DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAXEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1007. 10 Today Is the Last Day Authoritative Styles Ladies' Suits. Our showing of now mitts Ih (till ami vii'iiou nmy bo tiiUoir hu typical of tlio bust Unit can bo obtained IMouho your own purse as to tho priori you'll pnj' tho Btylo will plonse you, whatever tho cost and you onu't mlt tak the value given. More new ones rsoelrcd yesterday. All also, from the young uiIm ujt to the extra MlOS. $1 1 .85 to $40 In which to complete your Pre-Easter Purchases There's a great many things you'll need to com plete your Easter Outfit and here's where you can supply them and at a . modest price. Many new things shown today for the first time. Choose quickly in order to get first choice. New Silks FOR TODAY Wo liavo Just received, by cxpross, Bomo of tho newest designs In fancy gllks fur wnlfsta and milts. Thoy como In all manner of pretty stripes and checks In a groat variety of col oring nnd shadings. Thoy como In 10 nnd 20 Inches wide. Heady for today. Soo Court Btreot window. 2.00 down to $1.00 Shirt Waists Today a nowly arrived assortment of waists ntalco tholr how nnd today they will bogln to louvo our store, carried away by ploaBod fomlnlty. Nono of tho rondy-modo look about tlioflo no Hklmplnoss no ohoapnosi no BhopluusB. Tho hlghoHt prlood droBBimikars will not turn out bettor ottos, or glvo moro attention to do tall. Tho stylos aro too mimoroiiB to doscrlbo. Como today and get first pick. 50c to $13.50 New Neckwear Til Kill FIRST SHOWING TODAY. Yostorday brought uu an unusual ly lino lino of sprint: neckwoar In Stocks, Collar and Cuff SetH and Turn overs. Tho daintiest 'conceits of tho season aro BhownJioro In u groat va riety. Marly cliooaora get best re- HIlltM. 10c to $2.50 !?A. $Sh Long Silk ii Gloves What ln'dy Is there that does not nood a pair of long silk gloves? In this day of short sloovos It Is al most a necessary part of your outfit. Wo havo nntlclpntod your noeds for this noason and havo provided a full rnngo of slxos and shades. Longths vary from the 12-button to the 10. $3.00 and Up New Skirts FOR TODAY Tho smartest styles In new skirts for spring aro now ready. They come In tho evor populnr Panama cloth, also voiles, worsteds, mohairs nnd mlxturos In plain, stripes and checks. Tho vnluou are tho best to bo found In tho market today and tho stripes aro tho newest ideas. All aro thor oughly man-tailored throughout. All sizes nnd longths nro in this flno showing. Prlcos from $4.50 (o $25.00 Spring Underwear Now'a tho tlmo to fully equip your solf with underwear for summer. Not nny troublo to find your slzo bo foro tho linos nro broken. Wo hnvo most every quality in Block, and you will havo no troublo In llnding Just what you want nt tho prlco you want to pay. Tho most extensive line of good underwear you'll find In this city. 1 0c to $6.00 Spring Oxfords All tho now shoos for spring arc now In comploto stock. All tho wnntod loathora and scarcely a shapo that can ho asked for not hore. A considerable saving It you compare with llko quality outside this store. Wo aro showing spring's now Gruy and White ties. $1 .50 to $3.50 NUT Oil. HKIN FOOD Just received more of tilt celeb rated Mrs Norton's Nut Oil Skin Pood and Pace Pow der e Mil 50 jQc&fleirez&&& r jOmjii gasiss HOYS' St'ITS Now est