Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 30, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    DAILY OATITAI. JOTOSAis, dALI&i, OfttiflOK, SAfrtJKPAV, 3u , 1007.
! intOQl
I ...m4flBllf
.. v. in ailuoukm.
-,.v narcu m-
rjtf ,.-, and thclf
f ll citisfled with the pres-
'rrtiWrt thoro nr rumoN
.heath skirt to oo u
.1 indeed tho designers nro
riofnt. ' ovncrlmenta with
tt nrIH UL ..,'--
" . ...,1n lina llPOII
and yet nu "-"--,-"
.'niPd to the needs and has
f leas the presont models, but
" vnotf to let well onouisu "
U fnr trade. So far and
"J! r some t.no thero will be
X, ,hMEo in cut and mator-
Jlthly fitting at tho hips.
-'.,. Lrn nt the bottom is tho
I'll!1 . !- tUn onrlnp-
T -rhn tendency to
... ... tl,a fl
tho spring
plait tho
v well as the front now; tho
" . ..... . rnroa being almost
J!11!,!., Just below tho kneos
w- plaits are released, and help
ceV ,, fullness at tho bottom.
rl the close skirt does como or
"al other invader, the graceful
fctriag skirts such as worn now will
-Unuo in vogue, a how iUUU u
Jped from an old ono Is tho now
k!omIo effect cuuing m ui- !'
I jlb Imported tallormndo Just over
tho other side is of checkod
! td In dull periwlnklo blue, hcllo
K? and Just a touch of navy bluo.
n fidngs are of hollotropo brond-
Mh and tho only trimmings, lint
,Ulted rosettes of tho same cloth,
nch centered with a small tassel.
A fer of our largo and moro sc
iKt ihops aro showing a now mn
wui that Paris is snid to have taken
Hrtat liking to; it Is said to bo cnll
rf Beagalinette, new edition of Bon
ullne, a silk surfaco mntorlnl rib-
ti. It is brought out presumably
i u there Is a demand for n mntorlnl
Boetvhat heavier than tho chiffons,
ui this new coods soems to moot
ill requirements. It is to bo had
bill tho colors with pnlo groon nml
cli blue as leaders. Green Is u color
Cat is particularly woll llkod for
wend cmplro styles now boing rc-
rlteJ, Indeed green was n favorlto
color ot that period.
Adrlces from aboard say that tho
colon to bo moat proiulnont havo a
U159 of yellow In thorn oven tho
row and pink shades. Drowns with
yellow and yellow itsolf Is groatly fa
wed, Orccn in Ivy, lizard, parsloy
ud almond has acquired a Btroug
kold with the tailors and especially
li It to bo used In tho motor coats.
Violet, old blue, and lavondor nro
ilw being revived.
The comfortable shlrtwnlst frock
It not going to look comploto after
coiti aro laid asald In warm wonthor,
uleu there nro shouldor straps,
fcretelles or some othor nrrnngo
cent of tho kind to bring tho wnlst
Itto unity with the skirts. The
Plopo wnlst has reached n vory
We Togue, and although it has had
utrenuous run for several seasons.
IU popularity seems In no way abat
is. Llngerlo and lttce sloovos nnd
lokei are seen in many of tho now
" mlts whkh Just now, boforo
other costumes are shown In groat
Habere, aro claiming n grout donl
t attention There is a feollng in
mob quarters that colored blousos
"Uolng to b a great deal used with
jrUj and summer tallormados, but
onld bo hard to And a vory sub
itum foundation for such rumors.
Tha long coats almost mannish In
"meter and line are not so much
tosuo a8 last yoar. Those that
,' 'PPeared to take tholr placos
of most fantastic shapes, and so
Tlc4 In form that onoh of us can
ooo luitM to her figure.
here aro tho emnirn tunintu nt
r indefinite form, lightly cur
JJ W 'In tho back, well nbovo tho
f"' tbe Dirirtoire Jackets with the
"" ferers, other long Jackets with
wrlali so arranged with length
u.ftm to give varloty and
2 r' lhank8 to which wo rocelve
eflKts In yutiae and hang of
J" sort, s(rJpa(j cJoth8 nrg uwd
ut in! C0ttun,e of this kind; many
7 two .trlpes of different tones.
ten?y,'?'Xth of n ,noh wide of
jUi stripes in black and
nTjTn Broy- The ad
w of the., unusual materials Is
lfc tl !ny a,ffwnt ways one
kl ',lorMb,a oomraon Poe
wea to rii(,.i. , . .
