt, T. Attaint, Agnus Del, Gounod. Communlou Hymn No. 3115, ' Bread of the World." Ilodgee. Lord'a Prayer. Merbecke. Gloria In ISxcelela. II. II. ICtlwanger Nuno Dlinlttla, Gregorian. ItQcanloital Hymn No. 16. "Hark Ten Thouaaud Voices Sounding," J.' I). Dykea. Orgau Postlude, Ballate. Afteiiinon Service, OrgRn Prelude, J Loybarh. Processional Hjniu No . 112. I AscNsshs j "jKlnd You Hnvo Alwnj-s Bought, nml which hns beca " ,or cr :io years, hns honiQ tho filfrnntnro or ry niul has hecu mntlo iimlcr his pcr- U&Jyfjjfcf, sonnl supervision since Us Infancy. 'f. 'tciCJiVK Allow no ono to dccclvo you In this, tountcrfoits, ImltaUons nnd" Just-as-Kool,nre but; gW'ltticnts that trlllo with nnd emlanf?or tho hea.wi of uta4 oud ti.lidxu-ExperIonco nsaliiht 2Sspoii -&& What is CASTOR1A n- a a hannloss substitute for Cnstor OH, Pftrc r "rops ..mi Soothhtff Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It M ncitlur Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ShS' lts nge Is Ils ffft"too. It destroys Worms Wtays FeerIslmos8. It cures Dinrrluua nml AVlud U relives Toothing' Troubles, euros Constipation tei i U,ency lt lnllntos tho Food, regulates tho V ri ?nd 3Jowols Bi'hiij healthy and natural sleep. Juldrcn's Panacea- Xlio Mothor's Prloud. u,Ne CASTORIA ALWAYS S) Bears the Signature of udYottHaie Always Boupt Use For Over 30 Year. "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today," Mor gan. ' Gloria Patrl, Mngnllkat, Maunders Nunc Dlmlttls, Maunder. Sermon Hymn No. Ill, "Christ, tho Lord Is Risen Today," Mozart. Offertory Anthem, "Come, Sco tho Placo Whore tho Lord Lay," E. Wheaton Beade. Presentation, "All Things Como to Thco," Anon. Recessional Hymn No. 11C, "An gola, Roll tho Rock Away," C. F. Roper. Orgnn Postlude, F. L. Molr. First Presbyterian. Church street, near Chomekcta street, Rev. Honry T. Bnbcock, pas tor. Morning sorvlco, 10:30 a. m., proachlng by tho pastor, subject, "Tho Lord Is Risen Indeod." Mrs. Wiggins will sing an Eastor solo on- titled "Hosannn" by Grantor, nnd tho choir will render an Eastor an them ontltlod, "Thoy Havo Takon Away My Lord," by Harrington Sundny school at 12 m. C. E. at C:30 p. in. Evonlng service, special music by tho choir assisted by Mr. Chas. Roth, tonor; Prof R. H. Wash burn, of tho theological department of Wlllnmotto Unlvorslty, will prench nnd mnko a short address. Mld-weok prayer mooting Thursday at 7:30 p. m., preparation sorvlco for com munion. The ovonlng musical pro- grnm will bo ns follews: Chorus, "They Have Takon Away My Lord," Harrington Choir. Chorus, "Dny of Wonder, Day of Gladness," Schncckor Choir. Solo, "The Lord Is Risen,"' Sulli van Mrs. F. A. Wiggins; violin ob llgato, Rov. H. T. Babcook. Trio, "Hall to tho Risen Lord," Gaul Miss Walton, Miss Luutz, Mrs. Wiggins. Doublo qunrtot, "Tho Strlfo Is 0'or.".Gnbrlel. Duott, "I Know That My Rodoom- or Llvos," MomlolBBohn Mrs. Wig gins, Mr. Clins. Roth. Chorus, "Jobub Llvos Again," Schneckor Choir. o Saved Her Son's Life. Tho happiest mothor In tho llttlo town of Avn, Mo., Is Mrs. S. Ruppoo. Sho wrltes: "Ono yonr ago my sou was down with suoh sarlouB lung troublo that our physician was un ablo to holp him; whon, by our drug gist's ndvlco I bogan giving him Dr. icing's Now Dlicovor;', nnd I soon notlcod improvement. 1 kept this treatment up for n fow wcoks when ho was perfectly woll. He has work ed steadily slnco at carpontor work. Dr. King's Discovery savod his Ilfo." Guaranteed beat cough and cold on re by J. C. Perry, druaglet; F.0o ami $1. Trial battle free. . o Itenl IChIhIk TeHiisfi'i's. The follovi'inx deede have been placed on tile lu the oltloe of the Marlon county recerder: John Wtlllama to S. J. Gllea, lot a. block 1. St. IBImo addl tlou Salem, w d $ 7& J. H. Settleinler et x to G. J. Austin, lot S, block 0, addi tion "C." Woodbtirn, w d.. lil Geo. V, Rodger et ux to J. II. Albert, lot 5. block It, Uni versity addition, Slem, w d 1 llanj. llarnea et ux to W. Truelmck, et at, land in Mar lon county, w d 1117 Dan'l Warrington et ux to Jerlle Slitrlngur, 40:10 ncree t 7 a, r w, w d 8000 Joseph L. Brown et u to John Ktisy et ux, SI aorw, t 9 a, r 1 w. w d .... 