styles, pot terns mid rubric, with i .t!i ult two pairs of i-'i'ts $500 Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffher id Mar SPRING CLOTHES Newest Styles and Fabrics. Our showing Is such that we can satisfy tho most particular as to stylo, fit, fnbrlo, sUo and price Ye want you to see theee bright new togs for sprint; wear. iggraTgrejggaqgMmagTK tMMiiue $10andUpl CITY NEWS A Collection of Important l'nnw graphs for Your Ooiuldumtloit, 'skntlug, HKutlug Two sessions Ht the rink tonight. Auditorium Mr. Conou'r' I'ttnenil On Hucouut of arrival or Prank Conovor from Hulls , Munt., the funeral servlee of Mrs, It, 11. Ooiiavor will be postponed until Tuesday uuxt at S p. in. In the Writ Proabjv torlnn ohurch. lhmutlful doors add mnoh to U beauty of a now homo. Hvory tylP can bo had at Hanson's pinning mills. Church and Mill street, tf WHY CO THHOPUH 1.11'IC KQl'I.VriNn AND WRlNKMNCI UP YOUR FOUItllUADV And make yourself look iwohIt year oldeir than yon nroT Myo strain doo this, and If you hUow It to go oh uwrarroctsa the wrinkle (turuiue lUod. We do not IrOA ORt wrinkles, but w do lit glasses that prevent nreuMinre eJil tic. boon two our glasses removejtifc'f olfort to too. nnd wake vision aaar and plans!. Also pr treating hewdarhe. nervoNi HOW SUd MSSHy Other COUIplulMtt. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Siivo Your Money- Ten (10) tier oent rodnoUoH oh ev ery ohsIi purchase made In our store from C to 10 o'elook Saturday ovttf tHf. ltetl Cross Pharmnuy. Srtvo Your .Money- Ten ( 10) ihh- sent reduction on ev ery cash purchase made In our stars from rt to 10 o'olook Saturday orsn Ing. Itsnl Cross PhRrmsay, Mmlurii Coimtriittllou Hoquiro spoolnl attention to do Mils, whleh Is given to all work IohvIuk Hansen's planing mill. S-ts-U SLntliig, SUtlng Two suasions at U10 AiiiUtoiiMin risk tonight. W, O. T. IT. liiNtliuio Ptptu4 OwlHg to olroM)Hitoos tho Ho iwtod eoHtj' lftlUiHto to Us held to litletM Ajwll 8tk wtll Vrt IsdeJUIlety ooioitil. Mm. CHtkoriH Spray, coo'oty suportHtotMloHt of ernsgotls tls work. llmmttful llHtei The Molr Qrootry C40isy Ha owe sllrartlx-e ttMtor opselol. AdniUhlou l'n At to Awltuwteiu rink for wins lo.fi sositoiw fross 19 to IS. Aitor Mooot frow l:t to i:o. taiUos RMil ooildroM rJ muted fro. Sitter A litter of seven HaKlUh settlors Is bidnu exhibited lu thv show win dow of tho Ulngo druu' storo on tho cvraor of Court ud lllsh streets. The dogs brlony; to Albttrl Shaw mul sro Mid to be ss flue h lot uu bit Uvea seen In the city. Hifi PoKtiiHT at Work Several line dogs have htii pois oned recently and JudglHg t r wsrtls snd the fooling of the own ers all will not be well with the mis who sot out the poison If caught The Km sheep dog of Henry Wolf was roeoHtly a 1ettm of potsuiuMl most hhiI yesterday the spiu dog of James IB. Godfrey anil also the shsp herd of A. Gesner dlotl from poison lluhkirtlMll Malinger Will Movt Managor George Simpson yester day rsoelvod a eotmnunlealloM from Chorion Maekle. president of the bookeiUall lengue editing for a meel iHg of the managers on April . In Portland, at whleh Unto important boolnoM will oomo before the league. o- Small ltunaway. .Mrs, U Wood nod daughter, Miss Stella, while drivtac Into town thU nomine aro retorted to hare had an JaccWeot mm) narrow lr eorid In- Jury. Their horo heeome trightenod nenr the fair ground nnd ran for a W.VWM.V W. WI WIWV..V IWVM Mrs. Wood hwa the buggy but for tunately eho wot not seriously hurt. 1 I Easter Specials jMtss Wood rooaalnod In the vvojcle 'tout II tho Infuriated animal bronchi under control. a- . .. OiuiMh in New AudltMrlmn. Tho aonrtees nt the First Christian shlitBli U'lll Ua bsimU StssMstrnv osn .