.llAl, -" iransiorms Into an
wnai was a
DniAltv m ..
iu... ". iu nmrK me
. ., M ltuv
New York Fashions f
menterlo and ernbroldory nro contrib
uted to decorato tho corners of the
collar, tho cuffs on the sleeves, and
nro repeated on both sides of tho
Tho effect of theso Is by no means
disagreeable on certain models when
they aro arranged wth somo meaning
and not stuck on haphazard.
Jackets of cloth, or of sorgo alone,
havo tho rovors or tho vest either
striped or checked, whllo tho Jnck
ots in plaids or stripes nro simply
trimmed with bands or straps. Ono
still bcc3 long fitted jackets of coat-
cloth, or with largo rovers, nnd dis
playing various trimmings, which
may form a small vest or outline n
short boloro. This Is only good when
tho trimmings match In tone tho ma
torlals. It is nccossary to rcnounco
nbsolutoly gaudy pipings, bright
stltchlngs or iduas for buttons of an
other shado, which clash disagree
ably with tho color schemo nnd ul
ways havo n crimson nppearaucc.
Tho sloovos romaln short, or half
length, embroidered on tho cuffs,
somo closed till around others vory
much slashed. It is almost unneces
sary to add that tho cuff trimmings
should match Hint on tho Jacket;
only tho collar can bo entirely dif
ferent. So wo see this spring that long
Jackets, fancy coats, short boleros
nil should moot with our approval,
but thoro will bo nothing that Is con
ventional In their linos. It Is hero.
In harmonizing tho garment to tho
contour of tho llguro that the art of
tho costumer will llnd Its greatest
Ono of tho nattiest Innovations is
tho llttlo colored taffeta "bridge
coat" with a skirt of black and white.
A costumo soon nt an afternoon
brldgo party last wook had a skirt
of black and white marqulsetto, tho
whlto stripos ubout an Inch wldo nnd
tho bluck about half an wldb. With
It was worn a coat of bluo tailored,
which had a Jaunty llttlo poplum of
original shnpo, a whlto laco front and
cut stool buttons. Tho fashion of
fers resources for women with rem
nants of suitable silks.
Tho accontuatlon of tho urmhole
has boon n whim of tho tailor for six
months, nt least, and has boon In ovt
douco still longer. Tho newest thing
Is tho "mandolin sloovos," Jolnod to
tho lining of tho coat or bodice, whllo
the outsido mntorial is finished sop
aratoly to give n sloevoless jacket
ofToct. In such cases, tho sleeve Is
usually of laco or guazo llko tho yoke,
but now and thou tlioy aro of the
gown mntorial. A smart broadcloth
gown Just homo from abroad has
broadcloth sloovos sot Into tho lining
of tho bodice. The armhole of the
outsido is cut large and edged with
a bnnd ot ombroldery and a tnssol
fringe that falls onto the sloovos.
The band of the embroidery outlined
on one side with fringe fashions a
surplice effect on tho front of tho
bodice. The broadcloth sloovbH ond
od in narrow cnvallor cuffs woll bo
low the olbow. Delow thorn wore
closo lifting arm-lots of laco llko the
V front ot tho bodice, Theso extend
ed lea than half tho longth of the
foronrm, and woro finished with two
stitched clothstrnps put on blns-wlso
of the top.
A novol boloro combined the
shouldor strap and klmono-shnped
sloove offset. It was dovolopod from
nlmond green velvet ombroldorod In
groon and gold and wns Intonded for
wear with n nlmond greon crepe do
chine gown. This Jacket was made
after ono of the two pronouncod fnds
In tho cutting of coats the cutting
of ho sleeves and body part in one
piece, such as It done with the ki
mono, the Mcond fad Is the omphnsls
put upon the armhole as descrlbod
In fact, outside ot the truly tailor
made, wrapB and fancy coats uro vory
whimsical, fussy, coquettish nnd too
much batrlmmed to the last degroe
Any woman who wishes to wear such
wraps should llret study her figure
any style or be one of the eye-sores
ono Is seeing every day just because
of this lack of thought. There are
a great number of women who should
nover attopt the fancy or isueh
trimmed styles, they look their best
when gowned In the taltormade or
plain dreeey gown the dreeey doe
not moan ovr trimming.
teaers there are but-
ivnei i -i. . . .
