Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 30, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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f" !
Now York, March 30. Tho mout
significant ovcnt of last week wns tho
announcement by, tho J3rlo railroad
that tho Important improvements It
had entered upon, Involving a now
oulranco and torminul In Jorsoy City,
and estimated to coat all told over
120,000,000 nro to bo abandoned, nt
least for tho tlnio being. This Is
calculated to mnko tho most rockloss
nnd thoughtless mnn to stop and
think for a whllo whothor tho wild
work with railroads is to continue or
not. Tho ohlof troublo with tho Brio
fact is that It Is not nlono, hut bo
Jongs to n class. Thoro Is seldom
a day pnHscs without soino rnllrond
announcing that It Is hauling in, In
fltend of oxpundlng; that operations
that wero to cost millions, and tho
money for which was nt hnnd, nro
now put on tho shelf, becauso tho
inonoy ennnot bo got to push thorn
through. Tho rnllronds hnvo been
linrd hit in tholr crodlt, tholr busi
ness, nnd in tholr standing, 'and tho
public will Boon find thnt Its tlmo to
suffer is fast approaching. Whon a
railroad stops a big Improvement, It
menns that millions of money that
would hnvo boon spent will now Ho
dorinnnt, consequently thcro will bo
no much Icbb to float nmong tho peo
ple, frucltfylng tho labor market,
nnd following that, freshening up nil
lines of trndo, nnd putting tho
mnrkot in its fluonl condition. AVo
hnvo boon doolnrod to hnvo boon on
joying nn unpracudentod dogruo of
prosperity, but n ohaok has como to
It. Tho hnrunt-Hcnriim crowd hnvo
had tholr panjandrum, and now tho
public can proparo to pay for It. It
lias takon 70 yours to build up tho
railroad system; It has takon only a
fow mouths to bring It to tho edge
of ruin, and common pooplo hnvo
boon thinking that all that would
hnppon would bo ehaapor rat oh, and
loss coHt to thoinsolvos; but soon thoy
will find that business lias dulled
down, nnd that thoro Is loss money
HBtlr, and that thoy aro getting loss
than thoy woro getting, of whnt Is
nllont. It Is tlmo that thoro wax. a
let-up on tho rallroadH, If it Is not nl
ready too lute. A bravo effort ha
certainly to bit made to stay tho de
struction, and nlas, tho inun who can
best mnko It aro dlicrodltod, and do
prlvod of the power thoy oncio pos
nosHod to tromjithon tho business nud
Whnt an unity of foreigners Is
JnmlliiK on the shores of America Nt
present time. It l not to be won
dered Ht M the 1'nlted Slates Is the
aecnnd low, ir it U not the first. In
tho heart of every mortal on tUt
globe, who has knowledge enough to
know tlml there Is nuy country out
Hide of his own land. And M they
coma in tunny ships. sometimes near
ly H dOMHI Of these OOUIS StaCsWlUR
Into port with such loads of human
lioliisw last nivtr were heard of be
fore. On ouw day last wk 11.000
Immigrants came into tha iMirt of
Npw York as steerage passengers
Thoro were so many that the United
Hlntes" Booomwodallons for luunl
g routs were exhausted, exteuelve
thoso HoeemmwlHtlons have always
been, and greatly enlarged m tker
havo Inlely been made. Sows of
tho shin) hut la hold paseeMgers uh
til i-oom son Id be made for theft
Til Inspectors are able to handle
only about eooo liHMlgrnHia a day
nnd here oonie enough to oreate h mow
olty. far inhhv cities with hII the ma
ohlnery of elty government nre not
ns targe hh this army that poured up
on our soil uu that one day. That
is not mu leloaled day, by any meat.
It Is the largest day, to be shio. but
lnuuy approaeh It, so that a elty s
added to Aiuerleaa territory about
twice h week. Wall, ike eHtry
needs labor; Canada needs labor;
nnd here ll Is. How long it will take
to mold nil ibis raw material Into
oiUaeae mors mu loll. KoHte of the
men HMtl wotaea will yield HMlekly
to tilt latlueace of America!, life:
utbors will stick to tholr old Idea.
huiI preserve their fiorvlgu ideas and
mode of llvtuir. and b a aor to th
oournry. and a troublo to thMelvt'.
HHd will And troublo, and trial, mid
isl wii ihfy tiitoet to liwl plen
ty and hapiduwM, nnd whlcM otkors
wbo vuunu uudr tho smmio clreum
bUocv a t it. y bvo (ouud. Tho
ollxlr or f tititi nils tti aiU)(Mihr
itt this country Has rvt power, but
it csii't etisjic tbMt viho aro dotor
inlnsd ot to reeoir Its towdsr aud
grnoious iHHttssr.