1500 B. F. and Ann MeKee U) Addle Franklin, .43T of an acre near Gervuta, w d 175 Jamos M. M linker ot ux to Sarah M. Gerowo, lot 1 and 2, block "U" Simpson addi Uor, Salem, w d 100 Ray L. Farmer et ux t Sjien eer 8. Hunt, land is block 5, Roberta addition, w d .... 425 it. lluerer et al to Cba. 1C. IHwuldlHt; LoggiMg Co., land In Mario eoantjr. w d .... itt J. II. and M. C. Settletnlw to Nettle Klmmerle. block 3, addition "C." Woodbnni, vr a 0 O ' Ilaolng Uytiring Today. Wklte Ptaliia, X. Y March 20 The bearing la tbe eae of the Em pire lUelag aaeodaUen of Yonkera. wky a maadamiie shall not Iseue to compel tbe raelag ooranlsalon to grant the Empire City traek a license for running races, Judgo Mills, Is the supremo court, presiding. Many novel points bave been raised, ani an effort will be roado to obtain a court order to compel the state rac ing commission to review Its action In refusing to grant the Empire City track people tbo right to have run ning meets. Members of tbo Empire City club are confident that they will obtain a license, now that tbey saye taken the matter Into court for n gaal Kttlemest Nursing Mothers ana Ovcr-hnrdened Womw In all stations of life, whoso vigor nnd I Tiuiiay may navo been undermined and broken-down by over-work, exacting social duties, tho too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tho most potent. Invigorating rcstoratlvo strength Klvcroverdovlsed for their special bono HU ursjngjraothcrs wHJlnd It especial ly valnablolK sustaining tbolr strength and pronjotlneXn abundant KJirlshment fM,nno..?.hnd . xpctantjuMr4 too will find It a prlcolcsvWSNJpiwrt! the system for baby's coming and nhnlNiIng tho ordeal comparatively palnles7jt can.no no hnr-n n ? qy state, or condition pt-Uip female syMomy- " Delicate, isilvuus. weak women, who sufTer from frequent headaches, back ache, drgi;lng-down distress low down In tho abdumpn, or from painful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dlzly cr taint spells, sco Imaginary specks or spots flontlng before eytw, havo disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante version or reiro-vorslon or other displace ments of womanly organs from weaKness of parts will, whether thoy experience many or only a fow of tho abovo symp toms, flml relict and a permanent euro by nslng faithfully nnd fairly persistently Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This world-farood spocltlo for woman's weaknesvs and peullar nllinonts Is a puro glyceric extract of tho choicest na tive, modli-lniil wots without a drop of alcohol In Its mnke-un. All Its tngrrdt unuprtiitiHl in plum l.ngllshon Its bottle wrappor nnd attested under onth. Dr. Fierce thus Invites tho fullest Investiga tion of his formula knowing that It will bo found to intatn only tho Ixwt agents known to U,e mot advanced niiHllcal Fclencoot nil tho dllToront schools of prac tice for tho cure of wrmnn's peculiar wnaknessrs nnd nllments. It you want to know mom about tho composition and professional eiulorso meni of tho "F.i vorlte Prescription, " send postnl card rumtnst to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Itutlnhi, N. Y., for his free booklot treat ing of same. You can't afford to ncctipt ns a substl Ut to for UiIk "tmiiHly ttfl;non rornpoKltlon a socna luntiniu qf unknown comjw Mih. ivurt Ho it. rMHWf tf llHt)lgflHi)lilllllf)l)tlHWI CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I Maiisllcld's Hon a Dramatist. Now York, March 30. Although his oft-exprossed wish to soo a per formance of ono of tho many classi cal plays presented by Ills fathor has buon steadily opposod by his pnrouts, olght-yonr-old Glbbs Mnnsflold, only son of Rlchnrd nnd his wife, has wrltton throo acts of n Mvo net drama ontltlod "Tho Advontures of Prince Mnrvol." Tho piny Is Inhl In tho chlvalrlo porlod when "Knighthood wns In flowor." Mnstor au8nold not only proposes to comploto lt. but with his fnthor's oousont to Btnge tho production buforo ho ronchos his toons. Notwithstanding that tho boy hns boon uudor the suporvlslou of a govorneee