"!he,oth- mthebaok.
tii u !T r ,ad w'th pan-
tw at;rltu fom a chovron
fe . ". ' iav mcic seam: It out-
" KdU l.i.i
few. '",a serosa tho
htd?t ra hard,y bvo to
UrtjjVjT lu dS of the ma
i4aiitk:; "w"uw'
Salem High School
Baseball Prospects
Curtis Coleman Coach--Long
Schedule of Games Ku
Found at Lat.
J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West
Va., says: "At last I have found the
perfect pill that never dleappolnt
rae; and for the benefit of others af
flicted with torpid Hvor and chronic
constipation, will say: take Dr.
King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed
satisfactory. 26c at J. a Perry, drug-gist.
Tho prospects of tho high Bchool
for a rattling good baseball team for
this soason aro Indeed bright. Last
yoar they had a good team but It
would not compare with tho ono that
will bo turned out this Bprlng. The
Hamblor Athletic team which playod
together last yenr will not organize
this spring us most of ita plnyers nro
going to the high school nnd nro out
for a place on tho team. This was
a wlso stop In tho part of tho Ram
blers and will groatly strongthon
tho high school.
Mnnngor Chester Mooros Is work
ing hard and will no doubt urrnngo
for a good schedule ot games. Let
ters havo been written nnd received
from most ot tho vnlley schools and
somo of tho schools at a. greater dis
tance. Tho gatno which was sched
uled with Seattlo high school for
April S, has been called off, owing to
some failure In tho plans of Seattle
for making tholr southern trip to
California which thoy had planned.
Qnmos with tho Portland high
school, Allen's Preparatory, and
Portland academy, nil of Portland,
aro being arranged. During tho (ten
sou tho team will probably take a
short trip south -on which thoy will
piny Albany high school, Roseburg
high school nnd tho University ot
Orogon nt Eugene. Tho U. of 0.
game is not fully sottlod yet. O. A.
C. hns promised a gnmc, but the
dnto has not boon arranged. Tho
first game ot the season will bo
played hero In n week or so against
Dallas college. Thoro will bo no
gnmo with Kuguuo as tho high school
Is dovotlng Its ontlro efforts to n
track team this yonr and nro not tak
ing up baseball. Qamos with Mon
mouth nnd Chomnwa will bo played
In the latter pnrt of tho BcaBon.
Thin gives ti good long schedule
nnd If tho majority ot these games
aro successful, n game will probably
bo playod against somo Washington
or custom Orogon tonm, uuch as
Seattle or Raker City high school.
Curtis Coleman has boon socurod
as coach. Ho has already been out
several nftoruoons with tho squad
and is rapidly getting thorn in shnpo.
Colomnn played shortstop for Wll
lamotte last yoar and Is an artist in
the baseball line. He played second
base through the last part of the
soason on tho Portland championship
lenguo tonm.
Tho "Willamette grounds havo boon
socurod for both practice and games,
as Wllamlotto Is going to havo no
busobnll toam this yoar.
Most of last yoar'a playors are In
school ngalu this year. Oudlu Rob
erts, who played shortstop with S.
II. S. last sonson nnd was oloctod enp
tain of this yoar'a toam, Is getting
his nion out nnd will take up his old
stand nt shortstop. Roberts Is n
fast man at that position and Is also
a sura batter.
For catcher, Perry Jones, last
year's man, Is tho only bidder so
far and there Is no doubt of his keep
ing his old place behind the bat as
a beter man In his class could not
bo found for tho place. Jones In a
suro catcher, a speedy man In hand
ling tho ball and strong at the bat.
In tho pitcher's box Lawrence
Koene will do the main work In the
same way that he did In all of last
year's games. He Is strong for that
position, has groat speed and endur
ance, and Is hard to hit. Keeue It
probably the bout man at the bat
that tho high school will have tlili
year. In their last game for 1900,
against Chomnwa'a first team, Keeno
won the gnmo on two home run
which ho got In the Inet part of the
game. Charlie Harrison will also be
on hand nnd oan be put into the
pitcher's box If neoeeeary.