Tho rush towards subways hns In
oioauHl, and th day n dull ouo
oa whloh tha psopio of tho city do
not hear of a now nno. Already thu
number projected, or lrcidy built
Iim got beyond tho mutuary of u
ordinary citizen, and tho cry is, still
they come. Well, thoy nro expected
to bring prospcclty to wngo-enrners
especially. It Is estimated that Now
York wage-earners will save $2G,
000,000 n year by means of tho rapid
transit subways which aro to bo open
ed noxt Bummer, Tho totals repre
sent only tho Baving in rent, carfnro
and tlmo. Thoy will save much more
In tho matter of health, and in gen
oral poaco of mind. Another gain
will rosult from tho increased busi
ness that can bo transacted by quick
er communication botwoon all parts
of tho metropolis. Thousands of per
sons will ge nblo to do moro busi
ness in tho snmo time. Thoy will
make moro monoy. Thou monoy will
clrculnto moro rapidly, and gonornl
buslnoss will bo stimulated. Suoh
savings, in tho abstract, cannot bo
etlmnted, oven approximately. It Is
known In gonornl, howovor, that tho
total must bo many millions n yonr.
Itoalty exports estimate that the
500,000 persons who will louvo Man
hattan flats this year will bo divided
as follews: Two hundred nud fifty
thousand to Now Jorsoy; 150,000 to
Brooklyn, 100,000 to Queens. Tho
general readjustment will glvo 35,
000 to tho North Bronx, AVostchoster
and gtalon Island, part of which will
como from Increaso of populntlon.
How tho panic In tho stock mnrket
nffected tho young rich pcoplo of
Now York city Is llluslrntod by tho
reports from tho nutomobllo mnrkot.
It haB boon Btntcd that In ono dny one
pfomlnont manufacturing firm of
nutomobllos in this city received can
cellations of no loss thnn 37 sales of
high class machines. Othors woro
not bo oiiBlly henrd from, but the
cnncollntlons nro said to havo boon
numerous In tho oxtremo. This
shows that tho young bloods of mil
lions who nro following tholr fathers
In following tha mnrkot, nro not so
successful. It has bean said that a
group of young millionaires was
slaughtered out of $20,000,000 of
solid cash In tho panic dnys when
tho stocks slid down the scnlo Ilka
groused plgx In n slnuxhtsr house.
Twenty millions would pay fur n
great many nutomobllos and not hnv
Ing Iooho chaugo to thnt amount, In
tholr pockets, the young follows nro
forcod to deny thomsulveu luxuries,
of which an unto Is chlof, nnd tho
moHt wasteful and coHtly. Hut so
far tho bwoIIs invo kept up tholr
costly stylo of olothos, and Fifth
nveuuo is sun rnuiaui wuu inoir j frequent
bright nud stunning raiment.
Information about tho mosqultoos
of Now Jersey Is always rocolvud In
New York olty with great lutorast.
The mosqultoee, though born nnd
broil In New Jersey, como ovor to
New York quite readily, and It Is n
fart thnt New Yorkers living In New
Jersey last season escaped any
trouble from mosquitoes, except at
Intervals, while thoy encountered
litem as soon n they took the ferry
boats on the New York side of the
river. It Is therefore a matter of
routratulation for them to learn Uiat
John U. Smith, state entomologist
of New Jersey, believes he has solved
the mosquito problem for the Kack
sHSMrk Meadows. Ills plan Is cheap
at any rate, nod Involves no bad
smells. He Is a r ranging for a net
work of tren cli es aud lateral ditches,
the farmer two feet wide and 3d
inches deep, the latter ten inohes
wide aud not deeper thnn n epsclAlly
constructed plow can furrow. There
will be 10 miles of these trenches
and dltohea. Through them tides
will swoop, and the theory Is thai
mosquito larvae will be carried off,
destroyed or eateru by fishes. The
expense will be lees than M0B8.
UrouklyH and Long Island will watch
this experiment with Interest, for
those sections have been mulcted h
badly with the pestiferous Iwseet
that they have acquired as Iwd h
reputation as New Jersey hnd. Much
us been done In h more expensive
way to mitigate the mosquito hhIs
tutee. Ih Isolated lasUHFen Doctor
Doty pet plan of aprlHkliig marshes
with crude petroleum has been tried
by privntt cKtseos, but In geeeral the
bluger efforts have depeHded oo
drainage, ami. whore possible, ou the
use of tides, just ns the llackeu
suck Meadow scheme does, if this
proves suoceesfRl New York will loee
Us most otfetteht summer pest.