- iu- ' 'esue as vrs no- ins ami ovooiNg la tho large audi torium. This wtll bo the trst church vrrtos to bo eondncted In the main room of the now ohnroh. - 1 1 0 ' M. M. Klghtllager, who h&s bon quite 111 is iwprovluc ramdlh- and 1 will bo about hli work In a few days !..M0NEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Ovor Ladd & Dush'a Dauk, Salem, Or. Oranges spkciaih pku do.kx. .$.;) This Is without doubt the beet special of ontngt'N in Salem. We only have 10 cases left and as they are going fast wo would advise you to order ourly as they cannot be replaced at thin price. Dates I'Ot'U (1) POUNDS.... $5 ThU Is a snop for today only. lMPOltTU! SWISS CHKUSIC We guarantee this the genuine Imported Swiss cheese. Wo also have Cream. Ilrlek. Llm bnrger. Sap Sago nnd Tllla moh Cronnt Cheese. Vegetables Owing to the floods In Cali fornia, our stock is limited Wo hare fresh today Aspara gus. Rhubarb. Celery. Lettweo. UusUrd. arenas. Turnips. Par snip. Young Onloas. Carrots. OltDKIt 1UK1.Y j Moir Grocery Company 456 Stale Phofic182j tuiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiii. Norwich Union Fixe Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Ofllce with Win, Brown & Co., No. 129 Commercial street. NEW TODAY A iv You in nuslness If not horo la an opportunity of a lifetime Ow ing to my falling hoalth, I will sell my restaurant, confectionery and bakery at loss than ono-half its worth. This 13 a wldo-awako, live, money-making business. Good lease for soven yoars. Did near J18.000 business In tho last ten months. Call and see mo at onao Tho Angelus. Geo. F. Smith, pro proprietor, Salem, Oregon. Phono 3S. 3-19 l'or Sale Have 100 hood of awas wul lambs for sale at my place In Polk otfnnty. S. II. Barkor, R. P. IX No. 1, Salem. Phase Farmers U. 3-29-tf Rur Kent. Throe houses ehoap, also nro asro sirajborr)' patch; ton acres potato ground. Address Dox 11 a. Turner, Oro. I-ai-Jt l'or Sale, Second-hand buggy, la good condition. Inquire of G. W. Johnson. S-S0-3t For Sato. Several first-class cows, just frosa, grade Jersoys. Also a lev, tons of vetch and oat hay. at 5 per ton. Philip Reese, phono 9S Suburban, Jofforsoa road, Salem, Oregon. 3-30-3nt For Salo or To Unit for .Sums- .-m ia .. .... 1 . 1 ri 11 1 1 1 it t aeasiue coimi. ..-r-iiishml at Seal Itoik ur v & ply to F. L. Wrtshburn, St A thony Park. Minn "-;r Dallns-Salem Stago-MakM cow tlon with the northbooad ..-. . TV.rr At i I : bias iraiu n- i dally. Also connMtiH j City train nt Dallas at J . F Stago leaves saim -Fidlor. prop. 3-lMPj . ..... c. h. what wor. far 13. IM- Hlnes St. Plume o. - 1 For Itcnt Good past are '" . ... .vol tSri and cattle, pieau .--- nnd running "' ,.ytsi R. F. D. No. . raoao SjJtH AS'n,.til-Udy r wt" mannfaoturlsg -" ndvertlao and JWrJaw JJ (No esnvMsin f Rd oxponses. "-' g Address F. B- ,!Z? Wimtwl A wowss ,0 itff work for oar "piU Ism aadre.. ai w!l. offloa. Mrs. Osorge P" a I j 1 B!i " Misses Holeasaa ..U! PortUadtoaioorers CASTQBIA For lnhsb ud Cj niKMYooHawW; Bears the gignapiro