For first base Carl ttabrleleon
seems to have tho Held to hlmslf as
no one as yet has shown their Inten
tion of trying out against him. Ga
brleiaon played first base most of
last year with the high school and
aku) through the. season on the
Rambler toam and lathe city league
caught for tho Ranker. He la u
good man for that place and will no
doubt hold It.
For second base the cholee Ilea
betweon Floyd Farmer and Ralph
Moores, both good sdoond basemen.
Farmer showed up well on tho Ram
bler's at second and Is also good at
tho bat. Moores played Becond ou
tho high Bchool team and did somo
pretty work thero all season. Ho Is
going to try and hold down hlsplnco
again this season and It not thero ho
will probably go Into tho outfield.
Thero Is going to bo qulto a
scrnmblo for tho third bag position,
several nro out for tho placo and nil
stand a fair chanco ot getting It.
Ercel Kay is showing up woll thoro
nnd Is pretty handy In handling tho
leather sphere Ho played with tho
Ramblers last year nuJ Is n strong
bnttor, Charlie- Harrison who play
ed third last year Is claiming his old
placo and will mnko n strong bid tor
It. Clay Carey who played shortatop
for tho Ramblor's last yoar has de
clared his Intention ot trying for
Thore aro qulto a number of nsplr-
nnts for plncoa In tho outfield, bo
titles those who will fnll to make In
field positions. Among thorn nro
Win. Perkins, C. Dyor, Kruuso, West-
loy nnd Mclntlrc. Perkins nnd Dyer
nro of the Ramblor bunch nnd Dyor
Is a vory steady hand with tho wil
low. Krauso Is n freshman nnd
gtvos promise ot making good nt Hold
IT ho shows up woll nt batting. Wcst
loy nnd Mclntlro will show up woll
With this bunch to pick from tt
soouiB iib It the high suhool uhould
turn out u record team and they no
doubt will.
Limited prnctlco has boon enjoyed
owing to tho wonthor but tho boys
'nvvn Tn 1 1 a via
1 . W .W.1.X1.4 .. ., ,. . ....
huvo boon o'ut several times between
showers. When tho weather settles
it won't tako long to get tho team In
shnpo and ready to play.
Silver groy anlta havo been ordor
ed for this sonson nnd will bo hero
in tlmo for tho flmt gnmo.
Tho fact that Wlllamotto Is going
to havo no tonm this year will help
out In tho support ot the high school
gnmos as thoy will be nbout tho only
big games that will be soon In Sa-loin.
SssswsKI3kWBBBBliiLjL '
Xotlro for ltltls.
Sonlod bids will bo rocolvod by tho
board ot directors ot Hchool district
No. 2 1, for Marlon county, Orogon,
nt tho ollh'o of tho district clerk, In
tho Murphy block, up to 12 o'clock,
noon, or Saturday, tho Gth day of
April, 1907, for mntorial and labor
In constructing n six foot plank
wnlk, nlong tho woat sldo of Wlntor
streot betweon Market stroot and
Janes avenue, and nlong tho north
sldo of Market street, botweon Wln
tor nnd Seventh streets), adjoining
the North Salem school block, In Sa
lon), Orogon. Tho board rosorvoa
tho right to roject any nnd nil bids.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 126th
tiny of March, 1907.
3-27-GUI Clerk.
I'ltlsliurg Harbors Want Moro Pay.
Pittsburg, March 30. A iuiish
meeting of the Journeymen barbers
or the Pittsburg district will be held
tomorrow night, when the demands
that are to be tnnde at the mooting
with the Master llurburn' association
April 1, will be taken up, nnd tlu
voto on the question of a strike If tho
demands uro not met, llkoly to re
sult. Tho harbors deelro to hav
the master pay a uniform rate. It
Is said that some of the inun aro now
receiving $13 a woek while others
nro rocolvlug ?12 nnd they ask that
thoy all receive $11 a woek. Thoy
want u porcontaga on nil receipts over
$22, after tholr wagon havo been
paid. This last Is the demand that
Is expected to meot with the opposi
tion of the masters.
o '
Thoro are many tonics In tho laud
Ah by tho papers you can sou,
Rut none of them enn oqual
Rooky Mountain Ten.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Jefferson, Oregon
Capital $25,000
Best facilities known to
reliable banking offered
patrons. Jefferson is a
good town, has good
stores, good mills, a good
bank, and good people.