Get, These Ingredients and
Mix Them Yourself
Itocont hospital reports show that
tho droad disease, rheumatism, is
steadily increasing throuhout tho
country. All known moans of rollef
nro bolng suggested to save tho great
amount of sufTorJng this wlntor, es
pecially nmong thoso who nro not
In a position to pnek up and visit tho
notod health resorts to bo. troated.
Itocont tests prove rhoumntlsm not
oxnetly a dlsoaso in ltsolf, but a se
voro symptom of kldnoy trouble, n
condition caused by clogged up'poros
of tho ollminntivo Ubsuob in tho kld
noys which fall to filter tho polson
ohb waste mnttor and uric acid from
tho blood, pormlttlng theao subBtnn
C8fl to fomnln In tho volns and do
compose, usually Bottling nbout tho
Joints and musclos, causing tho In
tense pain, swelling nnd stiffness of
Thoro nro numerous romcdlcs
known which many porsons believe
will relievo this suffering snllcllato
of soda, colchlcum, potnsh, otc. but
thoso drugs aro torrlbly hard on the
stomach, often ruining UiIb most Im
portant organ, nnd they fntl ns often
as thoy rellovo.
A well known specialist, who has
probably troated moro caaoB of rllou
mntlsm than nnyono olso, and who Is
also the most successful, glvos tho
folllowlng slmplo vogotablo treat
ment, which Is hurmlsss nnd inex
pensive, nnd sb slmplo thnt anybody
can mix 11 nt homo.
The Ingredients nre: Fluid Kx
trnct Dandelion, one-half ounce;
Compound Knrgou, ono ounco; Com
pound Syrup Snrsaparllla , three
ounces, tlo to any good proscription
pharmacy and get theso throo vege
table lugrodleuts and mix thorn by
shaking In a bottle, taking us n doso
n teaspoouful after oaolt moul and
again nt bedtime.
Thoro Is nothing bettor In tho
world for hondncho, kldnoy nnd blud
dor trouble, too. Suoh symptoms ns
and painful urination.
aorouoBB, wenknoHS, gonornl nnd
nervous debility nre caused by certain
nelds and polsonoiiH waste matter,
duoayud tissue, etc., In tho blood,
which tho kidneys will clear and puri
fy after n few doses of this prescription.
IJrltlsh Fortunes Enrich the Nation.
London, March 30. The chancel
lor of the exchequer will on tomorrow
havo received from tho death dutle9
from rich porsons who have died dur
Ing the year the onormous sum of
$00,000,000 or nt the rate of $1,
270,00 a week.
In August of Inst year ho received
for 18 weeks at tho rate of $1,582.
500. Thoro aro probably about 140
or 150 persons In thla country who
hnve each absolute ownership of
property to tho value of $5,000,000
or more. Of those porhaps 35 or 40
own more than $10,000,000 each,
and 12 or 15 more than $15,000,000
onch. Estates of noarly or upward
of $10,000,00 each, charged with
death duties since 1837 havo Includ
ed thoso of Baron Herman de Storn
(nged 72) merchant baker, $17,
000,000; Hugh McCalmont (78),
merchant, $16,000,000; John Ity
lands (87), Mnnchoster warehouse
man, $12,000,000; William Louis
Wlmans (75), Amorlcnn contractor.
$12,000,000; Qoorgo Smith (91),
of Elgin and Chicago, $25,000,000;
John Grotton (00), of Bach & Co,
browors, $12,500,000; Wllllnm Ormo
Foster nnd Bnron Allhonso de Roths
child (77 onch), $10,000,000; Baron
Hlrsch (05), railway contractor,
$25,000,000; Samuel Lewis (G5),
monoy 'londcr, $12,500,000; Alfred
Belt (53), South African flnnnclor
$15,000,000; Sir Clinrles Tcnnnnt
(82), chomicnl manufacturer, $10,-000,000.
Fntnl Shooting Fray.
Ardmoro, I. T., March 30. Do
mestic troubles this morning led to
a shooting scrape at tho vlllago of
McMillan, in which Tom Jackson was
killed Stoko Walling and and Harry
Davis fatally wounded.
"Mnko Salem o Good Home
OwMtihorluiii!) Cough KoituHly I
lieth Agrvonblo nnd litTwtivo.