and subjoct to sovoro dis cipline in a prlvato suhool, ho has mnuged to ucqulro taohtncul quali ties of plnywrltlng nnd sooms to Imvo provided for plenty of costumos, fascinating scenery, bloodthirsty vil lain, and a noble hero, who readies a prluouM In captivity. Mrs. Mans field aays Glbb Is not precocious, but has hoard his fnther rehonrae se lections from Shakespeare prelimin ary to their production on the atage, and has always been writing without their being able to atop him. f i mtti !! lilt iiit itimafiaiaiwun TO 8AUB NEW AM) SECOND-HAND GOODS. For Sale A Indies' wheel. Inquire of 12S5 S. Liberty St. 3-2S-3t For Sale Two fresh cows. Inquire of I. Bnumgnrtncr, near fair grounds store 3-28-3t For Sale IB acres of land, good house, barn nnd green bouso. Fruit of nit kinds, 3 Mi mlloa oast of Salora, In Auburn addition. In quire of C. W. Yannko, Fashion Stables. 3-21-2W For Solo. A flvo and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located In East Salem, Good bargains. Isaiah Schencflcld, 21st nnd Marlon Sts., Salem. 1-28-tf WAITED. Wanted to Sow Out by tho Day- Plain or fancy dressmaking by nn oxporlcnccd eastern lady. Miss G. E, Honry, 1-M0 Mission street. 3-28-3t Wanted By a young lndy, a placo to work for board and attend Bchool. Addross ,J. J, Krnps, Sa eom, Or. 3-19-tf Now nnd Second-Hand GooJav Bought and sold, also rangea, Btovos and cooking utensils, disk OS, granlto and tlnwaro ot all klade Glvo us a call, O. L. McPook, 17t South Commorclal St. 8-13-lj a PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Itarr Plumbing, hot waten and otoam heating and tlnnlag, 164 Commorclal street. Phc-M Mnln 102. 9-1-ly M. J, Fetxel Plumbing, steam aa4 gas fitting. Successor to Knox Murphy, 220 Commorclal street, 'Phono Mala 17. LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No, 10, Moots Tuesdny In Hurst hall, Stnto stroot Loo Abblo. O. R.; A. L, Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, IC. of P. Cnstlo Hall In Ilotmnn block, cor ner Stnto and Liberty streets. Tuesday of oach week nt 7:30 p. m. E. W. Haiard, C. G.J W. I. Staloy, IC. of R, and S. Tho Tains Wonder. Cures nil kldnoy, bladder and rheumntlo troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' troatmont by mall for II. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2D20 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. Bend for testimonials . Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr o Opening of New Theater. LoHflvlle, Ky., March 0. Loula ville'a new theater, the Mary Ander on, will be inaugiiarated tonight. Tho DoWolf Hopper company will start the new enterprise with "Happy land," n piny In which Hopper has been very sueeeesful. The crowd la a very largo ono, and tho new enter prise has evidently before It a sue ceeeful career. The new house la mueh ndmlred. Garden Seeds ! We havo a large stock ot Garden Seeds In bulk. Our seeds are all 1906 crop; no carry-over. O.VIO.N' SETS. Aak for small onion sets. Yom Met tkree timea as many to 06 pud. 1'IUM) KltRDS. Fancy Rlueatem Wheat, Chevelln Barley, Oats, Corn, Clovar, Alfalfa, Field Peas, Land Plaster, otc Distributing agents for Coulson'8 Egg Foods, Coulson'a Chick Foods, CouUon's Condition Powders. Tho largest wholesale and retail dealers In tbo city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Codnr Camp No. G24G. Meets ovory Thursday ovonlng at 3 o'clock in ftolmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C: P. A. Tumor, Glorlc. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl 'day night nt 7:30, In Holnmn hnll. J. A. Dickey, O. 8.; P. L. Fraalor, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl dont and pension Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agontB wanted. J. II. C. Montgomery, auproino orgnnlzor, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. II. Ryan, seoroctnry, C40 Stato streot. MUHICAIj. Arthur Von Jow.eii Teacker of pi ano; touch, teclinlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for publlo appearance. IlMldence Qifi Center St. Tel. Main fixO. 2-88-tf. I'll YSICIANS AND a"'fflXH, Dr. D. H. Orlllln, tho Kpeclnllst on Morphine All drug nnd liquor habits, whloh he on res in 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem. Ore. Phono 608, Jobs Doyens, Business Manager. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. II. II. White Graduate of Klrks vlllo, Mo., under foundor of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breymae building, Commorclal stroot Phono 87. Residence corner Mill and Twenty-first Sts. Phone BSD. Treats acuta nnd chronic diseases. Examination froo. 11-17-tf FOR RENT iNW" For Rent Sovou-room houso, hot nnd cold wntor, electric light, bath' room. Inquire of Aug. Sohrolh or, 6G0 North High stroot, 3-25-tf For Rent Cheap, an upstairs room, 2GxG0 feet. Good location fop shop. Inqulro of Sknlfo & Em mott, 108 Stato Btroot. 3-2fi-lwk For Rent A 0-acro hop yard, at ono-fourth font, Inqulro ot NT. J. Iwgnn, Gorvuls, Routo 2, 3-21-tf For Rent. Nlco cottngo, larg grounds; tho roso nnd flowor coi nor block ot Sntom, IIoubo la flrst-clnss condition, scrcons to nil windows and doors, now shades, curtain poles, hot and cold wntor In bed rooms, porcolnln and mar bio wnBh stands, porcolnln bntlt nnd tollot, chnndollors in ovory room, oloctria lights, flno porch nnd Bhndo trees; tho finest location In Snlom, closo In, corner of Mill nml church streets, This cottage will bo for ront April 1st. J, Con nor, Wlllnmotto Hotel. 3-14-tf SASH A2TO DOOR FACTORIES. i Frank M. Brown.Manafaeturer of sash, diwrs, mouldings. All kinds of heme finish and hard wood work. Front street, bet. Stato ami Ceort I DRAYMEN. It. O. Otiimnfiitf Kaeeeeeor to White -Cummins, (unreae, delivery nnd transfer llav. Prompt servloe Ii our motto. Furaltur" and piano moving a speelulty. Stand at 156 South CoiAiHeralal st.'oot. Phone 17G. Rosidenee phone 908. 8-4-tt BUTTERNUT BREAD It U wortk aoore than any otber bread, yet tlte priee U so blgher. For Ml at year greeer'. CXUPOUMIA. BJUONK. TbewM ft Cttlw, O. C T. CO -STEAMERS- I03IOKA AND OHEGOXA LEAVS I'ORTLAXD MONDAY, WEDNKft. DAY ANI) FRIDAY AT 10 A. M.f TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 800 A. M. FOt OOKVAUS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT I P, M, P. H. BjIXDWIH, Atf . MIHOKMiANKOUB. Enlarged Our incut nmrkot on East State Btrcot hns boon doubled In also and wo nro bettor prepared than over to servo customers. Prompt sorvlco nnd tho host ot monts our motto. Call or phono 190. 11. 13. Edwards, Prop. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ot port tuning, ropnlring and polish ing. Lonvo orders nt Goo. O. Wills' mualo atoro, Salem. 2- 0-lyr Concrete Work. -Get my prlcos oa Bldewallts, curbs, septlo tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-alass. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 600. 2-11-tf Hullo .Ni Wuudurotli Flno wines, liquors and olgnrs. Wo handlo the celehrntod Kellogg nnd Caitln whlsklos. Cool nnd refreshing boor oonstnnlly on drough. South Conuuerolal streot 0-3-lyr Snlom Iron Works. -Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of nil kinds of sawmill mnahlnory. Hop and fruit drying etovos, otc Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Pros. Kalttin Box X- Lumber Co. -Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the S. P. depot. Boxen, Horry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. SALEM WATER COMPANY OITIOB OITY HALL. For water service tpply at 00m, Bills payable monthly la ad vanes, Make all complaint at the office, INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Dally except Sunday. Leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., oon NKt with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 0:16 p. ra. Leaves Inde pendence nt 8 n. m. Phono Mala 179. RALPH BHPLONO, Manager. UMr,tk j TM Ud ten Hm JIMin Bt The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's SUblea, Up-to-date livery and eab line. Funeral turnouts h specialty. Tally ko for picnics and excursions. !Pboa4 44. CIIAa VT. YAKNKB, Pro 247 aad &49 Hlgk fKreet. FEJULE L. iiwrt StVII IMVN Tl fll. .....( sfi uu. UllllliaJlhlMI.lL. "" ! asni.f - ; uw I. SUkSimkfir.s.C3hm