Come and see us.
Oregor State Bank
Do they JUT If they're not EX
ACTLY right, let ua mnko them so.
When wo nt you, We fit you AC
CUnATKLY. Lonjc experience,
every necessary sclonttno nppArntun
and the required knowledge en.
abllnc ua to correctly use tho aamo,
our own completo workshop, with
every raclllty ven to tho grinding
oC special lenses aro nil nt your
disposal hero, assuring a service
not possible with other less fortu
nately equipped. Again do your
glasses FIT, or nearly M?
Mtmsell Optical Cb.
Funornl Director and
Calls answered day or
J Thono 70, 3S3 Court St., Snlom
Greatest known remedy for heaves,
l'rlco fl. To express olllcos awny
from Snlom 1 pny -f cents ou express
Highland, Orogon, Oct. 31, 1002,
This Is to certify that 1 gavo my
iiiuro ono bottle ot "Stone's lloavo
Drops" nnd cured her of honves.
Thin wns last winter nml nlto has not
been ullUctcd hIiico. 0. Wullnco.
Dr. H. C. STONK, Snli'in, Ore.
For sale by 'ill druggists.
If your Chops or Stink or Cutlets nro
tough nnd tastolees. lie etui cook
good incut nil right, but It Is mighty
hard to conk poor nient so It will
glo satisfaction to the enter. Re
sides tho host private famlllos, wo
supply the leading hotols and restau
rants, whoro the Reef, Veal, Mutton.
Lamb or Pork has to bo of tho best
iiuallty or patrons would bo driven
awnj. Ruy hero once you'll stay.
F. A. Kurtz
Phone 205 Com. st.
Houertlno gives what every womnn
most dcslrwi-a perfect complexion
It hrlngH that soft, smooth, fresh,
elenr tint to tho cheek Hint ilinott
youthtulneiui. It will bring beauty
to thoso who luck It; It will retain
It for thono who already possess tt,
It will mmblo you to succtvufully
combat tho ravngtvi ot weathor and
time. Don't doubt don't nrguo. Just
try Itobcrtlne. Your druggist will
glvo you n. free sample. All drug
gluts keep Iloberllne.
.JLJ.J ."
Horn! Mump for Particulars mid
'IVMlinonlnls of (ho ituuedy (hat
clear I ho Complexion, ltt'inoviiN KKIu
Imperfections, Mnkt-H New Illood and
Improves tho Health. If you luko
bciiollclal rtmtiltH nro guaranteed or
money refunded,
Mudlnoii Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
267 Commercial St.
Phone 179 i
Blue Vitrol
Spray Material
rRY'S Drug Store
Prices Absolutely Lowest
Will treat you with Oriontnl herbs
and euro any disease without operation
or pain.
Dr, Kum is known ovorywlioro In
Balom, and has cured mitny promlnont
people horo. Ho tins lived in Baleni
for !20 yorns, and oan bo trusted. II
usos inMiy niedUlnoi! unknown to whlt
doctors, and with them can euro
catarrh, nothmn, lung troubles, rheu
matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dls-
Dr, Kum mnVf a specialty of dropsy
and feinnlo troubles. Ills remedies
euro private diseases when everything;
elso falls. Ho has hundreds of testt
monlala, and glvcwi consultation freo.
Prices for mndlclnos very luodorato.
Persons in tho country can writo for
blank. Bend stamp,
If you want somo extra fine tea, got
It from us.
107 South High street, Balem, Or ego.
Cash Purchasers of
Eggs, and
All Farm Produce.
V.I fw--ft rmxJHc M
wr-v.. kip xa
Peter P iper's Son
I SMohs tho pig and ran away with
It. Why iil inaat whm our prle
ur m low? Try hs and be aeuvlnavd.
i I!. 0. UltOHH,
Phouo yoi 70 Htnto St.
a uiiiMiivniu iii:i;h.ok I
A f.'OOl) .MKDICt.NK 1
- uisutsi art or pasaa-