ChajsberafUu"s Oowjh Hete4y has
ho superior for couth, eoUs a4
croup, aud the fact that It hi ploaeaat
to take awl cohiMhs aotalHK la any
wjiy Injurious bus made It a favor
ite with mothers. Mrs. W. B. Pel
ham, of Klrkevllle, low, says:
"1k more than twoat yearti Cham
berlain's Couh IteuuKly has beea
n ty leading retusdy for all thrust
troubles. It 1$ twpoolally sutcessful
lu cases of oroup. Children like It.
aud my customers who have used It
will not tike any othcr.M For sale
bX Dr. 8toaas Drue Store. w
To Lower It word.
New York. March, 0. J. B. Tay
lor, the champion wilddle-dlstHHee
runner of the University of 1'ennayl
vatlla, wilt start from scratch Umbjbt
at the Thirteenth regiment meet, la
the fOO yard handicap. Melvia W.
Sheppard, of the Irish American
Athletic club, will also be on the"
scratch mark to do his best to ahl
Taylor In creatine a new record.
This will be Taylor's last appearance
at Indoor games In New York thla
season, a dosen of New York's best
runners will be Invited to take part
Ih the race. Including lMlgrini, Ba
con. Sedley, Squires and Crockett.
' o
Withdraw h .Many Trunits,
Berlin. March SO. The govern
ment today declared peace establish
ed In Africa, ami stated that It won Id
withdraw many troops before July
1. A universal cousrrlptlon In Vhe
colon' will be adopted, thus compoll
lag nil the colonists to serve with the
colors for a certain number of yean.
I o
Wood for Stuto Institutions.
Sealed bids will be received at Uie
executive allies. State Capitol, Salem,
until I o'clock p. m.. April 10, 190T,
tor furnishing XS0 corde of big sec
ond growth, rtr wood to be delivered
at the Slate penitentiary commeuo
lag oh or about May 1st 1907.
tlach bid must bo aorompaalotl by
a ertlaed check, payable to the
clerk, or cash equal to 15 cents per
corn, to be forfeited to the state M
damages. In rase the bidder receiv
ing the a warn shall fall to execute
a contract to deliver tb wood and
furnish, a satisfactory bou. Sue.
ceesful bidders will be required with
lu nve days after nottfuatton of ae
reptaaes oX bid to cow r luto a eon
tract nnd furnish a satisfactory
bond. Bids must he siod la envel
opes endorsed "ProiHieal tor Wood,"
aad addressed to th undersigned.
Any further Information may he had
of the anderelaned.
The right to rrj. 1 1 d or all ulds
or any part of a hid. or to waive
detaiu la any bids if it be deemed
to the Interest of the state to do so.
By order of the hoard of trustees.
Clark of tho Board.
Steluor'H Mnrket.
Dealers in fish, gnmo nnd poultry.
Highest cash prlco paid for oggs,
Prompt dollvory. Stnto Btreot.
Local Wholesale Market.
Whont 05CSc.
Local whoat 08c.
Oats 3S3M0c.
Barloy $22TJ$23.
Flour $3.25.
Mill food Bran, $19.00; shorts,
Hay Choat and olovor, $7 $8
per ton; timothy, $10 por tou.
Kggs 1G 2-Sc.
Hens lXftc; young ohlokeng, lie
Bucks lOo; gseso, So; turkeys,
Butter 9174c; butter fat, SSVto. i
Onions 0c$l per owt; pota
toes, SI 1-10 See per owU
Hops Choice, 100 ile; prime to
choice, SOle; medium to prime.
Oultttm bnrk tttffGO.
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas I Vie per lb,
Oranges $1,760 $U.00.
Lemons i. 000 $5.00.
Itetnll Market.
Flour $1 per sack.,
lirnn TOo per sack; $81. BO per
Hay Timothy, 70oo per cwt.;
cheat aud olovor, BOc per owt.;
shorts, 9So per owt.
Oato -$1.SS per owtj wheat, SOo;
rollsd barloy, $SC.I0 0$SS per ton.
HUB 0o dor.
Apples $8.00.
Butter OoitHlry, 3laj oream
ery, -lOo,
Cattlo lieO012OO lb steers,
Lighter steers 3 W 04c,
Caws and heifers .9 00 01 000 lb,
Stoek hogs ee.
llotn $S.O0$S.et Ih, fat. $5.
Lambs So,
Vtai Dressed, So.
HoW Dressed. Sa
. roivruYxn suvukht.
AYhent Club. Tic; vallty, Toe
bine stem, t4e.
Onto Choice white, $S.
iUUetnlf Bran. $1T.
Bay Timothy, $ ISO $14; alfalfa
Vetch $?.5o0 ?s. o.
Potatoee $1,000 $i.5S per cwL
l'oultrj" Hens, lie; mixed clck
one. He; dressed ohiekess, 10017c;
turkeys. Mw. 1J01c; duoks, 160
lSc; piceoas. $1.OO0$1.IO.
rork Dressed, 66ic
Beof Dressed, E0Gc
Muttoa 607c
Hops 9 010 c lb. aocordlnc to
Wool Valley, coarse to medium,
S90S3c; eastern Oregon, 13.18c
I'conngc Cnscs Up for Trial.
Macon Grt., March 30. A. F. Mos
ley and S. H. Hardman, Jasper county
farmors, who, were arraigned before
tho federal court under chargo of
peonage, on the 18th; because of tho
alleged arrest and detention of a no-
gro named Hurt on a warrant charg
ing cheating and swindling, and who
procured a stay of proceedings, are
In court today with their witnesses.
Both men gave bonds. They had the
negro arrosted for running away
from Mosloy'a farm after borrowing
Japan Flouts n Big Lonn.
Now York, March 30. Ab tho non
redomptlon period 'of Japan's foreign
lonn oxplros tomorrow, the financial
agent of Japan, Mr. Takashl, has been
In this country to hurry up negotia
tions, for tho plnclng of tho Bum re
quired. The whole loan was $250,
000,000 half of which had been Is
sued at 0 por cent.
O ufX & O? O 3a X jA. o
Boa tba A Kind You Haw Atoars BougH
From rafts to mill tho same caro
is used In tho handling and solectlon
of our lumber, nnd also snvos you
money. e
Como nnd see us nbout prices.
Ynrds Near Depot.
Better Than the
Wild Rose
Made From Selected Valley
At All Grocers
$1.00 a Sack
Spent wisely is the sourco of much
satisfaction. Why not spond a little
of it wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Haxritt Lawrence.
I Gold Dast Flo
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon.
Made for family use. Ask yonr
groctr for it. Bran and ehorti
always on hand.
P. B. Wallace 1
Salem Fence Wire
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry
Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles and
P. & B. Ready Roofing.
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 Court St. Safe, Ore,
En ftonl Pt .
Real estate will advance ll
Wo are offering you C'
Pay you to Investigate U !
Threo-fourth .. ' .
land, a new 7 room hou S ri(
ern good fruit of -11 i7.?,Bo
well, chicken yard; l0Cat ,,
Salem. 8eo Itaddii "
See this before you b
houso on Court, 128 fertfrs?
1C0 feet deep, close lu"1
Rndcllff Co.
Modern cottage of flTQ .,
Plumbed and wired, gooSSLV
lot 75 by 150 feet, x
Prlco $1500. PUc
Nino room houte, plastered ,u
cts, pantry, bMBeBt'5f
barn 20x34. woodshed ltel
Placo la three block, froa'
house. Price $2625. ;
Sovon acres all la cniUTatioa
house and barn, plenty of km',
This place Is on a goi iSL
road 3 miles from STlS
Ton acres all in cuIUTstlon. m
flvo room house, barn and toodS
good mixed fruit, weil fWCM
acres in oats, 2 BHei
lom. Prlco $1900.
Eighty acres; G7 la eolUntin-1
in pasturo and timber; JO '
wheat nnd cheat; 7 acres In don
G room house, good barn ud &
ary; 4 horses, 6 head of cattle, kta
chickens: 2 wnonna 0 ..,.,.'
nil Implements, hay, grain, etc. Pn
Y v v v v
Scvornl houses for rent dn
you want anything in Inmrtsw
uuiiwj wurK,
Reliable Agents
Room 11, Moorcs block. Silm.04
- - n
Roference, nny bank or ttssj
house In tho Ity of Sales.
k- III ' I ,
The season Is bere for cl iM
house and when It Ii doni W !
vour nliimblnif lut In OtMf
thero Is anything wrong wit
rnngo or water tank, Kttt, '!
plpos or gas pipes send word w I
oxporlenoed men to pat it w-
23H State Street.
Phone 133.
vjUnUcU Gtoeas ansM
mission Mcxcliacb
. .. ,.. . ill U24I
in tno marAVk .
dried fruit and farm !
.r v fnr tale a f "" '
i- .i oiioine macainej; W'
'""- v..i
for a large dryer, wui
Snd the famty
Washing h"
nnd J0.1I '!""" ''lUj
It do., t " tpa
When every toW a
tosead taeWMBi-C34110'
srv I
have tlia
..... ter sSorf u
family vrashiafi
. l.trZl '
ing. roegh dry,
The Satefl